Ashtar Command

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Ashtar Galactic Command

Presented by: Daniel Potes

The BeginningsCalled by Robert Flaherty “common property of a diffuse New Age Spiritualist milieu”.Ashtar Command formed out of a multitude of beliefs beginning with a channeled entity called Ashtar (George Van Tassel)

Can Tassel is most famous for his attempt to build a time machine known as the (Integratron)

Other entities were contacted and channeled by other ufologists of the time such as George Adamski, though he was later proved a fraud and con-man

Important EventsThe Pioneer Voyage

1994Event which marked the beginning of the opening of a connection to ashtar command.The” first Lift Off” experience

Southern Television Broadcast InterruptionNovember 26, 1977

The Contactee Movement

Contacted by “Space Brothers” (similar to what is now called Nordic Aliens)Began as early as the 18th Century"The contactee movement is a rich treat for anthropologists, sticky with sincere and sincerely deluded individuals. Were the contactees in touch with anything other than their own internal fantasies?” (Randles & Houghe)

Space Brothers Or Nordic Aliens

Different types of Aliens

Organization and beliefs of Ashtar Command

“We serve like midwives in the birthing of humanity from dense-physical to physical-etheric bodies of light, capable of ascending into the fifth dimension along with the Earth.”We acknowledge that God, the Source, is one omnipresent, eternal life force, universally recognized by many names and forms. 

We abide strictly within Confederation policy of noninterference with free will. We honor all life and all people as inherently divine. We recognize but one race, the race of humanity - heavenly universal Man. 

(Man, manifestation of the One [AN]; also Manas, the divine mind or thinker and Hu-man, God-man the one who can know the heavenly universal divine self; also HU, an ancient word for God.) 

Far out theoryThe Planet Nibiru is a replica of earth that will enter earths orbital path the moment earth evolves into a planet of light and enters warp space to join our extra dimensional brothers