Art House Convergence Conference - Workshop

Post on 15-Jan-2017

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Technology Wellness for Arts Organizations: Workshop

Beth Kanter, Master Trainer, Speaker, and Author ArtHouse Convergence Conference



Beth Kanter: Master Trainer, Speaker, Author and

Nonprofit Thought Leader

Self-Care Habits for Individuals

Self-Care is about revitalization. It includes any deliberate and consistent habits you create to enhance your overall well being.

5 Spheres of Happy Healthy Living







The Bigger Picture: The Problem

Our technology use is changing our brains

We have no downtime 52% of smartphone owners check their phones a few times an hour or more.

We are losing our ability to focus and remember.

“Google Effect on Memory” -- Daniel Wegner, Harvard University

What is the

average human

attention span


Attention Spans Online …

Source: National Center for Biotechnology Information, US National Library of Medicine

Flickr photo: Josullivan59

Attention Span Statistics Data

The average human attention span in 2000. 12 seconds

The average human attention span in 2013. 8 seconds



Body effects


Not Saying To Stop Using Technology

Tech Wellness: Mindful Technology Use

Tech Wellness



Is Your Technology Use Healthy?

Information Overload

What’s Your Tech Wellness Score?

1. Is the only time you take a break from your tech when you’re


2. Do you check your phone before you go to bed or right when you

wake up?

3. Do you have problems recalling information and resort to searching

on Google?

4. Do you feel that you often have a hard time paying attention or

focusing on a single task?

5. Do you experience frustration at the amount of online information you

need to process every day?

6. Do you frequently or constantly check your email, Twitter, Facebook

or other online services?

7. Do you sometimes check your mobile phone for messages while in

the bathroom?

8. Do you find yourself reaching for your phone even when you’re with


9. Do you sit at your computer at work or home for longer than 30

minutes at a time without getting up to take a break?

10.Do you ever check your mobile phone while walking outside?

Add up all the questions you answered “YES” to for your score


Source: Lulumonathletica


What’s Your Technology Wellness Score?

Just a Few Tips ….

Manage Your Attention: 18 Minutes A Day

Don’t Sleep with Your Mobile Phone

Turn Off the Damn Computer and Go for A Walk

Your Technology Wellness Road Map

Peer Coaching Triads

Step 1 (3 minutes) #1 Shares Tech Wellness Challenge Step 2 (4 minutes) #2 & #3 Ask Clarifying Questions Step 3 (3 minutes) #1 Duck Tape #2/#3 offer advice Step 4 (2 minutes) #1 Summarizes action steps

One Minute of Silent Reflection: I Commit To …

Trios Exchange Mobile Numbers

Send Text Reminder Next Week

Book Raffle

Thank you!

The Happy Healthy Nonprofit