Are bacteria capable of precipitating magnesite?

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An International Journal ofMINERALOGY, CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, GEOCHEMISTRY,ORE DEPOSITS, PETROLOGY, VOLCANOLOGYand applied topics on Environment, Archeometry and Cultural Heritage

DOI: 10.2451/2012PM0013Periodico di Mineralogia (2012), 81, 2, 225-235

PERIODICO di MINERALOGIAestablished in 1930


In the present paper experiments will bediscussed that pertain to the low-temperatureformation of magnesite. From three differentsides the suggestion has been made thatmicroorganisms would be involved in the low-temperature formation of magnesite. In the firstplace there is the mineralogical analysis ofmeteorite ALH84001. This meteorite is thoughtto have been part of rocks occurring on planetMars. In the second place there is the fact thatthe Recent magnesite found in caves on theisland of Kauai (Hawaii) by Léveillé et al.(2000a, b), occurs in close association withalgae. In the third place there is the observationby Nash et al. (2011) on the low-temperature

formation of magnesite in modern-day corals ofthe Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Apparently allthese occurrences of modern magnesitecontradict the fact that until recently magnesitecould be prepared in the laboratory only at hightemperatures and/or high CO2 pressures(Hänchen et al., 2008; Munz et al., 2009; Zhanget al., 2012). The low-temperature (30 to 50 oC)syntheses of magnesite described by Felmy et al.(2012) involve carbon dioxide pressures of 90atmosphere and more.

From a magnesium bicarbonate solutionusually a hydrated form of magnesium carbonateor one of the more complex magnesiumhydroxide carbonates precipitates. The apparentreluctance of anhydrous magnesium carbonateto precipitate under condition of low temperature

Are bacteria capable of precipitating magnesite?

John C. Deelman

P.O. Box 8567, Eindhoven, The


Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the possible (bio-) chemical pathwaysinvolved in the low-temperature nucleation of magnesite, MgCO3. Two compounds knownfor their power to prevent hydrolysis (amorphous silica and magnesium trisilicate) were testedin contact with a slowly desiccating solution of magnesium bicarbonate. Amorphous silicagave rise to precipitates of nesquehonite instead of the more usual magnesium hydroxidecarbonate, thereby illustrating its influence on hydrolysis. Magnesium tri-silicate led to X-ray amorphous precipitates. The presence of reducing compounds, in particular the stronglyreducing hydrogen gas, does not lead to the low-temperature nucleation of magnesite.

Key words: magnesite; laboratory experiments; reducing conditions; microbial assemble.

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and atmospheric pressure has been attributed toa dehydration barrier of magnesium cations inaqueous solution (e.g., Lippmann, 1973).However, the suggestion of a dehydration barrierpreventing the formation of anhydrousmagnesium carbonate needs to be reconsideredafter the successful low-temperature synthesesof the anhydrous double salt magnesium sodiumcarbonate at 25 oC (Deelman, 1984).

Having noted that there really is no longer anyneed to study the possible effects of hydrationphenomena, attention was focused on thetendency of magnesium cations to lead to thelow-temperature formation of complexcarbonates containing hydroxyl groups. Could itbe that the slightly acidic conditions caused bymicrobiological activity such as for examplesulphate reduction, are responsible for theremoval of hydroxyl groups, and so favour thenucleation of anhydrous magnesium carbonate?

In the laboratory experiments described here,attention was given first to attempts to prevent,or at least to drive back, the effects of hydrolysis.Next was a series of tests conducted withcompounds known as reducing agents (hydrogeniodide, glycol, hydroquinone, and ascorbic acid).Even the strongly reducing hydrogen sulphidegas and the ultimate reducing agent, hydrogengas, were tested in combination with magnesiumin solution. No magnesite formed in all of theseexperiments. Experiments conducted after theones described here have led to the successfullow-temperature (40 oC) synthesis of magnesite(Deelman, 1999). Alves dos Anjos et al. (2011)have demonstrated the low-temperaturesyntheses of magnesite to be reproducible. Thepresent paper is based on the fact that only after1999 the outcome of the previously conductedexperiments could be fully appreciated.

Magnesite and microbes

Many papers have appeared on meteoriteALH84001, in particular because this meteorite

might well contain the first evidence of life onMars. Carbonate globules consisting of calcite,magnesite, ankerite and siderite were found inthe meteorite (Harvey and McSween Jr., 1996).In ALH84001 there are ultra-small structures (ofsome 20 to 100 nanometer) described asnanobacteria and considered to be evidence oflife on Mars (McSween Jr., 1997). According toKirschvink et al. (1997) paleomagnetic studyshowed the carbonates in the ALH84001meteorite to have formed at temperatures below110 oC. Two different sulphides (pyrrhotite andgreigite) were recognized in the samples fromALH84001 by McKay et al. (1996) suggesting apossible origin by way of bacterial sulphatereduction. Controversy still exists over thetemperature and the process of formation of themagnesite mineral in the Martian meteorite. Itmust be assumed that low temperatures(substantially lower than 100 oC) can ever havesustained forms of life on Mars; hence themagnesite must have formed at temperaturesbelow 100 oC. McSween Jr. and Harvey (1998)as well as Warren (1998) claimed low-temperature formation of the magnesite on Marsand suggested a mechanism involving floodingby water followed by evaporation andprecipitation from solution.

Much more relevant than the precedingcosmochemical interpretations are actualdescriptions of occurrences of modern magnesite.Undoubtedly one of the most curious occurrencesof such modern magnesite is that on theClipperton atoll (Bourrouilh-Le Jan et al., 1985).The coralline rim of the atoll encloses a lagoonfilled with a distinctly layered body of water. Thetop layer consists of brackish water, turbid fromhigh amounts of organic matter in suspension,with a pH of 8.7 to 9.3. The deeper parts of thelagoon water contain high concentrations ofThiobacillus, anaerobic bacteria and marineyeasts. The water of the deeper parts of thelagoon is quite different from the upper layer: itis crystal clear, of normal salinity, and pH = 6.2.

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The slightly acidic water exerts a strong influenceon the contacting carbonates, in that dissolution(notably of aragonite) takes place. Calcareousfragments dredged from the deeper parts of theClipperton lagoon were strongly leached,discoloured and very friable. Modern magnesitewas found disseminated within these leachedcarbonate fragments.

According to Perthuisot et al. (1990), who hadfound modern magnesite in the Holocenesediments of sabkha El Melah (near Zarzis,Tunisia), notably sulphate reducing bacteria mustbe responsible for the formation of magnesite.This conclusion was based on the absence of anydissolved sulphate in the interstitial brines of theorganic-detrital deposits in which the magnesitehad been found. The black-coloured sedimentscontinuously evolved hydrogen sulphide andmethane.

The papers by Léveillé et al. (2000a, b) are ofconsiderable interest, because they record depositsof modern magnesite from caves in basaltic rockson the island of Kauai, Hawaii. A number of thedeposits of magnesite (along with aragonite,calcite, monohydrocalcite, dolomite andhydromagnesite) are associated with living algalmats. “A common feature of some of the thicker,completely mineralized speleothems is alaminated texture, resembling microstromatolites”(Léveillé et al., 2000a, p. 615). The fact that themagnesite found on the island of Kauai, Hawaiiis of authigenic origin can not be doubted, sincethe mineral magnesite (much like magnesiumhydroxide carbonate and monohydrocalcite) donot occur in the surrounding rocks. [In this paperthe chemical term “magnesium hydroxidecarbonate” is used to replace the confusing term“hydromagnesite”]. Even so the exact relation tothe microorganisms of the algal mat was difficultto prove (“Desiccated and mineralizedmicrobialites contain few preserved cells, andinstead are dominated by mineralized material,which is typically laminated on a micrometerscale”: Léveillé et al., 2000a, p. 351).

A comparable observation has been made byNash et al. (2011), but there coralline algaeapparently were involved in the low-temperatureformation of magnesite. Crustose algae(Hydrolithon onkodes) were collected at a depthof 3 to 5 m on the Great Barrier Reef near HeronIsland, Australia. The algae had actually beenliving up to the moment of sample preparation.Nash et al. (2001), using X-ray diffraction as wellas electron microscopy, found pure magnesite inthe cell spaces of these crustose algae.


Various means are known to prevent hydrolysisor to reduce its effects. For example the use ofcompounds capable of base exchange could beconsidered. In my experiments M-99 and M-101pure magnesium bicarbonate would dry outwhile in contact with 0.25 gram (g) of amorphoussilica, SiO2.nH2O (BAKER Analyzed art. no.0254). The magnesium bicarbonate solutioncontained 0.2 g/dm3 magnesium hydroxidecarbonate: MERCK art. no. 5828. Gasometricanalysis of a random sample of this particular lotof magnesium hydroxide carbonate showed thatit contains 71 wt.% MgCO3, whereas titrationshowed it to contain 72 wt.% MgCO3. Thechoice of amorphous silica was based on thepaper by Bogue (1920), in which it was shownthat colloidal silica is capable of reducing theamount of hydroxyl ions during the hydrolysis ofsodium silicate.

In experiment M-99 ten (10) ml of thedescribed magnesium bicarbonate solutionwould stream once per hour (in an automaticallycontrolled set-up) into a slowly rotating Petridish containing the amorphous silica, and drycompletely during the rest of each hour at aconstant temperature of 27 oC. Heating wascontrolled by way of a heat lamp above therotating Petri dish (Figure 1). After ten days X-ray diffraction showed that nesquehoniteMgCO3.3 H2O had been formed. This

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observation proves that the amorphous silicadoes have an effect, because without itmagnesium hydroxide carbonate would haveformed. The set-up of the rotating Petri-dish issuch that at the very site of the desiccatingbicarbonate solution low values of pCO2 exist.As shown for example by Langmuir (1965) (hisFigure 5, p. 748) such low values of pCO2 leadto the precipitation of magnesium hydroxidecarbonate. In experiment M-101 two dm3 of thepreviously described magnesium bicarbonateplus 0.25 g amorphous silica were desiccated ata constant temperature of 30 oC in a large glassbowl placed on an electric heater. In this casetoo, the compound formed upon desiccation wasnesquehonite. The formation of nesquehonite inexperiment M-101 was not unexpected, becausethe magnesium bicarbonate solution slowlydesiccating in a (high model) glass bowl willgive rise to nesquehonite (unless high

temperatures are involved). Because carbondioxide is heavier than air, geometry of the testset-up determines to a large degree the localpCO2. A large glass bowl will tend to store theheavy carbon dioxide, but the low rim of a Petridish ensures rapid escape of the carbon dioxide.

In experiment M-105 an attempt was made tostudy the possible effect of another compoundknown for its base exchange capacity:magnesium tri-silicate. One gram magnesium tri-silicate (purum, FLUKA 63144) was spread outin a slowly rotating Petri dish, and each hour 10ml of the previously described magnesiumbicarbonate solution would be addedautomatically and desiccate at 35 oC. Nocrystalline form of a magnesium carbonateresulted. The precipitate formed was X-rayamorphous. (According to Mignardi et al., 2011the formation of nesquehonite instead of anamorphous carbonate from a magnesiumbicarbonate solution would depend on the CO2:Mg ratio of the solution.)

From these three experiments the conclusioncan be drawn, that apparently the twocompounds with base exchange capacity, are notactively involved in the low-temperaturenucleation of magnesite.

Perhaps compounds known as reducing agentswould be more effective in preventinghydrolysis. The following methods of preventingthe formation of hydroxyl ions are known:adding hydrazine, adding carbon monoxide, oradding saturated aliphatic alcohols such aspropanol, butanol, glycol, or propanediol to theaqueous solution. Well-known reducing agentsH2, HI, H2S, Na2SO3 and aldehydes such ashydroquinone (1,4 dihydroxybenzole) may exertmuch the same power in preventing the precipi -tation of Mg(OH)2 and therefore preventing theformation of magnesium hydroxide carbonates.In this manner the possible formation of MgCO3might be favoured.

Because of practical difficulties in obtainingpure hydrogen iodide, an intermediate reaction

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Figure 1. Automatic set-up delivering once per hour10 ml of a magnesium bicarbonate solution onto aslowly rotating Petri dish.

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was used in experiment M-109. In thatexperiment a combination of KI and I2 was used.At least part of the KI would change into I2 plusHI in the presence of weak acids such ascarbonic acid. Both KI and I2 were used, becausein addition to the power of reduction of HI, areaction between iodine and hydroxyl groupsaccording to

I2 + 2OH- = I- + IO- + H2O

will take place, capable of driving back theamounts of hydroxyl groups. However nomagnesite at all could be found. The precipitatefrom experiment M-109 was X-ray amorphous.

A number of additional experiments in whichglycol, hydroquinone or ascorbic acid wereadded to a pure magnesium bicarbonate solutionsimilarly met with no success (hydroquinone andascorbic acid are “Reductone” in the sense ofVon Euler et al., 1957). Perhaps the strongerreducing agents H2 or H2S, in the absence of anyoxygen, would be capable of inducing the low-temperature nucleation of magnesite. Thereforea new kind of experiment was needed, in whichcarbon dioxide from the magnesium bicarbonatesolution would be removed gradually from thesolution in the absence of any oxygen. In thepresence of any oxygen, hydrogen sulphide willquickly decompose. The prerequisite “in theabsence of oxygen” might well be substantiatedby comparing the formation of MgCO3 andFeCO3 in the presence and absence of oxygen.The formation of iron hydroxide carbonates canbe prevented only, when excluding all oxygenfrom possible contact with the iron bicarbonatesolution. Perhaps much the same mechanismwould be taking place in the case of theformation of magnesium hydroxide carbonate.My next experiment had to involve the gradualremoval of carbon dioxide from a magnesiumbicarbonate solution in the absence of anyoxygen. What was needed was a set-up, whichis essentially air tight (which in itself is difficult

to achieve). After deciding that nitrogen gascould be used to displace all of the air in theequipment to be used, the problem might well besolved. A first attempt was made using a largeplastic aquarium, fitted with a thick plexiglasslid, resting on what was thought to be an air tightrubber seal. In the aquarium a glass beaker wasplaced with a pure magnesium bicarbonatesolution. The actual experiment consisted ofbubbling pure nitrogen gas through this solution.An overpressure valve ensured the gradualescape of the ensuing carbon dioxide - nitrogenmixture. Indeed a precipitate formed after 14days, but it turned out to be X-ray amorphous.

Perhaps using nitrogen was not a really goodidea. Therefore in my next experiment (M-117)the beaker with the magnesium bicarbonatesolution was placed in the carefully closedplastic aquarium together with an open beakerwith alkaline solution of pyrogallol (benzene -1,2, 3-triol: a well-known reducing agent) as wellas an open beaker with KOH pellets (to absorbthe carbon dioxide from the magnesiumbicarbonate solution). After 7 days a precipitatewas discerned in the glass beaker with themagnesium bicarbonate solution, but this tooturned out to be X-ray amorphous.

An adequate method to withdraw carbondioxide from water saturated with carbondioxide while introducing more and more of theextremely powerful reducing agent hydrogen gaswas used in my experiment M-126. Into a 1.5litre jam jar partially filled with 1 litre distilledwater through which carbon dioxide had beenbubbling for 72 hours, 0.48 g finely powderedpure magnesium metal (MERCK art. no. 5815)was poured. The reaction between magnesiummetal and the bicarbonate solution initiates atonce the formation of hydrogen gas. Quickly abroad-rimmed beer glass containing 20 g KOHtablets (MERCK art. no. 5033) was placed insidethe jam jar in such a way that it would float onthe solution. The inside diameter of the jam jarin combination with the outside diameter of the

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beer glass were such that the floating beer glasswith the potassium hydroxide could not tumbleover (Figure 2). Thus the KOH pellets wouldstart absorbing carbon dioxide (and water) fromthe solution as soon as the gas-tight lid of the jamjar was closed, but the KOH pellets would notbe able to contact the solution itself. After 4weeks at room temperature a precipitate hadformed, adhering the inside of the jam jar. It wasremoved and subjected to X-ray diffraction.What had been formed was the mineral dypingiteMg5(CO3)4(OH)2.8H2O and not magnesite.Apparently not only hydrolysis, but also hydrationwas involved in this experiment.

Although the rubber sealing ring in combinationwith the steel closure device must have been ableto guarantee the exclusion of any oxygen from thejam jar, a second attempt was made in order to besure about the outcome of the reaction.Experiment M-129 was an exact duplication of M-

126, and the outcome was also the same:dypingite. Apparently, the presence of abundanthydrogen gas had not been able to preventhydrolysis (see for a review of the results Table 1).

Ultimately the successful low-temperature (40oC) synthesis of magnesite first took place in myexperiment M-211 (see the X-ray diffractogramof Figure 3), and has been described in the paperDeelman (1999).


It is possible to dissolve powdered magnesitein carbon dioxide-saturated water. Whenwithdrawing the carbon dioxide from theensuing magnesium bicarbonate solution, orwhen evaporating the solution as a whole,hydrated magnesium carbonates or the hydroxylgroup-containing magnesium hydroxidecarbonates will form. Whatever the approachchosen, it is impossible to precipitate anhydrousmagnesium carbonate again from thebicarbonate solution at low temperatures (around25 oC) and atmospheric pressure. As a resultHalla (1962) concluded that apparently anirreversible reaction is involved in thedissolution/precipitation of magnesite (anddolomite as well). Once the observationconcerning irreversibility has been made, itshould inevitably lead to serious consequences.Foremost stands the observation, that in theabsence of equilibrium the ”solubility” conceptcan no longer be used. As stated by Lewin (1960,p.41): “… the solubility product principle can bederived for stable equilibrium conditions only”.As soon as the strict requirement of chemicalequilibrium is no longer given, as is the case withthe low-temperature formation of magnesite, theconcept of solubility can no longer be applied.The occurrence of metastable phases (in this casethe hydrous magnesium carbonates and thevarious forms of magnesium hydroxidecarbonates: see Langmuir, 1965) effectivelyrules out the use of Nernst’s (1889) concept of

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Figure 2. Hermetically sealed jam-jar filled with CO2-saturated water to which magnesium (metal) powderhad been added; the floating beer glass contains KOHpellets needed to absorb the dissolved carbon dioxide.

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Mg bicarbonatesolution + .... Temperature Precipitate

M-99 amorphous silica 27 oC nesquehoniteM-101 amorphous silica 33 oC nesquehoniteM-105 Mg trisilicate room temperature amorphousM-109 KI + I2 room temperature amorphous

M-116 bubbling N2 throughtheMg bicarbonate solution room temperature amorphous

M-117Mg bicarbonate solution

next to KOH andpyrogallol

room temperature amorphous

M-126 Mg powder in CO2-richwater next to KOH room temperature dypingite

M-129 Mg powder in CO2-richwater next to KOH room temperature dypingite

Table 1. Summary of experiments and precipitates formed.

Figure 3. X-Ray diffractogram (Cu-Kα radiation) of magnesite synthesized in an inorganic laboratory experimentconducted at a temperature of 40 °C (copyright: J.C. Deelman, 2003).

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solubility. According to Bénézeth et al. (2011)the available information on the solubility ofmagnesite is sparse and contradictory in itself.Like so many authors before them, Bénézeth etal. (2011) did not consider the possibility that thedissolution / precipitation of magnesite consistsof an irreversible reaction.

According to Saldi et al. (2009) the low-temperature formation of magnesite would belimited by very slow step advancement ratesduring the nucleation process. However, thoseobservations were based on experimentsconducted at temperatures between 80 and 120oC. Most likely the barriers preventing the low-temperature nucleation of magnesite, whichaccording to Saldi et al. (2009) involve slowlayer formation frequencies, can be overcome inopen systems only with pronounced fluctuationsin p, T, or x (Deelman, 2001).

As shown in my laboratory experiments, thelow-temperature synthesis of magnesite requiresthe occurrence of fluctuations (of p, T, x) in anopen system (Deelman, 1999). It must beremembered that Liebermann’s (1967)experiment no. 57 (on which those experimentswere based) involve two fundamentally differentsteps to be repeated 14 times. The first stepconsists of bubbling carbon dioxide throughartificial seawater for 12 hours. (The artificialseawater contained 0.918 mol NaCl, 0.0316 molMgCl2.6 H2O, 0.018 mol MgSO4.7 H2O and0.020 mol KCl dissolved in 330 ml distilledwater; added to it were 2 mMol calciumcarbonate). The next step consists of titrationwith dilute ammonia until pH = 8.0. After that aninterval of 60 hours of gradual escape of thedissolved carbon dioxide took place, while thesolution was being heated to a constanttemperature of for example 40 oC. As describedby Liebermann (1967) the whole experimentconsisted of repeating 14 times the dissolutioninterval, the titration and the heating/gradualescape of carbon dioxide interval. In otherwords, the necessary fluctuations took the form

of a finite number of intervals of precipitationalternating with intervals of dissolution. An opensystem is involved, because the two differentintervals require repeated titrations withammonia respectively bubbling carbon dioxidethrough the solution at different times.

Additional experiments demonstratedunequivocally the need for fluctuations in anopen system. Performing three different staticcontrol experiments did not result in anymagnesite at all, thereby illustrating the actualneed for fluctuations in an open system(Deelman, 2003). For example when adding allof the ammonia used in the 14 different titrationsin one action into the solution, the precipitateconsisted of magnesium hydroxide carbonate.But the most convincing static controlexperiment is based on the (patent) claim ofWaeser (1923/1926), who stated that the reaction

MgCl2 + 2NH3 + CO2 + H2O → MgCO3 +2NH4Cl

would start at temperatures above 30 oC.However, in my static control experiments it wasseen how after saturating a magnesium chloridesolution with carbon dioxide and adding a largequantity of ammonia solution (both solutionsequilibrated at 45 oC), the precipitate wasmagnesium hydroxide and not magnesite (fordetails see Deelman, 2003). Therefore, the patentclaim of Waeser (1923/1926) that the reactionbetween magnesium chloride solution andammonia plus carbon dioxide gas would start at30 oC (under static conditions, that is) cannot bemaintained.

At the same time my experiments have shownthe definite need for the presence of ammonia.In contrast to the suggestion by Liebermann(1967) that either ammonia or sodium carbonatecould be used to increase the pH of thebicarbonate solution in the titrations, I havefound that successful synthesis of magnesiterequires ammonia. The present observation

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underlines the importance of the statements byGómez de Llarena (1953) and Lesko (1972) thatammonia would be involved in the low-temperature formation of magnesite. As a freegas ammonia is rare in the atmosphere, but it willbe set free upon the decomposition of organiccompounds. Notably bacteria capable of nitrateammonification will be able to free ammonia.

One important conclusion from the abovedescribed laboratory experiments concerns therole of bacterial sulphate reduction. No activerole seems to be played by living bacteria suchas Desulfovibrio sp. in the low-temperatureformation of magnesite. As a result thesuggestion of McKay et al. (1996) that becauseof the observed paragenesis of magnesite,ankerite, iron sulphides and magnetite, anaerobicconditions must have reigned during theformation of the carbonates found in theALH84001 meteorite, must be refuted. Similarlythe suggestion made by Sanz-Montero andRodríguez-Aranda (2012) that the mereassociation between (Miocene) magnesite andabundant microfossils embedded in sheets oforganic material would point to an active role ofbacteria in the formation of this magnesite,cannot be upheld. When considering only theaspect of reducing conditions, the laboratoryexperiments involving the various reducingagents do not support any such role. However, itis not at all unlikely that when re-examining forexample all of the microorganisms present in thesediments of sabkha El Melah de Zarzis (wherePerthuisot et al., 1990 have found Recentmagnesite), numerous genera of bacteriadifferent from the sulphate reducers will befound. Possibly such a mixed ensemble ofmicroorganisms may well be responsible for thelow-temperature nucleation of magnesite.

Algae may well play a crucial role in the low-temperature nucleation of magnesite, in thatthese microorganisms will withdraw dissolvedcarbon dioxide from the water during daylight,but will turn to respiration (uptake of oxygen and

release of carbon dioxide) during the night. Thisdiel change in amounts of carbon dioxidedissolved in water will inevitable lead to changesin pH (Dubinsky and Rotem, 1974) required forthe low-temperature formation of magnesite. Inconclusion then, the low-temperature synthesesof magnesite suggest how most probably avariety of different microorganims will beinvolved in the formation of most of the present-day magnesite deposits.

The mode of formation of magnesite describedhere is of crucial importance to all discussions onthe possible occurrence of life on Mars. As shownin laboratory syntheses, magnesite may well format temperatures around 40o C (Deelman, 1999).The mechanism involved is definitely based onnonequilibrium conditions. As explained before(Deelman, 2001) fluctuations betweenprecipitation and dissolution taking place in anopen system are capable of accumulating moreand more of a stable mineral phase instead of oneor more of its metastable equivalents, providedonly that the reaction involved is an irreversibleone. It will be difficult to underestimate thepossible significance of the successful low-temperature syntheses of magnesite. The more sobecause Oelkers et al. (2008) have pointed outthat reliable long-term storage of carbon dioxiderequires the (low-temperature) production ofdolomite and/or magnesite. The Liebermann-Deelman syntheses are founded on the use of abrine resembling seawater (it contained sodiumchloride, magnesium chloride, magnesiumsulphate, calcium sulphate and potassiumchloride). Actual large-scale production ofdolomite and/or magnesite could be based on theuse of seawater and take the form of a modifiedammonia-soda (Solvay method) process, but withthe introduction of the necessary fluctuations.

Laboratory syntheses of magnesite at 40 oC castdoubts on any interpretation of the mineralmagnesite as being indicative of elevatedtemperatures or even hydrothermal reactions. Atthe same time these inorganic laboratory

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experiments do not invalidate the possibleparticipation of organic compounds as such,because only a few organic compounds weretested.


From the experiments described here, thefollowing conclusions can be drawn. Amorphoussilica is capable of preventing the incorporationof hydroxyl groups into magnesium carbonatesbeing precipitated (under conditions of roomtemperature and atmospheric pressure). Mineralssuch as nesquehonite (MgCO3.3 H2O) orlansfordite (MgCO3.5 H2O) will form in thepresence of amorphous silica instead of one ormore of the complex hydroxide-containingmagnesium carbonates.

The presence of the strongly reducinghydrogen gas does not lead to the precipitationof anhydrous magnesium carbonate. Therefore,the conclusion that reducing conditions as suchdo not lead to the low-temperature nucleation ofmagnesite is justified. On the other hand, theparticipation of ammonia has been shown to beessential for the low-temperature nucleation ofmagnesite.

The possible role of microorganisms such asalgae may well be rather indirect, in that theywill cause the required fluctuations (for examplefluctuations of dissolved carbon dioxide).Another possible role played by microorganismssuch as bacteria might be found in their abilityto free ammonia by deamination.


Merinda C. Nash and an anonymous referee arekindly thanked for their constructive revision of themanuscript.


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Submitted, April 2012 - Accepted, July 2012

Periodico di Mineralogia (2012), 81, 2, 225-235

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