Aspartate Transcarbamoylase Molecules Lacking Regulatory ...

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Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USAVol. 71, No. 3, pp. 918-922, March 1974

Aspartate Transcarbamoylase Molecules Lacking One Regulatory Subunit(allosteric enzymes/protein-protein interactions/subunit assembly)

Y. R. YANG, J. M. SYVANEN*, G. M. NAGELt, AND H. K. SCHACHMANtDepartment of Molecular Biology and Virus Laboratory, Wendell M. Stanley Hall, University of California, Berkeley, Calif. 94720

Contributed by H. K. Schachman, November 9, 1973

ABSTRACT Reconstitution of aspartate transcarbam-oylase (EC from dilute solutions of the isolatedregulatory and catalytic subunits, with the latter in largeexcess, led to the formation of appreciable amounts of asecond, stable component in addition to the reconstitutedenzyme. The purified component, designated r4c6, wasfound to have a molecular weight about 3 X 104. less thanthat of the native enzyme, and it combined with isolatedregulhtory subunit to form aspartate transcarbamoylase.It also combined with one succinylated regulatory subunitto form a hybrid species that was identified electropho-retically. These findings indicate that r4cs differs from thenative enzyme in that only two (rather than three) regula-tory subunits participate in "crosslinking" the two cata-lytic trimers. The "incomplete" enzyme, r4c6, exhibits thecharacteristic sigmoidal saturation behavior and CTP in-hibition of aspartate transcarbamoylase; however theseallosteric effects are reduced in extent by about one-thirdin comparison to the native enzyme and free catalytic sub-units. The complex, which may be an intermediate in theassembly and dissociation of the native enzyme, is usefulin assessing the role of the various bonding domains re-sponsible for the stability and regulatory properties of thenative enzyme.

Following the discovery that the regulatory enzyme, aspar-tate transcarbamoylase (EC; carbamoylphosphate: 'Aaspartate carbamoyltransferase) from Escherichia coli, iscomposed of discrete subunits for catalysis and regulation,each containing a unique polypeptide chain (1), there havebeen many studies aimed at determining the structure andmechanism of action of the enzyme (2, 3). It is now knownthat it is composed of six catalytic (c) and six regulatory (r)polypeptide chains (4-7) arranged in a molecule having 2-foldand 3-fold axes of symmetry (8-11). The catalytic chains areorganized as trimers (C) both in the intact enzyme and afterits dissociation with certain mercurials (5). Although the Csubunits show little tendency to associate to form discretespecies, they combine readily with free regulatory subunits(R), yielding reconstituted molecules with the unusual physicaland kinetic properties of the native enzyme (1, 12). The R sub-units, as a result, have been viewed as "crosslinks" that bindthe two C subunits in the intact enzyme molecules.

Abbreviations: R, regulatory subunit; C, catalytic subunit; N(subscript), native; S (subscript), succinylated; r, regulatorypolypeptide chain; c, catalytic polypeptide chain.* Present address: Department of Biochemistry, Stanford Univer-sity School of Medicine, Stanford, Calif. 94305.t Present address: Department of Chemistry, California StateUniversity, Fullerton, Calif. 92634.$ To whom requests for reprints should be addressed.

Various experiments have shown that the r chains areorganized as dimers both in the native enzyme and in the Rsubunit released by treating the enzyme with mercurials (7).In addition, considerations of the weight composition of theenzyme in terms of c and r chains (1, 6, 7) plus hybridizationexperiments with native C and mixtures of native and suc-cinylated R (13) have led to the conclusion that there arethree R dimers in each enzyme molecule. Recent evidencefrom electron microscopy (14) and x-ray diffraction studies(10, 11) has provided support for a model of the enzyme as acomplex containing two catalytic trimers bonded throughthree regulatory dimers; i.e., R3C2 or r6c6 (7). According tothis model there are six c: c bonding domains linking c chainswithin the two trimers, three r: r bonding domains betweenthe pairs of r chains in the three dimers, and six r: c bondingdomains linking the r and c chains.

In this report we describe a structural variant of aspartatetranscarbamoylase, which is found in small amounts in mostpreparations of enzyme isolated from E. coli and which isproduced in large amounts when the enzyme is reconstitutedfrom preparations of C and R. As shown below, this complexis an R-deficient aspartate transcarbamoylase composed of twocatalytic trimers and only two regulatory dimers; i.e., R2C2 orr4c6. The existence and properties of this relatively stable com-plex provide some insight regarding the strength of the bond-ing domains responsible for the structure and behavior of thenative enzyme.We have investigated the kinetic properties of r4c6 in an

effort to determined how the R subunits endow the nativeenzyme with its characteristic allosteric behavior (15, 16).The catalytic activity of aspartate transcarbamoylase variesin a sigmoidal fashion with increasing substrate concentration(homotropic effect), and the enzyme is inhibited by CTP, theend product of the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway (hetero-tropic effect). In contrast, C subunits retain all the catalyticactivity but lack both regulatory functions (1, 2, 12, 17, 18).The r4c6 complex exhibits significant homotropic and hetero-tropic effects, a result bearing directly on speculations aboutthe structural requirements for allosteric interactions in thenative enzyme.


Enzyme Assay. Aspartate transcarbamoylase activity wasmeasured by the procedure of Porter et al. (19) with I-[14C]_aspartate obtained from New England Nuclear Corp. Assayswere performed at 30° with "standard imidazole buffer" com-posed of 50 mM imidazole-imidazole acetate, 2 mM 2-mer-captoethanol, and 0.2 mM Na2 EDTA at pH 7.0.





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Regulatory-Deficient Aspartate Transcarbamoylase 919

Ultracentrifugation. Sedimentation velocity experimentswere conducted with a Beckman model E ultracentrifuge at60,000 rpm. Schlieren patterns were photographed on Metal-lographic plates which were analyzed on a Gaertner micro-comparator. Two samples were measured simultaneously byusing paired cells, one of which contained a 10 quartz wedgedwindow to elevate the schlieren pattern and the other of whichcontained conventional windows with parallel surfaces. Dif-ference sedimentation equilibrium experiments were con-ducted with Rayleigh optics according to the method ofSpringer et al. (20).

Electrophoresis. Polyacrylamide disc gels were used as de-scribed by Ornstein (21) and Davis (22). The gels were pre-pared according to the "Tris system" of Jovin et al. (23).Zone electrophoresis was performed with a Beckman modelR-101 microzone cell and cellulose acetate membranes (5).The buffer was 25mM Tris-Tris chloride at pH 8.0, and 300 Vwere applied for 20-30 min.

Preparation of Enzyme and Subunits. Aspartate transcar-bamoylase from E. coli was prepared by the method of Ger-hart and Holoubek (12). R and C were prepared by treatingthe enzyme with the mercurial, neohydrin [1-(3-chloromer-curi-2-methoxypropyl)-urea] followed by chromatography onDEAE-cellulose (24, 18). After the fractions of R werecollected, 2-mercaptoethanol was added to a concentration of10 mM; this was followed by the addition, 10% by volume, ofa solution containing 0.5 M imidazole-imidazole chloride(pH 7.5)-20 mM zinc acetate. Solutions of each subunit werethen dialyzed against 3.6 M (NH4)2SO4-10 mM 2-mercapto-ethanol for concentration and storage. Protein concentrationswere determined from their absorbance at 280 nm, from knownextinction coefficients (7).

Succinylated regulatory subunits (Rs) were prepared byreaction of the native enzyme with succinic anhydride followedby dissociation of the modified enzyme by treatment withneohydrin; Rs was purified by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose (G. M. Nagel and H. K. Schachman, submitted toBiochemistry).


Preparation of r4c6. As shown in Fig. la, many preparationsof aspartate transcarbamoylase contain a small amount of acomponent that migrates more rapidly in electrophoresis inpolyacrylamide gels . This minor component is not detectedin solutions of either subunit alone (see Figs. le and lf), but itis observed in reconstitution experiments when C is in excessrelative to R. The rapidly migrating component was shown tocontain C in experiments with catalytic subunits labeled with125I (see Figs. 5 and 7 in ref. 25). As seen in Fig. lb, the additionof free R to preparations of the native enzyme led to the dis-appearance of the faster-migrating component. These pre-liminary observations indicated that the rapidly migratingcomponent contained the same subunits as the native enzyme.In order to permit further characterization of the faster com-ponent, we initiated efforts to obtain it in purified form.

Significant yields of r4c6 were obtained in reconstitutionexperiments when C was in large excess and both types of sub-

- am


a b c d e fFIG. 1. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of aspartate trans-

carbamoylase, r4c6, and controls. Sample a represents purified,native aspartate transcarbamoylase containing a small amount ofa more rapidly migrating component. Addition of R to that prep-aration followed by electrophoresis gave the pattern shown in b.Partially purified r4c6 gave the pattern in c. Upon the addition of Rto that sample, the pattern in d was obtained. The patterns in eandf were obtained with purified C and R, respectively.

units were at low concentration. A typical experiment in-volved the addition of 10 mg of R in 150 ml of 25 mM Tris-Tris chloride, 10 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, and 0.2 mM zincacetate (pH 8.0) to 100 mg of C in 10-20 ml of the same buffer.After incubation at 300 for 30 min the solution was concen-trated by filtration under N2, dialyzed, and analyzed by disc-gel electrophoresis. Such experiments yielded about 20 mg ofreconstituted aspartate transcarbamoylase, 10 mg of r4co, and80 mg of free C. Purification of r4c6 required the removal of Cby gel filtration on Sephadex G-200 followed by chroma-tography on DEAE-Sephadex. Fig. 2 shows the elution profile






0303 0


0 20 40 60 80 100Fraction number

FIG. 2. Purification of r4c6. Both aspartate transcarbamoylaseand r4c6 were formed in a reconstitution experiment with a largeexcess of C relative to R. The products of the reaction, after 30min of incubation at 300, were dialyzed against 0.1 M Tris-Tris*chloride at pH 8, and the protein was concentrated by filtrationunder N2. Excess C was removed by gel filtration on SephadexG-200. The pooled fractions representing native and incompleteenzyme were concentrated and passed again through a SephadexG-200 column to remove the contaminating C, and the pooledfractions containing aspartate transcarbamoylase and r4c6 wereconcentrated and dialyzed against 50 mM Tris-Tris- chloride, 2mM 2-mercaptoethanol, 0.22 M KCl at pH 7.5. The protein wasadsorbed on an equilibrated DEAE-Sephadex column; elutionwas performed with 500 ml of buffered solution containing a gra-dient of KC1 varying from 0.22M to 0.48 M. The solid curve repre-sents the absorbances of the various fractions; the dashed curvegives the KCl concentration.

§ The slowly migrating components represent aggregates such asdimers and related species.

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b 3.


FIG. 3. Reaction of r4c6 with succinylated regulatory subunits,

Rs. Electrophoresis on cellulose acetate membranes was per-

formed as described in Methods Samples a and b represent native

aspartate transcarbamnoylase and r4C6, respectively. The pattern in

c was obtained on a sample of r4cs, to which RN was added before

electrophoresis. Sample d represents the four-membered hybridset formed by reconstitution of enzyme-like molecules from C and

equal amounts of RN and Rs. The patterns in e andf were obtained

by addition of Rs to r4c6 and aspartate transcarbamnoylase, re-

spectively. Sample g represents the pattern for Rs.

of the reconstituted enzyme and r4c6 from the DEAE-Sepha-

dex column. Pooling of fractions 48 through 70, followed by

concentration of the solution and rechromatography with a

more shallow sart gradient led to a preparation (Fig. ic) con-

taining approximately 95% r4co, and 5% aspartate transcar-

bamoylase. Addition of purified R to this sample, as shown in

Fig. id, led to the disappearance of the major (more rapidly

migrating) component with the concomitant formation of a

large amount of aspartate transcarbamylase.

Molecular Weight of r4c6w Sedimentation studies were con-

ducted on r4c6 in order to determine its composition in terms

of C and R, which have molecular weights of 1.0 X 10and an3.4 X 104 respectively (6, 7). The sedimentation coefficient of

r4c6 was found to be 7% less than that of the native enzyme.

This value corresponds to a molecular weight difference of

3 X 10o for spherical protein molecules (26). This calculateddifference in molecular weight would be slightly larger if the

frictional coefficient of the intact enzyme is larger than that of

r4C6dDifference sedimentation equilibrium measurements showed

that r4c6 had a molecular weight 3.2 X 104 less than that of

aspartate transcarbamoylase (M. Springer and H. G. Schach-

man, in preparation).Molecular weights were also obtained from the mobilities

of different proteins on polyacrylamide gels of various poros-

ity (27). This technique, based on the native enzyme and C

as standards, gave 2.8 X10M for the molecular weight of r4co[compared to 3.1 X104 for the native enzyme (6, 7) ].

Number of Missing Regulatory Polypeptide Chains inr4Cz .

Although the molecular weight and electrophoresis experi-

ments indicate that the incomplete enzyme lacks some regula-tory chains, they do not warrant a conclusion as to the num-ber of missing chains. Hence we investigated the reaction ofsuccinylated regulatory subunits, Rs, with the incompleteenzyme, since the composition and properties of various com-plexes of Rs and RN with C are known from hybridizationexperiments (ref. 13; G. M. Nagel and H. K. Schachman, sub-mitted to Biochemistry). These studies provided a four-membered hybrid set of enzyme-like molecules that had thecomposition RNRNRN(C)2, RNRNRs(C)2, RNRsRs(C)2, andRsRsRs(C)2.

Figs. 3a and 3b show electrophoresis patterns of nativeenzyme and r4c6, respectively. Addition of RN to the latterled to the formation of aspartate transcarbamoylase, as seenin Fig. 3c. The four-membered hybrid set formed by the xapidaddition of RN and Rs to a solution of C is shown in Fig. 3d.Unon the addition of Rs to r4c6 (as seen in Fig. 3e), a hybridmolecule is formed having the same mobility as the secondmember of the hybrid set obtained in the reconstitution reac-tion with the isolated subunits. Hence, its composition isRNRNRs(C)2. This hybrid is not the product of an exchangereaction involving regulatory subunits; as seen in Fig. 3f, theaddition of Rs to native enzyme produced no hybrids. More-over, the hybrid, RNRNRs(C)2, proved stable as judged by theabsence of the other species which would have formed throughdisproportionation reactions.

Homotropic and Heterotropic Interactions Exhibited by r4c8.In terms of structure, r4c6 can be viewed as an intermediatebetween native aspartate transcarbamoylase, an allostericenzyme, and free C, which exhibits no allosteric behavior.Would such an incomplete molecule exhibit the kineticproperties of an allosteric enzyme and could we assess therole of the regulatory subunits in mediating allosteric effects?

Initial experiments with r4c extracted from polyacrylamidegels after electrophoretic separation showed that it possessedconsiderable enzyme activity and sensitivity to the feedbackinhibitor, CTP. Quantitative studies were performed on thecolumn-purified material and the results are shown in Fig. 4,along with those for the native enzyme and free C. As withnative aspartate transcarbamoylase, the initial velocity of thereaction catalyzed by r4c8 varies in a sigmoidal fashion with theconcentration of the substrate, aspartate. In contrast, thisdependence of initial velocity on substrate concentration ishyperbolic with C. This difference between the native enzymeand r4c6, on the one hand, and free C on the other is empha-sized in Fig. 4b where the kinetic data are plotted as the initialvelocity divided by the aspartate concentration against theinitial velocity (28). The curvature for the native and incom-plete enzyme is indicative of homotropic, cooperative inter-actions, whereas the linarity for the catalytic subunits ischaracteristic of enzymes with either one or several indepen-dent active sites. As seen in Table 1, r4c6 exhibits both homo-tropic and heterotropic effects, although the Hill coefficientand the CTP inhibition are less than those for aspartate trans-carbamoylase (data for both the native and reconstitutedenzyme are given since the latter generally shows slightly lessallosteric behavior). However, the maximal velocity of r4c6 isthe same as that of the native enzyme and strikingly differentfrom that of free C.

Addition of free R to r4c6 led to an increase in the Hill co-efficient to 1.6, a value equal to that found for reconstitutedaspartate transcarbamoylase. In contrast, the addition of Rs

11 Figs. Ic and ld show that the faster of the aggregated species isconverted into the other aggregate upon the addition of R. Thisobservation indicates that R-deficient aggregates are formed inthe reconstitution process.

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Regulatory-Deficient Aspartate Transcarbamoylase 921

TABLE 1. Kinetic properties of r4c6 and related species

InhibitionHill by CTP* Maximal

coefficient (%) velocity

Catalytic subunit 1.0 7 33tNative enzyme 1.7 60 16tReconstituted enzyme 1.6 55 16r4c6 1.4 36 16tr4cG+ RN 1.6 16r4c6+ Rs 1.4 - 15

* The percent inhibition of catalytic activity by 0.5 mM CTPat saturating amounts of carbamoyl phosphate (4 mM) and at 5mM aspartate.

t These values, obtained from the intercepts in Fig. 4b, repre-sent umol of carbamoyl aspartate per hr per /ug of catalytic sub-unit protein. Native enzyme contains 64% catalytic subunit andr4c6 contains 72% catalytic subunit by weight.

to r4c6 caused no change in the Hill coefficient of 1.4 (seeTable 1).


Structure of r4c6. As shown in Fig. 1, r4c6 combines with freeR to form a complex having the electrophoretic mobility ofaspartate transcarbamoylase. In addition, r4c6 has a molecularweight about 3 X 104 less than that of the native enzyme.Since r chains have a molecular weight of 1.7 X 104, these find-ings indicate that r4c6 has two less r chains than the nativeenzyme. Further support for this view came from examiningthe reaction between Rs and r4c6. The complex formed in thisway corresponds to the hybrid molecule, RNRNRs(C)2.Hence we conclude that r4c6 lacks two r chains as compared tonative aspartate transcarbamoylase.Are the two missing r chains from the same subunit or are

they from two different subunits? Several considerations favora model lacking one regulatory dimer. Such a structure wouldretain two r: r and four r: c bonding domains and might beexpected to be reasonably stable as compared to the nativeenzyme. In contrast, if the two missing r chains were fromdifferent R subunits the linking of R and C in the complexwould be dependent on only one r: r and two r: c bondingdomains. This type of structure would be much less stable;if it could exist we might expect that a complex lacking four rchains would be detected. No such species has been observed;indeed the studies with Rs show that only one subunit com-bines with r4c6. Finally, the hybridization experiments on thereconstitution of enzyme-like molecules from RN and Rs withC (G. M. Nagel and H. K. Schachman, submitted to Biochem-istry) indicate that the combining unit is a dimer rather thansingle chains.What is the possibility that r4c6 has a structure totally un-

related to that of the native enzyme? This seems unlikelysince the products formed in the reaction of r4c6 with eitherRN or Rs are reasonably homogeneous and correspond toaspartate transcarbamoylase and one of its known hybrids,respectively. These findings indicate that the structure ofr4c6 is similar to that of the native enzyme. Further evidencemust await studies with covalently, crosslinked R subunits(7).Storage of r4c6 for several weeks in Tris buffer led to its par-

tial conversion to a mixture of r6c6 and free C. In buffers of low

[Aspartate], mm


z 15

' l0




3.500-h 3.00)0" 2.50

o 2.0z

' 1.0

15 20Initial velocity

FIG. 4. Kinetic properties of r4c6 and related species. Assayswere performed at 300 with solutions containing 4mM carbamoylphosphate and various amounts of aspartate. Since the three pro-teins contain different amounts of enzymically active protein, thereaction velocities were normalized to give jumol of carbamoyl as-partate per hr per jug of catalytic protein. Saturation curves aregiven in (a) and the data are plotted in (b) as initial velocity/aspartate against initial velocity (28). Results for C are designatedby *, for native enzyme by *, and for r4c6 by 0.

ionic strength** this disproportionation was markedly accel-erated, leading to the almost complete disappearance of r4c6.Thus it seems that r4c6 is less stable than native enzyme andthat kinetic factors must be involved in the formation of r4c6from R and C when the latter is present in large excess. Itsappearance as a contaminant in preparations of native en-zyme may be attributable in part to the heat step in thepurification (12). Biosynthetic factors such as insufficientamounts of R or proteolysis of R in derepressed cells may alsobe implicated. Further studies of the formation and stabilityof r4c6 likely will be useful in evaluating the strength of thevarious bonding domains and in determining its possible role

** Because of the disproportionation of r4c6 in the buffers of lowionic strength used for electron microscopy (14), no satisfactorymicrographs have been obtained.

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as a stable intermediate in the assembly and dissociation of thenative enzymett.

Allosteric Properties of r4c6. As seen in Fig. 4 and Table 1,r4c6 differs markedly from free C in its kinetic behavior;rather it displays the homotropic and heterotropic effectscharacteristic of native enzyme. These effects are reduced,however, to approximately 2/3 those of aspartate transcar-bamoylase as compared to free Ctt.

It is possible that the putative constrained and relaxedstates (16) of the enzyme are altered when one R is missingand that the reduction of both the Hill coefficient and theCTP inhibition is due to a general effect on the entire moleculeaffecting the equilibrium between these states and/or thevarious affinities for ligands. Alternatively, two of the c chainsin r4c6 may not be capable of participating in the allostericinteractions because they are not bonded to r chains. Theobservation that r4c6 displays allosteric interactions approxi-mately in proportion to the number of regulatory subunits inthe complex leads us to consider whether direct interactionsbetween c and r chains are essential for the mediation of co-operativity and inhibition. Perhaps cooperativity and inhibi-tion are dependent upon a combination of at least four func-tional c and r chains (c: r: r: c) bonded to each other from onecatalytic subunit to that beneath it. In contrast it should benoted that the maximal velocity observed for r4c6 indicatesthat catalytic chains not bonded to regulatory chains exhibitthe behavior of chains in the native enzyme and not those offree catalytic subunits.

Recently Warren et al. (10) have suggested that regulationin aspartate transcarbamylase is achieved through changes inthe accessibility of substrates to the central cavity containingthe six active sites. The observations on r4c6 are particularlyrelevant in considerations of this proposal. If restriction toaccess of substrates to the internal cavity were a major factorin the regulatory mechanism, the loss of one R subunit fromthe enzyme should be accompanied by a marked change inallosteric behavior. Moreover, we would expect RNRNRs(C)2and r4c6 to differ significantly since the former would have ashielded cavity and the latter would permit access throughan entire side of the molecule. No such difference is observed;the allosteric properties of the hybrid containing one non-functional regulatory subunit are nearly identical to those forthe incomplete enzyme (G. M. Nagel and H. K. Schachman,submitted to Biochemistry). We consider it more likely thatallosteric effects require direct regulatory-catalytic chaininteractions and changes in them as a result of alterations inthe conformations of the chains upon the binding of ligands.

tt Recently an intermediate has been detected during the trypticdigestion of aspartate transcarbamoylase (29). Although the com-position of this component has not been established, it should benoted that it is similar to r4c,5 in sedimentation coefficient, in elec-trophoretic mobility on polyacrylamide gels, and in kinetic Jacobson and Stark (30) independently have isolated R-de-ficient enzyme molecules and showed that their kinetic propertiesdiffered from those of the native enzyme. We are indebted to themfor communicating these results before publication and for valu-able discussions about the structure and behavior of r4c6.

This investigation was supported by Public Health ServiceResearch Grant GM 12159 from the National Institute of GeneralMedical Sciences and by National Science Foundation ResearchGrant GB 4810X. G.M.N. was the recipient of a PostdoctoralFellowship from the National Institutes of Health (GM 38969),and J.M.S. was supported by Training Grant GM-31 from theNational Institute of General Medical Sciences.

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