ar457 Beauty in Motion

Post on 14-May-2015

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beauty in motionar457 international review

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ArgAn oil

Amongst all its natural treasures, Morocco shelters the essence of Berber women’s beauty. There, at the heart of a unique forest surviving the never ending summer, the fruits of the Argan tree have revealed a precious oil gifted with outstanding beauty promoting proper-ties : Argan oil.

A natural Moroccan resourceComing from the South West of Morocco, where the climate is particular, the Argan tree is a unique phenomenon. Indeed, it has never produced fruits elsewhere than in its na-tive region. Threatened by extinction, the Argan forest, that has stood as the last rampart against the desert’s expansion for millenaries, was classified as a world biosphere reserve by UNESCO in 1999.

Willing to help preserve such a precious and natural inheritance, LA MAISON DE L’ARGAN chose to put Argan oil at the forefront by making it one of the key active ingredients of its

skincare line : ar457.

La Maison de l’ArganRight from the beginning, LA MAISON DE L’ARGAN has committed itself to the Argan cause by creating and supporting feminine cooperatives in Morocco, thus, protecting a 800 000ha Argan tree forest. Truly respectful of the millenary and traditional production “savoir-faire”, LA MAISON DE L’ARGAN has developed unique extraction processes in order to increase the oil quality while contributing to the timelessness of a true nature miracle.

To achieve the best Argan oil quality, LA MAISON DE L’ARGAN has set rigorous quality controls, at every fabrication step, from the selection of Argan nuts to oil extraction and facilitated the Berber women’s working conditions.


100% pure and natural Argan oilTo obtain a single litre of this precious Argan oil, hours of works are necessary. The fruits of eight Argan trees (about 60kg of fruits) are hardly sufficient, in the good years, to produce this single litre. Once the fruits are dried, after the pulp removal, they uncover a nut within a very hard shell. This small nutshell is broken and pressed to extract Argan oil.

An oil gifted with millenary virtuesNatural liquid gold, Argan oil is an outstanding active ingredient that has long been and continues to be studied by numerous scientists; with new discoveries continuing to be made.

Extremely rich in unsaturated fatty acids and gifted with a high percentage of linoleic acids, Argan oil is a powerful substance to fight against the signs of ageing within the skin. Argan oil contains three times the tocopherol content of any other oil, including Olive oil. This pro-perty is at the origin of its antioxidant and anti-free radical power and of crucial importance in its ability to fight against fine lines and wrinkles. Finally, by actively stimulating the cellu-lar oxygenation, Argan oil favours the preservation and restoration of the hydro lipid layer and the regeneration of skin cells, all key factors for skin’s firmness, softness and hydration.

ArgAn, THE kEY To Ar457 CodE

From the very beginning, ar457 has been the expression of a single idea and desire to fuse a millenary fluid with cutting-edge cosmetics using the latest formulas and discoveries to enhance and refine a natural miracle.

More than just a cosmetic active, Argan oil is the natural focus of the ar457 skincare line and the key to its virtuous code:

ar argan

4 tocopherols, natural antioxidants that prevent the skin’s ageing process and the formation of wrinkles.

5 phytosterols that revitalize the skin and regenerate cells

7 biomolecules with healing, filtering, revitalizing, protective and disinfectant properties


French cosmetic expertise combined with respect of the environ-ment The ar457 formulas are created in their own laboratory in France using a patented process created by the head-pharmacist enabling the thermo sensitive natural ingredients to be preserved.

This fabrication method is using limited energy, water consumption as well as production waste. Ar457’s process uses 50 times less energy than the normal, hot temperature manu-facturing process mostly used by other companies.

unCoMProMiSEd quAliTY

Absolute synergy between technology, nature, tradition and innovation, ar457 embodies a new approach of skincare; respecting the classic codes of luxury whilst exploring new horizons. Glamorous, highly efficient, result-based and state-of-the-art, ar457 is definitely the code of change towards highly efficient skincare.

Unprecedented Argan concentrations Right from the beginning, quality and efficiency have been among LA MAISON DE L’AR-GAN’s most important concerns. To reach such standards and provide the customers with outstanding formulas, LA MAISON DE L’ARGAN has chosen to introduce very high percen-tages of Argan oil in its formulas. Willing to revolutionize the cosmetic industry and explore new horizons, ar457 constantly pushes the limits.

Cutting-edge active ingredients To magnify the formulas’ efficiency, state-of-the-art active ingredients coming from all around the world are rigorously selected and incorporated, giving each product unprece-dented virtues. Padina Pavonica, Secret Lotus, Meristem Quercus Robur, Aloe Vera, Kaolin, Anise Extract, Argan nut powder are some of the revolutionary components that enable the targeted action of each product. It is this constant and uncompromising search of the most efficient active ingredients that makes ar457 so exceptional.

PurityCreative and efficient whilst remaining nature oriented, ar457 skincare line does not contain any colouring agents nor chemical preservatives such as parabens.

Ar457 luxurY SkinCArE linE

Far beyond just a cosmetic, ar457 is the fruit of an insatiable quest towards constant impro-vement and innovation, a play with fragrances and textures, opening the senses to new perspectives. As short as it is efficient, the 11 reference line answers everybody’s specific needs without multiplying the references unnecessarily.

Widely recognized among beauty professionals, ar457's expertise has been expressed through 11 products in retail and 13 in its professional line, completed by the elaboration of a specific and exclusive care protocol: “The Oleosthetic Concept".

BrAnd diSTriBuTion Spas, exclusive hotels, luxury boutiques and beauty stores.

A selection of prestigious places worldwide Four Seasons Hotel Spa - George V (Paris, France)

Greenwich Hotel Spa (New York, USA)

Space NK concept stores (UK and USA)

10 Corso Como (Italy)

Lane Crawford (Hong-Kong, China)

Sundhaft (Germany)

A presence in numerous countriesGermany, Belgium, China, Cyprus, Denmark, Sweden, United States of America, Spain, France, Guyana, Italy, Morocco, Norway, Romania, United Kingdom, Russia, French West Indies and Brazil.

face range body range

Skin CleanSer [dmkr]

Hydrating FaCe Peeling [peel]

Skin SHaker equilibrating MaSk [eq-M]

Well-being Care [dwlb]

regenerating Care [ny-t]

long laSting eye Contour look

Metaserum Elixir [lyf]

Silky oil [hcor]

body Peeling [peel-b] *

redeFining and FirMing Care ibackupi

Cellulite & Slimming Control IctrlI

intenSe oil (pur) *

* Professional use only

Skin ClEAnSEr dmkrThe virTues of an anTi-ageing TreaTmenT in a special make up remover, To cleanse and refine your skin

HYdrA PEEl peela unique, exclusive exfolianT scrub wiTh a nourishing argan base



Oil Lotion - 150 ml

Face scrub - 50 ml

The key actions: - Complete anti-ageing skin cleanser care - removes even the most resistant make-ups thanks to its affinity with all make-up formulas- Prevents wrinkle formation- Moisturizes and softens the skin leaving it purified, soft, soothed and ready to receive further cosmetic care

The key actions: - double exfoliating action: gentle exfoliating and po-lishing action

- ensures in-depth cleansing, removes impurities while preserving the hydro lipid layer

- Stimulates microcirculation

- leaves skin supple, moisturized and with a velvety sensa-tion

sTar ingredienTs : argan oil, alpha bisabolol.

sTar ingredienTs : argan oil, micro-pulverized argan shells, aloe vera, Tapioca, merisTem quercus robur exTracT

Skin SHAkEr eq-MThe energizing qualiTy of a mask and The richness of argan oil, skin shaker purifies, balances and resTrucTures.

WEll BEing dAY CArE dwlbThis rich, lighT cream provides all-round care. iT proTecTs your skin ThroughouT The day and enhances your freedom



Equilibrating Mask - 50 ml

Protective Day Care - 50 ml

The key actions- unusual “jelly-like” formula for deep penetration of the active ingredients into the skin- Highly regenerates, moisturizes and balances the skin- Stimulates cell regeneration- tightens the pores to leave the skin clear and soothed- immediate radiance effect- Slight “tingling” sensation due to the active ingredients is normal

The key actions - light moisturizing day cream with Sun Protection Factor 8, SPF/uV

- 24 hour moisturizing care

- High protection against daily attacks (pollution, wind, etc)

- restores and tones the skin

- Penetrates quickly, refines and softens the skin

- ideal makeup base

sTar ingredienTs : argan oil, kaolin, red algae gel, merisTem quercus robur exTracT

sTar ingredienTs : argan oil, omc solar filTer, aloe vera, Tapioca, merisTem quercus robur exTracT

sTar ingredienTs : argan oil, padina pavonica

rEgEnErATing nigHT CArE ny-t[ny-T] resTores The naTural balance of your skin, and backs up iTs youTh

Elixir METASEruM LYFa naTural inspiraTion, an avanT-garde cosmeTic in an absoluTe concenTraTe of pure beauTy!


Regenerating night treatment - 50 ml

Face lifting Serum - 30 ml

The key actions- regenerating, restructuring and anti-wrinkle care

- in depth moisturizing repair

- regenerates skin during the night due to high concen-trations of active ingredients

- gives elasticity and firmness back to the skin

- repairs extra cellular matrix

sTar ingredienTs : argan oil, aloe vera, chondroiTin oligosaccharide, Tapioca, merisTem quercus robur exTracT


long lASTing EYE ConTour LOOKThe ulTimaTe Time shield designed To durably resTore and proTecT The eye zone

drY BodY oil HCORa cascade of amber viTaliTy ThaT makes your body firmer and more beauTiful

Long lasting Eye Contour - 15 ml

Dry body oil – 150 ml

The key actions: - Moisturizing, firming and anti-ageing effects

- quick drying oil enabling one to get dressed straight away

- used daily as well as after sun exposure

- Satin like smoothness

sTar ingredienTs : argan oil, lysoleciThine and oil of perilla, shea buTTer, sweeT almonds proTeins, boron n., aTelocollagen eT chondroiTine

sTar ingredienTs : argan oil, alpha bisabolol, menThol derivaTive



RESULTSA basic cosmetic formula comprising Sacred lotus extract - same concentration as in |ctrl| - applied twice daily on a 20 women panel has shown :

Anti-cellulite action from a 28 day treatment :19% average reduction of cellulite aspectSlimming action from a 56 day treatment (up to) :4.5 cm fat reduction on hips, 2.5 cm on thighs5 cm fat reduction to stomach contour


nEWCElluliTE & SliMMing |CTRL|

The ulTimaTe body conTrol soluTion TargeTing celluliTe whilsT boosTed wiTh an advanced slimming formula

Cellulite & Slimming Control Care - 200 ml

sTar ingredienTs : argan oil, sacred loTus, corallina and chlorella vulgaris


rEdEfining & firMing CArE|BACKUP|The definiTive sTreTch marks nemesis and The uTTermosT firming care are The one and same

Redefining & Firming Care - 200 ml

sTar ingredienTs : argan oil, phaseolus lunaTus exTracT and ruTin, maTrikines, glaucine



A basic cosmetic formula comprising a combination of Phasoleus Lunatus extract, Rutin and 2 matrikines - same concentration as in |backup| - applied twice a day for 56 days on 13 women with post-pregnancy stretch marks, has shown :Reduction of stretch mark depression of 72.5%

Additional formulas for complete face and body care

sTar ingredienTs : argan oil, argan nuTs powder, aloe vera, Tapioca, merisTem quercus robur exTracT

sTar ingredienTs : argan oil, alpha bisabolol

The key actions- anti-ageing body scrub: innovative formulation combining the smoothing,

refining properties of ultra fine argan nut powder with a formula rich in

rejuvenating argan oil

- double action: gentle exfoliation and highly efficient moisturizer

- removes all impurities and regenerates cells

- Stimulates microcirculation

- effective preparation prior to sunbathing

- leaves your skin silky

The key actions- 98,5% pure oil

- anti-ageing massage oil

- brings all benefits of argan oil : moisturizing, nourishing, firming, healing,

purifying, smoothing, protective, revitalizing.

ProfESSionAl ExCEllEnCE BY Ar457


BodY PEEling peel-b

inTEnSE oil pur



Ar457 inTErnATionAl

C o n T A C T u SlA MAiSon dE l’ArgAn - Ar4579 8 q u A i d E S C H A r T r o n S B P 7 0 3 3 0 4 1 B o r d E A u x f r A n C ET E l : + 3 3 ( 0 ) 5 5 6 4 3 5 6 4 3C o n T A C T @ A r 4 5 7 . C o M


A r 4 5 7 ' S r A n g E i S A v A i l A B l E W i T H i n A l A r g E n E T W o r k o f 3 0 0 S P A S & P r E S T i g i o u S i n S T i T u T E S SuCH AS : four SEASonS SPA'S - gEorgE v (PAriS ) g r E E n W i C H H o T E l ( n E W Y o r k , u S A )S PA C E n k ( u S A ) , B E A u T i k C A r E & T r E AT ( ro M A n i A ) , l A n E C r A W f o r d ( H o n g - k o n g , C H i n A ) . . .A n d A l W A Y S A T W W W . A r 4 5 7 . C o M