Ashley, Ball and Eckel

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  • 8/7/2019 Ashley, Ball and Eckel


    Analysis of Public Goods Experiments

    Using Dynamic Panel Regression Models*

    Richard Ashley

    Sheryl Ball

    Catherine Eckel

    Department of Economics, Virginia Tech


    Laboratory experiments on the provision of public goods follow each subject over time as he interacts

    with a small group of others, deciding in each period how much of an initial allocation to contribute to a

    group good that yields a return to all group members. These experiments produce data sets that are rich indynamics, as subjects respond not only to the parameters of the experiment, but also to previous

    allocation decisions made by themselves and the other individuals in their group. In most early studies,

    the data analysis consisted of an informal inspection of the time plots of data for each treatment, averaged

    over all participants. Subsequent studies conducted simple statistical tests of average behavior. There hasbeen very little analysis of the individual data. Data sets from these experiments thus provide an

    unexploited opportunity to understand how an individuals behavior evolves over time in response to

    feedback about the behavior of others. A better understanding of the dynamics of behavior in these

    games has the potential to lead to the design of institutions that improve the efficiency of the private

    provision of public goods.

    Proper analysis of these data presents several challenges. In addition to modeling the (possibly complex)

    interactions among agents, the data are almost always substantially censored from both above and below.We analyze the results of two classic public goods experiments (Isaac and Walker (1988) and Andreoni

    (1995)) explicitly as double-censored panel data in which both lagged dependent variables and laggedallocations from the remainder of the group play important roles as explanatory variables. We find that

    modeling the dynamic interactions and double censoring extract a richer set of results than previously

    seen. In particular, failure to take into account the censoring of the data may substantially underestimate

    the magnitude of treatment effects. More importantly, there are economically and statistically significant,

    and asymmetric, cross-subject dynamics in these data. Subjects respond much more dramatically whentheir contributions are above average than when they are below average. Thus heterogeneity in initial

    contribution levels inherently leads to the deterioration of average contributions over time.

    JEL Codes: C920, C230, C240, C700

    Key Words: Public Good, Voluntary Contributions Mechanism, Panel Data, CensoringCorrespondence: Catherine C. Eckel, Department of Economics (0316), Virginia Tech, 3016 Pamplin

    Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061. (

    We thank Jim Andreoni and Jimmy Walker for giving us access to their data. John Pepper provided very helpful

    comments on an earlier draft. Any remaining shortcomings are, of course, our own. Eckel was supported by a grant

    from the National Science Foundation, SES 0094800. This manuscript is VPI Economics Department Working

    Paper E2003-8 and is available for download at

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    1. Introduction

    One of the primary social problems studied by economists is the issue of how to fund the

    provision of public goods. What makes the public goods problem so interesting to the dismal

    science is the especially dismal theoretical prediction that the level of voluntary contributions

    should be zero, resulting in the public good never being produced. The theorists approach to

    solving this problem has been to design a mechanism that gives agents the incentive to contribute

    enough to produce the socially optimal level of the public good (e.g., Laffont, 2000; Chander,

    1993; Hurwicz and Walker, 1990; Groves and Ledyard, 1980).

    Experimental economists have instead focused on the Voluntary Contribution

    Mechanism (VCM), an institution that mimics the incentive structure of a public goods problem

    (see Ledyard, 1995 for a survey). Experimental results typically show that contributions within

    the VCM framework are not as low as theorists expect, but nevertheless fall much below socially

    optimal levels. While a great deal has been discovered about average behavior in this simple

    game across a broad range of variations, there is still much to be understood. For example,

    overall contributions nearly always deteriorate over time, but as researchers we do not know why

    or by what mechanism this occurs. Behavior is highly heterogeneous across subjects, but we

    have been largely unable to explain the nature and sources of the heterogeneity. It is clear that

    subjects respond to each others actions, but details of the interactions are not well understood.

    In this paper we conduct a more in-depth analysis of VCM data from two classic studies in an

    attempt to better understand the underlying behavior.

    An understanding of what information agents take into account and how they respond to

    information can help economists to design mechanisms that encourage the provision of public

    goods. Public goods experiments have already shown the critical importance of structural

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    factors such as provision points (Marks and Croson, 1999; Rondeau, Schultze and Poe, 1999),

    and social factors such as communication (Ostrom, 1990; Ostrom, et al, 1994; Wilson and Sell,

    1997) and knowledge of the identity of ones group members (Andreoni and Petri, 2003). Our

    work highlights the importance of information about the behavior of other group members, and

    the heterogeneity among agents in their initial contributions, as well as responses to changes in

    the environment. Fundraisers seem to be well aware of the importance of information about

    others contributions, and actively manipulate information in their fundraising activities.

    Manipulating information can significantly affect the level of contributions through the selective

    announcement of others contributions (Harbaugh, 1998) or the announcement of an initial large

    contribution (Vesterlund, 2003; Andreoni, 2002).

    In this paper we suggest that data sets from VCM experiments can best be understood by

    approaching them explicitly as doubly-censored panels, in which both lagged dependent

    variables and lagged allocations from the subjects group play important roles as explanatory

    variables. We estimate these models using data from two classic VCM experiments conducted

    by Isaac and Walker (1988) and Andreoni (1995). Our models allow us to make a rich set of

    inferences about the intensity and asymmetry of individual responses to the recent behavior of

    the remainder of the individuals group. Subjects respond much more dramatically when their

    contributions are above average than when they are below average. Thus heterogeneity in initial

    contribution levels inherently leads to the deterioration of average contributions over time.

    In addition, our models reproduce the qualitative results of both studies as to the impacts of the

    experimental treatments they considered, but in a more powerful and more statistically credible

    framework. Finally, we show that failure to take into account the substantial censoring of the

    data may lead to underestimates of the magnitude of treatment effects.

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    2. VCM Games and Data Analysis

    Each subject in a VCM experiment is followed over time as he interacts with a small

    group of other subjects, deciding on how much of an initial allocation to contribute each period

    to a group good that yields a return to all members of the group. The individual allocation

    decisions in such settings typically exhibit very strong serial correlation. In addition because

    subjects respond to the behavior of the rest of the group individual allocations are significantly

    related to previous allocation decisions made by others. Moreover, data collected in these

    settings are almost always substantially censored: from below by the fact that an individuals

    allocation to the group good is constrained to be non-negative, and from above by the fact that an

    individuals allocation to the group good cannot exceed his endowment for that period.

    The analysis of these VCM data often consists of little more than an informal inspection

    of a few time plots or testing whether the mean or median time-averaged allocations of

    individuals differ by experimental treatment. The former approach is simple, but forgoes

    statistical analysis altogether, thereby disregarding much of the information in the sample data.

    The latter approach discards all of the dynamic information in the sample data and also violates

    the assumptions underlying the means/medians tests by ignoring the across-individual

    correlations in the data induced by their within-group interactions. Both of the studies whose

    data we reanalyze present only limited analysis of their data, using techniques such as these.

    (Andreoni, 1995; Issac and Walker, 1988).

    Several recent papers take a more sophisticated approach. 1 Clark (2002) uses OLS

    regression tocompare contribution rates in a VCM experiment when each groups highest

    contributor in a given period is announced and when subjects can reward the highest contributor

    1Anderson, et al, (1998) present an alternative approach to the analysis of VCM contributions that focuses on

    decision errors.

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    in their group. He fails to account for dynamics or for the apparent censoring in the data,

    however. Solow and Kirkwood (2002) look for relationships between gender, group identity,

    and economic behavior in VCM experiments. They account for the fact that their sample data is

    censored but, like Clark (2002), do not consider the dynamics. Neither paper accounts for the

    possible importance of individual effects due to the panel structure of the data.

    Gunnthorsdottir, Houser, McCabe and Ameden (2001) estimate dynamic decision-rule

    regressions using VCM data. In a fashion that they note is somewhat arbitrary, they first bisect

    their sample into cooperator subjects (who contribute more than 30% of their initial allocation

    in period one) and free rider subjects (who contribute less than this in the first period). They

    then estimate two separate dynamic regression models to explain the sample variation in the

    individual contributions in each period one regression for the cooperator data and one for the

    free rider data. They use Tobit regression to account for the substantial double censoring in their

    data and attempt to model both the serial and across-subject dynamics in the data using functions

    of lagged dependent variables. They then informally compare the sizes and t-ratios of the

    estimated coefficients in the two regressions. Gunnthorsdottir, et al, (2001) do not, however,

    effectively consider the panel nature of their data in that they ignore the fact that regardless of

    whether the ith subject is a cooperator or a free rider this subjects group-good allocation in

    period t is substantially determined by a time-invariant person-specific (fixed) effect.

    Consequently, the error term in their regression equations is correlated across time for each

    person, which violates the assumptions of the Tobit regression framework. Our approach

    substantially alleviates this problem.

    We chose data sets from two well-known studies for our analysis (Isaac and Walker,

    1988; and Andreoni, 1995) because of their importance in the area of VCM studies, and because

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    the data sets are readily available. Both experiments were computerized. Subjects were given an

    endowment (E) each period, which could be allocated between a private account and a group

    account. Contributions to the group account paid to each member of the group the marginal per

    capita return (MPCR) times the total of the groups contributions.

    Isaac and Walker (IW) test the effect on contributions of changing group size from 4 to

    10, and of changing the MPCR from .3 to .75, using a 2x2 experimental design. Within a

    session, stable groups of a given size experience ten periods of one value for MPCR, followed by

    ten periods of the other value; the order of the MPCR values is blocked. Thus their data consist

    of 20 decision periods for each of 84 subjects. Andreoni (1995) tests the effect of positive and

    negative framing on contributions, holding group size and MPCR constant. In the positive

    frame, the level of the public good is determined by total contributions to the group account. In

    the negative frame, subjects withdraw amounts from the group account and transfer it to their

    private account. The amount remaining after withdrawals determines the level of the public

    good. In Andreonis experiment, subjects are rematched each period into new groups.2

    His is a

    between-subjects design, so his data consist of ten periods for 80 subjects, 40 in each treatment.

    3. A Panel Regression Model for VCM Contributions

    We model tiC, , subject is contribution to the group good in period t, expressed as a

    fraction of the subjects total period t endowment. The observed contribution is equal to Ci,t*

    , a

    latent variable that could be characterized as desired contribution, if and only if 10 *, tiC .


    tiC, = 1 ifCi,t*

    > 1

    2Some inconsistencies in Andreonis rematching protocol were found in our analysis, but none significantly

    affected the statistical results.

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    tiC, = Ci,t*

    if 10 *, tiC

    Ci,t = 0 ifCi,t*

    < 0

    and Ci,t

    *is determined by:







    tiititititi DCCC ,1 1



    , +++++= = =


    , NIIDti (1)

    where the Xt1, Xt2,Xtn include both time invariant variables such as treatment effects, and

    dynamic variables such as the deviation of subject is contribution from that of the remainder of

    the group in round t-1. itD is a dummy variable specific to subject i, and subsumes all time-

    invariant characteristics of the subject. This model allows for both the individual-specific fixed

    effects (1, 2,...m) and the strong serial correlation that we expect (and find) in the IW and

    Andreoni Ci,t data. This is a standard fixed-effects dynamic panel data regression model, but (so

    far as we know) such models have never been considered before with double censoring. Still, in

    principle, this model is estimable using the usual maximum likelihood methods for Tobit Type I


    Because of the censoring, some care must be taking in interpreting the estimated

    coefficients in this model. To see this consider a simpler model which retains the double

    censoring but suppresses all but one explanatory variable.


    = + xi

    + i i~ NIID(0,2) (2)

    c i = c i*

    for c i*


    = 0 for c i* 0

    3See Maddala (1983, pp. 160-1 and 186) for the likelihood function, and Amemiya (1973) for a theoretical analysis.

    Further complications ensue if lagged values of the latent variable (Ci,t1*

    and Ci,t2*

    ) are used instead of lagged

    values of the observed variable. Arellano, et al. (1999) consider a random-effects formulation for this case with one-

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    = E for ci* E

    This model implies that the ci* are all independently distributed N[+ x

    i,2]; thus

    (ci* xi) / is a unit normal and ]|*[ ixicE is just + xi .

    Clearly, E[ci* | x ] /x i is simply and quantifies the sensitivity of subject is desired

    contribution to changes in xi . It is this sensitivity, of course, which is ordinarily the focus of

    economic analysis.

    Note, however, that the sensitivity of ci, subject is observed contribution to change in

    xi, is not equal to the parameter , because observed contributions equal desired contributions

    only when ci* is in the interval (0,E). Outside of this interval the observed contribution is a

    constant either 0 or E, depending on whether ci* is less than zero or greater than E.

    Consequently, the magnitude of the apparent dependence of subject is contribution on the

    explanatory variable is (on average) diminished whenever + xi either falls close to (or lies

    below) zero or approaches (or exceeds) E. In particular, since (ci* x

    i) /~ N(0,1) , this

    apparent sensitivity is

    ]|),0([*/]|[ *i




    cE i =









    dzzf (3)

    where f(z) is the unit normal density function. This probability peaks for xi such that

    sided censoring and including only a single lag in the dependent variable; Honore (1993) considers a non-parametric

    approach to this special case.

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    + xi = E/ 2 and diminishes to zero as |+ xi E/ 2 | increases. Intuitively, subject is observed

    contribution becomes increasingly insensitive to xi as xi becomes sufficiently extreme that

    subject i is likely to be either not contributing at all or contributing his entire endowment. This

    apparent sensitivity is precisely what is needed so as to analyze the sensitivity of actual average

    contributions to changes in explanatory variables - e.g. this sensitivity might be relevant in

    predicting the cost of running a particular experiment - but it is itself which quantifies how the

    subjects desired behavior depends on x.

    Note also that using OLS to estimate the parameters and in the model


    ic ++= (4)

    yields an estimate (bols) which is necessarily an inconsistent estimator ofE[ci

    | x i]/x i. The

    inconsistency follows directly from the fact that, as noted above, E[ci

    | x i]/x i is a function of

    xi , whereas plim )( olsb is a constant. In general bols is also an inconsistent estimator of , since it

    ignores the distinction between ci

    and ci*. The seriousness of these inconsistencies is most

    sensibly gauged by comparing bols directly to the maximum likelihood estimator of in the

    model given by equation (2); this is the comparison we make in our analysis below.

    4. Descriptions of the data sets and variables:

    The two data sets we examine are from experiments that were conducted to test different

    hypotheses. IW examines the effect of group size (4 or 10) and MPCR (.3 and .75) on an

    individuals contributions to the public good. As explained above, each session includes ten

    periods with one value of MPCR followed by ten periods using the other value of MPCR. Group

    size is varied across sessions. Explanatory variables for this data set include contributions, the

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    treatment variables, and measures of how a subjects contribution in the previous round differed

    from the average contributions for their group. MPCRhi is a dummy variable equal to 1 for the

    high-mpcr sessions. Group size takes on the values 4 or 10 corresponding to the two group sizes.

    The dummy variable First 10 periods was set to one in the first set of 10 periods and to zero in

    the second set. For subject i, the lagged value of the deviation of his own contribution ( 1, tiC )

    from the value of the average contribution of all other members of the group in that round is

    denoted Deviation from Group(+) when this value is positive and is otherwise zero. Deviation

    from Group(-) is similarly defined for the observations for which this value is negative and is

    otherwise zero. These variables thus allow for a possible asymmetry in the responses. The

    variable Ci,1 is the subjects initial contribution; this variable is used in Section 7.

    Recall that the purpose of the Andreoni study is to test for the effect of positive or

    negative framing on contributions to a pubic good. Positive framing is the standard VCM,

    whereas subjects withdraw contributions from a common pool in the negative frame treatment.

    Variables for this data set include the treatment variable Positive Frame, as well as the variables

    defined above. The frame is varied across sessions, which last for ten periods.

    Table 1 contains descriptive statistics on these variables for both data sets. Considering

    how different these two experiments are, the descriptive statistics are remarkably similar.

    Average contributions are 36.0 percent of the endowment in the IW data, and 24.9 percent in the

    Andreoni data. The lower average contributions in the Andreoni data are probably are due to the

    negative frame treatment, which reduces overall contributions. Some of the difference may also

    be due to MCPR, which IW show affects contribution levels: IW use an MCPR of .3 and .75

    while Andreoni uses a value of .5 for the MCPR. If we look at the average value the change in

    contributions in each period, ci,t , we observe that it is identical in both data sets at -0.03,

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    indicating that contributions typically fall by three percentage points per round. The deviations

    from group variables also are very similar in the two data sets - 0.145 compared with 0.124 -

    indicating a similar range of contributions for both studies. Finally, the initial contribution levels,

    Ci,1, are higher, overall, for the IW data, again probably due to the lower contributions in

    Andreonis negative frame treatment.

    5. Estimation Results: Introducing Censoring and Panel Structure to the Basic Model

    Table 2 contains OLS and censored panel estimates for what we term the basic model.

    This model, estimated using OLS, is employed in most studies that go beyond graphical

    comparisons or comparisons of central tendency (mean or median outcome comparisons) to

    analyze individual data. The dependent variable for both data sets is tiC, the level of

    contributions in round t expressed as a fraction of endowment. Independent variables include the

    round number (a crude attempt capture any time trend in the data) and relevant treatment

    variables: MPCRhi and Group size and their interaction in IW, and Positive Frame in Andreoni.

    Model 2a is estimated using OLS and adjusts neither for two-sided censoring (at 0 or 100

    percent donations) nor for the panel nature of the data. According to these estimates, in both

    data sets contributions decrease over time, falling about 2.7 - 2.8 percentage points per round.

    Both studies show statistically significant main treatment effects. In IW, a higher MPCR is

    estimated to increase contributions by 51 percentage points. Larger group size has a positive

    effect when MPCR is low moving from a group size of 4 to a group size of 10 increases

    contributions by about 29 percentage points but this effect is offset by the negative coefficient

    on the interaction term for the high MPCR case. This result explains why IW can only conclude

    there appears to be no support for a pure numbers argument relating increases in group size to

    increases in free riding behavior (p. 196). In Andreoni, the positive frame variable carries a

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    positive, significant coefficient: the positive frame increases contributions by 17.4 percentage


    Model 2b for both data sets uses Tobit estimation to account for the two-sided censoring

    in the data, and allows for the panel structure of the data sets by explicitly estimating individual-

    specific fixed effects.4

    A comparison of 2a and 2b allows us to examine the impact on the

    estimates of these two modeling changes. First, note that censoring and fixed effects are clearly

    present in both of these data sets: 49 percent of the IW observations are censored, as are 56

    percent of the Andreoni observations. In addition, 52 and 67 percent of the fixed-effect dummy

    variable coefficients in each of these data sets are significantly different from zero at the 5

    percent level, and the joint null hypothesis that all of the fixed effects coefficients are zero is

    rejected for each data set with p-value less than .001.5

    Individual-specific effects and censoring are clearly present in both data sets. But is

    failure to account for these features of the data consequential? We note that the estimates of the

    coefficient on the round number variable are nearly twice as large (5-6 percentage points per

    round versus 3 percentage points per round in the OLS estimates) once the fixed effects and

    censoring are treated appropriately this is a difference of about 4 to 6 estimated standard errors

    in each case. In the IW data the coefficient on the MPCR variable is nearly twice as large as in

    the OLS estimates; again this is a difference of about 5 estimated standard errors. Furthermore,

    the coefficient estimate on the group size variable is no longer significant. Turning to the

    Andreoni data, the direction and significance of the treatment effect are unchanged, but as in the

    4It should also be noted that fixed effect dummy variable coefficients are not identified for subjects whose

    contribution is censored in every round, and are not, in practice, estimable for subjects whose contribution is

    censored in every round but one. This was the case for a notable fraction of the subjects in the Andreoni study

    (28/80) but only 2/84 for the IW study.5

    The individual fixed effect coefficient estimates are suppressed in the table for brevity. The fixed effect dummy

    for the last individual in each sample is omitted so that these estimates can be interpreted as the difference in the

    intercept relative to this individual.

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    IW data, failure to account for the censoring and panel structure substantially reduces the

    estimated magnitude of the treatment effect: the coefficient on the positive frame variable is

    .174.022 in the OLS model compared with .435.087 in the Tobit model. These results are

    consistent with what one might expect from the analysis at the end of Section 3 and, in fact,

    primarily stem from this source rather than from the inclusion of the fixed effect dummy

    variables in the model.

    6. Estimation Results: Introducing Lags and Group Feedback

    Adjusting for panel structure and censoring is clearly appropriate for these data sets, but

    the estimated models in Table 2 fail to allow for the possibility of correlation in a subjects

    decisions over time. In theory the random rematching of the subjects should render the outcomes

    independent in each round, since subjects should ignore information about one group in making

    a decision with another. A cursory examination of the sample data indicates otherwise. To

    allow for these serial correlations, we model the dynamics by including lagged values of the

    observed contribution. Results incorporating these dynamics are reported in Tables 3 and 4.

    Note that the number of observations is decreased to account for the calculation of the lagged

    values. In both tables, results are again reported for both OLS and censored panel regressions.6

    In the OLS models, the coefficients on the lagged values are positive and significant,

    though their sum is less than one. (If the values sum to one, the model has a unit root.) Clearly

    there is substantial correlation in contributions from one round to the next. By comparison with

    Model 2a for both data sets in Table 2, we see that adjusting for autocorrelation improves the fit

    of the model; the treatment effects now appear smaller in magnitude, however. Turning to the

    censored panel estimation results, the biases in the estimates of the treatment effects from

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    neglecting the censoring and panel effects is evident: the coefficients on all treatment variables

    are larger in the censored panel models. The fixed effects are jointly significant in both data sets

    as well.7

    Recall that the IW subjects are in stable groups, while the Andreoni subjects are

    randomly rematched. The dependence between rounds should be lower in the rematched data

    (Table 4). However, that is not the case. The coefficients on the lagged contribution variables

    are not substantially different across the two studies. Evidently, random rematching is not as

    effective as one might have expected in inducing independence of observations between rounds.

    Tables 5 and 6 report models that examine the dynamics in more detail. An additional

    factor that is ignored by the basic model is the effect of recent history on subjects decisions.

    Each subject experiences a different history, since the identities of the subjects constituting the

    remainder of his group in the previous round are unique to him. We test the effect of this intra-

    group interaction by incorporating the two additional variables, Deviation from Group (+) and

    Deviation from Group (-) defined in Section 4. These estimates are reported for the censored

    panel regression model in Tables 5 and 6. (OLS estimates are not reported; the biases are similar

    to those reported above.)

    Models 5a and 6a allow the subjects response to differ, depending whether his or her

    contribution in the previous round was above or below the group average. A positive coefficient

    on these variables indicates adjustment away from the group average, while a negative

    coefficient means that the subject is adjusting his contribution toward the group average. In both

    data sets, if a subjects contribution is above the group average, the estimated coefficients

    6 Note that the variable Round Number is not included in the reported estimates. While retaining the Round Number variable inthe models improves the fit slightly, it leaves the coefficients unchanged in magnitude and significance, except for the firstvariable in the IW data, which changes sign.7 Adjusting for fixed effects alone increases the treatment effect slightly (to .078). Adding censoring alone raises the coefficientto .170. These alternative specifications are available on request from the authors.

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    indicate that he will reduce his contribution significantly, by about 60 percent of the excess.

    However, if his contribution is below the group average, there is no corresponding increase; the

    insignificance of this coefficient for both studies indicates no response. The null hypothesis that

    these two coefficients are equal is easily rejected: for the IW data, 2

    (1) = 17.0, p < .001; and for

    the Andreoni data, 2

    (1) = 6.8, p = .009.8

    As in the previous models, we again observe positive

    and significant coefficients on the lagged values, and significant treatment effects.

    Models 5b and 6b extend the analysis by allowing the response to group feedback to vary

    by treatment. Here we interact the Deviation from Group variables with the treatment variables.

    In the IW data, the estimated treatment effects appear relatively stable across the two

    specifications. None of the interaction effects is significant on its own, but a LR test rejects the

    null hypothesis that the effect of the interactions is zero (2

    (4) = 11.2, p = .024).9

    In the Andreoni data, for both frames the coefficient on Deviation from Group (+) is

    negative, though the magnitude of the response is substantially greater in the negative frame.

    Thus subjects in the negative frame are quicker to adjust their contributions downward, toward

    the group average. If the subjects contribution last period was below average, the negative

    coefficient on Negative Frame X Deviation from Group(-) indicates that the negative frame

    subjects are still more responsive. They adjust their contributions toward the group average more

    than the positive frame subjects, who do not respond significantly at all in this case. A

    likelihood ratio test for the null hypotheses that coefficients are equal across treatments can be

    rejected (2

    (2) = 12.0, p = .002). Thus we can conclude that the response to feedback differs by

    treatment; Andreonis framing treatments affect contributions in part by affecting the subjects

    8In both cases the restricted model (not shown) yields a negative coefficient estimate that is smaller in magnitude

    but still significantly different from zero at p

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    response to what others are doing.

    7. Does the initial contribution level signal type?

    Each of the fixed effect models above shows that there is heterogeneity among subjects.

    The evidence adduced above that subjects react to feedback about their groups contribution

    level suggests that a stable group consisting of relatively high initial contributors might lead to

    sustainable high contribution levels. GHMA test this hypothesis by sorting subjects into

    groups of others with similar contribution levels based on their initial first-period contributions.

    The validity of this procedure depends on whether a subjects initial contribution level contains a

    unique signal of their type that is, their propensity to contribute in subsequent periods

    which is distinct from the effects of the various treatments, such as MPCR, group size, or

    positive/negative framing. Tables 7 and 8 contain estimates for models that include Ci,1, the first

    period contribution level, as an explanatory variable. Note that the coefficient on Ci,1 is positive

    and significant for both the IW and the Andreoni data.10

    Using Ci,1 as an indicator of type is problematic, however, since the level of initial

    contributions is no doubt affected by the treatments. If so, then Ci,1 andCi,t for t>1 are jointly

    determined by the treatment effects, in which case the coefficient estimates on C i,1 become

    difficult to interpret as quantifying the effect of subject type on contributions.

    Ideally, one would like to have a measure of type that is independent of treatment, as in

    Park (2000). Failing that, however, the hypothesis that Ci,1 reflects type (and that type matters)

    can be tested by interacting Ci,1 with the treatments and observing whether or not the impact of

    Ci,1 on contributions is significant (and in the same direction) regardless of the treatment.

    10Ci,t is in part a substitute for individual effects and, as a consequence, we found that that the MLE routine did not

    always converge for models including both the fixed effects and explanatory variables including Ci,1; where

    necessary, results for models omitting the fixed effect dummy variables are quoted in Tables 7 and 8.

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    Models 7b and 7c for the IW data and Model 8b for the Andreoni data address this issue.

    The results in Model 7b indicate that the coefficient on Ci,1 is significantly different from zero

    and essentially identical regardless of whether the MPCR is .75 (MCPRhi=1) or .30

    (MCPRlow=1). Similarly, as shown in Model 7c, since the estimated coefficient on Ci,1 X

    GroupSize is not significantly different from zero, the coefficient on Ci,1is not significantly

    different for the subjects in groups of size 4 than for subjects in groups of size 10.

    Turning to the results on the Andreoni data in Table 8, the estimated coefficient on Ci,1is

    clearly positive and significant in Model 8a, but when the coefficient is separately estimated over

    the data for the positive and negative framing treatments using Ci,1 X Positive Frame and Ci,1 X

    Negative Frame, both coefficients become individually insignificant. They are also not

    significantly different from each other using a likelihood ratio test.11

    Thus, it appears that the estimated coefficient on Ci,1 is not significantly sensitive to the

    treatment for either of these two data sets. Consequently, it seems reasonable to interpret the

    positive estimated coefficient on Ci,1 in Model 5 as quantifying the effect of subject type on


    9. Conclusions

    For the most part, our analysis confirms the direction of the treatment effects found by

    the original investigators in both data sets. We find (as did IW) that the MPCR is an important

    determinant of behavior in the VCM. Group size is a significant determinant of the allocation

    level when MPCR is low, but not when it is high. IW could only conclude that the effect is

    weak and ambiguous. We also are able to determine that the impact of MPCR on allocations

    depends inversely on group size. Similarly, our results support Andreonis conclusion that

    11The value of the log likelihood function for Model 8a without the fixed effect dummy variables is 375.53, so the

    likelihood ratio test statistic is .32~2(1), p=.572.

  • 8/7/2019 Ashley, Ball and Eckel



    subjects contribute more when the public good is positively framed, but we also are able to show

    that the frame affects the speed with which subjects adjust their contributions to match those of

    the group.

    Treating the data as a fixed-effects panel had limited effect on the qualitative results.

    Although the fixed-effect dummy variables in the allocation regression are highly significant as a

    group, the key economic results are not sensitive to them. Indeed, even omitting these variables

    altogether does not substantially alter the conclusions, at least in these two data sets. Of course,

    one cannot know that is the case without (appropriately) including them. However, this

    robustness result reduces our concern that, because their number increases as one expand the

    number of subjects, such coefficients cannot be consistently estimated.

    In contrast, we find that failure to appropriately deal with the censored nature of VCM

    data is quite consequential. While the direction of the treatment effect is rarely affected, its

    magnitude is sometimes substantially different when censoring is properly specified. It seems

    clear from our results that censoring is not an aspect of the data that can be safely ignored.

    More importantly, we find economically and statistically significant, asymmetric cross-

    subject dynamics in the data. When a subjects allocation is above the average of the other

    members of the group, he reduces his contribution toward the group average; when he discovers

    his contribution is below average, he does not adjust toward the others. In other words, when a

    subject finds that he/she has contributed more than the rest of the group, that subject responds!

    This pattern of behavior is consistent with recent work on inequality aversion (Fehr and Schmidt,

    1999), which asserts that people care about inequality, but that they care more when their income

    is below than when it is above others income. Statistically, is not appropriate to adopt the past

    practice of analyzing data using methods that assume that the allocations are independently

  • 8/7/2019 Ashley, Ball and Eckel



    distributed across subjects. Allocations are correlated over time for a given individual, and

    across individuals.

    Comparing the two data sets, we also conclude that random rematching has virtually no

    effect on the extent to which subjects respond to information about others contributions.

    Random rematching is commonly used in economics experiments, and the practice is used to

    justify the assumption of independence of decisions over time. Our results show that this is

    clearly not the case. In our data, random rematching does nothing to alter the dependence of

    decisions in a given period on feedback from the decisions in previous rounds. We also find that

    random rematching fails to eliminate serial correlation in individual contribution decisions. Thus

    dynamic regression analysis is imperative for valid statistical analysis of data generated by VCM


    Finally, we examine the validity of using initial contributions as an indicator of subject

    type. We find that initial contributions do enter our models with a significant positive

    coefficient, which does not seem to be sensitive to the treatment regime. We conclude that, for

    these data sets at least, initial contribution may be a useful measure of subject type.

    Our results suggest that the institutional design for the private provision of public goods

    could be improved by careful attention to the types of the participants, and the information that

    they receive. Selection of types into groups may result in at least some groups that attain Pareto

    efficient outcomes. In addition, information feedback that reassures contributors can keep

    contributions high.

    This work builds on the points made by Roth (2002) regarding the use of experimental

    data in engineering market and nonmarket institutions. Game theory is extremely helpful in

    understanding the incentives and examining the equilibria inherent in any given situation.

  • 8/7/2019 Ashley, Ball and Eckel



    However, experiments play a unique role in understanding how an individuals preferences and

    attitudes interact with the incentives in a game to produce actual behavior. Our results show that

    much more is going on in these games than attention limited soley to the incentive structure of

    the monetary payoffs would indicate. Subjects care about their own payoffs, but not so much

    that they will allow free riding to keep them from exploiting the gains to cooperation. When

    such gains are possible, subjects are willing to cooperate, but only if they observe others

    cooperating at least as much as they do. Institutional design that takes these preferences into

    consideration are likely to be much more effective at attaining appropriate levels of public goods


  • 8/7/2019 Ashley, Ball and Eckel



    Table 1

    Descriptive Statistics: Isaac-Walker Data

    Variable N Mean Std.


    Min Max

    Ci,,t Fraction of endowment contributed

    to public good

    1680 0.360 0.370 0 1

    ci,t Change in contribution to public

    good: Ci, t-1 - Ci,,t

    1512 -0.030 0.319 -1 1

    Group size Size of group: (4 or 10) 1680 8.286 2.711 4 10

    MPCRhi Dummy variable = 1 for

    High MPCR treatment

    1680 0.494 0.500 0 1


    from Group(+)i,,t-1

    Ci,,t-1 less (average contribution by

    others in group)t-1, if >0

    1512 0.145 0.216 0 0.907


    from Group


    Ci,,t-1 less (average contribution by

    others in group)t-1, if 0

    800 0.124 0.235 0 100

    Deviation from Group (-)i,t-1 Ci,t-1 less (average contribution by

    others in group)t-1, if

  • 8/7/2019 Ashley, Ball and Eckel



    Table 2: Basic Models:

    Dependent Variable, Ci,,t, Contribution Levels: Fraction of Endowment Contributed to Public Good

    (Standard Errors in Parentheses)

    Isaac-Walker Data: OLS and Censored Panel Regressions

    Model 2a: OLS Model 2b: Censored Panel Regression

    Variable Coefficient(standard


    p-value2-tailed test Coefficient(standard error) p-value2-tailed test

    Round number -0.028


    p < .001 -0.054


    p < .001

    First 10 rounds -0.296


    p < .001 -0.536


    p < .001

    MPCR = HI 0.510


    p < .001 0.957


    p < .001

    Group Size 0.029


    p < .001 -0.017


    p = .459

    MPCRhi X Group Size -0.035


    p < .001 -0.067


    p < .001

    Constant 0.460


    p < .001 1.026


    p < .001

    Fixed Effects:

    smallest p-value p < .001

    % p-values < .05 52

    p-value for Ho: all 0 2(51) = 741.6, p < .001Fraction censored at 0% .344

    Fraction censored at 100% .142

    N 1680 1680

    Adjusted R2


    Pseudo R2


    LLF -1109.6

    Andreoni Data: OLS and Censored Panel Regression

    Model 2a: OLS Model 2b: Censored Panel Regression

    Variable Coefficient

    (standard error)


    2-tailed test


    (standard error)


    2-tailed test

    Round number -0.027


    p < .001 -0.056


    p < .001

    Positive Frame

    (=1 for this treatment)



    p < .001 0.435


    p < .001

    Constant 0.313


    p < .001 -0.217


    p = .002

    Fixed effects:

    smallest p-value p < .001

    % p-values < .05 67p-value for Ho: all 0 2(79) = 183, p < .001

    Fraction censored at 0% .489

    Fraction censored at 100% .072

    N 800 800

    Adjusted R2


    Pseudo R2


    LLF -547.6

    *This test is compared to a Tobit model omitting the fixed effect dummy variable.

  • 8/7/2019 Ashley, Ball and Eckel



    Table 3: Isaac-Walker Data: Introducing Lags: OLS and Censored Panel RegressionDependent Variable, Ci,t, Contribution Levels: Fraction of Endowment Contributed to Public Good

    (Standard Errors in Parentheses)

    Model 3a: OLS Model 3b: Censored

    Panel Regression

    Variable Coefficient




    2-tailed test


    (standard error)


    2-tailed test

    Ci,t-1 0.441


    p < .001 0.511


    p < .001

    Ci,t-2 0.207


    p < .001 0.161


    p = .002

    First 10 rounds 0.013


    p = .372 0.045


    p = .100

    MPCR = HI 0.190


    p < .001 0.657


    p < .001

    Group Size 0.010


    p = .009 -0.048


    p = .077

    MPCRhi X Group Size -0.012


    p = .031 -0.047


    p < .001

    Constant -0.048


    p = .171 0.233


    p = .314

    Fixed effects:

    smallest p-value p < .001

    % p-values < .05 39.4

    p-value for Ho: all 0

    2(78) = 197.2

    p < .001

    Fraction censored at 0% .362

    Fraction censored at 100% .134

    N 1344 1312

    Adjusted R2

    0.273 -

    Pseudo R2

    - 0.329

    LLF - -842.8

    *This test is compared to a Tobit model omitting the fixed effect dummy variable.

  • 8/7/2019 Ashley, Ball and Eckel



    Table 4: Andreoni Data: Introducing Lags: OLS and Censored Panel RegressionDependent Variable, Ci,t, Contribution Levels: Fraction of Endowment Contributed to Public Good

    (Standard Errors in Parentheses)

    Model 4a: OLS Model 4b: Censored

    Panel Regression

    Variable Coefficient

    (standard error)


    2-tailed test


    (standard error)


    2-tailed test

    Ci,t-1 0.361


    p < .001 0.529


    p < .001

    Ci,t-2 0.251


    p < .001 0.449


    p < .001

    Positive Frame

    (=1 for this treatment)



    p = .005 0.204


    p = .028

    Constant 0.031


    p = .043 -0.588


    p < .001

    Fixed effects:smallest p-value p < .001

    % p-values < .05 39.2

    p-value for Ho: all 0

    2(51) = 75.2

    p = .015

    Fraction censored at 0% .512

    Fraction censored at 100% .055

    N 640 640

    Adjusted R2

    0.371 -

    Pseudo R2


    LLF -348.7

    *This test is compared to a Tobit model omitting the fixed effect dummy variable.

  • 8/7/2019 Ashley, Ball and Eckel



    Table 5:Isaac-Waker Data: Introducing Group Feedback

    Censored Panel RegressionDependent Variable, Ci,t, Contribution Levels: Fraction of Endowment Contributed to Public Good

    (Standard Errors in Parentheses)

    Model 5a: Group Feedback Model 5b: Group Feedback

    by TreatmentVariable Coefficient

    (standard error)


    2-tailed test


    (standard error)


    2-tailed test

    Ci,t-1 0.848


    p < .001 0.890


    p < .001

    Ci,t-2 0.150


    p = .003 0.137


    p = .007

    First 10 rounds 0.064


    p = .091 0.047


    p = .083

    MPCR = HI 0.569


    p < .001 0.436


    p < .001

    Group Size -0.011

    (0.004)p = .009 -0.030

    (0.027)p = .276

    MPCRhi X Group Size -0.041(0.011)

    p < .001 -0.036(0.012)

    p = .004

    Deviation from Group (+) -0.649


    p < .001 -

    Deviation from Group (-) 0.016


    p = .902

    MPCRhi X

    Deviation from Group (+)



    p = .835

    MPCRlow X

    Deviation from Group (+)



    p = .158

    MPCRhi X

    Deviation from Group (-)



    p = .528

    MPCRlow X

    Deviation from Group (-)



    p = .883

    Group Size X

    Deviation from Group (+)



    p = .098

    Group Size X

    Deviation from Group (-)



    p = .693

    Constant -0.103


    p = .614 -0.119


    p = .608

    Fixed effects:

    smallest p-valuep < .001 p < .001

    % p-values < .0534.2 27.4

    p-value for Ho: all 0


    (79) = 199.0p < .001


    (51) = 79.4p = .007

    Fraction censored at 0% .362 .362

    Fraction censored at 100% .134 .134

    N 1312 1312

    Pseudo R2

    0.339 0.344

    LLF -829.8 -824.2

    *This test is compared to a Tobit model omitting the fixed effect dummy variable.

  • 8/7/2019 Ashley, Ball and Eckel



    Table 6: Andreoni Data: Introducing Group Feedback

    Censored Panel RegressionDependent Variable, Ci,t, Contribution Levels: Fraction of Endowment Contributed to Public Good

    (Standard Errors in Parentheses)

    Model 6a: Group Feedback Model 6b: Group Feedback

    by Treatment

    Variable Coefficient

    (standard error)


    2-tailed test


    (standard error)


    2-tailed test

    Ci,t-1 0.939


    p < .001 0.906


    p < .001

    Ci,t-2 0.428


    p < .001 0.372


    p < .001

    Positive Frame

    (=1 for this treatment)



    p = .022 0.300


    p = .017

    Deviation from Group (+) -0.607


    p = .001

    Deviation from Group (-) 0.045


    p = .798

    Positive Frame X

    Deviation from Group (+)



    p = .078

    Negative Frame X

    Deviation from Group (+)



    p = .001

    Positive Frame X

    Deviation from Group (-)



    p = .340

    Negative Frame X

    Deviation from Group (-)



    p = .089

    Constant -0.570(0.072) p < .001 -0.638(0.085) p < .001

    Fixed effects:

    smallest p-value p < .001 p < .001

    % p-values < .05 29.4 27.4

    p-value for Ho: all 0

    2(51) = 70.0

    p = .040


    (51) = 79.4

    p = .007

    Fraction censored at 0% .512 .512

    Fraction censored at 100% .055 .055

    N 640 640Pseudo R

    20.347 0.358

    LLF -343.5 -337.5

    *This test is compared to a Tobit model omitting the fixed effect dummy variable.

  • 8/7/2019 Ashley, Ball and Eckel



    Table 7 Isaac-Walker Data: Do initial contributions indicate type?

    Dependent Variable, Ci,t, Contribution Levels: Fraction of Endowment Contributed to Public Good

    (Standard Errors in Parentheses)

    Model 7a: Ci,1=type

    Censored Regressiona

    Model 7b: Ci,1=type

    Censored Regressiona

    Interactions: Type X


    Model 7c: Ci,1=type

    Censored Regressiona

    Interactions: Type X

    Group Size

    Variable Coefficient


















    Ci,t-1 0.924


    p < .001 0.924


    p < .001 0.930


    p < .001

    Ci,t-2 0.318


    p < .001 0.317


    p < .001 .317


    p < .001

    First 10 rounds 0.048


    p = .090 0.046


    p = .105 .048


    p = .088

    MPCR = HI 0.343


    p = .004 0.323


    p = .009 .337


    p = .005

    Group Size 0.029


    p = .003 0.029


    p = .003 .025


    p = .035

    MPCRhi X Group Size -0.031


    p = .014 -0.031


    p = .014 -.030


    p = .016

    MPCRhi X

    Deviation from Group (+)



    p = .573 -0.147


    p = .573 -.152


    p = .585

    MPCRlow X

    Deviation from Group (+)



    p = .067 -0.557


    p = .067 -.572


    p = .072

    MPCRhi X

    Deviation from Group (-)



    p = .571 0.158


    p = .571 .163


    p = .569

    MPCRlow X

    Deviation from Group (-)



    p = .428 0.266


    p = .428 .273


    p = .425

    Group Size X

    Deviation from Group (+)



    p = .513 -0.021


    p = .513 -.022


    p = .483

    Group Size X

    Deviation from Group (-)



    p = .961 -0.002


    p = .961 -.002


    p = .944

    Ci,1 0.161


    p < .001 .095


    p = .483

    Ci,1 X MPCRhi 0.185


    p = .001

    Ci,1 X MPCRlow 0.139


    p = .016

    Ci,1 X Group Size .008


    p = .610

    Constant -0.523


    p < .001 -0.513


    p < .001 -.494


    p < .001

    Fraction censored at 0% .378 .378 .378Fraction censored at 100% .131 .131 .131

    N 1344 1344 1344

    Pseudo R2

    0.289 0.289 0.289

    LLF -916.1 -915.9 -915.9

    aNote that the censored panel regression failed to converge when C1 was included.

  • 8/7/2019 Ashley, Ball and Eckel



    Table 8 Andreoni Data: Do initial contributions indicate type?

    Dependent Variable, Ci,t, Contribution Levels: Fraction of Endowment Contributed to Public Good

    (Standard Errors in Parentheses)

    Model 8a: C1=type

    Censored Panel Regression

    Model 8b: C1=type

    Censored Panel Regressiona

    Interactions: Type X Frame X

    Group Feedback

    Variable Coefficient




    2-tailed test





    2-tailed test

    Ci,t-1 0.892


    p < .001 .912


    p < .001

    Ci,t-2 0.291


    p < .001 .460


    p < .001

    Positive Frame

    (=1 for this treatment)



    p = .042 .160


    p = .068

    Positive Frame X

    Deviation from Group (+)



    p = .019 -.604


    p = .002

    Negative Frame X

    Deviation from Group (+)



    p = .001 -.454


    p = .020

    Positive Frame X

    Deviation from Group (-)



    p = .382 .397


    p = .041

    Negative Frame X

    Deviation from Group (-)



    p = .044 -.048


    p = .863

    C1 0.474


    p < .001

    Ci,1 X Positive Frame .140


    p = .072

    Ci,1 X Negative Frame .074


    p = .437

    Constant -0.760


    p < .001 -.379


    p < .001

    Fixed effects:

    smallest p-valuep < .001

    % p-values < .0527.4

    p-value for Ho: all 0 2(51) = 94.6

    p < .001

    Fraction censored at 0% .512 .512

    Fraction censored at 100% .055 .055

    N 640 640

    Pseudo R2

    0.376 0.422

    LLF -328.2 -303.5

    *This test is compared to a Tobit model omitting the fixed effect dummy variable.


    Note that the censored panel regression failed to converge when Ci,1 was replace by Ci,1 X Positive Frame and Ci,1 X Negative Frame.

  • 8/7/2019 Ashley, Ball and Eckel




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