Approach To Child with Rickets Dr.Sandeep C Agrawal Agrasen Hospital Gondia india

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Dr.Sandeep C Agrawal Agrasen Hospital Gondia India

Dr.Sandeep Agrawal

Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon


Agrasen Hospital






Practical approach to Rickets

Dr.Sandeep C Agrawal Agrasen Hospital Gondia India

Practical approach to child with Rickets.

Level 1. Is it true Rickets or rickets like states ? !

Do preliminary investigations – Serum calcium, phosphate, Serum Alk P04ase(SAP)

! Have a close look at the x rays

!Consider the following conditions !

! Hypophosphatasia

Metaphyseal dysplasia !

Dr.Sandeep C Agrawal Agrasen Hospital Gondia India

Level 1 – is it True Rickets or rickets like states ?

Features ! !

Radiological signs similar to rickets. But growth plate are not wide with differential involvement of

bones in a joint.! Eg. Femur shows changes but tibia is normal.!

!Levels of serum Ca, P and SAP normal.!


Metaphysial dysplasia

Dr.Sandeep C Agrawal Agrasen Hospital Gondia India

Features .---- !

Clinical signs or rickets are present but x rays show tongue like radiolucency

projecting from growth plate into metaphysis. !

In rickets growth plate is uniformly wide. !

SAP levels are low but S. ca, P Levels are normal. !!

Diagnosis Hypophasphatasia

Dr.Sandeep C Agrawal Agrasen Hospital Gondia India

Level 2 – is it nutritional or non nutritional ?!


Look for clues in history or examination:!!

Prematurity Neonatal cholestasis

Anticonvulsant therapy Chronic renal disease

Dr.Sandeep C Agrawal Agrasen Hospital Gondia India

Level 2: Is it nutritional or non nutritional? Useful clues

1.Jaundice - Hepatobiliary disease Metabolic disorders

!2.Cataract - Galactosemia, Wilson’s


3.Positive family history - Metabolic disease, RTA


4.Mental retardation, seizures - Galactosemia !!

5. Drug induced rickets in primary CNS problem !!

6.Alopecia - VDDR type 2.

Dr.Sandeep C Agrawal Agrasen Hospital Gondia India

Level 2.. Is it nutritional or non nutritional?

In the absence of clues –! Presume and treat it as vit D deficiency rickets.!Give vitamin D2 (inj. arachitol) 600000 units 2 doses at two to three weeks interval . Improvement occurs

in nutritional rickets.!!!

Healing is indicated by the presence of provisional zone of calcification.!

! Non healing favours a non nutritional cause.

Dr.Sandeep C Agrawal Agrasen Hospital Gondia India

Level 2.. Is it nutritional or non nutritional?

Features of non nutritional causes:!!

Presentation before six months or after two years of age!

Associated failure to thrive!Positive family history!

Obvious clues mentioned earlier!Failure of vitamin D therapy

Dr.Sandeep C Agrawal Agrasen Hospital Gondia India

Level 3. if it is non nutritional and lack any obvious clues it could be either due to GI or Renal cause:

Features ….!!

Recurrent diarrhea, oily stools. Recurrent abdominal pain and distension.

!Anemia, hypoproteinemia.

!Multiple vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

!Diagonosis !

Malabsorption with rickets.

Dr.Sandeep C Agrawal Agrasen Hospital Gondia India

If it is non nutritional and lack any obvious clues it could be either due to GI or renal cause

Features …!!

Hepatobiliary findings:!!

Raised serum billirubin low serum albumin

prolonged prothrombin time. !

Diagnosis !Hepatic rickets

Dr.Sandeep C Agrawal Agrasen Hospital Gondia India

Level 3.. If it is non nutritional and lack any obvious clues it could be either due to GI or renal cause

Features…!Failure to thrive

Recurrent vomiting lethargy

Acidotic breathing. Hypertension, anemia with or without edema.


Positive findings in urine analysis. Abnormalities in electrolytes,

Blood urea and creatinine. Renal abnormalities in ultrasound abdomen.


Renal rickets

Dr.Sandeep C Agrawal Agrasen Hospital Gondia India

Level 4.. If it is rickets due to Renal causes what is the underlying renal problem that led to rickets.?

Depends on the clinical features of chronic renal failure and on laboratory investigations.!

!Do urine analysis!

Blood for electrolytes, urea and creatinine.! Blood gas analysis.!

Ultrasonography abdomen.

Dr.Sandeep C Agrawal Agrasen Hospital Gondia India

Level 3.. If it is non nutritional and lack any obvious clues it could be either due to GI or renal cause


Vomiting , lethargy, growth retardation!Hypertension, anemia, with or without edema.!

Features of obstructive uropathy.!Raised blood urea, creatinine.. S. potassium may be

high.!Abnormalities in USG, MCU and DMSA scan.!

!Diagnosis !

Chronic renal failure - renal osteodystrophy.

Dr.Sandeep C Agrawal Agrasen Hospital Gondia India


Recurrent vomiting, diarrhoea with acidotic breathing.!

Positive family history.!Metabolic acidosis with normal anion gap,

hypokalemia, and raised serum chloride!Normal blood urea and serum creatinine.!

No proteinuria or glycosuria.!!

Diagnosis !Renal tubular acidosis

Dr.Sandeep C Agrawal Agrasen Hospital Gondia India

Features….!Severe form of rickets with stunting and

deformity.!Features mentioned in RTA.!

Proteinura, glycosuria present.!Normal or slightly increased B.urea and

S.creatinine.!Features of underlying causes such as


Diagnosis!Fanconi syndrome

Dr.Sandeep C Agrawal Agrasen Hospital Gondia India


Lower limb deformity, stunted growth.!Often with family history.!

Frequent dental abscess and early decay.!Low serum phosphate and low TRP.!

!Diagnosis !

Familial hypophosphataemic rickets(FHR)

Dr.Sandeep C Agrawal Agrasen Hospital Gondia India

Level 5.. Child with rickets, no clues so far, what else?

Features…!Often presenting in early infancy!

Hypocalcemic tetany!!

Improvement with vitamin D therapy and recurrence of symptoms on


Diagnosis !Vitamin D dependent rickets type1

Dr.Sandeep C Agrawal Agrasen Hospital Gondia India


Alopecia with or without any response to any form of vitamin D!

High serum levels of 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D!!

Diagnosis !Vitamin D dependent rickets type2

!1,25(OH)2 vit D level is high in contrast to

VDDR type 1 where it is low.

Dr.Sandeep C Agrawal Agrasen Hospital Gondia India

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