Arranging Essesntials Class - Worship Workshop

Post on 11-Dec-2021

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Arranging Essentials For Worship Musicians

Lesson 3: Understanding Your Rhythmic Space

Arranging Inside the Rhythmic Space

If the arranging on the sonic spectrum is about what notes and chords are being played or sung, the rhythmic spectrum is about when and how often they’re occurring.

Seeing The Sonic Space - Musical Notation

whole note

Seeing The Sonic Space - Musical Notation

whole note 1 (2 3 4)

Seeing The Sonic Space - Musical Notation

half note

Seeing The Sonic Space - Musical Notation

half note 1 (2) 3 (4)

Seeing The Sonic Space - Musical Notation

quarter note

Seeing The Sonic Space - Musical Notation

quarter note 1 32 4

Seeing The Sonic Space - Musical Notation

eighth note

Seeing The Sonic Space - Musical Notation

eighth notes 1 & 3 &2 & 4 &

single two beamed together

Seeing The Sonic Space - Musical Notation

sixteenth note

Seeing The Sonic Space - Musical Notation

eighth notes 1 e & a

single beamed together

2 e & a 3 e & a 4 e & a

Seeing The Sonic Space - Musical Notation

dotted quarter notedotted half note1 (2 3) 1 (& 2)

dotted eighth note1 (e &)

Seeing The Sonic Space - Musical Notation

quarter note 1 32 4

Our goal in arranging on the sonic spectrum is to create complementary rhythms.

Filling the Sonic Space - Getting Practical

In most modern worship songs, the rhythm of the verses are often complex and syncopated to fit the lyrical phrases.

Filling the Sonic Space - Getting Practical

The instruments need to create space for the melody by either playing complementary rhythms or by laying out.

Filling the Sonic Space - Getting Practical

Filling the Sonic Space - Getting Practical



Filling the Sonic Space - Getting Practical

whole half quarter eighth sixteenth

Filling the Sonic Space - Getting Practical

REST“Music is the space between the notes.” ~Debussy

“It’s not the notes you play, it’s the notes you don’t play.” ~Miles Davis

One of the biggest mistakes worship team members make is trying to fill every moment.

Filling the Sonic Space - Getting Practical

One of the biggest mistakes worship team members make is trying to fill every moment. As a result, we end up with a blob of sound and constant wall of noise.

Filling the Sonic Space - Getting Practical

When there’s a section of the song that calls for less, all of us just playing quieter won’t achieve what we need.

Filling the Sonic Space - Getting Practical

When there’s a section of the song that calls for less, all of us just playing quieter won’t achieve what we need. Some of us have to stop playing and singing.

Filling the Sonic Space - Getting Practical

We need to learn to that the “art of laying out” actually serves the music and the congregation more fully than any note we could sing or chord we could play.

Filling the Sonic Space - Getting Practical

You’ll learn how to create intentional space.

Filling the Sonic Space - Getting Practical


As you and your team members learn these simple arranging hacks in this class, your songs will serve your church’s gathered worship time so much more effectively.

Filling the Sonic Space - Getting Practical

We have to learn to trust in the power of a simple arrangement to serve the song and the congregation.

Filling the Sonic Space - Getting Practical