Architecture August 2012

Post on 19-Apr-2015

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Hyperbody - First Decade Of Interactive Architecture Jap Sam 2012 ISBN 9789490322090 Acqn 16931 Pb 24x17cm 624pp 450ills 400col £36 HYPERBODY, directed by Prof. Kas Oosterhuis, is an information technology driven research and design group operating within the Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology. The group is at the forefront in the development of computationally driven non-standard and interactive architecture, which is parametrically actuated by users and their immediate environment. Interactive, non-standard architecture and urbanism is seen as an active, component-based system that reflects contemporary social and spatial reality. HYPERBODY explores interdisciplinary spatial domains via specific practices and academic collaborations in order to develop in-house cutting-edge design tools, techniques and methods for the making of complex non-standard, customized, interactive architectures. HYPERBODY's architecture is based on swarm theory, wherein the built environment is defined as a space that is formed and informed by smart components that interact with each other and users like birds interact in a swarm. Such interactions have been developed and tested in the protoSPACE laboratory, which is operated by HYPERBODY within the larger Internet of Things and People.


Anne Tyng - Inhabiting Geometry ICA Philadelphia 2011 ISBN 9780884541219 Acqn 19699 Pb 20x25cm 112pp 82ills 42col £15 Anne Tyng (born 1920) explores the potentials of geometry through her architectural and teaching practices. Since the 1950s, when she worked closely with Louis Kahn and independently pioneered space-frame construction, Tyng has applied natural and numeric systems to built forms on all scales, from urban plans to domestic spaces. She believes that geometry is a metaphor for thought and the creative process--as a spatial demonstration of how the mind generates associations through the combination of pattern and chance. This volume documents a new project by the visionary architect and theorist. Commissioned by the Institute of Contemporary Art Philadelphia, Tyng has created an installation-scale model that realizes the ambition of all of her work: to inhabit geometry. Exploring her life-long fascination with the Platonic solids, the book also features related models and documentation of past projects, including Tyng and Kahn's never-built design for City Tower in Philadelphia (1952-1956).


Skyscraper - Art and Architecture Against Gravity Museum Of Contemporary Art Chicago 2012 ISBN 9780933856943 Acqn 21410 Hb 22x35cm 96pp 75ills 60col £27 Gathering a wide range of art from around the world, Skyscraper: Art and Architecture Against Gravity explores the enduring human desire to build farther and farther into the sky. Examined here are themes such as verticality, personification, urban critique, improvisation and the vulnerability of landmark buildings. Skyscraper features the work of about 50 artists, including Francis Alÿs, Ziad Antar, Fikret Atay, Erica Bohm, Jennifer Bolande, Marie Bovo, Roe Ethridge, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Cyprien Gaillard, Jakob Kolding, Vera Lutter, Claes Oldenburg, Gabriel Orozco, Thomas Ruff, Andy Warhol, Peter Wegner, Wesley Willis, Catherine Yass, Yin Xiuzhen and Shizuka Yokomizo. Skyscraper also features documentation of artist Monika Sosnowska’s process of creating new work commissioned for the exhibition this catalogue accompanies.


Amsterdam Architecture 2011-2012. Arcam 25 Architectura & Natura Press 2012 ISBN 9789461400512 Acqn 21521 Pb 12x18cm 144pp 100ills 85col £21 This pocket-sized volume presents an overview of the most interesting architecture completed in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in 2011. From large cultural projects like the conspicuous and striking EYE Film Institute, the Stedelijk Museum’s renovation and the redevelopment of the National Maritime Museum, to examples of innovative craftsmanship, for instance, the combined library and residential building in the Indische Buurt, a block of flexible-use spaces called ‘Solid 11’, by Tony Fretton Architects, and the IJburg College, which combines a school, sports hall and housing in one building. An essential guide to new architecture in the Dutch capital.


Shifts - Architecture After The 20th Century The Architecture Observer 2012 ISBN 9789081920704 Acqn 21523 Pb 15x20cm 96pp 54ills 14col £19 Architecture critic Hans Ibelings, together with the architects of Powerhouse Company (Charles Bessard and Nanne de Ru), explores the far-reaching consequences for architecture caused by the global economic downturn in 2008, searching for its deeper roots before the crisis, and anticipating its reverberations in Europe and elsewhere well into the future. Written from a particularly Western perspective, the book nevertheless explores these effects from a fresh perspective, and from various national and global levels, emphasizing the fact that they should not be viewed as being the same everywhere, despite generalizations presented in the media and in the fields of architecture and construction.


The School as City - Herman Hertzberger DVD NAi 2012 ISBN 9789462080164 Acqn 21554 DVD 14x25cm 16pp 18ills £18 +VAT As an intriguing document on one of the most significant architects in the Netherlands, 'The School as City' presents one of the worlds most influential school builders, Dutch architect Herman Hertzberger, and his battle to have his plans implemented. His ideals are sometimes at odds with the reality of today’s society. He struggles, grumbles, puts things in perspective, enjoys himself and gets his way wherever he can. Herman Hertzberger (b. 1932) is a man who cherishes his theories and is known for his eloquence and didactic skill. By showing how he worked on the various schools, the publication and film show the extent to which his theories actually took shape in practice, with all the attendant obstacles. How he plays the game between client, user and designer – with enormous passion, empathy and humour. The DVD also contains Herman Hertzberger’s essay ‘Fifty Years of Schools’. Filmmakers Moniek van de Vall and Gustaaf Vos followed Herman Hertzberger for over three years and began working on The School as City in 2007.


Traditional Bhutanese Houses - Survey And Research Report Art Design Publishing 2010 ISBN 9784903348230 Acqn 21591 Pb 30x21cm 218pp 280ills 140col £32.95 Situated in the foothills of the Eastern Himalayas, Bhutan is a small Buddhist kingdom with a rich building tradition, most recognizable in its dzong fortress architecture – complexes with towering exterior walls and associated courtyards, temples and monasteries. But perhaps more engaging are the traditional houses of rammed-earth and timber construction, a highly durable type of architecture that is said to be fast disappearing from Bhutanese culture. Sponsored by the Ministry of Works and Human Settlements, Bhutan, and the Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan, this exhaustive, detailed and very technical report on traditional houses in Bhutan brings to light a rich history and building practice.


a+u 502 - Four Practices In Madrid a+u Publishing Co. Ltd. 2012 noISBN Acqn 21600 Pb 128pp 150ills 100col £34.95 This edition offers a special focus on four Spanish practices based in Madrid: Antón García & Ensamble Studio, Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos, Selgascano, and Mansilla + Tuñón Arquitectos. Along with illuminating interviews and texts by the architects, it includes an in-depth look at both realized buildings and concepts for future projects, including the San Telmo Museum, El “B” in Cartagena, Berklee Tower of Music in Valencia, Yenikapi Transfer Point & Archaeo-Park Area in Istanbul, and the Contemporary Art Centre in Córdoba, among others.