A.R.C. First Year Project Presentation

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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A.R.CAugmented Reality Communicator

By Jan Hanson

Design Decisions 1

42% Adults use multiple social networks Duggan, M., Smith, A. (2013) Social Media Update 2013, http://pewinternet.org/reports/2013/social-

media-update.aspx: PEW Research Center. LinkedIn users: High earners, Higher Education and

generally older Duggan, M., Smith, A. (2013) Social Media Update 2013, http://pewinternet.org/reports/2013/social-media-

update.aspx: PEW Research Center. FaceBook/Twitter Survey: 94% FB, 66% Twit/WA, 50%

LI Hanson, J. (2014) AR Feeler Questionaire, Unpublished, Available From j.p.c.hanson@gmail.com: Brunel

University. Chat, IM, Posting, collaboration

Hanson, J. (2014) AR Feeler Questionaire, Unpublished, Available From j.p.c.hanson@gmail.com: Brunel University.

Not widely used on LI Restrictive feel ITworld (2010) How IT Professionals Use Social Media - and how Marketers can join the conversation,

http://marketing.computerworld.com/ITW_WP_Social_Engagement.pdf: ITworld Do you feel watched?

Hampton, K.N., Rainie, L., Lu, W., Dwyer, M., Shin, I., & Purcell, k. (2014) Social Media and the 'Spiral of Silence' www.pewInternet.org/2014/08/26/social-media-and-the-spiral-of-silence: PEW Research Center

Design Decisions 2 Location Based Social Networking Technical Limitations due to experience Write to an Interface, not to an implementation Nierstrasz, O. (2008) 09Patterns, P2 [Lecture Notes] programming 2, University of Bern, 2008

Strategy PatternGamma, E., Helm, R., Johnson, R., Vlissides, J. (1994)Strategy. Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Westford, MA: Addison Weseley. Back Compatability.

System Use Case

Use Case Narratives

Post List ScreenRelationship Pane


Individual userposts


Camera Viewusers


User Post

Live camera preview


Map View

User posts

Expanded user post



Compass widget

Standard zoomcontrols

The User

Coding public Post(long id,String userName, String title, String content , double latitude, double longditude, int time) { this.ID = id; this.USERNAME = userName; this.TITLE = title; this.CONTENT = content; this.LATITUDE = latitude; this.LONGDITUDE = longditude; this.TIME = time; }

public TestWorld() { postStack = new Stack<Post>(); postStack.push(new Post(1L, "bobTheTest","post 1","hello all im bob test subject 1" , 51.533483d, -0.473592d, 1)); postStack.push(new Post(2L, "daveTheTest","post 2","hello all im dave test subject 2" , 51.533066d, -0.472723d, 2)); postStack.push(new Post(3l, "timTheTest","post 3","hello all im tim test subject 3" , 51.534244d, -0.473201d, 3)); postStack.push(new Post(4l, "cliveTheTest","post 4","hello all im clive test subject 4" , 51.534517d, -0.469655d, 4)); }

/** * **/ public void updateWorld(ArcView arcView) { while(postStack.size() != 0) { Post postToAdd = postStack.pop(); arcView.addPost(postToAdd.getLatitude(), postToAdd.getLongditude() , postToAdd.getTITLE(), postToAdd.getCONTENT() , postToAdd.getID(), postToAdd.getTime());


TestWorld testyworld = new TestWorld(); testyworld.updateWorld(this);

public void addPost (double lat, double lng, String title, String content, long id, int timeSSMMHHDDMMYY) { GeoObject objectToAdd = new GeoObject(id); objectToAdd.setGeoPosition(lat, lng); objectToAdd.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_launcher); objectToAdd.setName(title); world.addBeyondarObject(objectToAdd); mBeyondarFragment.setWorld(world);

//add post content to internal Map postContentMap.put(objectToAdd.getId() , content);

public void clearPosts() { while(world.getBeyondarObjectList(0).size() != 1) { world.remove(world.getBeyondarObjectList(0).get(0)); } postContentMap.clear(); }

package com.orpheus.ARC.view;

public interface ArcView{

public void addPost(double lat, double lng, String title, String content,

long id, int timeSSMMHHDDMMYY); public void clearPosts();}


User feedback study

Adjust requirements in line with feedback

Observed testing of users.

Measuring how long it takes User to complete a task.

Work to date

Core functionality that works: Gps, Camera View, Map view, presenter,

strategy Core Functionality that doesn’t:

Navigation, relationships, ListView, Beyondar and MapQuest don’t play well together.

What I’ve learned: Don’t bite off more than you can chew, Android fundementals BeyondAR, MapQuest.

Bibliography Duggan, M., Smith, A. (2013) Social Media Update 2013, http://pewinternet.org/reports/2013/social-

media-update.aspx: PEW Research Center.Gamma, E., Helm, R., Johnson, R., Vlissides, J. (1994)Strategy. Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Westford, MA: Addison Weseley.

Hampton, K.N., Rainie, L., Lu, W., Dwyer, M., Shin, I., & Purcell, k. (2014) Social Media and the 'Spiral of Silence' www.pewInternet.org/2014/08/26/social-media-and-the-spiral-of-silence: PEW Research Center

Hanson, J. (2014) AR Feeler Questionaire, Unpublished, Available From j.p.c.hanson@gmail.com: Brunel University.

ITworld (2010) How IT Professionals Use Social Media - and how Marketers can join the conversation, http://marketing.computerworld.com/ITW_WP_Social_Engagement.pdf: ITworld

Nierstrasz, O. (2008) 09Patterns, P2 [Lecture Notes] programming 2, University of Bern, 2008