Art All Night: Nuit Blanche DC Recap

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Email is still seen as a cornerstone of online marketing. It's often the primary driver of ticket sales, online views, donations, and engagement across the web. But as were working to promote the first year of Art All Night: Nuit Blanche DC, we had a unique challenge to work with: no email. Up against a tight marketing budget, we decided it's time to rely exclusively on social media and word-of-mouth to drive event participation. And the results were great: an estimated 15,000+ people experienced the first year of Art All Night DC. Most people in DC haven't heard of the global Nuit Blanche all-night arts festival, or may only know of it from years past in cities like Paris, Barcelona, and Naples. So, we had to both introduce people to the concept, and get them out to the event. What worked in spreading the message? Partners: We worked with a group of over 20 amazing cultural partners, who were invaluable in reaching their networks to help spread the word about Art All Night DC. We created a set of simple guidelines for partners to help us promote the event through their own email and social media. Each partner was able to tap its own established audience, which extended our reach immensely across the DC region. Social Media: We hit social media hard in the weeks and months leading up to the event. Days before the event, each Facebook post was getting us a 5-10% boost in followers. With all of our partners and artists posting and tagging us in social media on their own, the cumulative effect was tremendous. Artists: Over 50 artists were excited to tell their friends about being involved with Art All Night DC. Our artists wrote about the event on their blogs, Facebook, and Twitter. It's always exciting to work with people who are as invested in bringing attention to an event as we are. PR: DC PR agency EPGpr helped get Art All Night DC posted on the most important event calendars, blogs, and news outlets that cover the DC arts. The event was Washington Post Going Out Guide's weekend editors pick, and was featured on NBC Washington and WAMU. Combined, our work with the event's partners, social media, artists, and PR paid off. The first year of Art All Night DC surpassed our expected attendance and got rave reviews by everyone who visited. We can't for what's next with Art All Night: Nuit Blanche DC!


How we helped get  15,000+ People to   Art All Night:  Nuit Blanche DC (without an email list)




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Art by: Brooke Kao

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