Arizona Wing - Jul 2005

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  • 8/8/2019 Arizona Wing - Jul 2005


    Volume 3 Issue 4




    The National Conference in St Louiswas a great success. Over fifteen mem-bers of our wing attended and participatedin the many educational seminars. Wenow have a new National Commanderand Vice Commander. BGen AnthonyPineda was voted in as our National Com-mander and promoted to the grade ofMGen. Col Rex Glasgow, the North Cen-tral Region Commander, was voted in asour National Vice-Commander and pro-moted to BGen.

    Arizona Wing has also experiencedmany unit command changes in the pastfew weeks enabling qualified personnel tomove up and provide fresh leadership. Inline with the many command changes, Iwill be stepping down as the Commander

    of Arizona Wing. Details of the selectionprocess of the new Wing Commanderwill be revealed at the Wing CommandersCall on 10 September 2005. The Changeof Command ceremony will be held on 8October 2005. These are positive changesand are necessary to keep the momentumweve established over the past few years.The only way to develop a leader is toprovide training and put the person in aleadership position. General Colin Powell

    once said Leadership is the art of accom-plishing more then the science of man-agement says is possible. We have gonefrom being one of the worst wings inCAP to one of the best in the nation andwe plan to keep it that way. I will assumethe role of advisor and mentor to the newWing Commander in addition to returningto the cockpit as a mission pilot and flight


    The Air Force published Air Force Pol-icy Directive 10-27 and Air Force In-struction 10-2701 describing the relation-ship between Civil Air Patrol and the USAir Force. The Air Force has acceptedboth Powered and Non Powered CadetOrientation Flights as Assigned AirForce Missions and may start fundingthem again in the next fiscal year. Thiswill also provide FECA/FICA protectionto the cadet orientation pilots. All CAPmembers should read this publication togain a better understanding of why weexist. It is available on the AF web


    Performance Beyond Expectation Beproud Arizona Wing.


    John J. Varljen, Col., CAP


    Inside this issue

    Col. John Varljen

    Commanders Corner 1

    Chaplains Column 2

    Aerospace Education 3

    Leverton Retires 4

    Squadron 302 Award 4-5

    Cadet News 6

    Cadets and IACE 7

    Cadets 8

    Former Cadets 9

    Former Cadet Garrett 10

    Change of Commands 11-13

    Tucson Squadron 104 13

    Drive carefully and be

    safe over the Labor DayHoliday

    Newsletter Editor


    Arizona Wing

    Public Affairs Officer

    July-August 2005

  • 8/8/2019 Arizona Wing - Jul 2005




    Arizona Wing Chaplain

    New (and some old) Members Dilemma

    Chaplain (Lt Col) Morris Courtright

    While organizing records for the Chap-lains of Arizona Wing a problem showedup that seems to be a continuing problemfor new members and even some oldermembers. The problem seems to be adifficulty in correlating the promotionrequirements of CAPR 35-5 and the Pro-fessional Development program of CAPR

    50-17. This problem is compounded forChaplains because of a letter change toCAPR 35-5 and the Chaplain Servicespecial recognition program. There isalso a Legal Officers special recognitionprogram as well as Professional Appoint-ments and Promotions for Health Ser-vices personnel, Moral Leadership offi-cers and Aerospace Education officers.

    At this point you might ask what this sub-ject has to do in the Chaplains Column?Good question!

    One of the duties of the Chaplain is tohelp the commander look after the moraleand welfare of the members of the unit.Thus, if a member is unsure of his statusand progress of his professional develop-ment it could easily became a factor inthis/her performance of their duties.Voila, the need for the chaplain to do alittle research and/or have a chat with thepersonnel and professional developmentofficers, or at least be able to advise the

    member about his next step.

    Some years ago it was my honor andpleasure to have a couple new membersof CAP ask me to be their mentor as theywere having the exact problem of corre-lating the two regulations and deciding

    what to do next. One of those then newmembers is now a valuable and respectedmember of the Wing staff. Those mem-bers still firmly believe each new membershould have a mentor assigned right at thebeginning of their CAP membership.Since this doesnt often happen, perhapsit should become a matter of counseling.And, my fellow chaplains, isnt thatwhere we come in?


    One of the new PAOs for the ArizonaWing is Juliana Teal. She is a member ofSquadron 104 in Tucson. She is trainingfor the scanner position with hopes ofsomeday becoming a pilot for CAP. Sheis currently training for her private pilotcertificate at Marana Regional Airport.

    (Photo by Terry Ketron as seen in theonline version of the Tucson Citizen)

    When Juliana went for her regular flyinglesson at Tucson Aeroservice Center atMarana Airport, she wanted to go for aflower flight too. After just a few min-

    utes of aerial searching she discoveredseveral major Mexican Poppy patchesnear the north end of the Tortolita Moun-tains. One hilltop can be seen out theplane window.

    Welcome aboard Juliana.

    Tips from the Assistant IG

    By John E Lindsey, Capt., AZWG/Asst.IG

    How current is your Squadron Publica-tions and Forms file??? Some of thequestions that are asked during inspec-tions are:

    1. How do I insure my publication andforms are up to date?

    Answer: a. Insure current indexes areused. b. Conduct an inventory usingthe indexes as a guide.

    c. Beside each required publica-tion or form place a + sign to show it onhand or a minus sign to show it re-quired and not on file.

    d. Requisition all publica-

    tions/forms with a minus sign.

    2. How do I find out what new publica-tions/Forms have come out since thelast indexes were published?

    Answer: Go on the Hq CAP eserviceweb site, bring up CAP Pubs &Forms then click on PublicationsBulletin. This Bulletin reflects thoseCAP directive s /forms that havecome out since the last index waspublished BUT not cited in the cur-rent indexes. For example new publi-

    cation and forms as of 23 June 05:

    R 35-5 20 Jun 05 CAP officer & NCOappointments & Promotions.

    R 66-1C2 27May05 CAP Aircraft Main-tenance Management.

    R173-4 11May05Fund/Raising/Donations

    R265-1 31May05 Chaplain Service

    P226 26May05 Spec Track StudyGuide-Recruiting/Retention Officer.


    F25 Jan05 Frank G Brewer Award

    F 71Jun05 CAP Aircraft InspectionChecklist. (Prev. edition will NOT beused.)

    I hope this will help you and your Admin-istrative Officer keep the Squadron publi-cations and forms current.

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    A. Peter Feltz, Lt Col, CAP

    AZ WG DCS Mission SupportAZ WG DDAE

    Your Aerospace Education Team hasbeen promoting the new "ON LINE"Aerospace Education Senior MemberProgram testing since the first of theyear. We are pleased to report our Sen-ior Members have responded enthusiasti-cally. So far for the year we have proc-essed 44 successful completions andissued the "Chuck Yeager" awards. In

    last months' CAP News, Arizona out-paced California in the number ofAwards issued. This is really out-standing. We thank all the memberswho have participated so far.

    There are still many Senior Memberswho do not have their "Chuck Yeager"award yet. To those members we askyou to give serious consideration to tak-ing the ON LINE test. The study mate-rial for the test can be the"AEROSPACE: The Journey of Flight"book. If you don't have this book you

    can order it on CAPMART. I believe theprice is $19.95. This is a fabulous refer-ence book for Aerospace and Aviationand has been and is being used as a textbook in schools throughout the country.Our own Coronado High School inScottsdale has used it as their text bookin the science department and felt it wasthe best book on Aerospace they haveever seen and used. The detailed proce-dure to follow to complete the test andget the Chuck Yeager award follows.


    GRAM for








    You may bring it up yourself or usethis shortcut:


    Self paced study based on text

    Aerospace: The Journey of flight

    Open book, untimed exam correct-

    able to 100%

    Approximately 8 hours, 3 evenings

    There is also a very excellent Power

    Point, produced by Tom Lodge of

    Squadron 301, on the Arizona Wing

    Web Site. Go to "links" and click on

    Aerospace Education and the Power

    Point study material will be available at

    the bottom of the page.

    Once you have taken and passed the

    test, you will get a certificate of suc-

    cessful completion. HOWEVER THIS







    APACHE JCT., AZ 85220. Once he

    receives it, he will certify it and send it

    to National. They will update your file

    and send a "Chuck Yeager Achieve-

    ment Award" back to Wing to be pre-

    sented to you. Some Units and Groups

    are conducting classes. If you prefer

    to get your "Chuck Yeager Award"

    that way, watch for announcements onthe Wing email system.

    All senior members should complete

    the program. Since it has been avail-

    able on line this year, we have more

    than quadrupled the number of senior

    members completing the program and

    getting their certificates.




    Congratulations to 1Lt Ivan Manoogianon his successful Commercial Pilotcheck ride with the FAA in one of theCivil Air Patrol Gliders. His instructor

    was SM Phil Corbell.

    Congratulations also go to Cadet CodyChalue on his first solo flight with SMKatherine Haessler as his instructor.

    Keith Lamb, Lt. Col. CAP


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    After 60 years as a pilot and 61 years as amember of Civil Air Patrol, we lose afine member with a glorious history.

    It all started at age 3 when Irene wastaken to see an air show and never forgotthe excitement she felt. When 6, she wasbuilding airplanes and flying them off thethird floor of her Chicago home. By thetime she was old enough she joined theCivil Air Patrol as a Cadet and furtheredher thirst for flying and her dream of be-ing a fighter pilot. As a young Cadet in1944, Irene soloed and by the time shewas eighteen, she was teaching acrobatics

    in a Stearman Bi-Plane on weekends.

    Ms. Leverton has flown many

    planes, from DCs, C46 Military

    Cargo, Aero Commander 680 FL,

    Cessna 411, De Haviland Doves, Air

    Ambulances and numerous others.

    She flew part of the Atlantic twice

    and the Pacific in a single engine

    Piper Comanche. In 1964, she won

    the Womens Pylon Race at Reno

    Nevada Air Races. She has set up

    141 Flight Schools, flown on con-

    tract with the US Forest Services,been a Corporate Pilot flying a twin

    engine Bonanza, organized the

    original Women Airline Transport

    Pilots Association. She participated

    in the Great Race London to Vic-

    toria, B.C. and placed 10th out of 65

    participants. She received the

    Women With Wings Award in

    1986 from the International Air and

    Space Museum in Ohio. And in 2004

    she was inducted into the Arizona

    Aviation Hall of Fame. She was

    given the FAA Master Pilot award.

    With sixty-one years of flying she

    has logged 25,550 plus hours.

    However, one of her proudest momentswas being asked to take Astronauts Physi-cals at Lovelace Clinic in Albuquerque,New Mexico. Of the 45 women asked,Irene was one of the 13 who passed.There have been several books writtenabout the Mercury 13 and Irene Levertonhas been mentioned in all and has been aguest on TV shows about the Mercury 13.When not flying, Irene is writing aboutaviation and has been published numer-ous times in aviation magazines

    And now Irene, at age 78, has chosenretirement. Her closing comments to mewere not something that I wanted to hear.She, like other long time members of theArizona Wing, felt pushed aside. She isFAA and CAP current in all require-ments, yet she was not offered an oppor-tunity to fly a mission or practice exer-cise; nor were there offers to fly as ob-server or scanner. I think the feeling iscalled, Being put out to pasture.

    (Even I have noticed the trend of those 10

    to 20 years younger pushing those with

    years of experience and knowledge over

    as if they are too old to function. You

    know, we are all in this together and each

    person has something to offer. Those who

    are in their 60s and 70s are still con-

    tributing individuals wit experience,

    knowledge, and skills. Also, remember

    some of YOU will be there yourself and

    sooner than you think. Remember those

    who live all over the state, remember

    those who have experience, and remem-

    ber to rotate positions among ALL who

    are qualified. the editor)

    Irene is returning to her home in Chicago,Illinois, where all of her adventures be-gan.

    Good luck to

    Capt. Leverton.





    Each year CAP National Headquar-ters Cadet Program recognizes the topcomposite or cadet squadron in eachWing by presenting them with the Squad-ron of Merit Award. These Squadronsare evaluated on several criteria, includ-ing recruiting and retention of cadets,number of Orientation Flights flown, aswell as the number of Mitchells, Earhart,

    Eaker and Spaatz earned. National Head-quarters also uses the same evaluationcriteria to identify the most outstandingcomposite or cadet squadron in each re-gion and present them with the Squadronof Distinction Award. One of these eightsquadrons is then selected to receive rec-ognition at the annual National Boardmeeting and presented a $500 honorariumsponsored by the family of the late Briga-dier General F. Ward Reilly, CAP.(Information provided by Capt. AllanPearlstein)

    The accomplishments gained by thecadets in 2004 include six Mitchell andone Earhart award, 155 orientation flightsfor 40 cadets, more than 20 cadets wentto encampment as basics, three as staffmembers, and eleven cadets attendedmore than a half dozen National Cadetspecial Activities. They also earned sec-ond place in a very difficult and closeArizona Wing Cadet Color Guard Com-petition. They supported several civilianand military air shows including theThunderbird air show at Luke Air Force

    Base and the Copperstate Fly-in. Manycadets from squadron 302 crewed theCivil Air Patrol hot air balloon at eventsaround the southwest including the RedRock Balloon Festival in New Mexico,

    Fountain Hills Great Fair, Chandler

    Balloon Fest and Glendale Glitter

    and Glow.

    Volume 3 Issue 4 WINGTIPS Page 4

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    Several Squadron 302 cadets receivedtheir Emergency Services specialty quali-fications through classes and field train-ing exercises on CPR, first aid, communi-cations, and damage assessment. Theyalso averaged twenty ES qualified cadetswho participated in search and rescue

    missions with at least six to nine groundteam members. In support of the stateslargest forest fires, 302 cadets assisted indisaster relief operations by filling sandbags to preserve property and life, andsupported a mass casualty exercise atLuke Air Force base.

    The last time an Arizona Wing squad-ron received this award, it was receivedby Squadron 308 in 1993. It was receivedby Squadron 307 in 1987, which at thattime was the cadet squadron at Deer Val-

    ley. Squadron 302 was the Senior squad-ron for Deer Valley at that time, so it isfair to say this is the second time DeerValley has received this highly covetedand prestigious award. ( Information pro-vided by Lt. Martin Maxwell).

    Capt. Ronnea Derby, Commander ofSquadron 302 for the last four years, hasbeen a CAP member since July 1997.She initially served in the Deer ValleyComposite Squadron as administrativeofficer and then as finance officer andwas responsible for a host of emergency

    services duties. In July 2001, she ac-cepted command of the Squadron andbegan actively working on cadet pro-grams. Under Capt Derbys leadership,the squadron has doubled its membership.(From the National Board Banquet Pro-gram)

    Captain Derby made this comment toCapt. Pearlstein, We are blessed withdedicated membership who implemented

    the program the way it was intended to be

    implemented. We followed the regula-

    tions and engaged both cadets and senior

    members in executing the program. But

    most of all, we provided the cadets ample

    opportunities to experience the program

    in its fullest and challenged them to put

    their best foot forward. CaptainDerbys goal as the commander is to en-sure that the cadets achieve their maxi-mum potential by providing the necessaryguidance and supervision.



    Capt. Ronnea Derby pictured withBrigadier General Pineda right af-ter receiving one of the highesthonors a Squadron Commandercan receive. She proudly holds thetrophy that represents her hardwork for commanding a Squadronof Merit. (Picture by Lt. Col. PeteFeltz)

    C/Col. Michael L. Parker picturedwith Capt. Ronnea Derby was therecipient of the National Cadet ofthe Year award. C/Col. Parker is amember of the Arkansas Wing.

    I am sure that these members ofthe Civil Air Patrol will never for-get the honors that have been be-stowed on them for their hardwork as volunteers of an organiza-tion that functions for the purposeof serving as mentors to youngcadets, and fulfilling all its mis-sions to help others.

    Deputy Commander of CadetsMaj. Heather Muchleisen (left), Lt.Col. Sean Wiesenhunt (center),and Capt. Ronnea Derby (right)with the 2004 Squadron of Dis-tinction Award. C/Lt. Col.Wiesenhunt was the Cadet Com-manding Officer during 2004.Capt. Derby was their Com-mander. (Photo by 1Lt. Martin

    Maxwell).Thank you to the three officers who

    provided information for this article:

    Capt. Allan Pearlstein, 1Lt. Martin

    Maxwell, and Lt. Col. Pete Feltz.




    Volume 3 Issue 4 WINGTIPS Page 5

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    C A D E T E N -


    By Lt. Martin Maxwell

    91 Cadets completed the 2005 Ari-

    zona Wing Encampment, held 06 July to16 July 2005 at Embry Riddle Aeronauti-cal University in Prescott. This is thesecond year encampment has been held atthis facility. It was chosen for its locationat 5200 feet, which makes it about 25degrees cooler than Phoenix on average,as well as its outstanding lodging, class-room and dining facilities, and incredibleon campus educational facilities.

    On site at ERAU are a crash lab withnumerous actual crashed aircraft recon-

    structed in their actual crash state, flightsimulators, and a meteorology lab, TheDavis Learning Center is a large audito-rium style building with plenty of seatingfor over 100 cadets and their families forgraduation ceremonies as well as fullmultimedia audiovisual systems for use inclasses. Also a large parking lot forplenty of drill practice, and a footballfield large enough for sporting activitiesand landing helicopters like the ArizonaDept. of Public Safety Ranger and anAH-64 Longbow Attack Helicopter!

    Cadets were able to sit in Army vehi-cles which had just come direct from Iraq,and handle several actual weapons usedby the Army, made safe of course by re-moval of the firing system. They alsobrought out a rock climbing wall whichwas a BIG hit with the cadets as well assome of the Senior Member Staff. Theyalso built model rockets for their 2ndrocket toward the rocketry badge, as well

    as Aero Derby planes made from paperand balsa sticks.

    Nearby Prescott Airport is less than afive minute drive from campus. The ca-dets learned from on site tours of thePrescott Flight Service Station, the con-

    trol tower while it was in operation, aswell as fully operational flight simulatorswith wraparound screens that made themfeel like they were flying the real thing!The instruments even worked like theywere in flight. These sims are used byERAU students to build flight hours to-ward their ratings.

    There was only one real issue at en-campment. One of the cadets ended upwith appendicitis, and had to leave earlyfor an appendectomy. However, this ca-det was SO dedicated, that he wanted to

    come back the next day! Now THATSdedication! A few cases of homesick-ness, but by the end of encampment Ithink every cadet would have been morethan glad to stay for another week!

    Over all Capt. Ryan Glass of TucsonSquadron 109 did an outstanding job asEncampment Commander, with MajorCliff Owens, Arizona Wing DCP asCommandant of Cadets, and Major JamieHurley as Cadet Commander and CaptainKyle DeWitt as Vice Commander.


    SQUADRON 304


    Pictures and compliment submitted by

    W. Bruce McKie, Capt, DCC Squadron


    Squadron 304 Cadet Color Guardposted the Colors for the 8th Grade HomeSchool Graduation Ceremony at thePhoenix Civic Plaza. The newly formed

    unit, commanded by C/SMSgt. EleanorAndrieu, executed a dignified,. profes-sional ceremony for an audience of 450graduates and guests. Everyone comple-mented the cadets on their performance.

    The 304 Color Guard Unit members areC/SMSgt Eleanor Andrieu, C/TSgt. RyanVan Bloem, C/MSGT Dustin Weigle,C/A 1C Michael Dawkins.

    These Cadets demonstrated teamwork,

    dedication, hard work, focus, and disci-pline which all contributed toward suc-cess .

    C/SMSgt. Eleanor Andrieu bearing Col-ors, C/TSgt. Ryan Van Bloem bearing theArizona State Flag, and the respectiveguards, C/MSgt. Dustin Weigele andC/A1C. Michael Dawkins.

    C/SMSgt. Eleanor Andrieu dressing theColors during posting, and C/TSgt RyanVan Bloem.


    The IACE visitors from Israel, Great Brit-ain, and Belgium wasted no time in get-ting to know Arizona. They were off theplane in Phoenix on Friday 22 July, atelunch and then went to a Diamondbackgame. During their week stay they flewgliders at Turf, saw Casa Grande Ruins

    and then to Davis Monthan AFB. BySunday they toured AMARC, Titan Mis-sile Silo and the Pima Air Museum. Theywere busy seeing sights all over and evenwent up in a commercial Cessna as wellas a CAP plane with Lt. Col. Bendixen.On Wednesday they were headed for theNorthern Arizona Canyons and sights inthe high country. From the scheduleprovided by Lt. Col. Marsh. (cont. pg. 7)

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    Sedona Sqdn 205 hosted the International Air Cadet ExchangeBBQ on 26 July at our squadron headquarters, which was at-tended by approximately 50 members, guests and relatives.The visiting cadets first toured the Bell Rock Pathway, andwere appropriately awed by the spectacular red rock views andhistory of the local geography. On our journey to the squadronwe stopped at the Red Rock Chapel, and viewed CathedralRock in the monsoons.

    We welcomed two cadets (Damian & Paul) from the UnitedKingdom who were hosted by 1Lt. Chuck Murcko and hisfamily. One cadet (Amit) from Israel was hosted by Capt.Donna Pratt, with another Israeli cadet (Hen) staying overnightwith Parent Sponsor family of Craig & Cody Cushenberry.The Belgium cadets (Arnaud & Mario) were hosted by Lt. Col.Rick Mestre, and the Belgium adult escort (Ludo) was hostedby the Weaver family. I want to thank those of you whoopened your home to demonstrate our American hospitality. Itwas a pleasure to have them visit with us. I'm sure we enjoyedtheir company, as much as they enjoyed the new experiences

    they shared with us.

    A special thank you to both Major Charlie Weaver and Capt.Donna Pratt for an excellent job in planning and organizing theIACE visit in Sedona. Your commitment, communicationsand team-work are greatly appreciated. The huge smiles of allof our cadets and international cadet visitors were wellworth your efforts. More thank-yous are due to the clean-up/prep work day crew (Lt. Bill Tripp, Col. Mike Sue, Lt.Chuck Murcko & Capt. Luis Camus) overseen by our DeputyCommander, Capt. Luis Camus. The place looked clean andsharp. Your time and efforts are much appreciated.

    Those present at the BBQ enjoyed camaraderie, making newfriends, and unique experiences. Watching the two Brits puton a formation marching demonstration was priceless. Andwatching the communication endeavor of teenagers from theUS, Britain, Belgium, and Israel take fifteen minutes to discusshow/where/why to put up a 12 foot table under the carport inthe rain was entertaining in itself.

    We enjoyed visiting with the Project Coordinators LtC DaveMarsh, LtC Don Elwood and "Fritz" who accompanied

    the IACE cadets to the Sedona BBQ. They were very pleasantto work with, enthusiastic about the IACE program, and allseemed to enjoy having a well-deserved night off.

    Thank you to all who participated, brought food and fellow-ship and a helping hand to our squadron. We eagerly lookforward to hosting another group of international visitors nextyear.

    1Lt Marilyn D. Weaver, CAP

    Squadron 205 Commander

    Emit (Israel) Damian (GB) Arnaud (Belgium), Ludo

    IACE group visit at ERAU


    1Lt.Marilyn Weaver and Lt. Col.Don Elwood

    Maj. Charlie Weaver, ,Cadet 1Lt. MaxWeaver, and CMSLudo Vandercruys.

    Belgium Cadet MarioLoncin, Belgium CadetArnaud Heine, andCadet Capt. SeanRauch.

    Cadet L1Lt. MaxWeaver, 1Lt.Marilyn Weaver,and Maj. CharlieWeaver.

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    Volume 3 Issue 4 WINGTIPS Page 8


    LAUNCHC/CMSgt Saralyn Fischer super-vises C/AB J.T. Winters as hecounts down launch.

    1Lt. Kathy Coon instructs C/SSgtLindsay Davis, C/ABS Todd Win-ters and Shauna Casey on how toinstall engines to their rockets.

    C/Abs Williams and Bar-nett, Mr. Fischer and Mr.Casey (parent), 1Lt. Ma-sangcay along with cus-tomers.AB Shauna Caseyalso helped.

    Pictures by 1Lt. Masang-cay

    Submitted byJOHN W. KRUGER, Capt CAP, Com-mander Glendale Composite Squad-ron 308

    Picture submitted by 1Lt. Eileen MuellerC/A1C William Whiting #1 in National

    Recruiting drive.

    C/AIC William Whiting won first placein the National Recruiting drive. Hebrought in 10 new cadets. Capt. JohnKruger, Squadron 308 Commander willbe at the National Conference acceptingWhitings award for him.

    C/2Lt Cody Chalue and 2 Senior mem-bers receive AEPSM Yeager Award.

    C/2Lt Cody Chalue is a cadet at GlendaleComposite Squadron 308. His solo gliderwings were pinned on by his instructorSM Katherine Haessler at the last squad-ron meeting. Also 2 senior members re-ceived their AEPSM "Yeager Award.The awards were presented by Lt. ColPete Feltz.


    The three great essentials to

    achieving anything worthwhile

    are: first, hard work; second,stick-to-it-iveness; and third,

    common sense.

    Thomas Edison, 1847-1931,

    American Inven-

    tor/Entrepreneur/Founder of GE

  • 8/8/2019 Arizona Wing - Jul 2005


    Volume 3 Issue 4 WINGTIPS Page 9

    Former CAP Cadet becomes U.S.

    Armys Youngest Officer

    On 14 June 2005 and at only 18 years old W01 PatrickDukes became one of the U.S. Armys youngest officers. Heis currently stationed at Fort Rucker, AL. Dukes is trainingwith Bravo Company 1-145 Aviation Regiment training tofly one of the most advanced attack helicopters in the world,the AH-64D Longbow.

    Dukes, a former CAP cadet for three years, decided tocombine his love for music with his desire to pursue militaryservice. At 17 years old and by a parental waive, he audi-tioned and was chosen to play both tuba and bass with the108th Army Band of the Arizona Army National Guard.

    During his senior year of high school WO1 Dukes wasinvited to attend the presidential youth inaugural conferenceas a distinguished alumnus for the National Young Leadersconference in Washington D.C. That same year he made acourageous decision to become a part of the Army WarrantOfficer Corps, which makes up less then 2 percent of theU.S. Army and of that 2 percent less then one- percent in-clude those under the age of 20.

    Selection for the warrant officer program is based on amultitude of factors, one of which includes a letter of recom-mendation. W01 Dukes received his letter from MajorFredrick Ferguson, U.S. Army ret. and Congressional Medal

    of Honor recipient.

    Once fully trained as a pilot, W01 Dukes will be assignedto Charlie Company 1st Battalion 285th attack helicopter regi-men under a six-year commitment.

    By 2nd Lt. Alisha Peritore

    Public Affairs Officer

    Squadron 310- Paradise Valley, AZ

    Local Teen Selected to Participate in Air

    Force Space Command Familiarization


    VANDENBERG AFB, Ca. Fifteen year old Ashleigh Harbecktraveled to California to participate in the Civil Air Patrol, CAP,Air Force Space Command Familiarization Course, July 16-23.The event, hosted at Vandenberg Air Force Base, provided an in-depth look at Air Force Space Command to Civil Air Patrol ca-dets age 15 and older. Cadet Harbeck was selected to join 17other cadets from around the US.

    During her stay at Vandenberg AFB, Cadet Harbeck and her fel-low cadets had a busy week learning about the different squadronsand flights on the base and how they all work together to support

    Vandenbergs space mission.

    During their first day, cadets enjoyed briefings on the 14th AirForce, the 30th Space Wing, and the mission and history of Van-denberg at the Western Range Operations Control Center,WROCC. Cadets also participated in a hands-on simulation in amissile procedures trainer at the 381st Training Group.

    Tuesday and Wednesday, participants received a tour and briefingof Western Range Operations, visited the 30th Space Communi-cations Squadron multi-media facility, toured the flight line, re-ceived an 30th Operations Support Squadron Intelligence Brief-ing, and then toured the 76th Helicopter Flight, where all cadetsreceived incentive flights in UH-1N twin engine Hueys.

    Early Thursday morning, the cadets watched a Minuteman IIImissile launch. After some rest, it was on to Vandenbergs Heri-tage Center, the 2nd Space Launch Squadrons Titan RemoteLaunch Control Center, and a briefing at the 9th Space OperationsSquadron.

    (Continued on the next page)

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    Local Teen- (Cont. from page 9)

    On Friday the cadets used the fire arms training simulator andreceived a briefing at the 30th Security Squadron CombatArms Training Facility. The afternoon graduation and barbe-cue were attended by cadets, senior staff, and the active dutyand reserve Air Force personnel that supported this activity.

    Ashleigh Harbeck is a Cadet Senior Airman with the CAPDeer Valley Composite Squadron located in Phoenix, AZ.She attends Sunrise Mountain School where she will be asophomore this fall. When Cadet Harbeck is not busy withCivil Air Patrol activities, she also participates in marchingband, softball, speech, and debate.

    Media Inquiries:

    Julie Coleman

    Public Affairs Officer

    Vandenberg Air Force Space Command Familiarization


    Achieving Your Goal Through Hard

    Work and Dedication: 1Lt. Nate Garrett,

    OK Air National Guard

    by Captain Allan Pearlstein, Group 3 Public Affairs Officer

    "Everyday that you wake up, remember what your goalis....once you have that goal, do not quit....know what your

    goal is and do not take no for an answer. (1Lt. Nate Garrett,

    OK Air National Guard.)

    On 31 July 2005, I had the opportunity to speak with 1 Lt. NateGarrett, an F-16 fight pilot with the Oklahoma Air NationalGuard. Lt. Garrett, age 25, was born in Laguna Beach, CA, buthas spent most of his life in Arizona. Having an interest inaviation from a young age, 1 Lt. Garrett joined the Falcon FieldComposite CAP squadron in 1993. As a cadet, Lt.Garrett participated in and completed the orientation flight cur-

    riculum, learned military customs and courtesies, achieved theMitchell and Earhart Awards, and trained with the drill team,all the while being mentored by Lt. Colonel Don Elwood andCaptain Martin Gerhard from the Falcon CAP squadron. "Beingaround airplanes and pilots instilled a desire to fly...Lt. Colonel

    Don Elwood and Captain Martin Gerhard influenced me. Be-

    ing around them influenced me in military culture. Captain

    Gerhard gave me career information, and Lt Colonel Elwoodgave me the experience of what it was like to be a fighter pilot,

    Lt. Garretts success in completing the cadet program, wasbecause of the different people he worked with in order to ac-complish a specific task.

    After graduating from high school, Lt. Garrett attended ArizonaState University where he graduated with a Bachelor of Sciencedegree in Aeronautical Management Technology. While attend-ing ASU, Lt. Garrett enlisted in the AZ Air National Guard inTucson, where he was trained to be an F-16 jet engine me-chanic. Taking advantage of the benefits offered by the AZANG, Lt. Garrett received the GI Bill in which his college edu-cation was paid for, earned $800.00 per month for training oneweekend a month in Tucson, and had 60 percent of his postprimary flight instruction paid for. During the summer of 2002,an F-16 pilot slot became available in Tucson, Lt. Garrettapplied, and was accepted, as a result of the training he re-ceived as a cadet through CAP, his education at ASU, and hisservice with AZ ANG. After completing officer training school

    thought AZ ANG, Lt. Garrett began a 13 month undergraduateflight training program in April 2003 in April 2003. After com-pleting the first program, he attended a six week IntroductionFighter training program while he was still at Sheppard AFB,TX. Upon completion of those programs, Lt. Garrett returnedto Arizona, and in April 2005, he completed an eight month F-16 fighter pilot training program at Luke AFB, AZ. Lt.Garrett is now a full time F-16 pilot with the Oklahoma ANGand flies out of Tulsa International Airport.

    Lt. Garret credits his accomplishments with the training he re-ceived through the cadet program at Squadron 305. He consid-ers himself fortunate to have had the opportunity to be men-tored by Lt Colonel Don Elwood, and Captain Martin Gerhard.Every cadet in the Arizona CAP Wing could have the sameopportunities as Lt Garrett has enjoyed, providing that the cadetis willing to devote time and effort in the cadet program, bystudying the aviation curriculum and learning military customsand courtesies. Through hard work and dedication to a cadet'seducation and training in CAP, high school, and college, a ca-det's dream may become a reality, as it did for Lt. Nate Garrett.For those cadets interested in obtaining more information aboutflight training, you may contact Lt. Garrett at

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    by SM Joe Gomez, PAO Squadron 501..Picture by Gomez

    Effective July 25, 2005, Squadron 501 (Lake Havasu City, AZ)of the USAF Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol will be commanded byCaptain Ron Tingle (left), formerly senior member and mission

    pilot for squadron 501. Major George Molitor leaves the postafter more than four noteworthy years, where his accomplish-ments were highlighted by bolstering all aspects of the cadetprogram, while also maximizing activities and participationsurrounding flight operations.

    The ceremony was kicked off by squadron 501 cadets postingthe colors/raising the flag, under the sweltering desert heat. LtCol Jerry Godwin, former AZ Wing Vice Commander, openedthe official change of command portion of the ceremony byrecognizing Major George Molitor's many accomplishmentsduring this tenure as squadron commander.

    Incoming commander Captain Ron Tingle then presented Major

    Molitor with a number of items, including a certificate fromLake Havasu City Mayor Bob Whelan, which officially de-clared July 25, 2005 "Change of Command Day" in Lake Ha-vasu City. Major Molitor was also presented a very nice CivilAir Patrol plaque on behalf of the AZ Wing and Squadron 501.

    The ceremony continued with the cadets being treated to aguest speaker named Steven Marks, who is entering his secondyear at the United States Air Force Academy in ColorodoSprings Colorado. Mr. Marks is also a CAP cadet from asquadron in Pico Rivera, California (Los Angeles).

    The official change of command was then executed by MajorGeorge Molitor handing over the Civil Air Patrol flag to Cap-

    tain Ron Tingle.

    Squadron 501 headquarters for the Lake Havasu City basedUSAF Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol is on the airfield at the LakeHavasu City Municipal Airport. Interested parties seeking in-formation regarding the cadet or senior member programs maycontact the CAP Commander at Pub-lic Affairs related matters may be directed to Joe Gamez,Squadron 501 Public Affairs Officer (PAO),

    Change of Command at Deer Val-

    ley Squadron 302By 1Lt. Martin J. Maxwell,PAO Squadron 302, photo by Lt. Maxwell

    Lt. Col..Rammage accepts the gui-

    don from Group III Deputy Com-mander Lt. Col. Ron Fett.

    Effective 1August 2005, Deer Val-ley Composite Squadron 302 has anew Commanding Officer, Lieu-tenant Colonel Ken Ramage. Theofficial Change of Command tookplace on 22 August at the Civil AirPatrol building on Deer ValleyAirport. Col. Ramage replacesoutgoing Commander RonneaDerby who was Commander of 302for the past four years. It is now the policy of the Arizona

    Wing to change positions every four years.

    Colonel Ramage comes to the job with plenty of experience inthe military. A full Colonel in the Arizona National Guard,Col. Ramage has been active in CAP this time for two and ahalf years. He originally joined CAP as a cadet at age 11, andworked his way up through the rank of C/Lt. Colonel, stoppingjust short of the Spaatz award. From there he joined the Ari-zona Air National Guard. His son Matthew is a Cadet 1stLieutenant in Squadron 302. His wife, Lt. Paula Ramage han-dles most of the administrative and testing duties on the cadetside of this extremely active and large squadron, and hismother, Lt. Colonel Ruth Ann Johnson, is also very active

    in CAP.

    Col. Ramage first became interested in CAP when he helpedstart squadron 313 and then went to sq 309.

    Since becoming a CAP member, he has held the position ofCadet Squadron Commander. As a senior member he hasbeen Logistics officer and served briefly as the Deputy Com-mander for seniors. He says the thing he finds most rewardingabout his work with CAP is working to get the cadets involvedin aviation and see some of them go off to careers in the avia-tion industry or military.

    When he is not flying KC-135 tankers or F-16s for the Ari-

    zona Guard, he is a Captain on the Boeing 767/757 for Ameri-can Airlines as a instructor pilot flying on international routes,normally to South America and occasionally to Europe. In hisrather rare spare time, he enjoys spending time with his fam-ily on their land in the forest north of Payson, shooting andriding ATVs. Ken also owns two Canberra jet bomberswhich are currently based at Falcon Field in Mesa. He is pres-ently on the Arizona Guard pistol team and shoots and winsmany matches with the AZ guard.

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    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    The following Commanders are relieved of duty,

    without prejudice, with the effective dates indi-

    cated below:

    Maj Ronald W. Fett, Group III, 31 July 2005, Lt Col Charles D.Bendixen, Sq 201, July 2005, Lt Col Donley R. Pochop, Sq314, 31 July 2005, Lt Col Keith W. Lamb, Flt 400, 17 July

    2005, Maj. George L. Molitor, Sq 501, 31 July 2005, Capt Ron-nea L. Derby, Squadron 302, 31 July 2005

    The following personnel have been selected to

    command the units with effective dates listed be-


    Lt Col Donely R. Pochop, Group III, 1 August 2005, Lt Col

    Kenneth C. Ramage, Sq 302, 1 August 2005, Lt Col Ar-

    thur B. Bornstein, Flt 400, 18 July 2005, Lt Col James M.

    Findley, Sq 314, 1 August 2005, Capt Daniel M. Shearer

    Jr, Sq 201, 1 August 2005, Capt Ronald G. Tingle, Sq 501,

    1 August 2005

    My thanks to the outgoing commanders. You helped make

    Arizona Wing the best in the Nation.

    Col John J. Varljen





    SQUADRON 301

    Lt.Brandon Masangcay received his 1Lt. bars from Lt.Co. Art Bornstein and Brandons cousin, Ben Carftago.

    1Lt. Masangcay served 14 years in the Air Force and re-serves as a Healthcare Management Support Supervisor.

    1Lt. Masangcay had active duty assignments in Washing-ton, D.C., in Spain, Desert Storm, and Beale Air Force Base,


    He was then transferred to the USAF Reserves as an Indi-vidualized Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) assigned to HQAFRES, Denver, Co, as a Healthcare Management SupportSupervisor. He also served a special active duty assignmentunder the supervision of the Reserve Advisor for the Sacra-mento Air Logistics Center, CA. He was place on the RetiredReserve List in 1995 due to medical reasons.

    His education included Military Airlift Command NCOpreparatory Course, Andrews Air Force Base; 16th Air ForceNCO leadership School, Zaragoza Air Base, Spain; Bachelorofo Science, Business Management, University of Phoenix;

    and Master of Business Adminsitration, Health Care Manage-ment, University of Phoenix Online.

    Lt. Masangcay has received many impressive awards anddecorations from the Air Force. Among them are the AirForce Commendation Medal, Air Force Achievement Medalwith oak leaf cluster, and many more. Of course, the currentbest is the Civil Air Patrol Membership Ribbon.

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    Lt. Col. Don Pochop accepts com-

    mand of Group3.The change of command took place 6 July atthe Scottsdale Airport. Lt. Col. Ernest Bour-geois and former Group III Commander Lt.Col. Ron Fett assist with the ceremony.

    Lt. Col. Pochop joined CAP in 1991. Hehas completed Level 4 of CAP requirements,the Garber award, and also has his Masterfor the Administration Track.

    Picture by Capt. Allan Pearlstein, Group III



    The Senior Squadron 104 keeps their plane shining and ready to go. They claim that they ALL worked very hard, and probablyfound out how large a plane can be at washing time. They all gathered early in the morning on 16 July at the Tucson Interna-tional Airport to do their duty as the official airplane washers. Pictures by SM Juliana Teal, Squadron 104 PAO.




    It looks as though they are done.


    SM Joe Wypyck, Commander Capt.James Hervert, SM Juliana Teal, and SMMike Phillips.

    1Lt. Brian Malone, Capt. James Hervert

    (clearing the wing) and SM Joe Wypyck

    Volume 3 Issue 4