AS Media Studies question 3 - Callum Henn

Post on 30-Apr-2015

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This is my response to question 3 in my AS media studies - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?


3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? My target audience is a very niche audience, meaning that it is aimed towards a smaller group of people in a mass market. However, it could be difficult for my magazine to be profitable if it’s only being sold for £1.99, this was discovered from carrying out research on potential customers. This could then cause a problem between me and publishers or distributers because they are going to want a cut of what I make from the magazine. So I have thought about this and have decided to leave commercial space in the magazine specifically for companies to advertise on. I think this is important to the magazine and what products and services are advertised is crucial to the magazine as well. By giving advertising space it would result in me getting money from the company that wants to advertise in my magazine which makes me financially stable and would mean I can carry on having the same publisher or distributer. By having in adverts in my magazine it also means that it could actually attract readers, as they like to browse around products, which are obviously going to relate to the reader. By this I mean – if I’m selling a magazine of the rap and hip-hop genre. Then companies that sell products that also relate to that genre and have the same target market will advertise on my magazine to them. There for creating a mutual relationship between my magazine, the advertising company and the consumer, that’s how it will attract customers to buy my magazine.

Callum HennCandidate no: 7104

 My main competition will be another rap and hip-hop music magazine that goes by the name of ‘XXL’ this company make a very similar magazine to me there for I’m going to need to ‘steal’ there customers from them and convince them to buy my magazine. The way I have decided to do this is to challenge the conventions as previously stated in other questions. I’m going to need a ‘USP’ unique selling point, this means that your product is slightly different in comparison to other similar media products which means it could appeal to a broader range of people other than your target market meaning it maximises profit. This why I believe that it is important to challenge the conventions slightly especially in hip-hop and rap magazines because from a lot of magazines I have read all included the same old things. This is what will separate XXL magazines and mine. Also, the content I included in the magazine such as my ‘regulars’ will differentiate XXL magazines and mine.

Callum HennCandidate no: 7104


With magazine sales in the UK declining I may need to look at alternative options, this could be creating a version for US consumers. This would be ideal for my target market as potentially it would be more profitable over in the United States. I may need to look at making the magazine available in as many supermarkets, newsagents and possibly even record and music shops such as HMV etc.. This would mean the magazine would be extremely profitable due to it being abundant across the whole of the UK. Another alternative to fix the magazine decline would be to take advantage of living in the digital age and using technological convergence. With so many people across the UK having a smartphone, developing an app for the magazine would be the sensible thing to do. Consumers would then pay a subscription fee to receive the magazine on the day of the release. If this were to happen, costs would go down because not as many hardcopies would need to be manufactured there for saving money and resources of the publisher. I think having a website would be very important to my magazine. I say this because it would mean that I can advertise the website across social networks and other forms of social media which would mean people can click on to the website to then be able to find out about the magazine which could tempt them into buying the magazine or even subscribing to it.

Callum HennCandidate no: 7104

Different media publication and distribution companies in the world however making sure that I pick the right one can be the difference between my magazine being a massive hit and an absolute failure. Different distribution companies specialise in the distribution of different genres of magazine and different magazines with different purposes. i.e. to entertain, to inform etc… In my personal opinion and if given the choice, I would choose the German based company, Bauer Media to distribute my music magazine, why? Bauer Media are a worldwide corporation that are a mass media distributer that specialise in publishing and broadcasting. They publish many popular magazines such as ‘Kerrang!’ and ‘Q’. Bauer also operate radio stations which make them a huge distributer in various media texts. Another reason why I would choose Bauer Media is because they have over 100 years of experience and they also have experience of distributing music magazines as you can see from ‘Kerrang!’.

Callum HennCandidate no: 7104

Where Bauer have been in business for so long, my music magazine will be distributed by them for many years which will allow me to build a relationship with my target audience and let me expand on the demographic and hopefully appeal to a wider audience which will make my magazine as a whole more diverse. Bauer Media who have so much success and many different connections because of their success will allow me to get my magazine in to big mainstream stores such as Asda, HMV, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, WHSmith, and various different newsagents meaning that my magazine is able cover a large area of the country thus, being successful and allowing me to expand on my product in the future. If the magazine becomes big and demand increases, it may allow me to subvert conventions of my magazine slightly because I will no longer have to play it safe to get it into circulation of big retailers.

Callum HennCandidate no: 7104