Archiving Best Practices -- Creative Operations Essentials

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Archiving Best Practices

Tommy Lionelli!Product Manager at globaledit!

About globaledit Globaledit is the online SaaS platform that empowers creative professionals to manage visual production at scale.!


Overview •  What is archiving?!

•  Why archive?!

•  How do you do it?!

•  Best practices!

•  Q & A!

What is archiving?

Archiving •  Long term access/storage!

•  Organization!

•  Process!

•  Limited Retrieval*!Source: National Baseball Hall of Fame!


Source: Wikipedia!

Archiving vs. Backups Archive:!a collection used for long term retention!!

Backup:!a copy used to restore the original in cases of emergency or destruction!

Why Archive?

Why Archive? Practicality!

•  Keep content organized / clear out what’s not critical!

•  Easy access to re-use!

Risk management!

•  Distance yourself from legacy systems!

•  File formats can become obsolete!

•  Hardware deteriorates!

Why Archive? Scale!

•  Explosion of content creation!

•  Current storage isn’t scalable!


•  Maintain content security!

•  Legal compliance!

Business !

Where do I start?

Ask yourself… Strategic/business questions!

•  Do you expect to reuse old content? !

•  How quickly do you need access to it?!

•  Where is your business going? What does your content strategy look like?!

•  Is the content sensitive in nature? Are there model rights or expiration dates?!

Ask yourself… Technical questions!

•  How much content do you have (# of files and total file size)?!

•  How much of your content is physical versus digital?!

•  Where is your content now? !

•  What type of content do you have?  !

•  Are there any formats that will become obsolete or require proprietary/legacy applications?!

•  Who needs access? Where are they in the world?!

What are some best practices?

7 Best Practices

1.  Build a business case!

2.  Create a company archiving process/workflow!

3.  Build an intuitive & relevant folder structure!

4.  Define how much is enough, how little is not enough!

7 Best Practices

5.  Metadata, metadata, metadata!

6.  Create standards for file types and applications!

7.  Discuss redundancy and backups*!

How do I do it?

Archiving – how do I do it? Define and standardize…!

•  File naming convention!

•  Folder structure!

•  Metadata!

•  Process!

•  Commitment!

Archiving – how do I do it? Decide where it goes!

•  Tape!

•  DAM!

•  Cold storage!

•  globaledit!

Demo of globaledit •  Archive files/folders!

•  Searchable, flexible library of archived content!

•  Archive to Amazon Glacier!

•  Inexpensive long term storage!

Thank you!

References •


