Art Flashcards

Post on 31-Jan-2016

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art flashcards


Cimabue - Madonna enthroned with Angels and Prophets, 1280-1290. Late Gothic/Early Renaissance

Giotto Di Bondone-Madonna Enthroned, 1310. Late Gothic/ Early Renaissance

Giotto, Lamentation, 1305. Late Gothic. Early Renaissance

* different shades show he worked at different times


*back facing you= makes you feel part of painting

FRESCO: Paiting on plaster

Robert Campin, Merode Altarpiece, The Annunciation, 1425-1428. Flemish

* No Persepective

Jan Van Eyck, Giovanni Arnolfini and His bride, 1434. Flemish

*Symbolism everywhere

*Could be memorial portrait

*Clothing & furnishing = rich Italian

shoes off = Sacared event

*Dog= fedelity = couple is loyal

Candle= presence of God

Jan Van Eyck, Man in the Red Turban, 1433. Flemish

* 1st portrait to show straight glaze

* realistic

*thought to be self portrait

*turbin= means he travels ?

Rogier Van Der Weyden, Portrait of a Lady, 1460. Flemish



*not interacting witht he viewer


Brunelleschi, Sacrifice of Isaac, Competition Panel 1401-1402. Early Renaissance

*lost contest with Ghiberti

Issac looks weak

*contest for the doors of the baptist church

Ghiberti, Sacrifice of Issac, competition panel, 1401-1402. Early Renaissance

*won the contest with Brunelleschi

*Strong Persepective

*New Ideas

Masaccio, Tribute Money, 1427. Early Renaissance

*Leader in this new area

*Brancacci Chapel

Masaccio, Holy Trinity, SAnta Maria Novella, Florence Itlay 1428. Ealry Renaissance

Donatello, David, late 1420s - late 1450s. Early Renaissance

*1st free standing nude

*Bronze sculpture

*girl like & sexual

*after he kills gilath

*Made for the Metachi Family

Verrocchio, David 1465-1470. Early Renaissance

* bronze

*proud pose

*after the killing of giliath the gaint

*Looks like a young kid

Fra Angelico, Annuncation, San Marco, Florence Italy, 1440-1445. Early Renaissance

*animalistic wings

*Gabrial and Mary

*Famous of his work


Sanro Botticelli, Birth of Venus, 1482. High Renaissance

*no christian contact

*godess of lovebased of a sclupture

*Georgio Vasari- did bio on him

*maybe for the Matachi family

*floating curvey figures

*Line painting

Andrea Mantegna, Dead Christ, 1501. High Renaissance

*part of the painting

Leonardo Da Vinci, Virgin of the Rocks 1485. Hihg Renaissnace

*Jon baptsist left & baby jesus on  right

*triangle compostion

*SFUMATO: fog used to creat life force

*CHIAROSCURO: light and dark usage

*No halo- clues are gracful and beauty

*religous painting to see what mkes us human

Da Vinvi, Mona Lisa 1503-1505. High Renaissance


*according to Vasari its Giocando's wife

*Paiting was a way to fake realtiy

*SFUMATO- fog to creat life forceCHIAROSCURO-  light and dark


Michel Angelo, David 1501-1504. HIgh Renaissance.

*TERRIBILITA: to see something in nature becasue you though it was cool

*Powerful hero like

*Before  the action

Raphael, Philosophy ( school of Athens) 1509-1511. High Renaissance

*Roman setting b/c of Barrel Volt

* him- inthe corner

*angello by the bench

*astrnomers with the globe

Giorgione Da Castelfranco, pastoral symphony, 1508. Venetian