ARB Survey Findings

Post on 21-Feb-2017

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Analysis by:

Robert F. James, President David S. James, Vice President,

Association Research Board

January 2017

© 2017 Association Research Board

In Search of Non-Dues Revenue Research Report

New Non-Dues Revenue Streams Elude Most


The Bethesda, MD-based Association Research Board

conducted an online poll of association executives nationwide in

December 2016.

One hundred thirty-two association executives responded.

Approximately 50% of them are with professional associations;

40% with trade associations; and 10 percent with philanthropic

associations, non-governmental organizations, or association

management companies.

The key survey findings reveal:

▪ Most associations lack urgency and direction in their

search for new sources of non-dues revenue, and that

non-dues revenue-generation has little priority for

executives in 2017.

▪ Only one in three associations is “very committed” to

tapping new non-dues revenue streams in 2017; the rest

are only “somewhat committed” or “not committed.”

▪ One in four association executives never discusses the

subject of non-dues revenue-generation with her board.

▪ While one in two associations tapped some new non-

dues revenue streams in 2016, only one in four

describes those revenue-generating activities as “highly


In Search of Non-Dues Revenue !2

Innovation Needed

The picture the survey reveals is less than encouraging.

With the continuing across-the-board decline in membership

and dues income, association executives who aren’t

aggressively seeking new non-dues revenue sources have only

one choice—to cut expenses and services to members.

But that only puts their associations in a deeper hole.

The humorist Will Rogers once said, “If you find yourself in a

hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.”

Association executives who wish to find their way out of the hole

need to explore the many sources of non-dues revenue available

today, and to do so with a strong willingness to embrace


The only way to turn the bleak situation around is to keep an

open eye—every hour of every day—on new ways to create


In Search of Non-Dues Revenue !3

How successful would you rate your non-dues income-generating activities?

Highly Successful 26% Somewhat Successful 56%Unsuccessful 12% Not Sure 6%

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In the past 12 months, has your association tapped any new sources of non-dues revenue?

Yes 45% No 53% Unsure 2%

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During the next 12 months, how committed is your association to expanding its sources of non-dues income?

Very Committed - We need to diversify 37%Somewhat Committed—we're always shopping for new ideas 52%Not Committed—we're satisfied with the status quo 5%Unsure 6%

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How often does your board and staff discuss the topic of expanding your association's sources of non-dues revenue?

Yearly 20% Quartery 34%Monthly or more often 19% Rarely or Never 21%Unsure 2% Other 4%

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What type of association is yours?

Professional 48% Trade 41% Philanthropic 5%NGO 2% AMC 4%

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How large is your association?

Under 5,000 members 79% 5,000 - 10,000 members 2%10,001 + members 18% Unsure 1%

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What is your job function?

Executive 67%Conference/Show Director 2%Education Director 4%Marketing/Membership 18%Other 9%

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About the Association Research Board

Bethesda, MD-based Association Research Board provides associations with high-

quality, professional research services, including surveys, interviews, and focus

groups. More information is available at or by

telephone, (202) 810-9568.

Photos courtesy of Oscar & Associates