Art project

Post on 10-May-2015

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Art ProjectBy: Téa stuit

Friday, January 24, 14

Michael Tickner

Friday, January 24, 14

Friday, January 24, 14

• I liked this piece of art but at the same time I didn’t like it. The reason why I liked this piece of art is because of the layering of colour in the sky and the mountains. The reason why I didn’t like this piece of art is because of the village below the mountain it looked to crowed and there are to many colours. All and all I would say I like this piece of art.

Friday, January 24, 14

Friday, January 24, 14

• I really like this piece of art for lots of reasons. I liked how he shows the reflection in the water of the light house. The second reason I liked this piece of art is because of the trees and the rocks. The colours Michael Tickner used in this piece of art blend well together and show the shadows well on the rocks. On the trees he used lots of colours to make it more life like. in conclusion I really like this art work done by Michael Tickner.

Friday, January 24, 14

Lawren Harris

Friday, January 24, 14

Friday, January 24, 14

• This piece of art done by Lawren Harris is very interest for a couple of reasons. In this art work the clouds are done strangely because instead of doing the regular puffy cloud she makes them almost with layers of lines I think that that looks very good with this painting. I like how she uses the darker and lighter colours to make it look like the sun is coming in. As you can see Lawren harris’s painting is very good

Friday, January 24, 14

Friday, January 24, 14

• This is probably one of my favorite paintings done by Lawren Harris for a number of reasons. One of the reasons is because of how she shows the sun coming through with darker and brighter colours and it just hits the top of the mountain. Another reason I like the piece of art is because of how the sky has layers in it. All and all I think this is a very good piece of art.

Friday, January 24, 14

Emily Carr

Friday, January 24, 14

Friday, January 24, 14

• I think emily Carr did a very good job on this painting. The first reason I think this is a good painting is because of all the colours used in it I think they go really well together, and they all blend really nicely. I also like how she show’s the sun coming through by using the brighter colours. In conclusion I think this a good piece of art.

Friday, January 24, 14

Friday, January 24, 14

• This piece of art may not be the most happy looking of them all but it is a good piece of art. I liked this art for a number of reason the first one being because of the colours used on the tree petals the go the nicely together. Another reason I like it is because of how they show that the petals are falling and that it is a gloomy day this artist is very good at showing the king of day is is and the emotion in it. all and all this may not be the most happy painting but it is very well done.

Friday, January 24, 14

Thanks for Watching

Friday, January 24, 14