Art themes and purposes

Post on 10-Aug-2014

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Art Themes

and PurposesBy

Siti Nur Megasari Pamungkas13220435


What is the meaning of art? Art is the expression of one’s

feelings, that poured into creations in the form of gestures, looks, tone and poem which contain elements of beauty and can influence the other people’s feelings.

The art media used divided by 3, namely: Art that can be enjoyed through the

media hearing (audio art), for example: the art of music, sound art, and literary arts such as poetry and rhymes

Art enjoyed the visual media (visual art), for example: paintings, posters, art building, martial arts movement, sculpture, photography

Art enjoyed through sight and sound media (audio-visual art) for example: music performances, puppet show, movie

1. The purpose of RitualUsually has certain rules should be agreed upon by its adherents. This rule results in a work of art that is raw (conventional) and passed on from generation to generation (traditional).

2. The purpose of Expression Art solely as a media for expressing feelings and inner thoughts creator.

3. The purpose of CommercialThat is artwork created to gain an economic advantage. Type of art work is closely related to world trade is needed by the community.

The Purposes of Art

Ceremonial ritual, celebration, artworks created to support worship ceremonies

Artistic expression artwork to express or communicate emotions, ideas, feelings or to beautify objects

Narrative artworks that tell stories, describe and illustrate experiences

Functional artistic objects used in everyday life that serve an actual purpose

Persuasive Artworks that promote ideas, philosophies, or products (advertising, marketing, propaganda, ideology)

Purposes of visual art

Purposes /'pɚpәsɪs/ = tujuan (n) Of /әv/ = dari (prep) Visual /'vɪʒuәl/ = penglihatan (adj) Art /ɑrt/ = seni (n) Ceremonial /sɛrә'moʊnɪәl/ = upacara

(adj) Ritual /'rɪʧuәl/ = upacara agama (n) Celebration /sɛlә'breɪʃәn/ = perayaan

(n)celebrate /'sɛlәbreɪt/ = merayakan (v)

Created /krɪ'eɪtɪd/ = diciptakan (v) create /krɪ'eɪt/ = menciptakan (v)

Support /sә'pɔrt/ = dukungan (v) Worship /'wɚʃɪp/ = pemujaan (n) Artistic /ɑr'tɪstɪk/ = artistik (adj) Expression /ɪk'sprɛʃәn/ = ungkapan

(n) Express /ɪk'sprɛs/ = menyatakan (v) Communicate /kә'myunәkeɪt/ =

menyampaikan (v) Emotion /ɪ'moʊʃәn/ = emosi (n) Feelings /'fɪlɪŋs/ = perasaan (n) Ideas /aɪ'diәs/ = gagasan (n) Beautify /byutәfaɪ/ = mempercantik

(v) Narrative /'nærәtɪv/ = cerita narasi (n) Tell /tɛl/ = menceritakan (v) Describe /dɪ'skraɪb/ =

menggambarkan (v) Illustrate /ɪlәstreɪt/ = menjelaskan (v) Serve /sɚv/ = menyajikan (v) Promote /prә'moʊt/ = menaikkan (v) Product /'prɑdʌkt/ = hasil (n)

When humans began to understand about the art and what kind of art that they use? Humans had to undertood about the

art since the primeval ago. Previously the usefulness art as a communication delivery form of picture of ancient human activity.

Why Humans need to learn about the art? Because human need the art to fulfill

needs of.

1. Function Religion / ReligiousThe work of art as religion or religious message. Example: calligraphy, Muslim/Muslimah fashion, and religious songs.

2. Functions of EducationArt as a media of education can be seen in the music

3. Communication functionsArt can be used as a means of communication such as, social criticism, ideas, policies and introduce the product to the public.

Art Functions

4. Art as entertainment Art may seek to bring about a particular emotion or mood, for the purpose of relaxing or entertaining the viewer. 5. Artistic function Art that serves as a medium of expression in the artist presents his/her work is not for commercial things.6. Art for psychological and healing purposes Art is also used by art therapists, psychotherapists and clinical psychologists as art therapy.


Art of Music the outpouring of one’s feelings that poured in the form tone and a beautiful poem.

Fine Art is the outpouring of one’s feelings which is poured in the form images.

Dramatic Arts is an outpouring of feelings of someone who poured in the form of motion of storytelling mixed with appropriate music.

Art of dance is an outpouring of one’s feelings that poured in the form of limbs movement regularly and rhythmic

Kinds of Art

Who Has the Right to Define Art? Since no consensus among art critics as to the

meaning of art is likely to emerge anytime soon, which set of "experts" should be allowed to take charge: Artists, sociologists, historians, lawyers, philosophers, archeologists, anthropologists and psychologists. After all, the world is full of so-called "experts“

Where we can express our feelings if we have a talent in art? Anywhere, of course, by using media that support

and available. For example, to express our feelings through painting, dancing, may also make a poem or compose a song that contains our feelings.

How do people express themselves using art? For some people maybe by expressing

themselves with create fine art painting.

For artist, painting is wonderful way to relax and kind of a fulfillment.

The Gallery, provides a place for artists to display their pieces which show the expression of the artists or maker that poured in a painting to be seen by fans.

ConclusionArt is the expression of one's feelings are manifested in a motion, appearance, and tone poems. Which has a value of beauty. Art can be enjoyed with hearing, vision, hearing and vision. Purposes of art :~ Ritual~ Expression~ Commercial

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