Asociatia Tourism Experts Network

Post on 07-Nov-2014

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Asociatia Tourism Experts Network este o asociatie formata din specialisti in domeniul turismului ce isi propune crearea si dezvoltarea unei comunitati de experti in turism. Mai multe detalii pe:


  • 2. A group of experts in different domains, determined to make a difference in the Romanian tourism sector. The idea of TEN started in October 2009. During 2009 July 2011, the relationships between the experts were established and consolidated. From July 2011 the idea was formalized and the association was created. What is TEN ?
  • 3. Mission and objectives (1) TENs mission: Creation and development of a community of tourism experts, in order to capitalize the knowledge of each member, to share ideas, information, best practices and to accomplish joint projects, in agreement with the principles of sustainable development.
  • 4. Mission and objectives (2)
    • TENs objectives:
    • initiation and development of joint projects in which its members are involved;
    • organization of events, conferences, workshops contributing to the professional development of its members;
    • encouragement and support of the training, specializations and training of the tourism experts;
    • elaboration, adoption and promotion of the professional standards in the field of tourism;
    • elaboration of studies, analyses, surveys, articles and market researches with a view to support the activity of the tourism experts.
  • 5. Mission and objectives (3) Other auxiliary aims: - representation of the tourism experts in reference to the authorities, the business environment and other organizations or institutions; - creation of databases, libraries, collections (case studies, good practices etc.); - performance of interdisciplinary fundamental and applicative research activities in the field of tourism and services, on its own behalf and in collaboration with other specialists from various environments.
  • 6. Our TEAM Having an experience of 10 years in hospitality industry as a sales manager in CONTINENTAL HOTELS CHAIN and TH TOP HOTELS CHAIN in Bucharest. During 2006-2007 he worked for Holiday Inn Brentford Lock in London, being awarded with Excellency in Customer Service, Holiday Inn Brentford Lock and Splendid Group Hotels. Starting from 2010 he owns Splendid Travel and is representative of GO2HOLIDAY Ltd in Romania and in July 2011 became President of TEN Association. Certificate of trainer issued by Education and Research Ministry Associate Member of European Institute for Business Network Marketing Workshop Seminar with Swiss Contact "The new Image of Continental Hotels "Marketing Coaching" program, with Ernst & Young Romania; DDA - Access for all - Intercontinental Hotels Group Customer Service Coaching - Holiday Inn Brentford Lock Alex HAMPU , President Trainer, expert in hospitality industry Owner of Splendid Travel (travel agency)
  • 7. Our TEAM Cristian C. FRANCU , Vice-president Founder & C.E.O. of Klever Travel (Travel & Events Agency) Professional Problem Solver, Travel & Events Consultant, Free Time Alchemist, Architect of Bridges between Souls... Cristian is a 30 years old, open-minded, motivated, ambitious, energetic young Romanian, an enthusiastic entrepreneur who knows that, together we are stronger. He is sure that life is consistently testing us for our level of commitment and for our determination to achieve our goals and dreams. He is sure that the lifes greatest rewards are reserved for those who demonstrate a never-ending commitment and determination, great passion and adaptability, and the will to act proactively until they succeed. This kind of proactively, commitment and determination can move mountains if its constant and consistent.
  • 8. Our TEAM Ph.D Lecturer M d lina AL Founding Member Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest M d lina has over 10 years experience teaching in higher education. Areas of expertise are diverse, but mainly in tourism and services: Organizational Behaviour, Ecotourism and Rural Tourism, Business Ethics, Business Administration in Trade, Tourism, and Services. In 2010, M d lina became a PhD. in Economics for her paper "Religion - an ongoing challenge for Romanian tourism. Teaching is complemented by the heavy research (involved in 5 European and research projects), participation in scientific events (over 20), articles and chapters of specialized books (over 10).
  • 9. Our TEAM From the passion of traveling, he started his career in hospitality industry when Rembrandt Hotel, a 3 stars business boutique hotel, opened its doors in 2005. Started to work as a Night Auditor, Bartender/Waiter, then Receptionist, Sales Assistant and currently he is focused on management for each operational level in the same hotel he started 6 years ago. As having in charge the organization of F&B department for the Rembrandt hotel, he also started to work for Grand Cafe Van Gogh in 2009, their second business, next to the hotel. Here, too hes focused on management of stocks and IT. Finally, he organizes private trips in Romania, city tours and he offers travel advice for all tourists interested to discover Romania. Toni TTAR , Founding Member of TEN Manager, Rembrandt Hotel
  • 10. Our TEAM
    • She started her career in tourism in 2006 and now she has many projects in the tourism field:
    • - Travel with a Smile ( ) is her first and most developed website. This project is dedicated to all people that want to find interesting things about the places they'll visit in their next holiday
    • - Turism Market ( ) is a website dedicated to travel professionals in Romania
    • Pensiuni in Romania ( ) is a website developed with her colleagues in TEN Association. It's the very first project of TEN Association and it's dedicated to finding great accommodation in rural areas in Romania .
    Carmina NIESCU Travel with a S mile, Expert Associated Member of TEN
  • 11. Our TEAM Monica MIH IL , Founding Member Owner of Funny Travel (travel agency) Started her career in tourism in 2002, with practice during the university courses and after many years of experience opened in 2010 Funny Travel, a touroperator one. Monica has a master programme: Business in Tourism ,as well as high knowledge of project management. Also has experience in activities like guiding and events. This year she organized a team-building in Bulgaria for more than 230 persons.
  • 12. Our TEAM International experience in Customer - Service, Sales and Mystery Shopping (Los Angeles - California, USA), Specialization in Marketing Research at the University of Georgia & Sea (Marketing Research Institute International), MRA, ESOMAR, Mystery Shopper Certification - MSPA Europe & North America, ESOMAR Member 2008 - 2009 (European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research); Economist degree (University Babes Bolyai, FSEGA) - Bachelor of Arts in Economics (Equivalency IERF, USA) Commodity Trader Certificate, Certified Trainer - Europass Certificate (English & French), associate lecturer at the School of Tourism Management Training, Mystery Shopper organizer of the first course in the country (together with student organization STUDCARD, Cluj-Napoca) and a founding member of TEN - Tourism Experts Network . Cosmina MESEAN , Founding Me mber Owner of VBS Solutions (Customer service and mystery shopping research)
  • 13. Our TEAM Gisela MOLDOVEANU Associated Member of TEN Association Ownerof GISELA ART TURISM (travel agency) & GISELA ART IMOBILIARE ( real estate)
  • 14. Our TEAM Ana Maria DULUGEAC Founding Member of TEN Owner of Mogooaia Equestrian Academy Ana Maria is the manager of the restaurant Hanul Boierilor from 2004. Inherits the family passion and from 2010 becomes the manager of Mogooaia Equestrian Academy, where she teaches courses in horsemanship. Ana Maria is a strong promoter of the equestrian tourism in Bucharest-Ilfov region.
  • 15. Our TEAM Gabriela CIUCIUL General Secretary of TEN Association Project Manager, National Council of Private SMEs from Romania Gabriela is working on European projects since 2007. She was the initiator of this experts network in 2009 and coordinator of it until July 2011, when the association was created. Gabriela has wide experience in writing and implementing projects. Since 2007 has worked as an expert on 15 projects.
  • 16. Future projects
    • The website is a current project of the TEN Association which is expected to became a for bed and breakfast in Romanian Lodges
  • 17. Future projects Mystery shopper project in media (Travel Advisor)
  • 18. Future projects Mystery shopper project in media (Travel Advisor) Training Courses in Customer Services, hospitality, sales and mystery shopper
  • 19. Future projects (2)
    • Marketing researches and mystery shopping studies for the tourism industry;
    • Implementing projects in tourism on Leonardo da Vinci and European Social Fund (starting with 2012 when call s will be available);
    • Trainings in c ustomer s ervice, s ales and mystery shopping;
    • Networking Events & Conferences for tourism experts.
  • 20. What we can offer - Firstwe offer a broad and diverse collaborative network of executives from all sectors within travel, tourism and hospitality. business professionals who seek new ways to improve their organization can benefit immensely by networking outside of their own business channel for ideas, techniques and methods to improve their job and organizations performance.
  • 21. What we can offer (2)
    • - Experience;
    • Expertise;
    • Valuable knowledge;
    • Valuable tools such as seminars, data, news and research that is relevant and valuable to tourism experts day to day efforts.