Art Artist By: Tanner Beers Period:7 Starry, Starry NightThe Scream.

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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Rembrandt   He was the 8 of 9 children  He was good at using light and shadows in his painting  He study Greek, Latin, Astrology, and science The Night Watch


Art & Artist By: Tanner Beers Period:7 Starry, Starry NightThe Scream Leonardo da Vinci He was a left handed He was the first one to use linear perspective He is the first one to make shadows on people Mona Lisa Rembrandt He was the 8 of 9 children He was good at using light and shadows in his painting He study Greek, Latin, Astrology, and science The Night Watch Michelangelo He painted the sis teen chapel selling He loved to sculpt the human body His nose was broken by a friend because he was relish of his work A piece of the sis teen chapel Vincent van Gogh He spoke 4 different languages His brother died at birth and was the first one named van Gogh He cut his ear off after fighting in a bar Starry, Starry night Pablo Picasso He had different period in his life when he painted different thing like the blue period, and the cubic period He showed a lot of feeling in his painting He was able to show different things in his paintings, and for some you can see different thing from different angle Boy with Pipe The Scream By: Edvard Munch The orange sky was caused by a volcano eruption It is a self-portrait of a man and the land is screaming at him he is not screaming The Scream Judith and her Maidservant By: Artemisia Gentileschi The artist was raped by her painting master The first women to paint a historical scene Judith and her Maidservant Girl with the Pearl Earring Johannes Vermeer It is considered the Mona Lisa of the north He was good at manipulating light in his painting Girl with the Pearl Earring Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte By: Georges Seurat There is no paint strokes it is all little dots The little girl is the only one looking at you in the painting Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte Napoleon Crossing the Alps By: Jacques-Louis David There are four of these painted in the world because Napoleon liked it a lot It was a gift from the King of Spain to the Napoleon Napoleon Crossing the Alps Elements of Art By: Vincent van Gogh The chairs and tables are the Foreground The people are the Middle Ground The building are the Background Night Cafe Elements of Art By: Vincent van Gogh Self-portrait Self-Portrait with bandage Elements of Art By: Vincent van Gogh Seascape Starry Night on the Rohn Element of Art By: Vincent van Gogh Still Life Sunflowers