Arthritis & Musculoskeletal Conditions Jenaee & Laura.

Post on 19-Dec-2015

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Arthritis & Musculoskeletal


Jenaee & Laura


- Arthritis is a term used to describe a disorder of one or more joints. Arthritis disorders are part of a broader group

of disorders of the muscles and bones, these conditions are called musculoskeletal disorders.

Types of conditions:

- There are three types of arthritis and Musculoskeletal conditions

- Osteoarthritis- Rheumatoid arthritis - Osteoporosis.


- Osteoarthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis, it mainly occurs between the ages of

45-90 years- The cause of Osteoarthritis is mainly by the accumulated wear of the cartilage surrounding

the bone, as the cartilage degenerates the function of the joint is disrupted causing pain with


- Osteoarthritis mainly affects the hands, spine and weight bearing joints such as the hips, knees

and ankles

Rheumatoid Arthritis:

- Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease effecting the joints causing swelling and

destruction within the area.- Rheumatoid arthritis can occur at any age but is

commonly found to develop between the ages of 25-50

- Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, in which the immune system attacks the tissue

lining the joints which causes the joints to inflame and cause pain, heat and swelling. This disease

mostly occurs in hand joints causing deformities.


- Osteoporosis ‘porous bones’ is a musculoskeletal disorder where the bone density thins and

weakens resulting in a higher risk of a bone fracture.

- The most common areas for fractures to occur are in the bones of the spine, hip and the wrist. Other areas that are less common but are still affected

by this disease are the bones in the shoulder, ribs and pelvis.


- Arthritis and Musculoskeletal conditions were added as a NHPA because of the health and

economic burden of disease place on the community, including the use of hospitals and

primary care services and disruptions to daily life lost productivity through disability.

- They are highly prevalent and large contributors to illness, pain and disability.

Risk Factors:biological:

- genetics, a family history is a risk factor for these conditions.

- Age, arthritis is more common with age. - Sex, arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions are more

common among woman.


- Smoking, tobacco smoking is a risk factor for rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis

- Diet, a low calcium diet increases the risk of osteoporosis

- Physical inactivity, being inactive can lead to osteoporosis

Health promotions programs:

- Arthritis Victoria has introduced the Waves Warm Water Wellness program. Exercising in warm water is one way to help people with arthritis remain physically active. The warmth of the water helps relieve the pain and stiffness associated with arthritis.

- This wave program provides a gentle warm exercise class in a hydrotherapy pool at temperatures between 32-34 degrees with a general work out for the whole body.

Cost to the community

• Direct: The cost of healthcare services- Direct costs for the community arise from the considerable demand people place on the health services in the form of: - doctor - specialist- tests used to diagnose or treat illness - emergency attendance - hospital outpatient and inpatient services. Over any two week period, 23% of the population visited a doctor. 85% of the population see a doctor at least once in a year. The health care system spent $86.9 billion in 2005-2006. $30 billion was spent on the national health priority areas.

Cost in the community:

Indirect cost:Unpaid care- a person suffering from arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions can place a burden of disease on other member of the community due to the care that may be required. These people might need to take time away from paid work to care for that person. Reduced or lost productivity- this can include the impact-reduced effectiveness of a person suffering whilst at work. Absenteeism- If a person is ill they might need to take time off work; this puts a financial burden on the community because it means they may need to find someone to replace you.

Cost to the community

• Intangible cost: loss of an individual from a community due to premature death- Chronic disease can result in loss of life prematurely. The loss of a member of the community will cause emotional pain and suffering to be experienced by others.

Cost for the individual

• Direct: the costs of medical care- Money spent on healthcare by the individual may include costs such as hospitalisation and out of pocket expenses for doctors visits. It also includes any specialist and rehabilitation consultations, services, aids and equipment costs associated with the treatment of illness.Ambulance- The cost of any ambulance travel is not covered by Medicare so individuals will need to pay to cover them for ambulance travel.

Cost for the individual

• Indirect: travel cost related to receiving treatment and care- for people living in rural areas this cost will be more significant than others. It is considered as an indirect cost as it does not result directly to the treatment or diagnosis of illness.

Cost for the individual• Intangible cost:

pain and suffering- the pain the person experiences as a result of the illness will differ depending on the illness and the individual. It is a cost that will have a significant impact on life, but one that can not be associated with a monetary value. Anxiety and stress due to reduced productivity- absence from work for the patient can cause stress and despair, as an individual may feel like an unproductive member of the community in which they live. Loss of time- A person may also have difficulty attending to family duties, creating emotional stress due to loss of time due to appointment and lack of mobility and strength. Loss of quality of life- A person living with arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions can impact the ability of the individual to participate in their regular daily activities.