
Post on 14-Jun-2015

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A boneyard – a hospital and cemetary of old millitary planes. The dry desert climate slows down the rusting process and some planes even go back to the air. 4.500 planes.

More planes... Great!

Titan II Missile - this thing was design to nuke Moscow during the Cold War. Not active anymore.

Dad really happy. He is into planes and rockets.

This is how you do it! It takes about 30 mins to reach Moscow...

It’s a myth that these giant cacti (Saguaros) grow in Texas. They only grow in the Sonoran desert in Arizona or Mexico.

More cacti. They are all over the place.

Guess what? More cacti...

Prarie dog.

Javelina. Kind of peccari pig, they do little oink oink as they walk. Cute.

Seen any Western movies? This one cannot be missing...

Dad attacked by a nasty cactus.

Saguaros are increaibly huge!!!