Arabish & Arabizi

Post on 05-Dec-2015

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Arabish chat alphabet consists of Latin letters and Arabic numerals. Arabizi alphabet consists of Geometric Arabic letters.




Arabizi - Taha

The Arabic Writing Method using Arabic Geometric Letters

Arabic Easy (Arab-Easy)

{ IzIbaraq }عربيزي


The Arabic Writing Method using Mirrored Arabic Geometric Letters

Mirrored Arabic Easy (M-Arab-Easy)

{ marabIzI}, { marabIzI}

Wawizi - wAw

The Arabic Writing Method using English Matching Letters

wAw (writing Arabic way)

wAw Method Easy (wAw-Easy)

{IzIwAw} - {wAwIzI } {wAwIzI} واويزي

(7, 3, 2) ≡ {c, q, x} ≡ ء ،) ع ، ح)


and English Letters The Arabic Writing Method using Arabic Numerals

Arabish {2arabish } - {3arabish} عربش

(9, 8, 7, 6, 3, 2) ≡ ء ،) ع ، ط، ح، ق، ص)

(9’, 7’, 6’, 3’) ≡ ) غ ، ظ، خ، ض)

By: Dr. Eng. Ziad Amer Hammoodi 6 October 2015



Arabizi (عربيزي) is a universal Arabic Geometric alphabet which can be used not only in Arabic but also

in other languages. Marabizi is the Mirrored Arabic Geometric alphabet used to write English and

French texts from left to right. Arabish (عربش) is an Arabic chat alphabet consisting of Latin letters and

Arabic numerals used to communicate in Arabic over the internet or through mobiles when the actual

Arabic alphabet is unavailable or difficult to use.

The following table represents encoding of Arabic alphabet to Arabic Geometric alphabet called Arabizi

Arabic chat ,(واويزي) Latin alphabet adapted for writing Arabic way (wAw) called Wawizi ,(عربيزي)

alphabet called Arabish (عربش), and finally the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).

Alphabet Names Arabic Classic

Arabizi & Marabizi

Latin Wawizi

English Englizi

Arabic Chat Arabish

Intern. Phonetic (IPA) Marabizi Arabish

xlif Alif ء ئـ ئ ؤ أ إ x x x / (2) N/A 2 / ' ? bAx Ba2 ب b b b b b / p b / p jIm Jeem ج j j j j g / j / dj ɡ / ɟ / ʒ / ʒ dAl Dal د d d d d D d / hAx Ha2 ه h h h h h/ a/ e/ ah/ eh h/ æ/ a/ ɑ/ e/ ɐ wAw Waw و w w w w W w zayn Zayn ز z z z z Z z qayn 7a2 ح c c c / (7) N/A 7 ħ/ʜ TAx 6a2 ط T T T N/A t / 6 tˤ / t t ʕ t yAx Ya2 ي y y y y Y j kAf Kaf ك k k k k k / g k / g lAm Lam ل l l l l L l / ɫ mIm Meem م m m m m M m nUn Noon ن n n n n N n sIn Seen س s s s s S s qayn 3ayn ع q q q / (3) N/A 3 ʕ / fAx Fa2 ف f f f f f / v f / v SAd 9ad ص S S S N/A s / 9 sˤ / s / sˠ KAf 8af ق K K K N/A 2 / g / q / 8 ʔ / ɡ / ɢ / q rAx Ra2 ر r r r r R r / ɾ / rˤ FIn Sheen ش F F sh sh sh /ch ʃ tAx Ta2 ت t t t t T t BAx Tha2 ث B B th th t /th t / θ CAx 7’a2 خ C C kh kh kh / 7' / 5 x / χ PAl dhal ذ P P dh th z / dh / th z / ð DAd 9’a ض D D D N/A d / 9' d / dˤ d ˤ d ˠ ZAx 6’a2 ظ Z Z Dh dh z / dh / t' / 6' zˤ / ðˤ / ðˠ Qayn 3’ayn غ Q Q gh gh gh / 3' ɣ / ʁ tAx m Ta2 m ة R R t / h t / h t / a / e / ah / eh t / æ / a / ɑ / e / ɐ gIm Gueem N/A g g g g G g pI Pee N/A p p p p P p vI Vee N/A v v v v v v xeH Ech N/A H H ch ch j / tsh / ch / tch ʒ/ t ʃ



The Arabic chat alphabet is wrongly called Arabizi (عربيزي), similar to Englizi which is the Arabic name of

English, because simply it does not use Arabic letters while Englizi is using English letters.

Arabish was called Arabizi to be more attractive and more popular among students. However, Parents

and teachers became more concerned over its popularity and its threat on the Arabic Language. We

often come across anti-Arabizi articles on the internet as “Arabizi is estroying the Arabic language”.

- Nationalists Arabs and conservative Islamists who are calling to defend the Arabic language and to

protect it from the destructive Arabish alphabet effect. However, Arabish will vanish when the new

Arabizi using Arabic Geometric alphabet emerges as a better alternative. Arabic language can only

survive by unified Arabs and Muslims.

- Arabish is a temporary solution for individuals who lack knowledge of Arabic or who are afraid to

commit spelling mistakes or confused how to write the Arabic Hamzah. The Arabic chat alphabet,

Arabish, is neither Arabic nor Arabizi but it is a mixture of Latin Letters an Arabic numerals. We can’t

mix tomatoes with radish and call it French Fries.

- In the above table, there are 14 Arabic consonant letters missing in Latin letters. Only 7 letters of them

have been implemented in English by adding h to existing letters (ch, dh, gh, kh, sh, th, th). The

composed English letter (th) is shared by two Arabic letters (ذ، ث) as in (the thief).

- Initially, three numerals (7, 3, 2) were used to substitute the three Arabic letters (ء، ع، ح), missing in

English when Arabic words are embedded in English text. This is due to similarity in form when (ح) is

chopped and (ء، ع) are reversed. This approach has been extended to use other Arabic numerals. The

apostrophe is also used to play with numerals the role of the letter h in composed English letters.

- The Development of a new alphabet for an existing language can’t be achieve by using the letters of

another language and ignoring its proper letters. Enhancement of any alphabet can’t be achieve by

using Arabic numerals. Historically, Arabs used the 28 Abjadi letters as numerals, but this practice was

rejected for ever when they introduced the ten numerals, including zero, for writing any number.

- The Arabic letters structure can easily accommodate new letters by adding a point to existing letters.

The second column of the above table provides a very simple set of Geometric consonant letters

enhanced by four Geometric letters to cater for embedded English words in Arabic language. These new

four letters (g, p, v, ch) can be grouped in one word pronounced (gipivich) {Hivipig}.

- Each Geometric consonant letter on the above table has a unique form and a unique human sound.

The first letter calle “Hamzah” or Alif, when encountered at the beginning of a word. Hamzatu –lwasl

which becomes silent when linking words is replaced by a linking dash.

-There is no any relation between vowels and Hamzah and consequently the spelling nightmare for

writing Hamzah can be eliminated forever by using Geometric alphabet. Geometric consonant letter

Hamzah and Alif have one single and unique form as all other Geometric consonants.



- The last column of the above table represents the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) which is

dispensable in English and in French. English and French learners need to memorize not only the spelling

of individual words but also there pronunciation written in (IPA) and available in most dictionaries.

While, the spelling and the phonetics of Arabic letters and words are identical and (IPA) is not required.

- Arabish is using a mixture of Latin consonant letters an Arabic numerals an a special character (‘)

and avoids diacritics (التشكيل) by freely using vowels an igits but spelling mistakes can’t be avoi e .

Arabizi is using Arabic Geometric consonant letters and replaces diacritics by vowels and consonants in a

disciplined and strict manner and spelling mistakes can be easily avoided.

- Each Geometric consonant letter has one of two states: dynamic or static. A dynamic consonant is

equipped with a movement, a movement combined with Shaddah or a Tanween. A dynamic consonant

with a Tanween at the end of a word can be replaced by a dynamic consonant followed by a static (n). A

dynamic consonant with Shaddah can be replaced by a static consonant followed by a dynamic one.

- In Arabic classic, there are three short movements called Fathah, Dammah and Kasrah which can be

written above or below consonant letters and three long movements called Mad Fath, Mad Dam and

Mad Kasr written as vowel letters. The three letters (Alif, Waw and Yaa) are used as consonants, vowels

and carriers for the letter Hamzah. This approach is the origin of frequent spelling mistakes.

- In the new Arabizi, the three Arabic vowel letters (Alif, Waw and Yaa) were replaced back by long

movements. This approach was inspired by Mad Alif encountered in the Arabic word (هللا). The three long

geometric movements are written vertically while the short movements are written horizontally.

- The Arabic movements are normally written above or below Arabic consonant letters. In Arabizi, all

geometric movements can be written above letters for consistency and space saving. They can be

written above or below a Waslah after Arabic Geometric consonant letters and called vowel letters as in

the following table of Arabic specific vowels.

Arabic Name Arabic Geometric Latin wAw English Arabic Chat Phonetic

Classic Arabizi Wawizi Englizi Arabish (IPA) Fathah َ a a a/ A free æ / a / ɑ

Dammah َ u u u/ U free u

Kasrah َ i i i/ I free i

Mad Fath ا A A a / aa/ A/ AA free a:/ æ / ɐ

Mad Dam و U U oo/ OO free uː

Mad Kasr ي I I ee/ EE free iː

Tanween Fath َ L an an/ AN free

Tanween Dam َ M un on/ ON free

Tanween Kasr َ N in in/ IN free

- Arabizi is a Geometric Metho (GM) of writing, calle “Tareeqah Han assiyyah” (Taha) in Arabic.

Arabizi, is not intended only to phase out Arabish, the miserable Arabic chat alphabet, but it is much



more that. Geometric letters and Geometric Method are intended to be used by every single person in

the world similar to Arabic numerals and Arabic decimal system.

- Geometric method will accommodate English words embedded in Arabic Geometric text. Therefore,

the Geometric letters were enhanced by four English consonant letters (g, p, v, ch) and by four English

vowel letters (e, E, o, O) missing in Arabic. In order to follow up the Arabic standards of vowels, small

letters will be assigned for short movements and capital letters will be assigned for long movements as

in the following table of English specific vowels.

Arabic Name Arabic Geometric Latin wAw English Arabic Chat Phonetic

Classic Arabizi Wawizi Englizi Arabish (IPA) Kashah N/A e e e/ E free ɛ/ æ / a / ɑ

Offah N/A u o o/ O free u

Mad Kash N/A E E e/ E/ ai/ AI free ɛː/ æː / aː / ɐ

Mad Of N/A O O o/ O/ au/AU free o(ː)

- The above two short vowels (e, o) {e, o}, called Kashah (كسحة) and Offah (أفة), are not used in Arabic

Classic and often mixed up with Arabic Kasrah and Dammah by Arabic speakers. However the two long

vowels (E, O) {E, O} are widely used in spoken Arabic as in the famous Arabic singing phrase (أوف يا ليل)

{lEl Ay fOx} which can be written in Wawizi and in mirrored Arabizi as (xOf yA lEl) { xOf yA lEl}.

- In total we have 32 Geometric consonant letters and 10 Geometric vowels to write Arabic texts from

right to lift in Arabizi. Mirrored geometric letters can also be used to write English texts from left to right

in Mirrored Arabizi or Marabizi. The first column in the first table shows the name of consonant letters

written in Marabizi and Arabish.

- By matching each single Arabic geometric consonant letter or vowel to a small or capital Latin letter or

to a combined English letter, we create a new set of Latin Letters to write English texts and Arabic texts

from left to right identical to Marabizi. This method is called writing Arab way (wAw) method or Wawizi.

Wawizi is not perfect because it mixes small and capital letters and use combined English letters. The

three letters (c, q, x) were withdrawn from English texts written in Wawizi to appear in Arabic texts in

order to match (ء، ع، ح). Therefore, beginners can use the numerals (7, 3, 2) in Arabic texts as optional.

- To summarize: Arabizi is a Geometric Method (GM) of writing Arabic texts using Geometric letters and

Marabizi is the same Geometric method for writing English texts but using Mirrored Geometric letters.

But Wawizi is a writing Arabic way (wAw) method for writing English and Arabic texts using Latin

matching letters to Mirrored Geometric letters.

- Geometric Method will be applied on French Language by the enhancement the common set of Arabic

and English Geometric letters. The consonant letters used in French are a subset of Latin consonant

letters used in English. The combined French letter (ch) is replaced by (sh) in Wawizi for compatibility

with English. French language is rich in vowels. French speakers make use of their noses to contribute

with the mouth for producing additional short vowels, long vowels and nasal vowels.



- All French accents (é, è, ê, ë, ì, î, ï, ò, ô, ù, û, à, â) will be ignored when using wAw method. The Latin

letters (i) and (y) are used in French as well as in English as vowels and consonants. In wAw (i) is strictly

used as a vowel and (y) is strictly used as a consonant.

- All additional French vowels will be presented by two primary Latin vowels which are identical in case

of nasal vowels. However, one single Geometric shape will be assigned to each one.

- There are two additional French short vowels {iu, eu} and two corresponding additional French long

vowels { Iu, Eu} and four French nasal vowels {aa, uu, ii, oo} followed by (n) or (m).

- The French short vowel {iu} called (Summah) is situated between (Kasrah) {i} and (Dammah) {u} as in

(une). The French long vowel {Iu} is called (Mad Sum) as in (culture).

-The French short vowel {eu} called (Lammah) is situated between (Kashah) {e} and (Dammah) {u} as in

(peu). The French long vowel {Eu} is called (Mad Lam) as in (peur).

- The French nasal vowel {aa} called (Naf Fath) consists of a hard nasal (Fathah) occurring in (an, am, en,

em). The shape of Tanween Fath {L} called (Fathatan) is used for (Naf Fath) {L}.

- The French nasal vowel {uu} called (Naf Dam) consists of a semi-hard nasal (Fathah) occurring in (un,

um). The shape of Tanween Dam {M} is used for (Naf Dam) {M}.

- The French nasal vowel {ii}, called (Naf Kasr), consists of a soft nasal (Fathah) occurring in (in, im). The

shape of Tanween Kasr {L} called (Kasratan) is used for (Naf Kasr) {L}.

- The French nasal vowel (oo), called (Naf Of), consists of a hard nasal (Offah) occurring in (on, om). The

shape of reversed Tanween Dam {G} is used for (Naf Of) {G}.

- There are four cases of French nasal consonants where the nasal vowels {aa, uu, ii, oo} are ending by

pronounced written (n) or (m} which are embedded in a word or final connected to next word. The

following table represents the French specific vowels.

Letter Type Naf Fath Naf Dam Naf Kasr Naf Of Lammah Mad Lam Summah Mad Sum

Fr. vowel L M N G Y R X J

Fr. wAw aa uu ii oo eu Eu iu Iu

Fr. Geometric L M N G Y R X J Fr. Mirrored L M N G Y R X J

For detailed description and usage of Arabizi and Wawizi, readers can refer to the following books:

wAw Method, English using wAw, and French using wAw