Around · gic Plan goals. Our Pupil...

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Around Antonio


Karen Patten

Assistant Principal

Jan MacDonald

Assistant Principal

Annette Hayes

631-639 Whitehorse Rd

Mitcham 3132

Ph 9874 4371

Fax 9873 5505

E-mail address :

Web Site :

Our School Values


Empathy Responsibility Resilience Independence Confidence

For your Diary See our website for more

6 June 2013 Issue 17


7 June

Production Meeting



10 June

Public Holiday


12 June

Level 1

RACV Incursion


17 June

ICAS Writing


17 June

Band Performance

Junior Rockers


28 June

Last day of Term 2

2.30pm finish


15 July

First day of Term 3


29 July

School Council


31 July

ICAS English


13 August

ICAS Maths


15 August

Prep Transition



22 August

Prep Transition



29 August

Prep Transition


Aussie of the week

Congratulations to everyone celebrating a

birthday this week.

Dear Antonio Park Families,

PUPIL FREE DAY –Friday 31st May

AusVELS and Spelling

Over the last few weeks Jan MacDonald has been

writing an article about AusVELS and APPS’s

transition into AusVELS. Our 2013-2016 Strategic

Plan states:

Student Learning Goal

To develop and implement a whole school ap-

proach to teaching and learning in Literacy & Nu-

meracy aligned to AusVELS.

Pupil Free Days for staff are carefully planned to

ensure they support and enhance APPS’s Strate-

gic Plan goals. Our Pupil Free Days:

Provide significant professional growth for all ٭


Promote a positive school climate which is an ٭

integral component of a healthy, successful

and fulfilling working environment.

Facilitate a work environment where values ٭

guide partnerships and teamwork among staff

to ensure that education environments are

effective and positive student outcomes are


-Enhance professional practice and staff effec ٭

tiveness which will provide for better student


Support the development and implementation ٭

of Creating a Performance & Development

Culture at Antonio Park Primary.

-Enable the school to take a whole school ap ٭

proach to a particular area.

Last Friday’s pupil free day provided staff profes-

sional learning for AusVELS and spelling. This will

enable a whole school approach to program,

methodology and assessment.

Working Bee Last Sunday saw a number of our school community members helping to keep our school tidy and its buildings and grounds in really good


The jobs completed were: refilling the sandpit and long jump pit with fresh sand, cleaning Nature’s Classroom, placing mulch around the school,

clearing pathways and sweeping. Thank you to the following staff and families for their hard work: Dallas Boulton, (staff), Alec Baroni (staff) and Thomas–Edwards, Armistead, Mitchell, Green, Jungwirth, Harvey, Bonetti, Halifax, Patrick

and Bamford families. Karen Patten

Assistant Principals

Level 2 had a great trip into the city for our Eureka Tower excursion. The children loved going all the way up to the observatory deck and seeing all of the city sights from up above. After our tour of the tower, the level walked up to the Yarra River and along to the Arts centre. We then walked up St Kilda Road and into St Paul’s Cathedral. It was so impres-sive to see the manners used by all students while in the cathedral. Final-ly we walked through Federation Square down to Birrarung Marr, stopping at the giant outdoor playground for lunch. It’s fair to say that most of

Level 2 (including the teachers) were very tired after our big day! A big

thanks to all of our parent helpers who came to assist on the day. This week we are looking at money, so any hands on experiences you are able to give your child such as paying for the shopping would benefit

their understanding. Have a great weekend, The Level 2 Team

What’s Happening In Level 1?

What’s Happening In Level 2?

We have been working hard in Level 1 completing a lot of portfolio tasks. Our portfolios are a great reflection of all that we have learnt throughout the year. We will be using them in our Parent/Student/Teacher conferences on Wednesday 26th June and they will also be sent home for parents to have a good look through. At this time of the year we can become a little complacent about home reading – please ensure you are reading with your child each day. Home reading and revising the high frequency words doesn’t take a great deal of time but can make such a difference to successful reading. Find the best time for your family and enjoy!

Next week our spelling focus in on the letter Rr and the extension spelling will focus on words that end in ‘all’. In maths we will be collecting and displaying data in a variety of ways. We have been noticing that some students have been buying food for friends at the café. It is really important that we don’t share food with others for a number of reasons. Can you please help us out by only giving your child a small amount money for their own purchases at the café? Thanks Elizabeth, Stacey, Lauren and Lauren

Curriculum AusVELS Student Reports: Over the last few weeks, teachers have been writing

reports for this semester. An immense amount of time is spent on each student’s report; looking at portfolio tasks, anecdotal notes and other assessments that have occurred over the term. This ensures a comprehensive picture of student achievements which is a great celebration for

students, teachers and their families. The report also gives students some

strategies for improving their future learning. This year is a transition phase from VELS to AusVELS and in the future, to the Australian Curriculum. Student Reports will be based on AusVELS, therefore, progression points will not show a progress dot until the end of

year reports.

From DEECD…as new Australian Curriculum subjects (P-10) are introduced and taught in AusVELS, your child will receive an achievement grade only at the end of the first semester, and an achievement grade as

well as a representation of six months progress at the end of the year.

Janet George is currently on sick leave. The Visual Arts section of the report will have a synopsis of the Visual Arts program, howev-

er, it will not contain individual student comments this semester.

Reports will be sent home with students on Friday 21 June to give parents an opportunity to discuss reports with their child, prior to the Parent/

Student/Teacher Conferences.

Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences Parent/Student/Teacher (P/S/T) Conference notes were distributed to all students this week. Please fill in your available time in the boxes provided and return to school. Teachers will notify parents of their allocated times. The P/S/T conferences encourage positive, productive dialogue between everyone involved. The Student Report and Portfolio are the basis for cooperative, constructive goal setting with goals and strategies identified

by those most closely involved in the child’s education.

Prior to the conference, the students have discussed their portfolio work with their teacher and have identified specific areas of achievement. The portfolios will be sent home after the conference. Please bring your child’s

report to the conference for the discussion.

Following the discussion, parents can give feedback to their children by responding to the conference, e.g. I am pleased to see your effort in…, I know you sometimes have difficulty with…however…, I am proud of your

improvement in…, I can help you by… In this way, students and parents have an opportunity to revisit some parts

of the conference. Animal Duty!

Mr B’s class enjoyed their time looking after the animals!

Enjoy the week ahead. Annette & Jan

What’s Happening In Level 3?

Wow! What a week we have had in Level 3! We have started our new mathematics unit ‘Measurement,’ and have

been busy using rulers to measure absolutely everything! Shoes, classmates, tables and even our teachers didn’t

escape our measuring madness!

We are still working away on information reports and the quality of work being produced by the students is

phenomenal! All the Level 3 teachers have been extremely impressed by the attention to detail that is going

into them!

This week saw the last homework for the term go home and we are eagerly waiting to see what comes back in

on the due date. This term teachers have seen posters, videos, menus and PowerPoint slideshows being used as

a means of submitting homework! Really great stuff guys!

We wanted to show you just how much effort the students have been putting into their learning activities and

the digital newsletter is a fantastic platform to showcase work samples! Please take some time to look through

the amazing photos below!

Have a sensational long weekend!

The Level 3 Team

What’s Happening In Level 4?

Interschool Sport This week in Interschool sport we are playing Croydon Hills. The girls and mixed netball sides, football team and both softball teams are playing at Croydon Hills. All other sports are here at Antonio Park. Let’s keep our

fingers crossed that the rain stays away Friday! Homework As our Prime Minister project continues, it is really exciting to see all the student’s wonderful research skills starting to take shape! This week we are editing our work and beginning to publish. You will need to use resources to do this, including a dictionary. Next week we will be finishing the publishing stage ready to submit in Week 10. Remember these

projects will go up on display, so think of ways to make your project ‘pop’!

One Nation Many Voices Students have been extremely busy voting on island names, electing

Mayors, writing job applications to become Portfolio Ministers, and deciding on the landmarks and special features of their Islands. This

week we roll up our sleeves, mix the paper mache glue and begin building our creations! Thank you for all the newspapers sent in so far- continue bringing them in as the supplies are sure to disappear quickly

this week! Kate, Clive, Karen, Mitch and Rachel


E.M.A. Eligible parents may apply for an education maintenance allowance at the school their children attend. To be eligible for the second instalment a parent must hold a current Centrelink Pensioner Concession or Health Care Benefit

Card, or a Veterans Affairs (TPI) pensioner card, or be a foster parent as at the first day of Term 3, (July 15, 2013). If your family is eligible and did not complete an application in Semester 1, please collect an application form from the office,

complete and return by Friday, August 2.

Mathletics Mathletics

On With The Show

Our apologies to the students who participated in the ICAS Science competition this week. We had a

clash with the ‘On with the Show’ movie. We will run the movie again next Friday 14th June at lunchtime

for those students who took part in the competition.

COMMUNITY NOTICES (Please check the Community Noticeboard for further details)

July School Holiday Activities at Mitcham Community House during second week of the holidays. Program is available on 9873 4587.

Heatherdale PreSchool is celebrating its 60th Birthday with a ‘High Tea’ on Saturday 13th Julye 2-4pm. HPlease RSVP to Sarah by 24th

June at

PAG News

Ivan’s Pies: This APPS favourite is back in time for the school holidays. Every family should have received an order form this week. If you require additional order forms for your family or friends they are available from the office. Pie orders and payment are due by Thursday June 13th. Please place cash or cheque (made payable to the school) into a separate envelope and return to the office for the attention of Susan Peter-Budge. Delivery is on Thursday June 27th. Please collect your pies from the school foyer between 3.00pm and 4.00pm. If you have any ideas, suggestions or queries please let us know either at school or drop us a line at

The Ride2School active travel program is seeking parents of students at Antonio Park Primary School to participate in a focus group on Thursday, 13 June from 6:15pm – 8:15pm. The focus group will be conducted locally at the City of Whitehorse facilities: Courtyard Room, 379-397 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading. The criteria:

We are looking for a cross-section of parents who take their children to school through a variety of transport modes, so parents should mention how they most regularly take their children to school (e.g. driving, walking, riding, public transport, etc.)

Parents should live no further than 2km from the school (estimated)

Parents should let us know:

How many children they have in total

The ages of these children Participating parents will be compensated for their time with a $50 honorarium. We have limited spaces, so parents will be selected based on first to register basis, in the order in which they get in touch with me directly to register their interest, subject to representational balance. No preparation work is required. Parents will be asked to answer a series of questions and partic-ipate in a discussion led by an independent facilitator. Please disseminate this invitation to your school parents through your regular networks as soon as possible. Please stress to parents that participation will be decided on a first to register, first served basis, subject to conditions. Any interested parents should e-mail directly on:

RESPONSIBILITY What does it mean when someone is described as a responsible person? It means that you are a reliable and dependable person who can commit to a task with great care and accountability. Here are some tips on how you can show responsibility and feel great about it:

When you agree to do something, do it Take responsibility for your own actions and don’t make excuses or blame others for what you do Don’t rely on others to remind you where you’re supposed to be and what you’re supposed to be doing and what

you’re supposed to bring. You are to take the responsibility! Always use your head and think things through with good judgment and make positive choices Don’t put things off. When you have a job to do, do it!

Responsibility isn’t just about doing chores or jobs, it’s following through on commitments, answering for your own actions, being

reliable and trustworthy, using good judgment, taking care of your belongings, and not procrastinating. Talk to your family about being responsible and praise each other for making responsible choices or behaving in a responsible


A Peace Maker is a student trained in

peer mediation who helps students

find reasonable solutions to their


What a wonderful turnout we had on Wednesday for our ‘On With The Show’ playground fundraiser. It was a great opportunity for students to come in and watch a show with their friends, while enjoying a yummy popcorn treat! Stay tuned next week to see how much we raised!


Samantha Spencer For showing all of the ERRIC values and being a

kind and caring friend. You always put others

before yourself. Well done!

Our apologies for the late cancellation of the

Second Hand uniform shop on Monday.

It has now been re-scheduled to

Wednesday 12th June

in the foyer of the hall.


Aussie of the Week Awards

1LF Tyra W For her enthusiastic approach to all learning tasks. You always put in your best effort! 1EA Gabriel H For always putting in his best efforts in all his school work. 1LC Lyla A For a fantastic Information Report about Fire Fighters. You included great detail and made

wonderful attempts at tricky words. 1SG Hannah C For your growing confidence and independence as a writer. Keep it up! 2BC Aiden P For being resilient in all situations. You are a star. 2CC Oscar T For your amazing and creative invention of a house in the future. We were blown away. 2CE Bailey K For always trying your best. You give all tasks a great effort. Well done! 2CN Amelia B For your increased confidence in class discussions. We love to listen to your ideas and com-

ments. Top effort Amelia. 2LE Tom C For his brilliant work with money and confidently solving problems correctly. Top job Tommy! 2SP Alex B For his excellent start to his information report on A.P.P.S. Your ideas are fantastic. I can’t

wait to read the finished piece. 3AB Ethan N For your sensational responses during our literature group discussions! What a star! 3DH Bradley C For making a wonderful start to literature group discussions, showing his many insightful

ideas. Top job Bradley! 3JD Jasper S For always putting 100% effort into all tasks. Your answers to graphing worded problems

were excellent and you included accurate technical statements 3NM Daisy O For displaying confidence with your data collection and accurately recording your results. 3RM Isabella B For always trying her best and producing a magnificent Lotus Diagram on packaging. 4CH Bianka G For completing a very good Information Report on koalas and always striving to do her best. 4KD Noah G For your valuable and insightful contributions to our Book Club discussions. You are a great

role model! 4KT Tyrone K For coming back from holidays and jumping straight back into your work with excellent focus.

Keep it up! 4RF Elijah T For the way you have enthusiastically approached both the research and writing of your infor-

mation piece on Ned Kelley. I am very much looking forward to reading the final product

Elijah! 4MN Toby M For being a kind , caring and friendly member of 4MN. You treat your classmates with re-

spect and you are a much loved class member because of it. Music Jess Z For joining our choir band with her wonderful guitar playing.

Trinity NETBALL Club

Recruiting Now

Teams for Spring Season will be finalised in the next 2 weeks and the new

season starts July 27.

Do you have a daughter or son who might like to give Netball a go? Trinity Netball

Club teams train after school each week, just up the road at Ringwood Heights Primary

School, Aurum Cres., Ringwood North (Melways Ref: 49E5), and we play on Saturdays

at H.E. Parker Reserve in Heathmont just off Canterbury Road.

We currently have vacancies across all age groups, from our Under 9 Development

Squad up to our Open Teams. Boys can play in the regular (mixed) competition until

the age of 11.

Netball teams play at the same time, and at the same venue every week. Netball is

also one of the most affordable sports to play, both in terms of fees and uniform.

For all enquiries: Please ring Tracey on 9893-1917



Check out the NEW APPS

SPORT photo board in the

main foyer. Photos of our

athletes from 2012 Junior

Mini Olympics and Staff v

Level 4 Student Sport and

2013 Junior and Senior

Cross Country!!!