Appreciative Inquiry An Introduction

Post on 12-May-2015

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A simple introduction to the basic concept of Appreciative inquiry.


An Attitude, Not a Method

DBishop Consulting

Be able to share the basic philosophy of AI

Be able to identify and to use AI terminology

Be able to frame your approaches to LI’s in the AI context

Be able to frame your reports and feedback to HQ in AI Context

DBishop Consulting

Late ‘70’s, Early ‘80’s David Cooperrider and associates out

of Case Western Reserve University Grew out of Cooperrider’s PhD research

and dissertation 1985 first official AI publication

DBishop Consulting

Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a way of thinking about the world around us. AI invites one to think about the things they appreciate, value, and are positive about the world.

AI also invites one to inquire, ask questions about what they appreciate and value. What do they want to have more of in their lives.

AI is a philosophy of seeing the possibilities in life, of seeing the glass half full. AI is a hopeful place where change comes with wonder and encouragement for a better future.

DBishop Consulting

valuing; the art of recognizing the best in people or the world around us;

affirming past and present strengths, successes, and potentials; to perceive those things that give life (health, vitality, excellence) to living systems.

To increase in value i.e. the economy has appreciated in value.

DBishop Consulting

the act of exploration and discovery. To ask questions; to be open to seeing new potentials and possibilities.

DBishop Consulting

Understanding that organizations are living, human constructions. Our future is not pre determined. We have the ability to create and construct our future from what we think, say, and how we act.

DBishop Consulting

Inquiry and change are not separate; you begin the change process just by asking questions. Once you ask a question, the individual(s) is not the same. The individual will think and act differently because you have asked a question. Questions are powerful in affecting change in people.

DBishop Consulting

An organization’s story comes with personal interpretation. Members of the organization have their own story. Telling that story is critical to understanding what you appreciate and want to have continued. Storytelling is a way to understand what is important and what creative possibilities there are.

DBishop Consulting

Create your image of the future. Anticipate the future for your organization or yourself. AI opens up our creative minds to think about new ideas and ways of thinking about “old topics”. We can look into the future and see the possibilities because our mind is not focused on fixing the current problem or the problems of the past. We can anticipate a different future than we had in the past.

DBishop Consulting

Hope, excitement, and joy are created when you look at change in a positive way. Individuals and organizations have hope for a better way of life when you think positively about the future. The human spirit is lifted when we talk about possibilities, hopefulness, joy, and positive images of our future. This energy will allow our minds to create images that we haven’t imaged before.

DBishop Consulting

Traditional Approach AI Approach

“Felt Need” Identify the Problem Appreciate & Value what the best is

Analysis of Causes Envisioning what the “Best Might Be”

Analysis of Possible Solutions

Action Planning (Treatment) Dialoguing “What Might Be”

Basic assumption – The organization is a Problem to be Solved

Basic Assumption – The organization is a Mystery to be EmbracedAdopted from David L. Cooperrider, Peter F.

Sorenson, Jr., Diana Whitney, and Therese F. Yager (2000) “Appreciative Inquiry: Rethinking Human Organization Toward a Positive Theory of Change”, Stripes Publishing.

DBishop Consulting

DBishop Consulting

DBishop Consulting

AI Questions come from a positive point of view

Create an environment that stimulates people to think of positive changes, experiences and/or mindsets

AI questions come from one of four core thoughts

AI frames its questions as interviews

DBishop Consulting

What has been a peak experience for you

What do you value most about ___________ (yourself, the organization, work, family, the community)

What are the essentials that give life to an organization

What are three wishes to strengthen vitality and health

DBishop Consulting

Think back to a time when you felt like you had made a significant contribution to an important institution in your life (work, family, etc.). How did you feel? What made that contribution possible?

DBishop Consulting

What do you value most about yourself What do you value most about the

organization for which you work What do you value most about your

role in the organization

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How do you stay energized How are you professionally affirmed How do you stay enthusiastic about

your day to day work

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What are three specific wishes you have for the future the organization with which you work

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DBishop Consulting

During this phase you will discover what you appreciate about your work, organization, community, etc. You will ask questions/statements about the “best of what is”, what you appreciate about your organization, work, community, etc.

DBishop Consulting

During this phase you will look into the future and envision what could be. This phase allows the interviewee to dream about the future of the work, organization, community, etc

DBishop Consulting

During this phase the community that was talked about in the Discover and Dream phases will be constructed . You will take that information and start to create the organizational parts that will create the community of the future.

DBishop Consulting

During this phase an action plan of how to transform your community into the organization you described in the discover and dream phase and created in the design phase will be created.

DBishop Consulting

DBishop Consulting

AI approach needs to come from inside. It is most effective when the

questions/interview are not scripted It is success orientated It is plants seeds that encourage the

interviewee to explore their own answers

DBishop Consulting

Thoughts, impressions & questions Share some past experiences that used

the AI approach without really knowing you were using it.

What are challenges you see in incorporating AI into working with the LI’s

DBishop Consulting

An LI is consistently late with project reporting. Use the AI approach to address this.

DBishop Consulting

A key element of sustainability is that an organization has documentation of its processes and procedures. Using the Organizational Review Process, an LI rates itself as Ideal under “LI has a documented financial planning process. It follows an established financial calendar.” However, when you ask to see the documented plan, there is none. The LI’s response, “We follow the same pattern every year, so really, it doesn’t need to be documented. Everyone knows it.” Address this from an AI point of view.

DBishop Consulting

An LI has strained relations with the ULB actors. This is presenting a challenge to the project success. How do you address this from the LI framework

DBishop Consulting

Your ULB’s organizational set up is a major challenge in meeting project objectives. Using the AI framework, how would you approach the ULB with an offer to help improve their output?

DBishop Consulting