Appendix Ci - Transforming health and social care in Kent ... · Lesley Dwyer Diana...

Post on 09-Jun-2018

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OFFICE OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE Direct Line: 01634 825271 Email: Our ref: LD/PCBCJan18 Patricia Davies Chair of the Joint Committee of Clinical Commissioning Groups (JCCCG) Sent via email to: Dear Patricia, Kent and Medway proposed reconfiguration of hospital stroke services I am writing to confirm that Medway NHS Foundation Trust has considered the proposals for the reconfiguration of acute hospital stroke services in Kent and Medway. As a result, we are willing to confirm our support of the planned public consultation relating to the proposed changes. It is worth noting, however, that we have had some difficulty in agreeing the variation in the options going into the Pre-Consultation Business Case and in particular, the inclusion of Option Five. We have also raised some concerns regarding the handling of certain aspects of the process leading up to the consultation. These concerns have been formally shared with Michael Ridgwell, Programme Director for the Kent and Medway STP and we trust that these concerns will be carefully considered as the work around acute stroke services progresses. The Trust will continue to be involved in developing proposals and will take forward the resulting implementation, as appropriate. Yours sincerely,

Lesley Dwyer Diana Hamilton-Fairley Chief Executive Medical Director

Medway Maritime Hospital Windmill Road

Gillingham Kent


01634 830000

Trust Headquarters: Maidstone Hospital | Hermitage Lane | Maidstone | Kent ME16 9QQ Telephone: 01622 729000 | Fax: 01622 226416

Patricia Davies Chair of the Joint Committee of Clinical Commissioning Groups (JCCCG) (sent via email to

Trust Management Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust

Maidstone Hospital Hermitage Lane

Maidstone Kent ME16 9QQ

19th December 2017

Dear Patricia Kent and Medway proposed reconfiguration of hospital stroke services As the Chair of the Board of Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust, I am writing to confirm that the Trust Board has considered the proposals for the reconfiguration of acute hospital stroke services in Kent and Medway and supports the planned public consultation in respect of the proposed options for change. The Trust Board reviewed the draft Pre-Consultation Business Case (PCBC) at its meeting on 29th November 2017. The Trust will continue to be involved in developing proposals and will take forward the resulting implementation plans, as appropriate. Yours sincerely

David Highton Chair of the Trust Board

Patricia Davies Chair of the Joint Committee of Clinical Commissioning Groups (JCCCG) (sent via email to 16 January 2018

King’s College Hospital Denmark Hill

London SE5 9RS

Tel: 020 3299 9000 Fax: 020 3299 3445

Direct line: 020 3299 2124 Direct fax: 020 3299 3436

Dear Patricia

Re: K&M proposed reconfiguration of hospital stroke services As the Chief Executive of King’s College Hospital Trust, I am writing to confirm that the Trust Executive support the planned public consultation for the reconfiguration of acute hospital stroke services in Kent and Medway. The Trust will continue to be involved in developing proposals, including validating the analysis and impact assessment, and is committed to working through the implications of consultation outcomes and the development of acceptable implementation plans, as appropriate. Yours sincerely

Nick Moberly Chief Executive King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

3rd Floor Skipton House 80 London Road London SE1 6LH Email:

NHS England - South (South East)

York House 18-22 Massetts Road

Horley Surrey

RH6 7DE Email:

Glenn Douglas Chief Executive Kent and Medway STP

9 January 2018

Dear Glenn

RE: Kent and Medway Stroke Reconfiguration

Thank you for your Pre Consultation Business Case and supporting appendices. It is clear in this case that public consultation is required, and to go to public consultation, the capital and revenue affordability of all options for consultation must be tested so that schemes do not go to consultation which are not likely ultimately to be affordable.

We are happy that the STP has reasonably costed the capital and revenue impact of each option going to consultation and that both NHSE and NHSI have scrutinised these. We therefore consider it is appropriate for it to go to consultation and are supporting the capital application in future rounds.

As we have expressed and you have confirmed, there are a number of assumptions that will be required to be updated with further detail post consultation but before the SOC (or Post Consultation Business Case) is submitted against the preferred option.

Spencer Prosser Hannah Hamilton Regional Director of Finance NHSI Regional Director of Finance NHSE Vince Chalmers, Adie Perry, Head of Finance, NHS England South (South East) Ivor Duffy, Director of Assurance and Delivery - NHS England - South (South East)


Dear sir/madam

The Stroke Association is a supportive partner in the process to redesign stroke

services in Kent and Medway and has been involved since it started in 2015. We have

offered support by; participating in the Stroke Programme Board and the stroke

workshops as well as any other workshops that were relevant to the review process.

We have also provided support to enable stroke survivors, carers and those interested

in the process to be involved. Myself and colleagues have supported stroke survivors

with questioning and communicating their thoughts on the process and have promoted

the questionnaires that have been available.

We believe the consultation will help to ensure the public understand the process and

have a chance to make any recommendations based on the evaluation criteria and

guidance. If the consultation and the process to redesign stroke services in Kent is

suitably robust it should l lead to improved outcomes for stroke survivors, improvements

to staff and create a high quality stroke service across Kent and Medway.

Yours faithfully,

Tara Galloway

Head of Stroke Support – South

07515596969 01622 351 966

Stroke Association

29 Hollingworth Court

Turkey Mill

Ashford Road



ME14 5PP