Article -3 Brand Question

Post on 07-Jul-2018

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  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


     Three Questions you need to askabout your BRAND.

    By Kevin Lane Keller,  Brian Sternthal,

      and Alice Tybout.

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    What coes to your ind !hen you

    see these brands"

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    Su#erior $andlin%&


    Natural hairsoothenin


    A non-cosmetic,skin friendly cream

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    (bserve, that one a)or as#ect is the #oints o*

    di+erentiation . They are, in any cases, !hatconsuers reeber about a brand.

     Aspects of Brand

    Positioning :

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    $(W-R, ana%ers have to #ayattention to t!o ore i#ortant as#ects /

    0nderstandin% the*rae o* re*erence!ithin !hich theirbrands !ork

    Addressin% *eaturesthat brands have incoon !ithco#etitors. 1 #ointso* #arity2

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    3onsider S0BWA4..

    't di+erentiated itsel* *ro other *ast5*oodrestaurants by *ocusin% on 6$ealth*ulness7o+ered by the Sub sand!ich.

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


     *eared that a stron%health5centered

    ca#ai%n !ould )eo#ardi8e the#erce#tion o* sub!ayas a *ast5*oodestablishent !here%ood taste instead o*health is o*ten an

    i#ortant *actor &

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    Brand #ositionin% *ocusin% only on a#oint o* di+erence leaves out

    i#ortant issues.

    'denti9cation o* an a##ro#riate*rae o* re*erence and associated

    #oints o* #arity are i#ortant.


  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    S( !e ask ourselves:.

    Have We Established aFrame?

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    A *rae o* re*erence

    Si%nals toconsuers the%oal they cane;#ect to

    achieve by usin%a brand &

    Dictates the ty#eso* associationsthat !ill *unction

    as the #oints o*#arity anddi+erence.

    't can be Brandsin the saecate%ory.

    3an also be thebrands in roduct?s sta%e inthe li*e cycle

    3o#etitors as the*rae o* re*erence.

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    Consider Fed Ex  :

    Started o+ !ith a clear #oint o*

    di+erence *ro traditional

    ail delivery via >ostal serviceas “vernight !eliver"#$

    $o!ever, any ne! co#etitors becae #roviders o* the sae

    service and no!, they served as the *rae o* re*erence .

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    Ho%? B" specif"ingattrib&tes li'e

    “(peed# and

    In such a frame, in order to standout FedEx ositioned itself assu!erior to them.

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    frame ofreferencechan#es. E$en

    the esta%lished%rands need to!ay close


    &ue to the ad$ent of otherforms of documenttransmission like Fax,email , the 's!eedydeli$ery( !oint of

    di)erence is rendered

    )he frame of reference isexpanded to incl&de faxand email here$

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    A*ter !e have set the *rae o*

    re*erence, !e 9nd out:

    Whether or not are !elevera%in% our >oints o*

    >arit "

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    't is es#ecially i#ortant to identi*y #ointso* #arity !hen !e introduce a ne! brand.

    3onsuers ust #erceive your#roduct as a le%itiate and credible

    #layer !ithin that *rae.

     The ore innovative the #roduct, the%reater the di@culty o* 9ttin% it into anestablished *rae and eetin% the*rae?s iniu re

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


     The li*e and death o* otorolanvoy 1C52

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


     The Bi%%est Eau; >as !as :

    . Wo!. 's it a #a%er"

    . nah. 't?s tooLar%e to be oneand

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    $. ' a not sure !hy 'should even s#end IJand #urchase this #roduct.

    Witho&t a clear frame ofreference and lac' of points of

    parit"* )he envo" %as

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


     Then cae The >al >ilot , a device !ith only a*raction o* the ca#abilities o* nvoy , !as launched.

     The key *actorin the #roductssuccess !as its#oint o* #arity!ith electronicor%ani8ersM it!as able toclai this

    cate%ory as a*rae o*re*erence.

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


     The ore the e;tension di+ers *ro abase brand, the %reater the i#ortanceo* *ocusin% on the *rae o* re*erence.

    Brand ;tensions.

    Dove oved into the

    dish!ashin% li

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    Sales !eredisa##ointin%. 't !asobvious that

    consuers !erelookin% *or adish!ashin% liarity !ith

    co#etitors be*ore stressin% itsdi+erences.

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    Established brands$

    ana%ers o* establishedbrands also need toreassess #oints o* #arity*ro tie to tiebecause attributes that!ere once di+erentiators

    can becoe iniure

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    Dealin% !ith co#etitors Savvy


    arketers can hold o+ a co#etitor?s #oint o* di+erenceby creatin% co#etitive #oints o* #arity.

    ;a#le / Oillette is no lon%er the only

    co#any sellin% tri#le5blade ra8ors:


  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    A %rand can '%reak e$en( in an area *herecom!etitors are tryin# to %reak a*ay and thenachie$e a !oint of di)erence in some other

    +y attackin# a com!etitors !oint ofdi)erence and recastin# it as a !oint of!arity, a com!any ho!es to dra*attention to its o*n !oint of di)erence.

    DS'PA>L /

    A th l

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    Another exam!le

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    )he third most important,&estion %e as' o&rselves is :

    Are The >oints o* Di+erence

    3o#ellin%" 1Would the consuers

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    Assuming a frame of reference is identied correctly,even seemingly contradictory points of dierence canbe powerful.

     To tar%et youressa%e better,consider thesekinds o* di+erences

    Brand #er*oranceassociations

    Brand ia%eryassociations

    3onsuer insi%htassociations

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    -$ BrandPerformanceassociations

     They relate tothe !ays in!hich a #roduct

    or serviceatte#ts to eetcustoers*unctional needs.

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    Eive broad cate%ories ,

    !hich coe into #lay!hen brands are assessedon characteristics a buyercan investi%ate are /


    #er*orance onbene9ts that#ro#tconsu#tion

     The Brand?sreliability,durability, andserviceability

    Servicee+ectiveness,e@ciency, ande#athy

    Style anddesi%n

    Associations tovalue and #ricei%ht hel#di+erentiate abrand *ro itsco#etitors

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    F. Brand 'a%eryAssociations

    When akin% choices based on e;#erience5such as!here to %et a haircut or eat dinner consuers usebrand ia%ery associations.

    Brand ia%ery is ty#ically established by de#ictin% !ho uses the

    brand and under !hat circustances.

    ./m going to &se "o&r brandfrom no% on* beca&se itma'es me feel good$ :P

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    0$Cons&mer .nsight

    associations$ They are %enerally used !ha brand?s #er*orance andia%ery don?t di+er uch

    *ro those o* theco#etition.

    .f all other meas&res are e,&al* abrand that can sho% cons&mers ithas insight into their problems orgoals can then ma'e the case thatit is the sol&tion$

    E l

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    Eor e;a#leLee )eans


    !oen?stribulations inthe search *or

     )eans that 9r!ell as thebasis *or

    #ositionin%Lee as thebrand that

    o+erssu erior 9t.

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    Ho%ever* &se of cons&mer insight as a point of di1erence is generall" a less

    attractive basis for positioning thanfoc&sing on a brand bene2t or imager"association beca&se insights intocons&mers goals are readil" em&lated$

     The insi%ht that youn% en desired to be hi# andadired by their #eers has becoe a #oint o* #arityrather than a #oint o* di+erence *or autoobileco#anies5 the sae insi%ht underlines ads *ro

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


     The si#lest a##roach to believability is to #oint to a





    Ee!er %ras o**at

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question



    A #roduct?s #oint o* di+erence needs to eet three deliverabilitycriteria. Eirst, creatin% the #oint o* di+erence ust be *easible &

    Airlines ha$e %een *ise

    enou#h to a%andone)orts to claim su!erioron-time !erformance astheir !oint of di)erence

    %ecause there are too

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    Secondly, #ositionin% on a #articular bene9tust be #ro9table, de*ensible, di@cult to attack.

    Eor e;a#le, ( o+ered *ree deliveryo* custoer #urchases but canceled the servicea*ter one year !hen it becae a##arent the

    bene9t could not be sustained #ro9tably

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    arket Leaders ty#ically arket their #roductson the basis o* the cate%ory?s #oints o* #arity.

    Eollo!er brands ust notne%lect #oints o* #arity as aeans o* announcin% their

    *rae o* re*erence, but theyco#ete on #oints o*di+erence

    Like cDonalds is %reat tasteM Sub!ay has %ood enou%htaste but co#etes on health*ulness.

    >antene o+ers healthier hair MSuave %ives you healthy hair at a

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    >uttin% 't All To%ether.

    >oints o*>arity

    Erae o*Re*erence

    >oints o*Di+erence.

    Develo#in% ane+ective#osition re

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    nsurin% that attributes don?t contradictone another is #articularly i#ortant.

    'ne;#ensive6o* hi%hesto!er*ul sa*e


  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    But. 't?s soeties #ossible to ake the casethat contradictions are, in *act, 3o#leents &

    When a##le launched

    acintosh, its key #oint o*di+erence !as 6 user*riendly7

    But custoers assuedthat easy to use >3 could

    not be very #o!er*ul

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    But. Look at A##le?s %enius reaction

    to that.

    't started an Ad3a#ai%n thatstated 6 The ost#o!er*ul co#utersare ones that #eo#le

    actually 0S 6

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    akin% it Last.

    As the brand a%es, the challen%e is toake sure it stays u# to date and intouch !ith consuers shi*tin% needs.

    >resentin% the sae #oints o* di+erence over tie

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    >resentin% the sae #oints o* di+erence over tiedoes not sustain a brand?s #er*orance. 't ay benecessary to dee#en the eanin%s associated

    !ith this brand.

     The brand is then#ositioned in such a !aythat its #oint o*di+erence becoes its

    essence and i#lies%oal attainent. This iscalled Ladderin% u#.

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    An e;a#le /

     The *ocus o* initial advertisin% s#ot o* a cellular co#anyin the 9rst %eneration !as on uni

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    'denti*y !hat is your 6B'O'DA7.

    >resent the custoers , over tie, !ith avariety o* attributes that i#ly the B'OBene9t. 't builds a Stron%er brand ia%e.

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    A DS' PA>L /

    Which ever advertiseent o* Nira you see, Noticethat the naes o* the characters and their )obreain the sae .i.e. %ettin% their clothes urky&$ea, Rekha, aya Aur Susha.

     The #eo#le readily associate the ad !ith the brand nae. Theyunderstand the Bi% idea o* the Ladies entioned above. And

    hence the Brand ia%e is built.

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    Avoid these >it*alls o* brand


     Tryin% to build branda!areness be*oreestablishin% a clearbrand #osition.

    >rootin% attributesthat consuersdon?t care about&

    'nvestin% in #oints o*di+erences that can be

    co#ied easily

    Becoin% so intent onres#ondin% to co#etitionthat they !alk a!ay *ro

    their established #ositions.

    Re#ositionin% a brand !ithout#ro#er thou%ht. 't is al!aysdi@cult and soeties


  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    Eraes o* re*erence, #oints o* #arityand di+erences are ovin% tar%ets&

    Don?t be stu#id enou%h tothink they !ill ever beStatic. Eoresi%ht is al!aysa %reat stren%th.

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    Reca# o* the three %olden oints o* Di+erence3o#ellin%" 1Would theconsuers #ut a stra! in

    Have We Established aFrame?

    Whether or not are !elevera%in% our >oints o*>arity"

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    Askin% yoursel* these ositioners are also the

    ost vi%ilant&

    A #resentation by

  • 8/18/2019 Article -3 Brand Question


    # yAish!arya Kandukuri,'''TDK,

    Ouided by >ro*. Saeerathur,An internshi# in arketin%

    ana%eent,'' Luckno!.

     Thank you &