April 2013 Tzouhalem Spinners and Weavers Guild Newsletterand weft will be provided as well as the...

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Tzouhalem Spinners and Weavers Guild Newsletter

April 2013

Weaver napping.


Show and Tell

Evid’s new to her Lady Lendrum spinning wheel. Sandi D brought the delightful tale of theThree Spinner’s.Bonnie’s lovely handspun silk merino skein.Michele’s latest cache of rovings from Anna Runnings


Cynthia’s vest fabric woven on tencel warp with Madeline Tosh singles yarn weft. Cynthia’s Moebius scarf, and needlepoint tapestries which have been finally finished.


Isabela’s tapestry in handspun with her carved soapstone talisman.Michele’s vest in her handspun, hand-dyed yarns.Gudrun’s lap blanket in Condon’s yarns.Sandy R’s handspun and child’s hat.


Cynara’s herringbone twill lap blanket in Briggs and Little yarns,wool silk bloomers from Andrea Rangel’s Issa’s Bloomers patternand skein of merino silk.

Carol’s brioche kitchen towel in honeycomb brioche stitch


Lori’s alpaca plaited twill scarves,Gudrun’s rag rug after it emerged from the purple dyebath.

Bonnie’s work so far on baby blanket for great grandbaby.


Great library finds from Evid.Watercolor mixes give some great inspiration and know how that can be applied to blending colour in weaving and spinning.


2013 Sheep to ShawlJan McKinnon-Loop is organizing the Sheep to Shawl event at Cowichan Exhibition this year. Lots of interest is already generated, and it looks like the sheep barn will be full of teams as well as the shearing demonstration.It’s time to start things cooking. Jan’s sheep have been growing fine fleece for us.Are we ready for them?Last year’s event was so much fun!

Sheep to Shawl pics from 2012 to give everyone an idea about what is involved.starting with the first day gathering in Cynara’s garden to spin the warp.Then subsequent meetings were held to dye the warp after which the loom was dressed, and a trial spinning and weaving dayheld to hone our teamwork.

And on the actual day, having fun, spinning and weaving a shawl in 6 hours!



Knotty by Nature has invited us to particioate in Fibrations August 18th. We need to make a special fiberly crafted something for the Auction.

FibrationsAugust 18th


Willow Weaving Year of the Snake

in Vancouver

For any guild members who may have participated in the Year of the Snake created January in Vancouver with CACV and currently on view growing at Dr Sun Yat Sen Gardens, Alistair Heseltine sends thanks. More pics can be found here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sharonkallis/sets/72157633116142499/

If you would like to be part of the procession that moves the snake to its final abode at the MOP gardens May 13 you can sign up here:  



Neps and Locks and Thrums and Snippets

A flavonoid found in cocoa beans could mean the difference between remembering and forgetting, according to a study published in the Journal of Experimental Biology. Scientists from the Hotchkiss Brain Insitute in Calgary linked the flavonoid (-)-epicatechin (or epi for short) to the formation of long-term memory.

Epi: an edible, natural chemical

Found in cocoa beans, green tea, blueberries, and red wine, epi is a plant-based phytochemical associated with memory and neural performance. Research from a variety of labs has found that epi may play a role in the regeneration of neurons, help protect against certain types of neuronal death, and, according to this 2012 study, significantly improve long-term memory.

Measuring memory in snails

Hotchkiss researchers first observed how many times the snails opened their breathing holes in a standard environment—this formed the baseline. They then spent 30 minutes training the snails in a simple task: whenever a snail opened its breathing hole, a researcher gently poked that hole with a stick.

There was one secret ingredient to success, however: half of the snails were submerged in regular pondwater during the training period, and half the snails were submerged in water mixed with epi flavonoids. Because snails breathe directly through their skin, the group of epi-exposed snails quickly absorbed the flavonoid directly into their central nervous systems. This gave scientists a simple, reliable way to measure the chemical’s affects.

Evid brings us this gem of nutritional wisdom. You can move seamlessly from epi’s and ppi’s on your loom, to epi’s in chocolate, red wine, green tea and blueberries, AND enhance your long term memory.


Flavonoids boost memory days later

And the flavonoid had pronounced effects. Though the pondwater and the epi groups behaved similarly 24 hours after training, they displayed crucial differences in memory after 72 hours.

72 hours after flavonoid exposure, the epi-exposed snails still opened their breathing holes at significantly less than their baseline rate—indicating that they remembered events that had happened 3 day prior, and that they learned to avoid pokes based on those memories. The control group demonstrated no such memory after 72 hours.

Because both groups of snails underwent the same half-hour training, scientists postulated that the epi played a key role in forming and enhancing that long-term memory.

Epi and your long-term memory

Though still preliminary, this Hotchkiss Brain Institute paper shows promise for the future study of epi flavonoids. It moves us another step forward in identifying lifestyle habits that can positively affect cognition.

Chocolate and other epi-rich foods may give your memory a boost, but remember to supplement a brain-healthy diet with other healthy habits!


Vancouver Island and Islands Fibre DirectoryDiane Lee is working on compiling a directory of local fibre sources. Sources of raw and processed fibres and yarn from Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands will be listed. If you want to be listed or know of anyone who would like to participate, please contact Diane Lee.

Diane LeeTzouhalem Spinners and Weavers GuildEmail: dianejlee@shaw.caPh 250-748-1769,


Elaine Duncan’sTapestry Weaving Classes and Natural Dye Workshops

Tapestry Workshops and Natural Dyeing Courses for 2013:

July 16 – 19, 2013,  “From Idea to Tapestry”:  During this course we will go through the steps of designing from your inspiration to the final cartoon and tapestry.  Presentations will include topics such as “How do I develop a style?  Do I have a recognizable tapestry signature?  What inspires me and how can I translate this into tapestry?  We will start with your ideas and develop a cartoon making yarn, colour and technique choices until we have a fully developed cartoon, ready to weave.  Students will need to bring their ideas, their inspirations, yarns they like to use, and a portable tapestry loom as well as other equipment they like to use.  Cost of the workshop is $200.00.  Bring a bag lunch.  Tea and coffee will be provided.  This course will be held at the Bradley Center, Coombs, BC.

July 22 and 23, 2013: Natural Dyeing:  The first day we will use natural dyes such as weld, tansy, fustic, osage orange  to produce yellows and  cochineal and madder to produce reds.  The next day we will use the indigo vat to produce blues and overdye to get purples and greens.  Each participant will supply their own yarns.  Mordants and dyes are included in the price.  Cost is $100.00 which includes the mordants, modifiers and natural dyes.  Please bring your own bag lunch.  Tea, coffee, cold drinks will be provided.  Dress to suit the weather as the dye kitchen is outdoors.  This workshop will take place at Elaine’s home in Errington, BC.

August 13 and 14th, 2013:  Natural dye workshop ( for description see above).

August 20 and 21st, 2013:  Shibori and Indigo.  Using techniques such as folding, wrapping, clamping to form resists, we will dye cotton and linen fabrics to produce unique designs. Each person will need to bring their own fabrics to use.  Some tools and small equipment for this resist technique will be provided.  We will spend the first day preparing the fabrics.  The second day will see the preparation of the Indigo Vats and the dyeing of the pieces.  Dress to suit the weather for the second day as the dye kitchen is outdoors.  The cost of the two day course is $100.00.

September 10 – 13th, 2013:  Beginners Tapestry.  Learn to weave tapestry weaving on small copper pipe looms provided.  Tapestry techniques such as slits, warp interlocks, weft interlocks, building shapes, starting and finishing the tapestry will be discussed and a small sampler will be woven.  All yarns for warp and weft will be provided as well as the use of looms for the class.  Cost is $200.00.  Bring your bag lunch.  Coffee, tea will be provided.

October 7-10th, 2013:  Maiwa Handprints Symposium.  I will be teaching:  Tapestry Weaving Inspired by the Zapotec Weavers from Oaxaca, Mexico. Registration opens in June through the Maiwa website or in person.http://www.elaineduncan.com/classes/


Coming to Duncan in October 2013to teach a two-day workshop . . . see details below!

Anita Luvera Mayer

WORKSHOP: Vested Interest/Magic Pouch

DESCRIPTION: This workshop will present an overview of how to transform vest patterns into a wide variety of designs. The lecture/demonstration will cover weaving with sewing thread, recycling shoelaces, lining methods, making vests reversible, photo transfer and more. Everyone will have the opportunity to try on a range of vest styles, learn how to size vests, and copy vest patterns.

Workshop students will also participate in a hands-on session creating, designing and completing a small “Magic Pouch” -- see examples on the left. Ways to combine crazy quilting, beading, needle lace, stitchery and shisha mirrors will be included in the making of the pouch. Participants will learn about sources and materials suitable for beading, ways to create and transfer designs, care of beaded items, beaded edges and fringes. Fabrics suitable for crazy quilting, how to combine fabric colors and textures, and quilting techniques will be explained along with ways to use unique embroidery stitches in creative ways. Inspiration will be provided through books, slides, ethnic examples and the instructor’s beaded and quilted garments. LEVEL OF EXPERIENCE: Novice to advanced


SUPPLY LIST:Scissors for paper and clothTape measure Pen/pencil/notebook Thimble (optional) Fabric or paper to copy vest patterns (enough for four short vests and one long style)Straight pins (12)Small square of white cloth to hold beads

DATE/TIME: Saturday, October 26 and Sunday, October 27, 201310 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days

LOCATION: Meeting Room, Cowichan Exhibition Park, 7380 Trans Canada Hwy (west side at Mays Road intersection), Duncan. Please note that this room is at ground level and parking is just outside the building.

WORKSHOP FEE: $135 - payable in full at time of registration. Note - Supplies for the Magic Pouch kit (fabric, beads, needles, cord, embroidery thread) are included in the workshop fee.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: August 26, 2013. Mail your cheque for $135 (with the current date and payable to ‘Alison Irwin’) and the Registration Form on page 2 to Alison Irwin, 383 Arbutus Avenue, Duncan, BC V9L 5X6.

The !rst 16 to register will be in the workshop and those cheques will be deposited as they are received. All others applicants will go onto a Wait List. Should a paid up participant have to cancel, a refund will be issued if that place in the workshop can be !lled from the Wait List. The workshop will be cancelled if fewer than 12 students sign up by the August 26 deadline; in that situation all who have paid will be reimbursed their workshop/lecture fee.

ANY QUESTIONS?Contact me at

alison@cow-net.com(250) 746-6330

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, WA


Home Farm ShetlandsFleeces, rovings & batts in beautiful natural coloursfrom my small farm to your spinning wheel.Kathy Millar2881 Mountain Road,Duncan, BCV9L 6N4250 748-0487homefarm@telus.net

Purebred Angora GoatsMohair fleecesDevon Stringer2109 Ida Avenue,Shawnigan Lake, BC250 361-7816hummingbeefarm@hotmail.comhttp://www.hummingbeefarm.webs.com/

Dunedin FarmRomney Marsh sheep growersJan and Dave Loop1677 Baldy Mountain Road.Shawnigan Lake, BC,V0R 2W2info@dunedinfarm.cahttp://www.dunedinfarm.ca/Home.html

FOR SALE:Raw Black Welsh Mountain Sheep woolfairly clean and in good condition$10.00 per fleeceContact:Rosalie PowerGill-Power Hobby Farmwww.gillpowerhobbyfarm.vpweb.cagillpower@shaw.ca250-743-1990

Local Fibre Sources


Pacific Sun AlpacasJennifer & Alex Apostoli3791 Cavin RoadDuncan BC V9L 6T2Tel: (250) 748-5088japostoli@shaw.cawww.pacificsunalpacas.com

Bella Cria Farm

3930 Vaux Road, DuncanBritish Columbia, V9L 6S6Judy Gorton(250) 701-9998http://bellacria.com

Herb Wise FarmsPurebred Cotswold fleeceScott & Karla Henderson3060 Mount Sicker RoadChemainus, BC,V0R 1K4250 246-3606Westholme, BChoneybee1@shaw.ca


Alpaca Farms Koksilah/GraycottArden Jenkins3450 Kingburne DriveCobble Hill BC V0R 1L0Tel: (250) 743-7177arden@alpacafarms.cawww.alpacafarms.ca


Buttonladys Gallery3733 Frigate RoadRR # 2 North Pender IslandBritish Columbia , CanadaV0N 2 M21-250-629-6205<http://www.buttonladysgallery.com/>info@buttonladysgallery.com

Jane Stafford Textiles142 Richard Flack Rd.Salt Spring Is., B.C.V8K1N4250 537-9468http://www.janestaffordtextiles.comOpen Monday to Thursday 10-4 andweekends by appointment.A great mail order source for a wide variety ofyarns in a beautiful colour selection.Books, Yarn, Weaving and SpinningEquipment and lots of information.Weaving Retreats throughout the year: checkout our retreat page on the website.

Leola’s StudioThe studio is located behind the Loom atWhippletree Junction.3705 Trans Canada Highway,Duncan, BC.V9L 6E1250 701-7340witnie@shaw.caClasses will be offered in Textile arts,Weaving, 4&8 Harness, Woven Tapestry,Spinning, Dyeing and Felting.

Textile Sources

Treenway Silks2060 Miller CourtLakewood, CO, 80215, USAToll free: 1.888.383.7455Email: info@treenwaysilks.comToll–free 1.888.383.7455 • T: 303.233.SILK(7455)F: 303.223.3411Our office hours are Monday to Thursday, 9amto 4pm (Mountain time).

maiwa@maiwa.com><http://www.maiwa.com/>© Maiwa Handprints Ltd6-1666 Johnston Street,Granville Island, Vancouver, BCV6H 3S2

The LoomWhippletree Junction3705 Trans Canada HighwayDuncanV9L 6E1250 746-5250theloom@shawbiz.ca

Ingrid’s Yarn & Needlework133 Craig Street,Duncan, BCV9L 1M8250 709-9699ingrid@ingridsyarn.comhttp://www.ingridsyarn.com/


<www.earthues.com>Michele Wipplinger5129 Ballard Ave NWSeattle WA 98107206.789.1065info@earthues.comearthues@aol.com


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Equipment available for Guild members’ use

Ball winderAshford spinning wheelDrum carder- Fine clothDrum carder- Coarse ClothEaselFloor Inkle loom with foot treadles /warping boardLarge Stainless steel Dye PotLouet 40 8-shaft table loomMcMorran yarn balancePickerLouet wool combsTable clothsFirst priority for the use of the Louet table loom will be for study groups andworkshops. Next in line, Guild members for personal use, with a damagedeposit for a period of one month.Damage deposit of $25 for the louet table loom and $10 deposit for all otherequipment. Deposits will be repaid upon return of equipment in clean andgood order.For more information or pickup of equipment please contactValerie Rennie-Bell <valeriejbell@live.com> 250 748 3756Michele Pace <mpace13@shaw.ca>

Note: From January 10, 2012, The TSWG Equipment will be stored inSt. Peterʼs Church Hall. All items will be catalogued. Equipment needsto be signed out, and deposits need to be made before any piece can beremoved from the Hall.

Member’s WebsitesJennifer Apostoli: Alpaca fleeces etc.: <http://www.pacificsunalpacas.com/>Anne Fulton: Hand knit Lace, Felted clothing and Felting supplies, Classes. <awfulton@shaw.ca>Cynara de Goutiere: <www.cynaradegoutiere.com>Alison Irwin: Teaching textiles techniques: <alison@cow-net.com>Bonnie Murray: Natural dyes, mordants, embroidery floss, linen thread: <caileans@gmail.com.>Rosalie Power: Black Welsh Mountain Sheep: <www.gillpowerhobbyfarm.vpweb.ca


Administrator: Sandi Doerksen,Two positions vacantTreasurer: Karen Lengyeltoti.Library: Jan Mackinnon-Loop.Card Sender: Sandi Doerksen.Guild Mail: Jan and Karen.Membership list: Cynthia Leuven.Island Shuttle contact: Diane Lee.Newsletter: Cynara de GoutiereArchivist: Toni Gatland.CFFF contacts: Michele Pace and Janette Lorimer, bothare looking for two new coordinators to take over their jobGuild Equipment:Valerie Rennie-Bell.Michele PaceDistaff Day coordinators are Sandy Riecken andBonnie Murray.Jan has Keys to the hall.

Guild meetings are held on the second Tuesday of eachmonth, except during the months of July, August.Note: June and December are Potluck Luncheon meetings held at a member’s house or at St. Peterʼs Church Hall in Duncan.TSWG business year runs from June 1st to May 31st.TSWG meetings are held in St. Peterʼs Church Hallon Church Road in Duncan (off Maple Bay Road).Meetings are held from 10:00 to 2:00.After a short business session, the rest of the time isspent sharing show and tell textiles, and at times we runtextile demonstrations or bring in a speaker.TSWG mailing address is:P.O. Box 676, Duncan, BC V9L 3Y1For additional information contact:Sandi Doerksen,<xpuppies@hotmail.com>

Scent-Free EnvironmentJust a gentle reminder that our meetings are scent-free, due tosensitivities and allergies of several members.Hope you understand.

Library news up date

Jan MacKinnon-Loop would like to remind you all that librarymaterials need to be returned in time. Please check yourbookshelves for overdue TSWG-library books, magazines, videosand DVDs, and return them at the next meeting.


Contributers to this issue:

Cynara de GoutiereDiane LeeEvid Hazelbower

Elaine Duncan



Kabir, the Mystical Weaver with

a disciple and young visitor