Appendix A Devolved Major Schemes Presentation

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 Appendix A 


Devolved Major Schemes Presentation


Serving the people of Cumbria

Local Major Schemes

July 2013

Serving the people of Cumbria

Content1. Central Assurance Framework2. Methodology for Prioritisation of Devolved

Local Major Transport Schemes3. Schemes Description 4. Schemes Prioritisation 5. Programme Recommendations6. Next Steps

Serving the people of Cumbria

Central Assurance Framework • Jan 2012: Funding devolved to LTB

• Jan 2013: DfT announced indicative allocation of £11.8 million– Spending during 4 year period (2015 – 2019).

• Feb 2013: LTB submitted Central Assurance Frameworks– Governance – Financial Management – Accountability – Value for Money

• Jul 2013: DfT approved parts 1 and 2 of the CAF

Serving the people of Cumbria

Programme Development

Scheme Identification

Pre prioritisation assessment

Technical detail development

Scheme Prioritisation and


Scheme construction

Scheme appraisal

Serving the people of Cumbria

Scheme Identification

• Summer 2012 – Spring 2013– Area Plans– Previous Major Schemes– PTIs plan priorities – Economic aspirations for the County (inc. LEP) – District Council aspirations (Local Plan)

Serving the people of Cumbria

Pre Prioritisation

• Indicative allocation £11.8 million • Schemes assessed based on pass / fail basis

Scheme costs Is the scheme affordable?

Implementation timescale Can the scheme be delivered by 2019?

Risk assessment How progressed is the design? How many showstoppers are likely?

Business case strength Initial estimate of whether the scheme is likely to achieve its objectives.

Serving the people of Cumbria

Technical Detail Development• 15 schemes assessed following pre prioritisation• The following technical detail has been developed:

– Transport modelling report– Appraisal summary report – Cost estimate – Risk Assessment – Design report – Delivery programme

• The technical detail is summarised in the Business Case (Appendix B).

Serving the people of Cumbria

Methodology for prioritisation • The business case summarises the scheme detail under the

following headings as defined in DfT’s 5 stage business case: – Strategic – Economic– Financial – Commercial– Management

• The prioritisation criteria has been developed based on the headings in the business case.

Serving the people of Cumbria

Scheme Prioritisation Assessment Criteria

Commercial Case

10% 10% 10% 20% 10% 10% 20% n/a 

Programme Risk 

Delivery programme 


10% Red / amber /green 






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Strategic Case  Economic Case Financial Case  Management Case 

Serving the people of Cumbria

Potential Schemes West Cumbria East Cumbria South Cumbria

Port of Workington Carlisle Station Hub North Rd widening (Barrow)

Workington Station Hub Currock Bridge Access to Marina Village

Coach Road Gilwilly Ind Estate Link Road Access to Kendal Fell Quarry

Whitehaven Streetscapes Access improvements to Gilwilly Ind Estate

Mainline Industrial Estate access improvements

Corkickle Station hubSouth Ulverston Access


Maryport Station Hub

Serving the people of Cumbria

Port of Workington access improvements


Provision of a second highway access to connect the Port of Workington to the highway network.


To improve the resilience of the Port and contribute to future Port expansion and growth

Origin LTP3

Design Status Outline design complete

Strategic FitAligned with the County Council’s

economic ambition

Serving the people of Cumbria

Workington Station Hub


150 space off street car parking at Workington Station and improved pedestrian links from the car park to the station.


Improving access to the Cumbria Coast Railway for travel-to-work and other journeys.

Origin LTP3

Design Status Outline design complete

Strategic FitAligned with the County Council’s

economic ambition

Serving the people of Cumbria

Corkickle Station Hub


70 space off street car parking at Corkickle Station, Whitehaven and improved pedestrian links from the car park to the station.


Improving access to the Cumbria Coast Railway for travel-to-work and other journeys.

Origin LTP3

Design Status Outline design complete

Strategic FitAligned with the County Council’s

economic ambition

Serving the people of Cumbria

Maryport Station Hub


80 space off street car parking Maryport Station and improved pedestrian links from the car park to the station.


Improving access to the Cumbria Coast Railway for travel-to-work and other journeys.

Origin LTP3

Design Status Outline design complete

Strategic FitAligned with the County Council’s

economic ambition

Serving the people of Cumbria

Whitehaven Streetscapes


Series of junction and streetscape improvements in Whitehaven Town Centre.


To improve pedestrian movement and uplift the quality of the pubic realm in the town centre.

Origin LTP3

Design Status

Detailed outline design and consultation complete.

Strategic Fit

The scheme will encourage economic growth in the Town Centre and improve links between the Town Centre and Harbour area. Supported by CBC planning policy.

Serving the people of Cumbria

Whitehaven Coach Road


Junction and highway improvements to Coach Road / Meadow View and Coach Road / Inkerman Terrace

ObjectivesTo improve access to Pow Beck

development site.


Copeland Area Plan (2012-2014) (Supersedes Pow Beck Spine Road)

Design Status Indicative outline design complete.

Strategic FitHelps to fulfill planning aspirations for

Pow Beck.

Serving the people of Cumbria

Carlisle Station Hub Description

Improvements to Carlisle Railway Station car parking and drop off provision

ObjectivesTo improve the gateway to Carlisle for

passengers by rail.

Origin Carlisle Area Plan 2012 -2014.

Design Status

Scope and feasibility of the scheme still to be determined.

Strategic Fit

Aligned with partner aspirations (Carlisle City Council and rail operators). Scheme is slightly premature at the current time as a partner commitment is still to be confirmed.

Serving the people of Cumbria

Currock Bridge

DescriptionFoot and cycle bridge over the Cumbrian

Coast Line.


To improve pedestrian and cycle links between Currock and Carlisle City Centre

Origin LTP3

Design StatusFeasibility study is complete and preferred

option selected.

Strategic Fit

The scheme is a priority in LTP3. The current bridge requires maintenance and has a limited life span.

Serving the people of Cumbria

Gilwilly Access Improvements


Series of junction improvements to improve access to Gilwilly Industrial Estate from J40 of the M6

ObjectivesTo enable expansion of Gilwilly

Industrial Estate.


CCC Major Scheme (identified as a smaller scale alternative to Gilwilly Link Road)

Design Status Indicative layout complete.

Strategic FitSupports Eden DC local plan


Serving the people of Cumbria

Gilwilly Link Road


Link road from Gilwilly Industrial Estate north to improve access from J41.

ObjectivesTo enable expansion of Gilwilly

Industrial Estate.

Origin CCC Major Scheme.

Design Status

Feasibility study complete, preferred option still to be confirmed

Strategic FitSupports Eden DC local plan


Serving the people of Cumbria

North Road Widening


Widening of North Road Barrow to accommodate an additional lane and off highway cycle lane


To alleviate a pinch point in the network and to facilitate access to Waterfront development

Origin CCC

Design Status Outline design complete

Strategic Fit Supports LTP3 objectives

Serving the people of Cumbria

Marina Village Access Improvements


Junction improvement and carriageway realignment on Salthouse Road / Strand, Barrow.


Junction improvements support the development of the Marina Village site.

Origin BBC / CCC Local Pinch Point

Bid / LTP3

Design Status Indicative layout identified.

Strategic Fit Supports BBC Local Plan

Serving the people of Cumbria

Access to Kendal Fell Quarry


New junction on the A591 to provide access to Kendal Fell Quarry.

ObjectivesTo provide access to Kendal Fell

Quarry development site

Origin CCC (economic development


Design Status Optioneering study complete.

Strategic FitSupports CCC economic

development priorities

Serving the people of Cumbria

Access improvements to Mainline Industrial Estate

DescriptionHighway and bridge realignment

on the B6385 at Crooklands

ObjectivesTo improve access to Mainline

Industrial Estate, Milnthorpe

Origin SLDC (LDF site allocation).

Design Status Feasibility study complete.

Strategic FitSupports SLDC LDF site


Serving the people of Cumbria

South Ulverston Access Route

DescriptionNew link road from Canal Foot area in

Ulverston to the A590.


To improve access to GSK site and potential development land in South Ulverston

Origin CCC (economic development aspiration)

Design Status Optioneering study complete

Strategic Fit

Supports district and County economic development aspirations

Serving the people of Cumbria

Scheme Prioritisation

• Scheme costs include inflation to 2015 (7%) and optimism bias (44%)

Scheme Score against priorities (%)

Scheme cost Cumulative costs Cost as % of total budget

Programme Risk (P80)

Deliverability Risk 

46 Workington Station Hub 50.71 3,079,572£           3,079,572£           26% 12347 Maryport Station Hub 50.18 1,901,481£           4,981,054£           16% 35661 Gilwilly Access 47.96 4,493,199£           9,474,252£           38% 35705 Port of Workington 45.86 9,231,293£           18,705,545£         78% 50326 Whitehaven Streetscapes 38.57 5,648,815£           24,354,360£         48% 4336 Kendal Fell Quarry 38.39 8,124,548£           32,478,908£         69% 40045 Corkickle Station Hub 37.89 2,169,757£           34,648,665£         18% 36443 Gilwilly Link Road 37.71 13,020,480£         47,669,145£         110% 52422 Whitehaven Coach Rd 36.64 3,230,725£           53,874,866£         27% 11917 Carlisle Currock Bridge 35.46 2,236,176£           56,111,042£         19% 26912 Barrow North Road 33.18 2,974,995£           50,644,141£         25% 13164 Mainline Access 31.21 7,412,224£           63,523,266£         63% tbc12 Barrow Salthouse Rd 26.64 5,257,752£           68,781,018£         45% 10532 South Ulverston Access n/a unknown 65 Carlisle Station Hub n/a  unknown 

Serving the people of Cumbria

Programme Recommendations

• Phased approach based on the busines vcase sten level of development for each scheme: – High priority schemes - schemes are low risk and can be

implemented by 2019. – Medium priority schemes - schemes have strong

economic benefits but are high risk (further feasibility work required and may not be delivered by 2019)

– Low priority schemes – at this stage in the process, the business case is weak.

Serving the people of Cumbria

Programme RecommendationsScheme  Rank Scheme cost Cumulative costs 

Cost as % of total budget

Prog Risk (P80)

Deliverability Risk 


46 Workington Station Hub 1 3,079,572£            3,079,572£            26% 123Well developed scheme. Good transport business case, economic business case needs to be clarified 

61 Gilwilly Access 3 4,493,199£           7,572,771£           38% 357 Economic and transport business case strong 

47 Maryport Station Hub 2 1,901,481£            9,474,252£            16% 356Well developed scheme. Good transport business case, economic business case is weaker and needs to be clarified 

17 Carlisle Currock Bridge 10 2,236,176£            11,710,428£          19% 269Well developed scheme, Good transport business case, economic business case is weaker. 

05 Port of Workington 4 9,231,293£            20,941,721£          78% 503 Port investment strategy needs to be considered in the economic case. . 

26 Whitehaven Streetscapes 5 5,648,815£            26,590,536£          48% 43Requirement to quantify economic benefits, transport business case is weak. 

36 Kendal Fell Quarry 6 8,124,548£           34,715,084£         69% 400 Requirement to quantify economic benefits45 Corkickle Station Hub 7 2,169,757£           36,884,841£         18% 364 Business case dependant upon rail service improvements 

22 Whitehaven Coach Rd 9 3,230,725£            40,115,566£          27% 119Requirement to quantify economic benefits which are dependant upon development aspirations for Pow Beck. 

32 South Ulverston Access ‐ unknown  Scheme scope to be finalised, potential strong economic benefits. 65 Carlisle Station Hub ‐ unknown  Scheme scope to be finalised, potential strong economic benefits. 

43 Gilwilly Link Road 8 13,020,480£         53,136,046£         110% 524 Not required for the anticipated level of development. 12 Barrow North Road 11 2,974,995£           56,111,042£         25% 131 Transport and economic business case is weak 

64 Mainline Access 12 7,412,224£            63,523,266£          63% tbcTransport business case is weak, further work is required to establish the economic benefits 

12 Barrow Salthouse Rd 13 5,257,752£           68,781,018£         45% 105 Transport and economic business case is weak 

Low priority ‐ weak business case 

Medium Priority ‐ high risk, strong economic case 

High Priority ‐ Deliverable by 2019

Serving the people of Cumbria

Next Steps

• July 2013: Prioritised scheme programme submitted to DfT

• September 2013 – March 2015: scheme appraisal and detailed design of prioritised schemes.

• April 2015 – March 2019: Scheme construction