Appleseed Expeditions 2014/15 Brochure

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  • 8/12/2019 Appleseed Expeditions 2014/15 Brochure


  • 8/12/2019 Appleseed Expeditions 2014/15 Brochure


    Tell me and I forTeach me and I mInvolve me and I


    Appleseed Expeditions - Vision

    Our trips are designed with three main distinctions. Our rst is to connecttudents to their in-class curriculum through real life experiences inhe eld. Our second is to show them rst-hand the needs of people

    around the world who are less fortunate. Our nal distinction and ourmain purpose for these trips is to inspire students to discover wayshey can take their knowledge and combine it with their skills andalents to help provide solutions to the needs of people in their own

    ommunities and worldwide.

    During our programs, we encourage students to be good stewardsof the world we live in by teaching preservation and sustainabilityn order to protect our ecosystems. Additionally, our expeditionspromote compassion for people who are less fortunate in our globalommunities. Some of our groups help developing or poor communities

    by providing technology, education or ltration systems that help withanitation.

    I have traveled with the staff of Appleseed Expeditions for yearsnow and I have enjoyed every trip I have done. They put togetherand execute fantastic trips focusing on the activities I want to do,without mixing with other groups! If you are looking for a great expe-ience for your kids and for you, this is it!

    T. PendletonChaminade PrepSaint Louis, MO

    Full Service Student TravelOur trips include:

    Private groupingFull-time guidePrivate security where neededQuality hotel accommodationsAll activities on the itinerary (except activities listed as optional)All taxes and fees (no surprise charges)

    Benets from Service-Learning TripsBesides the obvious reason to serve, helping those in need, service

    earning can be viewed as an exchange of benets. As we give of ourme and talents we receive personal benets as well.

    Additional Benets to the GiverEnhances self discoveryImproves mental and physical healthIncreases knowledge learned in the classroom from real worldexperiencesHelps students gain a sense of purposeHelps students become aware of what they can do to leave apositive impact on their global communityImproves students progress in reading, math, science and history

    Resources - Americans Changing Lives Study by Peggy Thoits (Vanderbilt,

    003) 1-888-231-4775

  • 8/12/2019 Appleseed Expeditions 2014/15 Brochure



    min Franklin

    Service Learning Programs BuildLeadership Skills

    At Appleseed Expeditions, we believe that leadare made, not born and that leadership is a critilife skill that can be developed. We also believe tindividuals develop the foundation of their valusystems and their penchant for leadership during thformative adolescent years. This is why we found

    an organization to nurture and develop young peop

    Service learning programs offer numerous benetsstudents. In addition to providing basic living necessitfor those less fortunate, our programs are designedshow students how they can take charge of their carpaths by applying these hands on lessons to their olives.

    For example, business students who help newunemployed workers in the community may do so

    setting up workshops to review resumes, teach njob searching strategies, and to polish interview skScience or engineering students might use their passfor science and technology to preserve an ecosystembuild a clean water well system for the underprivilegThis type of self discovery is at the heart of AppleseExpeditions. We strive to provide global trips that provopportunities for students to use their skills in aiding othe

    A good leader is someone who positively affects chanA great leader maintains a global perspective, open-mand caring outlook while impacting others. Applese

    Expeditions provides service learning experiences twill cultivate these characteristics, inspiring studeto be great leaders by connecting them to our gloneeds.

    Index of Contents:

    Our Vision...........................................................Belize...............................................................

    Costa Rica..........................................................Galapagos Islands..............................................Puerto Rico.........................................................Dominican Republic............................................Hawaii................................................................Crystal River.......................................................Florida Keys........................................................Emerald Coast....................................................Washington DC...................................................Civil Rights..........................................................Website and More..............................................

  • 8/12/2019 Appleseed Expeditions 2014/15 Brochure


    First developed by the Maya around 1500 B.C.E.,Belize remains a raw hot spot of biodiversity knownfor its distinct ecosystems. Between national parks,wildlife sanctuaries and marine reserves, more than40 percent of the country is protected in one form oranother. This creates a haven for countless creaturesof land, sea and sky. Preserving whats unprotectedis no easy task for Belizeans, who number just morethan 32,000.

    Students will feel empowered as they use their skillsand knowledge to mentor orphaned children aboutconservation, and get them excited about biologyand their community by teaching them how to usetechnology, such as a microscope.


  • 8/12/2019 Appleseed Expeditions 2014/15 Brochure


    Your scholars will experience therich history of Belize as they exploreand learn about ancient caves andthe Xunantunich ruins that havewithstood the ravages of time.Seeing these landmarks come alivefrom the pages of their history bookshelps students understand that ifnot for preservation and protectionby previous generations, they would

    not exist.

    Exploring habitats includingrainforests, coral reefs, coral gardensand a mangrove lagoon that is home to the heaviest concentration of WestIndian manatees in all of Belize will open your students eyes to the biologicaldiversity that exists. These explorations allow them to learn about andexperience symbiotic relationships and ecological diversity that is in need oftheir protection.

    Students will also get the opportunity to take conservation action while in Belizeby assisting a primatologist in caring for endangered Howler monkeys at theCommunity Baboon Sanctuary.

    The needs of Belize will be apparent to your students, and they will leave thisbeautiful country knowing they have made a difference.


    Day 1- Arrive in Belize City, meet your tour guide, complete orientation, explorethe city and volunteer at orphanage, if time permits.

    Day 2 Volunteer at orphanage and help primatologist care for endangeredspecies at the Community Baboon Sanctuary.

    Day 3 Explore Caves Branch River, ride zip lines through the rainforest andhike the rainforest with ecologists while discussing symbiotic relationships.

    Day 4 Visit Xunantunich Ruins.

    Day 5 Transfer to Caye Caulker, kayak and snorkel the mangroves.

    Day 6 Snorkel/dive the reef at Hoi Chan Reserve.

    Day 7 Explore Southern Bay Lagoon- the heaviest concentration of WestIndian manatees in Belize.

    Day 8 Shop and y home.

    Interesting Fact About Belize

    Archaeologists estimate that at their peak, 1 to 2 million Mayans lived within theborders of present day Belize. Mighty Maya cities such as Caracol, Xunantunichand Lamanai dotted the landscape, with small agricultural communities farmingthe land between.

    Trip Highlights* Interact with turtles, rayssharks on the secondlargest barrier reef in the


    * Volunteer with scientiststo help preserve rainfores


    *Hike mysterious Mayantemples.

    * Float through caves thatwere used by the Mayanculture for religious pract

    * Volunteer at an orphan-age called Liberty ChildreHome.

    * Interact with wildlife whizip lining through forest


    Lifes most persistant andurgent question is: What you doing for others?

    Dr. Martin Luther

  • 8/12/2019 Appleseed Expeditions 2014/15 Brochure


    Appleseed science and language programs in CostaRica are meant to solidify your students knowledgeabout tropical ecology and Spanish language/culture.With a landmass half that of Florida, Costa Rica hous-es twice as many zoographical ecosystems 12 tobe exact. It is rich in Spanish heritage and home to 7percent of the worlds ora and fauna. Many refugeescall the country home, including Nicaraguans who edduring the Nicaraguan Civil War.

    The island of Tortuga provides a dazzling view of trop-ical ecology as students walk its white sandy shoresand study its intertidal pools, reef ecology and Pacicmarine biodiversity. Theyll also witness the fruits ofothers conservation efforts with a visit to MonteverdeCloud Forest Reserve, which is home to six distinctecological zones containing a wide range of spectacu-lar ora and fauna.


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    The problem of animals beingdisplaced by overdevelopment issomething that affects all regionsof the world, including Costa Rica.Students will take action againstsuch negative happenings asthey assist conservation efforts torehabilitate endangered animalsat ASIS Wildlife Center. But CostaRicas animals arent the only ones

    in need of service. Orphans andrefugees who have ocked to theregion for safety are high in numberand need.

    Costa Rica is ripe for service efforts and the perfect place for your students toharness their knowledge of Spanish culture and language to help others. Theywill feel empowered as they tutor and mentor children at a Fortuna orphanage.Students will show them how to use Microsoft Word, and improve Web researchskills and reading comprehension. Charity knows no geographical, language orcultural barrier. Your students will leave Costa Rica well aware of this fact and thesatisfaction of knowing they made a difference.


    Day 1 Arrive in Costa Rica, meet tour guide and ride bus to Jaco hotel.

    Day 2 Catamaran to Tortuga Island and explore the six ecological zones ofMonteverde Cloud Forest Reserve.

    Day 3 Explore Santa Elena Cloud Forest.

    Day 4 Visit La Fortuna and Arenal Volcano, observe Arenal Volcano erupting,volunteer at a Fortuna orphanage, visit the La Fortuna waterfall.

    Day 5 Volunteer at orphanage, zip line tour through rainforest canopy, visitArenal hot springs and view pyroclastic bombs of the volcano (depending onweather).

    Day 6 Volunteer at ASIS Wildlife Center.

    Day 7 White water raft the Pacuare River and collect poison arrow frogs foranalysis.

    Day 8 Shop and head back home.

    Interesting Fact About Costa Rica

    There are more than 121 volcanic formations in Costa Rica, and seven of themare active. Poas Volcano has the second widest crater in the world (nearly onemile in diameter), and Arenal Volcano is one of the ten most active volcanoes inthe world.

    Trip Highlights

    * Help veterinarians care fdisplaced rainforest animat an animal rehabilitationcenter.

    * Learn about conservatiofrom local scientists at Th

    Organization for TropicalStudies.

    * Volunteer at a localorphanage and teach Engto children.

    * Help scientists preserveendangered sea turtles inTortuguero.

    * Learn about the Ring oFire while exploring the

    crater at volcano Poas.

    * Explore the MonteverdeCloud Forests from the SkWalk suspension bridges

    A life isnt signicant excfor its impact on other live

    Jackie Rob

  • 8/12/2019 Appleseed Expeditions 2014/15 Brochure


    The islands of Galapagos are what famously inspirnaturalist Charles Darwins book, The Origin of Speciafter his 1835 visit. Located some 500 miles off tmainland of Ecuador, these groups of islands are homesome of the most rare and oldest species on Earth moof which are endemic. More than 80 percent of the reptilland birds and mammals (which account for 57 specieare found nowhere else in the world. The fragility of theecosystems paired with an increase in tourism has caus

    these endemic species to dwindle in number every yeWith this in mind, our vision is to inspire young scientistsget involved with conservation and mentoring efforts, ahelp preserve such precious ecosystems.

    Like Charles Darwin, students will have their eyes openby the regions beauty and diversity. Theyll encounspecies that exist nowhere else on Earth - some specso isolated they exist nowhere but oneof the GalapagIslands. Just one small change in the landscape cspell disaster for these species. This problem is a maenvironmental hurdle for the Galapagos Islands.


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    Students will answer the cry ofthreatened species by assisting theSan Cristobal Conservation Centerwith reforestation efforts. Theseefforts aim to combat invasive plantand animal species that threatenlivelihoods and choke the endemicforests that house native species.

    With the presence of such urgent

    environmental concerns, studentswill be called to use their love ofscience to mentor local childrenand ignite a passion to preservetheir own ecosystem. A trip to the Galapagos gives your students theopportunity to address environmental and social issues the local communityfaces.

    Itinerary (Galapagos/Ecuador)

    Day 1 - Arrive in Quito, Ecuador, meet your tour guide and attend the dinner andprogram introduction.

    Day 2 Fly to San Cristobal Island, hike Frigate Hill and the volcanic shoreline,and examine wildlife.

    Day 3 Paddle to Isla de Lobos, hike the islet and observe bird life, relax atPlaya Ochoa, and visit Roca Len Dormido.

    Day 4-6 Volunteer with restoration efforts at the San Cristobal ConservationCenter, interact with children from the INFA (local family services), and take anight hike or night wade.

    Day 7- Visit Charles Darwin Research Station and explore the mangroveecosystem at Tortuga Beach.

    Day 8- Explore Floreana Islands rich biodiversity and hike the rainforest whilecatching a glimpse of 25- to 200-year-old tortoises.

    Day 9- Fly to Quito and distribute food at Pan de Vida to the Quechua people.

    Day 10- Pack and head home.

    Interesting Fact About The Galapagos

    Charles Darwin wasnt the rst to arrive. Hardly. He arrived in 1835, exactly300 years after the islands were discovered in 1535 when a ship was blownoff course. Although there is speculation that the Incas knew of the placebefore 1500, the evidence is tenuous.

    Trip Highlights

    * Volunteer with localscientists to preserveecosystems for the giantSaddleback tortoise.

    * Swim with endemicmarine iguanas.

    * Snorkel among Galpagsea lions.

    * Learn about the origins olife at the Darwin ResearcCenter.

    * Swim among hundreds ojuvenile sharks at KickerRock.

    * Learn about the volcanicactivity while exploring th

    Galapagos lava tubes.

    * Help farmers andconservationists with thedevelopment of sustainabcoffee plantations.

    Education is the mostpowerful weapon which ycan use to change the wo

    Nelson Man

  • 8/12/2019 Appleseed Expeditions 2014/15 Brochure


    Without a doubt, Puerto Rico is distinguished with onof the most unique cultures in the world. To populate thcountry in the early 18th century, Spaniards took TainIndian women as brides. Long after Spain lost controof Puerto Rico, Spanish immigrants continued to arrivon the island, mixing many of their customs with thosof the locals. Cuisine, music and family traditions aramong the many Puerto Rican customs that dene theunique culture. This island also has an abundance o

    adventure opportunities, including stunning rainforewaterfalls, bioluminescent kayak tours and spectaculacoral reefs.

    A willingness to embrace other cultures is key for thoswho want to make a difference in the diverse world wlive in today. Our Puerto Rico trip will submerge youstudents into Spanish culture and history as they explorOld World Spanish settlements founded by Ponce dLeon and the forts that once protected the city of SaJuan from invasion.


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    Students will see the evolution ofSpanish culture via the Museo deArte de Puerto Rico, which hostsart spanning from colonial times topresent day masterpieces. PuertoRican art is rich in history andhighlights complex struggles thatinclude race and poverty issuesthat are still prevalent today andripe for your students to address.

    Your students will be asked to applytheir knowledge of the Spanish cultureand language to make a difference inthe lives of others through serving at a foster care center in the outskirts of SanJuan.

    Students Spanish language skills will allow them to connect with children throughstorytelling, song, skill development and organization of a childrens fair. Theircharitable actions will serve as a testament to the impressionable children ofPuerto Rico, and teach them how cultural and language barriers can be brokenwhile sharing kindness and compassion. Your students will not only help childrenin need, but theyll also roll up their sleeves as they assist foster care workers inplanting vegetation and performing light construction and other small maintenancetasks.

    Students will more than satisfy their scientic curiosities with a hike of the onlytropical rainforest in this U.S. territory, cave exploration, and a day of snorkelingand exploring underwater reefs.


    Day 1 Arrive in San Juan, meet your tour guide, explore an Old World Spanishsettlement and go shopping.

    Day 2 Hike the El Yunque National Forest, relax at the beach, surf and enjoyother activities.

    Day 3 Visit the Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico and kayak BioluminescentBay.

    Day 4 Explore the city of Ponce, visit Museo Castillo Serralls and Rio CamuyCave Park.

    Day 5 Volunteer at San Juan foster care center. Day 6 Snorkeling and reef exploration at Puerto Rico islands Ro Camuy Cave


    Day 7 Fly home.

    Interesting Fact About Puerto Rico

    Puerto Rico was discovered by Christopher Columbus.Thats right, it was Chris himself who landed on these shores and claimedit for Spain. For those of you who are counting, that makes Puerto Rico theoldest European city under the American ag.

    Trip Highlights

    * Explore the El Morrofortress and dungeons incolonial San Juan.

    * Take a bioluminescentkayak tour.

    * Interact with Coqui frogsin the rainforest in ElYunque.

    * Volunteer at a childrenshome in San Juan.

    * Snorkel among corals anvibrant sh.

    * Explore one of the largescave openings in the worlat Camuy caverns.

    * Take in surf lessons neaAguadillas.

    An investment in knowlepays the best interest.

    Benjamin Fra

  • 8/12/2019 Appleseed Expeditions 2014/15 Brochure


    The Dominican Republic is located on the islandHispaniola and is famous for its connection to ChristopColumbus explorations. The Dominican Republic is second largest Caribbean nation in area and population.home to an estimated 10 million people. Spanish colonAfrican slaves and Taino natives helped to mold this dist

    culture. As is the case in much of Latin America, a lanumber of children in the Dominican Republic live and won the streets. Orphanages are at maximum capacity, quality medical services and clean water are hard to coby. Through our partnerships with local orphanages organizations, our groups will have the opportunity to these children through mentoring, playing games, buildand cleaning up facilities.

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  • 8/12/2019 Appleseed Expeditions 2014/15 Brochure


    Sadly, a large portion of femaleorphans and homeless are forcedinto prostitution. The power of apositive inuence should never beunderestimated. Students will puttheir Spanish language skills to workin the overowing San Cristobalorphanage by interacting with theirresidents, leading craft activities

    and preparing meals. Such kindactions wont soon be forgotten bythe orphans, and the volunteer workwill grow the students awareness ofglobal poverty.

    Time for reection will be provided so your students can grasp their experiencesin the orphanage. Small charitable actions can truly alter the lives of these youngones over the course of a few days. Its not just the childrens lives your studentswill impact, however.

    Another goal of our Dominican Republic trip is to reach out to its large numberof refugees, many of which are Haitians who ed following the 2010 earthquake.They suffer daily from a lack of basic necessities we enjoy every day, such asaccess to medical clinics, clean water and education. Students will take action byassisting medical street clinics that provide much-needed care for refugees. Thisservice will show refugees compassion they likely have never experienced. Yourstudents will also empower San Cristobal refugees by giving English lessons.


    Day 1 - Arrive in Santo Domingo and travel to San Cristobal.

    Day 2 Volunteer at an orphanage and have a time of reection.

    Day 3 Assist at orphanage medical clinic.

    Day 4 Continue work in the orphanage and pass out medical packets at thelocal hospital.

    Day 5 Visit local market, continue work in the orphanage, souvenir shop atSanto Domingo and go to dinner in the capitol city.

    Day 6 Finish assistance at orphanage and free time.

    Day 7 - Visit Damajaqua Cascades (27 waterfalls).

    Day 8 Eat breakfast and return home.

    Interesting Fact About The Dominican Republic

    Christopher Columbus landed on the island in 1492, and it became the site of therst permanent European settlement in the Americas, namely Santo Domingo,the countrys capital and Spains rst capital in the New World.

    Trip Highlights

    * Volunteer at an orphanafor girls who were rescuedfrom human trafcking.

    * Explore the city foundedby Christopher ColumbusSanto Domingo.

    * Aid those in need ofmedicine by volunteeringa street clinic.

    * Take in the famous 27waterfalls of DamajaquaCascades.

    * Take a guided tourthrough the historic artdistrict on Santo Domingo

    * Snorkel among amongbrilliant sh and coralat La Caleta, a national

    underwater park.

    Educating the mind withoeducating the heart is noeducation at all.


  • 8/12/2019 Appleseed Expeditions 2014/15 Brochure


    Hawaii, The Aloha State, is a beautiful island as culturaldiverse as it is biologically. But Hawaiis laid-bacatmosphere doesnt mean this island is free of troublesEarly Western explorers exploited its land and introducedisease that nearly wiped out the original Polynesiasettlers. In 1941, the horric attack on Pearl Harbor alsshook the region. Thanks to an economic boom in th

    20th century, a mix of Japanese, Chinese, Filipino anPortuguese immigrants ocked to the island, helpincreate the vibrant mix of cultures that makes Hawaiipopulation so diverse today. Sadly, plant populationand locals who call Hawaii home are encountering hartimes due to a difcult economic state, deforestation anintroduction of invasive species.

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    Students will visit the rainforestresearch center in Manoa to analyzecurrent research on endemic speciesand learn about the preservationof Hawaiis fragile ecosystem.Students will aid in the removal ofintrusive species by planting endemicspecies, which will help to combat theenvironmental struggle that existstoday. Exploration of Hanauma

    Bay Nature Preserve, which boastssome of the most colorful and uniquemarine life in the world, will satisfy thescientist in them all.

    One of Hawaiis most precious species their people are also in need ofassistance. Hawaii has one of largest homeless populations per capita. Yourstudents can help solve this problem. They will use their passion to serve and theircultural awareness to help Hawaiis H5 Homeless shelter reach the numerousPolynesian families living on the streets.

    Lessons in history will be realized as students take a tour of Pearl Harbor andgain an appreciation for the men and women who lost their lives during the attackthat catapulted the U.S. into World War II.


    Day 1 Arrive in Honolulu, meet your tour guide, visit Waikiki Beach andsurrounding shops and volunteer at the H5 homeless shelter.

    Day 2 Visit Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve, aid homeless children at localtransitional housing center in Honolulu and enjoy a luau on Waikiki Beach.

    Day 3 Research endemic species at Manoa research center, help remove

    intrusive species and plant endemic species, hike to Manoa Falls and visit LolaniPlace.

    Day 4 Snorkel with sharks at the North Shore, visit Dole Plantation and hike toDiamond Head crater to explore volcanic geology and geologic island growth.

    Day 5 Tour Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona Memorial and y to the BigIsland.

    Day 6 Explore Volcano National Park and Thurston Lava Tube, then visit theJaggar Museum.

    Day 7 Snorkel with giant manta rays and green turtles.

    Day 8 Shop, then head home.

    Interesting Facts About Hawaii

    The Big Islands Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain in the world when measuredfrom its base at the ocean oor. It rises 13,796 feet (4,205 m) above sea level andanother 17,000 feet (5,181 m) extend to its base below the oceans surface.

    Trip Highlights

    * Join a marine biologistand learn about thepreservation of coralecosystems at the famousHanauma Bay NaturePreserve.

    * Volunteer to help preser

    rainforest at a Manoa Fallsbotanical center.

    * Learn about sea turtleswhile on a catamaran

    journey off the Oahu coas

    * Learn about the Ring ofFire as you explore activvolcanoes.

    * Learn about sharks whilimmersing yourself in a

    shark cage.

    The mind is not a vesselto be lled, but a re to bekindled


  • 8/12/2019 Appleseed Expeditions 2014/15 Brochure


    At only seven miles long, Crystal River, Fla. is home t30 springs and serves a signicant role in our ecosystemSurrounding aquifers and protected forests are home tunique ecological habitats ripe for exploration. Whimany have been proactive in preserving the landcave and water refuges of Crystal River, they neeyour students help. Assistance will go beyond aidinendangered species and dwindling resources.

    Before delving into the wealth of scientic learninopportunities available in Crystal River, students will servby mentoring Floridas ghost children -adolescents whmove from home-to-home with their parents and arforced to chase seasonal crops for work. Your studentwill give these children the gift of compassion anfriendship. It wont take long for students to realize thesare two of their most valuable and versatile assets.

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    If science and adventure is whatyour scholars desire, Crystal Riverhas more than a few explorationopportunities. Airboat tours,snorkeling, night wades, caves,aquifers and net pulls will open theireyes to a wealth of new discoveries.Students will discuss what makesthis habitat so unique, why nearly

    350 manatees migrate to its warmwaters each winter, and whyprotecting it is so important.

    Surrounding wetlands are home to rare reptiles, exotic plants, and they serve agreater purpose as a major ltration system. Naturalists will guide your studentsin close encounters with unique species and call on their spirit of servitude toassist them in preserving this diverse ecosystem.

    Insects and vertebrates that call the surrounding forests and caves home areideal for observation, as are the unique biological changes that occur in the tanniclevels of the soil and water.

    Lab time spent with naturalists will give students the opportunity to brainstormand discuss Floridas aquifer and the role it plays in surrounding ecosystems.


    Day 1 Mentor migrant children at the Redlands Christian Migrant AssociationCenter in Dade City, then arrive in Crystal River.

    Day 2 Explore Kings Bay, snorkel at Three Sisters Spring, take an airboattour, night wade and net pull.

    Day 3 Visit Crystal Springs Preserve, hike woods, study tannic acid levels,brainstorm and analyze water systems, enjoy lab time with naturalists and embarkon a service project.

    Day 4 - Kayak Kings Bay, visit Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park andobserve aquatic life from the Fish Bowl a oating observation platform.

    Day 5 Explore Croom Hiking Trails in the Withlacoochee State Forest, spelunkand study cave dwelling insects and vertebrates (subject to weather and caveavailability during trip), perform preservation and conservation project in the cavesystem, eat dinner and return home.

    Interesting Facts about Manatees

    Well known for their gentle, slow-moving nature, manatees have also beenknown to body surf or barrel roll when playing. They normally rest and feed often.Manatees communicate by squealing under water to demonstrate fear, stress orexcitement.

    Trip Highlights

    * Swim and interact withwild manatees.

    * Test water qualitywith local scientists todetermine health of themanatee ecosystem.

    * Volunteer with thechildren of migrantworkers.

    * Go spelunking in some oFloridas only dry caves.

    * Learn about Floridaswildlife while exploringHomossassa State Park.

    * Partake in net pulls in

    Kings Bay to discovermarine biodiversity.

    Education is the key tounlock the golden door offreedom.

    George Washington C

  • 8/12/2019 Appleseed Expeditions 2014/15 Brochure


    In addition to the chance for students to explore anstudy the third largest barrier reef in the world, a trto the Florida Keys is also an opportunity to familiarizthemselves with shallow bay and mangrove ecosystemsconduct scientic experiments and serve immigranworkers and their children.While snorkeling over the fragile yet bountiful ecosystem

    of coral reefs, students may see barracuda, groupehawksbill sea turtles and a variety of other fascinatinmarine wildlife. Mangrove habitats seen by kayak in thbackcountry are another breathtaking experience foscholars of any age.

    Getting hands-on with night wades and dissectioncompletes the educational experience, and will intriguin the inner scientist in any student.

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    Students compassion and knowledgeare put to good use as they mentorimpoverished migrant workers andtheir children. They will apply whattheyve learned in the classroomand on their trip to plant an organiccommunity garden and instill a focuson conservation. Students will alsointeract with migrant children throughreading, computer assistance, soccer

    games, music and more. This notonly touches a community in need,but allows the students to understandhow they can use their educationto impact communities around theglobe.

    I highly recommend Appleseed Expeditions for your student travel. We rst usedAppleseed in the Spring of 2010 for a middle school trip to the Florida Keys tostudy marine life, the barrier reef, and mangrove habitats. We were so incrediblyimpressed with Joe Moore and Appleseed Expeditions that the following year,we contracted with them to take over our entire 4th through 8th grade eldtrip programs to Everglades National Park, Washington D.C., Crystal River,Savannah, GA, and Peace River.

    What I like most about Appleseed is their ability to make education fun andexciting while incorporating valuable service learning experiences. This hands-on and interactive approach to learning offers both a deep understanding of thecontent while growing students into conscientious leaders of tomorrow.Michelle D., Saint Josephs Episcopal School, Boynton Beach, FL


    Day 1 Arrive in Homestead and begin program introduction.

    Day 2 Mentor students at Redlands Christian Migrant Association Center andtravel to Islamorada for coral reef introduction.

    Day 3 Study shallow bay ecosystems, perform net pulls, snorkel along thecoral reef and dissect squid.

    Day 4 Kayak the mangrove ecosystem, play a fun game of predator/preyand volunteer at the Florida Keys Wild Bird Sanctuary.

    Day 5 Feed tarpons at Robbies, souvenir shop at the outdoor market andjourney home.

    Interesting Fact About the Keys

    The Florida Keys is home to the Turtle Hospital, situated at mile marker 48.5bayside; it is the worlds only licensed veterinary hospital dedicated to thetreatment of sea turtles. It was opened in 1986 with the goal of healing injuredsea turtles and returning them to the wild.

    Trip Highlights

    * Snorkel among the wildlon the third largest barriereef in the world.

    * Volunteer and mentorthe children of Hispanicmigrant workers.

    * Kayak among mangroveand learn about crocodile

    * Assist veterinarians withthe care of coastal birds athe Wild Bird Sanctuary inKey Largo.

    * Assist biologist withnet pulls in the sea grassbeds to study marinebiodiversity.

    * Take part in nightwades to study nocturnal


    You have to gowholeheartedly into anythin order to achieve anythiworth having.

    Frank Lloyd W

  • 8/12/2019 Appleseed Expeditions 2014/15 Brochure


    With its white powder quartz beaches and emerablue gulf water, the Emerald Coast is one of the mosunique habitats in the world. The Nature Conservanccalls Northwest Florida one of the nations top 10 HoSpots for ecological diversity. It is home to a variety ounique ecosystems and contains more species of plantand animals than any other comparable region in thcountry. The panhandle is one of only a few places the world containing coastal dune lakes 15 to be exacYour students will not only explore some of these lakeseach of which has its own unique ecosystem, but walso aid in their preservation.

    Your students will snorkel the clear waters of St. AndrewPark and get up close and personal with many tropicash species while searching for dolphins as they playfeed and interact.

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    Exploration of coastal dune lakes iscomparable with opening a box ofchocolates there is no telling whatyoull get. Students will observe ahost of magnicent creatures andnatural beauty as they kayak and/orpaddle board through these uniqueecosystems. Net pulls of prehistoricmounds that indicate humans

    inhabited the area more than 4,000years ago also make for a thrillingexperience.

    Biologists take your students on a journey they wont soon forget. Theseprofessionals will share their daily routine, discuss current projects and assist insome hands-on scientic research studying nocturnal marine life. Once the sunhas gone down, a peaceful walk to the waters edge will turn into an intense andinsightful night wade/catch and release.

    Students will get their chance to give back toward the end of the trip with a tripto Camp Helen State Park. While at the park, they will ex their service musclesas they help workers with trail enhancements, removal of invasive plant species,and light construction. Not only will students make a difference, they will see howtheir actions, although small, are mighty. By lending a hand to the State Parkworkers, your students enable those workers to reach more people and provideadditional protection to endangered species and land


    Day 1 Arrive in Panama City Beach, meet your tour guide and start programintroduction.

    Day 2 Snorkel at Saint Andrews Park, take catamaran ride, go grass bedsnorkeling and study sharks inshore.

    Day 3 Kayak and/or paddleboard the coastal dune lake ecosystem, visitNational Marine Fisheries Service laboratory in Panama City; night wade; andcatch, analyze and release sh.

    Day 4 Volunteer and learn at Camp Helen State Park, conduct net pulls.

    Day 5 Snorkel in natural aquifer springs, volunteer at the Seacrest WolfPreserve. Then head home.

    Interesting Fact About the Emerald Coast

    Walton County in the Emerald Coast is home to 15 named coastal dune lakesalong 26 miles of coastline. These lakes are a unique geographical feature andare only found in Madagascar, Australia, New Zealand, Oregon, and here inWalton County.

    Trip Highlights

    * Interact and swim with wdolphins in the Gulf of Me

    * Volunteer at an animalrescue center.

    * Kayak in Floridas onlycoastal dune lakes.

    * Learn about shark reseaat NOAAS marine researcfacility.

    * Help with marine biodivestudies while doing net puin outlet area of Coastal DLakes.

    * Partake in our shark taggproject while shark shing

    the evening.

    The Sea, once it casts itspell, holds one in its net wonder forever.

    Jacques Cous

  • 8/12/2019 Appleseed Expeditions 2014/15 Brochure


    Washington D.C. could be considered the birthplace oglobal change. Its where ideas are put in motion and thcourse for change is set. Students with their sights seon becoming service leaders in government, legislatioand politics will get a behind-the-scenes glimpse into thcapitols inner workings. Learning more about leadershand what skills can be capitalized upon to changcommunities around the globe is invaluable. What bette

    place to gain expert insight than from knowledgeable anexperienced diplomatic ofcials in Washington D.C.?

    During lunch with a White House intern or congressionassistant, your group will learn how the governmenoperates and how to get involved in legislation thatriggers positive change. Students will see the U.SCapitol Building, Supreme Court and the Library oCongress before taking a leadership course taughby driven individuals from AmeriCorps or Teach foAmerica.

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    Through Appleseeds partnership withthe USO, students will pay tribute tosoldiers currently serving our countrythose who gave the ultimate sacriceprotecting the values, lifestyle andopportunities we hold so dear.Representatives will enlighten yourstudents about current global militaryoperations, explain how they cansupport our troops, and drive home

    the importance of staying involved intheir local communities. A member ofthe armed forces will close the trip witha discussion about leadership fromthe perspective of military personnel.

    Students will be given instruction on creating their own community service plan.They will listen to a motivational speaker and be called to action at the U.S.Institute of Peace and the Global Peacebuilding Center. Here, they will take partin an exclusive international conict resolution program and volunteer with theInternational Justice Mission. They will learn how to become involved in ghtingglobal human trafcking through IJM, pass out yers, help with administrativetasks and help this organization implement its vision.


    Day 1 Meet your tour guide, visit the FDR and World War II memorials,participate in community service action plan project, and listen to a motivationalspeaker.

    Day 2 Serve active military through partnership with the USO, visit ArlingtonNational Cemetery and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, stop by the Smithsonian

    Museum of choosing, listen to armed forces speaker, and hear about leadershipfrom the perspective of military personnel.

    Day 3 Visit the White House, U.S. Capitol Building, Supreme Court and Libraryof Congress; have lunch with a White House intern or congressional assistant;enjoy dinner near the Pentagon; take leadership course with an AmeriCorps orTeach for America service leader.

    Day 4 Visit the U.S. Institute of Peace and the Global Peace Building Center,and volunteer with the International Justice Mission to help ght global humantrafcking. Lunch and head home.

    Interesting Fact About Washington DC

    Honoring the Fallen. Every time a soldier is buried, an Arlington Lady is present.There are about 65 Arlington Ladies, and since 1973, the Arlington Ladies haveensured that no Soldier is ever buried alone.

    Trip Highlights

    * Learn how governmentworks while having luncha congressional aide.

    * Explore global disputes solutions at the Peace Ce

    * Learn how to combatnationwide hunger issues

    * Explore all the branchesgovernment while visitingcongressmen.

    * Visit and learn about greleaders who changed the of American history whiletaking a guided tour of the


    Educate and inform thewhole mass of the peopleThey are the only surereliance for the preservatof our liberty

    Thomas Jeffe

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    In the turbulent decade of the 1960s, civil rights activistused nonviolent protests and civil disobedience to brinabout change. The federal government made legislativheadway with initiatives such as the Voting Rights Acof 1965 and the Civil Rights Act of 1968. Martin LutheKing Jr., Rosa Parks, and many other leaders from withthe African-American community and beyond rose t

    prominence during the civil rights era. They risked - ansometimes lost - their lives in the ght for freedom anequality. The goal of our civil rights trip is to develocondent future leaders by connecting them to the past

    Stories and knowledge about African-American leaderwho were able to make a positive difference will inspiryour students to do the same. Students arent encourageto be martyrs, but are shown that freedom and equalitare rights worth ghting for.

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    Historical tours and inner citycommunity service projects willmotivate your students to apply theireducation and talents in an effort todefend the less fortunate and makea stand for those whose rights havebeen violated.

    Students will step into leadership

    roles as they mentor inner citychildren in Birmingham. Theywill assist with schoolwork, playgames, host activities and more.

    The group also will visit the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, which documentsthe history of Birminghams role in the civil rights movement and creates anawareness of human rights issues worldwide. It is especially important to the staffthat young people walk away with a full understanding of the dramatic events thattook place in this city and country. Our civil rights trips focus on the past helpsyou build leaders of the future.


    Day 1 Arrive in Tuskegee, Ala. and attend introduction program.

    Day 2 Visit Tuskegee Human and Civil Rights Multicultural Center, the GeorgeWashington Carver Museum, Tuskegee Airmen Historic Site and Moton Fieldbefore heading to Montgomery.

    Day 3 Visit Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, Dexter Avenue ParsonageMuseum, the Civil Rights Memorial Center and the Freedom Riders GreyhoundBus Station.

    Day 4 Rosa Parks Museum, head to Selma; visit National Voting RightsMuseum and Institute, and Edmond Pettus Bridge before visiting the Slavery andCivil War Museum, and heading to Birmingham.

    Day 5 inner city children, visit Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, historic 16thStreet Baptist Church and Kelly Ingram Park.

    Day 6 - Breakfast and head home.

    Interesting Fact About Civil Rights History

    It wasnt until 1961 that black students were allowed to enroll in college. TheUniversity of Georgia was the rst to allow black students within their school, andboth Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes graduated in 1963, despite muchprotest.

    Trip Highlights

    * Explore the home churcof MLK.

    * Talk to a famousTuskegee airman abouthis role in the civil rightsmovement.

    * Volunteer at a womensrescue shelter.

    * Learn about humansuffering while crossingthe famous Edmond PettuBridge in Selma.

    * Mentor children in localthe local Boys and GirlsClubs.

    * Visit the Rosa Parks

    library and museum.

    Those who deny freedomto others deserve it not fothemselves.

    Abraham Li

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    Come join us for free in Costa Rica, Crys-

    tal River or other areas abroad on one of ourteacher preview programs. Visit our website or

    Facebook page to learn more.

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    What type of trip are you looking for?Appleseed Expeditions vision is to harness and spark an interest in you studentsto use their education to make a positive difference in the live of others. Below youwill nd all the different subject areas that we offer including our vision for thesedifferent elds of study.

    ScienceOur school science trips aim to develop a lifelong interest in science, nature,and the environment. We hope they will also promote an understanding of local

    environmental issues, and inspire a lifelong calling to use science as a way toleave a positive impact on global communities. Our distinct collection of scienceservice programs helps students identify environmental and societal issues thatare affecting communities and ecosystems on a global scale. Our distinct collectionof science service programs helps students identify environmental and societalissues that are affecting communities and ecosystems on a global scale.

    LanguageOur school language trips are designed to inspire students to make a positiveimpact on communities around the world by getting them personally involved inservice through the use of language. We teach students how the mastering of aspecic language can provide a bridge to help other global cultures in need. As partof a quality language class trip experience, students will become more educatedabout social, political, and environmental issues and learn how to incorporate theirlanguage skills to improve conditions for people and environments.

    HistoryOur unique blend of history and service-learning not only highlights a students inclass curriculum, but also helps inspire future leaders through our interactive servicelearning projects. Our service-learning history programs aim to develop a lifelonginterest in politics, civic engagement, and community leadership. We hope they willalso promote understanding of local community issues, and inspire a calling to usehistory and politics as bridge to reduce social injustice here and abroad.

    Service TripsOur service trips are designed to inspire students to make a positive impact oncommunities around the world by getting them personally involved in volunteer work.As part of a quality service trip experience, students will become more educatedabout social, political, and environmental issues and learn how to incorporate theireducation and skills to improve conditions for people and environments. It is ourhope that these service trips will act as a launching point where students andeducators will be inspired to develop service and community action programs withintheir schools and communities.

    Class or Graduation TripsFrom one day trips gliding through the grasslands of the Everglades to severalweeks exploring the Outback in Australia, eld trips present a way for teachersto add depth to their curriculum by bringing life and fun to what their students arelearning. When class trips are combined with a service component, students notonly experience what they learn in class, but then use this knowledge to leave apositive impact on others. In turn students can gain a sense of purpose and mayeven gain a prolonged vision for their personal life.

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    STEM and Service Learning

    Service learning, when integrated into STEM curriculum, results in positive attitudestoward the elds of science, math and technology and increases the likelihood ofstudents pursuing further education in these areas. This is also a fertile area whereservice learning can ourish and help bring the broadest array of students possibleinto helping mitigate global issues. At Appleseed Expeditions, we strive to offerSTEM and service learning programs that may spark an interest in students to usetheir education to leave a positive impact on our global communities. Examples

    would be students pursuing degrees in medicine, engineering and science. Inturn, they may use these professions to build water ltration systems for the poor,help scientists monitor water conditions in manatee habitats, provide medical aidto marginal communities abroad, or rebuild ecological systems for tortoises in theGalapagos.