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    The Effect of Specimen Size on Strength and Other Propertiesin Laboratory Testing of Rock and Rock-Like CementitiousBrittle Materials

    William J. Darlington Pathegama G. Ranjith

    S. K. Choi

    Received: 24 January 2011 / Accepted: 27 May 2011 / Published online: 17 June 2011

    Springer-Verlag 2011

    Abstract The effect of specimen size on the measured

    unconfined compressive strength and other mechanical

    properties has been studied by numerous researchers in the

    past, although much of this work has been based on

    specimens of non-standard dimensions and shapes, and

    over a limited size range. A review of the published liter-

    ature was completed concentrating on the presentation of

    research pertaining to right cylindrical specimens with

    height:diameter ratios of 2:1. Additionally, new data has

    been presented considering high strength (70 MPa) cement

    mortar specimens of various diameters ranging from 63 to

    300 mm which were tested to failure. Currently, several

    models exist in the published literature that seek to predict

    the strengthsize relationship in rock or cementitious

    materials. Modelling the reviewed datasets, statistical

    analysis was used to help establish which of these models

    best represents the empirical evidence. The findings pre-

    sented here suggest that over the range of specimen sizes

    explored, the MFSL (Carpinteri et al. in Mater Struct

    28:311317, 1995) model most closely predicts the

    strengthsize relationship in rock and cementitious mate-

    rials, and that a majority of the empirical evidence supports

    an asymptotic value in strength at large specimen

    diameters. Furthermore, the MFSL relationship is not only

    able to model monotonically decreasing strengthsize

    relationships but is also equally applicable to monotoni-

    cally increasing relationships, which although shown to be

    rare do for example exist in rocks with fractal distributions

    of hard particles.

    Keywords Specimen size Compressive strength Rock Rock-like materials Scale effect Size effect

    1 Introduction

    For most engineering design, material properties such as

    strength, Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio are of

    critical importance. Establishing these parameters often

    proves problematic when considering materials such as

    concrete, and more acutely rock, where the size of the

    engineering structure far exceeds the size of any laboratory

    test specimen.

    A great deal of research has been focused on upscaling

    laboratory measured strength parameters to field problems.

    This has been done in a number of ways. Empirical studies

    have concentrated on finding size-dependent relations

    between laboratory measured properties using small size

    laboratory specimens (e.g. 30150 mm diameter cylin-

    ders). To establish the properties of specimens larger than

    this, and thus make sizestrength comparisons with labo-

    ratory measured values, in situ testing or back analysis of

    large structures is often used.

    The results of these are generally well known and

    accepted. The most commonly cited; the general work of

    Hoek and Brown (1980), Brace (1981) and the original

    work of Weibull (1951) form either the basis or what is

    directly used in many rock mechanics designs today.

    W. J. Darlington (&) P. G. RanjithDepartment of Civil Engineering, Monash University,

    Clayton, VIC, Australia


    P. G. Ranjith


    S. K. Choi

    CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering,

    Bayview Avenue, Clayton, VIC, Australia



    Rock Mech Rock Eng (2011) 44:513529

    DOI 10.1007/s00603-011-0161-6

  • Figure 1 shows the data compiled, and corresponding

    relationship established by Hoek and Brown (1980)

    between specimen diameter and the strength of intact rock.

    This relation is represented by Eq. 1 where rcd is theuniaxial compressive strength of a sample with diameter, d;

    and rc50 is the uniaxial compressive strength of a 50 mmdiameter sample.

    rcd rc5050



    A similar relation has also been proposed by Cunha


    rcd rc5050



    It is generally accepted that there is a significant

    reduction in strength with increasing specimen size.

    Equations 1 and 2 are the current benchmarks when

    quantifying this phenomenon in rock. Hoek (2000)

    suggests this reduction in strength is due to the increased

    probability that failure of rock grains will occur as the

    specimen size increases. Rock strength will reach an

    asymptotic minimum value at a certain specimen size that

    will depend on the type and condition of the rock. Hoek

    (2000) goes further, hypothesising that the strength of a

    rock mass will reach a constant minimum value if the size

    of the rock blocks are considerably smaller than the rock

    mass under consideration. However, importantly the power

    law proposed by Hoek and Brown (1980) includes a

    horizontal asymptote of zero as diameter tends to infinity.

    It is important to note that the literature discussed and all

    results presented in this paper are exclusively based on

    cylindrical specimens with a height to diameter ratio of 2:1.

    Although data exists on specimens of other ratios and

    shapes, the results of these are outside the scope of this

    paper. From a general perspective, with most, if not all,

    strengths obtained for both rock and concrete design

    obtained from specimens with height to diameter ratios of

    2:1, and this being a widely accepted standard, a study

    using samples with these geometric properties seems most


    1.1 Cementitious Materials

    Carpinteri et al. (1999) noted a significant lack of research

    regarding the compressive strengthsize relationship of

    laboratory size concrete specimens and explored the

    applicability of the size effect law (SEL) (Eq. 3) proposed

    by Bazant (1984) and the multifractal scaling law (MFSL)

    (Eq. 4) proposed by Carpinteri et al. (1995) through com-

    parisons with a variety of published data (Fig. 2). In rela-

    tion to Eqs. 3 and 4, rN is the normal strength; d is thespecimen diameter; ft is a strength parameter; b and k0 aretwo empirical constants; dmax is the maximum aggregate

    size; fc and lch are constants that represent the nominal

    compressive strength of an infinitely large specimen and an

    internal material length, respectively; these are determined

    by non-linear least squares fitting:

    rN bftffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

    1 d=k0dmax p 3

    rN fcffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1 lch



    Considering concrete, Carpinteri et al. (1999) noted

    Eqs. 3 and 4 as the only published relations to describe the

    strengthsize relationship. Furthermore, they showed that

    SEL and MFSL generate opposite predictions. The SEL

    predicts infinitely large specimens to have zero strength

    similar to Eqs. 1 and 2, while the MFSL predicts large

    specimens to have a finite asymptotic minimum strength.

    Considering the MFSL further, it was found to underesti-

    mate large specimen strength by 10%, while the strength of

    small specimens (where d ffi 10dmax) are overestimated by10%.

    Symons (1970) also assesses the scale effect in cement

    stabilised materials. Here specimens were made using three

    grades of aggregate (well-graded sand, crushed rock and

    gravel-sand-clay) and varying cement content percentage.

    Four specimens of each aggregate grade at each percentage

    of cement were tested. Several height to depth ratios were

    assessed in a range of cylindrical specimen diameters and

    square prism sizes; the average results obtained for the

    cylindrical specimens with a height to diameter ratio of 2:1Fig. 1 Influence of specimen size on the strength of intact rock(Hoek 2000)

    514 W. J. Darlington et al.


  • are presented in Figs. 3 and 4. There appears to be no

    clear or significant scale relationship for the well-graded

    sand-cement mortar specimens, while the cemented cru-

    shed rock specimens show a decrease in strength with size

    modelled accurately by both the Hoek and Brown and

    MFSL relationships. Figure 5 shows the results produced

    by Hoskins and Horino (1969) for Plaster of Paris. Con-

    sidering only their data for specimens with diameters [50mm the MFSL relationship models the experimental data

    well, while the relationship of Hoek and Brown (1980)

    significantly underestimates the strength of larger diame-

    ter specimens.




    Fig. 2 Plots showing the data of Blanks and McNamara (1935)for concrete of different water to cement ratios a w/c = 0.53;b w/c = 0.55; and c w/c = 0.54), and the strengthsize relations ofBazant (1984) (SEL), Carpinteri et al. (1995) (MFSL), and Hoek and

    Brown (1980) (after Carpinteri et al. 1999)

    Fig. 3 Normalised UCS of well-graded sand-cement mortar corre-lated with specimen diameter (after Symons 1970). The size effect

    relations of Hoek and Brown (1980) and Carpinteri et al. (1995) are

    also plotted (the MFSL has only been fitted to the 14% well-graded

    sand data in order to preserve clarity of the figure)

    Fig. 4 Normalised UCS of cemented crushed rock correlated withspecimen diameter (after Symons 1970). The size effect relations of

    Hoek and Brown (1980) and Carpinteri et al. (1995) are also plotted

    (the MFSL has only been fitted to the 4% crushed rock data)



















    0 50 100 150

    Fig. 5 UCS of Plaster of Paris in correlation with specimen diameter(error bars indicate standard error of the mean) (after Hoskins andHorino 1969). The size effect relations of Hoek and Brown (1980)

    and Carpinteri et al. (1995) are also plotted for comparison. The

    MFSL line has been fitted only to data [50 mm

    The Effect of Specimen Size on Strength and Other Properties 515


  • 1.2 Sedimentary Rocks

    Natau et al. (1983) demonstrated a trend that followed the

    same form as Hoek and Browns (1980) model (Eq. 1), but

    with a significantly different power (Fig. 6). However, it is

    important to note that Fig. 6 depicts the results for jointed

    yellow limestone with an unspecified joint spacing and

    load orientation which may influence the magnitude of the

    decrease in strength with specimen size.

    Pells (2004) summarised the effect of specimen size on

    the strength of Hawkesbury Sandstone (Fig. 7) by testing

    specimens ranging from 18 to 144 mm in diameter. Using

    Eq. 1, Pells (2004) expected the 150 mm specimens to

    have a strength of around 85% of that of the 50 mm

    specimens. However, this was not found to be the case, and

    no clear scale effect was seen in this rock. The conclusions

    of this research do point out that almost all the rock types

    used in the derivation of Hoek and Browns (1980) Eq. 1

    were igneous or crystalline and therefore would inherently

    contain micro-cracks. Following the theory of Weibull

    (1951) these micro-cracks are the cause of a strength scale

    effect. Although most sedimentary rocks do exhibit some

    scale effect, Hawkesbury Sandstone appears to be an

    exception rather than the rule. Figure 7 displays a mono-

    tonically increasing MFSL relationship for the WPO data

    due to the increasing nature of the original dataset and the

    fact that the MFSL is fitted to each dataset using non-linear

    least squares fitting to find the correct values of the fitting

    constants. It is hypothesised that the monotonically

    increasing relationship seen here is due to the fractal dis-

    tribution of weathering effects in this moderately weath-

    ered Sandstone. In modelling rock behaviour where there is

    a monotonically increasing strengthsize relationship the

    MFSL has the advantage of being able to model both

    increasing and decreasing trends.

    Thuro et al. (2001) tested two rock types under uniaxial

    compression: a coarse-grained two-mica granite; and a

    fine- to medium-grained clastic limestone. These results are

    shown in Figs. 8 and 12, respectively. No dramatic scale

    effect for either UCS or Youngs modulus is shown and the

    MFSL relationship plotted in Fig. 8 monotonically

    increases due to the increasing nature of the original dataset

    being modelled. As the authors point out, this contradicts

    what had been previously published by Hoek and Brown

    (1980) (Fig. 1), and Hawkins (1998) (Fig. 11).

    Hawkins (1998) critically reviews the commonly

    accepted relation proposed by Hoek and Brown (1980)

    (Eq. 1). In doing so, he presents new data pertaining to the

    strengthsize relationship of a range of sedimentary rocks.

    Hawkins results are plotted in Fig. 11. They show that

    over a sample of specimen diameters, peak strength will be

    Fig. 6 UCS of jointed yellow limestone correlated with specimendiameter and line of best fit in the form of Eq. 1 with a power of 1.6

    (instead of 0.18). The size effect relation of Carpinteri et al. (1995) is

    also plotted for comparison. The UCS of a 50 mm specimen was

    obtained for the purpose of normalisation using Eq. 1 (after Natau

    et al. 1983)

    Fig. 7 UCS of Hawkesbury Sandstone correlated with specimendiameter (error bars indicate 1.0 standard deviation from the mean)(after Pells 2004). The size effect relations of Hoek and Brown

    (1980), and Carpinteri et al. (1995) are also plotted for each sandstone

    outcrop. WPO West Pymble Outcrop, GQ Gosford Quarry

    Fig. 8 UCS of limestone in correlation with specimen diameter(error bars indicate minimum and maximum values in data set) (afterThuro et al. 2001). The size effect relations of Hoek and Brown

    (1980) and Carpinteri et al. (1995) are also plotted for comparison

    516 W. J. Darlington et al.


  • seen at a specimen diameter of 4060 mm, and that at

    diameters smaller or larger than this the strength of the

    specimen will decrease. If only considering strength pre-

    dictions for specimens with a diameter[54 mm, the Hoekand Brown (1980) relation seems to provide a reasonable

    prediction for Purbeck Limestone and Hollington Sand-

    stone. This cannot be said for the other rock types pre-

    sented in Figs. 9, 10, 11.

    1.3 Igneous Rocks

    The recent work presented in Thuro et al. (2001) largely

    contradicts the Weibull (1951) expectation of a strength

    scale effect in materials containing micro-cracks i.e.

    igneous or crystalline rock types. The experimental data

    presented by Thuro et al. (2001) shows no such relationship

    (Fig. 12). If proved by further studies, the implications of

    these results are immense and far reaching; forcing a

    reassessment of a large amount of the empirical theory that

    is currently relied upon in rock mechanics design.

    Aside from sedimentary rocks and plaster of Paris,

    Hoskins and Horino (1969) present results for salida

    granite which show an obvious size effect (Fig. 13).

    Figure 14 shows the results of research carried out by

    Jackson and Lau (1990). Their work on Lac du Bonnet

    granite shows a decrease in strength with increasing

    specimen size, although it is not as significant as what is

    predicted by Eq. 1.

    Yuki et al. (1995) studied the anisotropic behaviour of

    Ohya Stone (welded tuff) over varying diameters from 30

    to 150 mm. They showed that no strength decrease was

    evident when specimens were loaded either parallel, or

    Fig. 9 UCS of Longmont Sandstone in correlation with specimendiameter (error bars indicate standard error of the mean) (afterHoskins and Horino 1969). The size effect relations of Hoek and

    Brown (1980) and Carpinteri et al. (1995) are also plotted for

    comparison. The MFSL line has been fitted only to data [50 mm

    Fig. 10 UCS of Kansas Limestone in correlation with specimendiameter (error bars indicate standard error of the mean) (afterHoskins and Horino 1969). The size effect relations of Hoek and

    Brown (1980) and Carpinteri et al. (1995) are also plotted for

    comparison. The MFSL line has been fitted only to data [50 mm

    Fig. 11 UCS of various sedimentary rocks in correlation withspecimen diameter (after Hawkins 1998). The size effect relations

    of Hoek and Brown (1980) and Carpinteri et al. (1995) are also

    plotted (the MFSL has only been fitted to the Pennant Sandstone data,

    and only to data [54 mm)

    Fig. 12 UCS of granite in correlation with specimen diameter (errorbars indicate minimum and maximum values in data set) (after Thuroet al. 2001). The size effect relations of Hoek and Brown (1980) and

    Carpinteri et al. (1995) are also plotted for comparison

    The Effect of Specimen Size on Strength and Other Properties 517


  • normal to the stratification, moreover, a slight increase in

    strength was seen (Figs. 15, 16). This finding is extremely

    pertinent and remains the only study to this date and to the

    authors knowledge to consider an anisotropic strength

    size effect in specimens with height to diameter ratios of

    2:1. The unusual monotonically increasing nature of the

    MFSL seen fitted to these increasing data sets is due to the

    non-linear least squares fitting requirement inherent in the

    MFSL function. Yuki et al. (1995) concludes that the

    increase in UCS with increasing specimen diameter is

    related to the percentage of pumice fragments contained in

    the specimen. As the specimen size increases, so does the

    percentage of pumice.

    Nishimatsu et al. (1969) conducted sizestrength studies

    on several igneous rocks (Figs. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21). The

    saajome andesite shows a strong size effect and excellent

    correlation with both the MFSL and Eq. 1. Nishimatsu

    et al. (1969) tested specimens between 13 and 70 mm, but

    aside from the aforementioned saajome andesite which has

    a good spread of specimen diameters within this range, the

    other rocks tested in the study fail to include data from the

    3070 mm range. This makes it difficult to compare these

    datasets to those of other researchers as it is impossible to

    say if the low strength values seen at the 70 mm diameter

    are preceded by a general decline, as would be modelled by

    the MFSL or Eq. 1, with a peak strength at a diameter

    Fig. 13 UCS of Salida granite in correlation with specimen diameter(error bars indicate standard error of the mean) (after Hoskins andHorino 1969). The size effect relations of Hoek and Brown (1980)

    and Carpinteri et al. (1995) are also plotted for comparison

    Fig. 14 UCS of Lac du Bonnet granite in correlation with specimendiameter (error bars indicate 1.0 standard deviation from the mean)(after Jackson and Lau 1990). The size effect relations of Hoek and

    Brown (1980) and Carpinteri et al. (1995) are also plotted for


    Fig. 15 UCS of Ohya Stone (welded tuff) (loaded horizontally to thedepositional surface) in correlation with specimen diameter (after

    Yuki et al. 1995)

    Fig. 16 UCS of Ohya Stone (welded tuff) (loaded vertically to thedepositional surface) in correlation with specimen diameter (after

    Yuki et al. 1995)

    Fig. 17 UCS of Saajome andesite in correlation with specimendiameter (after Nishimatsu et al. 1969)

    518 W. J. Darlington et al.


  • within this untested range (similar to what has been seen in

    some sedimentary rocks) or if the low strength is an outlier

    (although this seems unlikely).

    1.4 Metamorphic Rocks

    The only example of strengthsize effect testing regarding

    metamorphic rocks reported in the published literature was

    produced by Hoskins and Horino (1969) (Fig. 22) and

    relates to Carthage marble. Obviously it is not possible to

    make any broad conclusions as to the existence and qual-

    ities of a sizestrength relationship in metamorphic rocks

    due to a distinct lack of published data. However, the

    sample supports a decrease in strength of approximately

    7% when moving from a 50 to 127 mm specimen diameter.

    Here again the power relation of Hoek and Brown (1980)

    overpredicts this decrease in strength significantly. Clearly

    more research is required into the strengthsize effect in

    metamorphic rock types in order to reach sound and sig-

    nificant conclusions.

    1.5 Youngs Modulus and Poissons Ratio

    Aside from the works of Thuro et al. (2001) (Fig. 23),

    Jackson and Lau (1990) (Fig. 24), Yuki et al. (1995)

    (Figs. 25, 26) and the new results presented in this paper,

    few have explored the existence of a size effect in Youngs

    modulus or Poissons ratio. When considering the Youngs

    modulus results of Thuro et al. (2001) a significant size

    effect is not obvious. While Jackson and Lau (1990) show a

    Fig. 18 UCS of Ogino tuff in correlation with specimen diameter(after Nishimatsu et al. 1969)

    Fig. 19 UCS of Inada granite in correlation with specimen diameter(after Nishimatsu et al. 1969)

    Fig. 20 UCS of Shinkomatsu andesite in correlation with specimendiameter (after Nishimatsu et al. 1969)

    Fig. 21 UCS of Aoishi sandy tuff in correlation with specimendiameter (after Nishimatsu et al. 1969)

    Fig. 22 UCS of Carthage marble in correlation with specimendiameter (error bars indicate standard error of the mean) (after Hoskinsand Horino 1969). The size effect relations of Hoek and Brown (1980)

    and Carpinteri et al. (1995) are also plotted for comparison

    The Effect of Specimen Size on Strength and Other Properties 519


  • significant decrease (*10%) in Youngs modulus with anincrease in specimen diameter (from 45 to 300 mm).

    Conversely, Yuki et al. (1995) shows an increase in

    Youngs modulus with specimen size, of approximately

    27% for Ohya Stone (welded tuff) loaded horizontally to

    the depositional surface and only 4% for Ohya Stone loa-

    ded vertically to the depositional surface. However, as

    mentioned previously Yuki et al. believes this to be related

    to the percentage of pumice fragments contained in the


    In the only published dataset pertaining to Poissons

    ratio, Jackson and Lau (1990) observed a decrease in

    Poissons ratio for Lac du Bonnet with increasing specimen

    size (Fig. 27). Interestingly, a decrease in strength and

    Youngs modulus with increasing size was also seen for the

    same rock.

    2 Experimental Method

    In order to explore the effect of specimen size, high

    strength cylindrical mortar specimens with a range of

    diameters were manufactured. The diameters of the spec-

    imens are listed in Table 1. The 63.5 and 83.5 mm diam-

    eters were chosen in line with standard diamond drill rock

    core sizes; HQ and PQ, respectively, while 150 mm

    specimens are sometimes used in the initial stages of deep

    drilling or in weak, weathered or fractured rock, and are

    also commonly used during concrete testing. The 300 mm

    Fig. 23 Youngs modulus of limestone in correlation with specimendiameter (error bars indicate minimum and maximum values in dataset) (after Thuro et al. 2001)

    Fig. 24 Youngs modulus of Lac du Bonnet granite in correlationwith specimen diameter (error bars indicate 1.0 standard deviationfrom the mean) (after Jackson and Lau 1990)

    Fig. 25 Youngs modulus of Ohya Stone (welded tuff) (loadedhorizontally to the depositional surface) in correlation with specimen

    diameter (error bars indicate 1.0 standard deviation from the mean)(after Yuki et al. 1995)

    Fig. 26 Youngs modulus of Ohya Stone (welded tuff) (loadedvertically to the depositional surface) in correlation with specimen

    diameter (error bars indicate 1.0 standard deviation from the mean)(after Yuki et al. 1995)

    Fig. 27 Poissons ratio of Lac du Bonnet granite in correlation withspecimen diameter (error bars indicate 1.0 standard deviation fromthe mean) (after Jackson and Lau 1990)

    520 W. J. Darlington et al.


  • diameter specimens were chosen as the largest diameter

    that could be tested at the current testing facility; with the

    required failure load approaching the maximum load

    capacity of the loading frame. Each cylindrical specimen

    tested had lengths twice their diameter.

    The mortar mix was designed to produce samples which

    closely resemble sandstone in terms of peak strength,

    Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio. As a high cement

    water ratio was used, a plasticiser (Glenium 27) was added

    to the cement mortar mix to increase workability and

    prevent segregation. Additionally, the Glenium 27 aided by

    increasing early and ultimate compressive strength and

    Youngs modulus, while also decreasing any shrinkage.

    These characteristics were desirable as it was found that

    small amounts of shrinkage could cause precision speci-

    men end preparation to differentially shrink to unac-

    ceptable levels of flatness and perpendicularity if not tested

    soon after being prepared.

    The cement mortar was mixed in an 85-l pan mixer

    using the proportions outlined in Table 2. Initially half of

    the total amount of sand required was placed in the mixer

    and the total amount of cement was added followed by the

    balance of the sand. The dry mix was then mixed for 60 s.

    Half the volume of water was then added and it was mixed

    for a further 60 s during which time the plasticiser was

    poured in, followed by the remaining volume of water. The

    mix was then rested for 120 s before it was finally mixed

    for another 120 s.

    The particle size distribution of the sand used in the

    mortar is shown in Fig. 28. It is to be noted that the particle

    size is not typical of natural sandstonethe effect of sand

    particle size distribution will be examined in future studies.

    After being left to cure for approximately 24 h the

    specimens were removed from their individual moulds,

    relocated to a misted curing room and left to cure for

    28 days. Due to the large size of some of the specimens it

    was not possible to use curing tanks.

    Once the specimens had cured for 28 days, they were

    prepared in accordance with ASTM D4543-01 (ASTM

    2001). End flatness of the 63.5 and 83.5 mm diameter

    specimens was achieved by machining the specimen ends

    in a specially constructed v-block clamp fixed to a high

    quality tool and cutter grinder. A diamond cup wheel with

    a 126-grit size suitable for roughing and finishing precision

    tools was used to grind the end surfaces. Once the speci-

    men was clamped in the v-block it was not removed until

    both ends had been ground. This was achieved by rotating

    and relocating the entire v-block clamping system on the

    tool and cutter grinder feeder table while the specimen was

    secured. These techniques and procedures ensured that the

    ends were parallel. The ends of the larger specimens were

    trimmed parallel using a 900 mm diameter diamond saw

    and large v-block clamping system.

    The tests were conducted in accordance with ASTM

    D7012-04 (ASTM 2004). A strain-controlled Amsler

    loading frame with a 5,000-kN capacity was used during all

    testing. Two Schaevitz LVDTs were used to measure the

    axial displacement to a reported accuracy of 0.375% of the

    full range. To calculate the applied strain, the respective

    displacements were averaged.

    In addition to this measure of axial strain four 68 mm

    long Kyowa strain gauges were attached to the specimen;

    two axially and two laterally around the specimen mid-

    height at 908 intervals such that the axial strain gaugeswere separated by 180. To avoid strain readings resultingfrom artificial strength variations caused by the gauge

    adhesive (where strain measurements may have been more

    representative of the adhesive rather than the mortar under

    examination or defects and voids in the mortar surface) a

    two-stage application process was used. After accurate

    centres and alignment lines were marked on the specimen,

    a layer of epoxy resin was applied to the mortar surface

    over these markings. The resin filled any surface irregu-

    larities and pore spaces. After the epoxy had cured it was

    Table 1 Cylindrical sample dimensions

    Number of specimens Diameter (mm) Length (mm)

    10 63.5 127

    10 83.5 167

    3 150 300

    3 200 400

    3 300 600

    Table 2 Mix design








    (Glenium 27) (ml)

    85 34 13.6 150












    10 100 1000 10000

    Particle Size (m)






    Fig. 28 Particle size distribution of sand used in cement mortar mix(following methodology outlined in ASTM D422-63 (ASTM 2007)

    The Effect of Specimen Size on Strength and Other Properties 521


  • sanded back to the original surface level of the mortar,

    leaving in situ any resin that had filled irregularities and

    pore voids of the mortar along the gauging area. These

    areas were then cleaned and neutralised prior to the

    application of the strain gauges using the recommended

    low temperature curing adhesive. A dataTaker DT8000

    data acquisition system recorded the strain, displacement

    and force readings at a rate of 20 Hz.

    Published data pertaining to laboratory testing of cyl-

    inders of rock and rock-like brittle materials with height

    to diameter ratios of 2:1 were collected from the pub-

    lished literature. Statistical analysis was carried out on the

    new experimental data presented in this paper as well as

    the data collected from the literature (as described ear-

    lier). The analysis was completed using five different

    relational forms comprising a linear relationship between

    UCS and diameter, a linear relationship between UCS and

    1/diameter, a power relationship in the form of Hoek and

    Brown (1980) relationship (i.e. a power relationship

    between UCS and 1/diameter), the MFSL relationship

    (Carpinteri et al. 1995) and an exponential relationship

    between UCS and diameter. This comprehensive series of

    statistical analysis had two aims. Firstly, to assess the

    applicability of the currently accepted Hoek and Brown

    (1980) relationship and the similar Cunha (1990) rela-

    tionships for rock strength variation with specimen size.

    Secondly, to explore the goodness of fit of other relational


    Using simple transformations, all the commonly used

    theoretical and empirical relationships along with other

    mathematical forms to describe the strengthsize effect

    could be reduced to linear equations enabling the use of

    linear regression analysis methods. In addition to calcu-

    lating the coefficients of the different relational forms, R2

    values, p values, 95% confidence intervals and residual

    plots were generated to assess the goodness of fit of the

    models listed hereunder.

    To test the fit of Hoek and Brown (1980), the following

    transformation was used to enable the use of simple linear

    regression analysis:

    rN rc5050



    Y ln rcd ln rc5050


    k ! ln 50krc50

    k ln 1


    a bX5

    After completing the linear regression, the original

    coefficients of the power curve were found using:

    rc50 ea

    50k; and k b

    Similarly the MFSL was transformed as follows:

    rN fcffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1 lch



    Y r2N f 2c 1 lchd

    a bX 6

    After completing the linear regression, the coefficients

    of the original equation were found using:

    fc ffiffiffia


    lch bf 2c

    The fit of an exponential model was also assessed using

    the following transformation:

    rN Aekd

    Y ln rN ln Aekd

    ln A kd a bX 7

    After completing the linear regression, the coefficients

    of the original equation were found using:

    A ea

    k b

    A simple linear model of the following form was also


    rN A kd 8

    In addition to the simple linear model, the following

    linear relationship between UCS and 1/diameter was also


    rN A k1

    d: 9

    3 Results and Discussion

    3.1 StrengthSize Effect

    The average 7-day strength of the mortar was found to be

    41 MPa. To establish the consistency between the different

    batches of cement mortar used in making the range of

    various sized specimens, three 100 mm diameter reference

    samples were taken from each mortar batch. The

    mechanical properties of these cylinders were found to be

    very consistent with an average UCS of 66.1 MPa

    (SD = 3.8 MPa) and Youngs modulus of 23.4 GPa

    (SD = 0.4 GPa).

    Considering the specimens made to explore the size

    effect; the average UCS and Youngs modulus across all of

    the specimens were found to be 66.0 MPa (SD = 2.8 MPa)

    and 23.7 GPa (SD = 1.5 GPa), respectively. The stress

    strain results of a typical cylinder are presented in Fig. 29.

    Comparing these standard deviations with the results of the

    522 W. J. Darlington et al.


  • 100 mm batch reference samples the figures are very

    similar, suggesting that the variance seen in the strength

    size specimens can almost entirely be explained by the

    variation in mortar batch properties.

    Figures 30, 31 and 32 show the findings of the current

    study. The relationship between UCS and test specimen size

    (Fig. 30) shows a decrease in the strength of a 63.5 mm

    specimen when compared to that of a 300 mm specimen of

    approximately 10%. The relations proposed by Hoek and

    Brown (1980) (Eq. 1), Cunha (1990) (Eq. 2), and the MFSL

    of Carpinteri et al. (1995) (Eq. 4) have been plotted

    alongside the experimental data. The first two of these

    relations fit the data only when small specimen diameters

    are considered (63.5100 mm diameter), but grossly un-

    derpredict the UCS of 150, 200, and 300 mm diameter

    specimens. The MFSL line of best fit shows an exceptional

    fit across the range of specimen diameters tested.

    For the current dataset, the decrease in strength with size

    is not as strong as is predicted by Eqs. 1 and 2 (also plotted

    in Fig. 30). A line of best fit has also been plotted in the

    form of Eq. 10 resulting in a fit of reasonable quality

    (R2 = 0.26). Here a power of 0.08 has been used instead of

    0.16, as suggested originally by Hoek and Brown (1980).

    rcd rc6363



    During the statistical analysis process, 95% confidence

    intervals were estimated for each of the models under

    investigation. In order to assess the applicability of the

    models represented by Eqs. 1 and 2, the relevant

    confidence intervals for cemented materials have been

    listed in Table 3. The powers suggested by Hoek and

    Brown (1980) and Cunha (1990) of 0.18 and 0.22,

    respectively, clearly fall outside the 95% confidence

    intervals of half the listed datasets suggesting these

    powers are inappropriate when considering cement

    stabilised materials. It can also be seen that most of these

    results are not statistically significant, with the 95%

    confidence intervals encompassing zero.

    Some of the datasets, namely those of Hoskins and

    Horino (1969) and Hawkins (1998) include data pertaining

    to relatively small diameter specimens (i.e. \50 mm).Considering these data sets, peak strength is seen in spec-

    imens ranging from 38 to 76 mm in diameter. Specimens

    with diameters smaller or larger than these show lower

    strengths, contradicting Weibulls (1951) theory. This has

    consequences when trying to fit any of the relational

    models commonly attributed to sizestrength effects in

    rock [i.e. exponential, power, MFSL, linear (UCS vs.

    1/diameter), etc.]. Fitting these models to complete data

    sets (i.e. sets that include data pertaining to diameters less

    than the peak strength diameter (generally around 50 mm)

    can cause extremely poor statistical fits and large diameter

    specimen strength predictions (which are of most interest

    in terms of large scale design). This phenomenon is only

    seen in the sedimentary rocks analysed. However, the

    strength of some of the granite samples appears to

    asymptote when the specimen diameter is \50 mm.Assessing the 95% confidence intervals for Eqs. 1 and 2

    for sedimentary rocks (Table 4), it can be seen that the

    powers suggested by Hoek and Brown (1980) and Cunha

    (1990) of 0.18 and 0.22, respectively, are included in many









    -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500


    al S


    s (M



    Fig. 29 Typical stress strain relation for a 83.5 mm diameter cementmortar cylinder
















    0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

    Fig. 30 Experimental datashowing the relationship

    between specimen diameter and

    average UCS for high strength

    cement mortar specimens. The

    size effect relations of Hoek and

    Brown (1980), Cunha (1990),

    and a line of best fit in the form

    of Carpinteri et al.s (1995)

    MFSL (Eq. 3) are also plotted

    for comparison

    The Effect of Specimen Size on Strength and Other Properties 523


  • of the confidence intervals, especially those that only

    include specimens of diameters larger than 54 mm. It can

    also be seen that in datasets that include a maximum

    strength at diameters larger than the smallest diameters

    tested, the model becomes statistically significant when

    these small diameter data points are omitted.

    With regards to Table 5 and igneous rock types, it can

    be seen that the powers suggested by Hoek and Brown

    (1980) and Cunha (1990) of 0.18 and 0.22, respectively are

    included in a majority of the confidence intervals, but zero

    is also included in all but one of the intervals which sug-

    gests that this power relationship is not statistically sig-

    nificant at a 5% level.

    The original empirical sizestrength relationship pro-

    posed by Hoek and Brown (1980) was based on data from

    several sources. Each source employed varying test pro-

    cedures and experimented using specimens that did not

    necessarily conform to a single standard. For example, the

    test results of Pratt et al. (1972) relating to quartz diorite

    pertained to a mix of triangular and circular prisms each

    with a height to depth ratio of 1.5, although consideration

    of the varied cross-sections was not made. The results of

    Mogi (1961) were also used by Hoek and Brown (1980) to

    establish the size strength relation apparent in marble. The

    specimens used in the aforementioned research were rect-

    angular prisms.

    Thuro et al. (2001), amongst others, have discussed

    testing specimens of non-standard diameter to height ratios

    and/or geometric volumes. Variations in specimen geom-

    etry can induce significant differences in stress distribu-

    tions within a test specimen and lead to variation in

    measured peak strength. As with in situ testing, although

    these tests have a sound purpose and can provide valuable

    information under specific circumstances, the appropriate-

    ness of using the results of these various methods in one

    Fig. 31 Relationship between specimen diameter and averageYoungs modulus (error bars indicate 1.0 standard deviation fromthe mean)

    Fig. 32 Relationship between specimen diameter and Poissons ratio

    Table 3 95% confidence intervals for the power relationship in the form of Hoek and Brown (1980) and Cunha (1990) considering cementstabilised materials

    Reference Material tested Lower 95% Upper 95%

    Blanks and McNamara (1935) Concrete (w/c = 0.53, Agre. max = 38.1 mm) -0.005 0.123

    Blanks and McNamara (1935) Concrete (w/c = 0.55, Agre. max = 19.05 mm) 0.074 0.125

    Blanks and McNamara (1935) Concrete (w/c = 0.54, Agre. max = 9.52 mm) 0.058 0.136

    Symons (1970) Cement mortar (WGS 2%) -4.353 4.273

    Symons (1970) Cement mortar (WGS 6%) -1.780 1.727

    Symons (1970) Cement mortar (WGS 10%) -0.927 0.765

    Symons (1970) Cement mortar (WGS 14%) -0.824 0.882

    Symons (1970) Concrete (CR 2%) -0.425 0.724

    Symons (1970) Concrete (CR 4%) -0.036 0.362

    Symons (1970) Concrete (CR 6%) -0.320 0.695

    Symons (1970) Concrete (CR 8%) -0.421 0.555

    New data presented in this paper Cement mortar 0.017 0.100

    Hoskins and Horino (1969) Plaster of Paris -0.078 0.060

    Hoskins and Horino (1969)a Plaster of Paris 0.039 0.080

    Restricted data set: a includes only specimens with diameter [50 mm

    524 W. J. Darlington et al.


  • cohort to generate a general strengthsize relation needs

    further investigation.

    In order to assess the fit of the different models to the

    new and published datasets R2 and residual plots enabled

    a simple method applicable to the given relational forms.

    Table 6 shows the R2 values for the five different models

    applied to the various datasets pertaining to cemented

    materials. It should be noted that R2 is not an absolute

    measure of a models fit and that regression residual plots

    were also analysed to ensure their randomness, but for the

    purpose of discussion in this context R2 provides a simple

    measure with which to compare the models fit to the

    data. Another issue associated with the regression analysis

    carried out on the published datasets is that they are

    generally diameter grouped mean results, not entire sets

    of experimental data. The issue of using mean grouped

    data is highlighted by Rey et al. (2001) who show it will

    artificially increase R2 values resulting from any regres-

    sion analysis. For this reason the above tables are mis-

    leading as it is not possible to estimate the artificial

    increase in R2 values without access to the original

    complete datasets.

    Table 4 95% confidenceintervals for the power

    relationship in the form of Hoek

    and Brown (1980) and Cunha

    (1990) considering cement

    sedimentary rocks

    Restricted data sets: a includes

    only specimens with diameter

    [54 mm, b[38 mm, c[50 mm

    Reference Material tested Lower 95% Upper 95%

    Hawkins (1998) Pilton Sandstone -0.138 0.127

    Hawkins (1998) Clifton Down Limestone -0.318 0.241

    Hawkins (1998) Purbeck Limestone -0.437 0.134

    Hawkins (1998) Pennant Sandstone -0.340 0.122

    Hawkins (1998) Bath Stone -0.313 0.119

    Hawkins (1998) Burrington Oolite -0.311 0.139

    Hawkins (1998) Hollington Sandstone -0.335 -0.047

    Hoskins and Horino (1969) Kansas Limestone -0.068 0.046

    Hoskins and Horino (1969) Longmont Sandstone -0.047 0.013

    Natau et al. (1983) Limestone (yellow) 0.951 1.714

    Pells (2004) Hawkesbury Sandstone (West Pymble Outcrop) -0.244 0.039

    Thuro et al. (2001) Limestone -0.329 0.220

    Hawkins (1998)a Pilton Sandstone 0.139 0.421

    Hawkins (1998)b Clifton Down Limestone 0.249 0.493

    Hawkins (1998)b Purbeck Limestone 0.177 0.444

    Hawkins (1998)a Pennant Sandstone 0.185 0.547

    Hawkins (1998)a Bath Stone 0.132 0.727

    Hawkins (1998)a Burrington Oolite 0.274 0.461

    Hawkins (1998)a Hollington Sandstone 0.053 0.253

    Hoskins and Horino (1969)c Kansas Limestone -0.061 0.119

    Hoskins and Horino (1969)c Longmont Sandstone -0.021 0.024

    Table 5 95% confidenceintervals for the power

    relationship in the form of Hoek

    and Brown (1980) and Cunha

    (1990) considering cement

    Igneous rocks

    a A single metamorphic rock

    has also been included as only

    one example exists in the


    Restricted data set: b includes

    only specimens with diameter

    [50 mm

    Reference Material tested Lower 95% Upper 95%

    Hoskins and Horino (1969) Salida granite -0.380 0.567

    Jackson and Lau (1990) Lac du Bonnet granite -0.003 0.157

    Thuro et al. (2001) Granite -0.251 0.314

    Yuki et al. (1995) Ohya Stone (welded tuff) loaded horizontally

    to the depositional surface

    -0.308 0.133

    Yuki et al. (1995) Ohya Stone (welded tuff) loaded vertically

    to the depositional surface

    -0.134 -0.012

    Nishimatsu et al. (1969) Saajome andesite -0.010 0.282

    Nishimatsu et al. (1969) Ogino tuff -0.088 0.242

    Nishimatsu et al. (1969) Inada granite -0.098 0.354

    Nishimatsu et al. (1969) Shinkomatsu andesite -0.163 0.262

    Nishimatsu et al. (1969) Aoishi sandy tuff -0.128 0.134

    Hoskins and Horino (1969) Carthage marblea -0.027 0.080

    Hoskins and Horino (1969)b Carthage marblea -0.042 0.165

    The Effect of Specimen Size on Strength and Other Properties 525


  • Analysis of Table 6, which compares the models fit to

    cementitious datasets shows that of all the models, the

    power relationship consistently had the third highest R2

    value, while the simple linear (UCS vs. 1/diameter) and the

    theoretically derived MFSL relationship generated the first

    and second highest. However, for these three models the R2

    values were generally very similar, and in some cases the

    exponential and a simple linear form fit the data most

    closely. The same can also be said when considering the

    published data sets featuring sedimentary rocks (Table 7),

    although here there is stronger, more consistent support for

    a linear (UCS vs. 1/diameter) or MFSL relationship fitting

    the experimental data most closely.

    Aside from evaluating the model fit solely on the

    grounds of statistical parameters it is also important to

    consider the intrinsic properties of a given relational form

    when assessing the validity of its application to the size

    strength relationship of rocks and other brittle materials.

    The power and exponential relationships have horizontal

    asymptotes of zero, so as the specimen diameter is

    increased the predicted strength of the rock tends to zero.

    Similarly unrealistic, a negative linear relationship will

    predict strength values less than zero. Obviously the

    strength of an infinitely large rock will never be zero (or

    negative). Conversely both the theoretically derived MFSL

    and the empirical linear (1/diameter) relation incorporate a

    horizontal asymptote. As the rock diameter tends to infin-

    ity, both relations predict a rock strength which tends to a

    constant. In light of the relative success of the MFSL

    model to predict the strength of a majority of rocks, its

    theoretical basis, and its close relation to what is logically

    expected in a physical respect, it appears to be the best

    model to use when modelling the decrease in strength of a

    rock or cemented specimen with an increase in diameter.

    Table 8 shows that the scale effect in igneous rocks is

    best modelled by exponential or linear models, however,

    given the aforementioned practical considerations and the

    nature of these models to predict zero or negative strength

    values at large specimen sizes, it seems unlikely they are

    the most appropriate predictive tools. Figures 12, 13, 14,

    15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 show the MFSL producing

    an acceptable fit when plotted alongside the experimental

    datasets pertaining to igneous rocks.

    Aside from the majority of experimental results that

    indicate a strengthsize effect (with specimen strength

    decreasing with size), there are some exceptions to the size

    law including the samples tested by Symons (1970) (14%

    well-graded sand-cement mortar), Pells (2004) (Hawkes-

    bury Sandstone), Thuro et al. (2001) (limestone and gran-

    ite), Hoskins and Horino (1969) (Longmont Sandstone),

    and Yuki et al. (1995) (welded tuff) that show an increase

    in strength with specimen size or no significant strength

    size relationship. Yuki et al. (1995) justifies this mono-

    tonically increasing relationship due to the fractal distri-

    bution of hard particles within the rock. This is an

    important point and highlights the possible role of micro

    structure and rock fabric in any size effect relationship. The

    lack of a clearly consistent size effect makes application of

    any derived relationship or model difficult and warrants

    further study to quantify which materials demonstrate a

    Table 6 R2 values and comparative model ranking for various relational forms obtained from regression analysis of publish data of cementstabilised materials

    Reference Material tested R2 (rank)

    Linear Linear




    MFSL Expon.

    Blanks and McNamara (1935) Concrete (w/c = 0.53, Agre. max = 38.1 mm) 0.518 (3) 0.286 (4) 0.525 (2) 0.273 (5) 0.533 (1)

    Blanks and McNamara (1935) Concrete (w/c = 0.55, Agre. max = 19.05 mm) 0.808 (5) 0.872 (3) 0.954 (1) 0.884 (2) 0.825 (4)

    Blanks and McNamara (1935) Concrete (w/c = 0.54, Agre. max = 9.52 mm) 0.738 (5) 0.962 (2) 0.923 (3) 0.968 (1) 0.761 (4)

    Symons (1970) Cement mortar (WGS 2%) 0.001 (5) 0.063 (2) 0.014 (3) 0.065 (1) 0.001 (4)

    Symons (1970) Cement mortar (WGS 6%) 0.001 (5) 0.099 (1) 0.036 (3) 0.097 (2) 0.002 (4)

    Symons (1970) Cement mortar (WGS 10%) 0.433 (5) 0.708 (1) 0.596 (3) 0.695 (2) 0.447 (4)

    Symons (1970) Cement mortar (WGS 14%) 0.274 (2) 0.071 (4) 0.161 (3) 0.065 (5) 0.285 (1)

    Symons (1970) Concrete (CR 2%) 0.985 (1) 0.847 (5) 0.916 (3) 0.863 (4) 0.979 (2)

    Symons (1970) Concrete (CR 4%) 0.994 (2) 0.960 (5) 0.991 (3) 0.970 (4) 0.997 (1)

    Symons (1970) Concrete (CR 6%) 0.866 (5) 0.991 (1) 0.957 (3) 0.989 (2) 0.876 (4)

    Symons (1970) Concrete (CR 8%) 0.621 (4) 0.861 (2) 0.755 (3) 0.864 (1) 0.616 (5)

    New data presented in this paper Cement mortar 0.215 (5) 0.294 (1) 0.258 (3) 0.293 (2) 0.216 (4)

    Hoskins and Horino (1969) Plaster of Paris 0.004 (4) 0.148 (1) 0.029 (3) 0.137 (2) 0.002 (5)

    Hoskins and Horino (1969)a Plaster of Paris 0.932 (5) 0.944 (3) 0.967 (1) 0.947 (2) 0.934 (4)

    Restricted data set: a includes only specimens with diameter [50 mm

    526 W. J. Darlington et al.


  • Table 7 R2 values and comparative model ranking for various relational forms obtained from regression analysis of publish data of sedimentaryrocks

    Reference Material tested R2 (rank)

    Linear Linear




    MFSL Expon.

    Hawkins (1998) Pilton Sandstone 0.073 (3) 0.105 (1) 0.002 (5) 0.100 (2) 0.072 (4)

    Hawkins (1998) Clifton Down Limestone 0.051 (3) 0.117 (1) 0.018 (5) 0.061 (2) 0.020 (4)

    Hawkins (1998) Purbeck Limestone 0.009 (5) 0.320 (1) 0.220 (2) 0.188 (3) 0.045 (4)

    Hawkins (1998) Pennant Sandstone 0.003 (5) 0.373 (1) 0.182 (3) 0.285 (2) 0.016 (4)

    Hawkins (1998) Bath Stone 0.009 (5) 0.246 (1) 0.167 (3) 0.176 (2) 0.026 (4)

    Hawkins (1998) Burrington Oolite 0.000 (5) 0.314 (1) 0.128 (3) 0.240 (2) 0.003 (4)

    Hawkins (1998) Hollington Sandstone 0.301 (5) 0.794 (1) 0.638 (3) 0.723 (2) 0.327 (4)

    Hoskins and Horino (1969) Kansas Limestone 0.001 (5) 0.200 (1) 0.069 (3) 0.195 (2) 0.001 (4)

    Hoskins and Horino (1969) Longmont Sandstone 0.573 (5) 0.881 (1) 0.749 (3) 0.881 (2) 0.573 (4)

    Natau et al. (1983) Limestone (yellow) 0.307 (5) 0.625 (2) 0.638 (1) 0.525 (4) 0.540 (3)

    Pells (2004) Hawkesbury Sandstone (West Pymble Outcrop) 0.923 (1) 0.571 (4) 0.830 (3) 0.561 (5) 0.913 (2)

    Thuro et al. (2001) Limestone 0.053 (5) 0.088 (1) 0.071 (3) 0.086 (2) 0.055 (4)

    Hawkins (1998)a Pilton Sandstone 0.959 (2) 0.894 (5) 0.930 (3) 0.914 (4) 0.960 (1)

    Hawkins (1998)b Clifton Down Limestone 0.795 (5) 0.974 (1) 0.947 (3) 0.952 (2) 0.858 (4)

    Hawkins (1998)b Purbeck Limestone 0.746 (5) 0.959 (1) 0.912 (3) 0.934 (2) 0.802 (4)

    Hawkins (1998)a Pennant Sandstone 0.888 (5) 0.940 (2) 0.932 (3) 0.943 (1) 0.914 (4)

    Hawkins (1998)a Bath Stone 0.758 (5) 0.911 (1) 0.876 (3) 0.892 (2) 0.799 (4)

    Hawkins (1998)a Burrington Oolite 0.920 (5) 0.988 (2) 0.981 (3) 0.989 (1) 0.941 (4)

    Hawkins (1998)a Hollington Sandstone 0.888 (3) 0.878 (5) 0.888 (2) 0.892 (1) 0.887 (4)

    Hoskins and Horino (1969)c Kansas Limestone 0.376 (2) 0.139 (3) 0.257 (5) 0.136 (4) 0.381 (1)

    Hoskins and Horino (1969)c Longmont Sandstone 0.250 (5) 0.429 (2) 0.339 (3) 0.429 (1) 0.250 (4)

    Restricted data sets: a includes only specimens with diameter [54 mm, b [38 mm, c [50 mm

    Table 8 R2 values and comparative model ranking for various relational forms obtained from regression analysis of publish data of igneousrocks

    Reference Material tested R2 (rank)

    Linear Linear




    MFSL Expon.

    Hoskins and Horino (1969) Salida granite 0.954 (1) 0.772 (5) 0.863 (3) 0.782 (4) 0.948 (2)

    Jackson and Lau (1990) Lac du Bonnet granite 0.474 (3) 0.379 (4) 0.478 (1) 0.377 (5) 0.474 (2)

    Thuro et al. (2001) Granite 0.103 (2) 0.097 (4) 0.104 (1) 0.095 (5) 0.102 (3)

    Yuki et al. (1995) Ohya Stone (welded tuff) loaded horizontally

    to the depositional surface

    0.731 (1) 0.433 (5) 0.594 (3) 0.452 (4) 0.708 (2)

    Yuki et al. (1995) Ohya Stone (welded tuff) loaded vertically

    to the depositional surface

    0.963 (1) 0.830 (4) 0.930 (3) 0.815 (5) 0.963 (2)

    Nishimatsu et al. (1969) Saajome andesite 0.801 (2) 0.628 (4) 0.745 (3) 0.618 (5) 0.813 (1)

    Nishimatsu et al. (1969) Ogino tuff 0.396 (2) 0.062 (4) 0.224 (3) 0.048 (5) 0.427 (1)

    Nishimatsu et al. (1969) Inada granite 0.662 (2) 0.272 (4) 0.520 (3) 0.243 (5) 0.700 (1)

    Nishimatsu et al. (1969) Shinkomatsu andesite 0.329 (2) 0.013 (4) 0.154 (3) 0.008 (5) 0.354 (1)

    Nishimatsu et al. (1969) Aoishi sandy tuff 0.001 (4) 0.009 (1) 0.002 (3) 0.008 (2) 0.000 (5)

    Hoskins and Horino (1969) Carthage marblea 0.615 (2) 0.280 (4) 0.451 (3) 0.279 (5) 0.617 (1)

    Hoskins and Horino (1969)b Carthage marblea 0.783 (1) 0.745 (5) 0.767 (3) 0.751 (4) 0.783 (2)

    a A single metamorphic rock has also been included as only one example exists in the literature

    Restricted data set: b includes only specimens with diameter [50 mm

    The Effect of Specimen Size on Strength and Other Properties 527


  • size effect whether it be a positive or negative trend and

    which do not.

    3.2 Youngs Modulus and Poissons Ratio-Size Effect

    When considering Fig. 31 it can be concluded that for the

    material tested in this study there is a slight increase in

    Youngs modulus (approximately 8%), although consider-

    ing the standard deviations of the data this trend is difficult

    to support statistically. Poissons ratio shows large vari-

    ability with little evidence of a strong size effect, although

    in this contribution only very few data were obtained

    (Fig. 32). More generally there seems to be a general lack

    of data pertaining to this area of research, and in light of the

    inconsistencies seen between the published datasets it is

    not possible to make a sound conclusion regarding the size

    effect in Youngs modulus or more acutely Poissons ratio.

    4 Conclusion

    Assessing the available Youngs modulus and Poissons

    ratio data it cannot be confirmed whether a size effect

    exists. Given the limited quantity of data on these prop-

    erties relationship with specimen size no conclusion can

    be considered statistically significant and further research

    is warranted in this area.

    Considering the new and previously published data

    presented in this paper on the strengthsize effect, it is

    clear that large variations in the magnitude of any rela-

    tionship exist. Possible reasons for this variation must be

    established. It is hypothesised that no consistent result can

    be seen in the published experimental data due to one or

    more of the following issues: (a) the testing method/

    apparatus used; (b) specimen preparation; and/or (c) the

    type of material under examination (not-excluding the

    possibility of anisotropic or load orientation strengthsize


    The particulars of any testing method and apparatus will

    inevitably generate some variation in results. It is possible

    that the variations seen in the published data are due to a

    high sensitivity to the testing methodologies. Specifically,

    high sensitivities may be associated with boundary condi-

    tions including platen friction, the effect of capping

    materials (if used) and specimen end preparation (including

    flatness, perpendicularity and smoothness). Other experi-

    mental peculiarities such as test rig stiffness, load rate, etc.

    may also be a cause for this variability between different

    researchers results. It is hypothesised that these factors

    have a strong influence in causing some of the high vari-

    ability, and low strengths seen in specimens \50 mm indiameter, where stress concentrations due to poor end

    preparation will lead to a comparatively dramatic effect on

    specimen strength (when compared to the effect a stress

    concentration may have on a specimen larger than 50 mm

    in diameter).

    It appears that any scale relationship is highly material

    dependent. It seems probable that the nature of any

    strengthsize effect is determined to some degree by the

    materials general structural classification (igneous, sedi-

    mentary or otherwise). This paper presents results showing

    high variations of the strengthsize effect even within single

    material classifications. Igneous rocks appear to fit all of the

    tested sizestrength relations relatively poorly when com-

    pared to sedimentary rocks fitted to the same models.

    Generally speaking, a majority of the results analysed

    are modelled best by a linear (1/diameter) relationship or

    the MFSL. Both models incorporate a horizontal asymptote

    dictating large scale rock strength. Furthermore, it is

    impossible to model the scalestrength effect of all rocks

    using a power law model with a single fixed general power.

    More research is clearly needed to fully understand this

    phenomenon. Such research should aim at generating

    consistency across new datasets and aim to generate con-

    sistency within a dataset, using a single rock type or

    material over a complete scale range (i.e. testing

    20300 mm specimens) while maintaining consistent

    boundary conditions. The results of specimens at, or

    exceeding, 300 mm are of crucial importance given a

    specific and distinct lack of these data in publications to

    date and their practical relevance to large scale design,

    improving statistical relevancy and confirming the exis-

    tence of a horizontal asymptote and the threshold diameter

    at which asymptotic strength is met.

    The approach used in this paper is based mainly on

    statistical analysis of existing data. The results have indi-

    cated that the scale relationship depends strongly on the

    type (or structural classification) of the rock. It may be

    worthwhile to study the geometric and physical properties

    of the heterogeneities that are generally observed in each

    type of rock; how evolution of the failure process may be

    influenced by the nature of the heterogeneity and the

    applied load; how other factors such as specimen size and

    boundary conditions may affect the measured peak

    strength. This may help to explain the rock type-dependent

    scale relationship based on a mechanistic approach.

    Acknowledgments The authors would like to extend their thanksand appreciation to the undergraduate student Sajmir Bella for his

    assistance with the laboratory work associated with this project.


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    The Effect of Specimen Size on Strength and Other Properties in Laboratory Testing of Rock and Rock-Like Cementitious Brittle MaterialsAbstractIntroductionCementitious MaterialsSedimentary RocksIgneous RocksMetamorphic RocksYoungs Modulus and Poissons Ratio

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