artGLOSS Issue 1.1 - Never Have I Ever

Post on 28-Jul-2016

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“Never Have I Ever” is a game that offers its players the chance to consider, analyze, and explore barriers while bonding more closely with the other participants. It challenges the very capacity of our accomplishments and experiences. It leaves us questioning: What limitations have we put on ourselves? What risks would we like to take in the future? Who else has had similar exploits?


The artGLOSS Zine is a publication of artistic work centered around a chosen theme. We are most interested in non-traditional art forms and multiple mediums. We strive to connect art makers from one genre with those from another. Our hope is that the focus on interdisciplinary work will expand the exclusivity of the field. We are continually growing the cohort, and accepting applications on a rolling basis. Please visit for submission guidelines and to access the zine’s submission system.

artMEAT presents:

artGLOSS issue 1.1

“Never Have I Ever”


Terriblay ..........................................................................................................................

Hannah Hartel ..............................................................................................................

Rushelle Kucala ............................................................................................................

Nick Fair .........................................................................................................................

S. Merill ...........................................................................................................................

Kelly Johnston ...............................................................................................................

Rushelle Kucala ............................................................................................................

Chelsea Quinlan ...........................................................................................................

Susan Kelly ....................................................................................................................

Maureen Delaney ........................................................................................................

Delanté G. Keys ...........................................................................................................

Rushelle Kucala ...........................................................................................................

Danielle René ................................................................................................................

Nick Fair .........................................................................................................................

Susan Kelly ....................................................................................................................

Rushelle Kucala ...........................................................................................................

Shelby Aranyi ...............................................................................................................

DeMario Henagan ......................................................................................................


























Hannah Hartel ...........................................................................................................

Emily Coleman............................................................................................................

Alisa S. Kleckner ........................................................................................................

Rushelle Kucala ..........................................................................................................

Michael Barry ..............................................................................................................

Veronica Ballard .........................................................................................................




Shelby Aranyi + Delanté G. Keys ...........................................................................

You + Me ........................................................................................................................

(1.1) MEETING with the artGANG.

artMEAT is a new and exciting endeavor for us, and within both its planning and execution each of us has been frightened, challenged, exhausted, vexed, and exhilarated. In short, this project has already evolved us as thinkers, creators, and innovators; all because we collectively decided to embark on an adventure we had previously never considered taking.

This issue’s “Never Have I Ever” theme was selected in order to honor and empower this intrepid spirit of the artist. We asked our contributors to send us work that pushed their artistic/personal boundaries or explored the world of unfulfilled possibility. The results greatly exceeded our expec-tations. We received such alluring, delicate, and fiery pieces and it is our absolute honor to share them with you in the pages beyond.

Our hope is that a peek into this realm of risk will emancipate your own unrealized desires. Thank you for joining us.

Without further ado, artMEAT is proud to present: issue 1.1 NEVER HAVE I EVER…

CrEATively Yours,

the artGANG

Artistic Director

Administrative Director

Executive Curator

Administrative Coordinator

Delanté G. Keys

Kayleigh Axtell

Shelby Aranyi

Kyle Danielson




Never have I ever done this before

Never have I ever danced on a stage

But never is not forever

And never

Have I ever

Been so brave


Hannah Hartel


Beam of Light Eyes



Little Lo


This piece is made out of nickel, copper and brass. It was the first metals piece I had made. I was trained as a ceramicist, and then decided to take a metals class - it was so challenging! The rigidity of the medium was very difficult for me to understand; if I made one wrong move, then I needed to start over. It also challenged me to be incredibly patient, which is a lesson I am still learning to apply, not only to my practice, but to my personal life as well.


Never Have I Ever Thought It Could Happen Here

This photograph is one of my Arctic time-lapse installations. The projec-tion is an video installation of edited footage I took while live/working in Alaska the summer prior in a town called Homer and projected on a loop. When I was in Alaska, I was alarmed by the stories of locals commenting on the recession of glaciers and unusual warm weather. When I sat down with Alaska Native photographer Brian Adams for interviews I was pro-ducing and filming for the Smithsonian Arctic Studies Center he informed me of stories that have still stuck with me since- he informed me of coastal villages in Alaska that lose 90 feet of permafrost to the ocean per year and climbing due to climate change. When I came back to New York, I was inspired to create artwork that addressed the issue of climate change and



Never Have I Ever Thought It Could Happen Here

need for climate adaptation. I took time-lapse footage I shot in various places of Alaska and began to project them around urban environments in New York. I decided if my fellow New Yorkers considered climate change, especially in the Arctic, to be “out of sight, out of mind” then I would bring it to them. This photograph was taken of my installation on Kent Avenue in Williamsburg by photographer and friend of mine, Paul Barcena. The condemned building it is projected on is a short way away from the water- much of this area was flooded during hurricane Sandy and will be completely covered in water if the Arctic continues to warm at the rate it has been.




No Titles.


No Titles.



It is a tease to you.

It is a formality- a game- only the hint of an obstacle.


To me, it is a gate.

To us, a stone wall- a rampart- a bastion.

And we the real people: clobbered together from metal and mortar fused with ash and rust fueled by necessity and rage, We must climb. We must scale. We must make reality of impossibility. We must smuggle possibility from improbability.

In the end, we will have what you have kept from us. It is of no matter how far you have hidden it. It is of no consequence the depths to where you have concealed it. We shall find.


Never Has It Been An Answer.

Delanté G. Keys










There are some photocopy print experiments that I’ve been working on, where nothing is permanent or set in stone- everything can have layers built up- and many factors are decided by the machine (whether it wants to or not). The photocopier is a machine that occupies space in the art office that I can use to my advantage. I can make prints on prints- I can collage and combine- through an almost outdated machine. It’s so simple- but I can’t help but find possibilities within it. Never have I ever used it for art making before recently- and it’s all experimental. Most of my main bodies of work focus on the process of creating- I have many, many steps before I even reach an image I enjoy or will use in the future. I may even end up with “nothing” after several days and several steps. The photocopier allows as many steps as I need.



i need to reveal slowly a small secret about myself

sometimes i listen to the sounds of trains they remind me of rare moments where i felt nothing but love

i don’t like the rain but i like her sound i used to like swimming before i hit puberty

it’s strange how life can change so quickly but then not at all

everything is esoteric

and every man who has done me wrong had a strange affinity to water

i do not like the beach or the lake they are bad places the only water i do not fear is the river she is fast and strong, cutting through earth with her sharp tongue

i am earth, the muddy banks, the sands, the mountain

she cuts into me deep rushing water ripping away, making me fall, crumble, succumb to her silent scream

the coldness feels like the way blood tastes after it has lost its warmth



Shelby Aranyi









In your open call you mentioned a toenail mosaic, and I knew I had to submit. This piece that I submitted is made from four years of my fingernail clippings.

In 2011 I was forced to medically withdraw from the University of Texas’ fine art program due to illness. I got very sick with tonsillitis, mononucleosis, and hepatitis A all at once. I was bedridden for a month, needed a trip to the ER because I couldn’t keep anything down including water, and it took nearly 3 months before I felt completely back to normal again.

During this time, I reflected on how hard I had been working myself for my art degree. I really came to believe that exhaustion was a huge part of what allowed these opportunistic viruses to take hold of my body. In the end, I decided not to return to UT. I decided to pursue art on my own terms.

While I was so sick, I was too weak to do simple things. For example, trim my nails. They got absurdly long, and by the time I was able to cut them I felt like they were objects I should keep. For three years I continued to keep my clippings until 2014 when I finally put them together in an art piece. They mark the time that has passed since dropping out from art school, and they have been at the tips of my fingers (literally) as I’ve produced every piece of art I’ve made since.

Besides the serendipity I felt seeing you mention a toenail mosaic in your open call... I chose this piece because I’ve had it for the last 2 years, and I’ve been adding to it of course, but I very rarely show it or even tell people about it. Quite frankly, it grosses people out. I find that aspect of it very interesting though. In fact since starting this piece with my fingernails I’ve begun explor-ing what else can be made from materials my own body creates. It’s intrigu-ing to me how much material each human makes, and that once something is separated from our bodies most people seem to want nothing to do with it and see it as repulsive. Anyways, because I never talk about this piece or show it, it seemed the perfect piece for “Never Have I Ever.

Hoity in the ‘Hood





Hoity in the ‘Hood


Little Bunny Voodoo



never have i ever told you how it hurts how it disgusts how it offends me when you say that I am not Black.

i understand that you are joking, i know you find it an amusing jest, but i must lay bare how you have insulted me:

when you steal what is intrinsically/ what is rightfully/ what is inherently mine; when you negate that which I am because you consider competence/ you consider proficiency/ you consider dexterity just more virtues that you alone own.

i am compelled to cast down this part of you; that embraces ignorance in lieu of true comprehension.

i am Black, and so Black must be competent/ Black must be proficient/ Black must be dexterous; races are such things greater than the prejudices we try to make their realm: i am not an exception that proves your distorted rules.

your blood/your bones/your skin are no more than mine. my kind is glorious; and we were born to blind with our shining. (urging: think twice before forsaking.)

...but it is my race!

Delanté G. Keys




These are the stories we tell ourselves.

We will start a website writing reviews which will pay us to sit and drink margaritas on patios.

We will open a pop-up restaurant once a quarter making a quick profit chopping up ceviche and roasting lamb.

We will leave town and things will get better.

We are all each of us will ever need.

These are the stories we tell ourselves.


I never expected to feel chewed up like I do after three years in this town. I didn’t think anywhere could rival the crushing of a soul like a cookie-cutter town could in the Midwest. But Austin did. It gnawed on me – grinding my bones, my spirit, my credit score, and has spit me out.

When I left the Midwest, I was running towards something – aching for a life beyond chain restaurants and weekend tailgates marking the passing of days. But now, I often wonder if I am running away from something, some-one, many things, many some ones. And if so, is that ok? Is it any less of a reason to leave if it is only to get somewhere else?


It will be different this time.

We have done our research.

I am part of a “we,” and that is already different.


Veronica Ballard



There are unions and benefits and higher hourly rates and lower costs of living.

We have been saving. We have thrown a dollar, twenty, a couple hundred in recycled pickle jars. We won’t open them until we arrive and smile like giddy children finding out just how much our change has come up to be.

The jobs we get will be better.

It will be different this time.


Never have I ever broken a bone. I have never split my skin so much it required a stitch. I have never been to ItalyCaliforniaAlaskaHawaiiProvenc-eMoscowBaliPortlandStAugustineIstanbul. I have never ridden a roller coaster. I have never been arrested. I have never had enough money cour-age solitude discipline chocolate shifts experience faith luck guidance TIME.

But those are the things we are chasing.






They are our gods.

And that may never change.







If you’re proud of what you’ve done, share it with us by tagging thisisartmeat! #artmeat #neverhaveiever #artgloss

What risks would you like to take in the future? What hasn’t happened yet? What mold haven’t you broken? This page is your space to dream.

All you have to do is finish the phrase: NEVER HAVE I EVER...”

SHELBY ARANYI is a artist/designer living in Austin, TX. She is a graduate of North Carolina State University and the Executive Curator for artMEAT.

VERONICA BALLARD grew up all over – moving from the east coast to the deep South and even London for a little while. But, for now, Austin is her home. Vegas is next, possibly Seattle or Denver after that. She graduated three years ago with a Master’s in Creative Writing. On her work Veroni-ca comments: “ I wrote a silly little memoir for my thesis describing who I used to be. Ever since, life has tried to stop me from writing – dumb jobs and insecurities and the dishes, but I’m fighting the good fight to keep going, keep exploring, and keep writing. I am mostly interested in writing the truth – essays and whatnot – but sometimes making things up is much more fun. Maybe we can sit down with a good glass of wine and talk about creating things sometime. Cheers.”

MICHAEL BARRY Michael is a photographer based in London who works mainly in fashion portraiture but for this feature, he has chosen a selection of consecutive frames from his personal work.

EMILY COLEMAN is an artist, woman, & bartender from Austin, TX. She en-joys working with unconventional materials, and takes delight in repetitive detail oriented work. See more at

MAUREEN DELANEY studied photography at Pratt Institute and lives in Austin with her two children.

NICHOLAS FAIR is a visual designer and artist from Raleigh, North Carolina. He received his Bachelor’s from North Carolina State University’s College of Design, and works as the Graphic Design lead at the NC EPA. You can find more of his work online at:

HANNAH HARTEL My name is Hannah Hartel, and I was born and raised in Austin,TX. I love to travel and in my twenty-five years I have been to all fifty states in the U.S., Mexico, and Canada. I’m currently working as a waitress and towards getting my associates degree in dance at Austin Community


College. My goal is to become an art therapist who specializes in movement therapy. I spend most of my free time creating art, dancing, visiting with my family or friends, and taking my dog Zuri to the park.

DEMARIO HENAGAN was born and raised in Southwest Arkansas. He re-ceived classical training at the SafeHouse Atelier, under the watchful eye of Carl Dobsky. DeMario currently works as a freelance illustrator and is pre-paring for a group show in early May. DeMario hopes to show an alternate reality where mythos and mankind interact. Think of his art as a portal into the world he sees.

KELLY JOHNSTON was born in Washington DC in 1991, and moved to San Antonio, Texas, where she currently lives and works. In 2015, Kelly graduat-ed from Trinity University with a BA in Anthropology and BA in Studio Art. Though deciding to pursue art late in her college career, Kelly has been able to exhibit throughout Texas and nationally since 2010. Kelly’s work explores inherent tensions between emotional and physical discomfort by using nat-ural materials on large scales to create sculpture and installation, in hopes viewers connect and address issues in their own lives. Strikingly, Kelly’s use of the human form can be seen as a common theme throughout her work and over time transitioned to incorporating mixed media approaches in her work.

ALISA S. KLECKNER designs and builds costumes, puppets, masks and make-up prosthetics for both the professional and academic communities. She has designed for over 125 productions throughout the Northeast all the while nurturing her love of all things sculptural. As adjunct faculty at Arcadia University in Glenside PA, she teaches a range of courses in theatre design and technology as well as foundations classes in the art department. Alisa is the resident designer at Arcadia, managing the university’s costume shop, and recently launched her leather masks line as part of a new business ven-ture, Scared of My Shadow. She has been honored with a KC/ACTF Faculty Design Fellowship, a nomination for the F. Otto Haas Emerging Artist Award and is an alumnus of the O’Neill National Puppetry Conference and Puppets in Prague. Following the success of the devised puppet production ALIVE!, Alisa recently premiered her original work MIDWAY, a new animated tale for adults. What’s next? Making, making and more making!


RUSHELLE KUCALA is an illustrator, concept artist, and paleoartist. She’s a graduate from Academy of Art University with a BFA in illustration. Her website is and email is

SUSAN KELLY I am a multi-process artist. My work is a celebration and critique of Korean pop idol culture. I create with a sense of urgency, where if I can do something right now- I’m going to do it right now. Recently, I’ve been really interested in combining traditional stained glass techniques with contemporary pop subjects.

DELANTÉ G. KEYS is a graduate of Arcadia University, and the Artistic Di-rector of artMEAT.

S. MERRILL/DEAD-KOI is an illustration major in her senior year at the Academy of Art, in San Francisco. She works primarily in fantasy illus-tration and comics, but she hopes to do character design for video games someday! View her work at:

CHELSEA QUINLAN is a stop motion animator, projection artist, and roller skater previously from Brooklyn, NY, newly relocated to Austin, TX. Her website is:

DANIELLE RENÉ has been doing makeup since she was 12 years old. Although she is an actor at heart, makeup artistry became a passion of hers which she does not take lightly. She is always looking for a challenge through her art, whether it be on stage or through her makeup application. “I believe that all women are pretty without makeup - and can be pretty powerful with the right makeup.” -Bobbi Brown



We would like to thank the following individuals for their contributions and efforts to make artMEAT a success. These unsung heroes are the ones who make our initiative possible:

Peggy Ellithorpe, Austin Creative Alliance Erin Crespo, Austin Creative Alliance John Riedie, Austin Creative Alliance Jefferson Lam Alan Cordova Amber Quick, Miles Chick, and Sass & the Couchmen John Gardner & Goodnight Ghost Nicholas Kier Natalie Novacek Teresa Roberson David Jarott Madi Distefano Terra Chick Indigo Raela Brittany Mills Nick Mills Dave Steakley Bonnie Cullum Forrest Preece Linda Ball

Also, a very special thank you to our sponsors for believing in the arts and supporting the growth of artMEAT.

Mary McManus, Gene Gualtieri, Sam Gualtieri, and Leo Gualtieri