Applied Research Project PROPOSAL

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Applied Research Project

Prepared for:

Arman Vahedi


2055 Notre Dame Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba Red River College

Prepared by:

Melissa McMillan Mark Dacquel



In aligning our core principles with the Construction Resource Initiatives Council’s

Mission 2030 project towards zero waste in the construction industry, this Applied

Research Project (ARP) will investigate the compressive strength of concrete at 7, 28

and 56 days using different gradations of recycled glass as an alternative to crushed

rock, stone, sand and gravel as coarse and fine aggregates in concrete mixes. We will

build on past research and further develop studies of using recycled glass as a

supplemental material for aggregates in concrete.

Benefits of using recycled glass as coarse and fine aggregates include: working towards

zero construction waste (Mission 2030); taking a proactive approach to sustainable

development; utilizing the three R’s – RECYCLE, REUSE AND REDUCE; diversion of

glass from waste stream; and supplementing non-renewable resources such as crushed

rock, stone, sand and gravel as coarse and fine aggregates in design mix codes.

Data collection and analysis will enable a better understanding of the properties of

concrete using recycled glass as aggregates and build on previous studies on the topic

and the constraints on long-term durability, called alkali-silica reaction (ASR).


Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... i

1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1

2.0 Project Scope ................................................................................................................... 2

3.0 Project Benefits ............................................................................................................... 2

4.0 Project Approach ............................................................................................................. 2

5.1 Project Site .................................................................................................................. 3

5.2 Experiments ................................................................................................................. 3

5.3 Analytical Methods ...................................................................................................... 4

5.4 Software ...................................................................................................................... 5

5.5 Design .......................................................................................................................... 5

5.6 Data Collection ............................................................................................................ 5

6.0 Estimated Timeline ...................................................................................................... 6

7.0 Project Deliverables ......................................................................................................... 6

8.0 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 6

9.0 Project Team ......................................................................................................................... 7

References .................................................................................................................................. 9

Appendices ............................................................................................................................... 11

Appendix A: CRI Council Core Principles .................................................................................... 12

Appendix B: Mission 2030 Pledge .............................................................................................. 14

Appendix C: Gantt Chart ............................................................................................................ 16


1.0 Introduction

“Sustainable development is about meeting the needs of today without

compromising the needs of future generations. It is about improving the standard

of living by protecting human health, conserving the environment, using

resources efficiently and advancing long-term economic competitiveness. It

requires the integration of environmental, economic and social priorities into

policies and programs and requires action at all levels - citizens, industry, and

governments” (Environment Canada, 2014).

In aligning our core principles with that of the Construction Resource Initiatives

Council (Appendix A – CRI Council Core Principles) towards sustainable

development as defined by Environment Canada, the aim of this Applied

Research Project (ARP) is to investigate the compressive strength of concrete

using different gradations of recycled glass as an alternative to crushed rock,

stone, sand and gravel as coarse and fine aggregates in design mix codes. We

will build on past research and further develop studies of using recycled glass as

a supplemental material for aggregates in concrete.

“After water, concrete is the most widely used material in the world. Concrete is

literally the foundation of our homes, communities and cities. As such it has a

critical role to play in the future success of sustainable development” (Concrete

Joint Sustainability Iniative).


2.0 Project Scope

The primary objective of this ARP is to investigate the compressive strength of

concrete at 7, 28 and 56 days using varying ratios of recycled glass as an

alternative to crushed rock, stone, sand and gravel as coarse and fine

aggregates in design mix codes. We aim to gain a better understanding of the

properties of concrete using recycled glass as aggregates and build on previous

studies on the topic and the constraints on long-term durability, called alkali-silica

reaction (ASR). “The product of ASR is called ASR gel, which swells with the

absorption of moisture. Sometimes the generated pressure due to ASR gel is

sufficient to induce the development and propagation of fractures in concrete.

Therefore the major problem that we need to solve for utilization of glass

aggregate in Portland cement concrete is how to reduce the long-term damage of

concrete due to ASR expansion” (Yungping Xi, 2003).

We will implement the first steps of our core principles towards sustainable

development and zero waste in the concrete, architectural, civil and construction

industries by:

• Changing management strategies

• Effective communication, awareness and advocacy

• Integration and education

• Commitment to tools and support

• Sustainable development research and technology for zero waste


“In its simplest form, concrete is a mixture of paste and aggregates. The paste,

composed of Portland cement and water, coats the surface of the fine and

coarse aggregates. Through a chemical reaction called hydration, the paste

hardens and gains strength to form the rock-like mass known as concrete. For a

good concrete mix, aggregates need to be clean, hard, strong particles free of

absorbed chemicals or coatings of clay and other fine materials that could cause

the deterioration of concrete. Aggregates, which account for 60 to 75 percent of

the total volume of concrete, are divided into two distinct categories--fine and

coarse. Fine aggregates generally consist of natural sand or crushed stone with

most particles passing through a 3/8-inch sieve. Coarse aggregates are any

particles greater than 0.19 inch, but generally range between 3/8 and 1.5 inches

in diameter. Gravels constitute the majority of coarse aggregate used in concrete

with crushed stone making up most of the remainder” (Portland Cement

Association, 2014).

“Waste glass is a major component of the solid waste stream in many countries.

Glass is a 100% recyclable material with high performances and unique aesthetic

properties which make it suitable for wide-spread uses. Besides, the current

recycling state and legislative forces pose great pressures on glass recycling and

reusing. The use of glass as aggregates in concrete has great potential for future

high quality concrete development” (Liang, 2007).


3.0 Project Benefits

The benefits of using recycled glass as coarse and fine aggregates include:

• Working towards zero waste (Mission 2030)

• Taking a proactive approach to sustainable development

• Utilization of the three R’s – RECYCLE, REUSE AND REDUCE

• Glass diverted from the landfill

• Non-renewable resources such as crushed rock, stone, sand and gravel

as coarse and fine aggregates in design mix codes will be supplemented

• Build on past and recent studies

• Studying economic feasibility and practicality

4.0 Project Approach

The project approach includes:

• Researching previous studies of using different gradations of recycled

glass and different ratios of coarse and fine aggregates in concrete

• Research design mix codes of concrete for specific applications (structural

vs non-structural)

• Decide on design mix codes to use as control in experiment

• Decide on ratios of recycled glass to supplement coarse and fine

aggregates (10%, 25%, 50% and 100%)

• Locate a supply of glass (landfill, recycle depots etc.)


5.1 Project Site

The investigation will be conducted at the Red River CARSI Laboratory and

Building Products Concrete Supply LP quality control laboratory.

5.2 Experiments

We aim to gain a better understanding of the properties of concrete using

recycled glass as aggregates and build on previous studies on the topic and the

constraints of ASR using existing concrete design mix codes by partially or fully

replacing fine and coarse aggregate with recycled glass in accordance with Mix

Design Using ACI 211.1-Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal,

Heavyweight and Mass Concrete. A process control will be in accordance with

CSA, ACI and ASTM test methods and practices:

• C1064/C1064M - Temperature of Freshly Mixed Hydraulic-Cement


• C172 - Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete

• C143/C143M - Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Concrete

• C138/C138M - Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content of Concrete

• C231 - Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method

• C173/C173M - Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric


• C31/C31M - Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field


5.3 Analytical Methods

• Identify the problem to solve.

Replace coarse and fine aggregates in concrete with recycled glass while

maintain compressive strength.

• Choose an appropriate process.

Research previous studies and decide on what parameters to change (ratios of

recycled glass in concrete mix design).

• Hypothesize analysis or solution elements.

Increase the use of recycled glass in the fine aggregate ratio as opposed to the

coarse aggregate ratio to deter ASR.

• Perform the experiments.

Use the CARSI and Building Products Lab to conduct experiment.

• Accept, reject or modify the hypothesis.

Adjust ratios of recycled glass aggregates.

• Implement the solution.

Redo the experiment with new hypothesis.

• Continuously improve the process.

Repeat analytical method process to gain better understanding of the problem.


5.4 Software

Software included in this ARP includes:

• Marcotte Mix Design Program

• MS Excel

• MS Project

• MS Word

5.5 Design

This ARP includes the research of previous studies on the use of recycled glass

in concrete and subsequent decisions on the ratios to be used to deter ASR.

Using existing concrete mix design codes, the fine and coarse aggregates will be

partially or totally replaced with recycled glass in accordance with ACI 211.1-

Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight and Mass

Concrete. A process control will be in accordance with ACI and ASTM test

methods and practices.

Existing mix designs will be used as control samples to evaluate and analyze the

test samples of different recycled glass ratios in coarse and fine aggregates.

Each mix design we create will have four cylinder specimens to evaluate their

compressive strengths at 7, 28 and 56 days.

5.6 Data Collection

Data will be collected during process control, which will be in accordance with

ACI and ASTM test methods and practices and from results of compression

strength tests at 7, 28 and 56 days.


6.0 Estimated Timeline

Refer to Appendix

7.0 Project Deliverables

Project deliverables include:

• Weekly Reports

• Proposal

• Lab Tests

• Data Collection

• Data Analysis

• Conclusion(s) and Recommendation(s)

• Presentation of Sustainable Mix Code

8.0 Conclusion

In conclusion this ARP will investigate the compressive strength of concrete after

7, 28 and 56 days using different gradations of recycled glass as an alternative to

crushed rock, stone, sand and gravel as coarse and fine aggregates in design

mix codes. With our data collection and analysis we will gain a better

understanding of the properties of concrete using recycled glass as aggregates

and build on previous studies on the topic and the constraints on long-term

durability, called alkali-silica reaction (ASR).

This project will implement the first steps of our core principles towards

sustainable development and zero waste in the concrete, architectural, civil and

construction industries (Mission 2030).


9.0 Project Team

The project team includes:

Name Experience Peter Denton, Ph.D.

(Instructor in Ethics and

Sustainability at Red

River College and

member of the CRI

Council Board of


(Faculty Advisor)

Dr. Peter Denton is a cultural systems analyst, with

particular interests in social and environmental

sustainability as well as appropriate technology and


Brian Scammell

(Quality Control

Supervisor at Building

Products & Concrete


Brian Scammell has been with Building Products &

Concrete Supply for 37 years, and has experience

developing new mix designs, conducting quality

control and compressive strength tests.

John Kuchak, C.E.T.

(Geotechnical Instructor

at Red River College)

John Kuchak has 42 years of experience as an

industry practitioner in the fields of civil engineering

construction with a strong emphasis in geotechnical

investigations, materials testing, preparation of

Portland cement and asphaltic concrete mix

designs, quality control inspections of construction,

and concrete technology and restoration.


Mark Dacquel

(Senior Environmental

Technology Student at

Red River College)

Mark Dacquel has six months’ work experience as

a Junior Structural Technologist and six months

work experience as a Laboratory and Quality

Control Technician. He is ACI certified in concrete

field testing.

Melissa McMillan

(Senior Environmental

Technology Student at

Red River College)

Melissa McMillan has one year work experience as

a Laboratory and Quality Control Technician. She is

ACI certified in concrete field testing.



ACI Manitoba Chapter. (2009). Technician Workbook 2009 For Training of

Concrete Field Testing Technicians. Winnipeg.

Concret Staff. (2006, January 13). Making and Curing Concrete Cylinders.

Retrieved November 14, 2014, from Concrete Construction:


Concrete Joint Sustainability Iniative. (n.d.). Concrete's Vital Contribution to

Sustainable Development. Retrieved December 9, 2014, from Concrete

Joint Sustainability Initiative:

Environment Canada. (2014, July 2). Sustainable Development. Retrieved

December 9, 2014, from Environment Canda:


Jr., W. C. (2008, February). Quality Management Systems for Ready Mixed

Concrete Companies. Retrieved October 29, 2014, from

Liang, H. Z. (2007, September 15). Use of Waste Glass as Aggregate in

Concrete. Edinburgh, UK.

NRMCA. (2007). Concrete in Practice. Retrieved November 16, 2014, from

Concrete Answers:


Portland Cement Association. (2014). How Concrete is Made. Retrieved

December 9, 2014, from Portland Cement Association:

Ready Mixed Concret Company. (2009). Quality Assurance. Retrieved

November 1, 2014, from RMCC:


Red River College. (2014). ACI Certification for Concrete Field Testing

Technician - Grade 1. Winnipeg.

Sustainable Concrete. (2012). Aggregates. Retrieved December 9, 2014, from

Sunstainable Concrete:

tes.aspx (2014). Analytical Method. Retrieved December 10, 2014, from

Yungping Xi, Y. L. (2003). Utilization of Solid Wastes (Waste Glass and Rubber

Particles) as Aggregates in Concrete. Boulder, Colorado, USA.




Appendix A: CRI Council Core Principles

Core Principles

The CRI Council core principles will help us share our vision and achieve our


Change Management Strategies

We acknowledge that buildings, their infrastructure, operations and maintenance

represent the most significant human contribution to environmental degradation.

To continue building and demolishing these structures as though the supplies of

resources, room for waste disposal and the planet’s ability to absorb toxins are

all limitless, threatens our environmental, economic and social sustainability;

therefore requiring solid change management strategies for sustainable

consumption and production.

Effective Communication, Awareness and Advocacy

We will work to increase industry and public awareness of the issue of industrial,

commercial and institutional waste; support existing aligned industry campaigns;

encourage and create new collaborative educational programs between and for

the public and private sectors to increase environmental literacy and motivate all

levels of governments, businesses and individuals to rise to the challenges. We

will advocate for improved support to recyclers and waste reduction infrastructure

in a pragmatic manner, and oppose the creation of new landfills or landfill


Integration & Education

By adopting integrated and learner-centered education approaches, the CRI

Council aims to make informed decision and increase cooperation to deal with

industry waste and resource policies, design and practices, with maximum

synergies and minimum trade-offs, making sustainability sustainable.


Commitment to Tools and Support

Respecting and ensuring the implementation and enforcement of existing

regulations is vital to the success of achieving any other goals and objectives.

Therefore, we will give our full support to those already working in this field. We

will be vocal supporters of official efforts to reduce waste and improve


We are committed to supporting the development of green building codes,

standards, guidelines and tools aimed at reducing the negative life cycle impacts,

focusing on those associated from wasted resources, seeking first and foremost

reliable measurable and verifiable results.

Sustainable Development Research and Technology for Zero Waste

We will explore new technologies and encourage design strategies that utilize

sustainable principles and proven best practices, such as design for durability,

disassembly and deconstruction in order to reduce dependence on virgin

resources, reuse salvageable components and recycle existing materials.

Recognizing that Zero Waste is a journey, we will continuously inspire and

motivate ourselves and others to strive for innovation and zero waste impact



Appendix B: Mission 2030 Pledge



Appendix C: Gantt Chart