Arnold Schwarzenegger 10 Golden Rules for Success

Post on 25-Jan-2017

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Compiled by

George Ayoka

Arnold Schwarzenegger is an Austrian-American actor, model, producer, director,

activist, businessman, investor, writer, philanthropist, former professional

bodybuilder, and politician.

At 14, he started an intensive training program with Dan Farmer, studied psychology

at 15 (to learn more about the power of mind over body) and at 17, officially started

his competitive career." He was so dedicated as a youngster that he broke into the

local gym on weekends, when it was usually closed, so that he could train.

Schwarzenegger began weight training at the age of 15. He won the Mr. Universe

title at age 20 and went on to win the Mr. Olympia contest seven times.

He has remained a prominent presence in bodybuilding and has written many books

and articles on the sport.

Schwarzenegger served two terms as the 38th Governor of California from 2003 until




Chapter #1 Have a Clear Goal

Chapter #2 Think Big

Chapter #3 Work your Butt Off

Chapter #4 Use Power of Potential

Chapter #5 Keep Trying Until You Succeed

Chapter #6 Be Focused

Chapter #7 Believe in Yourself

Chapter #8 Don’t Listen to Naysayers

Chapter #9 Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

Chapter #10 Break The Rule

“Help others and give something

back. I guarantee you will

discover that while public

service improves the lives and the

world around you, its greatest

reward is the enrichment

and new meaning it will bring

your own life.”


Rule #1.

Have a Clear


I had a goal and whatever it takes to get there I would do. So I was doing my daily

work, cleaning the guns and going to the shooting range margin 20 miles a day and

running at five in the morning with heavy camper boots, with all kinds of stuff.

I work out three hours and get up early in the morning, again do the most sit-ups and


Everyone would say this is the wrong direction that I am going, or I am in a dream

world, I am useless. I made up my mind that whatever it was as an athlete I am going

to break. I needed to reach that goal, that vision of being a world champion.

To succeed in your

mission, you must

have single-minded

devotion to your goal.

- Abdul Kalam

Rule #2.

Think Big

Think big, then you going to get big. Then you are going to go and achieve big

things, that is the most important thing. You know we don't achieve big things by

accident, so shoot for the top. Shoot for the skies, shoot for the stars.

As long as you are

going to be thinking

anyway, think big.

- Donald Trump

Rule #3.

Work Your

Butt Off

The other thing is that you’ve got to work your butt off! If you think that you are

going to go and accomplish something really special and be the best in anything in

the world and you think you can do it without working you make a big mistake.

Because no matter what I did, if it was a body building or acting or in the political

arena it always took a lot of work. If you are not willing to work hard forget about it,

so this is a rule that is very important.

You have to

fight to reach

your dream.

You have to

sacrifice and

work hard

for it.

- -Lionel Messi

Rule #4.

Use Power of


Use your power of potential and make this nation and this world a better place.

It worked for this immigrant who came over here to this country with twenty dollars

in the pocket and I know and I guarantee it will work for you too.

With realization

of one's own

potential and

self-confidence in

one's ability, one

can build a better



Rule #5.

Keep trying

until you


If you afraid to fail then you’ll always be holding yourself back because you are

afraid that if you go all out you may fail. But in weightlifting we learned that very

quickly, the only way you could break a record is if you willing to fail. That's when

you put on more weight you tried something until you would not be able to lift again,

which has happened to me many times. But eventually when you train hard enough

you would lift it.

So don't be afraid to fail.

Sometimes by

losing a battle you

find a new way to

win the war.

- Donald Trump

Rule #6.

Be Focused

In Austria kids were conditioned to follow parents path. But unlike other kids around

me I was very determined that I have to get out there. And then one day, I saw the

cover of a magazine with the picture of Reg Park, It says, “how Mr universe became


I opened this magazine and a read through it and there was the whole plan laid out.

I ask myself, Arnold, what is it about you that is so different, why are you the only

one that sees it so clearly, about this call of going to America, winning the Mr

Universe contest and getting in the movies in making millions of dollars no one

knows or talks about this around here. Is it real, is it just a crazy fantasy, but wait a

minute, Reg Park did it. Then that's possible Arnold, focus, the key thing is to be

focus, I started visualizing myself standing up to the stage just like Reg Park and it

became more and more clear, I said to myself, “Arnold you've got to go believe in


“If you want to be

successful, find

someone who has

achieved the

results you want

and copy what

they do and you'll

achieve the same


Rule #7.

Believe in


This is why I try to tell you anything and everything can be done, if you can visualize

it if you believe in yourself.

It was the same thing again when I ran for governor, you can imagine when I went on

at the night show and I announce that I am going to run for governor of the great state

of California. People came to me afterwards and say you are crazy, you don't

announce something like this on The Tonight Show, you should have an official

press conference at the State Capitol. Plus, you don't start first from the governorship,

you go and start first with Mayor, with state Senator, and I said I don't want to be

senator, I don't want to be mayor, I want to be governor don't you understand that.

Well the rest is history I won in 2003, and I won also in 2006. Let me tell you, you're

going to find the naysayers on every turn you will make. Don't listen just visualize

you go or know exactly where you want to go trust yourself get out there, work like

hell, break some of the rules and never ever be afraid of failure.

Believe in yourself! Have

faith in your abilities!

Without a humble but rea-

sonable confidence in your

own powers you cannot be

successful or happy.

- Norman Vincent Peale

Rule #8.

Don’t Listen to


I mean how many times have you heard that you can't do this, you can't do that,

because it has never been done before. Somehow, but I love it when someone says

that never no one has ever done this before because then, when I do it that means to

them, I am the first to succeed in doing it.

So pay no attention to the people who say it can't be done. I always say to myself,

“yes you can”.

“Whatever you do you

need courage.

Whatever course you

decide upon, there will always

be someone to tell you that you

are wrong.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Rule #9.

Don’t Be

Afraid to Fail

Anything I have ever attempted I was always willing to fail, you cannot always win

but don't be afraid of making decisions, you can't be paralyzed by fear of failure or

you would never push yourself.

You keep pushing because you believe in yourself and in your vision and you know

that it's the right thing to do success will come soon don't be afraid to fail.

The biggest risk is not

taking any risk... In a

world that is changing

really quickly, the only

strategy that is guaran-

teed to fail is not taking


- Mark Zuckerberg

Rule #10.

Break The


There are so many rules in lives about everything, I say great, break the rules not the

law. It is impossible to be a maverick or too original if you are too well-behaved and

want to break the rules you have to think outside the box probable that is what I

believe after all.

What is the point of being in this earth if all you want to do is to feel like everyone

and avoid trouble. The only way that I’ve ever got anyplace was the breaking some

of the rules.

What matters is this:

Being fearless of failure

arms you to break the

rules. In doing so, you

may change the culture

and just possibly,

for a moment,

change life itself.

- Malcolm Mclaren


“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths.

When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”

“Help others and give something back. I guarantee you will discover that while pub-

lic service improves the lives and the world around you, its greatest reward is the

enrichment and new meaning it will bring your own life.”

“The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do

something, you can do it, as long as you really believe 100 percent.”

“I knew I was a winner back in the late sixties. I knew I was destined for great things.

People will say that kind of thinking is totally immodest. I agree. Modesty is not a

word that applies to me in any way - I hope it never will.”

“Failure is not an option. Everyone has to succeed.”


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