APUSH Period 3 Multiple Choice Exam

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  • 7/23/2019 APUSH Period 3 Multiple Choice Exam


    Period 3 (1754-1800): Multiple Choice Exam

    Questions 1-4 refer to the following image:

    Advertisement, Charleston, South Carolina, 1780s

    1. hi!h of the following "#S$ re%e!ts the &ers&e!tive of the a'ove image(

    a. Slaves re&resent a &u'li! health threat.b !he importatio" o# $la%e$ i$ a le&itimate e"terpri$e!. $he im&ortation of slaves needs to 'e haltedd. Small&o) was a !ontinuous danger to Charleston

    *. +uring the 1780s, whi!h of the following was the most wides&read !ro&

    !ultivated ' slaves in orth Ameri!a(a. heat'. Sugarc !obaccod. Cotton

    . /ollowing the Ameri!an evolution, man /ounding /athers 'elieved whi!h ofthe following(

    a 'la%er ould &raduall di$appear i" the *"ited 'tate$'. $he freeing of slaves should 'e outlawed.!. Slaver would 'e the foundation of the Ameri!an e!onom.d. /reed slaves deserved government re&arations for their suering.

    4. hi!h of the following was a referen!e to slaver in the Constitution(

  • 7/23/2019 APUSH Period 3 Multiple Choice Exam


    a. $he 'anning of slaver in the orthwest $erritor.'. Slaver was outlawed a'ove the 2ason-+i)on 3ine.!. Slaver !ould not 'e outlawed.d + prohibitio" #or ,0 ear$ o# a" la ba""i"& the importatio"

    o# $la%e$

    Questions -8 refer to the 5uotation 'elow.

    Let us not deceive ourselves, sir. These are the implements of war and subjugation;

    the last arguments to which kings resort. I ask, gentlemen, sir, what means this

    martial array, if its purpose be not to force us to submission? an gentlemen assign

    any other possible motive for it? !as "reat #ritain any enemy, in this $uarter of the

    world, to call for all this accumulation of navies and armies? Let us not, I beseech

    you, sir, deceive ourselves. %ir, we have done everything that could be done, to

    avert the storm which is now coming on. &e have petitioned; we have

    remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the

    throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of theministry and 'arliament. (ur petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have

    produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded;

    and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne. In vain,

    after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There

    is no longer any room for hope.

    6t is in vain, sir, to e)tenuate the matter. entlemen ma !r, ea!e, ea!e-- 'ut

    there is no &ea!e. $he war is a!tuall 'egun9 $he ne)t gale that swee&s from the

    north will 'ring to our ears the !lash of resounding arms9 ur 'rethren are alread

    in the ;eld9 h stand we here idle( hat is it that gentlemen wish( hat would

    the have( 6s life so dear, or &ea!e so sweet, as to 'e &ur!hased at the &ri!e of!hains and slaver( /or'id it, Almight od9 6

  • 7/23/2019 APUSH Period 3 Multiple Choice Exam


    7. 6n this &assage, >enr e)&resses an a'iding Ameri!an !on!ern a'out whi!h of

    the following(a. o entangling allian!es with foreign !ountries'. $he dangers of standing armiesc 'el#-&o%er"me"td. $he se&aration of !hur!h and state

    8. $he stormB that >enr refers to was most dire!tl the result of whi!h of the

    following(a. Ameri!an eorts to trade with S&ain and /ran!eb /riti$h eort$ to $hri"2 a bud&et decit a#ter the re"ch a"d

    ."dia" ar!. "ritish unwillingness to ;ght 6ndian tri'es on the frontierd. "ritish im&ressments of Ameri!an sailors and interferen!e with

    Ameri!an trade

    Questions D-11 refer to the 5uotation 'elow.

    $hese !olonies ought to regard the a!t with a'horren!e. /or who are a free &eo&le(

    ot those over whom government is reasona'l and e5uita'l e)er!ised 'ut those

    who live under a government, so constitutionally checkedand controlled, that

    &ro&er &rovision is made against its 'eing otherwise e)er!ised. $he late a!t is

    founded on the destru!tion of !onstitutional se!urit.E 6n short, if the have a right

    to lev a ta) of one pennyu&on us, the have a right to lev a millionu&on us. /or

    where does that right sto&(...$o use the words of 2r. 3o!

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    d. $he indieren!e of the "ritish government to !olonial governan!e

    11.hi!h grou& would most li

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    1.f the following grou&s, who would most li

  • 7/23/2019 APUSH Period 3 Multiple Choice Exam


    A 'u)om oung woman in a wind'lown dia&hanous dress and garlanded with%owers oers a feeding !u& to a swoo&ing eagle, sm'ol of the &roud newnation. /loating in the s

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    D. $here is no &rovision for a rotation, nor an thing to &revent the &er&etuit of

    oM!e in the same hands for lifeE14. $here is no &rovision ' a 'ill of rights to guard

    against the dangerous en!roa!hments of &owerE1. $heEim&ra!ti!a'ilit, of

    e)er!ising the e5ual and e5uita'le &owers of government ' a single legislature

    over an e)tent of territor that rea!hes from 2ississi&&i to theEAtlanti! o!eanEAnd

    it is to 'e feared we shall soon see this !ountr rushing into the e)tremes of!onfusion and violen!e, in !onse5uen!e of the &ro!eedings of a set of gentlemen,

    who disregarding the &ur&oses of their a&&ointment, have assumed &owers

    unauthoriNed ' an !ommission, have unne!essaril ree!ted the !onfederation of

    the ?nited States, and annihilated the sovereignt and inde&enden!e of the

    individual governments.B

    2er! tis arren, (bservations on the *ew onstitution, and on the )ederal and

    %tate onventions, by a olumbian 'atriot, "oston, 1788.

    *1.$he e)!er&t a'ove most !learl re%e!ts thea. limitations of the Arti!les of Confederation.'. growth of a more &arti!i&ator demo!ra!.c #ear$ ma" people had o# ce"tralied #ederal poerd. !hallenge &osed ' demo!ra! to traditional im&erial sstems.

    **.$he e)!er&t a'ove was most !learl written in res&onse toa. !om&romises at the Constitutional !onvention over re&resentation.b debate$ o%er the raticatio" o# the *"ited 'tate$ Co"$titutio"!. !on!ern that hereditar &rivilege would re&la!e individual talent.d. fears of the im&a!t of revolutionar ideas from /ran!e, >aiti, and 3atin


    *.$he arguments e)&ressed in the &assage a'ove most !learl warn against

    the &er!eived dangers ofa. A demo!ra!.'. re&u'li!anism.c a $tro"& ce"tral &o%er"me"td. limited government.

    *4.Some of the !on!erns e)&ressed in the &assage a'ove were 'est e!hoed in

    the legislative reforms su&&orted ' whi!h of the following &oliti!al &arties(a. $he /ederalists

    '. $he higsc !he emocratic-9epublica"$d. $he e&u'li!ans

    Questions *-*@ refer to the 5uotation 'elow.

    I need not inform you that a Majority of our Assembly is composed of Lawyers, Clerks, and

    others in Connection with them.e ha!e not the least "eason to e#pect the $ood of the

  • 7/23/2019 APUSH Period 3 Multiple Choice Exam


    %armer, and conse&uently of the Community, will be consulted by those who han' on %a!or, or

    depend on the Intricacies of the Laws.hat is the "emedy a'ainst this mali'nant (isease)

    I will !enture to prescribe a so!erei'n one if duly applied* that is, as you ha!e now a fit

    +pportunity, choose for your "epresentati!es or ur'esses, such Men as ha!e 'i!en you the

    stron'est "eason to belie!e they are truly honest- uch as are disinterested, public spirited, who

    will not allow their pri!ate Ad!anta'e once to stand in Competition with the public $ood./

    0erman 0usband, a 1orth Carolina "e'ulator, 2345

    0erman 0usband,An Impartial Relation of the First and Causes of the

    Recent Differences in Public Affairs Etc.61orth Carolina, 23378.

    9:. hich of the followin' most directly contributed to the sentiments e#pressed in the letter


    a. ritish attempts to consolidate imperial control

    b. Social and economic inequalities in colonial society

    c. ;olitical debates caused by the spread of %rench re!olutionary ideas


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    Questions *7-* refer to the 5uotation 'elow.

    $he great rule of !ondu!t for us in regard to foreign nations is, in e)tending our

    !ommer!ial relations to have with them as littlepolitical !onne!tion as &ossi'le. So

    far as we have alread formed engagements let them 'e ful;lled with &erfe!t good

    faith. >ere let us sto&.E$he ?nit of overnment whi!h !onstitutes ou one&eo&leEis a main illar in the #di;!e of our real inde&enden!eEour tran5uilit at

    home= our &ea!e a'road.E6 have alread intimated to ou the danger of &arties in

    the State, with &arti!ular referen!e to founding them on geogra&hi!al

    dis!riminations.E$he S&irit of artEis inse&ara'le from our nature, having its root

    in the strongest &assions of the human mind. 6t e)ists under dierent sha&es, in all

    governments, more or less sti%ed, !ontrolled or re&ressed= 'ut in those of the

    &o&ular form, it is seen in its greatest ran

    *D.ne of the strong reasons ashington and others warned against &oliti!al&arties was !on!ern a'out

    a. +amages to the national re&utationb i%i$i%e $ectio"ali$m!. ights of &ro&ert ownersd. ?navoida'le wars

    0.hi!h of the following did ashington 'elieve was ver im&ortant for the

    ?nited States to avoid(

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    a. #)!esses of &atriotismb orei&" allia"ce$!. aising ta)esd. eligious o'ligations

    1.$he &artisan !on%i!t resident ashington was alluding to in his /arewell

    Address was 'etween Ameri!an su&&orters of whi!h two !om&eting #uro&ean

    &owers(a /ritai" a"d ra"ce'. S&ain and /ran!e!. ussia and Ha&and. "ritain and ussia

    *.?.S. foreign &oli! during whi!h of the following time &eriods was most

    !losel aligned with the ideas e)&ressed in the s&ee!h a'ove(a. #)&ansionism &rior to the Civil ar'. 6m&erialism &rior to the S&anish-Ameri!an ar

    c eutralit prior to orld ar .d. Containment &rior to the Rorean ar

    Question and 4 refer to the following ma&s:

    17D@ residential #le!tion 2a& 1800 residential #le!tion 2a&

    .$he ma&s a'ove are 'est seen as eviden!e of thea. e)&ansion of voting rights to greater num'ers of white men.'. !ontinued in%u) of immigrants to the ?nited States.!. 'itter nature of &artisan &oliti!s in the 17D0s.d re&io"al ba$i$ o# earl +merica" political partie$

    4.+uring the 17D0s, disagreements in whi!h area were 3#AS$ res&onsi'le for

    the emergen!e of &oliti!al &arties(a. #!onomi!s'. artisan &oliti!s

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    c 'la%erd. /oreign oli!

    Questions -7 refer to the 5uotation 'elow.

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    7.+uring the late 1700s, whi!h of the following was the most diM!ult !hallenge

    for most Ameri!an 6ndian grou&s(a. aining free navigation of the 2ississi&&i iver'. avigating frontier !on%i!ts 'etween #ngland, S&ain, and the ?nited

    States!. !reat di$pute$ a"d the $eiure o# ."dia" la"d$d. ?nwanted attem&ts to assimilate 6ndian grou&s into Ameri!an so!iet

    Questions 8 and D refer to the following &assage.

    E we are ena'led this +a to add one more Ste& to universal CiviliNation '

    removing as mu!h as &ossi'le the Sorrows of those, who have lived in undeserved


    And whereas, the Condition of those ersons who have heretofore 'een

    denominated egroe, has 'een attended with Cir!umstan!es whi!h not onlde&rived them of the !ommon "lessings that the were ' ature entitled toE 6n

    Husti!e therefore to ersons so unha&&il !ir!umstan!ed and who, having no

    ros&e!t 'efore them whereon the ma rest their Sorrows Commemoration of our

    own ha&& +eliveran!e, from that State of un!onditional Su'mission, to whi!h we

    were doomed ' the $rann of "ritain.B

    - #)!er&ted from the ennslvania #man!i&ation

    A!t, 1780

    8.$he ideas e)&ressed in the e)!er&t are most similar to whi!h of the following(a !he idea that $la%er i$ immoral a"d mu$t be e"ded'. $he &u'li! edu!ation reform movement, 'e!ause edu!ation was

    !onsidered the great so!ial e5ualiNer and therefore should 'e oered

    to slaves.!. $he a'olitionist movement as &art of the Se!ond reat Awa

  • 7/23/2019 APUSH Period 3 Multiple Choice Exam


    d. $he trann of reat "ritain had for!ed slaver onto the &eo&le of

    ennslvania= ennslvania was no inde&endent and ended the


    Questions 40-4* refer to the following &assage.

    And whereas, it is in my jud'ment necessary under the circumstances of the case to take

    measures for callin' forth the militia in order to suppress the combinations aforesaid, and to

    cause the laws to be duly e#ecuted* and I ha!e accordin'ly determined so to do, feelin' thedeepest re'ret for the occasion, but withal the most solemn con!iction that the essential interests

    of the @nion demand it, that the !ery e#istence of 'o!ernment and the fundamental principles of

    social order are materially in!ol!ed in the issue, and that the patriotism and firmness of all 'ood

    citiEens are seriously called upon, as occasions may re&uire, to aid in the effectual suppression ofso fatal a spirit*

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    a .t $hoed the >a$ i" the old $$tem u"der the +rticle$ o#

    Co"#ederatio"'. 6t &roved that states needed to have more &ower and authorit for

    dealing with u&risings!. 6t led to the demise of the /ederalist &artd. 6t served as a maor vi!tor and ralling &oint for Anti-federalists

    Question 4-4 refers to the following image:

    4.$he event de&i!ted in this engraving of 1770 entitled $he "lood 2assa!reBa. Qui!

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    d. Criti!iNing the "ritish soldiers for ;ring on a grou& of &oor inno!ent


    4.6n the immediate aftermath of the "oston massa!re, man of the !itiNens of

    the !it of "ostona. +e!ided to enlist in the "ritish arm in order to o'tain wea&ons to

    defend themselves'. rganiNed the "oston $ea artc /ecame more recepti%e to the plea$ o# radical$ $uch a$ 'amuel

    +dam$< ho $a the "eed #or %i&ila"ce i" %ie o# $i&"$ o#

    i"crea$i"& /riti$h oppre$$io"d. 3oo

  • 7/23/2019 APUSH Period 3 Multiple Choice Exam


    47.As the ?nited States 'egan to o!!u& the region west of the A&&ala!hian

    2ountains, whi!h of the following develo&ed as the most signi;!ant issue to

    im&a!t the !ountr in the late 18th!entur(a. $he 5uestion of whether the new states should 'e slave or free'. $he develo&ment of industrialiNationc !he $ettler$ de$ire #or #ree "a%i&atio" o# the Mi$$i$$ippi 9i%erd. $he issue of whether the new states should 'e on an e5ual level with

    the 1 original states

    48.All of the following are true of the orthwest rdinan!es #C#$a Ma" $ettler$ cro$$ed the Mi$$i$$ippi 9i%er a"d $ettled i" the

    a2ota !erritor'. $he 3and rdinan!e of 178 set aside the 1@thse!tion of ea!h townshi&

    for s!hools!. Sale of lands would hel& &a of the national de'td. $he sale of the ld orthwest was mu!h more orderl than the helter-


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    d. +raft militia soldiers into servi!e

    1.Shass e'ellion o!!urred in 2assa!husetts as a result ofa oreclo$ure$ o" the la"d$ o# #armer$ i" Ma$$achu$ett$'. ?nfair ta)es &la!ed on farmers ' Congress!. 2andator enlistment into the militia of 2assa!husetts

    d. 6ndian raids on the frontier

    *.ashingtons fear, along with man other &oliti!ians fears, of re'ellion

    swee&ing through the nation un!ontrolla'l, eventuall led toa + re"eed debate o%er a $tro"&er ce"tral &o%er"me"t'. Amendment of the Arti!les of Confederation!. #mergen!e of &ro-"ritish sentiments through Ameri!ad. Allian!es with foreign nations to im&rove Ameri!as militar for!es

    Questions - refer to the following 5uote:

    +esolved, $hat the several States !om&osing, the ?nited States of Ameri!a, are not

    united on the &rin!i&le of unlimited su'mission to their general government= 'ut

    that, ' a !om&a!t under the stle and title of a Constitution for the ?nited States,

    and of amendments thereto, the !onstituted a general government for s&e!ial

    &ur&oses G delegated to that government !ertain de;nite &owers, reserving, ea!h

    State to itself, the residuar mass of right to their own self-government= and that

    whensoever the general government assumes undelegated &owers, its a!ts are

    unauthoritative, void, and of no for!e....B

    $hat this would 'e to surrender the form of government we have !hosen, and to

    live under one deriving its &owers from its own will, and not from our authorit= and

    that the !o-States, re!urring to their natural right in !ases not made /ederal, will

    !on!ur in de!laring these a!ts void and of no for!e.B

    - $homas Heerson IanonomouslK, Rentu!

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    .hi!h individual or grou& among the following would 'e the strongest

    su&&orter of the Rentu!

  • 7/23/2019 APUSH Period 3 Multiple Choice Exam


    - Ale)ander


    6f the Ameri!an &eo&le ever allow &rivate 'anamilton in &assage

    1.'. "rie% e)&lain the main &oint made ' $homas Heerson in &assage *.!. #)&lain how one of the &ers&e!tives a'ove re%e!ted de'ates a'out the

    Constitution in 17D0s. rovide at leastone&ie!e of evident to su&&ort

    our e)&lanation.

    9. (urin' the mid>2=th century, new pressures be'an to unite the ritish colonies, sparkin'

    an independence mo!ement and ultimately a war a'ainst Fn'land.

    a. riefly e#plain +1F political or economic pressure faced by the colonies durin'

    this time.b. riefly e#plain +1F action taken by the colonists to address the pressure

    e#plained in ;art A.c. riefly e#plain +1F response by the ritish 'o!ernment to the action e#plained

    in ;art .

    . @se your knowled'e of @nited tates history to answer parts A, , and C.

    a. riefly e#plain +1F social de!elopment in the 2 colonies between 23:D and


    b. riefly e#plain +1F economic de!elopment in the 2 colonies between 23:D and233:.

    c. riefly e#plain the impact of the de!elopment e#plained in ;art A or ;art on the@nited tates between 2334 and 2=77.

    D. (urin' the 2357s, the new American nation faced a series of challen'es.

    a. riefly e#plain +1F political or economic challen'e faced by the @..'o!ernment durin' the 2357s.

    b. riefly e#plain +1F forei'n policy challen'e faced by the @.. 'o!ernment

    durin' the 2357s.

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    c. riefly e#plain +1F action taken by the federal 'o!ernment to respond to the

    challen'e e#plained in ;art A or ;art

    :. Answer parts a, b, and c.

    a. Choose +1F of the choices below, and e#plain why it best supports this

    statement- AmericaGs first forei'n policy under ;residents ashin'ton andAdams had the primary 'oal of a!oidin' war./

    i. CitiEen $enet contro!ersy

    ii. ?ay

  • 7/23/2019 APUSH Period 3 Multiple Choice Exam


    Question * Answer Re



    a. ;ossible responses include the followin'-

    Amon' the political pressures faced by the colonists were ta#es imposed by theritish ;arliament e!en thou'h the colonies had no representation in

    ;arliament. 2+">2C@L>9C@L>D

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    b. ;ossible responses include the followin'-

    Amon' the economic de!elopments were ritish efforts to increase ta#ation topay off war debts, includin' but not limited to, passa'e of the tamp Act, u'ar

    Act, DI(>:I(>4;F+>:;+L>2F1K>D

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    amendments to the Constitution 6the ill of "i'hts8. In response to criticisms of

    the Adams administration, Con'ress pushed throu'h the Alien and edition Acts6235=8, which were later rescinded.

    %oremost amon' economic actions was the financial plan of Ale#ander

    0amilton, which called for raisin' re!enue throu'h tariffs and e#cise ta#es, the

    establishment of a national bank, the creation of a national deficit to ensurein!estment/ in the new nation, fundin' at par 6a'reement to pay back debt with

    interest8, and the assumption by the federal 'o!ernment of state 'o!ernmentdebts.

    In terms of forei'n policy actions, the @nited tates issues a 1eutrality

    ;roclamation in relation to the %rench "e!olution.

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    3ong-#ssa Questions

    1. Shas e'ellion tested the Arti!les of Confederation, whi!h led to the

    Constitutional Convention and the !all for a stronger !entral government.B

    Su&&ort, modif, or refute this !ontention using s&e!i;! eviden!e.

    *. >ow did the #nlightenment in%uen!e the Ameri!an evolution( rovide

    e)am&les and eviden!e.

    . $he Ameri!an evolution was inevita'le.B #)&lain the