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December 2009, Prepared by the Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs

AppAlAchiAn RuRAl heAlth instituteHealth Needs Assessment Survey III · Research Report


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ARHI: Appalachian Rural Health Institute

Health Needs Assessment Survey III Research Report

Prepared by: The Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs at Ohio University

Building 22, The Ridges Athens, OH 45701

(740) 593-4388

December 2009


























 APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report 

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 APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report 

Table of Contents 

I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................... 1 

II. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 7 

III. SURVEY METHOD ..................................................................................................................................... 9 

  SURVEY DESIGN ............................................................................................................................... 9 

  SURVEY PROCESS ............................................................................................................................. 9 

  POST‐SURVEY PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................ 9 

  COMPARING THE ARHI STUDY RESULTS TO PREVIOUS RESEARCH ............................................... 10 

IV. SURVEY FINDINGS .................................................................................................................................. 13 

  INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 13 

    Distribution of the Survey Sample .................................................................................... 13 

  GENERAL HEALTH STATUS ............................................................................................................. 15 

  EXAMINED HEALTH CONDITIONS .................................................................................................. 17 

    Asthma Rates .................................................................................................................... 18 

    Arthritis Rates ................................................................................................................... 19 

    Diabetes Rates .................................................................................................................. 20 

    Heart Attack Rates ............................................................................................................ 21 

    Heart Disease Rates .......................................................................................................... 22 

    Stroke Rates ...................................................................................................................... 23 

High Blood Pressure Rates ................................................................................................ 24 

      High Blood Pressure Medication Use .................................................................. 25 

    High Cholesterol Rates ...................................................................................................... 26 

  SPOTLIGHT ON DIABETES ............................................................................................................... 27 

  Comorbid Conditions ........................................................................................................ 27 

    Diabetes Diagnosis Before Age 40 .................................................................................... 28 

    Daily Blood‐Glucose Testing ............................................................................................. 29 

    Diabetes Pill Use ............................................................................................................... 30 

 APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report 

    Insulin Use ......................................................................................................................... 31 

    Diabetes Class Attendance ............................................................................................... 32 

    Annual Diabetes‐Related Doctor Visit .............................................................................. 33 

    Annual Dental Visit and Diabetes ..................................................................................... 34 

    Cost Restricting Diabetes Care .......................................................................................... 35 

      Cost Restricting Doctor Visits ............................................................................... 35 

      Cost Restricting Medication ................................................................................. 36 

      Cost Restricting Glucose Checks .......................................................................... 37 

  RISK FACTORS ................................................................................................................................. 39 

    Body Mass Index ............................................................................................................... 40 

Rate of Healthy Weight ........................................................................................ 40 

      Rate of Obesity .................................................................................................... 41 

    Activity Level ..................................................................................................................... 42 

      Moderate Exercise ............................................................................................... 42 

      Vigorous Exercise ................................................................................................. 44 

    Smoking ............................................................................................................................. 46 

      Smoked 100 Cigarettes ........................................................................................ 46 

      Current Smokers .................................................................................................. 47 

    Self‐Reported Depressed Mood ....................................................................................... 48 

  HEALTH CARE ACCESS .................................................................................................................... 49 

    Single Primary Care Physician ........................................................................................... 49 

    Cost Prohibiting Necessary Care ....................................................................................... 50 

    Annual Dental Visit ........................................................................................................... 51 

    Insurance Coverage .......................................................................................................... 52 

    Insurance Demographics .................................................................................................. 53 

    Detailed Insurance Coverage ............................................................................................ 54 

    Prescription Coverage ....................................................................................................... 55 

 APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report 

List of Figures and Tables 

Figure 1.  General Health Status ........................................................................................................... 15 

Figure 2.  Examined Health Conditions ................................................................................................ 17 

Figure 3.  Asthma Rates ........................................................................................................................ 18 

Figure 4. Arthritis Rates ........................................................................................................................ 19 

Figure 5. Diabetes Rates ....................................................................................................................... 20 

Figure 6. Heart Attack Rates ................................................................................................................. 21 

Figure 7. Heart Disease Rates ............................................................................................................... 22 

Figure 8. Stroke Rates ........................................................................................................................... 23 

Figure 9. High Blood Pressure Rates ..................................................................................................... 24 

Figure 10. High Blood Pressure Medication Use .................................................................................. 25 

Figure 11. High Cholesterol Rates ........................................................................................................ 26 

Figure 12. Diabetes Diagnosis Before Age 40 ....................................................................................... 28 

Figure 13. Daily Blood‐Glucose Testing ................................................................................................ 29 

Figure 14. Regular Diabetes Pill Use ..................................................................................................... 30 

Figure 15. Regular Insulin Use .............................................................................................................. 31 

Figure 16. Diabetes Class Attendance .................................................................................................. 32 

Figure 17. Annual Diabetes‐Related Doctor Visit ................................................................................. 33 

Figure 18. Annual Dental Visit and Diabetes ........................................................................................ 34 

Figure 19. Cost Restricting Doctor Visit ................................................................................................ 35 

Figure 20. Cost Restricting Medication ................................................................................................ 36 

Figure 21. Cost Restricting Glucose Checks .......................................................................................... 37 

Figure 22. Rate of Healthy Weight ....................................................................................................... 40 

Figure 23. Rate of Obesity .................................................................................................................... 41 

Figure 24. 5 Days or More of Weekly Moderate Exercise .................................................................... 42 

 APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report 

Figure25. 3 Days or More of Weekly Vigorous Exercise ....................................................................... 44 

Figure 26. Smoked 100 Cigarettes ........................................................................................................ 46 

Figure 27. Current Smokers .................................................................................................................. 47 

Figure 28. Self‐Reported Depressed Mood .......................................................................................... 48 

Figure 29. Single Primary Care Physician .............................................................................................. 49 

Figure 30. Cost Prohibiting Necessary Care.......................................................................................... 50 

Figure 31. Annual Dental Visit .............................................................................................................. 51 

Figure 32. Insurance Coverage ............................................................................................................. 52 

Figure 33. Detailed Insurance Coverage ............................................................................................... 54 

Figure 34. Prescription Coverage ......................................................................................................... 55 

Table 1. Employment and Insurance Coverage .................................................................................... 53 

Table 2. Income and Insurance Coverage ............................................................................................ 53 

 APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report 

Table of Appendices 

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data ........................................................................................................... 58 

  Appendix A1. General Health Status .............................................................................................. 58 

  Appendix A2. Examined Health Conditions ................................................................................... 61 

  Appendix A3. Diabetes ................................................................................................................... 66 

    Appendix A3.1. Diabetes: Belmont County ...................................................................... 67 

    Appendix A3.2. Diabetes: Columbiana County ................................................................. 68 

Appendix A3.3. Diabetes: Gallia County ........................................................................... 69 

Appendix A3.4. Diabetes: Harrison County ...................................................................... 70 

Appendix A3.5. Diabetes: Jefferson County ..................................................................... 71 

Appendix A3.6. Diabetes: Lawrence County ..................................................................... 72 

Appendix A3.7. Diabetes: Monroe County ....................................................................... 73 

Appendix A3.8. Diabetes: Muskingum County ................................................................. 74 

Appendix A3.9. Diabetes: Noble County ........................................................................... 75 

  Appendix A4. Body Mass Index (BMI) Categories .......................................................................... 76 

  Appendix A5. Physical Exercise ...................................................................................................... 77 

Appendix A5.1. Physical Exercise: Belmont County .......................................................... 78 

    Appendix A5.2. Physical Exercise: Columbiana County .................................................... 79 

Appendix A5.3. Physical Exercise: Gallia County .............................................................. 80 

Appendix A5.4. Physical Exercise: Harrison County .......................................................... 81 

Appendix A5.5. Physical Exercise: Jefferson County ......................................................... 82 

Appendix A5.6. Physical Exercise: Lawrence County ........................................................ 83 

Appendix A5.7. Physical Exercise: Monroe County .......................................................... 84 

Appendix A5.8. Physical Exercise: Muskingum County .................................................... 85 

Appendix A5.9. Physical Exercise: Noble County .............................................................. 86 

 APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report 

  Appendix A6. Smoking ................................................................................................................... 87 

  Appendix A7. Self‐Reported Depressed Mood .............................................................................. 90 

  Appendix A8. Health Care Access .................................................................................................. 93 

  Appendix A9. Insurance Coverage ................................................................................................. 98 

Appendix B. Weighted Demographics ...................................................................................................... 103 

  Appendix B1. Weighted Demographics: Belmont County ........................................................... 104 

  Appendix B2. Weighted Demographics: Columbiana County ..................................................... 105 

  Appendix B3. Weighted Demographics: Gallia County ................................................................ 106 

  Appendix B4. Weighted Demographics: Harrison County ........................................................... 107 

  Appendix B5. Weighted Demographics: Jefferson County .......................................................... 108 

  Appendix B6. Weighted Demographics: Lawrence County ......................................................... 109 

  Appendix B7. Weighted Demographics: Monroe County ............................................................ 110 

  Appendix B8. Weighted Demographics: Muskingum County ...................................................... 111 

  Appendix B9. Weighted Demographics: Noble County ............................................................... 112 

Appendix C. Weighted and Unweighted Sample Demographics .............................................................. 113 

Appendix D. Statistical Limitations: A Tutorial .......................................................................................... 114 

Appendix D1. Cross‐Tabulated Variables at the County Level ..................................................... 114 

Appendix D2. Standard Errors Reported as Zero ......................................................................... 116 

Appendix E. Comprehensive Description of the Survey ........................................................................... 117 




1. Whencomparedtothe2007BRFSSratesforOhioandthenation,ARHIIIIrespondentsreportworseoverallhealthstatus.

• AsmallerproportionofARHIIIIresidentsreportedtheirhealthasexcellentorverygoodascomparedtothestateandnational2007BRFSSResults.

• AgreaterproportionofARHIIIIresidentsdescribedtheirhealthasfairorpoorascomparedtothestateandnational2007BRFSSresults.

• ARHIIIIresidentswhoseself‐reportedhealthstatuswasfairorpoorhadasignificantlygreater3likelihoodofhavingachronicdisease,demonstratingtherelationshipbetweenself‐reportedhealthstatusanddiseaseprevalence.

• BodyMassIndex(BMI)wasrelatedtohealthstatus,withobeseindividualssignificantlymorelikelytoreportthattheirhealthwasfairorpoor.

2. TheARHIIIIregionalprevalenceratesofallsevenchronicdiseasessurveyed(asthma,





• TherateofasthmaamongARHIIIIresidentsis14.1%,whichishigherthantheOhio(13.1%)andnational(12.9%)2007BRFSSrates.

• TherateofarthritisamongARHIIIIresidentswas32.2%,whichisthesameastheOhio(32.2%)andhigherthanthenational(26.9%)2007BRFSSrates.

• TherateofdiabetesamongARHIIIIresidentsis12.5%,whichishigherthantheOhio(9.5%)andnational(8.6%)2007BRFSSrates.

• TherateofheartattackamongARHIIIIresidentsis7.3%,whichishigherthantheOhio(5.4%)andnational(4.2%)2007BRFSSrates.

• TherateofheartdiseaseamongARHIIIIresidentsis6.7%,whichishigherthantheOhio(5.1%)andthenational(4.2%)2007BRFSSrates.

• TherateofstrokeamongARHIIIIresidentsis4.2%,whichishigherthantheOhiorate(3.1%)andthenational(2.7%)2007BRFSSrates.

• TherateofhighbloodpressureamongARHIIIIresidentsis32.2%,whichishigherthantheOhio(28.4%)andthenational(27.7%)2007BRFSSrates.

3. TherateofdiabetesamongARHIIIIresidents(12.5%)isapproximatelythreepercentage


• AmongthoseARHIIIIresidentslivingwithdiabetes,49.2%werediagnosedwiththediseasebeforetheageof40,whichisamuchhigherproportionthanseenacrossthenation(19.0%).4

• TherateofARHIIIIresidentslivingwithdiabetesthatchecktheirblood‐glucoselevelatleastonceaday(71.9%)exceededtheHealthyPeople2010targetrateof60.0%.

• TherateofARHIIIIresidentslivingwithdiabetesthatregularlyusediabetespills(67.2%)fallsbelowthenational2007BRFSSrateof70.2%.

• TherateofARHIIIIresidentslivingwithdiabetesthatregularlyuseinsulinis28.4%whichisabovethenational2007BRFSSrateof(26.8%).

• TherateofARHIIIIresidentslivingwithdiabetesthathaveattendedadiabetes‐managementclass(46.4%)fallsbelowthenational2007BRFSSrate(55.1%)andbelowtheHealthyPeople2010targetrate(60.0%).

• TherateofARHIIIIresidentslivingwithdiabeteswhohaveanannualdiabetes‐relateddoctorvisitis95.0%,whichexceedsthenationalrateof85.2%.



• TherateofARHIIIIresidentslivingwithdiabetesthatvisitadentistatleastonceannuallyis58.2%,whichfallsbelowtheHealthyPeople2010targetrateof75.0%.

• TherateofARHIIIIresidentslivingwithdiabeteswhocannotaffordtoseeadoctoris26.3%.

• TherateofARHIIIIresidentslivingwithdiabeteswhocannotafforddiabetes‐relatedmedicationis16.9%.

• TherateofARHIIIIresidentslivingwithdiabeteswhocannotaffordteststripstochecktheirblood‐glucoselevelsis23.6%.

4. BMI(BodyMassIndex)isanimportantriskfactorforthemajorityofhealthconditions

surveyed.• TheHealthyPeople2010targetistoreducethenumberofobeseindividualsto

15.0%andincreasethenumberofhealthyweightadultsto60.0%.• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,30.7%ofadultsareobeseandonly34.0%area

healthyweight.• ForeachincreaseinBMIcategory,thereisasignificantlyhigherlikelihoodof


• ARHIIIIresidentswhoareobeseoroverweightaresignificantlymorelikelytoreporthavingaheartattackthanhealthyweightindividuals.

• ARHIIIIresidentswhoareobeseoroverweightaresignificantlymorelikelytohaveheartdiseasethanhealthyweightindividuals.

5. TheHealthyPeople2010targetisfor30.0%ofAmericanstoengagein20minutesof

moderateexerciseatleast5daysaweek.• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,35.6%ofresidentsaremeetingthistarget.• ARHIIIIresidentswhoaremeetingtheHealthyPeople2010goalformoderate


• ARHIIIIresidentswhoaremeetingtheHealthyPeople2010goalformoderateexercisearesignificantlylesslikelytobeobese.

6. TheHealthyPeople2010targetisfor30.0%ofAmericanstoengagein20minutesof

vigorousexerciseatleast3daysaweek.• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,27.0%ofresidentsaremeetingthistarget.


• ARHIIIIresidentswhoaremeetingtheHealthyPeople2010goalforvigorousexercisearesignificantlylesslikelytoreporthavingarthritis,diabetes,aheartattack,heartdisease,highbloodpressure,highcholesterol,andstroke.

• ARHIIIIresidentswhoaremeetingtheHealthyPeople2010goalforvigorousexercisearesignificantlylesslikelytobeoverweightorobese.

• Witheachincreaseinagecategoryaftertheageof44,thelikelihoodofmeetingtheHealthyPeople2010goalforvigorousexercisesignificantlydecreases.

• Males(33.4%)aresignificantlymorelikelytomeettheHealthyPeople2010goalforvigorousexercisecomparedtofemales(21.1%).

7. Onequarter(25.6%)ofARHIIIIresidentsreportedsmokingeverydayorsomedays;greatlyexceedingthenational2007BRFSSrateof19.3%andtheHealthyPeople2010targetof12.0%.

• Individualswhohavesmoked100ormorecigarettesintheirlifetimehaveasignificantlygreaterlikelihoodofhavingarthritis,diabetes,heartattack,andheartdisease.

8. TherateofARHIIIIresidentswhoreportedfeelingdepressedinthepreviousmonthwas

38.0%,whichwasbelowthenational2007BRFSSrate(41.9%).• Individualswithhouseholdincomesbelow$15,000weresignificantlymorelikely


• ObeseindividualsweresignificantlymorelikelytoreportfeelingdepressedwithinthepreviousmonthcomparedtootherBMIcategories.

• Ratesofdepressedfeelingsweresignificantlyhigheramongfemales(41.3%)thanmales(34.5%).

9. AccesstohealthcareacrossARHIIIIcountieswasroughlyequivalenttostateandnational2007BRFSSrates.

• Therateofindividualswhohaveasingle,primarycarephysicianacrosstheARHIIIIcounties(80.2%)isabovetheOhiorate(79.5%)andthenational(71.9%)2007BRFSSrates.However,itisstillbelowtheHealthyPeople2010targetof85.0%.

• AmongARHIIIIcounties,therateofresidentswhoareunabletoaffordadoctoris15.2%,whichisabovetheOhiorate(12.4%)andthenational(13.5%)2007BRFSSrates.

• AcrossARHIIIIcounties,69.5%ofresidentshavehadanannualdentalexam,whichishigherthantheHealthyPeople2010targetof56.0%.


• TherateofARHIIIIresidentswithinsurancecoveragewas85.9%,whichisbetweentheOhio(88.2%)andnational(84.4%)2007BRFSSrates.TheHealthyPeople2010targetisforeveryindividualtohaveinsurancecoverage.
















































• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,fewerresidentsreportedtheirhealthasexcellent(16.7%)orverygood(32.9%)whencomparedtoratesfromtheOhio(18.6%and35.8%,respectively)orthenational2007BRFSS(20.3%and32.3%,respectively).

• Further,acrosstheARHIIIIcounties,moreresidentsreportthattheirhealthstatusisfair(14.9%)orpoor(5.4%)whencomparedtoratesfromtheOhio(11.8%and4.0%,respectively)orthenational2007BRFSS(12.2%and4.5%,respectively).


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• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,individualsreportingtheirhealthasfairorpoorhadsignificantlyhigherratesofdisease(asthma,arthritis,diabetes,heartattack,heartdisease,highbloodpressure,andstroke)comparedtoindividualsreportingtheirhealthstatusasexcellentorverygood.13

• BodyMassIndex(BMI)14wasalsofoundtoberelatedtoself‐reportedhealthstatus,withobeseindividualssignificantlymorelikelytodescribetheirhealthasfairorpoorcomparedtohealthyweightindividuals.





• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,therearenoticeablyhigherprevalenceratesofallchronicconditionssurveyedincomparisontotheOhioandnational2007BRFSSfindings,withtheexceptionofarthritis.ArthritisratesfortheARHIIIIregionandtheOhioBRFSSarecomparable,andbothexceedthenationalBRFSSrate.


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• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,theasthmarateis14.1%,whichishigherthantheOhio(13.1%)andthenational(12.9%)2007BRFSSrates.

• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,theasthmaratesareaslowas11.5%(inbothHarrisonandJeffersoncounties)andashighas18.1%(GalliaCounty).

• WithintheARHIIIIcounties,individualswithasthmaaresignificantlylesslikelytoengageinregularvigorousexercise.

• Asthmarateswerefoundtobesignificantlyhigherinwomen(57.8%)thanmen(42.2%).




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• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,thearthritisrate(32.2%)isthesameastheOhio2007BRFSSrate(32.2%),bothofwhichareabovethenationalBRFSSrate(26.9%).

• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,thelowestarthritisratewasreportedinNobleCounty(22.9%)andthehighestratewasfoundinMonroeCounty(38.6%).

• Witheachincreaseinagecategory,thelikelihoodofhavingarthritissignificantlyincreases.

• WitheachincreaseinBMIcategory,thelikelihoodofhavingarthritissignificantlyincreases.

• Arthritisratesweresignificantlyhigheramongwomen(56.6%)thanmen(43.4%).



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• TheprimaryfocusoftheARHIIIIResearchInitiativeistheprevalenceandtreatmentofdiabetes.ThisreportincludesresultsfromtheBRFSSdiabetesmodule,locatedwithinSpotlightonDiabetes,whichbeginsonpage27.

• AcrosstheAHRIIIIcounties,thediabetesrateis12.5%,whichexceedstheOhio(9.5%)andthenational(8.6%)2007BRFSSrates.

• WithintheARHIIIIcounties,thediabetesrateswereaslowas8.8%inNobleCountyandashighas16.0%inMonroeCounty.

• WitheachincreaseinBMIcategory,thelikelihoodofhavingdiabetessignificantlyincreases.

• Diabetesratesweresignificantlyhigheramongresidentswithhouseholdincomesbelow$25,000(49.2%)comparedtoresidentswithhouseholdincomesabove$35,000(36.3%).

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• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,theheartattackrate(7.3%)ishigherthantheOhio(5.4%)andthenational(4.2%)2007BRFSSrates.

• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,theheartattackratewasaslowas4.8%inNobleCountyandashighas13.5%inMonroeCounty.

• Regularlyengaginginanyamountofvigorousexercisesignificantlyreducesthelikelihoodofhavingaheartattack.

• Theheartattackrateforbothoverweight(36.9%)andobese(42.5%)individualsissignificantlyhigherthantherateforhealthyweightindividuals(20.6%).

• Heartattackratesweresignificantlyhigheramongmen(64.2%)thanwomen(35.8%).













• AcrossARHIIIIcounties,theheartdiseaserate(6.7%)isgreaterthanboththeOhio(5.1%)andnational(4.2%)2007BRFSSrates.

• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,heartdiseaserateswereaslowas4.0%inNobleCountyandashighas8.9%inLawrenceCounty.

• Regularlyengaginginanyamountofvigorousexercisesignificantlyreducesthelikelihoodofhavingheartdisease.

• Witheachincreaseinagecategoryaftertheageof54,thelikelihoodofhavingheartdiseasesignificantlyincreases.







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• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,thestrokerate(4.2%)isabovetheOhio(3.1%)andthenational


• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,thestrokeratesareaslowas2.3%inNobleCountyandashighas6.1%inMonroeCounty.

• WithintheARHIIIIregion,fivecounties(Columbiana,Jefferson,Lawrence,MonroeandMuskingum)haveastrokerateabove4.0%.

• Regularlyengaginginanyamountofvigorousexercisesignificantlyreducesthelikelihoodofhavingastroke.

• Individualsovertheageof54aresignificantlymorelikelytohaveastrokethanyoungerindividuals.

















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• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,therateofhighbloodpressure(32.2%)isabovetheOhio(28.4%)andthenational(27.7%)2007BRFSSrates.

• TheHealthyPeople2010targetrateforhighbloodpressureis16.0%.NoneoftheARHIIIIcountiesaremeetingthisHealthyPeople2010target.

• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,thehighbloodpressureratesareaslowas21.1%inNobleCountyandashighas41.5%inMonroeCounty.

• WitheachincreaseinBMIcategory,thelikelihoodofhavinghighbloodpressuresignificantlyincreases.

• Witheachincreaseinagecategoryaftertheageof34,thelikelihoodofhavinghighbloodpressuresignificantlyincreases.










• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,therateofmedicationuseforhighbloodpressure(71.1%)islowerthantheOhio(81.1%)andthenational(78.9%)2007BRFSSrates.

• WithintheARHIIIIcounties,therateofhighbloodpressuremedicationuseisaslowas56.5%inGalliaCountyandashighas89.2%inMonroeCounty.

• Highbloodpressuremedicationuseissignificantlyhigheramongwomen(77.3%)thanmen(65.0%).










• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,81.2%ofrespondentsreportedhavinghadatesttochecktheircholesterollevels.Amongtheseresidents,therateofhighcholesterolis38.4%.

• TheHealthyPeople2010targetrateforhighcholesterolis17.0%.AllARHIIIIcountiesfailedtomeetthetarget.

• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,theratesofhighcholesterolrangebetween33.9%inNobleCountyand43.3%inGalliaCounty.




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• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,thediabetesrate(12.5%)iswellabovetheOhiorate(9.5%)andthenationalrate(8.6%).



• Amongindividualswithasthma,thereisasignificantlyhigherlikelihoodofhavingdiabetes.

• Amongindividualswitharthritis,thereisasignificantlyhigherlikelihoodofhavingdiabetes.

• Amongindividualswhohavesufferedaheartattack,thereisasignificantlyhigherlikelihoodofhavingdiabetes.

• Amongindividualswithheartdisease,thereisasignificantlyhigherlikelihoodofhavingdiabetes.

• Amongindividualswithstroke,thereisasignificantlyhigherlikelihoodofhavingdiabetes.

• Amongindividualswithhighbloodpressure,thereisasignificantlyhigherlikelihoodofhavingdiabetes.

• Amongindividualswhohavehadabloodtestthatdiagnosedthemashavinghighcholesterol,thereisasignificantlyhigherlikelihoodofhavingdiabetes.






• AcrossARHIIIIcounties,therateofdiabetesdiagnosisbeforetheageof40is49.2%,whichgreatlyexceedsthenationalrateof19.0%.16

• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,therateofdiabetesdiagnosisbeforetheageof40wasaslowas27.4%inHarrisonCountyandwasashighas60.4%inNobleCounty.






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• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,71.9%ofresidentslivingwithdiabeteschecktheirblood‐glucoselevelsatleastonceaday,whichexceedsthenational2007BRFSSrateof61.4%.

• TheHealthyPeople2010targetratefordailyblood‐glucosetestingis60.0%.AllARHIIIIcountiesmetthisHealthyPeople2010target.

• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,therangeofdaily‐glucosetestingisbetween65.3%inLawrenceCountyand84.1%inNobleCounty.




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• AmongARHIIIIcounties,therateofregulardiabetespilluseis67.2%,whichisbelowthenational2007BRFSSrateof70.2%.

• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,regulardiabetespillusevariedconsiderablywithratesaslowas50.5%(MuskingumCounty)andashighas94.9%(NobleCounty).



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• AmongARHIIIIcounties,therateofregularinsulinuseis28.4%,whichisslightlyabovethenational2007BRFSSrateof26.8%.

• WithintheARHIIIIcounties,therateofregularinsulinusewasaslowas17.3%inGalliaCountyandashighas47.2%inMonroeCounty.














• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,therateofresidentslivingwithdiabeteswhohavetakenadiabetesmanagementclass,46.4%,isbelowthenationalrateof55.1%.

• TheHealthyPeople2010targetratefordiabetes‐managementcourseattendanceis60.0%.OnlytwoARHIIIIcounties(HarrisonandNoble)havemetthistarget.

• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,therateofdiabetes‐managementcourseattendanceisaslowas34.3%inColumbianaCountyandashighas79.0%inNobleCounty.


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• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,therateofannualdiabetes‐relateddoctorvisitsis95.0%,whichexceedsthenationalrateof85.2%.

• Therangeofannualdiabetes‐relateddoctorvisitsisbetween88.4%inMonroeCountyand100%inNobleCounty.












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• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,therateofARHIIIIresidentslivingwithdiabeteswhohaveseenadentistatleastonceinthelast12monthsis58.2%.

• TheHealthyPeople2010targetrateforannualdentalvisitsamongpeoplelivingwithdiabetesis75.0%.NoneoftheARHIIIIcountiesaremeetingtheHealthyPeopletargetrate.

• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,therateofannualdentalexamsamongpeoplelivingwithdiabetesisaslowas40.1%inNobleCountyandashighas62.5%inHarrisonCounty.



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• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,therateofpersonslivingwithdiabeteswhocouldnotaffordadiabetes‐relateddoctorvisitwas26.3%.

• TheHealthyPeople2010targetistoreducetherateofindividualsexperiencingdelaysordifficultiesobtaininghealthcareto7.0%.17AllARHIIIIcountiesfailedtomeetthistarget.

• WithintheARHIIIIcounties,therateofcostrestrictionsondiabetes‐relateddoctorvisitswasaslowas9.2%inNobleCountyandashighas52.8%inGalliaCounty.


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• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,therateofresidentslivingwithdiabeteswhocannotafforddiabetesmedicationis16.9%.

• TheHealthyPeopletargetistoreducetherateofpersonshavingdifficultyordelaysingettinghealthcareto7.0%.NoneoftheAHRIIIIcountieshavemetthistarget.

• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,therateofindividualsunabletoafforddiabetesmedicationisbetween8.1%inHarrisonCountyand35.1%inMonroeCounty.

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• AmongARHIIIIcountyresidentslivingwithdiabetes,therateofindividualsunabletoaffordtheteststripsneededtocheckbloodglucoseis23.6%.

• TheHealthyPeople2010targetistoreducethenumberoffamiliesthatexperiencedelaysordifficultiesinobtaininghealthcareto7.0%.OnlyNobleCountyiscurrentlymeetingthistarget.

• WithinARHIIIIcounties,theratesofindividualsunabletoaffordteststripsareaslowas0%inNobleCountyandashighas39.6%inMonroeCounty.



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• AcrossARHIIIIcounties,therateofhealthyweightindividualswas34.0%,whichisbelowtheOhio(36.5%)andthenational2007BRFSSrates(35.6%).

• TheHealthyPeople2010targetrateforhealthyweightadultsis60.0%.NoneoftheARHIIIIcountieshasmetthistarget.

• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,therateofresidentsatahealthyweightwaslowestinMonroeCounty(20.8%)andhighestinHarrisonCounty(37.3%).

• Peopleatahealthyweight(i.e.,BMIbelow25)weresignificantlylesslikelytohavediabetes,arthritis,heartattack,heartdisease,highcholesterol,andhighbloodpressure.

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• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,therateofobesityis30.7%,whichisabovetheOhiorate(28.1%)andthenationalrate(25.1%).

• TheHealthyPeople2010targetrateforobesityis15.0%.NoneoftheARHIIIIcountiesaremeetingthistarget.

• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,theobesityratesrangedbetween27.6%inNobleCountyand37.5%inMonroeCounty.

• Individualswhoareobese(i.e.,BMIatorabove30)weresignificantlymorelikelytohavediabetes,arthritis,heartattack,heartdisease,highcholesterol,andhighbloodpressurethanhealthyweightindividuals.

• Obeseindividuals(24.0%)weresignificantlylesslikelytobemeetingtheHealthyPeople2010goalforweeklymoderateexercisecomparedtooverweight(36.6%)andhealthyweightindividuals(39.5%).

• Obeseindividuals(21.4%)weresignificantlylesslikelytobemeetingtheHealthyPeople2010goalforweeklyvigorousexercisecomparedtooverweight(35.2%)andhealthyweightindividuals(43.3%).

• Obeseindividuals(42.9%)weresignificantlymorelikelytoreportfeelingdepressedwithinthelastmonththanindividualswhowereoverweight(35.1%)oratahealthyweight(37.0%).

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• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,therateofengaginginanyamountofmoderateexerciseduringaregularweekis77.0%.

• TheHealthyPeople2010targetistoincreasethepercentofindividualsperformingmoderateexercisefiveormoredaysaweekto30.0%.AmongallARHIIIIrespondents,35.6%reportperformingmoderateexercisefiveormoredaysaweek.

• AllARHIIIIcountiesaremeetingtheHealthyPeople2010target.• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,theratesofmoderateexerciseperformedfiveormore


• ARHIIIIresidentswhoaremeetingtheHealthyPeople2010goalformoderateexercisearesignificantlylesslikelytoreporthavingarthritis,diabetes,aheartattack,heartdisease,highbloodpressure,highcholesterol(asdeterminedbyabloodtest),andstroke.

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• ARHIIIIresidentswhoaremeetingtheHealthyPeople2010goalformoderateexercisearesignificantlylesslikelytobeobese.






• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,therateofengaginginanyamountofvigorousexerciseduringaregularweekis42.7%.

• TheHealthyPeople2010targetistoincreasethepercentofindividualsperformingvigorousexercisethreeormoredaysaweekto30.0%.AmongallARHIIIIrespondents,27.0%performvigorousexercisethreeormoredaysaweek.

• OnlytwoARHIIIIcounties(HarrisonandNoble)aremeetingtheHealthyPeople2010target.

• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,theratesofengagementinvigorousexercisethreeormoredaysaweekwereaslowas24.6%inLawrenceCountyandashighas35.6%inNobleCounty.

• ARHIIIIresidentswhoaremeetingtheHealthyPeople2010goalforvigorousexercisearesignificantlylesslikelytoreporthavingarthritis,diabetes,aheartattack,heartdisease,highbloodpressure,highcholesterol(asdeterminedbyabloodtest),andstroke.

• ARHIIIIresidentswhoaremeetingtheHealthyPeople2010goalforvigorousexercisearesignificantlylesslikelytobeoverweightorobese.

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• Witheachincreaseinagecategoryaftertheageof44,thelikelihoodofmeetingtheHealthyPeople2010goalforvigorousexercisesignificantlydecreases.

• Males(33.4%)aresignificantlymorelikelytobemeetingtheHealthyPeople2010goalforvigorousexercisecomparedtofemales(21.1%).




• AmongARHIIIIcounties,therateofresidentssmoking100cigarettesormoreintheirlifetime(47.7%)isapproximatelythesameastheOhio(47.9%)andhigherthanthenational(43.4%)2007BRFSSrates.

• Havingsmokedatleast100cigarettessignificantlyincreasedthelikelihoodofhavingdiabetes,aheartattack,andheartdisease.

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• Currentsmokerswerecategorizedasindividualswhohavesmokedmorethan100cigarettesintheirlifetimeandcontinuetosmoke“everyday”or“somedays.”

• AmongtheAHRIIIIcounties,therateofcurrentsmokersis25.6%,whichgreatlyexceedsthenationalrateof19.3%.

• TheHealthyPeople2010targetistoreducethecurrentsmokingpopulationto12.0%.AllARHIIIIcountieshavefailedtomeetthistarget.

• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,therateofcurrentsmokerswasaslowas23.3%(MuskingumCounty)andashighas29.1%(inbothGalliaandHarrisoncounties).

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• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,therateoffeelingdepressedalittleofthetimetoallthetimeinthepast30dayswas38.0%,whichisbelowthenational2007BRFSSrate(41.9%).

• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,theself‐reporteddepressionratewasaslowas31.7%(HarrisonCounty)andashighas39.6%(inbothGalliaandJeffersoncounties).

• ObeseindividualsweresignificantlymorelikelytoreportbeingdepressedwithinthelastmonthcomparedtootherBMIcategories.

• Individualsmakinglessthan$15,000weresignificantlymorelikelytoreportbeingdepressedthanindividualsinhigherincomebrackets.

• Ratesofdepressedfeelingsweresignificantlyhigheramongfemales(41.3%)thanmales(34.5%).


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• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,therateofresidentsthathaveasingleprimaryphysicianis80.2%,whichisabovetheOhiorate(79.5%)andthenationalrate(71.9%).

• TheHealthyPeople2010targetrateforindividualsthathaveasingleprimarycarephysicianis85.0%.NoneoftheARHIIIIcountieshavemetthisHealthyPeople2010target.

• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,therateofresidentsthathaveasingleprimaryphysicianrangesbetween73.9%inLawrenceCountyand83.9%inColumbianaCounty.


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• AmongARHIIIIcounties,therateofresidentsunabletoaffordtoseeadoctorwhenitwasnecessaryis15.2%,whichexceedstheOhiorate(12.4%)andthenationalrate(13.5%).

• TheHealthyPeople2010targetistoreducethenumberofindividualswhoexperiencedifficultiesordelaysinobtaininghealthcare,ordonotreceivenecessarytreatment,to7.0%.NoneoftheARHIIIIcountiesaremeetingthistarget.

• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,therateofindividualsunabletoaffordanecessarydoctorvisitisaslowas12.3%inBelmontCountyandashighas19.6%inGalliaCounty.



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• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,therateofannualdentalvisitsis69.5%.• TheHealthyPeople2010targetrateforannualdentalvisitsis56.0%.EveryARHIIII

countyhasmetthisHealthyPeople2010target.• AmongARHIIIIcounties,therateofannualdentalvisitsrangebetween59.1%inNoble












































• AmongARHIIIIcounties,therateofresidentswithinsurancecoverageis85.9%,whichisbetweentheOhiorate(88.2%)andthenationalrate(84.4%).

• TheHealthyPeople2010targetistohaveeveryindividualinsured.NoneoftheARHIIIIcountiesaremeetingthistarget.

• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,therateofinsurancecoverageisaslowas83.9%inNobleCountyandashighas88.0%inBelmontCounty.

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• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,thelowestrateofinsurancecoverage(62.5%)belongstounemployedresidents.

• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,studentsandemployedindividualsaccountfor27.0%ofthosewithouthealthinsurance;with13.5%ofstudentsand13.5%ofemployedindividualsbeinguninsured.


• Individualswithannualhouseholdincomesbetween$15,000and$24,999havethelowestrateofinsurancecoverage(70.8%)comparedtootherincomebrackets.

Insured Not Insured

Employed 86.5% 13.5%

Unemployed 62.5% 37.5%

Homemaker 89.2% 10.8%

Student 86.5% 13.5%

Retired 95.3% 4.7%

Unable to Work 91.2% 8.8%

Insured Not Insured

Less than $15,000 76.4% 23.6%

$15,000 to $24,000 70.8% 29.2%

$25,000 to $34,999 83.8% 16.2%

$35,000 to $49,000 90.5% 9.5%

$50,000 to $74,000 92.8% 7.2%

$75,000 or more 95.2% 4.8%





• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,therateofindividualswithoutinsurancecoverageis13.6%.• AmongARHIIIIcounties,themajority(56.0%)ofinsuredresidentsarecoveredby

privateorcommercialinsuranceonly.• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,therateofresidentscoveredbyMedicaidis7.2%.20• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,therateofresidentscoveredbyMedicareonlyis7.8%.• WithintheARHIIIIcounties,therateofresidentswhoarecoveredbyMedicareand

anotherpayeris8.6%.21• IntheARHIIIIcounties,therateofresidentscoveredbymilitaryinsurance(Veterans





















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• AcrosstheARHIIIIcounties,approximately82.0%ofresidentshaveatleastpartialprescriptioncoverage.

• AmongtheARHIIIIcounties,therateofprescriptioncoverageisaslowas78.7%inHarrisonCountyandashighas86.0%inBelmontCounty.

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Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A1. General Health Status 



General health status:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Entire 9 County Sample             Excellent  16.74% 0.63%  15.50% 17.98%Very Good  32.88% 0.79%  31.34% 34.43%Good  30.13% 0.77%  28.62% 31.64%Fair  14.87% 0.55%  13.79% 15.96%Poor  5.37% 0.34%  4.70% 6.05%


General health status:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Belmont County             Excellent  17.75% 1.69%  14.45% 21.06%Very Good  32.77% 2.06%  28.72% 36.81%Good  32.42% 2.04%  28.42% 36.42%Fair  12.47% 1.27%  9.97% 14.96%Poor  4.59% 0.81%  3.01% 6.18%


General health status:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Columbiana County             Excellent  18.17% 1.39%  15.45% 20.90%Very Good  34.50% 1.71%  31.14% 37.86%Good  29.49% 1.63%  26.29% 32.69%Fair  13.18% 1.16%  10.91% 15.45%Poor  4.66% 0.71%  3.26% 6.05%


General health status:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Gallia County             Excellent  16.31% 2.30%  11.79% 20.82%Very Good  30.58% 2.79%  25.11% 36.05%Good  28.16% 2.79%  22.69% 33.64%Fair  20.14% 2.42%  15.38% 24.89%Poor  4.81% 1.15%  2.56% 7.07%



APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          58

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A1. General Health Status 



General health status:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Harrison County             Excellent  16.81% 3.29%  10.36% 23.26%Very Good  29.49% 3.48%  22.67% 36.31%Good  31.90% 4.11%  23.84% 39.96%Fair  13.63% 2.84%  8.06% 19.20%Poor  8.17% 2.28%  3.70% 12.65%


General health status:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Jefferson County             Excellent  16.52% 1.59%  13.41% 19.63%Very Good  32.41% 2.00%  28.50% 36.32%Good  28.76% 1.92%  24.99% 32.53%Fair  16.50% 1.47%  13.63% 19.38%Poor  5.80% 0.92%  4.01% 7.60%


General health status:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Lawrence County             Excellent  13.63% 1.49%  10.71% 16.54%Very Good  29.58% 1.93%  25.79% 33.36%Good  31.95% 1.98%  28.07% 35.83%Fair  17.77% 1.54%  14.76% 20.78%Poor  7.08% 1.05%  5.03% 9.13%


General health status:   Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Monroe County             Excellent  15.03% 3.13%  8.91% 21.16%Very Good  34.40% 4.37%  25.84% 42.97%Good  30.88% 4.25%  22.54% 39.21%Fair  15.09% 3.14%  8.93% 21.25%Poor  4.60% 1.76%  1.15% 8.05%



APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          59

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A1. General Health Status 


 APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          60

General health status:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Muskingum County             Excellent  17.55% 1.60%  14.40% 20.69%Very Good  33.62% 1.99%  29.72% 37.52%Good  28.42% 1.92%  24.67% 32.18%Fair  15.01% 1.36%  12.34% 17.68%Poor  5.40% 0.82%  3.78% 7.02%


General health status:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Noble County             Excellent  13.10% 3.97%  5.32% 20.88%Very Good  40.62% 5.37%  30.09% 51.14%Good  34.21% 4.78%  24.84% 43.58%Fair  8.08% 2.44%  3.28% 12.87%Poor  3.99% 1.61%  0.84% 7.14%



Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A2. Examined Health Conditions 



Examined health conditions:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Entire 9 County Sample             Diabetes  12.49% 0.50%  11.51% 13.47%Asthma  14.06% 0.59%  12.90% 15.21%Arthritis  32.16% 0.68%  30.84% 33.49%Heart Attack  7.27% 0.38%  6.52% 8.02%Heart Disease  6.71% 0.37%  5.98% 7.43%Stroke  4.25% 0.31%  3.63% 4.86%Have you had a blood test to screen your cholesterol levels?             Yes  81.18% 0.65%  79.91% 82.45%If Yes: Have you been told that you have high blood 

cholesterol?             Yes  38.41% 0.84%  36.75% 40.06%

High Blood Pressure  32.19% 0.69%  30.85% 33.54%

If Yes: Are you currently taking prescribed medication for high blood pressure?             

Yes  71.12% 1.31%  68.54% 73.70% 

Examined health conditions:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Belmont County             Diabetes  11.97% 1.28%  9.46% 14.48%Asthma  12.98% 1.53%  9.98% 15.98%Arthritis  34.84% 1.79%  31.33% 38.34%Heart Attack  7.43% 1.07%  5.33% 9.54%Heart Disease  8.04% 1.11%  5.86% 10.21%Stroke  3.93% 0.87%  2.22% 5.64%Have you had a blood test to screen your cholesterol levels?             Yes  83.96% 1.67%  80.69% 87.23%If Yes: Have you been told that you have high blood 

cholesterol?             Yes  40.67% 2.59%  35.58% 45.75%

High Blood Pressure  31.78% 1.75%  28.34% 35.22%

If Yes: Are you currently taking prescribed medication for high blood pressure?             

Yes  75.51% 3.17%  69.28% 81.73% 


APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          61

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A2. Examined Health Conditions 



Examined health conditions:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Columbiana County             Diabetes  10.40% 0.99%  8.46% 12.34%Asthma  13.36% 1.23%  10.95% 15.78%Arthritis  28.25% 1.42%  25.47% 31.02%Heart Attack  5.61% 0.73%  4.18% 7.04%Heart Disease  5.18% 0.71%  3.80% 6.57%Stroke  4.06% 0.67%  2.74% 5.38%Have you had a blood test to screen your cholesterol levels?             Yes  79.76% 1.38%  77.06% 82.46%If Yes: Have you been told that you have high blood 

cholesterol?             Yes  37.10% 1.84%  33.49% 40.70%

High Blood Pressure  30.64% 1.47%  27.76% 33.52%

If Yes: Are you currently taking prescribed medication for high blood pressure?             

Yes  64.10% 2.89%  58.43% 69.78% 

Examined health conditions:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Gallia County             Diabetes  10.63% 1.75%  7.19% 14.06%Asthma  18.11% 2.32%  13.56% 22.66%Arthritis  34.16% 2.56%  29.14% 39.18%Heart Attack  7.29% 1.42%  4.50% 10.08%Heart Disease  6.54% 1.31%  3.96% 9.11%Stroke  3.79% 1.13%  1.58% 6.01%Have you had a blood test to screen your cholesterol levels?             Yes  85.62% 2.18%  81.35% 89.89%If Yes: Have you been told that you have high blood 

cholesterol?             Yes  43.27% 2.80%  37.78% 48.76%

High Blood Pressure  33.74% 2.65%  28.55% 38.94%

If Yes: Are you currently taking prescribed medication for high blood pressure?             

Yes  56.55% 3.45%  49.79% 63.31% 


APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          62

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A2. Examined Health Conditions 



Examined health conditions:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Harrison County             Diabetes  13.70% 2.80%  8.22% 19.18%Asthma  11.49% 2.73%  6.14% 16.85%Arthritis  35.77% 3.93%  28.06% 43.49%Heart Attack  5.45% 1.83%  1.87% 9.04%Heart Disease  5.32% 1.87%  1.66% 8.98%Stroke  3.08% 1.45%  0.25% 5.92%Have you had a blood test to screen your cholesterol levels?             Yes  77.32% 3.51%  70.44% 84.20%If Yes: Have you been told that you have high blood 

cholesterol?             Yes  37.49% 4.21%  29.23% 45.74%

High Blood Pressure  30.11% 3.61%  23.02% 37.19%

If Yes: Are you currently taking prescribed medication for high blood pressure?             

Yes  69.66% 6.30%  57.31% 82.01% 

Examined health conditions:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Jefferson County             Diabetes  14.11% 1.40%  11.37% 16.85%Asthma  11.51% 1.33%  8.90% 14.11%Arthritis  34.56% 1.76%  31.10% 38.02%Heart Attack  6.69% 0.93%  4.86% 8.52%Heart Disease  6.53% 0.90%  4.75% 8.30%Stroke  4.61% 0.80%  3.03% 6.18%Have you had a blood test to screen your cholesterol levels?             Yes  82.50% 1.63%  79.32% 85.69%If Yes: Have you been told that you have high blood 

cholesterol?             Yes  38.73% 2.01%  34.78% 42.68%

High Blood Pressure  30.63% 1.68%  27.32% 33.93%

If Yes: Are you currently taking prescribed medication for high blood pressure?             

Yes  75.20% 2.65%  69.99% 80.41% 


APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          63

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A2. Examined Health Conditions 



Examined health conditions:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Lawrence County             Diabetes  15.26% 1.38%  12.56% 17.97%Asthma  15.20% 1.53%  12.20% 18.19%Arthritis  31.67% 1.80%  28.14% 35.20%Heart Attack  9.93% 1.16%  7.66% 12.21%Heart Disease  8.88% 1.13%  6.67% 11.09%Stroke  5.22% 0.87%  3.51% 6.94%Have you had a blood test to screen your cholesterol levels?             Yes  84.35% 1.59%  81.23% 87.47%If Yes: Have you been told that you have high blood 

cholesterol?             Yes  39.55% 2.06%  35.52% 43.59%

High Blood Pressure  35.94% 1.85%  32.32% 39.56%

If Yes: Are you currently taking prescribed medication for high blood pressure?             

Yes  78.43% 3.16%  72.23% 84.63% 

Examined health conditions:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Monroe County             Diabetes  16.00% 3.03%  10.07% 21.94%Asthma  15.55% 3.02%  9.63% 21.47%Arthritis  38.59% 3.96%  30.82% 46.35%Heart Attack  13.50% 2.54%  8.53% 18.47%Heart Disease  6.92% 2.03%  2.94% 10.91%Stroke  6.07% 1.89%  2.36% 9.78%Have you had a blood test to screen your cholesterol levels?             Yes  85.18% 2.31%  80.66% 89.71%If Yes: Have you been told that you have high blood 

cholesterol?             Yes  43.25% 3.82%  35.75% 50.75%

High Blood Pressure  41.51% 3.59%  34.47% 48.54%

If Yes: Are you currently taking prescribed medication for high blood pressure?             

Yes  89.17% 2.20%  84.86% 93.48% 


APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          64

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A2. Examined Health Conditions 


 APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          65

Examined health conditions:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Muskingum County             Diabetes  12.62% 1.20%  10.26% 14.98%Asthma  15.84% 1.60%  12.71% 18.97%Arthritis  32.24% 1.60%  29.10% 35.37%Heart Attack  7.53% 0.95%  5.67% 9.38%Heart Disease  6.90% 0.91%  5.11% 8.69%Stroke  4.10% 0.71%  2.69% 5.50%Have you had a blood test to screen your cholesterol levels?             Yes  78.40% 1.75%  74.97% 81.82%If Yes: Have you been told that you have high blood 

cholesterol?             Yes  35.33% 1.96%  31.48% 39.17%

High Blood Pressure  33.33% 1.76%  29.88% 36.79%

If Yes: Are you currently taking prescribed medication for high blood pressure?             

Yes  70.10% 4.27%  61.73% 78.47% 

Examined health conditions:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Noble County             Diabetes  8.85% 2.60%  3.76% 13.94%Asthma  15.95% 3.94%  8.21% 23.68%Arthritis  22.92% 3.42%  16.21% 29.63%Heart Attack  4.81% 1.65%  1.58% 8.05%Heart Disease  4.00% 1.51%  1.04% 6.96%Stroke  2.33% 1.27%  ‐0.17% 4.83%Have you had a blood test to screen your cholesterol levels?             Yes  64.03% 4.80%  54.62% 73.43%If Yes: Have you been told that you have high blood 

cholesterol?             Yes  33.90% 5.25%  23.62% 44.19%

High Blood Pressure  21.07% 3.31%  14.59% 27.55%

If Yes: Are you currently taking prescribed medication for high blood pressure?             

Yes  76.17% 2.28%  71.69% 80.64%

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A3. Diabetes 



Respondents living with diabetes:  Percent SE LCL @ .95 UCL @ .95 Entire 9 County Sample             Age of diabetes diagnosis.             

Under 18 years 10.05% 0.86% 8.36%  11.75%19 to 40 years 39.19% 1.59% 36.08%  42.30%41 to 49 years 16.38% 1.40% 13.64%  19.13%50 to 59 years 15.79% 1.19% 13.46%  18.13%Over 60 years 18.58% 0.90% 16.82%  20.35%

Diabetes related health care visits in the last 12 months.             

None 4.98% 0.94% 3.14%  6.83%1 time 11.97% 1.19% 9.63%  14.32%2 or 3 times 34.83% 1.96% 30.99%  38.67%4-5 times 30.30% 1.69% 26.98%  33.61%6-10 times 10.32% 1.24% 7.88%  12.77%More than 10 times 7.59% 0.93% 5.77%  9.41%

Regular blood sugar checks.             3 or more times per day 17.58% 1.38% 14.86%  20.29%1 or 2 times per day 54.33% 2.15% 50.10%  58.55%

At least 1 time per week but less than daily 20.42% 1.75% 16.98%  23.86%Less than 1 time per week 7.68% 0.98% 5.76%  9.60%

Are insulin shots or pumps used regularly?              Yes 28.41% 1.78% 24.91%  31.91%

Are diabetes pills used regularly?             Yes 67.16% 1.83% 63.57%  70.75%

Have you taken a course/class on managing your diabetes?             

Yes 46.37% 2.01% 42.43%  50.31%

Does cost keep you from seeing the doctor on a regular basis for your diabetes?             

Yes 26.25% 1.84% 22.63%  29.87%

Does cost keep you from regularly taking your prescribed diabetes pills or insulin?             

Yes 16.87% 1.48% 13.97%  19.77%

Does cost keep you from regularly checking your blood sugar with test strips?             

Yes 23.64% 1.80% 20.10%  27.18%

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          66

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A3.1. Diabetes: Belmont County 



Respondents living with diabetes:  Percent SE LCL @ .95 UCL @ .95 Belmont County             Age of diabetes diagnosis.          

Under 18 years * * *  *19 to 40 years 40.60% 3.87% 32.99%  48.20%41 to 49 years 16.44% 3.91% 8.76%  24.11%50 to 59 years 18.60% 3.97% 10.80%  26.41%Over 60 years 24.36% 2.61% 19.24%  29.49%

Diabetes related health care visits in the last 12 months.          

None 3.69% 1.82% 0.12%  7.26%1 time 6.67% 2.24% 2.27%  11.06%2 or 3 times 42.08% 5.65% 30.99%  53.17%4-5 times 38.52% 5.72% 27.29%  49.75%6-10 times 4.84% 2.07% 0.76%  8.92%

More than 10 times 4.20% 1.75% 0.76%  7.63%Regular blood sugar checks.          

3 or more times per day 17.92% 4.19% 9.69%  26.15%

1 or 2 times per day 59.26% 5.89% 47.68%  70.84%

At least 1 time per week but less than daily 15.55% 5.26% 5.21%  25.88%

Less than 1 time per week 7.28% 2.53% 2.30%  12.26%

Are insulin shots or pumps used regularly?           Yes 37.50% 3.09% 31.43%  43.57%

Are diabetes pills used regularly?          Yes 84.38% 4.35% 75.84%  92.92%

Have you taken a course/class on managing your diabetes?          

Yes 50.09% 7.28% 35.78%  64.39%

Does cost keep you from seeing the doctor on a regular basis for your diabetes?          

Yes 25.07% 5.26% 14.72%  35.41%

Does cost keep you from regularly taking your prescribed diabetes pills or insulin?          

Yes 12.43% 1.98% 8.54%  16.31%

Does cost keep you from regularly checking your blood sugar with test strips?          

Yes 21.20% 5.06% 11.26%  31.14%*Denotes cells without observations. 

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          67

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A3.2. Diabetes: Columbiana County 



Respondents living with diabetes:  Percent SE LCL @ .95 UCL @ .95 Columbiana County             Age of diabetes diagnosis.             

Under 18 years 4.91% 2.76% ‐0.52%  10.34%19 to 40 years 45.18% 4.69% 35.95%  54.40%41 to 49 years 17.84% 3.56% 10.85%  24.84%50 to 59 years 10.66% 2.88% 5.00%  16.32%Over 60 years 21.41% 2.30% 16.89%  25.92%

Diabetes related health care visits in the last 12 months.             

None 6.19% 2.86% 0.57%  11.80%1 time 6.32% 3.21% 0.02%  12.62%2 or 3 times 47.65% 5.72% 36.41%  58.89%4-5 times 22.82% 3.76% 15.43%  30.21%6-10 times 15.55% 4.36% 6.99%  24.12%More than 10 times 1.47% 0.84% ‐0.18%  3.13%

Regular blood sugar checks.             3 or more times per day 8.19% 3.13% 2.03%  14.35%1 or 2 times per day 61.99% 5.99% 50.22%  73.75%

At least 1 time per week but less than daily 25.82% 5.32% 15.36%  36.28%Less than 1 time per week 4.00% 1.43% 1.18%  6.82%

Are insulin shots or pumps used regularly?              Yes 28.01% 5.34% 17.52%  38.50%Are diabetes pills used regularly?             Yes 63.83% 4.48% 55.02%  72.64%Have you taken a course/class on managing your diabetes?             Yes 34.33% 4.91% 24.67%  43.98%

Does cost keep you from seeing the doctor on a regular basis for your diabetes?             Yes 25.60% 5.45% 14.89%  36.32%

Does cost keep you from regularly taking your prescribed diabetes pills or insulin?             Yes 13.67% 4.19% 5.44%  21.90%

Does cost keep you from regularly checking your blood sugar with test strips?             Yes 30.33% 4.95% 20.61%  40.06%

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          68

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A3.3. Diabetes: Gallia County 



Respondents living with diabetes:  Percent SE LCL @ .95 UCL @ .95            Gallia County 

Age of diabetes diagnosis.             18.75% 0.00% 18.75%  18.75%Under 18 years 20.67% 1.67% 17.39%  23.95%19 to 40 years 16.45% 2.99% 10.58%  22.33%41 to 49 years 30.56% 3.90% 22.89%  38.22%50 to 59 years 13.57% 2.85% 7.97%  19.17%Over 60 years

Diabetes related health care visits in the last 12 months.             

3.30% 1.91% ‐0.45%  7.05%None 10.04% 3.52% 3.13%  16.95%1 time 23.70% 4.22% 15.41%  31.98%2 or 3 times 35.97% 5.59% 24.98%  46.96%4-5 times 23.82% 0.00% *  *6-10 times 3.17% 2.08% ‐0.92%  7.26%More than 10 times

Regular blood sugar checks.             22.02% 4.68% 12.82%  31.22%3 or more times per day 43.40% 6.68% 30.28%  56.53%1 or 2 times per day

19.32% 4.44% 10.59%  28.05%At least 1 time per week but less than daily 15.26% 2.37% 10.60%  19.92%Less than 1 time per week

Are insulin shots or pumps used regularly?              17.28% 3.48% 10.46%  24.11%Yes

Are diabetes pills used regularly?             59.77% 4.75% 50.45%  69.09%Yes

Have you taken a course/class on managing your diabetes?             

36.56% 4.93% 26.88%  46.24%Yes

Does cost keep you from seeing the doctor on a regular basis for your diabetes?             

52.76% 3.30% 46.27%  59.26%Yes

Does cost keep you from regularly taking your prescribed diabetes pills or insulin?             

24.88% 2.38% 20.20%  29.55%Yes

Does cost keep you from regularly checking your blood sugar with test strips?             

13.23% 2.62% 8.09% Yes 18.38%*Denotes cells without observations. When a standard error is a true zero, the confidence intervals are equal to the percentage. When a standard error rounds to zero, accurate confidence intervals cannot be calculated.

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          69

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A3.4. Diabetes: Harrison County 



Respondents living with diabetes:  Percent SE LCL @ .95 UCL @ .95            Harrison County 

Age of diabetes diagnosis.             * * *  *Under 18 years

27.45% 0.00% *  *19 to 40 years 18.81% 3.00% 12.92%  24.70%41 to 49 years 34.51% 6.82% 21.11%  47.90%50 to 59 years 19.24% 6.12% 7.21%  31.27%Over 60 years

Diabetes related health care visits in the last 12 months.          

8.09% 5.73% ‐3.16%  19.34%None 5.20% 4.50% ‐3.65%  14.04%1 time

14.08% 6.10% 2.09%  26.07%2 or 3 times 53.81% 8.17% 37.76%  69.85%4-5 times 18.83% 3.20% 12.55%  25.11%6-10 times

* * *  *More than 10 times Regular blood sugar checks.          

26.90% 6.46% 14.20%  39.60%3 or more times per day 45.34% 9.18% 27.30%  63.38%1 or 2 times per day

13.54% 6.93% ‐0.07%  27.16%At least 1 time per week but less than daily 14.21% 2.64% 9.02%  19.40%Less than 1 time per week

Are insulin shots or pumps used regularly?           27.75% 7.39% 13.23%  42.26%Yes

Are diabetes pills used regularly?          76.43% 8.31% 60.11%  92.75%Yes

Have you taken a course/class on managing your diabetes?          

66.00% 5.41% 55.37%  76.63%Yes

Does cost keep you from seeing the doctor on a regular basis for your diabetes?          

16.57% 7.87% 1.12%  32.03%Yes

Does cost keep you from regularly taking your prescribed diabetes pills or insulin?          

8.09% 5.73% ‐3.16%  19.34%Yes

Does cost keep you from regularly checking your blood sugar with test strips?          

13.99% 6.58% 1.07% Yes 26.91%*Denotes cells without observations. When a standard error rounds to zero, accurate confidence intervals cannot be calculated.

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          70

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A3.5. Diabetes: Jefferson County 



Respondents living with diabetes:  Percent SE LCL @ .95 UCL @ .95            Jefferson County 

Age of diabetes diagnosis.             17.40% 2.52% 12.46%  22.35%Under 18 years 34.60% 3.80% 27.14%  42.06%19 to 40 years 16.99% 3.36% 10.39%  23.60%41 to 49 years 12.00% 2.79% 6.51%  17.49%50 to 59 years 19.00% 2.12% 14.83%  23.17%Over 60 years

Diabetes related health care visits in the last 12 months.             

2.25% 1.27% ‐0.25%  4.74%None 8.76% 3.31% 2.25%  15.28%1 time

37.76% 3.74% 30.41%  45.10%2 or 3 times 24.32% 3.79% 16.87%  31.77%4-5 times 8.85% 2.56% 3.82%  13.88%6-10 times

18.06% 3.57% 11.04%  25.08%More than 10 times Regular blood sugar checks.             

26.08% 3.89% 18.43%  33.72%3 or more times per day 53.39% 4.35% 44.84%  61.94%1 or 2 times per day

7.28% 2.23% 2.90%  11.65%At least 1 time per week but less than daily 13.26% 3.25% 6.87%  19.65%Less than 1 time per week

Are insulin shots or pumps used regularly?              34.08% 4.28% 25.67%  42.50%Yes

Are diabetes pills used regularly?             73.78% 4.41% 65.11%  82.45%Yes

Have you taken a course/class on managing your diabetes?             

52.72% 4.69% 43.51%  61.93%Yes

Does cost keep you from seeing the doctor on a regular basis for your diabetes?             

18.56% 3.80% 11.10%  26.02%Yes

Does cost keep you from regularly taking your prescribed diabetes pills or insulin?             

12.10% 3.60% 5.02%  19.18%Yes

Does cost keep you from regularly checking your blood sugar with test strips?             

Yes 20.47% 4.16% 12.29%  28.65%

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          71

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A3.6. Diabetes: Lawrence County 



Respondents living with diabetes:  Percent SE LCL @ .95 UCL @ .95 Lawrence County             Age of diabetes diagnosis.             

Under 18 years 8.94% 0.00% 8.94%  8.94%19 to 40 years 45.86% 2.72% 40.51%  51.20%41 to 49 years 14.94% 3.21% 8.63%  21.25%50 to 59 years 16.11% 2.68% 10.85%  21.37%Over 60 years 14.15% 1.85% 10.52%  17.79%

Diabetes related health care visits in the last 12 months.             

None 9.04% 2.93% 3.28%  14.80%1 time 20.08% 3.47% 13.27%  26.90%2 or 3 times 32.89% 4.28% 24.48%  41.30%4-5 times 15.78% 2.58% 10.72%  20.85%6-10 times 5.81% 2.07% 1.75%  9.87%More than 10 times 16.39% 3.38% 9.75%  23.03%

Regular blood sugar checks.             3 or more times per day 14.67% 3.68% 7.45%  21.90%1 or 2 times per day 50.63% 5.69% 39.46%  61.81%

At least 1 time per week but less than daily 22.60% 3.63% 15.47%  29.74%Less than 1 time per week 12.09% 3.84% 4.55%  19.63%

Are insulin shots or pumps used regularly?              Yes 17.59% 4.22% 9.30%  25.87%

Are diabetes pills used regularly?             Yes 64.25% 5.41% 53.62%  74.88%

Have you taken a course/class on managing your diabetes?             

Yes 37.62% 4.76% 28.27%  46.98%

Does cost keep you from seeing the doctor on a regular basis for your diabetes?             

Yes 22.48% 4.37% 13.90%  31.06%

Does cost keep you from regularly taking your prescribed diabetes pills or insulin?             

Yes 12.98% 3.64% 5.82%  20.14%

Does cost keep you from regularly checking your blood sugar with test strips?             

21.98% 5.30% 11.58%  32.39%Yes When a standard error is a true zero, the confidence intervals are equal to the percentage.

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          72

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A3.7. Diabetes: Monroe County 



Respondents living with diabetes:  Percent SE LCL @ .95 UCL @ .95 Monroe County             Age of diabetes diagnosis.             

Under 18 years * * *  *19 to 40 years 31.69% 4.54% 22.77%  40.61%41 to 49 years 11.63% 5.45% 0.92%  22.33%50 to 59 years 39.13% 3.01% 33.21%  45.05%Over 60 years 17.55% 3.01% 11.63%  23.47%

Diabetes related health care visits in the last 12 months.          

None 11.61% 5.83% 0.15%  23.07%1 time 15.17% 1.83% 11.57%  18.76%2 or 3 times 16.65% 6.81% 3.27%  30.03%4-5 times 34.29% 7.28% 19.98%  48.60%6-10 times 16.22% 3.83% 8.70%  23.74%More than 10 times 6.07% 3.83% ‐1.45%  13.59%

Regular blood sugar checks.          3 or more times per day * * *  *1 or 2 times per day 66.05% 3.83% 58.53%  73.57%

At least 1 time per week but less than daily 32.00% 3.36% 25.39%  38.60%Less than 1 time per week 1.95% 1.83% ‐1.64%  5.55%

Are insulin shots or pumps used regularly?              Yes 47.18% 6.25% 34.90%  59.46%

Are diabetes pills used regularly?             Yes 82.53% 6.42% 69.92%  95.14%

Have you taken a course/class on managing your diabetes?             

Yes 46.17% 8.55% 29.37%  62.97%

Does cost keep you from seeing the doctor on a regular basis for your diabetes?             

Yes 39.60% 3.83% 32.08%  47.12%

Does cost keep you from regularly taking your prescribed diabetes pills or insulin?             

Yes 35.14% 6.14% 23.09%  47.20%

Does cost keep you from regularly checking your blood sugar with test strips?             

Yes 39.60% 3.83% 32.08%  47.12%*Denotes cells without observations. 

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          73

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A3.8. Diabetes: Muskingum County 



Respondents living with diabetes:  Percent SE LCL @ .95 UCL @ .95 Muskingum County             Age of diabetes diagnosis.             

Under 18 years 18.45% 2.01% 14.51%  22.39%19 to 40 years 37.13% 3.51% 30.24%  44.03%41 to 49 years 16.23% 3.24% 9.86%  22.60%50 to 59 years 12.67% 2.26% 8.23%  17.11%Over 60 years 15.52% 1.84% 11.91%  19.13%

Diabetes related health care visits in the last 12 months.             

None 3.63% 1.77% 0.15%  7.11%1 time 21.18% 1.93% 17.39%  24.98%2 or 3 times 23.98% 4.00% 16.12%  31.84%4-5 times 43.48% 4.38% 34.87%  52.08%6-10 times 4.53% 1.97% 0.66%  8.40%More than 10 times 3.20% 1.51% 0.24%  6.17%

Regular blood sugar checks.             3 or more times per day 22.18% 2.27% 17.71%  26.65%1 or 2 times per day 46.77% 4.53% 37.86%  55.67%

At least 1 time per week but less than daily 29.18% 4.23% 20.88%  37.48%Less than 1 time per week 1.88% 0.99% ‐0.08%  3.83%

Are insulin shots or pumps used regularly?              Yes 24.37% 3.59% 17.32%  31.43%

Are diabetes pills used regularly?             Yes 50.48% 4.05% 42.53%  58.43%

Have you taken a course/class on managing your diabetes?             

Yes 56.68% 3.47% 49.86%  63.51%

Does cost keep you from seeing the doctor on a regular basis for your diabetes?             

Yes 30.31% 3.29% 23.84%  36.77%

Does cost keep you from regularly taking your prescribed diabetes pills or insulin?             

Yes 27.86% 3.50% 20.98%  34.74%

Does cost keep you from regularly checking your blood sugar with test strips?             

Yes 25.93% 2.98% 20.07%  31.80%

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          74

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A3.9. Diabetes: Noble County 



Respondents living with diabetes:  Percent SE LCL @ .95 UCL @ .95 Noble County             Age of diabetes diagnosis.             

Under 18 years * * *  *19 to 40 years 60.38% 7.72% 45.20%  75.55%41 to 49 years 6.73% 5.50% ‐4.08%  17.54%50 to 59 years 15.88% 8.50% ‐0.81%  32.58%Over 60 years 17.01% 6.92% 3.41%  30.61%

Diabetes related health care visits in the last 12 months.          

None * * *  *1 time 10.28% 4.20% 2.03%  18.53%2 or 3 times * * *  *4-5 times 45.71% 9.48% 27.09%  64.34%6-10 times 34.85% 5.50% 24.05%  45.66%More than 10 times 9.15% 6.48% ‐3.57%  21.88%

Regular blood sugar checks.          3 or more times per day 14.29% 7.72% ‐0.88%  29.47%1 or 2 times per day 69.82% 6.92% 56.22%  83.42%

At least 1 time per week but less than daily 15.88% 8.50% ‐0.82%  32.59%Less than 1 time per week * * *  *

Are insulin shots or pumps used regularly?           Yes 42.42% 7.72% 27.25%  57.59%

Are diabetes pills used regularly?          Yes 94.86% 4.20% 86.61%  103.11%

Have you taken a course/class on managing your diabetes?          

Yes 78.98% 9.48% 60.35%  97.60%

Does cost keep you from seeing the doctor on a regular basis for your diabetes?          

Yes 9.15% 6.48% ‐3.57%  21.88%

Does cost keep you from regularly taking your prescribed diabetes pills or insulin?          

Yes 14.29% 7.72% ‐0.88%  29.47%

Does cost keep you from regularly checking your blood sugar with test strips?          

Yes * * *  **Denotes cells without observations. 

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          75

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A4. Body Mass Index (BMI) Categories 



Body Mass Index (BMI) categories:  Percent SE LCL @

.95 UCL @

.95 Entire 9 County Sample             Neither overweight nor obese  34.00% 0.78%  32.47%  35.53%Overweight  35.32% 0.79%  33.77%  36.86%Obese  30.69% 0.77%  29.18%  32.20%Belmont County             Neither overweight nor obese  35.75% 2.08%  31.66%  39.84%Overweight  36.02% 2.09%  31.93%  40.12%Obese  28.23% 1.98%  24.35%  32.10%Columbiana County             Neither overweight nor obese  34.19% 1.63%  31.00%  37.38%Overweight  36.71% 1.71%  33.35%  40.07%Obese  29.10% 1.61%  25.95%  32.25%Gallia County             Neither overweight nor obese  34.23% 2.97%  28.41%  40.05%Overweight  37.83% 2.95%  32.05%  43.61%Obese  27.94% 2.82%  22.42%  33.46%Harrison County             Neither overweight nor obese  37.26% 4.00%  29.42%  45.09%Overweight  30.14% 3.70%  22.89%  37.40%Obese  32.60% 3.95%  24.86%  40.34%Jefferson County             Neither overweight nor obese  35.41% 2.02%  31.45%  39.38%Overweight  32.92% 1.96%  29.07%  36.77%Obese  31.66% 1.98%  27.77%  35.55%Lawrence County             Neither overweight nor obese  31.54% 1.98%  27.66%  35.42%Overweight  36.44% 2.05%  32.41%  40.46%Obese  32.03% 2.02%  28.07%  35.98%Monroe County             Neither overweight nor obese  20.82% 3.13%  14.69%  26.95%Overweight  41.71% 4.45%  32.98%  50.44%Obese  37.47% 4.49%  28.67%  46.26%Muskingum County             Neither overweight nor obese  34.62% 1.99%  30.72%  38.52%Overweight  32.36% 1.90%  28.64%  36.09%Obese  33.02% 1.97%  29.15%  36.88%Noble County             Neither overweight nor obese  33.03% 4.83%  23.55%  42.51%Overweight  39.39% 5.13%  29.32%  49.45%Obese  27.59% 4.20%  19.34%  35.83%

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          76

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A5. Physical Exercise 



Physical exercise:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Entire 9 County Sample             In a usual week, do you engage in moderate exercise?             Yes  77.01% 0.69%  75.66% 78.37%

How many times per week do you do moderate activities for at least 20 minutes at a time?             

1 3.75% 0.36%  3.05% 4.45%

2 10.46% 0.58%  9.32% 11.60%

3 24.29% 0.81%  22.70% 25.89%

4 15.21% 0.70%  13.85% 16.58%

5 14.40% 0.65%  13.12% 15.68%

6 4.82% 0.42%  3.99% 5.65%

7 27.05% 0.85%  25.38% 28.72%In a usual week, do you engage in vigorous exercise?             Yes  42.68% 0.79%  41.14% 44.22%

How many times per week do you do vigorous activities for at least 20 minutes at a time?             

1 18.97% 1.02%  16.96% 20.98%

2 19.16% 1.02%  17.16% 21.16%

3 26.10% 1.15%  23.84% 28.36%

4 10.97% 0.81%  9.39% 12.56%

5 10.98% 0.84%  9.34% 12.62%

6 3.16% 0.46%  2.25% 4.07%7 10.66% 0.83%  9.02% 12.29%

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          77

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A5.1. Physical Exercise: Belmont County 



Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Physical exercise:            Belmont County  

In a usual week, do you engage in moderate exercise?             Yes  75.26% 1.85%  71.63% 78.90%

How many times per week do you do moderate activities for at least 20 minutes at a time?             

4.66% 0.98%  2.74% 6.58%1 10.16% 1.54%  7.14% 13.17%2 24.96% 2.22%  20.61% 29.32%3 16.15% 1.85%  12.52% 19.78%4 12.54% 1.53%  9.54% 15.53%5 2.33% 0.73%  0.89% 3.77%6

29.20% 2.34%  24.61% 33.79%7 In a usual week, do you engage in vigorous exercise?             Yes  40.82% 1.98%  36.94% 44.70%

How many times per week do you do vigorous activities for at least 20 minutes at a time?             

17.58% 2.76%  12.16% 23.00%1 16.40% 2.59%  11.32% 21.47%2 24.71% 3.08%  18.66% 30.75%3 9.92% 2.02%  5.95% 13.90%4

14.55% 2.53%  9.60% 19.51%5 4.25% 1.21%  1.88% 6.63%6

7 12.58% 2.47%  7.73% 17.44%

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          78

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A5.2. Physical Exercise: Columbiana County 



Physical exercise:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Columbiana County              In a usual week, do you engage in moderate exercise?             Yes  79.12% 1.47%  76.25% 81.99%

How many times per week do you do moderate activities for at least 20 minutes at a time?             

1 3.76% 0.84%  2.11% 5.41%

2 10.15% 1.20%  7.79% 12.51%

3 24.97% 1.70%  21.63% 28.31%

4 16.43% 1.53%  13.44% 19.42%

5 14.68% 1.47%  11.80% 17.57%

6 5.31% 0.98%  3.38% 7.23%

7 24.70% 1.73%  21.31% 28.09%In a usual week, do you engage in vigorous exercise?             Yes  46.69% 1.71%  43.34% 50.04%

How many times per week do you do vigorous activities for at least 20 minutes at a time?             

1 21.30% 2.31%  16.77% 25.82%

2 19.70% 2.15%  15.48% 23.92%

3 25.37% 2.34%  20.79% 29.95%

4 13.71% 1.95%  9.88% 17.54%

5 9.28% 1.56%  6.21% 12.35%

6 2.39% 0.90%  0.63% 4.14%

7 8.26% 1.61%  5.10% 11.43%

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          79

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A5.3. Physical Exercise: Gallia County 



Physical exercise:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Gallia County              In a usual week, do you engage in moderate exercise?             Yes  81.52% 2.36%  76.89% 86.16%

How many times per week do you do moderate activities for at least 20 minutes at a time?             

1 5.49% 1.60%  2.34% 8.63%

2 3.91% 1.18%  1.59% 6.23%

3 22.76% 2.78%  17.31% 28.20%

4 13.81% 2.41%  9.08% 18.53%

5 15.69% 2.47%  10.84% 20.54%

6 4.26% 1.33%  1.65% 6.88%

7 34.09% 32.78%  27.66% 40.52%In a usual week, do you engage in vigorous exercise?             Yes  45.18% 2.96%  39.38% 50.98%

How many times per week do you do vigorous activities for at least 20 minutes at a time?             

1 21.89% 3.86%  14.31% 29.47%

2 18.85% 3.76%  11.48% 26.22%

3 20.89% 3.62%  13.79% 27.99%

4 11.40% 2.69%  6.11% 16.68%

5 8.57% 2.34%  3.98% 13.16%

6 2.05% 1.39%  ‐0.67% 4.77%

7 16.35% 3.48%  9.52% 23.18%

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          80

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A5.4. Physical Exercise: Harrison County 



LCL @ .95 Physical exercise:  Percent SE

UCL @ .95

Harrison County              In a usual week, do you engage in moderate exercise?             Yes  76.22% 3.40%  69.55% 82.88%

How many times per week do you do moderate activities for at least 20 minutes at a time?             

1 2.38% 2.06%  ‐1.66% 6.43%

2 5.60% 2.14%  1.40% 9.81%

3 19.73% 4.25%  11.39% 28.06%

4 13.96% 3.41%  7.28% 20.64%

5 14.19% 3.18%  7.95% 20.43%

6 5.89% 2.29%  1.41% 10.37%

7 38.25% 4.88%  28.68% 47.81%In a usual week, do you engage in vigorous exercise?             Yes  49.87% 4.17%  41.68% 58.05%

How many times per week do you do vigorous activities for at least 20 minutes at a time?             

1 8.42% 3.21%  2.12% 14.72%

2 29.79% 5.68%  18.66% 40.93%

3 27.50% 5.29%  17.12% 37.87%

4 13.04% 4.13%  4.93% 21.14%

5 3.52% 1.84%  ‐0.09% 7.12%

6 3.03% 1.94%  ‐0.78% 6.83%

7 14.72% 5.17%  4.58% 24.86%

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          81

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A5.5. Physical Exercise: Jefferson County 



Physical exercise:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Jefferson County              In a usual week, do you engage in moderate exercise?             Yes  75.06% 1.77%  71.58% 78.53%

How many times per week do you do moderate activities for at least 20 minutes at a time?             

1 3.30% 0.82%  1.70% 4.90%

2 11.16% 1.55%  8.12% 14.21%

3 22.95% 2.03%  18.97% 26.92%

4 14.27% 1.78%  10.77% 17.76%

5 15.96% 1.74%  12.54% 19.38%

6 6.77% 1.37%  4.09% 9.46%

7 25.59% 2.12%  21.43% 29.75%In a usual week, do you engage in vigorous exercise?             Yes  37.03% 1.94%  33.23% 40.82%

How many times per week do you do vigorous activities for at least 20 minutes at a time?             

1 11.73% 2.16%  7.50% 15.96%

2 21.38% 2.92%  15.65% 27.11%

3 26.47% 3.16%  20.26% 32.67%

4 8.16% 1.89%  4.45% 11.87%

5 16.18% 2.84%  10.61% 21.76%

6 5.02% 1.74%  1.60% 8.45%

7 11.06% 2.24%  6.66% 15.46%

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          82

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A5.6. Physical Exercise: Lawrence County 



Physical exercise:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Lawrence County              In a usual week, do you engage in moderate exercise?             Yes  78.09% 1.74%  74.68% 81.49%

How many times per week do you do moderate activities for at least 20 minutes at a time?             

1 3.29% 0.82%  1.69% 4.90%

2 10.80% 1.53%  7.81% 13.80%

3 25.44% 2.03%  21.47% 29.41%

4 14.20% 1.68%  10.91% 17.49%

5 14.68% 1.70%  11.34% 18.02%

6 6.15% 1.15%  3.90% 8.41%

7 25.43% 2.11%  21.30% 29.56%In a usual week, do you engage in vigorous exercise?             Yes  43.10% 2.06%  39.05% 47.14%

How many times per week do you do vigorous activities for at least 20 minutes at a time?             

1 21.49% 2.85%  15.91% 27.08%

2 24.19% 2.87%  18.56% 29.82%

3 23.55% 2.84%  17.98% 29.12%

4 9.36% 1.96%  5.52% 13.19%

5 9.10% 1.90%  5.38% 12.83%

6 2.53% 1.01%  0.55% 4.51%

7 9.78% 2.01%  5.84% 13.72%

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          83

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A5.7. Physical Exercise: Monroe County 



Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Physical exercise:            Monroe County  

In a usual week, do you engage in moderate exercise?             Yes  80.50% 3.46%  73.72% 87.29%

How many times per week do you do moderate activities for at least 20 minutes at a time?             

7.68% 2.52%  2.74% 12.62%1 8.82% 2.87%  3.19% 14.46%2

24.36% 4.16%  16.20% 32.52%3 12.48% 3.34%  5.92% 19.03%4 17.38% 3.83%  9.88% 24.88%5 1.96% 1.31%  ‐0.62% 4.53%6

27.32% 4.75%  18.00% 36.64%7 In a usual week, do you engage in vigorous exercise?             Yes  39.45% 4.37%  30.88% 48.02%

How many times per week do you do vigorous activities for at least 20 minutes at a time?             

19.67% 4.13%  11.57% 27.76%1 10.55% 4.05%  2.61% 18.50%2 33.76% 6.78%  20.45% 47.07%3 8.13% 3.52%  1.23% 15.03%4

13.14% 3.98%  5.33% 20.94%5 2.44% 2.11%  ‐1.70% 6.58%6

7 12.31% 5.30%  1.91% 22.72%

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          84

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A5.8. Physical Exercise: Muskingum County 



Physical exercise:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Muskingum County              In a usual week, do you engage in moderate exercise?             Yes  75.34% 1.70%  72.00% 78.68%

How many times per week do you do moderate activities for at least 20 minutes at a time?             

1 2.61% 0.67%  1.29% 3.93%

2 14.50% 1.67%  11.22% 17.78%

3 23.84% 2.07%  19.78% 27.90%

4 15.88% 1.75%  12.45% 19.31%

5 14.26% 1.60%  11.12% 17.40%

6 2.88% 0.75%  1.41% 4.35%

7 26.02% 2.10%  21.91% 30.14%In a usual week, do you engage in vigorous exercise?             Yes  40.69% 1.98%  36.80% 44.58%

How many times per week do you do vigorous activities for at least 20 minutes at a time?             

1 24.01% 2.82%  18.47% 29.55%

2 14.78% 2.28%  10.30% 19.26%

3 29.48% 3.01%  23.58% 35.38%

4 11.32% 2.02%  7.37% 15.28%

5 10.34% 2.00%  6.41% 14.27%

6 2.19% 0.87%  0.48% 3.91%

7 7.87% 1.80%  4.34% 11.40%

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          85

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A5.9. Physical Exercise: Noble County 



Physical exercise:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Noble County              In a usual week, do you engage in moderate exercise?             Yes  72.39% 4.88%  62.81% 81.96%

How many times per week do you do moderate activities for at least 20 minutes at a time?             

1 3.64% 2.51%  ‐1.29% 8.57%

2 7.24% 2.55%  2.24% 12.25%

3 28.84% 5.73%  17.61% 40.07%

4 13.89% 4.20%  5.66% 22.13%

5 7.29% 2.51%  2.36% 12.22%

6 11.80% 4.07%  3.83% 19.78%

7 27.29% 5.80%  15.91% 38.67%In a usual week, do you engage in vigorous exercise?             Yes  50.72% 4.42%  42.06% 59.38%

How many times per week do you do vigorous activities for at least 20 minutes at a time?             

1 11.34% 4.14%  3.22% 19.46%

2 18.35% 5.29%  7.99% 28.72%

3 29.91% 6.67%  16.83% 42.99%

4 14.78% 4.86%  5.25% 24.30%

5 1.39% 1.14%  ‐0.84% 3.63%

6 5.44% 2.72%  0.10% 10.77%

7 18.78% 4.43%  10.10% 27.46%

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          86

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A6. Smoking 



LCL @ .95 Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?  Percent SE

UCL @ .95

Entire 9 County Sample             Yes  47.65% 0.81%  46.06% 49.25%If yes: Do you smoke every day, some days, or not at all?             

Every day 43.50% 1.14%  41.27% 45.73%

Some days 11.59% 0.78%  10.06% 13.12%

Not at all/I quit 44.91% 1.07%  42.81% 47.02% 

Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Belmont County             Yes 47.69% 2.13%  43.51% 51.86%If yes: Do you smoke every day, some days, or not at all?             

Every day 38.13% 3.18%  31.89% 44.37%

Some days 13.70% 2.13%  9.52% 17.87%

Not at all/I quit 48.17% 2.96%  42.37% 53.98% 

Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Columbiana County             Yes 46.24% 1.74%  42.84% 49.64%If yes: Do you smoke every day, some days, or not at all?             

Every day 41.61% 2.27%  37.15% 46.07%

Some days 11.34% 1.59%  8.23% 14.44%

Not at all/I quit 47.05% 2.29%  42.56% 51.55% 

Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Gallia County             Yes 52.22% 2.99%  46.35% 58.09%If yes: Do you smoke every day, some days, or not at all?             

Every day 44.26% 4.13%  36.17% 52.35%

Some days 10.63% 2.38%  5.96% 15.30%

Not at all/I quit 45.11% 4.02%  37.23% 52.99% 


APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          87

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A6. Smoking 



LCL @ .95 Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?  Percent SE

UCL @ .95

Harrison County             Yes 48.04% 3.95%  40.30% 55.79%If yes: Do you smoke every day, some days, or not at all?             

Every day 44.02% 5.95%  32.36% 55.68%

Some days 19.27% 4.94%  9.59% 28.95%

Not at all/I quit 36.71% 5.14%  26.63% 46.79% 

Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Jefferson County             Yes 50.36% 2.07%  46.30% 54.43%If yes: Do you smoke every day, some days, or not at all?             

Every day 45.80% 2.74%  40.42% 51.18%

Some days 9.56% 1.86%  5.90% 13.21%

Not at all/I quit 44.65% 2.41%  39.91% 49.38% 

Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Lawrence County             Yes 49.37% 2.08%  45.30% 53.44%If yes: Do you smoke every day, some days, or not at all?             

Every day 53.33% 2.99%  47.46% 59.20%

Some days 4.87% 1.32%  2.28% 7.45%

Not at all/I quit 41.80% 2.91%  36.09% 47.52% 

Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Monroe County             Yes 50.17% 4.31%  41.72% 58.61%If yes: Do you smoke every day, some days, or not at all?             

Every day 42.42% 6.47%  29.72% 55.11%

Some days 10.41% 3.95%  2.66% 18.15%

Not at all/I quit 47.18% 6.16%  35.09% 59.26% 


APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          88

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A6. Smoking 


 APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          89

Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Muskingum County             Yes 44.96% 2.06%  40.92% 49.00%If yes: Do you smoke every day, some days, or not at all?             

Every day 37.38% 2.93%  31.63% 43.13%

Some days 15.28% 2.35%  10.67% 19.89%

Not at all/I quit 47.35% 2.80%  41.85% 52.84% 

Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Noble County             Yes 39.26% 4.61%  30.21% 48.31%If yes: Do you smoke every day, some days, or not at all?             

Every day 64.67% 6.97%  51.01% 78.34%

Some days 16.74% 5.72%  5.51% 27.96%

Not at all/I quit 18.59% 4.61%  9.55% 27.63%

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A7. Self‐Reported Depressed Mood 



During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel so depressed that nothing could cheer you up?  Percent SE

LCL @ .95

UCL @ .95

Entire 9 County Sample             All the time  2.26% 0.25%  1.77% 2.74%Most of the time  3.79% 0.31%  3.17% 4.40%Some of the time  11.96% 0.54%  10.89% 13.02%A little of the time  20.01% 0.66%  18.71% 21.31%None  61.99% 0.80%  60.41% 63.56% 

During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel so depressed that nothing could cheer you up?  Percent SE

LCL @ .95

UCL @ .95

Belmont County             All the time  2.53% 0.75%  1.07% 4.00%Most of the time  3.37% 0.75%  1.90% 4.85%Some of the time  10.90% 1.36%  8.23% 13.57%A little of the time  20.54% 1.77%  17.07% 24.01%None  62.65% 2.09%  58.54% 66.75% 

During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel so depressed that nothing could cheer you up?  Percent SE

LCL @ .95

UCL @ .95

Columbiana County             All the time  1.96% 0.51%  0.96% 2.96%Most of the time  3.63% 0.69%  2.27% 4.99%Some of the time  11.51% 1.16%  9.25% 13.78%A little of the time  21.52% 1.49%  18.60% 24.44%None  61.37% 1.75%  57.93% 64.81% 

During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel so depressed that nothing could cheer you up?  Percent SE

LCL @ .95

UCL @ .95

Gallia County             All the time  2.28% 0.95%  0.42% 4.13%Most of the time  7.38% 1.61%  4.23% 10.52%Some of the time  11.89% 1.96%  8.06% 15.73%A little of the time  18.05% 2.30%  13.54% 22.56%None  60.41% 2.97%  54.58% 66.24% 


APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          90

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A7. Self‐Reported Depressed Mood 



During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel so depressed that nothing could cheer you up?  Percent SE

LCL @ .95

UCL @ .95

Harrison County             All the time  1.65% 1.11%  ‐0.52% 9.70%Most of the time  5.41% 2.19%  1.13% 9.70%Some of the time  11.61% 2.74%  6.24% 16.97%A little of the time  13.05% 2.80%  7.56% 18.55%None  68.28% 4.16%  60.12% 76.44% 

During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel so depressed that nothing could cheer you up?  Percent SE

LCL @ .95

UCL @ .95

Jefferson County             All the time  3.09% 0.70%  1.73% 4.46%Most of the time  3.79% 0.79%  2.24% 5.34%Some of the time  12.13% 1.34%  9.49% 14.76%A little of the time  20.62% 1.72%  17.26% 23.99%None  60.36% 2.02%  56.40% 64.32% 

During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel so depressed that nothing could cheer you up?  Percent SE

LCL @ .95

UCL @ .95

Lawrence County             All the time  2.48% 0.65%  1.21% 3.76%Most of the time  4.35% 0.88%  2.62% 6.09%Some of the time  11.42% 1.35%  8.78% 14.07%A little of the time  20.05% 1.71%  16.70% 23.41%None  61.68% 2.07%  57.64% 65.73% 

During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel so depressed that nothing could cheer you up?  Percent SE

LCL @ .95

UCL @ .95

Monroe County             All the time  3.51% 1.95%  ‐0.31% 7.33%Most of the time  2.30% 1.25%  ‐0.16% 4.76%Some of the time  10.68% 2.65%  5.48% 15.88%A little of the time  21.90% 3.61%  14.81% 28.98%None  61.61% 4.52%  52.76% 70.47% 


APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          91

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A7. Self‐Reported Depressed Mood 


 APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          92

During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel so depressed that nothing could cheer you up?  Percent SE

LCL @ .95

UCL @ .95

Muskingum County             All the time  1.60% 0.48%  0.66% 2.54%Most of the time  2.63% 0.60%  1.45% 3.80%Some of the time  14.11% 1.46%  11.26% 16.97%A little of the time  18.45% 1.49%  15.52% 21.38%None  63.21% 1.93%  59.42% 67.00% 

During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel so depressed that nothing could cheer you up?  Percent SE

LCL @ .95

UCL @ .95

Noble County             All the time  0.79% 0.75%  ‐0.69% 2.26%Most of the time  3.41% 2.00%  ‐0.52% 7.33%Some of the time  11.65% 3.70%  4.41% 18.90%A little of the time  21.03% 4.12%  12.96% 29.10%None  63.12% 5.14%  53.03% 73.20%

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A8. Health Care Access 



Access to health care:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Entire 9 County Sample             Do you have a doctor or health care provider?             Yes, only one  80.18% 0.67%  78.86% 81.49%Yes, more than one  6.43% 0.40%  5.65% 7.21%No  13.40% 0.58%  12.25% 14.54%

In the past 12 months, was there a time you needed to see a doctor but could not afford to?             Yes  15.18% 0.61%  13.99% 16.37%Time of last dentist visit.             within the past year  69.49% 0.76%  67.99% 70.98%within past 2 years  9.88% 0.50%  8.90% 10.85%within past 5 years  6.91% 0.43%  6.07% 7.76%5 or more years ago  13.39% 0.55%  12.32% 14.47%never  0.33% 0.10%  0.14% 0.53%


Access to health care:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Belmont County              Do you have a doctor or health care provider?             Yes, only one  81.35% 1.75%  77.92% 84.78%Yes, more than one  7.61% 1.08%  5.49% 9.73%No  11.04% 1.46%  8.18% 13.91%

In the past 12 months, was there a time you needed to see a doctor but could not afford to?             Yes  12.27% 1.49%  9.35% 15.20%Time of last dentist visit.             within the past year  72.89% 1.86%  69.24% 76.53%within past 2 years  7.46% 1.14%  5.23% 9.69%within past 5 years  5.71% 0.99%  3.77% 7.65%5 or more years ago  13.81% 1.38%  11.09% 16.52%never  0.14% 0.14%  ‐0.13% 0.41%



APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          93

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A8. Health Care Access 



Access to health care:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Columbiana County              Do you have a doctor or health care provider?             Yes, only one  83.95% 1.35%  81.29% 86.60%Yes, more than one  3.92% 0.72%  2.50% 5.34%No  12.13% 1.21%  9.75% 14.51%

In the past 12 months, was there a time you needed to see a doctor but could not afford to?             Yes  13.91% 1.27%  11.42% 16.41%Time of last dentist visit.             within the past year  68.38% 1.69%  65.06% 71.69%within past 2 years  10.93% 1.14%  8.69% 13.17%within past 5 years  6.93% 0.95%  5.07% 8.79%5 or more years ago  13.16% 1.18%  10.85% 15.47%never  0.61% 0.31%  0.00% 1.21%


Access to health care:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Gallia County              Do you have a doctor or health care provider?             Yes, only one  76.90% 2.62%  71.78% 82.03%Yes, more than one  3.30% 1.12%  1.12% 5.49%No  19.80% 2.48%  14.94% 24.65%

In the past 12 months, was there a time you needed to see a doctor but could not afford to?             Yes  19.55% 2.45%  14.76% 24.35%Time of last dentist visit.             within the past year  60.13% 2.99%  54.27% 66.00%within past 2 years  13.70% 2.22%  9.34% 18.06%within past 5 years  10.59% 1.93%  6.81% 14.38%5 or more years ago  14.39% 2.04%  10.39% 18.40%never  1.18% 0.69%  ‐0.18% 2.53%



APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          94

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A8. Health Care Access 



Access to health care:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Harrison County              Do you have a doctor or health care provider?             Yes, only one  77.94% 3.18%  71.71% 84.17%Yes, more than one  9.37% 2.36%  4.73% 14.00%No  12.69% 2.29%  8.20% 17.19%

In the past 12 months, was there a time you needed to see a doctor but could not afford to?             Yes  18.50% 2.90%  12.82% 24.18%Time of last dentist visit.             within the past year  66.49% 4.22%  58.22% 74.76%within past 2 years  9.89% 2.75%  4.49% 15.29%within past 5 years  10.82% 2.52%  5.89% 15.76%5 or more years ago  12.80% 2.73%  7.45% 18.15%never  * *  * *

*Denotes cells without observations. 

Access to health care:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Jefferson County              Do you have a doctor or health care provider?             Yes, only one  81.20% 1.68%  77.92% 84.49%Yes, more than one  8.81% 1.15%  6.56% 11.06%No  9.99% 1.34%  7.37% 12.61%

In the past 12 months, was there a time you needed to see a doctor but could not afford to?             Yes  16.63% 1.59%  13.52% 19.74%Time of last dentist visit.             within the past year  70.19% 1.89%  66.47% 73.90%within past 2 years  8.80% 1.17%  6.51% 11.08%within past 5 years  6.30% 1.04%  4.26% 8.33%5 or more years ago  14.57% 1.43%  11.75% 17.38%never  0.15% 0.15%  ‐0.15% 0.46%



APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          95

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A8. Health Care Access 



Access to health care:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Lawrence County              Do you have a doctor or health care provider?             Yes, only one  73.93% 1.84%  70.33% 77.53%Yes, more than one  5.85% 0.95%  3.99% 7.72%No  20.22% 1.64%  17.00% 23.44%

In the past 12 months, was there a time you needed to see a doctor but could not afford to?             Yes  17.24% 1.62%  14.07% 20.41%Time of last dentist visit.             within the past year  72.68% 1.88%  68.99% 76.37%within past 2 years  10.57% 1.35%  7.93% 13.21%within past 5 years  4.88% 0.90%  3.11% 6.65%5 or more years ago  11.75% 1.32%  9.16% 14.35%never  0.12% 0.12%  ‐0.11% 0.35%


Access to health care:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Monroe County              Do you have a doctor or health care provider?             Yes, only one  80.34% 3.52%  73.45% 87.23%Yes, more than one  10.29% 2.59%  5.20% 15.38%No  9.37% 2.55%  4.36% 14.38%

In the past 12 months, was there a time you needed to see a doctor but could not afford to?             Yes  15.12% 3.19%  8.87% 21.36%Time of last dentist visit.             within the past year  69.53% 4.26%  61.18% 77.89%within past 2 years  9.44% 2.86%  3.84% 15.04%within past 5 years  12.18% 2.97%  6.36% 18.00%5 or more years ago  8.85% 2.36%  4.22% 13.47%never  * *  * *

*Denotes cells without observations. 


APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          96

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A8. Health Care Access 


 APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          97

Access to health care:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Muskingum County              Do you have a doctor or health care provider?             Yes, only one  79.07% 1.75%  75.63% 82.50%Yes, more than one  6.91% 1.04%  4.86% 8.95%No  14.03% 1.56%  10.97% 17.08%

In the past 12 months, was there a time you needed to see a doctor but could not afford to?             Yes  14.07% 1.53%  11.07% 17.07%Time of last dentist visit.             within the past year  70.81% 1.85%  67.17% 74.44%within past 2 years  8.87% 1.12%  6.68% 11.07%within past 5 years  6.86% 1.11%  4.68% 9.04%5 or more years ago  13.13% 1.36%  10.47% 15.80%never  0.32% 0.23%  ‐0.12% 0.77%


Access to health care:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Noble County              Do you have a doctor or health care provider?             Yes, only one  82.15% 4.21%  73.89% 90.41%Yes, more than one  6.29% 2.29%  1.80% 10.77%No  11.56% 3.80%  4.11% 19.02%

In the past 12 months, was there a time you needed to see a doctor but could not afford to?             Yes  16.41% 3.84%  8.87% 23.94%Time of last dentist visit.             within the past year  59.14% 5.03%  49.27% 69.00%within past 2 years  14.69% 3.62%  7.59% 21.79%within past 5 years  7.36% 2.69%  2.08% 12.64%5 or more years ago  18.81% 4.29%  10.41% 27.22%never  * *  * *

*Denotes cells without observations. 

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A9. Insurance Coverage 



Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Health insurance coverage:            Entire 9 County Sample 13.56% 0.60%  12.38% 14.73%

No insurance 7.78% 0.39%  7.01% 8.54%

Medicare only 8.65% 0.35%  7.95% 9.34%

Medicare and other 7.22% 0.45%  6.35% 8.10%

Medicaid 56.05% 0.78%  54.51% 57.58%

Private/commercial 1.97%

Military 0.24%  1.50% 2.43%

Other 4.78% 0.35%  4.09% 5.47%

Do you have insurance that pays for at least a part of your prescription costs?             Yes  82.04% 0.66%  80.75% 83.33%


Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Health insurance coverage:            Belmont County 12.63% 1.54%  9.61% 15.64%

No insurance 12.54% 1.68%  9.25% 15.83%

Medicare only 20.28% 1.57%  17.19% 23.36%

Medicare and other 13.17% 2.08%  9.10% 17.25%

Medicaid 15.16% 0.51%  14.16% 16.16%

Private/commercial 20.27% 5.28% 

Military 9.92% 30.61%

Other 15.58% 2.71%  10.27% 20.89%

Do you have insurance that pays for at least a part of your prescription costs?             Yes  85.98% 1.56%  82.92% 89.05%



APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          98

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A9. Insurance Coverage 



Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Health insurance coverage:            Columbiana County 24.67% 1.94%  20.87% 28.46%

No insurance 23.03% 2.18%  18.77% 27.30%

Medicare only 17.72% 1.69%  14.42% 21.03%

Medicare and other 21.79% 2.62%  16.65% 26.93%

Medicaid 23.42% 0.62%  22.21% 24.63%

Private/commercial 34.84%

Military 5.90%  23.27% 46.41%

Other 24.23% 3.25%  17.65% 30.40%

Do you have insurance that pays for at least a part of your prescription costs?             Yes  82.02% 1.44%  79.19% 84.86%


Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Health insurance coverage:            Gallia County 6.83% 1.02%  4.84% 8.82%

No insurance 6.69% 1.11%  4.52% 8.87%

Medicare only 4.51% 0.81%  2.91% 6.10%

Medicare and other 10.17% 1.75%  6.75% 13.60%

Medicaid 6.11% 0.32%  5.48% 6.74%

Private/commercial 5.61% 2.43%  0.85%

Military 10.37%

Other 5.62% 1.65%  2.39% 8.85%

Do you have insurance that pays for at least a part of your prescription costs?             Yes  80.58% 2.51%  75.65% 85.51%


APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          99

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A9. Insurance Coverage 



Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Health insurance coverage:            Harrison County 3.39% 0.76%  1.90% 4.89%

No insurance 4.34% 1.05%  2.28% 6.41%

Medicare only 3.84% 0.82%  2.23% 5.46%

Medicare and other 2.58% 0.91%  0.80% 4.37%

Medicaid 3.20% 0.24%  2.73% 3.66%

Private/commercial 2.59% 1.73%  ‐0.79%

Military 5.98%

Other 3.79% 1.33%  1.18% 6.41%

Do you have insurance that pays for at least a part of your prescription costs?             Yes  78.67% 3.79%  71.23% 86.11%


Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Health insurance coverage:            Jefferson County 14.30% 1.57%  11.22% 17.38%

No insurance 18.92% 2.05%  14.90% 22.95%

Medicare only 20.55% 1.66%  17.29% 23.81%

Medicare and other 15.06% 2.27%  10.61% 19.50%

Medicaid 15.67% 0.51%  14.67% 16.67%

Private/commercial 12.14%

Military 3.58%  5.13% 19.16%

Other 12.37% 2.55%  7.39% 17.37%

Do you have insurance that pays for at least a part of your prescription costs?             Yes  82.13% 1.69%  78.82% 85.44%


APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          100

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A9. Insurance Coverage 



Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Health insurance coverage:            Lawrence County 12.42% 1.35%  9.76% 15.07%

No insurance 14.36% 1.63%  11.17% 17.55%

Medicare only 10.76% 1.19%  8.43% 13.09%

Medicare and other 12.89% 1.89%  9.18% 16.61%

Medicaid 13.29% 0.43%  12.44% 14.14%

Private/commercial 14.48%

Military 3.76%  7.10% 21.85%

Other 9.93% 2.02%  5.96% 13.90%

Do you have insurance that pays for at least a part of your prescription costs?          Yes  82.07% 1.73%  78.69% 85.45%


Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Health insurance coverage:            Monroe County 3.01% 0.72%  1.59% 4.43%

No insurance 3.13% 0.85%  1.47% 4.80%

Medicare only 3.33% 0.71%  1.94% 4.72%

Medicare and other 2.89% 0.94%  1.05% 4.73%

Medicaid 3.24% 0.22%  2.81% 3.68%

Private/commercial              *           *             *

Military            *

Other 4.36% 1.42%  1.56% 7.14%

Do you have insurance that pays for at least a part of your prescription costs?          Yes  84.71% 3.36%  78.12% 91.30%

*Denotes cells without observations    

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          101

Appendix A. Weighted ARHI III Data Appendix A9. Insurance Coverage 


 APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          102

Health insurance coverage:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Muskingum County             

No insurance 19.40% 1.75%  15.97% 22.82%

Medicare only 15.13% 1.80%  11.60% 18.66%

Medicare and other 16.25% 1.54%  13.22% 19.27%

Medicaid 19.96% 2.59%  14.88% 25.04%

Private/commercial 16.47% 0.53%  15.43% 17.52%

Military 10.08% 3.34%  3.53% 16.63%

Other 22.15% 3.00%  16.27% 28.03%

Do you have insurance that pays for at least a part of your prescription costs?          Yes  79.55% 1.58%  76.45% 82.65%


Health insurance coverage:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Noble County             

No insurance 3.37% 0.86%  1.68% 5.06%

Medicare only 1.84% 0.63%  0.61% 3.07%

Medicare and other 2.77% 0.62%  1.55% 3.99%

Medicaid 1.48% 0.56%  0.37% 2.58%

Private/commercial 3.44% 0.22%  3.00% 3.87%

Military  * *  * *

Other 2.18% 1.02%  0.18% 4.17%

Do you have insurance that pays for at least a part of your prescription costs?          Yes  79.79% 4.43%  71.10% 88.47%

*Denotes cells without observations 

Appendix B. Weighted Demographics  


 APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          103

Demographics:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL @

.95 Entire 9 County Sample             Age             18 to 24  11.12% 0.00%  11.12% 11.12%25 to 34  16.04% 0.00%  16.04% 16.04%35 to 44  20.15% 0.00%  20.15% 20.15%45 to 54  18.75% 0.00%  18.75% 18.75%55 to 64  13.22% 0.00%  13.22% 13.22%65 and over  20.72% 0.00%  20.72% 20.72%

Income             Less than $15,000  17.49% 0.79%  15.94% 19.04%$15,000 to $24,999  15.79% 0.75%  14.32% 17.26%$25,000 to $34,999  13.65% 0.66%  12.35% 14.95%$35,000 to $49,999  14.25% 0.66%  12.96% 15.55%$50,000 to $74,999  20.08% 0.75%  18.61% 21.55%$75,000 or more  18.74% 0.71%  17.36% 20.13%

Gender             Male  48.09% 0.00%  48.09% 48.09%Female  51.91% 0.00%  51.91% 51.91%

Employment             Employed  54.21% 0.74%  52.77% 55.66%Unemployed  11.35% 0.54%  10.30% 12.41%A homemaker  5.80% 0.36%  5.09% 6.50%A student  3.68% 0.36%  2.98% 4.38%Retired  20.60% 0.39%  19.84% 21.36%Unable to work  4.35% 0.33%  3.71% 4.99%

Education             Never attended school  0.05% 0.03%  ‐0.02% 0.11%Grade 1‐8  1.56% 0.20%  1.18% 1.95%Grades 9‐11 (some high school)  6.91% 0.44%  6.05% 7.77%Grade 12 or GED (high school graduate)  43.00% 0.82%  41.38% 44.61%College 1‐3 years (some college)  27.09% 0.74%  25.64% 28.53%College 4 or more (college graduate)  21.39% 0.66%  20.09% 22.69%

Ethnicity             White  96.19% 0.35%  95.50% 96.88%Black or African American  1.80% 0.25%  1.31% 2.28%Asian  0.11% 0.05%  0.01% 0.21%Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander  0.03% 0.02%  ‐0.02% 0.07%American Indian or Alaskan Native  0.74% 0.14%  0.47% 1.02%Other  1.13% 0.21%  0.72% 1.54%

When a standard error is a true zero, the confidence intervals are equal to the percentage.

Appendix B. Weighted Demographics Appendix B1. Weighted Demographics: Belmont County 



Demographics:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Belmont County             Age          18 to 24  9.86% 0.00%  9.86% 9.86%25 to 34  15.26% 0.00%  15.26% 15.26%35 to 44  19.82% 0.00%  19.82% 19.82%45 to 54  19.16% 0.00%  19.16% 19.16%55 to 64  12.68% 0.00%  12.68% 12.68%65 and over  23.22% 0.00%  23.22% 23.22%

Income          Less than $15,000  19.89% 2.09%  15.80% 23.98%$15,000 to $24,999  13.76% 1.77%  10.29% 17.23%$25,000 to $34,999  15.29% 1.87%  11.62% 18.97%$35,000 to $49,999  13.58% 1.77%  10.11% 17.05%$50,000 to $74,999  18.60% 1.84%  15.00% 22.21%$75,000 or more  18.87% 1.94%  15.07% 22.67%

Gender          Male  48.35% 0.00%  48.35% 48.35%Female  51.65% 0.00%  51.65% 51.65%

Employment        Employed  55.73% 1.88%  52.04% 59.41%Unemployed  8.33% 1.17%  6.05% 10.62%A homemaker  5.55% 0.91%  3.77% 7.32%A student  4.36% 1.06%  2.27% 6.44%Retired  21.11% 1.03%  19.09% 23.13%Unable to work  4.93% 0.83%  3.31% 6.56%

Education          Never attended school  * *  * *Grade 1‐8  1.58% 0.49%  0.61% 2.54%Grades 9‐11 (some high school)  7.27% 1.19%  4.94% 9.60%Grade 12 or GED (high school graduate)  41.79% 2.13%  37.62% 45.97%College 1‐3 years (some college)  30.65% 2.02%  26.69% 34.62%College 4 or more (college graduate)  18.70% 1.67%  15.42% 21.98%

Ethnicity          White  95.79% 1.00%  93.83% 97.74%Black or African American  2.17% 0.83%  0.55% 3.80%Asian  0.31% 0.22%  ‐0.11% 0.73%Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander  * *  * *American Indian or Alaskan Native  0.32% 0.22%  ‐0.12% 0.76%Other  1.41% 0.46%  0.50% 2.32%

*Denotes cells without observations. When a standard error is a true zero, the confidence intervals are equal to the percentage.

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          104

Appendix B. Weighted Demographics Appendix B2. Weighted Demographics: Columbiana County 



Demographics:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Columbiana County             Age          18 to 24  10.37% 0.00%  10.37% 10.37%25 to 34  16.72% 0.00%  16.72% 16.72%35 to 44  21.07% 0.00%  21.07% 21.07%45 to 54  19.17% 0.00%  19.17% 19.17%55 to 64  12.80% 0.00%  12.80% 12.80%65 and over  19.86% 0.00%  19.86% 19.86%

Income          Less than $15,000  16.02% 1.66%  12.77% 19.26%$15,000 to $24,999  14.47% 1.53%  11.47% 17.46%$25,000 to $34,999  12.99% 1.35%  10.35% 15.62%$35,000 to $49,999  15.10% 1.57%  12.02% 18.18%$50,000 to $74,999  21.83% 1.82%  18.26% 25.41%$75,000 or more  19.59% 1.51%  16.63% 22.56%

Gender          Male  49.14% 0.00%  49.14% 49.14%Female  50.86% 0.00%  50.86% 50.86%

Employment          Employed  52.62% 1.61%  49.46% 55.77%Unemployed  14.29% 1.27%  11.79% 16.79%A homemaker  5.03% 0.76%  3.53% 6.52%A student  2.82% 0.66%  1.54% 4.11%Retired  19.69% 0.79%  18.13% 21.25%Unable to work  5.56% 0.84%  3.90% 7.21%

Education          Never attended school  * *  * *Grade 1‐8  1.69% 0.44%  0.84% 2.55%Grades 9‐11 (some high school)  7.10% 0.96%  5.23% 8.97%Grade 12 or GED (high school graduate)  42.45% 1.75%  39.03% 45.87%College 1‐3 years (some college)  26.00% 1.54%  22.98% 29.03%College 4 or more (college graduate)  22.75% 1.48%  19.85% 25.65%

Ethnicity          White  96.19% 0.78%  94.66% 97.72%Black or African American  2.03% 0.59%  0.87% 3.20%Asian  * *  * *Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander  * *  * *American Indian or Alaskan Native  0.54% 0.27%  0.01% 1.06%Other  1.24% 0.47%  0.33% 2.16%

*Denotes cells without observations. When a standard error is a true zero, the confidence intervals are equal to the percentage.

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          105

Appendix B. Weighted Demographics Appendix B3. Weighted Demographics: Gallia County 



Demographics:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL @

.95 Gallia County             Age          18 to 24  12.98% 0.00%  12.98% 12.98%25 to 34  15.69% 0.00%  15.69% 15.69%35 to 44  20.99% 0.00%  20.99% 20.99%45 to 54  18.24% 0.00%  18.24% 18.24%55 to 64  14.02% 0.00%  14.02% 14.02%65 and over  18.07% 0.00%  18.07% 18.07%

Income          Less than $15,000  21.68% 2.95%  15.90% 27.46%$15,000 to $24,999  11.45% 2.47%  6.62% 16.29%$25,000 to $34,999  14.38% 2.42%  9.63% 19.12%$35,000 to $49,999  16.40% 2.63%  11.25% 21.55%$50,000 to $74,999  16.46% 2.44%  11.68% 21.24%$75,000 or more  19.63% 2.38%  14.95% 24.30%

Gender          Male  47.95% 0.00%  47.95% 47.95%Female  52.05% 0.00%  52.05% 52.05%

Employment          Employed  53.72% 2.72%  48.38% 59.06%Unemployed  14.94% 2.21%  10.60% 19.28%A homemaker  5.47% 1.31%  2.89% 8.04%A student  3.17% 1.11%  1.00% 5.35%Retired  18.78% 1.34%  16.15% 21.40%Unable to work  3.92% 1.15%  1.67% 6.17%

Education          Never attended school  * *  * *Grade 1‐8  1.85% 0.75%  0.37% 3.32%Grades 9‐11 (some high school)  9.29% 1.77%  5.83% 12.75%Grade 12 or GED (high school graduate)  43.63% 3.05%  37.64% 49.62%College 1‐3 years (some college)  21.71% 2.45%  16.90% 26.52%College 4 or more (college graduate)  23.53% 2.56%  18.50% 28.56%

Ethnicity          White  96.39% 1.13%  94.18% 98.60%Black or African American  0.35% 0.35%  ‐0.33% 1.04%Asian  * *  * *Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander  * *  * *American Indian or Alaskan Native  2.65% 0.99%  0.71% 4.60%Other  0.60% 0.43%  ‐0.24% 1.45%

*Denotes cells without observations. When a standard error is a true zero, the confidence intervals are equal to the percentage.

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          106

Appendix B. Weighted Demographics Appendix B4. Weighted Demographics: Harrison County 



Demographics:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Harrison County             Age          18 to 24  8.92% 0.00%  * *25 to 34  14.41% 0.00%  * *35 to 44  20.17% 0.00%  * *45 to 54  19.39% 0.00%  * *55 to 64  14.15% 0.00%  * *65 and over  22.97% 0.00%  * *

Income          Less than $15,000  15.17% 3.61%  8.10% 22.25%$15,000 to $24,999  15.96% 3.65%  8.80% 23.11%$25,000 to $34,999  23.23% 3.88%  15.63% 30.83%$35,000 to $49,999  13.86% 3.38%  7.23% 20.49%$50,000 to $74,999  19.06% 3.57%  12.06% 26.06%$75,000 or more  12.72% 3.23%  6.38% 19.05%

Gender          Male  47.33% 0.00%  * *Female  52.67% 0.00%  * *

Employment          Employed  57.10% 4.06%  49.14% 65.05%Unemployed  5.52% 1.92%  1.76% 9.28%A homemaker  8.70% 2.63%  3.53% 13.86%A student  0.75% 0.72%  ‐0.66% 2.16%Retired  23.43% 2.76%  18.02% 28.84%Unable to work  4.51% 1.71%  1.15% 7.87%

Education          Never attended school  * *  * *Grade 1‐8  2.21% 1.19%  ‐0.13% 4.56%Grades 9‐11 (some high school)  8.59% 2.29%  4.11% 13.08%Grade 12 or GED (high school graduate)  51.16% 4.34%  42.66% 59.67%College 1‐3 years (some college)  21.85% 3.70%  14.60% 29.09%College 4 or more (college graduate)  16.19% 2.95%  10.41% 21.97%

Ethnicity          White  98.34% 1.12%  96.15% 100.53%Black or African American  0.75% 0.72%  ‐0.67% 2.17%Asian  * *  * *Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander  * *  * *American Indian or Alaskan Native  * *  * *Other  0.91% 0.85%  ‐0.76% 2.58%

*Denotes cells without observations. When a standard error rounds to zero, accurate confidence intervals cannot be calculated.

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          107

Appendix B. Weighted Demographics Appendix B5. Weighted Demographics: Jefferson County 



Demographics:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Jefferson County             Age          18 to 24  10.80% 0.00%  10.80% 10.80%25 to 34  13.93% 0.00%  13.93% 13.93%35 to 44  18.61% 0.00%  18.61% 18.61%45 to 54  19.31% 0.00%  19.31% 19.31%55 to 64  13.67% 0.00%  13.67% 13.67%65 and over  23.68% 0.00%  23.68% 23.68%

Income          Less than $15,000  17.07% 1.95%  13.25% 20.90%$15,000 to $24,999  20.09% 2.03%  16.11% 24.07%$25,000 to $34,999  11.39% 1.52%  8.42% 14.36%$35,000 to $49,999  13.56% 1.55%  10.53% 16.60%$50,000 to $74,999  19.92% 1.94%  16.12% 23.72%$75,000 or more  17.97% 1.87%  14.30% 21.63%

Gender          Male  46.66% 0.00%  46.66% 46.66%Female  53.34% 0.00%  53.34% 53.34%

Employment          Employed  51.77% 1.83%  48.18% 55.36%Unemployed  9.35% 1.23%  6.94% 11.76%A homemaker  5.80% 0.89%  4.05% 7.54%A student  5.14% 0.97%  3.24% 7.04%Retired  24.76% 0.96%  22.89% 26.64%Unable to work  3.18% 0.69%  1.83% 4.54%

Education          Never attended school  0.15% 0.15%  ‐0.15% 0.45%Grade 1‐8  0.90% 0.36%  0.19% 1.61%Grades 9‐11 (some high school)  5.91% 1.04%  3.87% 7.95%Grade 12 or GED (high school graduate)  41.59% 2.07%  37.54% 45.64%College 1‐3 years (some college)  28.17% 1.92%  24.40% 31.93%College 4 or more (college graduate)  23.28% 1.74%  19.86% 26.69%

Ethnicity          White  95.46% 0.85%  93.80% 97.13%Black or African American  2.82% 0.69%  1.47% 4.17%Asian  * *  * *Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander  0.16% 0.16%  ‐0.15% 0.46%American Indian or Alaskan Native  0.65% 0.32%  0.02% 1.27%Other  0.91% 0.37%  0.19% 1.63%

*Denotes cells without observations. When a standard error is a true zero, the confidence intervals are equal to the percentage.

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          108

Appendix B. Weighted Demographics Appendix B6. Weighted Demographics: Lawrence County 



Demographics:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Lawrence County             Age          18 to 24  11.38% 0.00%  11.38% 11.38%25 to 34  17.39% 0.00%  17.39% 17.39%35 to 44  19.68% 0.00%  19.68% 19.68%45 to 54  18.39% 0.00%  18.39% 18.39%55 to 64  14.10% 0.00%  14.10% 14.10%65 and over  19.06% 0.00%  19.06% 19.06%

Income          Less than $15,000  16.10% 1.64%  12.88% 19.32%$15,000 to $24,999  15.73% 1.74%  12.33% 19.13%$25,000 to $34,999  15.59% 1.67%  12.32% 18.87%$35,000 to $49,999  12.40% 1.57%  9.32% 15.47%$50,000 to $74,999  20.25% 1.83%  16.66% 23.84%$75,000 or more  19.93% 1.84%  16.33% 23.53%

Gender          Male  46.92% 0.00%  46.92% 46.92%Female  53.08% 0.00%  53.08% 53.08%

Employment          Employed  55.50% 1.84%  51.90% 59.11%Unemployed  10.13% 1.32%  7.53% 12.72%A homemaker  6.20% 0.98%  4.28% 8.12%A student  3.16% 0.81%  1.57% 4.75%Retired  20.73% 1.02%  18.73% 22.72%Unable to work  4.29% 0.81%  2.69% 5.88%

Education          Never attended school  * *  * *Grade 1‐8  1.81% 0.56%  0.71% 2.92%Grades 9‐11 (some high school)  5.63% 0.94%  3.78% 7.49%Grade 12 or GED (high school graduate)  37.43% 2.05%  33.42% 41.44%College 1‐3 years (some college)  33.10% 2.00%  29.19% 37.01%College 4 or more (college graduate)  22.02% 1.70%  18.68% 25.36%

Ethnicity          White  96.22% 0.81%  94.64% 97.79%Black or African American  1.53% 0.49%  0.56% 2.49%Asian  0.30% 0.22%  ‐0.13% 0.73%Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander  * *  * *American Indian or Alaskan Native  1.30% 0.48%  0.35% 2.24%Other  0.66% 0.38%  ‐0.09% 1.41%

*Denotes cells without observations. When a standard error is a true zero, the confidence intervals are equal to the percentage.

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          109

Appendix B. Weighted Demographics Appendix B7. Weighted Demographics: Monroe County 



Demographics:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL @

.95 Monroe County             Age          18 to 24  9.25% 0.00%  * *25 to 34  14.73% 0.00%  * *35 to 44  19.22% 0.00%  * *45 to 54  19.79% 0.00%  * *55 to 64  15.74% 0.00%  * *65 and over  21.27% 0.00%  * *

Income          Less than $15,000  23.32% 3.84%  15.79% 30.84%$15,000 to $24,999  8.29% 2.77%  2.86% 13.71%$25,000 to $34,999  9.44% 2.09%  5.35% 13.53%$35,000 to $49,999  17.24% 3.90%  9.59% 24.89%$50,000 to $74,999  26.56% 4.41%  17.90% 35.21%$75,000 or more  15.16% 3.22%  8.85% 21.46%

Gender          Male  49.00% 0.00%  * *Female  51.00% 0.00%  * *

Employment          Employed  53.85% 4.20%  45.61% 62.09%Unemployed  12.71% 3.30%  6.24% 19.17%A homemaker  8.88% 2.42%  4.13% 13.63%A student  3.01% 1.34%  0.38% 5.63%Retired  19.24% 2.32%  14.69% 23.79%Unable to work  2.32% 1.28%  ‐0.19% 4.84%

Education          Never attended school  * *  * *Grade 1‐8  1.57% 1.06%  ‐0.50% 3.65%Grades 9‐11 (some high school)  8.07% 2.47%  3.23% 12.92%Grade 12 or GED (high school graduate)  46.87% 4.57%  37.90% 55.83%College 1‐3 years (some college)  23.41% 3.76%  16.03% 30.79%College 4 or more (college graduate)  20.08% 3.68%  12.86% 27.30%

Ethnicity          White  98.16% 1.25%  95.72% 100.60%Black or African American  * *  * *Asian  * *  * *Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander  * *  * *American Indian or Alaskan Native  1.84% 1.25%  ‐0.60% 4.28%Other  * *  * *

*Denotes cells without observations. When a standard error rounds to zero, accurate confidence intervals cannot be calculated.

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          110

Appendix B. Weighted Demographics Appendix B8. Weighted Demographics: Muskingum County 



Demographics:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Muskingum County             Age             18 to 24  12.74% 0.00%  12.74% 12.74%25 to 34  16.85% 0.00%  16.85% 16.85%35 to 44  20.55% 0.00%  20.55% 20.55%45 to 54  17.97% 0.00%  17.97% 17.97%55 to 64  12.59% 0.00%  12.59% 12.59%65 and over  19.30% 0.00%  19.30% 19.30%

Income          Less than $15,000  16.95% 2.28%  12.48% 21.43%$15,000 to $24,999  17.48% 2.19%  13.18% 21.78%$25,000 to $34,999  13.67% 1.91%  9.93% 17.41%$35,000 to $49,999  13.84% 1.47%  10.97% 16.72%$50,000 to $74,999  19.13% 1.72%  15.76% 22.50%$75,000 or more  18.92% 1.74%  15.51% 22.33%

Gender          Male  46.92% 0.00%  46.92% 46.92%Female  53.08% 0.00%  53.08% 53.08%

Employment          Employed  54.44% 1.89%  50.73% 58.14%Unemployed  13.50% 1.53%  10.50% 16.50%A homemaker  5.00% 0.80%  3.44% 6.57%A student  3.58% 0.99%  1.65% 5.52%Retired  19.30% 0.97%  17.41% 21.19%Unable to work  4.18% 0.76%  2.68% 5.68%

Education          Never attended school  0.13% 0.13%  ‐0.12% 0.38%Grade 1‐8  1.09% 0.38%  0.35% 1.83%Grades 9‐11 (some high school)  6.83% 1.12%  4.65% 9.02%Grade 12 or GED (high school graduate)  45.83% 2.08%  41.75% 49.90%College 1‐3 years (some college)  25.71% 1.83%  22.12% 29.30%College 4 or more (college graduate)  20.41% 1.54%  17.39% 23.42%

Ethnicity          White  96.27% 0.97%  94.36% 98.18%Black or African American  1.64% 0.53%  0.60% 2.67%Asian  0.15% 0.15%  ‐0.14% 0.44%Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander  * *  * *American Indian or Alaskan Native  0.14% 0.14%  ‐0.14% 0.43%Other  1.80% 0.80%  0.24% 3.36%

* Denotes cells without observations. When a standard error is a true zero, the confidence intervals are equal to the percentage.

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          111

Appendix B. Weighted Demographics Appendix B9. Weighted Demographics: Noble County 



Demographics:  Percent SE LCL

@ .95 UCL

@ .95 Noble County             Age             18 to 24  15.06% 0.00%  *  *25 to 34  19.31% 0.00%  *  *35 to 44  21.84% 0.00%  *  *45 to 54  15.81% 0.00%  *  *55 to 64  11.10% 0.00%  *  *65 and over  16.88% 0.00%  *  *

Income           Less than $15,000  15.57% 4.84%  6.08%  25.07%$15,000 to $24,999  21.06% 5.32%  10.64%  31.49%$25,000 to $34,999  6.28% 2.37%  1.63%  10.92%$35,000 to $49,999  17.71% 3.77%  10.32%  25.09%$50,000 to $74,999  21.29% 3.63%  14.18%  28.40%$75,000 or more  18.09% 3.93%  10.39%  25.80%

Gender           Male  58.42% 0.00%  *  *Female  41.58% 0.00%  *  *

Employment           Employed  63.50% 3.81%  56.03%  70.96%Unemployed  4.85% 1.85%  1.22%  8.49%A homemaker  10.12% 2.10%  5.99%  14.24%A student  7.13% 2.93%  1.37%  12.88%Retired  11.97% 1.86%  8.32%  15.62%Unable to work  2.44% 1.31%  ‐0.13%  5.00%

Education           Never attended school  * *  *  *Grade 1‐8  4.34% 2.56%  ‐0.68%  9.37%Grades 9‐11 (some high school)  6.63% 2.86%  1.04%  12.23%Grade 12 or GED (high school graduate)  53.94% 5.41%  43.34%  64.54%College 1‐3 years (some college)  15.10% 3.46%  8.32%  21.89%College 4 or more (college graduate)  19.98% 4.02%  12.10%  27.87%

Ethnicity           White  96.72% 1.90%  93.00%  100.44%Black or African American  0.80% 0.76%  ‐0.70%  2.29%Asian  * *  *  *Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander  * *  *  *American Indian or Alaskan Native  1.67% 1.56%  ‐1.39%  4.72%Other  0.81% 0.77%  ‐0.69%  2.31%

*Denotes cells without observations. When a standard error rounds to zero, accurate confidence intervals cannot be calculated.

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          112

Appendix C. Weighted and Unweighted Sample Demographics  


 APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          113

Demographics:  Weighted  Unweighted    Percent  N  Percent  N 

County             Belmont  15.03%               54,942  15.13%  581 Columbiana  23.20%               84,807  21.24%  816 Gallia  6.37%               23,298  7.39%  284 Harrison  3.34%               12,209  3.18%  122 Jefferson  15.89%               58,073  15.49%  595 Lawrence  12.87%               47,049  15.05%  578 Monroe  3.17%               11,599  2.97%  114 Muskingum  17.14%               62,655  16.95%  651 Noble  2.98%               10,878  2.60%  100 

Gender             Male  48.09%             175,792  43.24%  1,661 Female  51.91%             189,718  56.76%  2,180 

Ethnicity             White  96.19%             351,596  96.56%  3,676 Black or African American  1.80%                  6,563  1.60%  61 Asian  0.11%                     405  0.13%  5 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander  0.03%                        91  0.03%  1 American Indian or Alaskan Native  0.74%                  2,718  0.74%  28 Other  1.13%                  4,136  0.95%  36 

Age             18 to 24  11.12%               40,649  5.81%  223 25 to 34  16.04%               58,612  14.14%  543 35 to 44  20.15%               73,661  19.50%  749 45 to 54  18.75%               68,546  20.98%  806 55 to 64  13.22%               48,313  15.70%  603 65 and over  20.72%               75,729  23.87%  917 

Education             Never attended school  0.05%                     171  0.05%  2 Grade 1‐8  1.56%                  5,719  1.62%  62 Grades 9‐11 (some high school)  6.91%               25,257  6.61%  253 Grade 12 or GED (high school graduate)  43.00%             157,157  42.92%  1,644 College 1‐3 years (some college)  27.09%               99,014  27.21%  1,042 College 4 or more (college graduate)  21.39%               78,192  21.59%  827 

Household income             Less than $15,000  17.49%               63,926  16.07%  471 $15,000 to $24,999  15.79%               57,717  15.05%  441 $25,000 to $34,999  13.65%               49,895  13.72%  402 $35,000 to $49,999  14.25%               52,093  14.67%  430 $50,000 to $74,999  20.08%               73,377  20.74%  608 $75,000 or more  18.74%               68,502  19.75%  579 

Employment             Employed  54.21%             198,160  52.63%  2,009 Unemployed  11.35%               41,502  10.56%  403 A homemaker  5.80%               21,194  6.24%  238 A student  3.68%               13,458  2.31%  88 Retired  20.60%               75,292  23.68%  904 Unable to work  4.35%               15,903  4.58%  175 

Appendix D. Statistical Limitations: A Tutorial Appendix D1. Cross‐Tabulated Variables at the County Level 



The examples below provide a step‐by‐step explanation of why cross‐tabulated variables cannot be analyzed at the county level.  Below are the simple, unweighted, frequencies for each variable:  

Diabetes Status Frequency  Percent 

Yes  529  13.78 No  3,310  86.22 Total  3,839  100.00 


Vigorous Exercise Frequency  Percent 

Less than 3 Days/Week  572  38.31 3 or More Days/Week  921  61.69 

Total  1,493  100.00  Once the two variables are cross‐tabulated, the frequencies in some of the cells become quite small in comparison to the other cells.  

Diabetes Status by Vigorous Exercise Yes  No  Total 

Less than 3 Days/Week  44  527  571 3 or More Days/Week  56  864  920 

Total  100  1,391  1,491  Examining the cross‐tabulated variables at the county‐level creates further statistical problems because the low frequencies of some cells can lead to very wide confidence intervals, which have limited usefulness. Further, confidence intervals extending beyond plausible values (0 and 100%) are not interpretable. The estimates for Monroe County (below) illustrate such problems.  

Diabetes Status by Vigorous Exercise by County Percent  SE 

LCL @ .95 

UCL @ .95 

Monroe (N = 114)                    Diabetes Status= Yes  Less than 3 Days of Vigorous Exercise  ‐5.03% 7.76%  6.52%  20.44% 

3 or More Days of Vigorous Exercise  14.89%  7.14%  0.89%  28.89% 

Diabetes Status = No Less than 3 Days of Vigorous Exercise  92.24%  6.52%  79.45%  105.03% 

3 or More Days of Vigorous Exercise  85.11%  7.14%  71.11%  99.11% 

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          114

Appendix D. Statistical Limitations: A Tutorial Appendix D1. Cross‐Tabulated Variables at the County Level 


 APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          115

Examining cross‐tabulated variables at the county level can also lead to empty cells, meaning that no frequencies exist and so results cannot be given. For example, in Noble County (below), there were no respondents who have been diagnosed with diabetes and who regularly perform vigorous exercise for 3 or more days a week.  

Diabetes Status by Vigorous Exercise by County Percent  SE 

LCL @ .95 

UCL @ .95 

Noble (N = 100)                   Diabetes Status = Yes Less than 3 Days of Vigorous Exercise  12.31%  7.97%  ‐3.33%  27.94% 

3 or More Days of Vigorous Exercise  *  *  *  * 

Diabetes Status = No Less than 3 Days of Vigorous Exercise  87.69%  7.97%  72.06%  103.33% 

3 or More Days of Vigorous Exercise  100%  0.00%  *  *  Due to small cell values, conclusions drawn from these types of analyses often fail to accurately reflect the true population within each county. Therefore, analyzing cross‐tabulated variables at the county level is often inappropriate. 

Appendix D. Statistical Limitations: A Tutorial Appendix D2. Standard Errors Reported as Zero 



The example below explains why standard errors with a value of 0.00% can provide different confidence interval values.  

The first confidence interval calculated with a standard error of 0.00% has the same upper and lower limits as the relevant percentage. This is because the standard error is a true zero and so the confidence interval is capturing that percentage exactly. 

Respondents living with diabetes:  Percent SE LCL @ .95 UCL @ .95 Gallia County             Age of diabetes diagnosis.             

Under 18 years 18.75% 0.00% 18.75%  18.75%19 to 40 years 20.67% 1.67% 17.39%  23.95%41 to 49 years 16.45% 2.99% 10.58%  22.33%50 to 59 years 30.56% 3.90% 22.89%  38.22%Over 60 years 13.57% 2.85% 7.97%  19.17%

Diabetes related health care visits in the last 12 months.             

None 3.30% 1.91% ‐0.45%  7.05%1 time 10.04% 3.52% 3.13%  16.95%

23.70% 4.22% 15.41%  31.98%2 or 3 times 35.97% 5.59% 24.98%  46.96%4-5 times 23.82% 0.00% *  *6-10 times 3.17% 2.08% ‐0.92%  7.26%More than 10 times


For the second confidence interval calculated with a standard error of 0.00%, no interval estimates are provided. This is because this standard error is not a true zero, but is actually very small. When using conventional rounding rules, the standard error will round to zero; therefore, it is reported as zero. For such a small standard error, confidence interval values cannot be properly calculated.

APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          116

Appendix E. Comprehensive Description of the Survey  


 APPALACHIAN RURAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (ARHI) Health Needs Assessment Survey III ∙ Research Report          117

Survey Design 

  As there was no single existing national health survey adequate in its assessment of the areas under consideration in this project, the research team determined that it would be optimal to develop a new survey. A telephone survey was chosen over other methodological approaches because it allows for the collection of data from a larger percentage of the population of interest at a faction of the cost of mail surveys or personal interviews. Additionally, mail surveys are notorious for having poor response rates, while personal interviews are time‐consuming and do not provide the level of statistical confidence that can be achieved with a telephone survey. 

  The telephone survey used in 2003 for the first ARHI Needs Assessment survey was developed by GVS in collaboration with Frank Schwartz, M.D., Director of the ARHI Diabetes Center and with ARHI Co‐Directors Christopher Simpson, D.O. and Brooke Hallowell, Ph.D. Revisions were made to this instrument by the GVS in collaboration with the remainder of the survey project team for the second ARHI. This second survey incorporated questions from the 2004 BRFSS and the 2004 National Health Information Survey for comparability with state and national data. When an equivalent question was unable to be located, all members of the research team provided input on the development of the question. The current ARHI survey (ARHI III) was altered to include all the questions in the diabetes module of the 2007 BRFSS, and to expand the number of questions related to exercise and health access. Finally, to keep the survey brief, questions related to emphysema, cancer, and age of smoking onset were omitted. 

  In an attempt to encourage participation and prevent respondents from discontinuing midway through the interview, the survey was developed to last no more than eight minutes, taking into consideration all possible skip patterns. Additionally, the survey was ordered such that all health‐related questions were posed at the beginning of the interview to ensure that the most important data would be acquired even in cases of discontinuation. 

Data Collection and Sampling Plan 

A telephone survey was conducted to maximize generalizability, increase response rates, and restrict possible errors in the data.1  Sample size was determined based on the population of each individual county, proportional to gender and age group. Random digit, as well as age and gender‐targeted, samples of household phone numbers were purchased from ASDE Survey Sampler Inc. for each of the nine counties.  Post survey stratification was planned to address gaps in meeting the sampling plan. 

  The complete survey was administered by Ohio University’s Scripps Survey Research Center using a Computer‐Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) software program. Telephone calls were placed by trained students at the center across 34 days, Monday through Thursday between the hours 

                                                            1 Only households with landlines were included in this survey, and no adjustments were made post‐sampling to correct for respondents in wireless‐only homes. 

Appendix E. Comprehensive Description of the Survey  


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of 5:00 and 9:00 p.m. and Sundays between 1:00 and 9:00 p.m., during November 2008 through the beginning of February 2009.  

  At the time of the placed call, respondents were asked to participate in a survey that ARHI was conducting to assess the presence of health‐related problems in the area. Individuals were told that all of the information that they provided would be confidential, and that the survey would only take about eight minutes to complete. Participants were also informed that they needed to be 18 years or older to take part in the survey. If there was no answer at the time of a call, numbers were re‐dialed up to six times in order to increase the likelihood of reaching every available participant.  

  Prior to the start of the survey, it was decided that the youngest person over the age of 18 would be asked to respond to the survey. This “youngest eligible person” approach was used as opposed to the “first birthday” approach sometimes implemented in survey research because lower response rates were anticipated within the younger age brackets. The “first birthday” method requires the person with the most recent birthday, over the age of 18, to respond to the survey. Historically, it has been argued that applying this latter method will help reduce sampling biases. However, the need to include younger respondents necessitated the “youngest eligible person” method.  

Post‐Sampling Procedures 

Weighting the Data 

Survey sampling attempts to draw respondents from every social stratum so that, within the sample, all existing respondent profiles are represented. Achieving this goal is difficult in practice; even the best survey samples end up either oversampling or undersampling (by accident or by design) some respondent profiles. Non‐response may also generate a discrepancy between population proportions for certain types of respondents and the proportions actually sampled. Potential disparities between what is sampled and what exists in the population are a direct reflection of four underlying factors associated with telephone‐interview surveys. 

  The first factor relates to household non‐response, which includes households that could not be contacted – due to the answering machine picking up, no answer, or a busy signal – and those that opted not to participate. Although non‐response is a typical problem associated with all telephone surveys, it can potentially lead to a misrepresentation of the population. For instance, research has indicated that younger adults and those who work evening shifts or hold multiple jobs are less likely to be sampled due to the time of day that the calls were made. Overall, within this study, there was a 10% response rate,2 a 20% cooperation rate, and a 37% refusal rate.3 

                                                            2 The use of stratified sampling methods suppressed response rates by limiting the number of eligible survey participants. 3 Cooperation and refusal rates were calculated using the methods outlined by AAPOR. The American Association for Public Opinion Research. 2008. Standard Definitions: Final Dispositions of Case Codes and Outcome Rates for Surveys. 5th edition. Lenexa, Kansas: AAPOR. 

Appendix E. Comprehensive Description of the Survey  


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  A second factor that can influence the representativeness of the sample is the selection probability of individuals within a household. Aspects that can affect selection probability include a participant’s gender, age, and size of the household. Women are more likely to answer the phone, assuming that both a man and woman are home to take the call. Age also has an effect – younger adults tend to have busier schedules and are, therefore, less likely to answer the phone. Finally, the relative number of eligible respondents within a household can impact selection probability. For example, individuals who live alone have a higher likelihood of being sampled than those that live with multiple people over the age of 18. 

  The final two factors capable of influencing the accuracy of a sample relate to the presence or absence of a landline telephone in the home. The first factor is the inability to contact households without landline telephones. The number of wireless telephones has been rapidly expanding, and with this expansion comes a decrease in landline telephones within the home.4 As of 2008, 1 out of every 6 American homes had only wireless telephones, making these households ineligible to participate in a landline telephone survey. Further influencing the representativeness of telephone surveys is the geographic and ethnic differences in homes with landline telephones.  Finally, the number of landlines in a home influences the likelihood of a home being sampled; homes with multiple landlines have a higher probability of being sampled in comparison with homes that have a single landline. 

  In sum, various uncontrollable factors invariably force survey analysts to adjust the weights as needed to deliver sample respondent profiles that mimic those known to exist in the true population. For the ARHI III, post‐stratified weights were computed on the basis of the within‐stratum population counts drawn from the 2000 U.S. Census of Population and Housing. Post‐stratification weighting is commonly used with telephone survey data to bring the sampled data in agreement with population figures. For the ARHI III survey, this adjustment was specifically useful because health conditions vary as a function of demographic characteristics such as age and gender.  

When reviewing findings contained in this report, it is critical to note that despite over‐sampling in each of the nine counties, there were still relatively large standard errors for some items. In particular, this occurred with questions that were asked of a subset of the entire survey sample, such as persons who have diabetes. In these cases, the percentages may not accurately capture the population overall, especially when only considering data for a given county. 

Computing the Weights 

  A stratified sample was attempted. This sampling methodology requires that the population of interest first be divided into meaningful categories (e.g., county, gender and age) from which a random sample is obtained. The number of respondents needed from each category is a percentage of the whole sample (the target ARHI III sample was 4,000) that reflects the proportion that same category makes up out of the true population. If, for example, 10% of the true population in a county is 


Appendix E. Comprehensive Description of the Survey  


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comprised of females between 25 and 34 years of age, then 10% of the county level sample should match these characteristics. 

  However, target quotas from certain categories were not obtained; therefore, the current ARHI data were post‐stratified to more accurately reflect the population of interest. Post‐stratification compares the number of respondents obtained from each category to the population demographic breakdown, obtained from the U.S. Census in this instance, to ascertain how accurately the sample reflects the true population. Thus, if a given subgroup of the population is underrepresented within the sample (i.e., males between 18 and 24), then a greater weight is given to those responses. Whereas, if a subgroup is well represented in the survey data, such as Caucasians over 65, a lower weight is applied to these responses.   

  The computed weights were based on aggregated composites of gender and age, as reported for each of the nine counties (Belmont, Columbiana, Gallia, Harrison, Jefferson, Lawrence, Monroe, Muskingum, and Noble) in the 2000 U.S. Census. Ethnicity was not included as a category given that the ARHI III counties are predominantly Caucasian (over 95%). For the purposes of weighting, age was broken down into the six categories used in the BRFSS (18‐24, 25‐34, 35‐44, 45‐54, 55‐64, and 65+) to increase the likelihood that each subgroup would be adequately represented within the sample. In total, weights were computed for 12 subgroups for each of the nine ARHI III counties. Weights were calculated for each demographic group by dividing the U.S. Census 2000 population for each group by the number of actual respondents in that category that were surveyed. A comparison of the weighted versus unweighted demographic data from the survey is provided in Appendix C.