Apr 6 12 Psalms 25 26 34

Post on 11-May-2015

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Our little Church is using a Chronological Bible Reading Schedule by Skip Andrews. It can be found here: http://www.churchofchristduluthga.org/ Each Sunday a lesson is given from some of that week's reading. This lesson covers Apr. 6-12.



Here’s a quick review of this weeks reading.

David kills the Philistine hero Goliath.


As a result King Saul takes David in and he does not return to his

father’s house.

Kindred SpiritsKindred Spirits

King Saul’s son, heir to the throne, Jonathan

becomes close friends with David. They are

bound together in friendship.

Kindred SpiritsKindred SpiritsThe friendship between

Jonathan and David went far beyond personal affinity and

camaraderie. Scripture records that "the soul of

Jonathan was knit to the soul of David", indicating an unusually close bond

between the two men.

Kindred SpiritsKindred SpiritsThis commitment was

formalized with a covenant in which David agreed to show

"kindness" to Jonathan's descendants. When he

became king, David followed through on this promise by honoring Jonathan's son,


Kindred SpiritsKindred Spirits

For his part, Jonathan showed amazing devotion to David by

thwarting the evil intentions of his father, Saul, on several occasions.

This loyalty was all the more remarkable given the fact that David

was to become king,

Kindred SpiritsKindred Spirits

even though Jonathan would have inherited the throne if God

had not decided otherwise.David and Jonathan took their covenant seriously. Jonathan

remained loyal to David for the rest of his life,

Kindred SpiritsKindred Spirits

and after David came into power he intentionally sought out a

descendant of Jonathan in order to fulfill his agreement. David's

faithfulness showed much about his character—and even saved

a man's life. (Word in Life notes)

King Saul’s Attempts on DavidKing Saul’s Attempts on David

Wouldn’t you know women cause a riff between King Saul and David when they

sing, "Saul has struck down his thousands, but David his tens of thousands."

King Saul’s Attempts on DavidKing Saul’s Attempts on David

This made Saul very angry. The next day an evil spirit

from God rushed upon Saul and he prophesied within his house. Now David was playing the lyre that day.

King Saul’s Attempts on DavidKing Saul’s Attempts on David

There was a spear in Saul's hand, and Saul threw the spear, thinking, "I'll nail David to the wall!" But

David escaped from him on two different occasions.

King Saul’s Attempts on DavidKing Saul’s Attempts on David

So Saul feared David, because the Lord was with him but had departed from Saul. Saul removed David

from his presence and made him a commanding officer.

King Saul’s Attempts on DavidKing Saul’s Attempts on David

David led the army out to battle and back. Now

David acted wisely in all he did, for the Lord was with him. Then Saul said

to David, "Here's my oldest daughter, Merab.

King Saul’s Attempts on DavidKing Saul’s Attempts on David

I want to give her to you in marriage. Only be a

brave warrior for me and fight the battles of the

Lord." For Saul thought,

King Saul’s Attempts on DavidKing Saul’s Attempts on David

"There's no need for me to raise my hand against

him. Let it be the hand of the Philistines!"

King Saul’s Attempts on DavidKing Saul’s Attempts on David

It ends up Merab is given to another man. Now

Michal, Saul's daughter, loved David. When they told Saul about this, it

pleased him.

King Saul’s Attempts on DavidKing Saul’s Attempts on David

David thought himself too lowly to become the Kings

son in-law. So King Saul & David come to an

agreement that David could pay the price of a hundred

Philistine foreskins.

King Saul’s Attempts on DavidKing Saul’s Attempts on DavidAgain King Saul thought he could get the Philistines to kill

David for him. But is doesn’t work. David

doubles it and brings the King two hundred Philistine

foreskins and Michal becomes his wife.

King Saul’s Attempts on DavidKing Saul’s Attempts on DavidThis is how it was to be between King Saul and David. King Saul would

always be attempting to kill David. Two of King Saul’s

children, Jonathan and Michal aid David in escaping their father.

King Saul’s Attempts on DavidKing Saul’s Attempts on David

David escapes the evil plan of Saul. Note the great

difference between Saul (who said that God

was on his side) and David (who sought the

word of the Lord!).

Psalm 25Psalm 25 By DavidBy David

Mathew Henry’s Concise Commentary divides Psalm 25

in to three sections.1. Confidence in prayer 2. Prayer for remission of

sin 3. For help in affliction

Confidence in PrayerConfidence in Prayer

Psalms 25:1 NETO LORD, I come before you in prayer. 2 My God, I trust in you.

Please do not let me be humiliated; do not let my

enemies triumphantly rejoice over me!

Confidence in Confidence in PPrayerrayer

3 Certainly none who rely on you will be

humiliated.Those who deal in treachery will be

thwarted and humiliated.

Confidence in Confidence in PPrayerrayer

4 Make me understand your ways, O LORD!

Teach me your paths! 5 Guide me into your truth

and teach me.For you are the God who

delivers me;

Confidence in Confidence in PPrayerrayer

on you I rely all day long. 6 Remember your

compassionate and faithful deeds, O LORD,

for you have always acted in this manner.

Confidence in Confidence in PPrayerrayer

7 Do not hold against me the sins of my youth or

my rebellious acts!Because you are faithful to me, extend to me your

favor, O LORD!

Prayer For Remission of Sins Prayer For Remission of Sins

8 The LORD is both kind and fair; that is why he teaches sinners the right

way to live. 9 May he show the humble what is right! May he teach the

humble his way!

Prayer For Remission of SinsPrayer For Remission of Sins

10 The LORD always proves faithful and

reliable to those who follow the demands of his


Prayer For Remission of SinsPrayer For Remission of Sins

11 For the sake of your reputation, O LORD,

forgive my sin, because it is great.

Prayer For Remission of SinsPrayer For Remission of Sins

12 The LORD shows his faithful followers the way they should live. 13 They experience his favor;

their descendants inherit the land.

Prayer For Remission of SinsPrayer For Remission of Sins

14 The LORD's loyal followers receive his

guidance, and he reveals his covenantal demands

to them.

For Help in AfflictionFor Help in Affliction

15 I continually look to the LORD for help,

for he will free my feet from the enemy's net.

For Help in AfflictionFor Help in Affliction

16 Turn toward me and have mercy on me, for I

am alone and oppressed! 17 Deliver me from my

distress; rescue me from my suffering!

For Help in AfflictionFor Help in Affliction

18 See my pain and suffering! Forgive all my

sins! 19 Watch my enemies, for they

outnumber me; they hate me and want to harm me.

For Help in AfflictionFor Help in Affliction

20 Protect me and deliver me! Please do not let

me be humiliated, for I have taken shelter in


For Help in AfflictionFor Help in Affliction

21 May integrity and godliness protect me,for I rely on you! 22 O

God, rescue Israel from all their distress!

Psalm 26 By David Psalm 26 By David

The title affirms this to be a psalm of David, and there is

no reason to doubt the correctness of the

superscription; but there are no indications by which we

can determine on what occasion it was written.

Psalm 26 By David Psalm 26 By David

It is not difficult, however, to ascertain from its contents the state of mind in which it was

composed; and as that state of mind is not uncommon among those who are the professed

people of God, the psalm will be useful in all ages of the world.

Psalm 26 By David Psalm 26 By David

The state of mind is that in which there is deep solicitude in regard

to personal piety, or on the question whether the evidences of

our piety, are genuine, and are such as we may rely on as

warranting our hope of salvation.

Psalm 26 By David Psalm 26 By David

In this state of mind, and under this deep solicitude, the psalmist

appeals to God to search him, or to judge in his case; he then

recounts the evidences on which he relied as a ground for

concluding that he was truly a friend of God;

Psalm 26 By David Psalm 26 By David

and then expresses the earliest desire of his heart to be found among the friends of God, and not to be united in character or

in destiny with the wicked.The psalm, therefore, properly

consists of three parts:

Psalm 26 By DavidPsalm 26 By David

I. A solemn appeal to God, or an earnest prayer that He

would examine and judge of the evidences of piety on which the psalmist was

accustomed to rely.

Psalm 26 By DavidPsalm 26 By David

He was conscious of integrity or uprightness of intention, but he still

felt that there was a possibility that he might deceive himself, and he, therefore, prays that God would

search his heart and try his reins - that He would examine the evidences

of his personal piety, and save him from delusion.

Psalm 26 By DavidPsalm 26 By David

Psalms 26:1 NET Vindicate me, O LORD, for I have

integrity, and I trust in the LORD

without wavering.

Psalm 26 By DavidPsalm 26 By David

2 Examine me, O LORD, and test me!

Evaluate my inner thoughts and motives!

Psalm 26 By DavidPsalm 26 By David

II. A statement of the evidences on which he relied. These

evidences were the following:(1) That God’s loving-kindness

was before his eyes, and that he had walked in his truth.

Psalm 26 By DavidPsalm 26 By David

3 For I am ever aware of your faithfulness, and your loyalty

continually motivates me.

Psalm 26 By DavidPsalm 26 By David

(2) That he had not been the companion of the wicked, nor had he delighted to associate

with them.4 I do not associate with deceitful

men, or consort with those who are dishonest.

Psalm 26 By DavidPsalm 26 By David5 I hate the mob of evil men, and do

not associate with the wicked. (3) The desire of his heart to approach the altar of God with

purity, and to celebrate the praises of God; or his delight in

public worship

Psalm 26 By DavidPsalm 26 By David

6 I maintain a pure lifestyle, so I can appear

before your altar, O LORD, 7 to give you

thanks, and to tell about all your amazing deeds.

Psalm 26 By DavidPsalm 26 By David

(4) That he had loved the place where God dwelt, or the habitation of his house,

8 O LORD, I love the temple where you live, the place where your

splendor is revealed.

Psalm 26 By DavidPsalm 26 By David

III. His earnest wish to be found among the friends of God, or to have his portion

with them.9 Do not sweep me away with

sinners, or execute me along with violent people,

Psalm 26 By DavidPsalm 26 By David

10 who are always ready to do wrong or offer a

bribe. 11 But I have integrity! Rescue me

and have mercy on me!

Psalm 26 By DavidPsalm 26 By David

In reference to all this, he asks the guidance and direction of

God; he prays for the searching of His eye; he pleads that God would enable him sincerely to carry out these desires and

purposes of his soul.

Psalm 26 By DavidPsalm 26 By David

The psalm is a beautiful illustration of the nature of true religion, and of the desire of a

truly pious man that all the evidences of his piety - all

which is his ground of reliance - may be submitted to the

searching eye of God. (Barnes)

Psalm 34 By DavidPsalm 34 By David

Written by David, when he pretended to be insane

before Abimelech, causing the king to send

him away.

Psalm 34 By DavidPsalm 34 By David

Mathew Henry’s Concise Commentary divides Psalm

34 in to two sections.1. David praises God, and

encourages to trust him2. He exhorts to fear

Psalm 34 By DavidPsalm 34 By David

Psalms 34:1 NET I will praise the LORD at all times; my

mouth will continually praise him. 2 I will boast in

the LORD; let the oppressed hear and rejoice!

Psalm 34 By DavidPsalm 34 By David

3 Magnify the LORD with me! Let's praise his name

together! 4 I sought the LORD's help and he

answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.

Psalm 34 By DavidPsalm 34 By David

5 Those who look to him for help are happy; their faces

are not ashamed. 6 This oppressed man cried out and the LORD heard; he

saved him from all his troubles.

Psalm 34 By DavidPsalm 34 By David

7 The LORD's angel camps around the LORD's loyal

followers and delivers them. 8 Taste and see that the LORD is good! How blessed is the one who takes shelter in him!

Psalm 34 By DavidPsalm 34 By David

9 Remain loyal to the LORD, you chosen

people of his, for his loyal followers lack


Psalm 34 By DavidPsalm 34 By David

10 Even young lions sometimes lack food and

are hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack

no good thing.

He Exhorts to FearHe Exhorts to Fear

11 Come children! Listen to me! I will teach you what it means to fear the LORD. 12 Do you want to really live?

Would you love to live a long, happy life?

He Exhorts to FearHe Exhorts to Fear

13 Then make sure you don't speak evil words or use deceptive speech! 14 Turn away from evil and do what is right! Strive

for peace and promote it!

He Exhorts to FearHe Exhorts to Fear

15 The LORD pays attention to the godly and hears their

cry for help. 16 But the LORD opposes evildoersand wipes out all memory of them from the earth.

He Exhorts to FearHe Exhorts to Fear

17 The godly cry out and the LORD hears; he saves

them from all their troubles. 18 The LORD is near the

brokenhearted; he delivers those who are discouraged.

He Exhorts to FearHe Exhorts to Fear

19 The godly face many dangers, but the LORD

saves them from each one of them. 20 He protects all

his bones; not one of them is broken.

He Exhorts to FearHe Exhorts to Fear

21 Evil people self-destruct; those who hate the godly

are punished. 22 The LORD rescues his servants; all

who take shelter in him escape punishment.

Where Do We Stand?Where Do We Stand?

Are we like Saul, (who said that God was on his side) or like David (who sought the word of the


Where Do We Stand?Where Do We Stand?

Are we able to truthfully and whole heartedly

recite the Psalms we’ve read today. Are we truly

listed among the “Friends of God?”

Where Do We Stand?Where Do We Stand?

What in our lives needs to change so we can

rightfully call ourselves “Friends of God” and not associates of the wicked?