Artificial Intelligence powered malware - A Smart virus

Post on 10-Jan-2017

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Artificial Intelligence Computer Virus

Artificial intelligence-powered malware is coming – called the “smart virus”.

A.I. Apocalypse

It all looks normal, but!The entire email was actually written by a piece of smart malware mimicking the client's email mannerisms, with a virus attached to the map.

Instead an artificial Intelligence (AI) activated malware has been working hard to create a trustworthy email seemingly coming from a trustworthy source.

Artificial intelligence implemented

in computer virus – A smart virusCreate an Artificially Intelligent (AI) Computer virus , which can modify its signature to avoid detection from an Anti Virus software.

A computer virus which can stop all its infectious activities and go into the state of incubation when a full system scan is going on through an Anti Virus scan.

What is the possibility of seeing such computer viruses in near future?

A computer virus can use AI, and the question we ask ourselves would it allow it to evade detection for very long?

The closest to a AI powered virus we have now is the polymorphic type of virus, but virus scanners use heuristics methods to detect these.

A virus which can detect when a system scan is going on doesn't require AI. If a virus has taken control of your system, it can be programmed to detect and avoid typical virus scanners.

Artificial intelligence implemented

in computer virus – A smart virusThe problem with a really-good AI powered virus is that it requires tons of top-end hardware to run effectively.

However, computer viruses need to be lightweight and nimble little pieces of code that slip into and out of systems and avoid detection.

They can't really command the necessary resources to be truly smart.

A smart virus could take over a whole network of computers, like a botnet does now.

It could use the intelligence of the whole network to prevent the takeover of any one of its hosts.

Theoretically that could work, at least for a while, under present-day conditions.

If such an attack were ever developed, a new defense would have to be developed for it.

The arms race between hackers and

security firmsArtificial intelligence becomes more and more sophisticated and it will inevitably find its way into malware.

Potentially disastrous results for the businesses and individuals that hackers target.

Hackers will compete with AI-driven defense systems for networks and computers within it. Defenses created with an "immune system" for users that learns how businesses operate then monitors for potential irregularities.

How cybersecurity is going to evolveToday

Ransomware is endemic. It's a type of malware that encrypts everything on the victim's computer or network, then demands a bitcoin ransom to decrypt it. If they don't pay up in a set timeframe, the data is lost for good.

Near future and maybe already today.

AI-infused ransomware will accelerate the risks these malware attacks make. Self-organizing malware made to inflict maximum damage, and going after new, even more lucrative targets.


Malware will perform coordinated action. Ransomware will be laying waiting until it's spread across a number of areas of the network before it suddenly takes action.

Malware will cause extortion of assets as well as data. Factory equipment, MRI scanners in hospitals, retail equipment will be kept hostages. Equipment and data you would pay to have back online because it is business critical. Data hostage is one thing as you can have been fortunate enough having backed up, but if your equipment stops working then you're business can be stopped, or even lives can be in jeopardy. Imagine the power grid to be kept hostage by a AI activated ransomware.

Bridging Networks

An Animated PowerPoint Slide

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AI Powered Emails or correspondence

You have got something on you laptop that can read all your emails, reads your messages, can read your calendar, and then sends people messages in the same communication style you use with them. You will get an email from what looks to be a friend or colleague in a style and manner as you are used to get. Attached to this email there is attached r included in the email a map of alocation of where to meet for a meeting or event. Because the AI powered malware can see in your calendar that we're due to meet up for a meeting or event. And you'd open it, because it'd be relevant, it'd be contextual, but the map would have a malware payload included in it.

It is a sophisticated version of a "CFO email" scam or "trust attack“, where the scammer, purporting to be a company employee, sends an email to the target asking them to make a money transfer.



Using recurring neural networks, AI software is taught to mimic writing styles.

Malware will be able to look through your correspondence, learn how you communicate, and then mimic you in order to infect other targets.

Destructive hacks• In December 2015, a Ukrainian power station was knocked offline by

an unprecedented hack.

• The power cut was caused by a type of hacking known as "spear-phishing“.

• The attack caused a blackout for 80,000 customers of western Ukraine's Prykarpattyaoblenergo utility.

• DHS said the "Black Energy Malware" used in the attack appears to have infected Ukraine's systems via a corrupted Microsoft Word attachment.

• The same code was detected in 2014 within systems at US facilities but there was no known successful disruption to the US grid.

Destructive hacks• OilRig Malware Campaigns• In May 2016 the first OilRig campaign was registered and analyzed.• The group behind the OilRig campaign continues to leverage spear-phishing emails

with malicious Microsoft Excel documents to compromise victims.• When the users.xls file is executed and macros are enabled, the victim is presented

with a decoy document.• An email sequence was sent to a Turkish government organization using a lure of

purported new portal logins for an airline’s website.• This same document content was used with Helminth samples targeting government

organizations in multiple nations.• Tracked a number of changes to the malware used by the actors responsible for

OilRig for various victims and purposes.• The attackers shifted from the update.vbs variant of their malware in late May 2016

to use the fireeye.vbs variant. More recently, the upd.vbs variant was discovered, which appears to be an actively developed copy.

• The attackers using the Helminth and Clayslide malware families continue to target various high value companies and organizations across the globe using their customized malware.

• While the malware deployed is not terribly sophisticated, it uses techniques such as DNS command and control (C2) that allows it to stay under the radar at many establishments.

Corporate stealth hacks• To perform real harm to an energy company

you would have your self-hunting, self-targeting malware go in to their systems and then start to change the geological and geophysical data on which they make their decisions where they're going explore, exploit or produce. Over a longer period of time you will make their performance going down as their discovery rate or production rate is falling, as wells are coming up dry in a more frequent rate than they used to do. This would create serious harm to their business in a way they're much less likely to notice and be able to respond to before the harm is done.

Internet of Things (IoT) TargetsThe attacks of the future could likely be in their IoT sensors, their submarines, their scanning equipment that's collecting [the data] in the first place.

Good luck finding those attacks.

Artificial intelligence revolution becomes ever-more advanced and ever-more accessible and it is, inevitably, going to be used for ill.

Timeframe of AI powered MalwareWithin the next 12 months it would be possible to train a neural network that would be smart enough to carry out a trust attack in a rudimentary way.

If you look at the progress people like Google DeepMind are making on natural speech and language tools, it's in the next couple of years when the more sophisticated AI powered malware attacks.

The evolutionary virus Leon creates is based on biological principles

Leon Tsarev is a high school student set on getting into a great college program, until his uncle, a member of the Russian mob, coerces him into developing a new computer virus for the mob’s botnet - the slave army of computers they used to commit digital crimes.

The virus continues to evolve,

developing intelligence,

communication, and finally an

entire civilization.

All the world’s computers are infected. Everything from cars to payment systems and, of course, computers and smart phones stop functioning, and with them go essential functions including emergency services, transportation, and the food supply. Billions may die.

Ramifications of a powerful supercomputer.

The story of the novella explores the nature of human desire and the uses and abuses of technology in the satisfaction of desire.

The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect by Roger Williams

An online novel from 1994.

Warning: The book is very graphically violent and sexual, especially in earlier chapters.

It deals with the ramifications of a powerful, super intelligent supercomputer that discovers a method of rewriting the "BIOS" of reality while studying a little-known quirk of quantum physics discovered during the prototyping of its own specialized processors, ultimately heralding a technological singularity.

After remaining unpublished for years, the novel was published online in 2002, hosted byKuro5hin.

Williams later published a print edition via print-on-demand publisher Lulu. One reviewer called the novel "a well-written and very creative, if flawed, piece of work" and ranked it as one of the more important works of fiction to

deal with the idea of a technological singularity.

AI powered malware

Artificial intelligence based viruses with Evolutionary code embedded into the malware, and malware that detects the hard drives contents and imitates other programs to evade detection do exist.

Such viruses do exist, but not in the open.

There are research papers that mention such approaches to malware, but for academic purposes only.

There is even a research paper discussing a p2p based botnet, that uses AI to evolve its p2p topology, to prevent detection of the source, to maximize efficiency, and to make the network robust against attack.

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Questions? More

Information?Stig-Arne Kristoffersen