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Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ To Create an Applicant Record

Click at “Create a new account” to create an account if you do not already have an existing one.

6 Oct 2015

Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ To Create an Applicant Record


Please remember the Email Address and Password as you will be required to use them for future login and to complete the online application form.

Online applications will NOT be processed without application fee payment and the receipt of physicalsupporting documents.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Successful Applicant Record Created

You may now login to apply.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Home Screen

2. If the “Referee Details” section is completed, click at “Manage Applications” to apply/submit for programme.

1. Click at “Referee Details” to input details of your referee(s), if it is available. You will have to assign your referees to programme(s) during the online application.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Add Referee Details

Please save your input/ selections after every input.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Add Referee Details

Click at “Add” to input another set of referee details.

An e-mail (from with a link to complete an online academic referee’s report form will be sent to your referee’s email address. There will also be an option for professional referees to upload their recommendation letters.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐Manage Applications 

Click at “Add New Application” to put in an application.

You may apply up to two choices of LL.M programmes, excluding LL.M in IBL. If you choose only one option (with specialization) and are not offered, you may be considered for the LLM (No specialization).

Please save your selections after every input.


Where the application(s) is not submitted, the order of preference can still be changed by selecting “Up/ Down” accordingly if there are more than one specialization applied for.

Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐Manage Applications 

Click at “Personal Particulars” to complete your personal particulars.

Please complete all relevant sections of the application form.


Inputs in this section will apply to all applications pending online submission if this is selected.

Please save your selections after every input.

Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Personal Particulars


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Add Academic Qualification

Please list Qualification as “LLB” and Category as “1st Bachelor’s Degree” before you provide details on other degree qualifications.

Please complete this field if you are graduating next year.

Please request your University/ institution to provide Cumulative Grade Point Average (with maximum GPA indicated) on an official document, where available. Complete these two fields if one of them has inputs.

Please save your selections after every input.

Please request your University/ institution to provide official document, where available.

Click at “Add” to input an academic qualification.

The Location of Institute refers to the country of the award body, and not the physical location of the institute.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Other Information

Please save your selections after every input.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Add Employment History (Optional)

Please save your selections after every input.

Click at “Add” to input an employment history.Please only input full-time employment.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Test Details (where applicable)

Select IELTS or TOEFL depending on the English proficiency test score you wish to use for the application(s).


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Test Details (where applicable)

Please save your selections after every input.

Please indicate the 16- digit registration number for TOEFL or the 18- digit Test Report Form Number (TRFN) for IELTS.

Please enter the date of TOEFL or IELTS test instead of registration date.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Contact Details

Click at “Edit” to complete your personal contact details.

Click at “Add” to add your Next-of-Kin contact details, which is mandatory.

Note to save after input/ selections.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Source Of Information

Please also specify the source e.g. NUS Law website/ Online forum e.g. etc / Social media, e.g. Facebook, Twitter etc.

Please save your selections after every input.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Add Achievement (Optional)

Please save your input/ selections after every input.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Questionnaire

Please save your input/ selections after every input.

Please complete the fields accordingly. If it is a “Nil” reply, please indicate as “N/A”.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Assign Referee Associations

Click at “Referee Associations” followed by “Assign” to assign referees created in Referee Details section.

NOTE:Before assigning a referee, click at “Referee Details” to input your referee’s information, if this has not been done.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Assign Referee Associations

Please save your input/ selections after every input.

Inputs in this section will apply to all applications pending online submission if this is selected.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Assign Referee Associations

Click at “Unassign” if there is a change of your referee(s).


i) An e-mail will be sent to your referees AFTER you have submitted the online application.

ii) Academic referee’s reports and/or the uploading of professional recommendation letters are to be completed and submitted within 30 days from the date of e-mail sent to your referees.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Documents Upload (Applicable to PhD applications only)

For PhD applicants, please upload soft copies of your supporting documents in addition to submitting hard copies.

For coursework applicants, please DO NOT upload any documents. These will not be printed or saved.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐Manage Applications(Step 2 of 6)

To submit your application(s), click at “Manage Applications”, check on the programme(s) for submission and followed by “Proceed to Step 2 of 6”.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐Manage Applications 

Click at “View” to view instructions/checklist of each application.

After viewing the instructions, click “Proceed to Step 3 of 6”.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐Manage Applications(Step 3 of 6)

Click at “Proceed to Step 4 of 6” when the necessary sections are completed.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Submit Applications(Step 5 of 6)…. Part 1

Please read through the declarations carefully before completing the questions.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Submit Applications(Step 5 of 6)…. Part 2

Click at “Continue” to read the Personal Data Notice & Consent.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Submit Applications(Step 5 of 6)…. Part 3

Please read the Personal Data Notice & Consent before you click the “submit” button as shown on the next page.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Submit Applications(Step 5 of 6)…. Part 4

Click at “Submit” to complete the online application.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ A Completed Online Application

“Submitted online” will be reflected in the Application status after a successful online submission.

IMPT! Click at “Summary” to PRINT the completed online application form and mail it along with your supporting documents to us.

Click at “Payment” to make e-payments for applications submitted.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Payments

Click at “Proceed to Pay” to proceed with online payments.


Sample application for Graduate Admission System‐ Payments

Check on the programme(s) where application has been submitted to complete the application fee payments.

NOTE:Online application fee payment mode is NOT applicable toPR Chinese applicants applying to the LLM(International Business Law) programme. If payment ismade online, the fees are non-refundable.

NOTE: An application is only considered complete if it has been submitted online and with payment(s) made, along with supporting documents mailed to us accordingly.

Detailed instructions and links to the forms can be found at

Applicants are advised to read and comply with the instructions to avoid any delay in the application process. 

Thank you!