Are Your Right & Left Brain Talking to Each Other? - By Michael Mamas

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Are Your Right & Left Brain

Talking To Each Other?

Often, our intellectual understanding and our feelings are in conflict.

We can’t help what we feel, even though we may know better.

To go with what we know to be true when our emotions cry out to go another direction

can be very painful.

How do we attain peace within our being when our emotions and our thoughts are in conflict?

How do we know when our feelings are our truth or when they are our issues?

When our rational minds are in concert with our emotions, are we rationalizing? Or are we wise? How can we tell?

On the surface of life, our emotions can blow in most any direction,

like the movement of a tree’s branches in a powerful wind.

Yet deeper inside, our finer feelings access the stability of the trunk.

Our deep inner feelings make sense, common sense. It is a universal wisdom shared deep within the soul of all beings,

just as the roots of every tree reach into the same one Mother Earth.

Deep within us, there is a universal knowing, sometimes called “Buddhi” or Cosmic intellect.

There, the heart and mind are one.

To find inner peace, to unify the left and right brain, go within. That peace is found at the depth of our soul

where our hearts and minds are one.

To find inner peace, rest into that quiet place of inner wisdom that lies deep within.

Then integrate the depth of your soul with the surface of your life.