Apple, iTunes and the Network Economy

Post on 17-Oct-2014

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There are few examples of commercial enterprises making better use of the network economy than Apple.

The interoperability of Apple’s iTunes and Microsoft’s Windows helped iTunes become ubiquitous

The exponential growth of users in the iTunes store is in line with increase in music available and increase in devices interoperable with iTunes.

Kelly’s Law of Plentitude “more gives more” is particularly applicable to the Apple and iTunes story and this effect of more users breeding more users in an exponential manner is a fundamental basis for the success of iTMS and Apple in general.

The Law of Inverse Pricing has not held true for the iTunes store with prices actually increasing over time.

Kelly’s Law of Allegiance at work: brand loyalty is key to the success of Apple.

The App Store for the iPhone and later the iPad was modelled on the iTunes Store and was evidence of instant scalability.

For a reference list see

The Network EconomyThe Network Economy