ART EXPO MALAYSIA 2018 Indonesia SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 2018 Art AID 18, ‘Diri’, White Box,...

Post on 03-Apr-2019

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1 2 - 1 4 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 8


B O O T H B 1 3 , B 1 4 & B 1 5

G 1 3 G A L L E R Y













‘ G o l d e n A g e ’ 110.5 x 146.5 x 9.5 cm | Ceramic, acrylic, steel and mixed media on canvas


T h e D i f f i c u l t C r o s s i n g : A s T i m e S t o o d S t i l l153 x 106 cm | Oil on canvas | 2018

T h e D i f f i c u l t C r o s s i n g : B e t w e e n R e a l i t i e s153 x 106 cm | Oil on canvas | 2018


‘ M e n c a r i c a h a y a ’ 173 x 152.5 cm | Mixed media on canvas | 2018


B e t t e r L a t e T h a n N e v e r ( T e n g t e n g ) 152.5 x 122 cm | Oil on canvas | 2018

B e t t e r L a t e T h a n N e v e r ( T a r i k U p i h ) 122 x 152.5 cm | Oil on canvas | 2018

S u n s h i n e 113 x 153 cm | Collage paper on canvas | 2018



D a e r a h A m a r a h 193 x 122 cm | Woodcut print & oil on canvas | 2018

T r i l o g i S a h a r a170 x 122 cm | Woodcut print & oil on canvas | 2018

T e r h i m p u n S u r i a169 x 122 cm | Woodcut print & oil on canvas | 2018

S a m a r B a y a n g a n 160 x 122 cm | Woodcut print & oil on canvas | 2018

H i r u k K e n y a l a n g 91 x 152 cm | Woodcut print & oil on canvas | 2018


S e - K o p i D u l u a n 191 x 152 cm | Oil on canvas | 2018

S e - K o p i D u l u a n 291 x 152 cm | Oil on canvas | 2018


W a k e u p C a l l 140 x 122 cm | Collage, acrylic & oil on canvas | 2018

F r e e w a y140 x 122 cm | Collage, acrylic & oil on canvas | 2018


O f D a w n a n d S h r i e k i n g S o u n d o f t h e C i t y 92 x 183 cm | Scratched on photo printed aluminium | 2018

I n d e c i s i v e 61 x 122 cm | Scratched on photo printed aluminium | 2018

D o u b t f u l61 x 122 cm | Scratched on photo printed aluminium | 2018

S t r o l l i n g A r o u n d t h e S u b u r b a n 122 x 91.5 cm | Scratched on photo printed aluminium | 2018

C i t y T h a t M o v e s T h e P e o p l e 122 x 91.5 cm | Scratched on photo printed aluminium | 2018


A i r , T a n a h , A p i d a n A n g i n 76.5 x 153 cm | Acrylic on jute | 2018

F l o w 122 x 183 cm | Acrylic on canvas | 2018


B l u e H o r i z o n 122 x 183 cm | Acrylic on canvas | 2018


‘ H o w t o R a i s e a C h i l d i n a W o r l d f u l l o f A p e s ’160 x 160 cm | Oil on canvas | 2018

‘ H o w t o C r a s h a P a r t y i n t h e M o s t S u b l i m i n a l W a y ’160 x 160 cm | Oil on canvas | 2018

‘ W e i g h t l e s s l y F l o a t i n g ’ 160 x 160 cm | Oil on canvas | 2018

‘ T h e F u n g u s F i e l d s ’ 160 x 160 cm | Oil on canvas | 2018


B a t e q K u a l a K o h , K e l a n t a n I 92 x 122 cm | E-waste on jute, coated finished with 2 layer resin | 2018

B a t e q K u a l a K o h , K e l a n t a n I I 92 x 122 cm | E-waste on jute, coated finished with 2 layer resin | 2018

P o n d o f W a t e r L i l i e s 107 x 137 cm | E-waste on panel finished with epoxy clear resin + 2K matte resin | 2018

T r i o 1 , A f t e r S t e v e M a g a d a122 x 92 cm | E-waste on panel finished with epoxy clear resin | 2018

T r i o 2 , A f t e r S t e v e M a g a d a122 x 92 cm | E-waste on panel finished with epoxy clear resin | 2018

T r i o 3 , A f t e r S t e v e M a g a d a122 x 92 cm | E-waste on panel finished with epoxy clear resin | 2018


G l a d i o l u s122 x 104.5 cm | Oil on canvas | 2018

M y o s o t i s 122 x104.5 cm | Oil on canvas | 2018

Z i n n i a 122 x 104.5 cm | Oil on canvas | 2018


T h e R e d K a i j u R o a m s t h e A r t C i r c l e 152 x 152 cm | Oil & acrylic on jute | 2018

6 Y e a r s o f L i v i n g i n a B i a s e d S y s t e m 152 x 152 cm | Oil & acrylic on jute | 2018

T r a p p e d w i t h i n t h e B o u n d a r y o f A l t e r E g o s152 x 152 cm | Oil & acrylic on jute | 2018


D r e a m e r 120 x 170 cm | Oil on canvas | 2018

T a n g l e d120 x 170 cm | Oil on canvas | 2018


M u t i l a t e d 1 46 x 30.5 cm | Acrylic & collage in clear cast resin | 2018

M u t i l a t e d 2 46 x 30.5 cm | Acrylic & collage in clear cast resin | 2018

M u t i l a t e d 3 46 x 30.5 cm | Acrylic & collage in clear cast resin | 2018

M u t i l a t e d 4 46 x 30.5 cm | Acrylic & collage in clear cast resin | 2018

A M o m e n t 199 x 135 cm | Oil on linen | 2018


C h a n d e l i e r a n d S u r r o u n d i n g120 x 120 cm | Oil on linen | 2018

S u r r o u n d i n g s 118 x 77.5 cm | Oil on linen | 2018

T h e R o s e s 69.5 x 52.5 cm | Oil on linen | 2018


D o g m a152 x 122 cm | Mixed media on canvas | 2018


E m e r g e n c y c a s e150 x 150 cm | Oil on canvas | 2018

C a n I h a v e o n e ?150 x 150 cm | Oil on canvas | 2018


B u i l d i n g X I 99 x 138 cm | Pen ink on canvas | 2018

B u i l d i n g X I I 99 x 138 cm | Pen ink on canvas | 2018

B u i l d i n g X I I I 99 x 118 cm | Pen ink on canvas | 2018

B u i l d i n g X I V84 x 124 cm | Pen ink on canvas | 2018


A L - K H U Z A I R I E A L I Born 1984 in Kedah , Malays ia

EDUCATION2008 B.A (Hons) Art and Design (Ceramic), Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia2008 Diploma Art and Design (Ceramic), Universiti Teknologi MARA, Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia

SOLO EXHIBITION2016 Priceless, Rimbun Dahan, Selangor, Malaysia2012 Platoon, Galeri Chandan Publika, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia2010 Binoculars, Threesixty Art Development Studio, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia INTERNATIONAL SHOW/ARTFAIRS 2018 Art Expo Malaysia 2018 with G13 Gallery, Matrade, Malaysia 2016 Art Expo with Segaris Artr Centre, Matrade, Malaysia2014 Art Expo with Segaris Art Centre, Matrade, Malaysia Shanghai Art Fair with Wei Ling Gallery, Shanghai, China Young Guns, Singapore edition with Chan Hampe Gallery, Singapore2013 Art Expo Malaysia 2013 with Segaris Art Centre, MATRADE Exhibition & Convention Centre, Malaysia2012 NAFA’S Residensi Showcase Cycle One 2012, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS2018 Art AID 18, ‘Diri’, White Box, Publika, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia MERAH PUTIH BIRU KUNING, G13 Gallery, Kelana Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia Salon of Ceramic 2018 International Show, Unterer Hardthof Gallery, Giessen, Germany Locals Only 2018, Taksu, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia BINTANG 5: Vol3, Segaris Art Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Stories of 11 Artworks, Hom Art Trans, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia2017 Virtual Art Pitch 2 (VAP2) 2017, Galeri Chandan Publika, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Experimental Drawing, Core Design Gallery, Subang Jaya, Malaysia Art AID 17, ‘Bebas’, White Box, Publika, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Young Contemporaries 2016, National Visual Arts Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia2016 Bye Bye 2016, Musee Maenaka, Miyagi, Japan Art AID 16, Love For Sale, White Box, Publika, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Art Expo Malaysia 2016, Nadine Gallery, MATRADE Exhibition & Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Breathe, Galeri Chandan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Selsius 2016, 7th International Ceramic Festival, National Visual Arts Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Transit A2, HOM Art Trans, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia De/Corum: Re-Accepting Visual Conventions, Galeri Chandan Publika, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Grande3, Core Design Gallery, Subang Jaya, Malaysia Priceless, Rimbun Dahan Residency, Selangor, Malaysia Chanpuru 3 Man Show, Mominoki Gallery, Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan2015 X Canvas, Core Design Gallery, Subang Jaya, Malaysia Kita 3 Man Show, T&S Gallery, Tokyo, Japan Champuru, Echigo-Tsumari Niigata, Japan SHIFT, Taksu, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Extreme Portrait, Galeri Chandan Publika, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia2014 Samsung Masterpieces Malaysia Galeri Petronas KLCC, Malaysia ‘Fragments’, Taksu, Singapore

Route 19. International Exchange Exhibition. Malaysia & Holland. Pace Gallery, Selangor, Malaysia Art Expo Malaysia 2014. MATRADE Exhibition & Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Remarks, Art Cube Gallery. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Malaysian Eye Project. Exhibition and book launch of PRUDENTIAL MALAYSIAN EYE: Contemporary MALAYSIAN ART, White Box, Publika. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tomorrow’s Land, Pace Gallery, Selangor, Malaysia2013 Young Contemporaries 2013, National Visual Arts Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Young Guns, White Box, Publika, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Two Men Show, Bridge: From North to South, Jendela Visual Arts Space, and Esplanade, Singapore FIVE SEASONS, NDK Galerie & Kunstuitleen, Sittard, Netherland Destiny Young Group Show, National Visual Arts Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Century of the East, Silpakorn University, Thailand2012 Jakarta Contemporary Ceramic Biennale#2. Indonesia Visual Art &Ceramic Museum and North Art Space Gallery, Indonesia “Bright Young Things”, Wei Ling Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia2011 International Competition, Gyeonggi International Ceramix Biennale 2011, Icheon World Ceramic Center, Republic of Korea Two Man Show-”New Works”, Wei Ling Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Kalimah, Galeri Chandan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia {rt f (x) } art.effects ar.ti.facts, by Galeri Chandan @ Light Editions, Singapore2010 Merapi Eruption Art Exhibition, House of MATAHATI, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Heads Up, Wei Ling Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia TAKSU Singapore’s New Space Opening, TAKSU, Singapore

RESIDENCIES2018 Salon of Ceramic 2018 International Ceramic Workshop, Giessen, Germany2016 Rimbun Dahan Residency, Selangor, Malaysia2014 International Exchange Residency, Doronco Kamariyahigashi, Yokohama, Japan Samsung Masterpieces Digital Art Project by Samsung2013 International Exchange Residency, Echt, Netherland2012 International Ceramic Workshop, Silpakorn University, Sanamchandra Palace, Nakornpathom, Thailand

AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS2017 2nd Winner, Virtual Art Pitch 2 (VAP2) 2017, Galeri Chandan Publika, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia2016 Finalist Young Contemporaries 2016, National Visual Arts Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia2013 Finalist Young Contemporaries 2013, National Visual Arts Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Young Guns Awards 2013, White Box, Publika, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia2011 Honorable Mention, International Competition, Gyeonggi International Ceramix Biennale 2011, Icheon World Ceramic Center, Republic of Korea2009 Winners Malaysian Emerging Artists (MEA) Award, Soka Gakkai Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

A L E X A N D R A H O NBorn 1989 in Kuala Lumpur, Malays ia

EDUCATION2014 MFA Fine Art, Wimbledon College of Art, University of the Arts London, London

2012 BA Fine Art: Painting, Wimbledon College of Art, University of the Arts London, London.2009 Diploma in Fine Art, Malaysian Institute of Art, Malaysia

INTERNATIONAL SHOW/ART FAIRS2018 Art Expo Malaysia 2018 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia2017 Art Expo Malaysia Plus 2017 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Young Art Taipei 2017 with Artemis Art, Taipei, Taiwan 2014 Art Graduates Prize, Herbert Smith Freehills, London MFA Degree Show, Wimbledon College of Arts, London Disrupted, Crypt Gallery, London Sneakers Clash wall painting battle sponsored by Converse @ Archway Underground Station, London2013 Encompass: 2nd RAW London Showcase” @ Proud Camden, London Threads, group exhibition @ The Rag Factory, Brick Lane, London CHAIN Reaction group exhibition @ Menier Gallery, London Wimbledon College of Art’s “MFA Fine Art Pop-Up Show @ Russell Space”, 1st Flr, Russell Photo Imaging Office Building2012 BA Degree Show 2012, Wimbledon College of Art, London 10 out of 10, Vyner Street Gallery, London2010 Luxury, Wimbledon College of Art, London

SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITION2018 Filling the Void: A Conversation between Man and Space with G13 gallery, Malaysia2017 Journey 50 - MIA Alumni Art Exhibition 2017, Wisma Kebudayaan Soka Gakkai, Malaysia ARTAID17 - BEBAS, (to benefit Malaysian AIDS Foundation), WHITEBOX @ Publika, Malaysia Transit A1, HOM Art Trans, Malaysia Space of Time - 2017 International Women’s Art Exchange Programme @ Georgetown Festival, The Whiteaways Arcade, Malaysia 101 Di Mana YOUng’, National Art Gallery, Malaysia. 7th Anniversary Show, G13 Gallery, Malaysia2016 HOPE 2017, L’atelier Rouge Jaya One, Malaysia. ARTAID16 - Love for Sale” (to benefit Malaysian AIDS Foundation), WHITEBOX @ Publika, Malaysia “”,HOMArtTrans,Malaysia Youngsters, HOM Art Trans, Malaysia. Young & New VI, HOM Art Trans, Malaysia.2015 Young & Blooming, ChinaHouse Penang, Malaysia2014 Here We Come, HOM Art Trans, Malaysia2009 Fine Art Diploma Exhibition, Malaysian Institute of Art, Malaysia2008 Project Exposure 153, Malaysian Institute of Art (Jalan Ampang Building), Malaysia Division, Group Show, Findars Art Gallery, Malaysia Find Arts, Group Show, THEY Art Gallery, Malaysia

AWARDS2016 Shortlisted for UOB Painting of The Year 2016 for “Contemplating Mortality”2014 Finalist for REACH- Art For Youth London Diversity Visual rt Prize for “Right Where It Belongs” Shortlisted for Art Graduates Prize for “Iris”2011 Shortlisted for Bar-Tur Photography Award

A M Y N A Z I R A Born 1989 in Selangor, Malays ia

EDUCATION2015 Bachelor (Hons) Fine Art Majoring In Painting UiTM Shah Alam, Selangor2013 Diploma in Fine Art UiTM Lendu Alor Gajah, Melaka

INTERNATIONAL SHOW/ART FAIRS2018 Art Expo Malaysia 2018 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Bangkok Hotel Art Fair with G13 Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand2017 Art Kaohsiung with G13 Gallery, Taiwan Art Expo Malaysia Plus 2017 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia

SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITION2018 MARS 3x3 , Hom Art Trans, Malaysia Filling the Void: A Conversation between Man and Space with G13 gallery, Malaysia Bintang 5, Volume II with Segaris Art Centre, Malaysia2017 Sensation, Segaris Art Centre, Malaysia Transit A1 with MARS, Malaysia G13 7th Anniversary, G13 Gallery, Malaysia Parallel Poem, Duo by Amy Nazira & Safar Zin, HOM Art Trans, Malaysia 2016 Loket ‘Art For Rohingya’ Young Female Visual Artist Exhibition, Pwtc, Kl, Malaysia. Newcomers National Visual Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Uob Painting of The Year Henry Butcher Art Mont Kiara, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The Art of Paintegrity Institut Integrity Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Balai Seni Visual Negara Art Expo Malaysia plus, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Mosaic Art Project: Hom Art Trans Art Expo Malaysia Plus, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Nandos Art: Your Art. You’re Story. Publika Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Versus Animal #1 China House, Penang, Malaysia Muda Mudi Segaris Art Centre, Solaris @ Publika Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Youngsters Hom Art Trans, Ampang, Malaysia Citra Wanita Exhibition Exploring Women through Art, Aswara Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 1x1 Exhibition Titik Merah Gallery, Publika Solaris, Publika Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Enthrall, Tapg (The Art People Gallery), Klang, Malaysia Pameran Arau 1 Karya Untuk Koleksi Yayasan Tuanku Syed Putra Perlis, Aswara Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Young & Blooming Part Ii Collaboration between Hom Art Trans and China House, China House, Penang, Malaysia Young & New VI 2016 Hom Art Trans, Ampang, Malaysia2015 Pameran Terbuka 2015, Shah Alam Gallery, Selangor, Malaysia Ese-Art 2015 Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Upsi 19, Malaysia Degree Segaris Art Centre Solaris @ Publika Kl, Malaysia Degree Show: Load Fssr Uitm Shah Alam Selangor, Malaysia2014 Pameran Terbuka 2014, Shah Alam Gallery, Selangor, Malaysia Mural Floria Putrajaya, Putrajaya, Malaysia Lendu International Art Camp, Uitm Alor Gajah, Melaka, Malaysia2012 Sketsa Alam Melaka River Pirate Park, Melaka, Malaysia Diploma Show: Tunas Ilham Iii, Uitm Lendu Alor Gajah, Melaka, Malaysia

AWARDS2016 Bronze Award: Uob Painting Of The Year 2016 Curate Henry Butcher, Kl, Malaysia 3rd Place the Art of Paintegrity, Institut Integrity Malaysia, KL2015 Vice Chancellor’s Award Degree (Hons.) in Fine Art, UiTM Shah Alam, Selangor

2014 Incentive Awards, Pameran Terbuka 2014, Galeri Shah Alam, Selangor

A N I S A A B D U L L A H Born 1985 in Malays ia

EDUCATION2010 Bachelor (Hons.) Fine Art, Majoring in Painting, UiTM Shah Alam, Selangor2008 Diploma in Fine Art, Ikip College Kuantan, Pahang2004 Certificate in Fine Art, PERZIM, Melaka

SOLO EXHIBITION2013 Cebis-Cebis by Anisa Abdullah with Galeri Chandan, Malaysia

INTERNATIONAL SHOW/ARTFAIRS 2018 Art Expo Malaysia 2018 with G13 Gallery, Matrade, Malaysia 2016 Art Expo with Segaris Artr Centre, Matrade, Malaysia2014 Art Expo with Segaris Art Centre, Matrade, Malaysia Shanghai Art Fair with Wei Ling Gallery, Shanghai, China Young Guns, Singapore edition with Chan Hampe Gallery, Singapore2013 Art Expo Malaysia 2013 with Segaris Art Centre, MATRADE Exhibition & Convention Centre, Malaysia2012 NAFA’S Residensi Showcase Cycle One 2012, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS2018 MARS, Hom Art Trans, Malaysia Y Canvas with Core Design Gallery, Malaysia Mother and Child with Nadine Fine Art, Malaysia ‘Immaterial; a Compilation of the Unconventionals’ with G13 Gallery, Malaysia2017 Transit A1 with Hom Art Trans, Malaysia Sensation with Segaris Art Centre, Malaysia2016 De/ Corum with Chandan Gallery, Malaysia Sayang Seni 1.0, Wisma MCA Transit A2 with Hom Art Trans, Malaysia2015 Spice Select Yogjakarta with Pace Gallery, Malaysia Melukis Puisi: Sebuah Pencitraan Puisi-puisi Pyanhabib oleh 31 seniman kontemporari Malaysia, Extreme Potrait with Chandan Gallery, Malaysia2014 The Good Malaysian Woman, Black Box Publika, Malaysia Pulpa, with Galeri Chandan, Malaysia Pieces of me, art charity show, White Box, Malaysia2013 SEKAKI with Segaris Art Center, Publika, Malaysia Love Measurements with Wei-Ling Gallery, Malaysia Suarasa 2 with Segaris Art Center, Malaysia Zain Azhari’s Favourite with The Edge Gallerie, Malaysia Young Guns, House of Matahati, Malaysia Charity art show (typhoon Haiyan), White box, Publika, Malaysia2012 Independent Art-Space & Management (I AM) POPUP with House of Matahati, Malaysia Reminisces Two Men Show with RA Fine Arts, Malaysia Locals Only with Taksu, Malaysia An Environmental Art Show, Puncak Art Gallery, Malaysia Young Art Exhibition with RA Fine Arts, Malaysia2011 MEAA (Malaysian Emerging Artist Award) with HOM, Galeri Chandan & Soka Gakkai Malaysia New Young Contemporary Art Show with Pace Gallery, Malaysia Kalimah with Galeri Chandan, Malaysia Anniversary Show with Pace Gallery, Malaysia Signs, Symbols and Icon (Pameran 3 Artis) with Galeri Chandan, Malaysia Electic Magnetic with RA Fine Arts, Malaysia Pulp Friction with Galeri Chandan, Malaysia

Private Affairs with Galeri Chandan, Malaysia LiFest, MAP@Publika, Malaysia2010 Dis-Chromatic with Small Talk with the Moon, Malaysia Expressions of Malayan Tiger with Galeri Seni, Menara Maybank, Malaysia Open Show 2010 with Galeri Shah Alam, Malaysia Con/Form with Three Sixty Art Development Studio, Desa Park City, Malaysia LOAD with Galeri Tengku Nurzahirah (FSSR), UiTM, Malaysia Nando’s, kicking off with Art & Soul, One Utama Shopping Centre, Damansara Utama,Malaysia

AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS2011 Finalis MEAA (Malaysian Emerging Artist Award) Galeri Chandan, HOM & Soka Gakkai Malaysia2010 Consolation Prize, Tiger Expression, Galeri Seni Maybank2009 Incentive award, Open Show Shah Alam, Gallery Shah Alam

A R T S A N C H E Z Born 1980 in Caloocan Ci ty, Phi l ippines

EDUCATION2010 Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Technological Institute of the Philippines, Aurora Blvd. Quezon City

SOLO EXHIBITION2017 Unearthed, West Gallery, Mary Santos Arcade West Avenue Quezon City Philippines2016 On Sacred Ground, Blanc Gallery, 145 St.Ignatius Katipunan Ave. Quezon City Philippines2015 Undesirable Outcome, West Gallery Mary Santos Arcade West Avenue Quezon City Philippines2014 Phenomenal Field, Blanc Gallery, 145 St.Ignatius Katipunan Ave. Quezon City Philippines2013 When Fear Is Your Only God, West Gallery, Mary Santos Arcade West Avenue Quezon City Philippines Elsewhere Equator Art Projects Singapore, 47 Malan Road, #01-21 Gillman Barracks, Singapore, 109444, Singapore2012 Remains of The Day, Blanc Compound, Shaw Blvd2011 Momentary Pause, Blanc Compound, Shaw Blvd. Mandaluyong City, Philippines2010 Abysmal Introspection, Blanc Art Space, Makati Fragile Silhouettes, Nineveh Art Space Villa Silangan Sta. Cruz, Laguna

INTERNATIONAL SHOW/ARTFAIRS2018 Art Expo Malaysia 2018 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia The Way of The Flesh with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Art Fair Philippines 2017, D Link Makati City, Philippines2016 Continuum 2, Artist Space Ayala Museum, Makati City Art Fair Philippines 2016, D Link Makati City, Philippines2015 Art Fair Philippines 2015, D Link Makati City, Philippines2014 Art Fair Philippines, D Link. Makati City Philippines2013 Art Fair Philippines, D Link. Makati City Philippines2012 Art Stage Singapore , Jan.12-15 2011 Marina Bay Sands (Richard Kho Fine Art)2011 Artseasons 10th Year Anniversary, Eunos Technolink Singapore Elephant Parade 2011 Singapore, Asian Civilization Museum Singapore (Bula)

SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITION 2018 Tumba Tumba: A Proof Of Concept Show, Vargas Museum U.P. Diliman, Quezon City. Philippines Happening Now, Angkla Art Gallery, Angono Rizal,

Philippines Intension, Blanc Gallery, 145 St.Ignatius Katipunan Ave. Quezon City Philippines2017 Re: View 2017, Year End Group Show Gallery Indigo Bencab Museum Benguet Baguio City Philippines Karapatan: Artist Stand For Human Rights, Vargas Museum U.P. Diliman, Quezon City. Philippines Collage Show: Underground Gallery, Makati Philippines2016 Continuum 2, Artist Space Ayala Museum, Makati City Re: View 2016, Year End Group Show, Gallery Indigo Bencab Museum Benguet Baguio City Philippines Homebound, A Survey Of Recent Developments In Angono Contemporary Art, Cultural Center Of The Philippines, Manila, Philippines Daloy, Vargas Museum U.P. Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines Directions: Survey Of Philippine Contemporary Art 2016 Metropolitan Museum Of The Philippines, Roxas Blvd. Manila Philippines2015 Paperview, Project Space Pilipinas And Disclab Lucban, Quezon The Order Of Things Before Their Arrival, First Lucban Art Festival, Project Space Pilipinas And Disclab Lucban, Quezon2014 Continuum, Artist Space Ayala Museum, Makati City Alternate Route, Nineveveh Art Space Sta.Cruz, Laguna Relative Realities, Yuchengco Museum Makati City Philippines Philippine Art Award, Yuchengco Museum Makati City Philippines2013 Picturesque, Vargas Museum U.P. Diliman, Quezon City. Philippines Deeply Rooted, Blanc Gallery, St. Ignatius St. Katipunan Ave. Quezon City Philippines The Mona Lisa Project, Small Gallery, Cultural Center Of The Philippines, Roxas Blvd. Manila2012 Latitudes Encounters With The Philippines Part 2, Primo Marella Gallery 2012-Viale Stelvio, 66,Milan Italy Philippine Art Awards, National Museum Of The Philippines Manila, Philippines2011 Departure Area, Republikha Art Space Eastwood City Libis, Quezon City 2010 Tutok Ano Bayan!, Cultural Center Of The Philippines Romantic Kill, Tala Gallery, Tomas Morato, Quezon City These Are Days, Blanc Peninsula Makati, City

A Z I Z U L N A S I RBorn 1991 in Johor Bahru, Malays ia

EDUCATION2009 Diploma in Fine Art. Universiti Teknologi Mara (Lendu, MELAKA).2012 Bachelor of Fine Art (Painting) with Honours Universiti Teknologi Mara (Shah Alam).

INTERNATIONAL SHOW/ART FAIRS2018 Art Expo Malaysia 2018 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia2017 Art Kaohsiung with G13 Gallery, Taiwan Art Expo Malaysia Plus 2017 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia

SOLO EXHIBITION 2017 G13 Project Room: Kembara Mergasatua, Azizul Nasir Showcase, G13 Gallery, Malaysia

GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2018 Art Show Publika 2018, White Box Publika & The Boulevard Red Zone Publika Shopping Gallery, Malaysia

Filling the Void: A Conversation between Man and Space with G13 gallery, Malaysia Bintang 5, Volume II with Segaris Art Centre, Malaysia2017 Sensation, Segaris Art Centre, Malaysia G13 Gallery 7th Anniversary Show, G13 Gallery, Malaysia2016 Muda Mudi Show, Segaris Art Center, Malaysia Mosaic Art, HOM Art Trans, Malaysia Open Show, Galeri Shah Alam, Malaysia Image of life, Art with Heart – Collaboration RHB & BSVN 2015 19 Degree Group Show, Segaris Art Center, Malaysia Exploration Show, Eye Art Gallery, Malaysia Tauhid, MASA Gallery, Malaysia Degree Show, Fakulti Seni Lukis dan Seni Reka, Shah Alam Selangor2014 Open Show, Galeri Shah Alam, Malaysia Nandos Art Initiative, Malaysia (Finalist Nandos Art Competition) 2012 Nando’s Art Competition Open Show, Galeri Shah Alam. Selangor2011 Diploma Show, Fakulti Seni Lukis dan Seni Reka, Melaka

C H A Y A N I N K W A N G K A E WBorn 1990 in Thai land

EDUCATIONMaster’s degree Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts, Silpakorn UniversityBachelor’s degree Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University

INTERNATIONAL SHOW/ART FAIRS2018 Art Expo Malaysia 2018 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Hotel Art Fair Bangkok with G13 Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand2017 Art Expo Malaysia Plus 2017 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Art Stage Singapore 2017 with G13 gallery, Singapore2016 Art Expo Malaysia Plus 2016 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia We R Gen-Y, G13 Gallery, Malaysia View from The 6ix, G13 Gallery, Malaysia

SOLO EXHIBITION2018 ‘Silence Speaks’, a Solo Exhibition with G13 Gallery, Malaysia

SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITION2018 Elements of Breath, Dark Horse Experiment, Melbourne, Australia Free Form”, The Seven Art Gallery, Thailand2018 Art for life: Mercy mission, The Queen’s Gallery, Thailand2017 “Forever King”, The international visual artist association of Thailand, Central Embassy, Thailand “In remembrance of our beloved King”, K Village, Thailand 10th of Thailand’s Art Association, The Art Gallery, Thailand The concept of self: on power, identity and labels”, S.A.C. Subhashok The Art Centre, Bangkok2015 “Desire” at People’s Gallery Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, Thailand

2014 Featured in the 26th Toshiba “Brings Good Things to Life” art competition 2014 Featured in the 4th Asia Plus Art Exhibition2013 Featured in the 4th UOB Painting of the Year competition Featured in the 30th Exhibition of Contemporary Artby Young Artists “Landing” at Brown Sugar Bangkok2011 Landscape Painting Exhibition at Silpakorn University

AWARDS2017 Krungthai Art Awards 32012 Special prize, the 6th Jintanakarn Suebsarn Wanakamthai project with Intouch First Place, the painting contest on the occasion of 85 Years of The Royal Father in Our Hearts art exhibition to glorify His Majesty the King at O.P. Garden First Place, Coffee Painting Competition Season 2 at Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Museum

D E X T E R S Y Born 1979 in Manila, Philippines

EDUCATION Bachelor of Fine Arts Major in Advertising, Far Eastern University, Philippines

RESIDENCY2017 Centre Intermondes, La Rochelle, France (Alliance Francaise)2015 Haslla International Open Air Museum Residency and Haslla Art World Museum, Hawm, Korea2012 Haslla International Open Air Museum Residency and Haslla Art World Museum, Hawm, Korea2011 Haslla International Open Air Museum Residency and Haslla Art World Museum, Hawm, Korea

SOLO EXHIBITION2017 Alliance Francaise, Centre Intermondes, La Rochelle, France “Forms and formless”, Ayala Artistspace, Ayala Museum2016 “Terrain” UP Vargas Museum, Philippines Solo at Art Fair Philippines, Galerie Michael Janssen Berlin, Philippines2015 “Above Us” Haslla Art World Museum, Hawm, Korea “Identity Crisis”, 1335mabini Gallery, Philippines 2014 “All Things Pass”, Boston Gallery August 23, Philippines “Appetite for Self Destruction”, 1335Mabini October 25, Philippines 2013 “Lineage”, Boston Gallery, Quezon City, Philippines 2012 If things were perfect, West Gallery, Quezon City, Philippines Chasing my own tail, Boston Gallery, Quezon City, Philippines2011 Point of Difference, Boston Gallery, Quezon City, Philippines

INTERNATIONAL SHOW/ART FAIRS2018 Art Expo Malaysia 2018 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia “Pintokyo” with Pinto Museum and Asian

Cultural Council, Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan Art Fair Philippines 2018 with D Link Makati City, Philippines2017 “Poop Art”, Sea Jae-in Museum, South Korea “Pinto Manhattan Manila” with Pinto Gallery, Manhattan, New York “Pinto Manhattan Manila” with Urban Zen, Manhattan, New York “Art Stage Singapore” with Gallery Zimmermann Kratochwill, Singapore “Art Fair Philippines” with Galerie Michael Janssen “Art Fair Philippines” with 1335mabini, Philippines “Art Taipei” Gallery Kogure Tokyo Japan, Taiwan “Art Stage Jakarta” with Dilegno Gallery Singapore, Indonesia “Art Stage Jakarta” with Gallery Kogure Tokyo Japan, Indonesia2016 “Art Stage Singapore 2016” with Galerie Michael Janssen, Singapore “Tales from the land of 7000 Islands” with Di legno Gallery, Singapore “2,995KM” with Gallerie Kogure, Tokyo, Japan2015 “Imago mundi”, Luciano Benetton Collection, Rome, Italy Art Fair Philippines, 1335mabini Gallery, Philippines2014 “Morpheus” The Hive Gallery, Los Angeles California, US2013 Art Fair Philippines 2013 with D Link Makati City, Philippines La Luz de Jesus Gallery with The Coaster Show, Los Angeles, USA Artery Post-Modern Gallery, “Inevitably Imperfect”, Bangkok, Thailand Haslla Art World Museum, Asia Artist Exhibition, Korea

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS2018 “Cumulus Blimp”, 2 Man Show Exhibition, Mabini Projects, Philippines 2017 “Order of Objects after Arrival”, Project Space Pilipinas, Philippines “Inevitably Imperfect 2”, Vinyl on Vinyl Gallery, Philippines “Re-View”, Bencab Museum, Philippines2016 Continuum 2, Artist Space Ayala Museum, Makati City, Philippines RE: VIEW 2016, Year End Group show, Gallery Indigo BenCab Museum Benguet Baguio City, Philippines HOMEBOUND, A SURVEY OF RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ANGONO CONTEMPORARY ART, Cultural Center of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines Daloy, Vargas Museum U.P. Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines Directions: Survey of Philippine Contemporary Art 2016, Metropolitan Museum of the Philippines, Roxas Blvd. Manila, Philippines2014 Re: View, Bencab Museum, Baguio City, Philippines CCP “Sinners and Saint, Philippines CANVAS Vargas Museum “, Myths and Legends”, Philippines2013 Re: View, Bencab Museum, Baguio City, Philippines Alay16, Boston Gallery, Quezon City, Philippines Frankenstein Show, Vinyl on Vinyl, Makati City, Philippines

3rd Year Anniversary Show, Vinyl on Vinyl, Makati City, Philippines 2012 Re: View, Bencab Museum, Baguio City, Philippines Alay15 Boston Gallery, Quezon City, Philippines After Dali, Now Gallery, Makati City, Philippines Bototoy, Secret Fresh, San Juan, Philippines Philippine Art Awards (Philip Morris), National Museum, Manila, Philippines After Mirth, Altromondo Gallery, Makati City, Philippines2011 Dia de los muertos, Secret Fresh, San Juan, Philippines VSO, Ayala Museum, Makati City, Philippines Alay 14, Boston Gallery, Quezon City, Philippines Manifestation, Blanc Gallery, Makati City, Philippines Re: View, Bencab Museum, Baguio City, Philippines Philippine Art Awards (Philip Morris), National Museum, Manila, Philippines CientoCincuenta, Pinto Museum, Antipolo, Philippines Roaring twenty and more, Altromondo Gallery, Makati City, Philippines

AWARDS2018 Far Eastern University Green and Gold Outstanding Alumni Awardee2017 Grand Prize Winner, Alliance Francaise Don Papa Rum Art Competition 2016 Grand Prize Winner, Philippine Art Awards (Philip Morris) 2015 Top Ten NCR Finalist, Philippine Art Awards (Philip Morris) 2012 Jurors Choice for Excellence, Philippine Art Awards (Philip Morris) 2011 Top Ten NCR Finalist, Philippine Art Awards (Philip Morris) 2010 Jurors Choice for Excellence, Philippine Art Awards (Philip Morris) 2009 Top Ten NCR Finalist, Philippine Art Awards (Philip Morris) 2007 Top Ten NCR Finalist, Philippine Art Awards (Philip Morris) 2005 Finalist, Philippine Art Awards (Philip Morris) 2004 Grand Prize Winner, Maningning Miclat Art Foundation Art Competition

L A M P U K A N S A N O H Born 1983 in Samut Songkram, Thai land

EDUCATIONDiploma of Fine Arts, College of Fine Arts, Lad Krabang campus, Bangkok, ThailandBachelor of Fine Arts (Paintings), Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand (Second Honour)Master of Fine Arts (Paintings) Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

SOLO EXHIBITION2016 “Love Impressions”, ARDEL Gallery of Modern Art, Bangkok2013 “Global Warming”, ARDEL Gallery of Modern Art, Bangkok “Nah, just A Stop Over”, Yavuz Fine Art, Singapore2011 “Love Untitled”, Valentine Willie Fine Art, Singapore “Bitter Sweet”, ARDEL Gallery of Modern Art,

Bangkok2009 “Nonsense: No-nonsense”, a solo exhibition at ARDEL Gallery of Modern Art

INTERNATIONAL SHOW / ART FAIRS2018 Art Expo Malaysia 2018 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Bangkok Hotel Art Fair with G13 Gallery, Thailand Art Busan with G13 Gallery, Korea Art Central with S.A.C Subhashok The Arts Centre, Hong Kong2017 ConFiguraTion: Parallel Universe, at G13 Gallery, Kelana Jaya Selangor, Malaysia2015 Group Exhibition, Art exhibition and exchange: Vietnam - Malaysia - Thailand, at Fine arts, Photography and Exhibition Centre, 29 Hang Bai, Hanoi, Vietnam2012 “Winds of Artist in Residence Part 2”, at Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Japan2009 “The 4th Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale 2009”, Japan

SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2017 “Indo-Indie Visual Art”, at Poh-Chang Academy of Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin, Bangkok.2015 “18Exhibition”,atRatchadamnoen Contemporary Art Center, Bangkok Visual Art for ASEAN, at Ratchadamnoen Contemporary Art Center, Bangkok2012 “Art Unity to Honor our Glory King and Queen”, at Teeoli, Bangkok d’walk of art space, Bangkok “Reading Europe” at Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok2010 “Colours of Beijing “at Krung Thai Bank Art Gallery, Yaowaraj, Bangkok 2009 “The Way to Art” an exhibition by graduate students of Department of Painting, Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University “Young Female Artists of the Year by Bann Lae Suan”, a group exhibition by ARDEL Gallery in collaboration with Bann Lae Suan magazine, Impact Arena, Muangthong Thani Exhibition “The Way to Art” by students of master degree Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Art, Silpakorn University at Bangkok Art and Culture Centre2008 Charity Art Exhibition for the dogs under the title “My Friends” at Central World Plaza 2007 “The 22nd PTT Art Contest” “Eight Maters created arts in the Land of Dragon” 9th Panasonic Art Contest “24th Exhibition of Contemporary Art by Young Artists” “Dark and Light” at Teo Nam Fah Gallery”

AWARDS2012 Second Prize of KTB Support of National Exhibition of Art No. 58 Selected Artist in “Residence Program” at Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Japan2009 Scholarship for China Field Trip and Art Creation awarded by Dr. Chumpol Pornprapha Selected as one of the Thai artists to exhibit in “The 4th Fukuoka Asian Art Triennia 2009” in Japan 2008 Bronze Medal, Painting Section, 54th National Exhibition of Art - First Prize of the 20th Toshiba “Brings Good Things to Life” Art Exhibition 2008

2007 Silpa Bhirasri Gold Medal Award of “24th Exhibition of Contemporary Art by Young Artists” Second Prize of KTB Support of National Exhibition of Art No.53 Second Prize of the 19th Toshiba “Brings Good Things to Life” Art Exhibition Second Prize of KTB Support of National Exhibition of Art No.53 Second Price of Exhibition in the 10th Panasonic Art Contest2006 Special Award of the 18th Toshiba “Brings Good Things to Life” Art Exhibition 2006. Grand Prize Winner of the 3rd Young Thai Artist Award - (Two Dimensional Art) organized by SCG Foundation Second Prize of the 20th PTT Art Contest - Second Prize of the 17th Toshiba “Brings Good Things to Life” Art Exhibition 2005 Silpa Bhirasri Silver Medal Award from “23rd Exhibition of Contemporary Art by Young Artists”

T R I R A T S R I B U R I N Born 1984 in Thai land

EDUCATION2007 BFA (visual arts), Faculty of fine and applied arts, Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakham2013 MFA (Graphic Arts), Graduate School, Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

SOLO EXHIBITION2017 “Boxes Of Life “G13 project Room with G13 Gallery, Malaysia2016 “Building” at People’s Gallery, Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, Thailand2015 “Print make Print” at The National Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand

INTERNATIONAL SHOW/ART FAIRS2018 Art Expo Malaysia 2018 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Hotel Art Fair Bangkok with G13 Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand2016 Art Expo Plus malaysia with G13 Gallery, Malaysia2015 Hanoi March Conecting International Art Exhibition and Workshop, Hanoi, Vietnam Asia Contemporary Art Show, Hong kong, China2013 4th Guanlan International Print Biennial China 2013 “Print Resonance” Exhibition, Canada, Belgium, USA, Japan and Thailand2012 The 3rd Young Artists Talent Art Exhibition in Los Angeles, USA

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS2015 Asian Watercolor Art Workshop and Exhibition 2016, Krabi, Thailand2014 8 Year Young Artists Talent Exhibition The 60th National Exhibition of Art Thailand The art exhibition “The 3rd White Elephant Art Award “MY HOMELAND” By Thai Beverage Public Company Limited2013 Little Big Print by 196 Thai and Foreign Artists Exhibition The 15th Panasonic Contemporary Painting Exhibition2012 The 3rd Young Artists Talent Art Exhibition 2012 Thailand The 58th National Exhibition of Art Thailand The14th Panasonic Contemporary Painting Exhibition2011 The 2nd Young Artists Talent Art Exhibition 2011 The 57th National Exhibition of Art Thailand The 26th Ptt Art Exhibition 84 Year of Dedication: Our

Beloved Father of Land, Thailand2010 The 22th Toshiba “Brings Good Things to Life” Art Exhibition 20102009 The 21th Toshiba “Brings Good Things to Life” Art Exhibition 2009 The 2 nd Bangkok Triennial International Print and Drawing Exhibition The 26th Exhibition of Contemporary art by Young Artist2008 The 25th Exhibition of Contemporary art by Young Artist The 7 th Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Japan2007 Young Thai Artist Award Exhibition 2007 Art Thesis Exhibition of Fine Arts Program in Visual Arts Faculty of Fine art Mahasarakham University The 24th Exhibition of Contemporary art by Young Artist The 19th Toshiba “Brings Good Things to Life” Art Exhibition 20072006 The 23th Exhibition of Contemporary art by Young Artist The 18th Toshiba “Brings Good Things to Life” Art Exhibition 2006 The 52th National Exhibition of Art Thailand

AWARDS2018 Honorable Mention Award at the 18th Asian Art Biennale Bangladesh 2018 2013 A Scholarship of USA Field Trip by Office of Contemporary Art and Culture 20132012 7nd Visual Arts Exhibition At The Office Of The TouritySuthoyity Of Thailand In Los Angeles, California, Organized by Thai Art Council In USA And Ministry Of Culture Of Thailand 20122011 Krungthai Bank Award 57th National Exhibition of Art Special Award, The 22th Bring Good Things To Life Art Exhibition By Toshiba Company, Bangkok, Thailand 2010 Special Award, The 21thBring Good Things To Life Art Exhibition By Toshiba Company, Bangkok, Thailand 2009 SilpaBhirasri Silver Medal Award, The 26th Contemporary Art by Young Artists Competition on The Occasion of “SilpaBhirasri Day” 20092008 SilpaBhirasri Silver Medal Award, the 25thContemporary Art by Young Artists Competition on The Occasion of “SilpaBhirasri Day” Special Award, The 19thBring Good Things To Life Art Exhibition By Toshiba Company, Bangkok, Thailand 2007 Winner Prize (Two-Dimensional Art Category) Young Thai Artist Award 2007 by Siam Cemen Foundation Special Award, The 18th Bring Good Things To Life Art Exhibition By Toshiba Company, Bangkok, Thailand 2006 Awards Support Young Artists, 23rd Contemporary Art by Young Artists 2006 A Scholarship for Young Artists from The Siam Cement Foundation, Young Thai Artists Award

F A I Z A L S U H I F Born 1984 in Muar, Malays ia

EDUCATION2013 M.A in Fine Art, UiTM Shah Alam2008 Degree Hons in Fine Art, UiTM Shah Alam2006 Diploma in Fine Art, UiTM Malacca

SOLO EXHIBITION2017 Visual Poetry with G13 Gallery, Malaysia2016 Hidden: Tresure of a natural world, Vallete Gallery, Malaysia2014 Stories from the Soil with G13 Gallery, Malaysia2013 Fossil, Beranda Langkawi Art Gallery, Malaysia2012 Silent Diary, G13 Gallery, Malaysia2011 A Piece of Land..., Shah Alam Gallery, Malaysia2002 First Show, SekolahMenengah Air Hitam, Malaysia

INTERNATIONAL SHOW/ART FAIRS2018 Art Expo Malaysia 2018 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia

Art Stage Singapore 2018 with G13 Gallery, Singapore2017 Art Expo Malaysia Plus 2017 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Bilateral Bond with Taksu, Singapore2014 Art Expo Malaysia 2014, G13 Gallery at Matrade Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur2012 1st Printmaking Triennial, Macau China Dialogue II - Gaya Fusion, Bali, Indonesia2011 HijrahWarna, 3rd WARNA Group Art Exhibition, Utterly Art, Singapore Art Expo Malaysia 2011, Matrade Kuala Lumpur2009 Change- Wandel Mail Art 2008, Galerie Colongnialwaren, Berlin Germany2008 The 11th Mail Art Exhibition- Postcards from The Edge, A Benefit for Visual AIDS, US2007 Malaysian Art Festival, Dhaka Bangladesh The Masters’ Mystery Art Show Ritz- Carlton, Art Basel Miami NBC International Silkscreen Print Biennial Exhibition, Tokyo Japan

SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITION2018 Go Block, G13 gallery, Malaysia Di antara Itu & Ini, Fergana, Balai Seni Negara, Malaysio Mars 3, Hom Art Trans, Malaysia ArtAid18 DIRI, White Box, Malaysia 2017 Young Contemporary with Curate Henry Butcher, Malaysia Look This Way with Vallette Gallery, Malaysia Much Ado about Drawing with Core Design Gallery, Malaysia BAREHANDs Asian Artist Residency Project Kuala Lumpur 2017, Balai Seni Negara, Malaysia NEGARAKU, National Art Gallery, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Faizal v Haafiz: DAWN of Extended Printmaking, Core Design Gallery, Malaysia Bakat Muda Sezaman, BSVN, Kuala Lumpur Art @ the Row with Vallette Gallery, Malaysia Young Guns with HOM Art Trans. Malaysia G13 Gallery 7th Anniversary Show with G13 Gallery, Malaysia2016 Suarasa 5 with Segaris Art Centre, Malaysia Dawn of Extended Printmaking with Core Design Gallery, Malaysia2015 G13 Anniversary Show with G13 Gallery, Malaysia MERU, Segaris Art Centre, KL, Malaysia Suarasa 4, Segaris Art Centre, Malaysia Abstraction, Core Design Gallery, Malaysia X Canvas Core Design Gallery, Malaysia Test Print II, HOM, Ampang KL, Malaysia2014 TEMU, Two-man show, 69 Gallery, KL, Malaysia Read Drawing, Petronas Gallery,KL, Malaysia Open Show, National Visual Art Gallery, KL Suarasa 3, Segaris Art Centre, Malaysia Test Print, HOM, Ampang KL, Malaysia2013 Young Contemporary, G13 Gallery, Malaysia Spice, Pace Gallery, Malaysia Destiny - Young Contemporary Group Exhibition, National Visual Art Gallery, Malaysia Master Show, UiTM Showcase Gallery, Malaysia2012 Open Show, G13 Gallery, Malaysia Ember, Qube Gallery, Malaysia Malaysia - Iran Art Exhibition, Aswara Gallery, Malaysia Beautiful Mind, Core Design Gallery, Malaysia Malaysian Landscape, Core Design Gallery, Malaysia Ahmad Scissorshand, Core Design Gallery, Malaysia2011 First Page, Pinkguy Gallery, Malaysia Expression, ASWARA Fine Art Faculty Group Show, Malaysia Figure Drawing Exhibition, Shah Alam Gallery, Malaysia Colour Expression, PelitaHati, Malaysia This Is It, Core Design Gallery, Malaysia Rasa Antarabangsa, UKM, Malaysia

GOHD, Wei-Ling Contemporary @ Gardens, Malaysia The Malaysian Rice Plate Project, Wei-Ling Gallery in conjuction with Ministry of Tourism, Malaysia Obsession Art Disorder, Core Design Gallery, Malaysia Expression 2 by MaTiC, Art Gallery, Malaysia The Way We See, DuniaSeniLukis Gallery, Malaysia Cirque Du Freak, Core Design Gallery, Malaysia2010 Locals Only, Taksu Gallery KL, Malaysia Printmaking Show, MuziumSeni Asia Universiti Malaya, Malaysia Earth Hour, Zinc Gallery, Malaysia H20 Group Exhibition, Art Village Bangsar, Malaysia GR8 New Generation, Wei-Ling Gallery, Malaysia Mekar Citra Art Exhibition, Shah Alam Gallery, Malaysia VAA Young Contemporary, Gallery@ Starhill, Malaysia The Regiment- Alternative Printmaking Exhibtion, USM Penang, Malaysia MATIC Contemporary Group Exhibition, Malaysia Figure Drawing Exhibition, MaTiC Art Gallery, Malaysia Absolute 18@8, Wei-Ling Gallery, Malaysia Merapi Charity Art Exhibition, HOM, Malaysia

AWARDS2011 Jurors Awards, UKM Bangi,2009 Consolation prize, Johor Open Show, Malaysia Finalist, Malaysian Resources Corporation Berhad Art Awards2008 Consolation prize, Nando’s Perify Your Art Competition, Malaysia2007 Honorable mention, NBC International Silkscreen Print Biennial Exhibition 3rd prize, Dentsu Toyota Blank Canvas Project Consolation prize, IMU International Art Competition 5th prize, Saloon Meets Art Competition

RESIDENCY2013 Beranda Art Residency, Langkawi2012 G13 Gallery Bali Residency Program, Bali2011 AiR Shah Alam Gallery2008 AiR Art Village, Selangor

F A I Z Z A Born 1991 in Perak, Malays ia

EDUCATION2017 Master in Fine Art & Technology, UiTM Shah Alam2014 B. A in Fine Art (Painting) UiTM Seri Iskandar, Perak2012 Diploma in Art and Design, Fine Art, UiTM Lendu, Melaka

INTERNATIONAL SHOW/ARTFAIRS2018 Art Expo Malaysia 2018 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia

EXHIBITIONS2018 Art Show Publika 2018, White Box Publika & The Boulevard Red Zone Publika Shopping Gallery, Malaysia Relationship, Group Art Exhibition, Segaris Art Center, Publika, Malaysia U12 Art Exhibition, Galeri Prima, Balai Berita, Bangsar, Malaysia From the Studio, Trans 56, Publika, Malaysia Bintang 5, Vol: #1, Segaris Art Center, Malaysia2017 Altruism, Galeri Prima, Balai Berita, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sensation, Whitebox MAPKL, Publika, Malaysia Platform III, Thrownness (Geworfenheit), Galeri Chandan, Malaysia School of Thought, White Box @ MAP Publika, Malaysia ‘Aqal II, Segaris Art Center, Malaysia2014 Charity Show Art for Manek Urai, Galeri Chandan, Malaysia

Degree Show at UiTM Seri Iskandar, Malaysia2013 PIOR Perak, Malaysia Citra Terengganu, Malaysia Nando’s Perify Your Art Competition, Malaysia2012 Pameran Terbuka 12: Open Shah Alam at Galeri Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia Pameran Diploma FSSR Tunas Ilham 9 at Dewan Taming Sari, UiTM Lendu Melaka, Malaysia Group Show; ARTO Movement, ‘Takik II’ at Balai Seni Lukis Melaka, Malaysia Potret Melaka, Balai Seni Lukis Melaka, Malaysia2011 Diploma Show at UiTM Lendu, Melaka, Malaysia Group Show; ARTO Movement, ‘Takik’ at Galeri Seni FSSR, UiTM Melaka, Malaysia Group Show; ARTO Movement, ‘Still Life’ at Galeri Seni FSSR, UiTM Melaka, Malaysia2010 Group Show; ARTO Movement, ‘Kala Warna Bertatih’ at Galeri Seni FSSR, UiTM Melaka, Malaysia

H A Z I Q S Y A W A LBorn 1994 in Gombak, Malays ia

EDUCATION2016 Bachelor (Hons) in Fine Art, Faculty of Art & Design Universiti Teknologi MARA (Shah Alam), Selangor, Malaysia 2013 Diploma in Fine Art, Faculty of Art & Design Universiti Teknologi MARA (Lendu), Melaka, Malaysia

INTERNATIONAL SHOW/ART FAIRS2018 Art Expo Malaysia 2018 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia2016 Art Expo 2016, HOM Trans Mosaic Art Project with HOM Art Trans, Matrade, Malaysia SOLO EXHIBITIONS2018 G13 Project Room: Haziq Syawal, G13 Gallery, Malaysia

SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS2018 Art Show Publika 2018, White Box Publika & The Boulevard Red Zone Publika Shopping Gallery, Malaysia Merah Putih Biru Kuning, G13 gallery, Malaysia Relationship, Segaris Art Center, Malaysia U12 Group Show, Galeri Prima, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Bintang 5, Volume II with Segaris Art Centre, Malaysia 2017 New Comers with Balai Seni Lukis Space 2, Hotel Seri Pacific, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Altruism with Galeri Prima, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia “Clean”, Open Penang Show with Balai Seni Lukis Penang, Malaysia Sensation, Segaris Art Center, Publika, Malaysia Platform III with Galeri Chandan, Publika, Malaysia China House, Penang, Malaysia 2nd Wave with TAPG Gallery, Malaysia2016 Journey, a group showcase, Port Commune, Malaysia KAMI IV Art Exhibition with Arti Gallery, Malaysia Nando’s Art Initiative 2016, Publika, Malaysia Muda Mudi Exhibition with Segaris Art Center, Publika, Malaysia SAS Project, Group charity show with EyeArt Gallery, Alam Impian, Shah Alam, Malaysia #WYDD’s, Degree Show with UiTM Shah Alam, Malaysia 2015 FUSE with EyeArt Gallery, Alam Impian, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia OTW (Off the Wall), UiTM Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia Bayangan II with Arti Gallery, Malaysia KAMI III Art Exhibition with Arti Gallery, Malaysia 2014 Bayangan I with Arti Gallery, Malaysia 2013 Kepada Dia Berserah, MAA Gallery KL Sentral, Malaysia 2012 ARTGENG, Perzim, 1x1 Exhibiton, Kota A Famosa, Melaka, Malaysia

AWARDS2015 Third Runner Up for AliCafe Graffiti Competition over Universities, UiTM Shah Alam, Malaysia

K H A I R U D I N Z A I N U D I N Born 1987 in Kelantan, Malays ia

SOLO EXHIBITION2016 Oriental Express: Beyond Identity, G13 Gallery, Malaysia2015 Art Stage Singapore 2015 with G13 Gallery, Singapore2014 Young Artist Discovery, Art Taipei with G13 Gallery, Taiwan Senyap Dalam Gege with G13 Gallery, Malaysia

INTERNATIONAL SHOW/ART FAIRS2018 Art Expo Malaysia 2018 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Hotel Art Fair Bangkok with G13 Gallery, Thailand2017 Art Kaohsiung with G13 Gallery, Taiwan Art Expo Malaysia Plus 2017 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Contemporary Art Singapore 2017 with Segaris Art Centre, Singapore2016 Art Kaoshiung 2017 with G13 Gallery, Taiwan Art Taipei 2016 with G13 Gallery, Taiwan Art Expo Malaysia Plus 2016 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Art Stage Singapore with G13 Gallery, Singapore2015 Art Kaohsiung, with G13 Gallery, Taiwan Art Taipei, with G13 Gallery, Taiwan Art Expo Malaysia Plus 2015 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Bazaar Art Jakarta, with G13 Gallery, Indonesia Ke - Yuan New Stars 2015 with Ke- Yuan Gallery, Taiwan2014 Art Expo 2014 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia2013 Art Expo 2013 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia

SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITION2018 Art Show Publika 2018, White Box Publika & The Boulevard Red Zone Publika Shopping Gallery, Malaysia MARS, Hom Art Trans, Malaysia The Merdeka Show with Nadine Fine Art, Malaysia Kisah Bunga Putih at Aswara, Malaysia Filling the Void: A Conversation between Man and Space with G13 gallery, Malaysia2017 (Im)Possibilities with Galeri Chandan, Malaysia 5 Bintang,Volumn 1 with Segaris Art Centre, Malaysia Look This Way with Vallette Gallery, Malaysia Sensation with Segaris Art Centre, Malaysia BaratEast with Chandan gallery, Malaysia Transit A1 with MARS, Malaysia Young Guns 2017, with HOM Art Trans, White Box, Publika, Malaysia Amal Insani; Autism, Balai Seni Visual Negara, Malaysia Riceland, Nadine Fine Art, Malaysia IP Kreatif Art Exhibition, White Box, MAP Iskandar Puteri, Johor, Malaysia Art @ The Row, Vallette Gallery, Malaysia2016 Transit A2, HOM Art Trans, Malaysia The Practitioners, Segaris Art Centre Gallery, Malaysia Young Malaysian Artists III, Galeri Petronas, Malaysia2015 Tales From The City with G13 Gallery, Malaysia2014 Suarasa 3 with Segaris Art Centre, Malaysia ‘AQAL’ Graduate show, with Segaris Art Centre, Malaysia Prudential Malaysian Eye, Publika, Malaysia Read Drawing with Petronas Gallery, Malaysia ConFiguraTion with G13 Gallery, Malaysia2013 Young and New Exhibition with House of Matahati, Malaysia KL Jazz Festival with University of Malaya, Malaysia M50 Merdeka Exhibition with Morne Art Gallery, Malaysia AQAL with Segaris Art Centre, Malaysia2012 Citra Terengganu 2012 with Muzium Terengganu, Malaysia Earth with Puncak Art Gallery, Malaysia Rasa Alam with University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia 1MCAT, Raub Pahang, Malaysia2011 Nando’s Peri-fy Your Art, Malaysia2010 Open Show with Gallery Tunku Zahirah UiTM, Malaysia UiTM Group Show with SACC Shah Alam, Malaysia UiTM All Department Group Show, Foyer Faculty of Art and Design UiTM, Malaysia Out of Number, Solaris Dutamas, Malaysia2009 1st Festival Mail Art Exhibition, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

AWARDS2013 Consolation Prize, Citra Terengganu Competition, Muzium Terengganu, Malaysia2012 2nd Prize, Citra Terengganu Competition, Muzium Terengganu, Malaysia 3rd Prize, Ritma Johor Competition, Malaysia2011 1st Prize, Tanjong Heritage Competition, Malaysia2010 1st Prize, Tanjong Heritage Competition, Malaysia

L I N A T A NBorn 1982 in Kuala Lumpur, Malays ia

EDUCATION2014 Diploma in Fine Arts, Saito College, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

INTERNATIONAL SHOW/ART FAIRS2018 Art Expo Malaysia 2018 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia

SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITION2018 Relationship, Group Art Exhibition, Segaris Art Center, Publika, Malaysia Meikei Ho: Pendidikan Malaysia/Lina Tan: Google Street View, Duo Exhibition, Titik Merah Gallery, Artrow Publika, Malaysia 2017 Altruism – Segaris Art Center/Galeri Prima Galeri Prima, Balai Berita, KL, Malaysia South East Asian Icons, Nadine Fine Art Gallery, Malaysia Love & Betrayal, Nadine Fine Art Gallery, Malaysia Monsoon, Titik Merah Gallery, Publika, Malaysia Sensation 2017 by Segaris Art Center @ Whitebox, Mapkl, Publika, Malaysia Ip Kreatif with Segaris Art Center, Johor, Malaysia The White Mask Exhibition, Cooler Lumpur 2017, Whitebox, Mapkl, Publika, Malaysia School Of Thought 2017, Segaris Art Center @ Whitebox, Mapkl, Publika, Malaysia XS Exhibition 2017, Titik Merah Gallery, Publika, Malaysia2016 Caffa 2016 Latar Be-Lakang, Whitebox, Mapkl, Publika, Malaysia Caffa 2015 Latar Be-Lakang, Whitebox, Mapkl, Publika, Malaysia

N O R T I J A N F I R D A U SBorn 1986 in K lang, Malays iaEDUCATION2015 Master in Fine Art & Technology, Uitm Shah Alam,Selangor2009 Bachelor (Hons), Fine Art Majoring in Sculpture, UiTM Shah Alam, Selangor2007 Diploma in Art & Design/Fine Art, UiTM Cawangan Machang, Kelantan

INTERNATIOL SHOW/ART FAIRS2018 Art Expo Malaysia 2018 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia

EXHIBITIONS2018 Y Canvas, Core Design Gallery, Malaysia Bintang 5 Finale, Segaris Art Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ‘Immaterial; a Compilation of the Unconventionals’, G13 Gallery, Malaysia Local Only with TAKSU Gallery ,Malaysia2017 Wish Me Luck with HOM ART TRANS, Malaysia Young & New 2017 with HOM ART TRANS, Malaysia2016 Citra Wanita with Galeri Aswara, ASWARA, KL Local Only with Taksu Gallery, Malaysia2015 HOPE with Pulau Pinang Museum of Art, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia X Canvas with CORE Design Gallery, Malaysia Urban Art Show II with Pelita Hati Gallery, Malaysia2012 Urban Art Show with Pelita Hati Gallery, Malaysia 2011 Maybank “Expression of the Malayan Tiger Exhibition” with Balai Seni Maybank, Malaysia2010 Mekarcitra Exhibition with Galeri Shah Alam,Malaysia

2009 Cita Show, FSSR Hall with UiTM Shah Alam, Malaysia Degree Show, Department of Fine Art, UiTM Shah Alam, Malaysia Nando’s Art Exhibition, The Art Recycling of Nando’s Way, NN Gallery, Malaysia Sculpture Show with Foyer FSSR UiTM, Shah Alam, Malaysia Sculpture show, Gallery Seni Tuanku Nur Zahirah, UiTM Shah Alam, Malaysia PIAI Group Show, Foyer Menara SAAS, UiTM Shah Alam, Malaysia2008 Nando’s Art Exhibition, Perify Your Artwork with NN Gallery, Malaysia2007 Diploma Show with Uitm Cawangan Kelantan, Malaysia

AWARD2017 Finalist(shortlisted) for UOB Painting of the Year Compertition Finalist(shortlisted) for UOB Painting of the Year Compertition jaedrh3erh2015 Deanlist Award, (Final)Master in Fine Art & Technology, 2015 Finalist , HOPE, Balai Seni Lukis Pulau Pinang, Pulau Pinang 2014 Deanlist Award, (1st Semester)Master in Fine Art & Technology2011 Finalist, Maybank “Expression of the Malayan Tiger Exhibition” Balai Seni Maybank, KL

N I K M O H D H A Z R I Born 1988 in Kelantan, Malays ia

EDUCATION2014 Bachelor of Fine Art (Painting), Mara University of Technology (Uitm) Shah Alam, Selangor2011 Diploma of Fine, Mara University of Technology (UiTM) Machang, Kelantan

INTERNATIONAL SHOW/ARTFAIRS2018 Art Expo Malaysia 2018 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia2017 Art Kaohsiung with G13 Gallery, Taiwan Art Expo Malaysia Plus 2017 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Art Stage Singapore 2017 with G13 gallery, Singapore2016 Matrade 2016 with The Gallery, Shanghai Art Expo Malaysia Plus 2016 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Art Stage Jakarta 2016 with G13 gallery, Indonesia Art Stage Singapore 2016 with G13 gallery, Singapore2015 Art Taipei with G13 Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan Art Expo Malaysia with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Bazaar Art Jakarta with G13 Gallery, Jakarta, Indonesia2014 Art Fair Singapore 2014, Singapore Art Expo Malaysia 2014 , Matrade Convention Centre, Malaysia

SELECTED EXHIBITION2018 Art Show Publika 2018, White Box Publika & The Boulevard Red Zone Publika Shopping Gallery, Malaysia MARS, Hom Art Trans, Malaysia Merah Putih Biru Kuning, G13 gallery, Malaysia Bintang 5 Volume III, Segaris Art Centre, Malaysia2017 Artemis Art’s 5th Anniversary Exhibition, Artemis Gallery, Malaysia2016 Presence with Artemis Gallert, Malaysia Transit A2, HOM Art Trans, Malaysia2015 Configuration: The Celebration of human, G13 Gallery, Malaysia Nik Brothers: Art Trio, G13 Gallery, Malaysia Meru Exhibition 2015, Segaris Art Centre, Malaysia2014 99 Nama Allah – Chandan Gallery, Malaysia Configuration, Contemporary Figure Exhibition, G13 Gallery, Malaysia2013 Degree Show, Titiktitik Exhibition, Uitm Shah Alam, Malaysia Art Expo 2013, 26 Negara, Matrade, Malaysia Carbon, Group Exhibition by Intuitive Art Group, Artemis Art Gallery, Malaysia 50 Shades of Malaysia, M50 Selamat Hari Malaysia Project, Artemis Art, Publika, Malaysia Prologue, Group Exhibition by Intuitive Art Group, Artemis Art Gallery, Malaysia

Travelog of Royal Belum Exhibition, Galeri Nur Zahirah, Shah Alam, Malaysia2010 Seni Dan Warisan at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia2007 Citra Terengganu at Muzium Terengganu, Malaysia

N I K M S H A Z M I E Born 1991 in Kelantan, Malays ia

EDUCATION2014 Bachelor (Hons) in Fine Art, Faculty of Art & Design Universiti Teknologi MARA (Seri Iskandar), Perak, Malaysia 2012 Diploma in Fine Art, Faculty of Art & Design Universiti Teknologi MARA (Machang), Kelantan, Malaysia

SOLO EXHIBITION2018 Face Fiction with G13 gallery, Malaysia2015 Home Sweet Home Exhibition, Nando’s (Winner Solo Exhibition), Malaysia

INTERNATIONAL SHOW/ART FAIRS2018 Art Expo Malaysia 2018 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Hotel Art Fair Bangkok 2018 with G13 Gallery, Thailand Soliloquy with The Gallery, Shanghai, China2017 Art Expo Malaysia Plus 2017 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Tranquility in Clamour with The Gallery, Shanghai, China Singapore Contemporary with Artemis Art Gallery, Singapore2016 Art Kaohsiung 2016 with G13 Gallery, Taiwan Art Expo Malaysia Plus 2016 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia2015 Art Kaohsiung Fair with G13 Gallery, Taiwan Art Expo with G13 Gallery, Malaysia

SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS2018 Art Show Publika 2018, White Box Publika & The Boulevard Red Zone Publika Shopping Gallery, Malaysia Homecoming with Artemis Gallery, Publika, Malaysia2017 Figure in a Room with The F Klub, Malaysia Bintang 5, Volume I with Segaris Art Centre, Malaysia Art Kaohsiung with G13 Gallery, Malaysia SENSATION with Segaris Art Centre, Malaysia Transit A1 with MARS, Malaysia Artemis Art’s 5th Anniversary Exhibition with Artemis Gallery, Malaysia2016 Presence with Artemis Gallery, Malaysia Processus, Galeri Chandan, Publika, Malaysia A2 Transit with Hom Art Trans, Malaysia Youngsters with Hom Art Trans, Malaysia #Wearegen-Y with G13 Gallery, Malaysia2015 Configuration: The Celebration of Human with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Art Trio: The Nik Brothers with G13 Gallery, Malaysia MERU Art Exhibition with Segaris Art Centre, Malaysia2014 National Petron Art Exhibition with National Art Gallery, Malaysia Penang Open Show “Hitam Putih”, Penang, Malaysia2013 M50 – Shades Of Malaysia with Artemis Gallery, Malaysia CARBON Group Exhibition with Artemis Art Publika, Malaysia Pameran Nando’s Perify Your Art – Diversity, Malaysia Pameran Citra Terengganu (Karya Siap) Potret Terengganu, Malaysia Pameran 1MCAT Tourism – Futurism, Malaysia Open Art Exhibition; 6’ x 6’ at MATIC, Kuala Lumpur Pameran Poster ‘Drugs Awareness’ UiTM Perak2012 Pameran Bank Negara Malaysia

AWARDS2015 GOLD AWARD, UOB Painting of the Year 2015, CURATE, Malaysia2014 Grand Prize Winner, National Petron Art Competition ‘Promise’ Grand Prize Winner, NANDO’S Perify Your Art – Alive Gold Medal, IIDEX Malaysia, UiTM Shah Alam, Malaysia Consolation, Black & White: Penang Open Show, Malaysia JPA Best Scholars Awards, JPA Malaysia UiTM Best Graduate Awards, UiTM Perak Malaysia Vice Chancellors Award, UiTM Perak, Malaysia

2013 Grand Prize, NANDO’S Perify Your Art – Diversity Gold Medal, 3rd National Invention Innovation Design, UiTM Perak 3rd Prize, Pertandingan 1MCAT – Tourism Malaysia (Futurism) Consolation Prize, Citra Terengganu – Potret Terengganu 1st Prize, Pertandingan Melukis Poster Unit Kesihatan UiTM Perak

R A I M I S A N I Born 1992 in Malays ia

2015 Bachelor of Fine Art (Painting), Mara University of Technology (Uitm) Shah Alam, Selangor

SOLO EXHIBITION2017 White Knight with G13 Gallery, Malaysia

INTERNATIONAL SHOW/ART FAIRS2018 Art Expo Malaysia 2018 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia 2017 Art Kaohsiung with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Art Expo Malaysia Plus 2017 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia

GROUP EXHIBITION2018 Art Show Publika 2018, White Box Publika & The Boulevard Red Zone Publika Shopping Gallery, Malaysia MARS, Hom Art Trans, Malaysia Filling the Void: A Conversation between Man and Space with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Bintang 5, Volume II with Segaris Art Centre, Malaysia2017 Figure in a Room with The F Klub, Malaysia2016 G13 Project Room with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Processus with Galeri Chandan, Dutamas, Malaysia Gen Y with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Muda-Mudi with Segaris Art Center, Dutamas, Malaysia. Gerakan Wanita with ASWARA Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Seni Amal SPWinds Orchestra: Road to LA 2016, Balai Seni Maybank, Malaysia Enthrall with TAPG gallery, Klang Selangor, Malaysia Exposure, Eye Art Gallery, Alam Impian, Shah Alam, Malaysia Locals Only with Taksu Gallery,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia2015 Exploration Show with Eye Art Gallery, Malaysia Art Expo Malaysia with MATRADE, Malaysia Tauhid, MASA Gallery, Johor Baharu, Malaysia (2 Man Show) Take 2, Pampas Restaurant / Z-Art Gallery, Changkat, Bukit Bintang, Malaysia 19 Degree Show with Segaris Art Centre, Publika, Malaysia. Degree Show, UiTM Shah Alam, Malaysia2014 3D Florial Mural. Putrajaya, Malaysia Open Show with Galeri Shah Alam, Malaysia Nandos Art Initiative, Shah Alam, Malaysia Floria Watercolour Competition, Putrajaya, Malaysia2012 Nando’s Art Competition Open Show, Gallery Shah Alam, Malaysia2011 Diploma Show, UiTM Perak, Malaysia Life Drawing, Uitm Perak,

S H A F I Q N O R D I NBorn 1989 in Neger i Sembi lan, Malays ia

EDUCATION2012 B.A in Fine Art, Uitm Shah Alam, Majoring in Painting2010 Diploma of Fine Art, Uitm, Lendu

SOLO EXHIBITION 2016 Imperium, MEA Award, Winner Solo Exhibition, HOM Art Trans, Malaysia

INTERNATIONAL SHOW / ART FAIRS2018 Art Expo Malaysia 2018 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Bangkok Hotel Art Fair with G13 Gallery, Thailand Art Busan with G13 Gallery, Korea

2017 The Young Contempo Showcase II with Curate Henry Butcher & Galeri Prima, Malaysia Art Kaohsiung with G13 Gallery, Taiwan Art Expo Malaysia Plus 2017 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia Equidistant Night with Provenance Art Gallery Shangrila, Philippines Art Stage Singapore 2017 with G13 Gallery, Singapore Skateboadshow, Urbanscape 2017, Paris2016 Rising lenght of light with Redbase Art Management, Indonesia2015 Instanbul Contemporary Artfair, Yavuz Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey Sydney Contemporary Artfair, Yavuz Gallery, Sydney, Australia The Collective Young from South East Asia, Mizuma Gallery, Singapore Art Bazaar Jakarta, G13 Gallery, Jakarta, Indonesia AAF Singapore 2015, Singapore Nasi Campur 2015, Taksu Gallery, Jln Merah Saga, Singapore2014 Art Expo Malaysia 2014, Matrade, G13 gallery Kornerliste Art Fair, Koln, Germany Nasi Campur 2014, Taksu Gallery, Jln Merah Saga, Singapore2013 Art Expo 13, Matrade, RA Fine Art, Kuala Lumpur

SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS2018 Art Show Publika 2018, White Box Publika & The Boulevard Red Zone Publika Shopping Gallery, Malaysia Bintang 5 Volume III with Segaris Art Center, Malaysia From the Studio II with Trans56, Publika, Malaysia Axis by Praxis: Identity in Transition with G13 Gallery, Malaysia2017 Young Contemporary with Curate Henry Butcher, Malaysia Transit A! With Mars, Malaysia Sensation, Segaris Art Centre, Malaysia ArtAid 2017, White box, Publika, Malaysia Rice Lands, Nadine Fine Art Gallery, Malaysia Young Guns, HOM Art Trans. Malaysia 7th G13 gallery Anniversary Show with G13 Gallery, Malaysia2016 Artaid 2016: Charity Exhibition, Malaysia Transit A2, HOM Art Trans, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ‘See You Later, Mimie’, Ruang Sementara, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Raya Celebration of Genaration in Art, Curate Henry Buthcer, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The Young Contemporary Showcase, Henry Buther Wisma MCA, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Skateboard Show, Urbanscape 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia2015 5th Anniversary Show, G13 Gallery, Malaysia Attract/Retract: A Studio Pisang Exhibition, G13 Gallery, Malaysia Extreme Potrait, Gallery Chandan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia “ADA show” Segaris Art Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Local Only 2015, Taksu Gallery, Malaysia2014 MEA Award Winner Showcase,White Box,Solaris Dutamas,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia MERDEKA SHOW, Taksu Gallery,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Configuration, G13 Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The Door 3 (Initiation), Hom Art Trans, Ampang, Kuala Lumpur Koelner Liste comtemporary Art Fair 2014, Artelier Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Iconic Siti, Artelier Gallery, Solaris Dutamas, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia GAME ON (Studio Pisang Show) R.A Fineart,Solaris Dutamas,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia MEA AWARD Finalist Show,White Box,Solaris Dutamas,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Locals Only 2014, Taksu Gallery,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia2013 Piece Of Me,White Box,Solaris Dutamas,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Anniversary Show 13, Pace Gallery,Petaling Jaya, Malaysia PLIGHT 2, ChinaHouse, Penang, Malaysia PLIGHT, House of Matahati,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Momentum Awal, Residensi Group Show,Morne Art Gallery,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Locals Only, Taksu Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Spice, Pace Gallery, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia Sekaki, Segaris AC Gallery, Publika KL, Malaysia2012 Transit A4, House of Matahati Gallery, Ampang Kuala Lumpur. The Door Group Show, House of Matahati, Ampang, Kuala

Lumpur, Malaysia TANPA NAMA,Bank Negara Malaysia, KL, Malaysia Nandos Art Competition 2012, Bangsar Village,Kuala Lumpur Open Show 12, Shah Alam Gallery, Malaysia Rubanization Group Show, Tuanku Nur Zahirah Gallery, UiTM Shah Alam, Malaysia2011 Pesta Open Art Competition, Balai Seni Lukis Pulau Pinang Open Show11, Shah Alam Gallery, Malaysia2010 Pra Gaya, Seksan Gallery Bangsar Out In Numbers , Black Box,Solaris Dutamas,Kuala Lumpur Open Show10, Shah Alam Gallery, Malaysia


Y U K I T H A M Born 1992 in Johor, Malays ia

EDUCATION2014 Diploma in Fine Arts, Dasein Academy of Art, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

INTERNATIONAL SHOW/ART FAIRS2018 Art Expo Malaysia 2018 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia2017 Art Kaohsiung 2017 with G13 Gallery, Taiwan Art Expo Malaysia Plus 2017 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia2016 Art Kaohsiung 2016 with G13 Gallery, Taiwan Art Expo Malaysia Plus 2016 with G13 Gallery, Malaysia2014 Art Expo: Breaking down the Wall, Matrade Exhibition & Convention Centre, Malaysia

SOLO EXHIBITION2017 BEAUTY behind the Madness with G13 Gallery, Malaysia

SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITION2018 MARS 3x3, Hom Art Trans, Malaysia Filling the Void: A Conversation between Man and Space with G13 gallery, Malaysia2017 Figure in a Room by the F Klub, Malaysia Di Mana (where are) Young, National Art Gallery, Malaysia2016 Transit A2, HOM Art Trans, Malaysia We R Gen Y, G13 Gallery, Malaysia G13 Bali Residency Program Showcase 2016, G13 Gallery, Malaysia Young Malaysian Artists – New Object(ion) III, Galeri Petronas, Malaysia2015 G13 5th Anniversary Show, G13 Gallery, Malaysia Configuration 2015, G13 Gallery, Malaysia Figure Out! Four Young Figurative Artists, HOM Art Trans, Malaysia Contemporary Propulsion: Influenced and Evolution, G13 Gallery, Malaysia2014 UOB Painting of the Year, Menara UOB, Malaysia Tanjong Heritage, Maya Hotel, Malaysia Catalysis, HOM Art Trans, Malaysia Configuration 2014, G13 gallery, Malaysia2013 Tanjong Heritage, Maya Hotel, Malaysia

AWARDS2014 Silver Award, UOB Painting of the Year, Emerging Artist Category 1st Prize in Oil/Acrylic Category, Tanjong Heritage National Art Competition Outstanding Achievement Award, Dasein Academy of Art2013 3rd Prize in Oil/Acrylic Category, Tanjong Heritage National Art Competition 3rd Prize in Printmaking Category, Tanjong Heritage National Art Competition

Published in conjunction with the exhibition :

ART EXPO MALAYSIA 2018 | BOOTH B13, B14 & B15 12 - 14 October 2018 | Matrade Exhibition and Convention Centre (MECC), Kuala Lumpur

PublisherG Thirteen Gallery Sdn Bhd (1183072H)

GL - 13, Ground Floor, Block B, Jalan SS7/26, Kelana Square, 47301 Kelana Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.T: 03-7880 0991 | F: 0T3-7886 5755 | E: W: |IG: G13 Gallery

Design: Khair Abd Muin

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