Apprentice spoof- " Star Wars - A New Dope"

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Well he's back...Trump is kicking tail and taking names...but what else is new...well the Jedi get toasted this time as the "Don" weeds out the padawans in a "New Dope"


Send ‘em up here!

Who’s responsible for scaring off all possible sales!?

That would be Dooku, Mr. Trump. He was in charge of sales.

And who was the loon who put him in charge of sales?

That would be Sid.

Well that explains things. Compared to Sidious, Dooku is a decent looking guy!

Are you calling me homely Mr. Trump?!

No, I’m calling you a repulsive sucker!

Umm, I wouldn’t do that Mr. Trump… he’s been known to erupt, which is generally very scary.


Oh SHUTUP! Who asked you?! Go crawl back into the mud hole you came out of!

What was Anakin in charge of?

I put Anakin in charge of signage. I wanted the best looking guy, that would be me, to handle the people.

WHAT?! The ladies can’t stand you, you old hag!!

Ok, ok. I can see we have an extremely unstable team here. Sidious-

-Friends call me Sid.

I’ll keep that in mind… Sidious.

You were the project manager, why the heck did you pick these two for your team? It’s as obvious as the wrinkles on your face that they can’t stand you. I mean, does anybody here like this guy? I met him just 10 minutes ago and already I hate him.

What the…what’s the matter with him? He looks like he’s choking on something.

Probably all that SPAM that was stuck in his teeth…

Oh no… I tried to warn you. He’s…
