AS Media annotated editing process.

Post on 21-Feb-2017

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Before I begin editing I organise the files to speed up the editing process. I name the file by action performed or location and either by take number or best shot. This makes it way easier to know which files to import.

1. I import all clips into Premier pro

2. I cut clips and zoom in to cut more tightly.

3. I put clips in order and go through again and tighten the edit. Then move on to audio editing.


After editing audio I had 9 audio tracks. This is because diegetic sound (mostly dialogue) needed to be louder than the non-diegetic sound. I also needed to add in me and Hannah's primary source sound effects we made such as footsteps, heavy breathing and door creaking. At the end of my opening sequence there is also a lot of silence. This is a technique used by Martin Scorsese. I used it to highlight the hopelessness of Luna’s situation because the music creates tension and creates the question “Is She going to escape?”. However this is juxtaposed by the silence which creates hopelessness because at that point it is a certainty she will be caught.

I edited the RGB CURVES on the beginning scene and the end scene of my opening sequence. I increased the red to show an increase in danger and to conform to convention. This increasing red technique is used in Kill Bill Vol.1 by Quentin Tarantino to show the blood lust of the main character.



I used one transition effect in two places. I used cross dissolve to transition between a calm scene to a high tension situation. This technique was used in the animated sequence of Kill Bill Vol. 1 by Quentin Tarantino. I chose this transition over swing out because cross dissolve looks more professional, whereas swing out looks like PowerPoint slide transition and was too stark in contrast.