Architecture Portfolio Viktor Karlsson

Post on 03-Apr-2016

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Solar PanelRoof ConceptFunctional AllocationDivision for AtriumVernacular placement

Solar PanelRoof ConceptFunctional AllocationDivision for AtriumVernacular placement

Solar PanelRoof ConceptFunctional AllocationDivision for AtriumVernacular placement

Potential Views

Atrium Lower electricity demand and increase heating

and cooling

Local Renewable Source Integration-Geothermal system

-South Facing Roof cladded with solar panel

Compact Volume Lower Facade to Floor Ratio

Temperature with OccupancyHotel Room - Active - Passive - Standby

Blur Boundary - Outdoor Area Warm Cafe Sun Set Restaurant

Potential Views

Atrium Lower electricity demand and increase heating

and cooling

Local Renewable Source Integration-Geothermal system

-South Facing Roof cladded with solar panel

Compact Volume Lower Facade to Floor Ratio

Temperature with OccupancyHotel Room - Active - Passive - Standby

Blur Boundary - Outdoor Area Warm Cafe Sun Set Restaurant

Potential Views

Atrium Lower electricity demand and increase heating

and cooling

Local Renewable Source Integration-Geothermal system

-South Facing Roof cladded with solar panel

Compact Volume Lower Facade to Floor Ratio

Temperature with OccupancyHotel Room - Active - Passive - Standby

Blur Boundary - Outdoor Area Warm Cafe Sun Set Restaurant

Potential Views

Atrium Lower electricity demand and increase heating

and cooling

Local Renewable Source Integration-Geothermal system

-South Facing Roof cladded with solar panel

Compact Volume Lower Facade to Floor Ratio

Temperature with OccupancyHotel Room - Active - Passive - Standby

Blur Boundary - Outdoor Area Warm Cafe Sun Set Restaurant

Stories of WoodN y s k a p a n d e b o s t ä d e r, G u l d h e d e n | Å r 4

I en brant sluttning i Södra Guldheden planerar Riksbyggen ett bostadsprojekt med mål att bli ett s.k. Positive Footprint House. Parallellt med detta pågående projekt skulle vi komma fram med ett förslag som verkligen utmanade det traditionella bostadsbyggandet. Vårt förslag är delvis tänkt att uppföras helt i massivträ. Tack vare en smal lägenhetsprincip som tillämpas på samtliga lägenheter, kan vi istället skapa bostäder i flera plan. Ett projekt gjort tillsammans med Jonathan Lindström och Mattias Ivarson.

Apartment layoutIf we instead of ordinary one-floor apartments use a slimmer apartment in several floor, we could be able to fit about the same number of apartments in the lamella. By doing that, we create not only more interesting spatial qualities, but also a possibility for a more private floor. The enterance can be on the top, bottom or middle floor.

Situation Plan 1:500

View over lobby and entrance situation

Section through 4 R.o.K

Section through 4 R.o.K