April 18 2013 the Grip

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  • 7/28/2019 April 18 2013 the Grip


    Gri Housig Author-ity (GHA) Chie Ex-ecutive Ocer Bob Dull re-cetly addressed the stateo the Housig Authoritybeore umerous local o-cials icludig members othe city ad couty Boardso Commissioers, the Gri--Spaldig Couty Board

    o Educatio, City MaagerKey Smith, Couty Ma-ager William Wilso, theGri Police Departmet,the Spaldig Couty Sher-is Oce, Gri Fire-Res-cue, the Spaldig CoutyFire Departmet ad theSpaldig Collaborative,amog others.

    The comprehesive pre-setatio was desiged toprovide local ocials with

    iormatio pertaiig tothe rapidly chagig prog-ress o the GHA.

    Accordig to Dull, theGHA maitais strogacial ootig ad ispoised to experiece sig-icat chages i thecomig moths ad yearsthat he believes will be-et ot oly the residetswho receive housig assis-tace, but the commuity

    as a whole.I youre 50-years-old

    ad dot ow your owhome or have a ice estegg, youll probably edup o our waitig list atsome poit i the uture,Dull said, describig thekey role he believes pub-lic housig will play i theuture, particularly as the

    Eula Reddig received The Bai Proctor Award or Vol-

    uteerism at the Spaldig Couty Commissioer'smeetig o Moday, April 15.

    Accordig to the proclamatio, Reddig was selectedbecause she "exemplies ot oly the spirit o the BaiProctor Award but lives it every day."

    "Her tireless commitmet to the less ortuate i Grihas trasormed lives i the truest sese o the word. Sheis a aithul, oble ad humble humaitaria ad everseeks, or seldom receives persoal recogitio or hertime ad eort. Her aith i a idividuals potetial isgraceully give ad received without reservatio regard-

    At 17, Lysey Williamswas a typical tee,

    axious to begi her lie.She had recetly bee ac-cepted to her dream col-lege ad received severalscholarships. Full o hopead aticipatio or the liethat lay ahead o her, shewas excited to begi heral year at Spaldig High.However, three weeks be-ore the school year be-ga, those plas came to ascreechig halt. Lysey dis-covered she was pregat.

    Like so may others acedwith this situatio, she im-mediately bega to de-spair, seeig the hopes addreams she had worked so

    hard or literally vaishedbeore her eyes. It wastutil Gia Fickle sat dowat her luch table that sherealized there may be lightat the ed o the tuel.

    Lysey kew Ficklerom sports ad YougLie, a Christia youth or-gaizatio i Gri. Whatshe didt kow was theimpact o the coversatiothey were about to have.Fickle ivited Lysey tobe a part o YougLives, abrach o Youg Lie espe-cially or teeage mothers.

    This program oers teemoms relie rom the isola-tio ad struggle o theirdaily lives ad hope or theuture. YougLives me-tors provide riedship,paretig advice ad help

    meetig the practical de-mads o raisig a child. AtYougLives club ad camp,

    moms get to socialize adhave u while their babiesare cared or by local volu-

    teers.Lysey jumped at the

    chace to iteract withtees that uderstood adlived what she was experi-ecig. Alog with aroud15 other teeage moth-ers, she atteded mothlymeetigs. Durig thesesessios, Fickle also me-tored the girls ad ecour-aged them to chase theirdreams. Gia, my metor,ot oly told me about Je-sus ad His orgivig love,but also lived it out. I kewsomeday I wated to be ametor to a girl who elt

    hopeless, ad show her thehope ad love that Giashowed me.

    As the curret Youg-Lives coordiator, she ow

    www.the-grip.net ::: ree

    CONTACT USJessica W. Gregory, Publisher

    jessica@the-grip.netDisplay advertising:sheila@the-grip.net770-713-5839

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    THE GRIP770-229-3559

    PO Box 2251, Grin GA 30224

    APRIL 19 - MAY 2, 2013 VOL. 03 NO. 8



    Is that frozen mealreally "healthy"?

    Find out how to tellfor sure. p.5

    Five officials respondto your question

    regarding progressmade on plans &

    studiesp. 10-11

    COnT, VOLUNTEER, P. 11


    All artists needed

    for the first ever"Off the Wall" pleinair art competition

    p. 7


    KAY BRUMBELOW :::Features writer


    Two fullpages on local

    educationissues - budgetconcerns, howCommon Core

    standards effectslocal education,

    and a new

    option forstudents - virtualschooling.p. 2-3

    COnT, HOUSING, P. 11

    COnT, yOUNGLIVES, P. 9

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    Game Changer: Mentoring teen mothers through YoungLives

    A successul night or the inaugural Dovedown Art and Music show on April 12: Nine artists showed theirwork; three art pieces sold that night; over 200 people showed up to view the art, listen to music andsupport the event; and nearly $800 was raised or a Journey Church missions trip to Jamaica. For morephotos rom the evening, visit The Grip's Facebook page at www.acebook.com/thegripnews.

    The Gri Police De-partmet is utilizigmoder techology tooer residets a uiquetwist o the neighborhoodWatch program throughE-Watch, which will allowocers to commuicatewith participats via e-mail

    rather tha the traditioal

    occasioal meetigs.Accordig to Capt.

    Dwaye Joes, this willcapitalize o eighborsproximity to oe aotherad techology to share i-ormatio.

    The advatages o E-Watch are that people wholive i the city ca owsed ad receive e-mailsrelated to their eighbor-

    E-Watch provides residentswith new protection option

    State o the Housing Authoritypresented to local ocials

    Redding receives Volunteerism Award

    Spalding County Parks and RecDirector Louis Greene, Bain ProctorAward recipient Eula Redding,and county commissioner GwenFlowers-Taylor.

    Lynsey with a group o girls in the Young Lives program, which helpsteen mothers deal with the impact motherhood has on their lives.

    COnT, E-WATCH, P. 11

    SHEILA A. MARSHALL :::Editor; sheila@the-grip.net

    SHEILA A. MARSHALL :::Editor; sheila@the-grip.net

  • 7/28/2019 April 18 2013 the Grip




    SHEILA A. MARSHALL :::Editor; sheila@the-grip.net

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    Due to cotiued austerityreductios rom the stateo Georgia, ocials o the Gri--Spaldig Couty School Sys-tem are acig loomig budgetwoes as more tha $7 millio

    aually is ot beig receivedrom state coers while mada-tory spedig is slated to sigi-catly icrease.

    Accordig to Director o Ac-coutig Rya McLemore, bud-getary decisios made over thepast several years have posi-tioed the system well or theext two to three years, but be-yod that, dicult challegesmust be addressed.

    Were right i the middle oour budget process or 2014.Its gettig better, but weve stillgot a lot o decisios to makegoig ito ext year, he said.Were lookig to restore all theurlough days, but we have away to go.

    McLemore said local ocialsreceived iormatio regardigstate udig late last week adare ow evaluatig various op-tios.State udig remais almostexactly the same as the prioryear, so were just tryig to putit all together. We kow wehave some icreased costs withhealth isurace, but were try-ig to put it all together ad seewhere the board wats to go,he said.State udig or public educa-

    tio is madated i the GeorgiaCostitutio, but sice 2003, alarge amout has ot bee pro-vided to the local school system.For scal year 2013, the uud-ed total reached $7,424,660,but over the past decade totalsroughly $40 millio.

    I they (state ocials) cat a-ord it, they just subtract it romthe bottom lie, he said. Thebiggest uuded madate isprovidig meetig the require-mets o QBE (Quality BasicEducatio) with a uudedormula i the law.

    Oe direct aect this udig re-ductio has orced is a icreasei the school millage rate, which

    ow stads at 19.47, oly .53mills uder the state cap.Theres a direct correlatio be-

    twee austerity reductios admillage rate icreases. All theausterity cuts are doig is takigaway state udig ad puttigthe burde o local taxpayers,he said. Weve tried to actorthat i over the past years, butwe basically have owhere togo whe it comes to propertytaxes.

    This leaves local admiistratorswith very limited optios. Oe isto decrease expeditures, whichMcLemore said has bee doepretty extesively over thepast two years icludig a re-ductio o 230 employees sicethe 2008-09 school term adthe secod optio is to icrease

    local udig.Theres ot really much o a

    optio movig orward, he said.Weve tried to prevet drasticchages rom oe year to theext, but a lot o that comesrom the state each year, too.

    Although state udig or s-

    cal year 2013 remais virtuallyuchaged compared to 2012amouts, McLemore said the

    state has otied them o i-creases i the costs o employeehealth isurace.

    For certied employees, owhich there are 805, the i-crease has ot bee alized,but will be up to eight percet,ad or classied employees,totalig 650, the icrease hasbee set at 33.6 percet overlast year.

    Thats tricky because you getthe same amout o moey,but theyve got cost escalatiosbuilt ito what we have to do,he explaied.

    It is ow estimated that the i-creased health beet costs tothe system will come i at $1.2millio or 2014. I additio, hesaid the state has otied localocials that the 33.6 percet i-

    crease or classied employeeswill be applied to 2015.

    Theyve basically already toldus what the icrease will be sothat we ca prepare, he said.Weve put ourselves i a posi-tio where we should be okaythrough 2015, but beyod that,somethig is goig to have togive.

    As a example o how this willimpact the system, McLemoresaid that oce the 2015 i-creases take eect, the nutritioDepartmet, which is ow sel-sustaiig, will be orced to pulludig rom the geeral ud,which uds operatios or theschool system.

    Moey or Quality Basic Edu-catio will go there because itcat sustai the isurace i-creases, he said. By scal year2015, the systems portio othe cost o isurace will be at90 percet or more o the utri-tio employees salaries.

    He said admiistrators areevaluatig optios with regard

    to the state health care pla,which is madatory or certiedemployees, but ot classiedsta.Were lookig at optios be-cause it is a usustaiable rateor classied employees. We justhave to uderstad the reper-cussios because oce we optout o it, we cat ever go backito it, McLemore said.

    Right: The Griin-SpaldingCounty School System has re-duced its roster by 230 personnelsince the 2008-09 school term.When comparing local numberswith those o neighboring schoolsystems, the igures indicateSpalding County operates withsimilar employee numbers with acomparable pay scale.

    State of Georgia AusterityReduction in 2013 alone:$7,424,660State of Georgia AusterityReduction Since 2003:$40,000,000

    The Gri-Spaldig Couty SchoolSystem, alog with every other systemthroughout the state o Georgia, ow ol-lows the madated stadards establishedby Commo Core, the ederal educatio ii-tiative that schools ow have to ollow i or-der to receive ederal waivers rom the 2002no Child Let Behid law.

    Accordig to the Commo Core website,teachers, parets ad commuity leaders allhelped i the developmet o the Commo

    Core State Stadards, ad these stadardshelp teachers kow exactly what to teachad whe while also creatig clear bech-marks or studets to reach or each grade.

    "The stadards clearly commuicate whatis expected o studets at each grade level,"the website reads. "This will allow our teach-ers to be better equipped to kow exactlywhat they eed to help studets lear adestablish idividualized bechmarks orthem. The Commo Core State Stadardsocus o core coceptual uderstadigsad procedures startig i the early grades,

    thus eablig teachers to take the timeeeded to teach core cocepts ad proce-dures wellad to give studets the op-portuity to master them." (www.coresta-dards.org/the-stadards)

    not without cotroversy, Commo Corehas bee met with criticism by some whosay the ederal govermet should ot co-cer itsel with local issues such as academicstadards, ad woder whether the exactsame stadards should be levied upo stu-dets atiowide.

    Common Core Standards provide consistency and exibility says GSCSSHEILA A. MARSHALL :::Editor; sheila@the-grip.net

    School system faces more than $7 million in state austerity cutsSTAFF RATIOS AND SALARY


    SPALDING COUNT Y10,242 students

    Teacher/Administrator Ratio 12:1Teacher/Support Ratio 9:1Teacher/Sta Ratio 5:1

    Student Enrollment/All Teachers 14:1AVERAGE SALARIES:

    Administrators $84,510.95Support Personnel $57,674.82

    PK-12 Teachers $49,328.81

    PIKE COUNTY3,437 students

    Teacher/Administrator Ratio 17:1Teacher/Support Person Ratio 13:1

    Teacher/Sta Ratio 7:1Student Enrollment/All Teachers 16:1

    AVERAGE SALARIES:Administrators $82,416.83

    Support Personnel $58,149.48PK-12 Teachers $50,910.60

    HENRY COUNTY40,695 students

    Teacher/Administrator Ratio 16:1Teacher/Support Person Ratio 9:1

    Teacher/Sta Ratio 6:1Student Enrollment/All Teachers 16:1

    AVERAGE SALARIES:Administrators $88,835.61

    Support Personnel $61,282.26PK-12 Teachers $61,282.26


    4,495 studentsTeacher/Administrator Ratio 13:1Teacher/Support Person Ratio 9:1

    Teacher/Sta Ratio 5:1Student Enrollment/All Teachers 15:1


    Administrators $86,331.12Support Personnel $58,915.68PK-12 Teachers $52,802.76

    LAMAR COUNTY2,449 students

    Teacher/Administrator Ratio 11:1Teacher/Support Person Ratio 10:1

    Teacher/Sta Ratio 5:1Student Enrollment/All Teachers 16:1

    AVERAGE SALARIES:Administrators $87,058.89

    Support Personnel $59,703.08PK-12 Teachers $51,470.80

    Source: Georgia Department o Educationor the 2010-11 school year, which is the

    most recent data available.

  • 7/28/2019 April 18 2013 the Grip


    Ocials o the Gri-Spaldig Couty School Systemsay Commo Core is beecial to studets without remov-ig all local cotrol.

    Accordig to Director o PreK-12 Curriculum ad Istruc-tio Ashley Craword, as recipiets o ederal moies u-der Race to the Top a $4 billio grat program distrib-uted as part o the America Recovery ad ReivestmetAct o 2009 Spaldig Couty was oe o the rst coutiesi Georgia to adopt the Commo Core stadards.

    We decided we wated to be o the orerot. We watto shape what this looks like i Georgia, Craword said.

    A Commo Core propoet, she said the policy will be-et studets by establishig icreased cosistecy atio-wide.Childre who move state-to-state should ow have a lotmore cotiuity ad eve studets who move withi thestate, she said.

    However, she said this does ot traslate to a system ooverbearig ederal cotrol o curriculum.

    There were some requiremets, but there is also somefexibility. The stadards are established, but we have thefexibility with what materials we wat to use to teachthose stadards, she said. Teachers still have the reedomto get to kow their studets ad determie the best pathor them to meet or exceed the stadards.

    Thereore, the decisio makig process with regard totextbooks, sotware ad teachig materials remais withiSpaldig Couty.

    Assistat Superitedet or Istructio Deise Burrellexplaied, There are the stadards ad elemets youmust cover, but we ca choose how we achieve that.



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    Never beore haveamilies had as mayeducatioal optios as areavailable today. From pub-lic ad private schools tohomeschools ad virtualclassrooms, parets maychoose the educatioalsettig they deem bestsuited or their childre.

    Despite these optios,parets may still eel asi the ideal educatio ortheir childre remais elu-sive.

    Laure Flaaga, themother o two daughters oe o whom is still e-rolled i the Gri-Spald-ig Couty School Sys-tem, is a prime example ooe or whom the perectchoice is ot so readily ap-paret.Although her childre haveboth bee public schoolstudets, she ad her hus-

    bad, Pat, are ow cosid-erig homeschoolig.I was homeschooled or

    my al semester o 11thgrade, she said, explai-ig that health issues ledto that decisio. I waslucky that my mom kid olooked outside the box othat. My mom let me studythe way I studied.

    She retured to publicschool or her seior year,graduatig o time withher class.

    My mom gave me theopportuity to do that adget caught up, so whatsstoppig me rom thik-ig outside the box whe

    it comes to my daughters

    educatio? she said. Wehave a lot more optiosow.

    However, despite the op-tios ow available, Flaa-ga said they have ot yetoud the perect choice.

    Oe huge drawback isthe iability to participatei sports, she said. I wekew that was availablead she maitaied hergrades with a virtual acad-emy, it would be a doedeal or us. We would watto see i it was a good t orher.

    As it ow stads, how-ever, the Flaagas areudecided with regard towhether she will cotiueher educatioal career ithe local school system orat home, but they do co-sider a virtual olie class-room as a viable optio ortheir daughter.Weve decided that, obvi-

    ously, with a limited um-ber o studets theyll ac-cept each year, we wouldeed to decide soo, shesaid. Well have some moreamily meetigs, as well aswith her school couselor,to see what they ca o-er her that might makeher eel more comortableabout stayig i school.

    While each choice hasits beets, a virtual class-room oers some that havegreat appeal or the Flaa-ga amily, such as a greatdeal o fexibility or theeducatioal process.

    My daughter likes to dothigs; she likes to be ac-tive. Its challegig or herto sit through seve classesa day, she said. Ive always

    Schooling options helps parents choose what best suits children

    Spaldig Couty parets will soo have a ew educa-tioal optio or their childre with the iaugural yearo the Gri-Spaldig Couty School Systems Virtual Pub-lic School, set to kick o with the 2013-14 school term.

    The program will allow studets rom kidergartethrough 12th grade to take both their core curriculumcourse work ad electives olie.

    Accordig to Assistat Superitedet or IstructioDeise Burrell, the goal is to eroll 100 studets i the pro-gram.

    Amog the studets the Virtual Public School programmay appeal to are those curretly homeschoolig.

    Were lookig or studets who are ot i our school sys-tem ow, she said. Youll have a accredited curriculumad well be providig this at o cost to the studet.

    Oe sigicat beet o the program is the receipt o adiploma rom a accredited school system.

    I I were homeschoolig, this would be a excellet op-portuity, Burrell said.

    Virtual Public School studets will be required to success-ully complete all madatory core curriculum, as well aselectives. Required courses will meet all state ad ederalguidelies just as i traditioal schools, but Virtual PublicSchool studets will have greater optios available thado their traditioal couterparts.

    You also get a lot o electives that we dot oer here,but they do meet Departmet o Educatio stadards, shesaid.The icreased umber o optios is based o the oerigs

    o K12 Solutios, which will provide the virtual classroomad teachers or the local school system.

    Burrell said K12 Solutios provides a list o all avail-

    able courses, ad all madatory core curriculum, such asEglish/Laguage Arts, Math, Sciece ad History are, ocourse, available. Amog the beets will be greater op-tios i selectig electives such as oreig laguages, withMadari Chiese, Frech ad Japaese amog K12 Solu-tios oerigs. Traditioal studets, o the other had,are limited to what is oered by their idividual school,which is determied by studet iterest ad teacher cer-ticatio.

    Burrell said Virtual Public School costs will be determiedby the umber o studets erolled, their grade level adthe type o coursework take.

    Elemetary school courses will cost $325 each, with stu-dets takig six each or both the rst ad secod schoolterm semesters, while stadard middle ad high coursescost $299 ad advaced placemet courses are $320.

    All Virtual Public School studets will be subject to statemadated stadardized testig, which will also be provid-ed by the school system.

    Aother uique aspect o the Virtual Public School is thatK12 Solutios is ully accredited by AdvacEd, the sameorgaizatio that awards accreditatio to the school sys-tem. Thus, upo the successul completio o their highschool studies ad the passage o Ed o Course Testig,studets will receive a diploma rom a accredited schoolsystem, just as i they had atteded school traditioally.

    Burrell said school persoel are ow workig to deter-miig the studet selectio method.

    There will be a iterview process. We wat to makesure they are a good t or a virtual eviromet. You do alot o work o your ow, she said. The ideal cadidate isgoig to be the studet whos sel-disciplied, task oriet-ed, orgaized ad whose learig eviromet doesthave to be a brick-ad-mortar school.

    Virtual Public School allows parents to combine home and public schoolSHEILA A. MARSHALL ::: Editor,sheila@the-grip.net

    SHEILA A. MARSHALL :::Editor; sheila@the-grip.net

    elt that i she could workat her ow schedule ad ather ow pace, that was orthe best.

    For the Flaagas, the -al decisio will be basedupo which choice bestsuits their daughtersuique persoality adeeds.

    Everyoe has dieretlearig styles. Whe youdo olie schoolig orhomeschoolig, you ca

    test out dieret stylesad see what works bestor your child, she said.For somethig that mayhelp our daughter getwhere she wats to go ithe uture, its worth co-siderig the optios.

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  • 7/28/2019 April 18 2013 the Grip


    Sometimes i private practice oe goesor quite a while without seeig certaicoditios, but the the ext ve patietswho come i seem to have it. It seems likea uadvertised blue-light special.

    Ater a log dry spell, I have see aresurgece o shigles recetly. It is a verypaiul coditio caused by a viral iectio

    i a erve. Veteras o this problem will tellyou that there is much suerig ivolved,but our patiets have a very dieret storyto tell, as I will describe i a ew paragraphs.

    I you have ever had chickepox (98%o Americas have had it as a child), thevaricella-zoster virus that causes shiglesis hidig i you somewhere. The virus is aopportuist that waits util your immuesystem is compromised. Usually thishappes i older adults whose immuesystems are iheretly less eciet relatedto age, but it ca happe i youger peopleas well whe their immue systems arecompromised by drugs they may be takig,such as prescribed or o-prescribedsteroids, or by other coditios, such ascacer.

    There is a characteristic rash that ollowsthe erve that the virus iects, so you

    ca track the rash o the ski. Early i theiectio, there will be sores (pustules)visible. At this stage it is cotagious, sosomeoe who comes i cotact with youat this stage may develop chickepox. It isadvisable whe you have these ope soresto stay away rom people at risk, such asewbors, childre, seiors, ad ayoewho has ot had chickepox.

    There is o good or quick pharmacologicaltreatmet that cures shigles. There areativiral drugs that are prescribed, but thecoditio will last rom two to our weeksas it rus its course. Patiets use topicalaesthetics, ice packs, or eve steroidsor osteroidal ati-ifammatory drugs(nSAIDS) to drive dow the ifammatio.

    There is a ew live virus bovie vaccieor people over 60 years o age. Sideeects iclude allergic reactios, pai,

    ever, swellig, fu-like symptoms, diarrhea,ausea, vomitig, ad atigue, amogothers. A quick look at that list makes mepreer to take my chaces with the virusitsel.

    As I metioed above, our patiets havea dieret story. Typically, we ca take thepai o shigles away withi a ew miutes,ad remove the ski lesios withi a ewdays. Our patiets are ecstatic to d reliequickly with somethig that has o sideeects, is pailess, iexpesive, ast-actig,ad easy.

    I am usig low level laser therapy (LLLT) o

    shigles with great success. This is iraredlight that creates o heat, thus o risk oburig. Usig our dieret wavelegthso irared light i a sigle treatmet, weare able to stimulate the aected erve adsurroudig tissues i a way that icreasesprotei sythesis ad eergy productioi the cells, which greatly accelerates thehealig process. numerous studies haveshow a rapid ad dramatic improvemeti shigles ad postherpetic euralgia withthe use o LLLT.

    The rst patiet o whom we used LLLTwas a severe diabetic with heart disease,so her immue system was sigicatlydepressed. Her iectio was about twomoths old by the time she came to myattetio. Her pai was goe withi 20miutes, ad the mottled trail o the skiwas goe withi two days.

    Aother patiet we saw recetly hadabout a ve week head start beore webega treatmet. Because the iectiowas i a thoracic erve, trailig rom herspie uder her arm to her chest, she wasuable to wear a bra or ay shirt or blousethat would touch her ski. Ater our lasertreatmets, she was able to get dressedad retur to work without ay pai at all.

    Treatmet is usually doe i a series. Soar, I have ot eeded more tha ve or sixlaser treatmets lastig 20 or 30 miutes

    per sessio. I have bee very happywith the results, as it is close to a idealtreatmet: iexpesive, readily available,o side eects, sae, eective, ad pailess.

    Shigles ca be very paiul, rustratigad dicult to cotrol usig medicaltreatmets ow available, but LLLT worksquite well. I hope this sheds some light othe problem.

    For this and more articles concerninghealth and healthcare, please visit www.IrisCityChiro.com.

    Its ot so easy beig acollege kid these days.The job market or recetgraduates has bee shakywhile, at the same time,studets are leavig schoolwith more debt tha everbeore. I you have childrewho will someday beattedig college, shouldyou be worried?

    You might ideedhave cause or cocer.Americas ow owe moreo studet loas tha ocredit cards, accordig tothe Federal Bak o newYork, the U.S. Departmeto Educatio ad othersources. For the collegeclass o 2011, the mostrecet year or which guresare available, the averagestudet loa debt wasabout $26,500, accordig

    to the Istitute or CollegeAccess ad Successs Projecto Studet Debt.

    This type o debt load,coupled with the strugglesto d a well-payig jobcommesurate with theireducatio, is causig mayrecet graduates to get oo the wrog oot i termso developig savigsad ivestmet strategiesthat could help themthroughout their lives.

    So, what ca you do?I you wat to help your

    kids pay or college, youmay wat to cosider a 529pla. Whe you ivest i a529 pla, all withdrawals

    will be ree rom ederalicome taxes, as log asthe moey is used or

    qualied college expeses.(However, o-qualiedwithdrawals may besubject to ordiary icometax plus a 10% pealtyo the earigs portio.)Cotributio limits are high,ad, cotributios may beeligible or a tax deductioor credit or residets i

    certai states.A 529 pla, while valuable,is ot the oly collegesavigs vehicle available.You may also wat tocosider a CoverdellEducatio Savigs Accout,which, like a 529 pla, cageerate tax-ree earigsi the moey is used orhigher educatio expeses.However, a Coverdellaccouts cotributiolimits are much lowertha those o a 529 pla.You could also establish acustodial accout, kowas a UGMA or UTMA, whichoers some tax beetsad o cotributio limits.

    noetheless, while thesevehicles may help you savead ivest or college, theymay also divert resources

    that you might have usedor other acial goals such as a comortableretiremet. O course, itsot a either-or situatio theres othig stoppigyou rom cotributig to a529 pla, Coverdell accoutor custodial accout alogwith your 401(k) ad IRA.

    Clearly, though, it will takedisciplie ad perseveraceo your part to savead ivest or both yourchildres educatio adyour ow retiremet. Likeeveryoe else, you dothave ulimited resources.But you do have aotherally time. The earlieryou begi ivestig oreducatio ad retiremet,the greater your chaceso achievig your goalsi these areas. Ad by

    uderstadig how yourgoals iteract, you ca workto make sure you do'tiadvertetly derail oewhe savig or aother.

    Avoidig the studetloa debt trap while stillmakig progress towardyour retiremet savigs willrequire creative thikig ad both you ad yourchildre may have to makesome sacrices alog theway. But the ultimate goals a college degree thatist oe big IOU ad acomortable retiremet are worth the eort.

    This article was written by Edward Jones

    or use by your local Edward JonesFinancial Advisor.







    The columnists on these pages are local business owners and church leaders. These

    columns reect their opinions, which are not necessarily those o The Grip or Grip sta.

    We welcome responses to these columns, or any Grip article. Please send responses in

    writing as a signed letter to the editor to sheila@the-grip.net or post to PO Box 2251,

    Grin, GA 30224.

    Help your children avoidstudent debt burden

    Shedding light on the shingles

  • 7/28/2019 April 18 2013 the Grip


    I youve ollowed my blog or articles iThe Grip log eough, you are awareo my past wardrobe battles with mydaughter, Aa. I ally decided to stopghtig that oe. Several days ago, I wetclothes shoppig or her. This time, I put

    o Aa Takle glasses. I bought itemsI probably would have ever chose orher mysel. But, I kew she would lovethem. Whe she came home rom school,I showed her the bag. She bega takigthe items rom the bag. At rst she smiledso big. The, I looked ad saw huge tearsstreamig dow her ace.

    You get me. You ally get me. She toldme.

    Ist that what we all wat? For peopleto get us? For the ability to truly be ouruique selves ad be accepted ad loved?Loved ot i spite o it. But, because o it.We are earully ad woderully made. Weare a masterpiece crated by the Creator. Tobe dieret. My ather always says, Thereis uity i diversity. We just have to otoly accept diversity, but embrace it.

    There is great reward or beig who youare. I the Bible, Davids lie was a testimoyto this act. Whe David agreed to go ghtGoliath, he was give heavy armor to wear.

    38Then Saul gave David his own armor - abronze helmet and a coat o mail. 39David putit on, strapped the sword over it, and took astep or two to see what it was like, or he hadnever worn such things beore. I cant go

    in these, he protested to Saul. Im not usedto them. So David took them o again. (1Samuel 17:38-39)

    David had to ght the way he kew. Hehad to be himsel. He picked up ve smoothstoes rom a stream ad put them ito hisshepherds bag. The, armed oly with hisshepherds sta ad slig, he started acrossthe valley to ght the Philistie. (1 Samuel17:40) There was reward or David i beigwho HE was. Ad, he kept Goliaths armoras a keepsake to remid him o it.

    Ralph Waldo Emerso wrote, There isa time i every mas educatio whe hearrives at the covictio that imitatio is

    suicide. This is a covictio that Aa Taklehas come to early. Ad, a covictio that IGET to embrace.

    Be yoursel. Make the decisio to be whoyou are. This world eeds YOU.



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    Whe shoppig or ruitsad vegetables I will alwaystell people, resh is best,but most o us are o abudget, thereore werealways lookig or the bestdeals. I would ever stopecouragig a perso toeat resh, wholesome oods;however, we cat igore

    the act shoppers aregoig to cotiue eatigroze mealswhetheror coveiece, lack oculiary skills, or portiocotrol.

    A roze meal ca be aquick ad viable alterativewhe someoe is short otime or igrediets. Thereare certai words adphrases we should all lookor o the product as sooas we pick it up. Two o therst words we should lookor is whole resh oodsor whole roze ruits orveggies. These productswould be the most available,easier ad healthier o the

    roze meals, which mayhelp with smaller portiosad less processed oods.

    To avoid products thathave more processedigrediets, try to oticehow log the igredietlists is with added sugars,llers, ad additives thatsoud uamiliar. Someother key words to look oro ood packagig are theHeart-Check Mark rom theAmerica Heart Associatio,the Whole Grai Stamp oapproval rom the WholeGrais Coucil, ad the

    ruit/veggie ico rom theProduce or Better HealthFoudatio.

    Whe choosig a overall roze meal or dier,try to make sure it cotaisall the compoets o ahealthul home-cookeddish. For example, look oretres with at least a hal-cup o ruits or vegetables,about oe-hal to oecup o whole grais, ad aprotei source o about 14to 21 grams o the utritiolabel. I you usually eat aroze etre that is lowi ruits ad veggies, theyou ca add a side salad oryour avorite ruit or veggieto serve with it. Also try tolook or ve grams o beror more i your meal. I themeal does ot have milk ordiary, addig a low-at dairysource to help balace the

    roze meal by providigcalcium, such as oe-halcup o skim milk.

    Some shoppers are stilltryig to d meals that areast, with ewer calories, adstill taste great. Select a mealwith 350 to 500 calories.You may be tempted tobuy that meal less tha200 calories per servig,but that barely composesa sack. May low-caloriemeals wot provide asubstatial amout oeergy or the ecessaryvitamis ad mierals yourbody eeds ad youll bemore tempted to idulgei a high-calorie, low-

    utritio ood or beveragelater. I you do buy the low-calorie roze meals withithat caloric rage, be sureto complemet the mealwith vegetables, dairy, ad/or a healthul at such asusalted uts.

    Most roze meals haveadded at or favor ad shellie. Try to limit uhealthulats, by choosig rozeetres with o more thatwo grams o saturated atad o tras at. Rememberthis oe key act; justbecause a label idicates

    zero grams o tras at,this doest mea thereis oe i the product.Food mauacturers arepermitted to state that aproduct has zero grams o

    tras at per servig as logas their product cotaisless tha 0.5 grams perservig. To veriy whetherthe ood does cotai trasat, be sure to read theigrediet list. For example, you see the wordspartially hydrogeated oil,the the product cotaissmall amouts o tras atad is thus would ot bethe best choice. Isteadlook or roze etres thatuse olive oil or caola oilthat will help to get heart-healthy moousaturatedats.

    Oe o the hardest addedigrediets or cosumers

    to watch is the sodium. Thesodium cotet is probablythe worst ad mostexcessive part o oods, evei the healthier brads. Theaverage healthy perso,who does ot have highblood pressure or heartdisease, should cosumeo more tha 2,300 mgo sodium per day (dividethat by three that is 766 mgper meal). Most packagedmeals surpass this, usuallyhavig 1,000 mg perservig or more i maycases. To avoid gettig moresodium tha eeded, readlabels careully ad selectitems that cotai o moretha 600 mg o sodiumper servig. To make theprocess easier, search orproducts claimig lowsodium or o sodiumadded.

    The mai thig toremember whe shoppigis low calorie does ot meathe ood is healthul or lessprocessed. Try to ocus thediet o resh, whole oodsas much as possible evewhe roze.

    Frozen meal foods: Healthy or not?

    Be Yourself.



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  • 7/28/2019 April 18 2013 the Grip


    Like the cold ad rothybeverage you that theiitials "PBR" may brig tomid, I got to chill with oeo the ouders o PearlBottom Radio (PBR) ad

    talk about whats bee go-ig o this bad, which be-ga i Gri i 2007.

    It wast util way lateri the bad that oe o themembers poited out ourabbreviatio was the sameas Pabst Blue Ribbo beer,said Lee White, lead vocal-ist about the exact likeesso the beer ad bad acro-yms. So we sat wishig wehad a cold oe ad talkedmore about the music.

    The ame Pearl BottomRadio cast its origis veryearly i Whites lie. MyGradmother used to havea radio i her house thatsat up o a shel. I could

    ever reach it but the bot-tom would always sparkle.

    The bottom was pearl, Hesays. The radio made its im-pact o White ad he kewthe ame o the bad be-ore it eve started.

    PBR music is true southerrock with a idie coutry

    fare. May people overthe years have said thatthe bad has its very owuique soud, true to them-selves. Some o the badsifueces are the Drive by

    Truckers, the Black Crowes,Blackberry Smoke, ad LedZeppeli with may more.

    The bad played its rstgig (or iormal gatherig orieds) at what is ow theHill Street Market ad Gour-met Pops. The audiece e-

    joyed themselves ad theeedback was positive sothe ext step or the badwas gettig gigs. The rstshow rom the bad wasi a dowtow Gri bar.

    It wast log beore thebad bega playig i sur-roudig areas icludigestivals such Smoke o theWater, ad the Cherr y Blos-som estival i Maco. Atrst we were very loose adgritty ad have progressedto a more smooth ad pol-ished soud, White states.We have really oud our

    ow soud.We wat

    people to beable to hearour lyrics adrelate to them,said White. Imostly dreamthe lyrics, or

    come up withthem i theshower theyaret spe-cically aboutaythig atrst. Its laterthat I realizethe meaigbehid thesogs.

    Recetly hav-ig lost ad re-placed a mem-ber, the badis curretly workig to getback up to speed while alsowritig ew material.

    The goal at this poit isto get ito the studio ad

    record our rst proessioalLP ater three sel recordedalbums, said White. Thebad is also curretly book-ig gigs.

    Expect to see much moreo PBR over the summeras the get ready to uoldthe ext chapter i theirhistory. We really ejoyhearig rom our audiece

    what our music speaks tothem. We really wat it tomake them eel somethig,said White. PBR is workigo gettig ew mercha-disig ad comig up with

    a good bit o ew material.To hear PBR ad check outmore about the bad youca visit www.pearlbot-tomradio.com, d themalso o Facebook ad re-verbatio.com.



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    The Gri Choral Arts com-muity chorus, uder thedirectio o Dr. Stephe J.Mulder, will preset a co-cert etitled Ispired by A-rica o Thursday, May 2, at7:30 PM at the Gordo StateCollege Fie Arts Audito-rium (419 College Drive), i

    Baresville.Tickets are $10 geeraladmissio at the door or iadvace i Gri at Artis-tic Flowers ad Gits ad J.Michaels Frameworks; iBaresville at Goggas Flo-rist; i Zebulo at A novelExperiece bookstore; adi Thomasto at the TUACGallery.Ispired by Arica eatures

    special guest composer PaulBasler rom the Uiversity oFlorida. GCA will perormBaslers MISSA KEnYA ac-compaied by the compos-er o Frech hor.

    This is the al cocert oGCAs sixth seaso ad thetwety-ourth cocert pre-

    seted sice the all o 2007.For more iormatio

    about Gri Choral Arts call770-468-3072 or visit thewebsite: www.gricho-ralarts.org.

    GCA gets"Inspiredby Africa"


    Nature lovers, mark your caledars ora upcomig photography exhibit iZebulo, where members o the Georgianature Photographers Associatio have se-lected their best work to be put o display.

    The GnPA-Cetral show will be held durigthe moth o May at A novel Experiecebookstore i dowtow Zebulo.

    GnPA-Cetral members will be hostiga receptio o Saturday, May 18 rom 6:30p.m. util 8:30 p.m. at the bookstore. Re-reshmets will be served ad the public isivited to atted.

    Members will be available durig the re-ceptio to discuss GnPA, ature photogra-phy ad their persoal photographs.

    GnPA-Cetral is a regioal chapter oGnPA, the largest ature photographyclub i Georgia. GnPA-Cetral meets othe third Tuesday o each moth rom 6:30p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Joel Edwards PublicLibrary located at 7077 U.S. Highway 19 iZebulo.

    GnPA is dedicated to helpig ature

    photographers o all skill levels improvetheir photography by hostig proessioalspeakers, workshops ad photographycompetitios. Members also have a op-portuity to participate i special membershoots.

    I you have a love o ature ad photogra-phy, GnPA-Cetral provides a great oppor-

    tuity to lear i additio to sharig thevalue o the atural world aroud us withothers.

    Accordig to Fracis Hauke, Presideto GnPA-Cetral, We have a very talet-ed group o ature photographers. Eachmember has a uique visio whe theyphotograph ature. Some o the imagesare take i our immediate area while oth-

    ers are rom across the coutry. Our showis a mixture o wildlie, exotic birds, breath-takig ladscapes ad fora. We ivite ev-eryoe to visit the show ad see ature aswe see it.

    Nature Photography Show in Zebulon

    A bull moose in Aspen, one o Jimmy Day'ssubmissions to the exhibit.

    PBR - Southern rock with an indie country flareRYAN ROSS :::Sta writer; ryan@the-grip.net

  • 7/28/2019 April 18 2013 the Grip


    This years Doc Hol-liday Beer ad WieFestival will have a addi-

    tio the arts! Local artists,craters, makers ad vi-tage ware peddlers will lieSixth Street with awesomehadmade items, art, re-purposed juk, ad vitagestu all or sale.

    Artists will also be scat-tered aroud dowtowo Jue 8 rom 2 to 5 p.m.,busily paitig i what willbe the iaugural dowtowGri O the Wall pleiair art cotest, sposoredby stache studio.

    I a timed battle o thebrushes, O the Wall artistswill begi with a blak ca-vas or paper ad completea work o art i just three

    hours.Why O the Wall, you ask?Because art doest have tocomplimet the wall color.Or the soa. Were also kido bedig the rules (arethere rules i art?) aboutwhat a plei air art co-test is all about paitiga scee thats right i roto you while outdoors bywideig the ispiratioscope rom just ladscapesto also iclude (hopeullysome o the wall, kooky)pieces ispired by Doc Hol-liday, mustaches, or beerad wie. Were lookigor amateur as well as sea-soed artists ad art o all

    kids icludig realism,olk, abstract, ad ay mix-ture o the above. Mediumsca iclude oil, acrylic, pas-tel, watercolor aythigthat ca be accomplishedi three hours ad i aoutdoor settig.

    Artists will check i theday o the Doc Holliday BeerFestival, Saturday, Jue 8, atstache studio i dowtowGri. Their cavas or pa-

    per will be stamped, ad otheyll go to d the perectspot i the dowtow areato complete their master-piece. At the ed o threehours, artists must brigtheir work back to stachestudio ad will have timeto prepare their pieces ordisplay.

    The public is ivited tostroll aroud dowtow towatch the artists work, viewthe ished pieces admake bids to purchase theart betwee 5 ad 6 p.m., aswell as vote i the peopleschoice award. A pael o

    juried artists will choose arst ad secod place wi-

    er, who will receive cashprizes. Proceeds rom theregistratio ee ad 20 per-cet o the art sales will bedoated to the Doc Holli-day Beer, Wie ad Arts es-tivals chose oprot or-gaizatio, TogetherWorks,whose mai charity is tohelp soldiers experiecigpost-traumatic stress dis-order, as well as other localcharities.

    Artists (icludig peoplewho dot cosider them-selves serious artists) i-terested i competig iO the Wall should submita registratio orm ad $25etry ee beore Friday, May31. Forms ca be oud atwww.stachestudio.et orpicked up at stache studio,located at 116 S. Sixth Streeti dowtow Gri. Regis-tratio ater May 31 up tothe day o the evet will be$35. For more iormatio,call 770-229-6599.



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    "Off the Wall" artists needed forGriffin's first plein air art competition

    JESSICA W. GREGORY :::Publisher; jessica@the-grip.net

    I its ith year o show-casig some o the bestbarbecue ad blues music

    i the south, the aualBaresville BBQ ad BluesFestival will be the backdropor Discovery Chael's BBQPitmasters show, wherethree atioal teams will becompetig i the rst steptoward the prestigous Pit-Master title.

    BBQ PitMasters executiveproducer Ro Simo saidater lmig a special oGeorgia barbecue last year,he kew they had to returto Georgia. "We're reallyexcited to be there. We'relookig or great placesacross the coutry to high-light i Destiatio America,ad Baresville stood out,"said Simo.

    Baresville is oe o oly ie cities cho-se as a locatio to lm the iitial rouds,

    joiig cities such as Pesicola, Florida;Martisville, Idiaa; Mobile, Alabama; adOsage, Kasas, "We're tryig to go to allthe places that barbecue is thrivig," saidSimo.

    Though Simo could't reveal who theteams were or i what meat categories theywould be competig, he did oer somehits, sayig that Georgia was represetedvery well amog the 27 hopeul PitMas-ters. As or what meats may make a ap-pearace, Simo shared that i the show'seorts to highlight the local barbecue cul-ture, they always try to throw i a regioalelemet. "So expect a pork product."

    Simo also coded that at these barbe-cue evets, producers are ote o the look-

    out or ext year's competitors. To double

    the chaces o beig o atioal televisio,those who pla to atted or compete ithe estival ca also visit the Oik Joit idowtow Zebulo o Friday, April 26, be-twee oo ad 1 p.m., whe the PitMas-ters will be lmig a separate segmet othe local restaurat, who has placed well imay state barbecue champioships.

    BBQ ad Blues Festival chairma T.J. Im-berger shared his hopes that Baresvillepride will be evidet to viewers o the show."I am codet that those watchig our ep-isode will see how the pride we have i ourtow traslates ito makig us great hoststo so may...Just thik whe so may view-ers aroud this great coutry o ours watchthe Baresville episode o BBQ PitMastersad say to themselves, 'What a eat littletow ad great place to live,' you ca havethe pride i sayig, 'We already kow.'"

    JESSICA W. GREGORY :::Publisher; jessica@the-grip.net

    Discovery Channel's "PitMasters"will film at Barnesville BBQ & Blues

    Mo Pro BBQ team members Joe Hortz and JD Kincaid prepare beebrisket during last year's cook o. Photo: Allison Heiney

  • 7/28/2019 April 18 2013 the Grip


    Thursday, April 18; Flit RiverRegioal Library Book Club;Jeier Chiaverii's "Mrs.Licol's Dressmaker";6-7 p.m.; Library BoardRoom; Admissio is ree. Alliterested adult readers areivited to atted.

    Saturday, April 20; James 1:27Sprig Sale; Secod BaptistChurch 501 W. BroadStreet, Gri; vedors willbe sellig had made, vi-tage ad yard sale items;all proceeds beet twomissios.

    Saturday, April 20; RoadSide Clea Up by the GrowBetter Group; 9 a.m. tooo; cleaig sectioso HWY 16 West ad HWY92; meet at Saehouse idowtow Gri.

    Saturday, April 20; StorytellerSam; 11 a.m.; brig thelittle oes to hear oe oSam's avorite stories; Anovel Experiece i dow-tow Zebulo.

    Saturday, April 20; Eva Bar-ber & the Dead Gamblers- Kitche Drawer cocertseries; 8 p.m.; $5; Bak-

    street Cae i dowtowGri.

    Tuesday, April 23; Aual IrisShow - preseted by theFlit River Iris Society; LocalGrowers will have theiririses o display or thepublic i a judged compe-titio; 1-4 p.m.; or moreiormatio call 770-227-3109.; Admissio is ree,rst ty guests will receivea ree iris.

    April 26-27; Aual Bares-ville BBQ & Blues estivali dowtow Baresville;music, ood, barbeque co-test ad paitig; or moreiormatio visit www.bbqadblues.org.

    Saturday, April 27; AtiqueRamble; see back page orlist ad map o shops par-

    ticipatig; rereshmets,sales ad specials at maylocal shops; 10 a.m. to 5p.m.

    Saturday, April 27; Pait theTow Plei Air Art Compe-titio; Dowtow Bares-ville; artists will producework o-site i dowtowBaresville, eaturig aaspect o Baresville BBQad Blues or the commu-ity; art will be judged adplaced or sale; $30 perartist, $40 at the door; cashawards or rst, secod

    ad third places; or moreiormatio visit www.lamararts.org.

    April 27-28;The Great GriMayfig; Gri BicylceCoallitio Bike Rodeo ;10a.m. ; or more io visitwww.grichamber.comad www.acebook.com/gribicylecoalitio

    Tuesday, May 7; The Col-lective, a meetig o localartists; 6:30 p.m.; BYOB adbrig your ow project iyou'd like; 'stache studio at116 S. Sixth Street i dow-tow Gri; call 770-229-6599 or more iormatio

    For more events, visit The Grip'scalendar at w ww.the-grip.net/community-calendar



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    The Spaldig CoutyFerst Foudatio par-ticipated i Uited BaksPiggy Bak Day by regis-terig childre rom birthto age 5, as log as theirparets atteded the piggybak evet. We really ap-preciate Jim Ogletree adthe Uited Bak sta orallowig us to be a part othis u day, said Diae Pru-ett, a member o the ou-datios Commuity Actio

    Team. We were able to tellpeople about the SpaldigCouty Ferst Foudatioor Childhood Literacy adregister 16 ew childre. It

    was a great way to spreadthe word about who we aread what we are able to door Spaldig Couty Chil-dre.

    The Ferst Foudatiomails ree books to thehomes o Spaldig Couty

    childre, ages birth to ve.The expeses or the booksad mailigs are $28 peryear per child. The uds tosupport the program comerom Spaldig Couty idi-vidual, busiess, ad clubdoatios. 100 perceto the doatios go tobuy ad mail the books toSpaldig Couty childre.The Ferst Foudatio pro-vides a uique opportuityor us all to ivest i theeducatio o youg Geor-gias, says Tera Cochra,Director o Operatios orthe Georgia Ferst Fouda-tio.

    Accordig to a press re-lease o Tuesday, April 16

    The Ferst Foudatio orChildhood Literacy has re-ceived Charity navigatorscoveted 4-star ratig orthe third year i a row. The4-star ratig, Charity navi-gators highest, is give tooprots that practice

    exceptioal scal respo-sibility ad goverace iulllig their missio. Theratig also shows that theFerst Foudatio ad itsgeerous supporters areo the right path to helpigGeorgias childre perormi school ad i lie throughliteracy, eectively workigagaist the act that chil-dre ot readig o gradelevel by third grade are ourtimes more likely to leavehigh school without a di-ploma.

    To doate, please sed acheck payable to SpaldigCouty Ferst Foudatioto P.O. Box 2092, Gri,Georgia 30224. Doatios

    are tax-deductible, ad100 percet o doatiosi Spaldig Couty go to-ward purchasig books.Ferst Foudatio membersabsorb the cost o pritigad stamps.

    Spalding County Ferst Foundation registers children at United Banks Piggy Bank Day

    Arkeyuius Searcy enjoys a book, Alaskas ABC Bears, while his mother,Sharika Hughley, signs him up to receive ree books rom the SpaldingCounty Ferst Foundation at United Banks Piggy Bank Day.

    Would you be more likelyto utilize the Virtual

    Public School programif your child couldparticipate in public schoolextracurricular activities?

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  • 7/28/2019 April 18 2013 the Grip


    has that chace. Uder Lyseys leader-ship, the group has grow to aroud 40-45 tee mothers i the area, icludig sixo the origial members, ad exteded toiclude mothly Luch ad Lear ses-sios or teeage mothers at Gri High,ad mothly Family Club meetigs wheremembers ca brig their amilies or ellow-ship. My hope is that the metorig rela-tioships ormed through YougLives willtrasitio to true, lie-log, give ad takeriedships that will exted ito all areas otheir lives, adds Lysey.

    Because o Lyseys experiece as a teemother ad the impact o YougLives oher ow lie, she shies as the programscoordiator. YougLives has the power tohave a tremedous positive impact o twogeeratios o our commuity states Ly-sey.

    Although it is a extremely dicult situ-

    atio or a tee to deal with a teeagepregacy, curret statistics reveal thatapproximately 10 percet o girls 19 aduder do get pregat. Just like her me-tor, ow Lysey hopes to lighte the bur-de or these girls through the metorigprogram. I pray that God cotiues to a-vor YougLives ad brig more metorso board. They are crucial to help providea sese o hope or these girls durig thosecritical rst ew moths o pregacystates Lysey.

    Lidsey, ow 22, is happily married toher high school sweetheart, Jamarcus admother o their girls, Abbigail, 4 ad Emma,2. Their amily cotiues to grow, as theyaticipate the arrival o baby Hope ay day.

    She hopes her metorig eorts will i-

    spire others i the commuity to becomevoluteers as well. She otes, Our programdesperately eeds more metors as well asdoors to help sustai the costs o operat-ig the program. We also ask or prayers orYougLives ad all its participats.

    A Flapjack Fudraiser at Applebees iGri o Saturday, Jue 22 is plaed toud scholarships or the girls or camp thissummer. This aual udraiser is popularwith the girls as they participate by serv-ig breakast to the commuity. Tickets are$7 each. To purchase tickets, get ivolved,voluteer or doate to YougLives or learmore about the program, cotact Lysey at678-603-5218.

    YoungLives, cont.



    Adoptable Pet of the Week: Maxwell

    Typical puppy that loves to

    play ad play ad chase hisbrothers aroud the yard. Heis 16 weeks old ad is ullyvetted ow. He would loveto have hs orever amily pickhim ow. Please cotact me atcatsaddogs4you@yahoo.com iyou would like to meet this cutelittle guy. He is the oly oe ithe litter that has some o the

    Shar Pei appearace.

    For more adoptable pets, visitgrinhumanesociety.org.

    Young MaleShar Pei Mix

    LANDRA CHASTEENFutral Road Elementary

    O a recet sprig eveig, a largegroup o voluteers, who work ormoths leadig up to the aual Relay orLie, met to prepare or this years evet tobe held o May 3-4 rom 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. o

    the elds at Spaldig High School.The highlight o the ight was the spe-

    cial speaker Aimee Marti. She is a cacersurvivor who had bee ivited to speak byRelay or Lies co-chair Myro Joes, herourth grade teacher at Morelad Eleme-tary School.She gave a ispirig speech i which she

    shared: My ame is Aimee Marti ad Imhere to talk to you about why I relay. WheI was our, I was diagosed with Burkitt sLymphoma. I was very sick ad scared. Ispet about our moths i the hospitalgettig my treatmets. While I was i thehospital, there were may woderul mead wome rom orgaizatios like theAmerica Cacer Society that helped mystay to be a little more comortable. As Ihave gotte older, I realize that the Ameri-ca Cacer Society, through groups like Re-

    lay or Lie, raise moey or research to healcacers. O February 4, 2013, I celebratedbeig cacer ree or ve years. I look or-ward to each year o my lie ad every Re-lay or Lie that I ca participate i. Aimeeis oe o the may survivors that will be ohad to walk the track at Relay or Lie thisyear.

    Security is a top priority at the evet.Some ew rules are beig put i to placeto esure that the etire ight is sae, e-

    joyable, ad u. Sheri Wedell Beamad the Spaldig Couty Sherris Depart-met will be o had to provide security.Everyoe at the evet will have to wear awristbad. Ayoe over the age o ve, otwearig a wristbad, will be asked to leave.Spaldig Couty residets ca buy wrist-bads at Relay or Lie Bak night to be

    held at First natioal Bak o April 30th atrom 5:30 7:30 p.m. ad agai o May 2 atthe Spaldig High Track rom 4-6 p.m. Thewristbads cost $5, but everyoe purchas-ig oe will be give Relay Bucks to spediside the gates o ood ad other items.I additio adults are resposible or theactios o their childre, or or those chil-

    dre i their care while o the property.Though Relay or Lie loves pets, o petsare allowed o the grouds except servicedogs. no bikes, roller blades, skate boards,or scooters are allowed o the track or ithe parkig lot. Scooters will be allowed orservice purposes oly.

    Relay or Lie will have u or the etireamily ad a great etertaimet lie-up. Oe highlight o the ight will be theSurvivor Lap, whe survivors take to thetrack. At 9 p.m. the beautiul Lumiaria Cer-emoy will be held as the lumiaries are litad a bagpiper plays Amazig Grace. Theeveig will iclude music rom the gospelgroup Secod Comig, as well as coutrymusic rom Jaso Hoard ad Laure Ash-ley, who have both released ew albumsthis year. Later i the ight, the bads JRsBackyard ad Eye o Extremities will per-


    Spaldig Couty residets ca be a parto Relay or Lie i may ways: purchase aLumiaria, Torch, or Relay Reel i hoor ori memory o a ried or loved oe. You capurchase these olie at www.relayorlie.org/SpaldigGA or call Laura Beaber at(770) 632-6934.

    Purchase a Relay Reel message that will

    be show throughout the ight o a giatscree. This ew part o Relay will be sucha ecouragemet to survivors as they seeyour message ad your support i the e-ort to do away with cacer.Help advertise ad udraise or Relay orLie by likig the Relay or Lie o SpaldigCouty Facebook Page alog with sharigo your page ad other social media. HelpRelay or Lie get the word out!

    Go to www.relayorlie.org/SpaldigGAad make a persoal doatio to the ghtagaist cacer. You ca credit a team withthe doatio. The top ud-raisig teamswill be recogized at Relay or Lie o May4th.

    Joi survivors like Aimee Marti at thisyears Relay or Lie evet as they make adierece i the ght agaist cacer oMay 3-4.

    Join Survivors in the fght against cancer at this years Relay or Lie

    Aimee Martin, cancer survivor, with Relay or Lie's

    co-chair Myron Jones, her ourth grade teacher atMoreland Road Elementary School.

    Lynsey and her husband, Jamarcus, with their twogirls Abbigail and Emma.

  • 7/28/2019 April 18 2013 the Grip


    RYAN MCLEMORECity o Grifn District 3

    S t u d i e sad plascome withdi e r e toutcomesd e p e d -ig otheir pur-pose adthe re-

    sources tied to them. Togeeralize studies ad saythey do ot come to rui-tio would ot be etirely

    accurate. I thik we cabreak it dow ito threetypes o outcomes. First,we have studies related

    to irastructure projects.For example, block gratstudies improve water adsewer irastructure. Thesestudies are ot as visible,but they are completed, wereceive grat udig, adthe project is ished i arelatively short timerame.Secod, we have plaigthat requires turover iproperty or redevelop-met to see the results.

    This plaig ivolves zo-ig ad desig stadardsthat are put i place, butto see the results, redevel-opmet must occur to re-place gradathered prop-erties. I other words, itsslow. Third, we have studies

    with big ticket items. Thesestudies are the most visiblebecause they are commu-ity wish lists. Some o theitems will be accomplishedthrough mechaisms likeSPLOST, but may will bepushed well ito the uturebecause o cost ad that isuderstadably rustrat-ig. Studies are tedious.Ive ever uderstood whythey take as log as they doto complete. Despite that,I am also airly certai that

    there is ot a sigle persoo the Board or workigor city govermet thatwats to udertake a study

    just or the sake o doig astudy.

    DICK MORROWCity o Grifn District 5The ques-tios basicpremise isalse, i.e.osese.P r o g r e s shas beec o s ta tth r ou g h -

    out our city ad coutythese past ew years. Co-sider: UGA has bee e-haced rom ExperimetStatio oly status to ateachig campus. A ew$10 millio studet lear-ig ceter was added. nowa $5 millio Food ProductIovatio Ceter has beeuded ad soo will beuder costructio. SCTChas a growig studet e-rollmet, a ew Medical

    Traiig buildig with a-other ew SPLSOT acedbuildig comig. SpaldigCouty built Wyomia TyusPark ad the Dudee LakePark. A beautiul ew Se-ior Ceter has just opeed.Highway 16 was our-laedrom I-75 to Gri. The GSSchool System built a ewhigh school, three ewmiddle schools ad severalew elemetary schools.

    The city cosolidated ser-vices ito the ewly reo-vated eciet Oe GriCeter buildig, built a ew16th Street bridge, reo-

    vated the etire electricaldistributio system, built aew reservoir, moderizedetire computer system,ad is ow implemetiga highly cost eciet au-tomated utility meter read-ig system. The GS Idus-trial Authority has recruitedthese idustries: Caterpillar,Badag, ExoPack, Itera-tioal Paper, Sumika Poly-mer, Armal, Schilli Distribu-tio, HK Logistics, Raews

    APD, Kapheide, TrimaxMowig, Mario Ware,Welch Equipmet, the ewKirby Mauacturig admore. Hudreds o jobshave bee created i ouridustrial parks to date adow the latest, The Lakes o

    Gree Valley, is ope adbegiig to attract pros-pects. Are we satised? no.Have we bee i a majoratioal recessio? Yes.We are makig progress.

    TAURUS FREEMANDirector, City o Grifn Plan-ning and Development

    The City o Gri iscommitted to eorts tospur ecoomic develop-met, ad give citizes aimproved quality o lie.

    There are several actorsthat assist with brigigadditioal idustries adretail developmets toour city; oetheless, theelected ocials are takiga proactive approach i ac-complishig these goals.

    The City has coductedmay plas ad studiesover the past; yet, several othe plas take time to cometo ruitio. Though, citizesmay ot see immediate re-sults, these items are eces-sary or additioal udigopportuities rom statead ederal agecies. Com-paies ad corporatioswat to see ivestmet bythe local govermets orimprovemets. The, adoly the, will they makea eort to ivest withithat area. It displays dedi-catio, vested iterest, adgoal orietatio to produce

    to improve its curret state.We have exemplied ourcommitmet by goig a-ter udig to assist withredevelopmet, such as theCommuity Block Develop-met Grats, which helposet costs, ormally ud-ed solely by the taxpayers,which are associated withimprovemets o low-to-moderate icome areas.

    The City has bee awardedwater ad sewer irastruc-

    Q: Grifn/Spalding

    County residents have

    or years expressed dis-pleasure that progress

    has not come to Grifn.

    How do you respond to

    readers who are asking

    why ofcials approve

    numerous studies and

    ormulate plans, and yet

    results do not seem to

    come to ruition?

    Public Forum relays questions from read-ers and gives all local officials an oppor-tunity to address those questions andcurrent events. This feature is intended tobe an additional method of keeping our

    readers informed by giving them insightinto how their elected officials view dif-ferent issues. It is our hope that it will alsoincrease public interest and involvementin the political process.

    Public Forum: Local ocials answer your questions



    If you have a question you'dlike asked of Griffin/Spaldingofficials, please e-mailsheila@the-grip.net with thesubject line, "public forum."

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  • 7/28/2019 April 18 2013 the Grip


    ture grats our out o sixyears totalig $2 millio dol-lars: 2008, 2010, 2012, ad2013. Citizes withi theseareas see immediate im-provemet to their utilities.Items like the two UrbaRedevelopmet Plas are

    used as ecoomic devel-opmet tools that allowdevelopers the codecethat Gri uderstadsad is committed to revital-izig these subareas. Sev-eral plas ad studies romLivable Ceter Iitiatives torecyclig programs to theSubstadard Housig Pro-gram have bee completedto illustrate the Citys pro-gressive approach. Ocethe ecoomy ully recovers,these areas will becomemore eticig or devel-opmet due to icetiveprograms, tax credits adadded log-term reveuegeerators that will helpdistiguish us rom othercities i Georgia. This is ot agive; oetheless, the Cityis takig the appropriateactios util that time pres-et itsel. It is better to beprepared tha let uture op-portuities pass us by. Thesettig o goals ad spe-cic guidelies are a must.

    Though the elected o-cials ad city admiistratorshave doe a great deal tochage the outside percep-

    tio o the city; a lot is stilleeded. Outside agecieshave teamed up with theCity to make our eortseve stroger. Yet, citizesmust also have the desire tomake Gri a better placeto live, work ad play. TheCitys ew taglie speaksvolumes, Grow Together;but to do so, it will take theeort o a uited Gri!

    JOANNE TODDGrifn Mayor, District 4

    P r o g r e s sas deedby Web-ster is ao g o i gactio - soi its selit is some-thig co-t i u a l l y

    beig sought. To idicatethat Gri ad SpaldigCouty is ot progressigis a alse assumptio. Thereare 159 couties ad hu-dreds o cities with electedocials ad citizes who

    are everyday lookig topro-gress (meaig to goorward) their commu-ity. Progress i Gri adSpaldig Couty has hap-peed! Look aroud - justi the last two years - Cater-pillar expaded - H.K. Logis-tics located i our IdustrialPark - the est ew Krogerstore i the State o Georgialocated here - UGA Gri- Educatio Buildig we

    built ad just aouceda ve millio dollar Food

    Techology Ceter at UGA,a joit project uded byUS (you ad me) - the Ui-versity ad the State oGeorgia. Spaldig RegioalMedical Ceter expaded- 12 millio dollars aloeivested i our commuityto improve Emergecy Fa-cilities. SPLOST dollars have

    brought better educatioalacilities, a ew IdustrialPark ad a ew SeiorCeter, Su City ad maymore smaller projects. Itis trite but it is true Romewast built i a day. Stud-ies are a requiremet - Theyare called beig preparedor the uture.

    DOUG HOLLBERGCity o Grifn At-large

    Local Gov-ermetsare ma-dated bystate ad e d e r a llegislatio

    to iiti-ate adud most

    o our log-term plas, i-cludig the Gri-SpaldigCouty Waste Water Ma-agemet Pla o 2007-2030, the City o GriWater Master Pla o 2010-2050, City o Gri Com-prehesive Pla ad City oGri Trasportatio Pla.Each study is developed to

    complimet our existigpublic works ad/or publicutility projects ad allowyour local govermet topla eectively ad e-cietly. Other studies suchas the Airport, Marketig,Bradig, Parkig, ad Liv-able Cities Iitiatives orthe Historic District adWest Gri are tools usedby your local leaders i

    plaig or the uture.Most studies require a localmatch to oset cost paid bythe state or ederal agecy.Agai, udig or projectsusually requires a localmatch (SPLOST ad Ge-eral Fuds) ad commu-ity support to eable theprojects to be completed asudig is budgeted. Ge-erally, these studies givestakeholders a opportu-ity to give their ideas advisio i shapig Grisuture developmet.As a elected ocial, it ismy resposibility to sup-port the kid o public i-vestmet that will makeour commuity sae ad

    wholesome ad promotesprivate ivestmet that cre-ates jobs ad stregthesour commuitys tax-base.

    Together, we are plaigad workig to make Gri- ad Spaldig Couty aCommuity o Excellece!

    Baby Boomer geeratioages urther.

    Chages ow uderway i

    Gri-Spaldig Couty i-cludig demolitio ad re-costructio o may publichousig uits will ot olyicrease the quality o lieor the GHAs cliets, but willassist ocials as they seekgrats ad other udigoptios.Accordig to Dull, i-ll a-ordable homeowership iscrucial to ecoomic growth.Family site ad seior vil-lage style housig uitswill replace may o thetraditioal housig uitsow spread throughout thecommuity.Oe barrier to redevel-opmet, he explaied, isblighted housig, which has

    a egative impact o gratapplicatios. To address thisissue, more tha 150 sub-stadard houses have irecet moths bee demol-ished, ad more are slatedor this process i comigdays.Dull said aother key com-poet to improvig localhousig coditios is to cre-ate a kowledgeable baseo reters, which he itedsto accomplish through theReady to Ret program.He said he would like to seeall residets relocatig romMeriwether Homes, whichshould begi the demoli-tio process i preparatioor recostructio later

    this year, participate i this

    program. Desiged to i-still a heighteed sese oresposibility i reters, hesaid it will also assist lad-lords by givig them accessto reters history, icludigevictio histories.

    I additio, Dull said Griis i great eed o a orga-izatio or ladlords.Its time or Gri to havesome sort o ladlords as-sociatio, he said. I sub-stadard housig exists, itsbecause the market allowsit to exist.Aother issue addressed bythe GHA is assistace recipi-et resposibility, executedor example, through its tru-acy program.Resposibilities come withthe receipt o subsidies, hesaid.Dull also oered local o-cials with a overview oGHAs cliets, sayig thatcotrary to what may peo-

    ple believe, it is ot aboutree housig.Oly 27 people ow getzero ret. Last year, thatumber was 39, he said, at-tributig the improvemetto icreased job opportu-ities such as came aboutwith the opeig o the ewKroger.However, he said oe keyissue that remais to be re-solved is the high umbero local reters.Weve got to restore thehome owership balacei our eighborhoods adthats oly goig to happei we all work together.



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    hoods. Iormatio cabe passed o ad policepersoel ca read ad re-

    spod i additio to post-ig iormatio cocer-ig the eighborhoods, hesaid. Its similar to somegroups that are o Face-book, but some people areopposed to Facebook. Thisway, they ca use e-mail.Its ot a bulleti board, butthey ca post ad read e-mails. Its kid o like a e-mail blast, but the oly peo-ple who will be able to readthe correspodece are thedesigated ocers romthe Police Departmet adpeople that are subscribedto that group.

    Ocials have idetiedeighborhoods that cur-retly have a established

    traditioal eighborhoodwatch program or iclu-sio i the E-Watch, butew locatios are ecour-aged to participate i theree program, as well.Joes said the curretgroups are listed o the cityo Gri Web site, but thatew oes may be added atay time.

    I theres a group ot list-ed i the drop dow, theyca request that it be add-ed, he said. Were tryigto group them altogetheristead o havig a lot odieret oes. Theres ot alimit that its coed to somay streets or blocks, butwe are tryig to group them

    together.Participats also will ot

    be required to atted tra-ditioal meetigs witheighbors ad a police o-cer.Its all doe electroicallyi this istat iormatioage we live i, Joes said.

    Some people have a pre-erece or receivig theiriormatio electroically,rather tha the traditioalmeet-ad-greet sceario.Were just tryig to adaptour programs to meet theeeds o our citizes.

    Participats may opt-iat ay time, ad there asimple opt-out eature isalso i place, he said. I ad-ditio, Joes stressed thatresidets persoal e-mailaddresses will be co-detially maitaied, witho iormatio sharig i-volved.

    They will be maitaiedby the Gri Police Depart-met ad they will ot be

    shared or ay marketigeorts. E-mails may be re-ceived rom the city o Gri-, but o outside partieswill have access, he said.Were ot sharig e-mailaddresses with ayoe.

    Joes said the E-Watchprogram is available to allcity residets. For thosewho live outside that area,he recommeds neighbor-hood Watch iormatiobe obtaied by cotactigtheir local sheris oce.

    The E-Watch program maybe accessed at

    /w ww. ci ty ogr i i . co m/D e p a r t m e t s / P u b l i c -Saety/PoliceDepartmet/neighborhoodWatch.aspx

    housing, cont. E-Watch, cont.

    volunteer, cont.

    forum, cont.

    less o age. Ms. Reddigserves as a example tothose with disabilities thatdedicatio to a cause whichserves those i most eedhelps tur what would bea barrier ito a opportu-ity," the proclamatio co-tiued.

    Reddig is the Fouder/Operator o the CHARMS

    program (Carig, Helpul,Active, Residets o Meri-wether Homes), Spald-ig Collaborative BoardMember sice iceptio,Vice-Chair or the Hous-ig Authority o the City oGri, Member o Com-muity Ceter or PersoalErichmet, Paretal I-volvemet/Paret AdvisoryCoucil Member at AeStreet Elemetary, ActiveMember at the GreaterSprighill Missioary Bap-

    tist Church, Co-Chairper-so or the Charity ChurchFuds Committee.

    Reddig's philosophy isKids are oly goig to dowhat you demad them todo. I you allow them to doa little, they will perormlittle; i you demad a lot,they will perorm a lot!

    Robert n. Dull, Jr., CEO othe Gri Housig Author-ity, Ly Futral, the Parksad Recreatio AdvisoryCommissio both omiat-

    ed Reddig or the award.The Bai Proctor Award

    has bee bestowed upoactive commuity volu-teers sice 2004 durig themoth o April, which isrecogized as natioal Vol-uteer Moth. The awardwas amed i hoor ooe o Gri ad SpaldigCoutys most well kowad remembered volu-teers, Bai Proctor.

  • 7/28/2019 April 18 2013 the Grip


    1. Shop @ 11th212 11th St., Griffin(770) 227-2349Thurs & Fri 10am-6pmSat 10am-5pm & Sun 12:30pm-4:30pm

    2. Nut-N-Fancy431 W. Poplar St., Griffin(678) 603-1912Mon-Sat 10am-5pm

    3. Birds of a Feather135 S. Hill St.(678) 603-2115TuesFri 10:30am-6pmSat 10:30am-4pm

    -Weekend Treasures125 S. Hill St., Griffin(770) 233-1559Thurs Fri 11am-6pm

    Sat 11am-5pm & Sun 1pm-5pm

    4. GiGis Antique Griffin113 E. Taylor St., Griffin(770) 227-7708MonSat 10am-5:30pmSun 1pm-4pm

    6. The Makers Market@ stache studio

    116 S. 6th St., Griffin(770)229-6599Tues Fri -10am-6pm; Sat 10-5 EACH SHOP WILL HAVE A




    7. Treasure Seekers110 S. 5th St., Griffin, GA(770) 233-6777Mon.Fri. 9:30am-5pmSat. 10am-4pm

    8. Broad Street Mill 324 E. Broad Street, Griffin-Sweet Southern SalvageSuite 210; Wed-Sat 11am-5pm(770) 584-0116

    -The Chicken HouseSuite 211; MonSat 9:30am-5:30pm(404) 775-5094

    -47th Ave. AntiquesSuite 212; Wed Sat 10am-5pm(404) 569-4760

    -BonJour AntiquesSuite 216; Mon-Sat 10am-5pm

    (770) 330-1704

    9. The Blue Goose430 E. Taylor St. GriffinMon. Sat 10am-5pm(404) 510-3862

    10. Hollys House900 S. Pine Hill Rd., Griffin(678) 251-2151Mon- Sat 9:30am6pm; Sun 1-6pm

    11. Red Barn Antiques(678) 588-5305104 Main St. Milner, GAMon-Sat 10am-5pm