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Archimedes Volume 5





JED Z. BucHWALD, Dreyfuss Professor of History, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA.


HENK Bos, University of Utrecht MORDECHAI FEINGOLD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute

ALLAN D. FRANKLIN, University of Colorado at Boulder KoSTAS GAVROGLU, National Technical University of Athens

ANTHONY GRAFI'ON, Princeton University FREDERIC L. HOLMES, Yale University


TREVOR LEVERE, University ofToronto }ESPER LOTzEN, Copenhagen University WILLIAM NEWMAN, Harvard University

JDRGEN RENN, Max-Planck-lnstitutfiir Wissenschaftsgeschichte ALEX ROLAND, Duke University

ALAN SHAPIRO, University of Minnesota NANCY SIRAISI, Hunter College of the City University of New York

NOEL SWERDLOW, University of Chicago

Archimedes has three fundamental goals; to further the integration of the histories of science and technology with one another: to investigate the technical, social and prac­tical histories of specific developments in science and technology; and finally, where possible and desirable, to bring the histories of science and technology into closer con­tact with the philosophy of science. To these ends, each volume will have its own theme and title and will be planned by one or more members of the Advisory Board in consultation with the editor. Although the volumes have specific themes, the series it­self will not be limited to one or even to a few particular areas. Its subjects include any of the sciences, ranging from biology through physics, all aspects of technology, bro­adly construed, as well as historically-engaged philosophy of science or technology. Taken as a whole, Archimedes will be of interest to historians, philosophers, and scien­tists, as well as to those in business and industry who seek to understand how science and industry have come to be so strongly linked.

Archimedes Volume 5

New Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology

Leadership and Creativity A History of the Cavendish Laboratory, 1871-1919



Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Taejon, Korea


A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.

ISBN 978-90-481-5956-7 ISBN 978-94-017-2055-7 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-2055-7

Printed on acid-free paper

All Rights Reserved © 2002 Springer Science+ Business Media Dordrecht

Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 2002

No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,

including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner.

Dedicated to my mentors,

Erwin N. Hiebert and Silvan S. Schweber






1.1. 1.2. 1.3.


Preparing the Way Physics Education at Cambridge during the 1870s Three Cavendish Traditions: Maxwell ' s Legacy as Director of the Cavendish Laboratory Researchers and Researches


2.l. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5.

The Election of Lord Rayleigh Organizational Changes Rayleigh's Determination of the Ohm Researchers and Researches Rayleigh and the Continuation of Maxwell's Guidelines for the Cavendish Laboratory




I 6



26 29 38 44 48


3.1. 3.2.


3.4. 3.5.

The Election of 1.1. Thomson 1.1. Thomson as a Researcher 3.2.1. Books 3.2.2. Research Papers Consolidating the Organization of the Cavendish Laboratory 3.3.1. Glazebrook, Shaw, and 1.1. Thomson 3.3.2. Teaching Staff 3.3.3. Physics Teaching at the Cavendish Laboratory 3.3.4. Finance 3.3.5. Instruments Researchers and Researches Was there a "Cavendish School" in 1894?

51 59


86 90



4.1. 4.2.

4.3 . 4.4. 4 .5.

The 1895 Regulation J.J. Thomson and the Newcomers 4.2 .1. J.J. and the First Wave of Advanced Students 4.2.2. J.J., Advanced Students, and the Discovery

of the Electron Organization Researchers and Researches The Emergence of the Cavendish School

93 97

107 110 114


5.1. 5.2.


5.4. 5.5.

J.J. Thomson's Research in the New Century J.J. Thomson's Leadership and the Cavendish School 5.2.1. J.J.'s Intellectual Leadership 5.2.2. The Emergence of Research Subgroups and

a New Cavendish Style 5.2.3 . J.J.'s Charisma 5.2.4. The Growth of the Cavendish School Organization 5.3.1. Physics Teaching in the New Century 5.3.2. Finance 5.3.3 . Instruments Researchers and Researches The Decline of J. J. Thomson's Leadership


6.1. 6.2.

W or1d War I and the Cavendish Laboratory The End of the Thomson Era



119 129


160 169

175 180




The ambition to write a decent history of the Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge first struck me in the fall of 1985, my first semester at Harvard graduate school. As a foreign student from a non-Western developing country, South Korea, I was frightened and somewhat doubtful that I could survive in Harvard's competitive environment. Although the history of physics had long been my favorite subject for study, my experience and knowledge were naturally quite limited. For a course taught by Erwin N. Hiebert on the history of physical sciences during the twentieth century, I read an article by George P. Thomson about his father's discovery of the electron. This article, "J.J. Thomson and the Discovery of the Electron (Physics Today 9 (1956): 19-23)," focused on Joseph John Thomson's greatness as a physicist and his charisma as a teacher. Fascinated by this account of J.J. Thomson's charming character, I devoted my term paper to an examination of his role as director of the Cavendish Laboratory. When Professor Hiebert encouraged me to delve further into the history of J.J. Thomson's achievements, I quickly discovered that the available histories of the Cavendish Laboratory depended heavily on the reminiscences and memoirs of former directors and researchers of the Cavendish and that these histories lacked systematic analysis. I was especially bothered by the apparent consensus that an 1895 regulation change at Cambridge permitting non-Cambridge graduates to enter the University for post­graduate research was the chief cause of the Cavendish's sudden success at the turn of the twentieth century. I simply could not accept this idea. Thus began a long research project. The subject for a term paper developed into a doctoral dissertation (in 1991) and finally matured into this book, which represents a thorough condensation and revision of my dissertation along with the addition of two new chapters.

My deepest gratitude is directed to Erwin N. Hiebert and to Silvan S. Schweber. Erwin led me to this wonderful subject and has given my research efforts considerable attention ever since. I am very proud of the fact that he accepted me as his last doctoral candidate. He and Mrs. Elfrieda Hiebert offered myself and my family unfailing kindness, which was my secret source of strength as I worked to overcome many difficulties I encountered as a graduate student in the United States as well as a scholar and teacher in Korea. Sam Schweber, who generously took over the role of my dissertation advisor when Erwin retired in 1989, has looked after me ever since we met in a departmental colloquium in 1987. He read almost every word I wrote about the Cavendish and offered me incisive critiques. His encouragement was invaluable to me. It was he who urged me to publish my first paper about the Cavendish (which appeared in the British Journal for the History of Science in 1995) and who pushed me to extend my dissertation into a book. Sam also offered me wise counsel when I was confronted with personal difficulties after returning to


Korea in 1991. It was truly my great good fortune to have encountered- at the same point in time-two such exceptional mentors as Erwin Hiebert and Sam Schweber.

A number of other scholars contributed valuable criticism and advice to the writing of this book. Among them, I would like to especially thank Simon Schaffer, Andrew Warwick, Isobel Falconer, Peter Harman, and Jeff Hughes. I am also deeply grateful to Jed Z. Buchwald, who carefully read the entire draft of this book and recommended that I submit the manuscript to the Kluwer Academic Publishers for publication. I am very happy to see that this manuscript survived his sharp scrutiny. I also would like to express special thanks to professors and graduate students at Johns Hopkins University, where I spent my sabbatical year of 1998-1999 writing Chapters 5 and 6. Their criticisms during departmental colloquia were most helpful to me in revising and improving these two chapters. Among my friends and colleagues at Johns Hopkins, my particular thanks go to Robert Kargon, Stuart W. Leslie, and Buhm Soon Park. In addition, my heartfelt appreciation goes to several Korean colleagues who offered me encouragement to continue this project. To Judy Hardesty, who read and revised the entire draft, I offer my deep gratitude.

My sincere thanks naturally go to the institutes and libraries that made this book possible. The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology partly financed my research trips to England and the United States. The American Institute of Physics provided me with a research grant to access its Niels Bohr Library. The Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University Library, the Imperial College Library, and the Niels Bohr Library generously permitted me to use their collections during the preparation of this book and to reproduce items from their collections. I owe a special debt of gratitude to Spencer W eart (American Institute of Physics) and Keith Papworth (Cavendish Laboratory). Cambridge University Press granted me permission to use and quote from my 1995 paper on the topic of the Cavendish Laboratory ("J.J. Thomson and the emergence of the Cavendish School, 1885-1900," British Journal for the History of Science 28 (1995): 191-226). My sincere thanks also go to Jolanda Voogd and Helen van der Stelt at the Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Last, but not least, I offer my loving thanks to my wife, Soo-Y eon, to my daughters, Daye and Jinsol, and to my parents, Mr. Bo-Jung and Mrs. Soon-Young Kim, who always encouraged me to continue my research and writing and gave me heart to continue when I became exhausted. Their reaffirmation to me of the importance of family is one of the most important fruits that I harvested during the process of writing this book.

Dong-Won Kim Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Korea



B. A. Report









Not. Proc. Roy. lnst.

Phil. Mag.

Phil. Trans.

Proc. Roy. Soc.

Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.

American Institute of Physics (Niels Bohr Library)

British Association Report

British Journal for the History of Science

Cambridge University Library Manuscripts Collection

ADD 7653 (E. Rutherford)

ADD 7654 (J.J. Thomson)

ADD 7655 (J. C. Maxwell)

Cambridge University Reporter

Dictionary of Scientific Biography

Dictionary of National Biography

Historical Studies in the Physical (and Biological)


Mathematical Tripos

Natural Sciences Tripos

Notices of the Proceedings at the Meetings of the

Members of the Royal institution

Philosophical Magazine

Philosophical Transactions (series A)

Proceedings of the Royal Society ofLondon

Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.


Historical accounts of successful laboratories often consist primarily of reminiscences by their directors and the eminent people who studied or worked in these laboratories. Such recollections customarily are delivered at the celebration of a milestone in the history of the laboratory, such as the institution's fiftieth or one­hundredth anniversary. Three such accounts of the Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge have been recorded. The first of these, A History of the Cavendish Laboratory, 1871-1910, was published in 1910 in honor of the twenty­fifth anniversary of Joseph John Thomson's professorship there. The second, The Cavendish Laboratory, 1874-1974, was published in 1974 to commemorate the one­hundredth anniversary of the Cavendish. The third, A Hundred Years and More of Cambridge Physics, is a short pamphlet, also published at the centennial of the Cavendish.1 These accounts are filled with the names of great physicists (such as James Clerk Maxwell, Lord Rayleigh, J.J. Thomson, Ernest Rutherford, and William Lawrence Bragg), their glorious achievements (for example, the discoveries of the electron, the neutron, and DNA) and interesting anecdotes about how these achievements were reached. But surely a narrative that does justice to the history of a laboratory must recount more than past events. Such a narrative should describe a living entity and provide not only details of the laboratory's personnel, organization, tools, and tool kits, but should also explain how these components interacted within their wider historical, cultural, and social contexts. 2

1 J.J. Thomson et al., A History of the Cavendish Laboratory, 1871-1910 (London: Longmans, Green, 1910); J. G. Crowther, The Cavendish Laboratory, 1874-1974 (New York: Science History Publications, 1974); Cambridge University Physics Society, A Hundred Years and More of Cambridge Physics (Cambridge, 1974, 1980, 1995). Other histories are: A. Wood, The Cavendish Laboratory (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1946); E. Larson, The Cavendish Laboratory: Nursery of Genius (London: Ward, 1962); G. P. Thomson, J.J. Thomson and the Cavendish Laboratory (London: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1964). 2 Some notable examples of recent studies of the histories of various laboratories (and research schools) are: J. B. Morrell, "The Chemist Breeders: The Research Schools of Liebieg and Thomson," Ambix 19 (1972): 1-46; Gerald Geison, Michael Foster and the Cambridge School of Physiology: The Scientific Enterprise in Late Victorian Society (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1978); Bruno Latour and Steve Woolgar, Laboratory Life: The Social Construction of Scientific Facts (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage, 1979); Frederic L. Holmes, Lavoisier and the Chemistry of Life: An Exploration of Scientific Creativity (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1984); John L. Heilbron and Robert W. Seidel, Lawrence and His Laboratory: A History of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, vol. I (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989); Joseph S. Fruton, Contrasts in Scientific Style: Research Groups in the Chemical and Biochemical Sciences (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1990); Kathryn M. Olesko, Physics as a Calling: Discipline and Practice in the Konigsberg Seminar for Physics (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 199 1 ); and Robert E. Kohler, Lords of the Fly: Drosophila Genetics and the Experimental Life (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994). Valuable discussions about research schools are found in Gerald L. Geison and Frederic L. Holmes (ed.), Research Schools: Historical Reappraisals, Osiris 8 (1993).


My goal in writing this book was to deliver a critical history of the Cavendish Laboratory in its early years. At the core of this book is my belief that the evolution of the Cavendish Laboratory was not as smooth as the reader of previous historical accounts might expect. Contrary to the suggestions of earlier accounts, the prestige of the Cavendish's first directors, Maxwell, Lord Rayleigh, J.J. Thomson, and even Rutherford, did not automatically guarantee the Laboratory smooth sailing and a rosy future. Similarly, the 1895 change in University policy that permitted non­Cambridge graduates to study at the Cavendish did not promise the Laboratory's sudden elevation to the status of important research center. Instead, the Cavendish evolved from a relatively small university teaching laboratory to the world center of experimental physics through a slow but steady accumulation of knowledge and human resources. To present the history of the Cavendish Laboratory from this perspective, I have described and analyzed the participants in the Laboratory's development, as much as possible, in terms of their contributions to that development.

This book answers the following questions. What made it possible to create the Cavendish Laboratory in the 1870s? What was the Laboratory's principal role within Cambridge University and how did this role change over time? Who performed research at the Cavendish, when did they work there, and what topics did they investigate? In what ways and to what extent did the Laboratory's directors influence the work of Cavendish researchers? How did the Cavendish become the mecca of experimental physics during the first third of the twentieth century? In short, why was the Cavendish Laboratory so successful?

Throughout this book, special attention has been given to Cambridge University's influence on the Cavendish Laboratory. Not only did the Cavendish develop within this venerable University, but it also advanced in tandem with the University's educational system. Despite this close relationship, a struggle between the University's old traditions and the Laboratory's new values could not be avoided because the Cavendish propagated new modes of doing science. The early history of the Cavendish, therefore, illustrates the manner in which conflicts between traditional and new values were negotiated in late Victorian Cambridge. In concentrating on the Cavendish's context within Cambridge University, however, I have somewhat minimized the Laboratory's relationship with the outside world.

From 1860 to 1930, higher education in Europe was undergoing transformation from systems that were "small, homogeneous, elite and pre-professional" to systems that were "large, diversified, middle-class and professional."3 The engine of this change was the second industrial revolution, during which science and technology became revered as the keys to society's goals. As Germany and the United States transformed their educational systems to meet the challenge of industrialization,

3 Konrad H. Jarausch, "Higher Education and Social Change: Some Comparative Perspectives," in Konrad H. Jarausch (ed.), The Transformation of Higher Learning 1860-1930: Expansion, Diversification,

Social Opening, and Professionalization in England, Germany, Russia, and the United States (Chicago:

University of Chicago Press, 1983), I 0.


efforts in Britain to adapt education to the new technological challenges were largely unsuccessful until the Paris International Exhibition of 1867, which made it obvious that industrial development was flourishing on the Continent and in the United States much more than on the British Isles. This realization intensified the efforts of British educational reformers to advance their pro-scientific program, even in the tradition-steeped halls of Oxford and Cambridge. However, the most important educational changes in England did not occur in existing universities (as they did in Germany and the United States), but in newly established regional colleges and universities.4 Oxford and Cambridge remained as aloof as possible to public pressure for change, and whatever small concessions the two universities made to educational reformers were made at a foot-dragging pace.

Cambridge University, in a "least possible" response to pressure for greater educational emphasis on science and technology, in the 1870s established a professorship of experimental physics and a professorship of engineering, at the same time instituting the Cavendish Laboratory and Michael Foster's physiological laboratory. The Cavendish was quickly absorbed into the University's existing system, and the Laboratory's development was hampered by that system's painfully slow evolution. As late as 1873, the Royal Commission on Scientific Instruction and the Advancement of Science (better known as the Devonshire Commission) considered it necessary to remind Oxford and Cambridge about the importance to the universities of research in the sciences. To persuade Oxford and Cambridge to establish more teaching positions in the sciences, the Commission included in its report comparisons of the University of Berlin and the two British universities that showed the Oxbridge system to be wanting.5 Nevertheless, Oxford and Cambridge delayed for a full decade before reluctantly establishing a few new lectureships in the sciences in 1883.

Thus, to understand the Cavendish Laboratory, one first must understand Cambridge University and the radical changes it experienced during the nineteenth century. In 1800, the University was a bastion of traditions (some of which could be traced back to the Middle Ages) and a closed, male-only community which allowed only its own graduates to pursue advanced study within its halls or to serve as fellows or officers. Its primary goal was to produce educated gentlemen, sound in mind and body, according to the tenets of the Church of England, to which the University had been tightly bound by the Religious Test Act since the seventeenth century. Along with mathematics, the classics, and philosophy, a Cambridge education emphasized rowing, fencing, swimming, and social gathering.6 Professors

4 Graeme Gooday, "Precision Measurement and the Genesis of Physics Teaching Laboratories in Victorian Britain," BJHS 23 (1990): 25-51 on 25-31. 5 Royal Commission on Scientific Instruction and the Advancement of Science, "The Report of the Science Commission of the Old Universities," Nature 8 (1873): 317-319, 337-341. See also Roy M. MacLeod, "Resources in Science in Victorian England: The Endowment of Science Movement, 1868-1900," in Peter Mathias (ed.), Science and Society 1600-1900 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972), 111-166. 6 For more about student life at Cambridge at the tum of the nineteenth century, see Sheldon Rothblatt,


were few, and most teaching was done by tutors affiliated with the various colleges in Cambridge. Research was regarded as a purely private activity. By 1900, however, students who had graduated from colleges and universities outside Cambridge were permitted to enter the University as "advanced students." Women had entered the University, and its connections with the Church of England had been relaxed. The number of Cambridge professors, university lecturers, and university demonstrators had greatly increased, and they had become chiefly responsible for educating students. Research had taken firm root in Cambridge's educational system, and a few of its research centers, including the Cavendish Laboratory, had become world famous. By 1900, Cambridge University was a leading institution for the study of the humanities, social sciences, medicine, and modem science.

Such rapid change had not been altogether welcome at Cambridge. Resistance, clashes, delays, and compromise were inevitable, and the result was a unique mixture of old and new that distinguished Cambridge from other universities. In 1908, Karl Breul, Cambridge's SchrOder Professor of German, accurately characterized the University's intellectual atmosphere as:

a happy blending of tradition and freedom, of ancient customs and new methods; a careful adapting [of] old institutions to modem needs, of training the intellect and moulding the character . . . The old humanistic tradition of classical studies in Cambridge is, by the best of her sons, successfully applied to the more modem studies7

The typical nineteenth-century Cambridge undergraduate pursued his bachelor's degree for three academic years, each of which consisted of three terms: the Michaelmas term (October to December), the Lent term (January to March), and the Easter term (May to June). To "keep his term," the undergraduate was required to reside in Cambridge for a specified number of days. Most students stayed an additional term to take the January Senate House examination (also known as the tripos examination) necessary to earn a Cambridge "bachelor's" degree. Some stayed even longer to prepare for college fellowships. During the "Long Vacation" of summer, only the most diligent students remained in Cambridge to prepare for examinations, perform research, or study in a quiet atmosphere. Most undergraduates came to Cambridge from elite "public" schools like Eton or Harrow, but some scholarship students were graduates of small country grammar schools.

The University was a federation of colleges in which each member college enjoyed independent administration and traditions and, according to its size and wealth, contributed financially to the University. The position of Vice-Chancellor of the University was filled, in rotation, by a head (Master) of one of the colleges. Each college selected its own students, and what mattered most to the daily life

"The Student Sub-Culture and the Examination System in Early 19th Century Oxbridge," in Lawrence Stone (ed.), The University in Society, Volume 1: Oxford and Cambridge f rom the 14th to the Early 19th Century (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1974), 247-303. 7 Karl Breul, Students' Life and Work in the University of Cambridge: Two Lectures, revised edition (Cambridge: Bowes and Bowes, 1910), 5.


of the typical Cambridge student was not affiliation with the University, but affiliation with a college: the place where one studied, dined, played, and slept, ultimately to become a "Trinity man," a "King's man," or a "Newnham lady (or woman)." A small minority of Cambridge University students had no specific college affiliation; because they were "non-collegiate," their social status was lower than that of other students. For most Cambridge students, the University became a palpable force in daily life only when they matriculated into the University, when they took University examinations, and when they received their Cambridge University degrees.

Cambridge colleges managed and educated their students through a unique system in which every undergraduate was required to have a tutor:

a graduate of experience and great influence in the college, who is appointed to stand him 'in loco parentis' [in place of a parent], and who not only looks after his interests in everything concerning the University and the lectures, but is always prepared to advise him in any serious case of difficulty and doubt that may trouble him.8

Thus, Cambridge tutors, whose first loyalty was directed to their respective colleges, were responsible for the education of each student from entrance to a college to graduation from the University. Tutors assigned readings, helped students prepare for some examinations, and advised ambitious students who wanted to excel at examinations in the choice of private coach. Courses taught by University professors, lecturers, readers, and demonstrators were not compulsory and, in fact, competed with the education provided by college lecturers. Tutors who were also college lecturers, as was common, usually advised their students to attend their own lectures rather than courses taught by University professors and other educators, for the quite understandable reason that their incomes were based on the number of students attending their lectures. Clearly, the increase in the size of the University teaching staff in the last quarter of the nineteenth century presented college lecturers with a serious challenge. J.J. Thomson, a Cambridge student who would become the third director of the Cavendish Laboratory, considered himself lucky to have as his tutor a classicist because "he let me choose the mathematical lectures I attended, whereas if he had been a mathematician he would have made me go to his own lectures. "9

Cambridge University's control over the quality of its undergraduates was exerted through the University examination which, starting in the early eighteenth century, was systematized and held each January in the Senate House. This examination was called the "tripos," after the three-legged stool on which early Cambridge students sat during disputations to prove their competence.10 During the

8 Ibid., 21 . Brackets added. 9 J.J . Thomson, Recollections and Reflections (New York: MacMillan, 1937), 34. 1° For the history of the Mathematical Tripos (and Senate House Examination), see W. W. Rouse Ball, History of the Mathematical Tripos (Cambridge, 1880) and History of the Study of Mathematics at Cambridge (Cambridge, 1889). A short version, "The History of the Mathematical Tripos," can be found in W. W. Rouse Ball, Cambridge Papers (London: Macmillan and Co., 1918), 252-316. See also J. W. L. Glaisher, "The Mathematical Tripos," Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 18


eighteenth century, the tripos was systematized into an examination orally dictated by examiners and, at the tum of the nineteenth century, it evolved into a mixture of oral and paper tests, finally becoming a printed examination in 1827: "From a thing of wood to a man, from a man to a speech, from a speech to sets of verses, from verses to a sheet of coarse foolscap paper, from a paper to a list of names, and from a list of names to a system of examination."11

Tripos questions were primarily mathematical but also covered some philosophy and theology. As the years went by, the length of the examination increased. In 1800, it lasted eighteen hours and took three days; from 1828 on, it lasted twenty­three hours and took four days; from 1833 on, it took more than twenty-seven hours and lasted five days; from 1839 on, it took thirty-three hours and lasted six days; and from 1848 on, it took over forty-four hours and lasted eight days. The University Calendar of 1802 delivered a vivid description of the Senate House examination:

On the Monday morning, a little before eight o'clock, the students, generally about a hundred, enter the Senate-House, preceded by a master of arts, who on this occasion is styled the father of the College to which he belongs. On two pillars at the entrance of the Senate-House are hung the classes and a paper denoting the hours of examination of those who are thought most competent to contend for honours. Immediately after the University clock has struck eight, the names are called over, and the absentees, being marked, are subject to certain fines. The classes to be examined are called out, and proceeded to their appointed tables, where they find pens, ink and paper provided in great abundance. In this manner, with the utmost order and regularity, two-thirds of the young men are set to work within less than five minutes after the clock has struck eight. There are three chief tables, at which six examiners preside. At the first, the senior moderator of the present year and the junior moderator of the preceding year. At the second, the junior moderator of the present, and the senior moderator of the preceding year. At the third, two examiners appointed by the Senate. The two first tables are chiefly allotted to the six first classes; the third, or the largest, to the [poll men].

The young men hear the propositions or questions delivered by the examiners; they instantly apply themselves; demonstrate, prove, work out and write down, fairly and legibly (otherwise their labour is of little avail) the answers required. All is silence; nothing heard save the voice of the examiners; or the gentle request of some one, who may wish a repetition of the enunciation. It requires every person to use the utmost dispatch; for as soon as ever the examiners perceive anyone to have finished his paper and subscribed his name to it another question is immediately given ...

The examiners are not seated, but keep moving round the tables, both to judge how matters proceed and to deliver their questions at proper intervals. The examination, which embraces arithmetic, algebra, fluxions, the doctrine of infinitesimals and increments, geometry, trigonometry, mechanics, hydrostatics, optics and astronomy, in all their various gradations, is varied according to circumstances: no one can anticipate a question, for in the course of five minutes he may be dragged from Euclid to Newton, from the humble arithmetic of Bonnycastle to the abstract analytics of Waring. While this examination is proceeding at the three tables between the hours of eight and nine, printed problems are delivered to each person of the first and second classes; these he

(I 886): 4-38. 11 Ball, Cambridge Papers, 314.


takes with him to any window he pleases, where there are pens, ink, and paper prepared for his operations. It is needless to add that every person now uses his utmost exertion,

and solves as many problems as his abilities and time will allow. 12


From the mid-eighteenth century on, tripos results were published according to class rank. Graduates with the best scores received honour degrees and were divided into three classes; wranglers (first class), senior optimes (second class), and junior optimes (third class). The remaining candidates, called "poll" men (the many), received bachelor degrees without distinction. In 1824, the introduction of a new examination, the Classical Tripos, caused the old Senate House examination to be distinguished as the "Mathematical Tripos."13 In 1851, two more examinations were established: the Moral Sciences Tripos and the Natural Sciences Tripos. In 1858, a General Examination for poll men finally was introduced, and the various triposes were reserved for honour degree candidates. At the beginning of the twentieth century, about half of Cambridge's graduating class took at least one tripos examination. The Cambridge graduates whose names appear in this book nearly all distinguished themselves as honour graduates.

The intentions and lives of students who aspired to earn honours at Cambridge University differed considerably from those who did not. Poll men went to Cambridge to pass "a few enjoyable years between their school time and the beginning of their life's work; to make themselves proficient in sports and all manly exercises; to acquire a certain polish of manners and ease in social intercourse, but not to make themselves proficient in any special branch of learning." 14 Poll men focused on passing two examinations, the "Little Go" (Previous Examination) and the General Examination (Special Examination). Honour candidates, also known as "reading men," following a very different path, studied for seven to ten hours each day to get high marks in the Senate House examination (or, starting in the mid­nineteenth century, in one or two tripos examinations).

Of the four tripos examinations, the most important was the Mathematical Tripos, which produced many outstanding nineteenth-century mathematicians and natural philosophers, among them John William Herschel, William Whewell, William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) , George Gabriel Stokes, James Clerk Maxwell, John William Strutt (Lord Rayleigh), and J.J. Thomson, as well as a large number of eminent economists, civil servants, and Anglican bishops. Those who earned the title of wrangler were highly respected both within and outside the University. The first wrangler was often known as the "senior wrangler," and other wranglers were also identified by their examination rank, such as "second wrangler" or "fifth wrangler." Although the title itself did not guarantee reward, high wranglers often

12 J. R. Tanner (ed.), The Historical Register of the University of Cambridge: being a supplement to the Calendar with a record of University offices, honours and distinction to the year 1910 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1917), 352-353. Brackets added. 13 The Mathematical Tripos, however, remained the only examination for the B.A. degree until 1850. The Classical Tripos, first held in 1824, could be taken only by those who had been at least junior optimes in the preceding Mathematical Tripos. This restriction was abolished in 1850. 14 Breul, Students' Life and Works in the University of Cambridge, 8.


-~ ---~ ~--


Figure 1. Two kinds of Cambridge undergraduates: the left represents the honour candidate while the right two the poll man. ("There was a sharp Scholar who read an hour every day. Till they said- 'Your head man won't stand it.' He said, 'To be candid, if I read on much more I'd be dead.') [From Unknown author ("Naughty Boy "), Nonsense Scribbles at Cambridge (Cambridge, na.)].

Figure 2. Presentation of the senior wrangler to the Vice-Chancellor (1842) [From S.C. Roberts, Introduction to Cambridge (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1934), 18].


were elected college fellows after receiving their bachelor degrees. 15

As Cambridge University changed during the nineteenth century, so did the focus of the Mathematical Tripos. In 1800, the Mathematical Tripos consisted of "arithmetic, algebra, fluxions, the doctrine of infinitesimals and increments, geometry, trigonometry, mechanics, hydrostatics, optics, and astronomy, in all their various gradations."16 Honour candidates focused their study on Euclid's Elements, Newton's Principia, a few books on algebra, and manuscripts prepared by previous wranglers. 17 During the 181 Os and 1820s, three rebellious Cambridge men, John Herschel, George Peacock, and Charles Babbage, launched a radical reform of mathematical education by introducing into Cambridge the Continental style of algebra. As their analytical methods gradually gained stature in Cambridge, the Mathematical Tripos became more and more a written examination because "mastering analytical mathematics required years of tough progressive study" with paper and pencil. 18 In 1848, the Mathematical Tripos was divided into two parts, a change with far-reaching effects. For the first three days of the examination, candidates tackled elementary subjects, including the first three sections of the Principia, elementary parts of statics, dynamics, hydrostatics, optics and astronomy. At the end of the three days, after a short interval, the examiners issued a list of the honour candidates, namely those who would be permitted to attend the next five days of the examination, which was devoted to the higher parts of mathematics and physics such as "Statics, Dynamics of particles and of rigid bodies, hydrostatics and hydrodynamics, optics, astronomy, the lunar theory tested both analytically and by Newton's method, and planetary theory, precession and nutation, and the undulatory theory of light." 19 Shortly after completing the second stage of the Mathematical Tripos, a few very ambitious wranglers also took the examination for the Smith Prize. During the 1870s, additional changes were made to the contents of the Mathematical Tripos.

The Mathematical Tripos of the nineteenth century was a very difficult examination indeed. David B. Wilson summarized its rigors as follows :

Because of the great importance of a student's place in the results and because of the resultant stiff competition, examination papers were always long enough so that even

15 John Gascoigne, "Mathematics and Meritocracy: The Emergence of the Cambridge Mathematical Tripos," Social Studies of Science 14 (1984): 547-584, especially 560-565. 16 Ball, Cambridge Papers, 281 , and 284-285. 17 lbid. 18 Andrew Warwick, "Exercising the Student Body: Mathematics and Athleticism in Victorian Cambridge," in Christopher Lawrence and Steven Shapin (ed.) Science Incarnate: Historical Embodiments of Natural Knowledge (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998), 288-326 on 290. See also Warwick, "A Mathematical World on Paper: Written Examinations in Early 19th Century Cambridge," Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 29 ( 1998): 295-319; "The World of Cambridge Physics," in R. Staley (ed.), The Physics of Empire: Public Lectures (Cambridge: Whipple Museum of the History of Science, 1994), 57-86. 19 David B. Wilson, "Experimentalists among the Mathematicians: Physics in the Cambridge Natural Sciences Tripos, 1851-1900," HSPS 12:2 (1982): 325-371 on 337. Sections 1 and 2 ofthe paper (pp. 327-340) contain a fine explanation of the Mathematical Tripos during the nineteenth century.


the best students would not finish early. Also, to allow more specialization at the advanced level, stage II papers contained numerous questions in each area. A senior wrangler would typically obtain no more than fifty to sixty per cent of the total possible score for stages I and II, while a low wrangler would earn ten to twenty per cent. Two men taking the tripos the same year could answer quite different examinations.20

Thus, "for the lower wranglers, the Tripos was an enigma. For those seeking to become junior optimes, the minimum honours and the prerequisite for competing in the Classical Tripos, all was chaos."21 While preparing for the examination, some candidates lost their physical health; some suffered nervous breakdowns. Even the most successful wranglers, like William Thomson or Maxwell, experienced serious stress as a result of the Mathematical Tripos. For example, when Maxwell entered the Senate House to take the examination, he "felt his mind almost blank." When he left the Senate House following the examination, he was "dizzy and staggering, and was some time in coming to himself."22

To alleviate the inevitable stress of daily studies, most Cambridge students took some regular physical exercise in the afternoon by rowing, swimming, walking, or, in the late nineteenth century, playing golf. "This exercise," Andrew Warwick pointed out, "became the recognized complement of hard study, and students experimented with different regimes of working, exercising, and sleeping until they found what they believed to be the most productive combination."23

As mentioned previously, ambitious Cambridge undergraduates prepared for the Mathematical Tripos by hiring private coaches who, more often than not, had been wranglers. Private coaches were not faculty members of the university; instead, they specialized in teaching techniques for answering the greatest number of examination questions in the shortest possible time. John William Strutt (third Lord Rayleigh), senior wrangler of 1865, used to relate "how he had answered one question during the time that the answers were being collected from other candidates. It was an advantage to be low down in alphabetical order! "24 Private coaching was relatively expensive: in the 1870s the going rate was about £35 per year, making "mathematics a more expensive subject than classics or history, where private tuition was not nearly so general, and students were content with the lectures given by the Professor and College lecturers."25 Two legendary coaches of the nineteenth century were William Hopkins and Edward John Routh, each of whom trained hundreds of wranglers. Between 1828 and 1849, Hopkins produced 175 wranglers, including seventeen senior wranglers. Among his pupils were William Thomson

20 Wilson, "Experimentalists among the Mathematicians," 337. 21 H. W. Becher, "Voluntary Science in Nineteenth Century Cambridge University to the 1850's," BJHS 19 (1986): 57-87 on 83. 22 Lewis Campbell and William Garnett, The Life of James Clerk Maxwell (London: Macmillan & Co., 1882), 176. 23 Warwick, "Exercising the Student Body," 294-295. 24 Robert John Strut! (fourth Baron Rayleigh), Life of John William Strutt, Third Lord Rayleigh, O.M., F.R.S., an augmented edition (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1968), 34. Chapter 2 includes a vivid description of Routh and his class during the 1860s. 25 J.J. Thomson, Recollections, 42.


and Maxwell. More than 600 pupils of Routh- himself the senior wrangler of 1854- became wranglers, including John William Strutt and J.J. Thomson. Between 1858 and 1888, Routh coached 41 winners of the Smith Prize. The following description of Routh's class illustrates his recipe for success:

He [Routh) gave catechetical lectures three times a week to classes of eight or ten men of approximately equal knowledge and ability. The work to be done between two lectures was heavy, and included the solution of some eight or nine fairly hard examples on the subject of the lectures. Examination papers were also constantly set on tripos lines (bookwork and riders), while there was a weekly paper of problems set to all pupils alike. All papers sent up were marked in public, the comments on them in class were generally brief, and, to save time, solutions of the questions were circulated in manuscript. Teaching also was supplemented by manuscripts on the subjects. Finally to the more able students he was accustomed, shortly before their tripos, to give memoirs or books for analyses and commentaries. The course for the first three years and the two earlier long vacations covered all the subjects of the examination- the last long vacation and the first term of the fourth year were devoted to a thorough revision . 26

Although the Mathematical Tripos produced many celebrated nineteenth-century mathematical physicists, such as William Thomson, Maxwell, Lord Rayleigh, and J.J. Thomson, preparing for it was an imperfect way to gain training in physics because it did not test for experimental knowledge or skills. 27 As J.J. Thomson pointed out:

The [tripos) question asked is often to find a relation between a number of mathematical symbols representing various physical quantities; nothing is asked as to what are the physical consequences resulting from this relation. This, however, is just the thing which is of interest to the physicist; it is as if he received a message in cipher and made no attempt to decode it2 R

Beginning in the mid-nineteenth century, questions about emerging experimental areas, such as heat, electricity, and magnetism, occasionally were added to the Mathematical Tripos, but these were included only in the advanced part of the examination. Few candidates attempted to answer these less familiar questions; the new subjects were not taught in the lecture rooms of either the colleges or the University, which lacked both experienced teachers in these subjects and necessary apparatus for teaching them.

These drawbacks of the Mathematical Tripos were not corrected in the Natural Sciences Tripos established in 1851. Physics was classified with chemistry, and although knowledge of heat, electricity, magnetism, or sound sometimes was necessary to answer a question of mineralogy, geology, or physiology, the knowledge required was largely qualitative, not quantitative. The Natural Sciences Tripos explicitly excluded the mathematical subjects of mechanics and optics, as

26 Ball, Cambridge Papers, 309-310. 27 For the strength and weakness of the Mathematical Tripos in the nineteenth century, see P. M. Harman (ed.), Wranglers and Physicists: Studies on Cambridge Mathematical Physics in the Nineteenth Century (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1985). 28 J.J. Thomson, Recollections, 60. Brackets added.


well as two laws of thermodynamics. Indeed, the Natural Sciences Tripos barely survived its first two decades of existence. The idea of combining the Mathematical Tripos and the Natural Sciences Tripos to produce a balanced physics examination emerged slowly during the last quarter of the nineteenth century, beginning with the creation of the new professorship of experimental physics and the establishment of the Cavendish Laboratory in the beginning of the 1870s. 29 This development is discussed in greater detail in the first few chapters of this book.

29 Wilson, "Experimentalists among the Mathematicians," 340-366.



Our principal work, however, in the Laboratory must be to acquaint ourselves with all kinds of scientific methods, to compare them, and to estimate their values

Maxwell in his Introductory Lecture 1

1.1. Preparing the Way

In 1868 the University of Cambridge, after much debate, finally added the subjects of heat, electricity, and magnetism to the new scheme of testing for Honours in the Mathematical Tripos. To facilitate teaching of the newly required subjects, on November 25, 1868, a

Physical Science Syndicate was appointed "to consider the best means of giving instruction to students in physics, especially in Heat, Electricity and Magnetism, and the methods of providing apparatus for this purpose." After three months of thorough study, the Syndicate issued a detailed report on February 27, 1869 confirming the necessity for incorporating these subjects into the curriculum? "No reason can be assigned," the Syndicate concluded, why the University should not become "a great school of physical and experimental as it is already of mathematical and classical instruction." To this end, the Syndicate recommended that the University found a new professorship and establish a "well appointed Laboratory" "to render the Professor's teaching practical." The chief duties of the new professor were "to teach and illustrate the laws of Heat, Electricity and Magnetism, to apply himself to the advancement of the knowledge of such subjects and to promote their study in the University."

Certain aspects of the Syndicate's report are noteworthy. First, in recommending the establishment of a new professorship, the Syndicate strongly emphasized the new professor's role as lecturer, not as researcher. The new professor was to provide "the large amount of additional teaching" needed to train the candidates for several examinations: the Mathematical Tripos (MT), the Natural Sciences Tripos (NST), and the ordinary degree examinations in chemistry and in mechanism and applied

1 1. C. Maxwell, "Introductory Lecture on Experimental Physics," in W. D. Niven (ed.), Scientific Papers of James Clerk Maxwell, 2 vols. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1890), vol. I, 241-255 on 250. 2 CUR (16 November 1870): 93-96.

D.-W. Kim, Leadership and Creativity© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2002


Figure 1.1. James Clerk Maxwell, the first Cavendish Professor of Experimental Physics (1871-1879) {Courtesy of the Cavendish Laboratory].


science. The new professor also would be responsible for providing additional training for candidates for the first examination for the medical degree (M. B.).

Second, the Syndicate stressed that the foundation of the new professorship "would be incomplete" without the establishment of a properly equipped laboratory. Building such a facility, the Syndicate estimated, would require the sum of £6,300: £5,000 for a new building and £1,300 for apparatus, cases, and furniture. The Syndicate also recommended that the annual salaries for the men who filled the new laboratory posts should be £500 for the professor, £100 for the professor's demonstrator, and £60 for a lecture-room attendant.

Third, the Syndicate recommended simultaneous establishment of the new professorship and laboratory. This emphasis on simultaneity indicated that the future laboratory was intended to be used as a property of the University for practical examinations, teaching, and occasional research rather than functioning as the private possession of its lead professor. As a University property, the future laboratory would have the benefit of automatic official recognition. By comparison, the laboratory of William Thomson at the University of Glasgow had not received official university recognition for its first sixteen years. 3

The realization of this visionary scheme, however, depended on the University's ability to finance it. On May 13, 1869, another syndicate was appointed "to consider the means of raising the necessary funds for establishing a Professor and Demonstrator of Experimental Physics, and for providing buildings and apparatus required for that department of Science." The new Syndicate first asked several wealthy colleges "whether they would be willing to make contributions from their corporate funds," but the colleges approached were reluctant to share their resources for a University purpose. Next, the Syndicate investigated the possibility of funding the laboratory by raising the University's capitation tax and by using the financial resources of Cambridge 's two building funds. 4 However, the financial problems raised by these possibilities were so complicated and proved so divisive that the new professorship would probably have to be delayed for a few years. 5 The future of the whole plan became uncertain.

Then, suddenly, after the Long Vacation, the Vice-Chancellor made the startling announcement of a "munificent offer of his Grace the Duke of Devonshire, the Chancellor of the University."

3 Romualdas Sviedrys, "The Rise of Physical Science at Victorian Cambridge," HSPS 2 (1970): 127-151

on 138. For more details about Thomson' s laboratory, see David Murray, Memories of the Old College of Glasgow: Some Chapters in its History of the University (Glasgow: Jackson, Wylie and Co., 1927), 131-140; S. P. Thompson, The Life of William Thomson, 2 vols. (London: MacMillan & Co. , 19 10), vol. I, chapter VII ; Crosbie Smith & M. Norton Wise, Energy & Empire: A Biographical Study of Lord Kelvin (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), 128-134. 4 CUR ( 19 October 1870): 18-20. The original report was issued on May 31 , 1870. 5 CUR (26 October 1870): 49-51.


Holker Hall, Grange, Lancashire.

MY DEAR VICE-CHANCELLOR. I have the honour to address you for the purpose of making an offer to the University,

which, if you see no objection, I shall be much obliged to you to submit in such manner as you may think fit for the consideration of the Council and the University.

I find in the Report date Feb. 29 [27], 1869, of the Physical Science Syndicate, recommending the establishment of a Professor and Demonstrator of Experimental Physics, that the buildings and apparatus required for this department of Science are estimated to cost £6,300.

I am desirous to assist the University in carrying this recommendation into effect, and shall accordingly be prepared to provide the funds required for the building and apparatus, as soon as the University shall have in other respects completed its arrangements for teaching Experimental Physics, and shall have approved the plan of the building.

I remain, My Dear Mr Vice-Chancellor, Yours very faithfully DEVONSHIRE.6

The Chancellor's generous offer inspired the colleges to move from stubborn reluctance to a new spirit of cooperation and they indicated readiness to provide remuneration for both the professor and his demonstrator. On November 28, 1870, two years after Cambridge had first considered the best means of giving physics instruction to its students, the Professorship of Experimental Physics was formally proposed in the Cambridge Senate. The proposal was approved on February 9, 1871.

The question of who would fill the new position now arose. Because the new chair would be very prestigious in Britain, a prominent figure was needed. After the new professorship was officially proposed in November of 1870, the Master of Peterhouse, H. W. Cookson, wrote to the most eminent British physicist at that time, William Thomson, with an offer of the proposed chair. Only one year previously, Thomson had turned down an offer of a Cambridge praelectorship in Science made to him by the Master of Trinity. Lady Thomson had been ill. 7 Now, Thomson rejected Cambridge's latest offer: he was too much involved in the economic, social and scientific life of Glasgow to consider a move to Cambridge.8 Next, Hermann Helmholtz in Berlin was approached but, having just been appointed to the prestigious chair of physics once filled by Gustav Magnus, he was unable to leave Berlin.9

When it became clear that neither Thomson nor Helmholtz would accept the professorship, James Clerk Maxwell was pressed to be a candidate. Since 1865,

6 CUR ( 19 October 1870): 13. Brackets added. 7 Thompson, Life of W Thomson , vol. I, 558-562. 8 See Smith & Wise, Energy and Empire. 9 Thomson wrote Helmholtz to explain the offer and urged him to consider the invitation seriously because his acceptance would be "a great gratification and advantage to English scientific men." He himself, Thomson added, "would consider the difference of distance from Glasgow to Cambridge and Berlin a great gain." See Thompson, Life of W Thomson, vol. l , 564-566.


when he had resigned the chair of Natural Philosophy at King's College, London, Maxwell had lived at his estate, Glenlair, devoting himself to writing up the results of his investigations in heat, electricity and magnetism. His Theory of Heat would appear in 1871, and his famous A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism would be published in 1873. Those who supported Maxwell' s candidacy were uncertain whether he would abandon his comfortable life at Glenlair to come to Cambridge; nevertheless Stokes, John William Strutt, Rev. E. W. Blore (Vice-Master of Trinity), and others wrote to persuade him. 10

Despite the hopes and the urgings of these eminent persons, Maxwell hesitated to stand for the professorship, giving as his reason his lack of experience in guiding students in experimental work.


Glenlair, Dalbeattie, 15th February 1871

Though I feel much interest in the proposed Chair of Experimental Physics, I had no intention of applying for it when I got your letter, and I have none now, unless I come to see that l can do some good by it.

. . . I am sorry Sir W. Thomson has declined to stand. He has had practical experience in teaching experimental work, and his experimental corps have turned out very good work. I have no experience of this kind, and I have seen very little of the somewhat similar arrangements of a class of real practical chemistry. The class of Physical Investigations, which might be undertaken with the help of men of Cambridge education, and which would be creditable to the University, demand, in general, a considerable amount of dull labour which may or may not be attractive to the pupils. 11

A few days later, however, Maxwell changed his mind and decided to stand for the chair "on the understanding that he might retire at the end of a year, if he wished to do so." 12 On February 24, therefore, Blore formally announced Maxwell's candidacy. There were no other candidates for the position and, on March 8, Maxwell was elected to the Professorship of Experimental Physics without opposition.

Interestingly, despite Maxwell's current stature in the history of physics, he was not first on the Cambridge list of candidates for its new physics professorship, but third. Unlike Faraday or William Thomson, Maxwell did not enjoy wide public recognition for his achievements during his lifetime. At the time of his appointment to Cambridge, Maxwell's name was relatively unknown outside scientific circles and unfamiliar even to Cambridge students. Horace Lamb, a student during the first few years of Maxwell's professorship, remembered that when Maxwell was appointed "he was little more than a name to many of us, except that on one or two

10 Stokes sent two letters, on February 16 and 18, 1870, urging Maxwell to stand. See CUL MSS ADD

7655/ll, 40 & 42 (also printed in Strut!. Life of Rayleigh, 48-49). For Blore' s letter to Maxwell, see CUL

MSS ADD 7655/li, 38A. 11 CUL MSS ADD 7655/ll, 39: Maxwell to E. W. Blore. 12 This quotation comes from Campbell & Garnett, Life of Maxwell, the second edition (London: MacMillan and Co., 1884), 264.


occasions he had been responsible for some highly original questions set in the Mathematical Tripos." 13 Although Maxwell became better known after the publication of his Treatise in 1873, it was only after his death that he was ranked among physics' towering figures.

1.2. Physics Education at Cambridge during the 1870s

As Cambridge University ' s new Professor of Experimental Physics, Maxwell's first priority was to find the right Cambridge men to fill his lecture room and the future laboratory. Those targeted were, naturally enough, candidates for and graduates of Cambridge's Mathematical Tripos (MT) and Natural Sciences Tripos (NST). Nevertheless, enrolling MT students in professorial lectures during the 1870s was no easy task. Even Stokes' very popular lectures on optics and hydrodynamics-both subjects for the MT -attracted an average of only eighteen students a year during this period. 14 The difficulty in enrolling MT students in professorial lecture courses existed because the colleges had traditionally prepared students for the MT through a unique system of tutoring. Competition among tutors and between tutors and professors was intense, and tutors routinely discouraged their students from attending any professorial lectures that did not directly relate to the MT. For the NST, however, professorial lectures were the main sources of instruction, and professors who taught subjects included in the NST were likely to gain students for their lecture courses. In around 1875, for example, the more important University natural science classes each attracted "from twenty to thirty students," with elementary biology drawing a larger number and chemistry attracting "nearly a hundred." 15

Maxwell attracted only a very disappointing number of students to his lectures. As he recorded in one of his notebooks, nineteen students registered to study heat during his first series of regular lectures for the Michaelmas term of 1871, a number that rose to twenty-six students for the Lent term, but dropped to ten for the Easter term and dwindled to eight for the Michaelmas term of 1872. 16 J. A. Fleming, who came to Cambridge in 1877, "with the object of benefiting by [Maxwell's] lectures and laboratory teaching," was surprised to find "a teacher who was everywhere regarded as the great living authority on his subjects lecturing to a class of two or three students in place of the 1 00 or more attentive listeners he would have had in any Scottish or German universities." "In the last year of his life," Fleming recalled,

13 J.J. Thomson, et al. James Clerk Maxwell: A Commemoration Volume, 1831-1879 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1931 ), 142. 14 David B. Wilson, Kelvin and Stokes (Bristol : Adam Hilger, 1987), 48. 15 CUR (17 March 1876): 299-358 on 353. In a Syndicate Report of 1876 on "the requirement of the University in different departments of study," the Board of Mathematical Studies asked for no additional teachers, whereas the Board of Natural Science Studies asked for seven additional teachers, among whom at least one was for physics. 16 CUL MSS ADD 7655/Vn., 2.


"the only two attendants at his lectures were an American gentleman, Mr. Middleton, who was a resident at St. John's, and myself."17

The chief reason for this poor attendance was that Maxwell's lectures were not connected in an essential manner with preparation for the triposes. Judging from Fleming's notebooks on electricity and thermodynamics ( 1878-79), they also were too difficult and too demanding for most NST students. 18 For those who wanted to study experimental physics for the triposes, more practical ways existed: tutor's lectures and, after the Lent term of 1877, Elementary Experimental Lectures given by the "Demonstrator of Experimental Physics."

These lectures were originated by Maxwell to be given by his demonstrator, William Garnett, who was the 1873 fourth wrangler, and who had "impressed Maxwell [the Additional Examiner of that year] by the knowledge of physics displayed in his papers." 19 These elementary lectures were designed to provide students with a basic understanding of the subject matter and to expose NST and medical students to certain practical experiments. The course covered mechanical physics, heat, electricity, magnetism, and light, and required "no previous knowledge of Mathematics beyond Arithmetic."20 The lectures were so successful that they "soon became popular and formed some of the largest Science classes in the University."21 Nevertheless, the Elementary Experimental Lectures were of little help in recruiting future physicists, most of whom still came from the MT.

Cambridge's lack of a concrete and systematic program for physics education remained a real weakness of the University. Although physics had been included in both the MT and the NST, it was not yet treated as an independent subject. Even after the 1873 introduction of questions about heat, electricity and magnetism into the MT, most of the questions remained highly mathematical. In 1874, the Board of Mathematical Studies supervising the MT reported that "the questions on Electrodynamics and Magnetism were hardly attempted by any of the candidates."22

Worse, college tutors were advising candidates to sacrifice depth for quantity in order to obtain higher marks. This advice ran counter to the intention of the examiners who, in 1876, regretfully observed "that very few of the Candidates appear to confine their reading to two or three of the Divisions." Lord Rayleigh, that

17 Thomson et al., A Commemoration, 117-11 8. Brackets added. 18 CUL MSS ADD 8082 (Thermodynamics), 8083 (Electricity). The latter contains the following subjects: fundamental experiments, electromotive force, insulator and insulating stands, Gauss' method of charging electrometer so as to avoid vibration, Cavendish's proof of the law of inverse squares, Maxwell's theory of the foregoing experiment, coefficients of induction and capacity, Maxwell's method of measuring specific induction capacity, Boltzman's specific induction capacity of gases, how to measure specific induction capacity, electrical induction, expression for energy of field, current distribution in network of conductors, Wheatstone's bridge, thermo-electricity, and potential. Even though Fleming was a candidate for the NST, the level of mathematics used in his notebook was certainly beyond that of the NST. 19 A History of the Cavendish Laboratory, 1871-1910, 18. Brackets added. 2° CUR (12 December 1876): 146. 2 1 A History of the Cavendish Laboratory, 35. 22 CUR (5 May 1874): 356.


year's additional examiner, felt "strongly that something ought to be done to prevent men getting up a quantity of bookwork without a proper study of the subject. "23 As long as the MT remained a competitive written examination, students would not achieve the desired level of knowledge about contemporary experimental subjects.

The importance of the NST in breeding future physicists increased considerably during the 1870s. When the NST had been introduced in 1851, physics was not considered a separate subject but was taught with chemistry, mineralogy, geology, and physiology. In 1871, the Board of Natural Sciences Studies, the supervising body of the NST, instituted several highly significant reforms which took effect in 1873. First, physics was considered a separate subject included with chemistry in the first division. Second, the NST was divided into two parts, with the first three days reserved for elementary questions, the last three days reserved for more advanced questions, and two additional days reserved for practical examinations. Third, all candidates for honours in the NST were required to show some knowledge of the elementary principles of chemistry and physics. 24

The year 1876 saw another change that signaled acknowledgment, at last, of the immensity of the body of knowledge the NST covered. To permit serious students adequate time to study selected subjects in depth, the elementary part of the NST was given in June and the advanced and practical parts of the examination were given in December.25 The results of the first examination, however, showed that the change had backfired. Some students, the Board of Natural Sciences Studies reported, had confined their efforts too narrowly to a single subject, "so that though they have shewn considerable knowledge of the details of their special subjects, they have not shewn sufficient acquaintance with the principles of the cognate and subsidiary subjects." 26 In response to this unforeseen outcome, the Board recommended regrouping the subjects, and physics was grouped with chemistry and mineralogy.27 The NST now required a more thorough knowledge of every branch of natural sciences and covered more physical subjects than the MT.28 The MT still aimed to foster the mathematical mind of gentlemen. Thus, the future of physics seemed brighter in the NST.

NST candidates became the chief beneficiaries of the offerings of the new Cavendish Laboratory, which formally opened on June 16, 1874. The Laboratory became the site of the NST practical examinations and, starting with the Lent term of 1877, also became the site of the Elementary Experimental Lectures. Beginning with the Michaelmas term of 1877, NST students were advised to take "Practical

23 CUR (9 May 1876): 451. See also CUR (23 May 1876): 514-515. 24 CUR (1 March 1871): 212-218. 25 CUR (14 March 1876): 290-291. See also the Report of the Natural Science Studies in CUR (9 June 1874): 440-442. The second part of the examination was open only to "those who are declared to have so acquitted themselves as to deserve a B.A. degree, and no others." 26 CUR (6 March 1877): 270. 27 CUR (29 May 1877): 472-474. 28 For the physics subjects of the NST in the 1870s, see CUR (I March 1871): 213-214.