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Presentation given to the American Society for Quality Worcester Chapter in June 2009.


Network Power!Tapping Hidden Social Networks to Accelerate Improvement

American Society for QualityWorcester SectionJune 18, 2009Presenter: Maya Townsend, Partnering ResourcesContact: 617.395.8396 o o

2© 2009 Maya Townsend © 2009 Maya Townsend

The Point

Companies can accelerate

improvement initiatives and

increase likelihood of success by

tapping into existing hidden networks

Image: Partnering Resources

3© 2009 Maya Townsend

Only 29% of change

initiatives are completely or mostly successful improving


Data: McKinsey (2005).

Why It Matters

4© 2009 Maya Townsend

1. What is a network?2. What do networks have to do with change?3. How can you leverage networks to improve organizations faster and more effectively?


5© 2009 Maya Townsend

Networks are about movement

Computer networks move data from location to location

Public transportation networks help people travel in cities

The circulatory system carries oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from our cells

What is a Network?

6© 2009 Maya Townsend

The Simplest Work Network

You have a question

You ask Mary at the next desk

She doesn’t know the answer and calls

Sam for advice

Sam knows how to answer the

question so Mary connects you to


Problem solved!

Human networks are also all about movement: The movement of information

7© 2009 Maya Townsend

People Form Networks within Teams

8© 2009 Maya Townsend

More People, More Complexity

9© 2009 Maya Townsend © 2009 Maya Townsend

We Work through Formal Systems…

Jane is at the individual contributor level on the org chart

10© 2009 Maya Townsend

…And Miss the Networks

Jane is a critical connector in this network. Without Jane, the organization separates into 3

unconnected factions

11© 2009 Maya Townsend © 2009 Maya Townsend

Measuring Critical Connectors

• Critical Connectors comprise only 5% of the organization

• Three Critical Connectors – Hubs

– Gatekeepers

– Pulsetakers

Image: © 2005 NetForm, Inc. Used with permission.

12© 2009 Maya Townsend © 2009 Maya Townsend

The Hub

• Highly and directly connected with many people

• Communicate and disseminate knowledge through the organization




13© 2009 Maya Townsend © 2009 Maya Townsend

The Gatekeeper

• Link departments, functions, and groups together

• Act as information gateways and broker knowledge between critical parts of the organization




14© 2009 Maya Townsend © 2009 Maya Townsend

The Pulsetaker

• Have maximum influence using minimum number of direct contacts

• Work through indirect means




15© 2009 Maya Townsend

It’s Not Just the Grapevine: Organizations have Multiple Networks

Social Decision-Making Innovation

Expertise Improvement

16© 2009 Maya Townsend

1. What is a network?2. What do networks have to do with change? 3. How can you leverage networks to improve organizations faster and more effectively?

17© 2009 Maya Townsend © 2009 Maya Townsend

About Change

Changes Completed On Time and With Minimal Disruption:

5%Gartner, 2001

Average Project Cost Overrun:


Percentage of Originally Defined Features


54%** Of which 45% are never usedStandish Group Standish Group

18© 2009 Maya Townsend

Healthy Networks: Adaptable & Resilient

Networks can…• Adapt quickly to change.• Withstand stress.• Reorganize without significantly

affecting productivity.• Diffuse information easily.• Grow quickly.

Case studies: Plastrik & Taylor (2006) and Evans & Wolf (2005).

19© 2009 Maya Townsend © 2009 Maya Townsend

Unhealthy Networks Can Cause Failure• Nearly 80% of senior

executives surveyed believe that effective coordination across boundaries is crucial for growth…

• …yet only 25% say their organizations are effective at sharing knowledge across boundaries

Graphic: NetForm. Used with permission.

Lack of connections between two key departments caused a

major gaffe at the LA Philharmonic

20© 2009 Maya Townsend © 2009 Maya Townsend

Leaders Can Leverage Networks

• Situation: Monopolist culture impeded growth, cost-cutting, and quality improvement programs.

• Actions: Leaders identified and engaged critical network connectors in "Pride Builders" meetings.

Case: Reingold & Yang (2007).

• Results: Dramatic increases in satisfaction metrics:

– Increase of 71% in employee satisfaction in comparison to control group.

– Increase of 35% - 245% in customer satisfaction in comparison to control group.

21© 2009 Maya Townsend

1. What is a network?2. What do networks have to do with change?3. How can you leverage networks to improve organizations faster and more effectively?

22© 2009 Maya Townsend

Four Techniques

1. Build strong personal networks

2. Understand your organization’s networks

3. Build networks to support change

4. Use multiple techniques

23© 2009 Maya Townsend © 2009 Maya Townsend

1. Build Strong Personal Networks

Image: Barry Wellman, “The Network Community: An Introduction to Networks in the Global Village.

24© 2009 Maya Townsend © 2009 Maya Townsend

Successful Projects have Stronger Leadership Networks

• 93% of completely successful change initiatives were led by people with very strong / strong personal networks

• 73% of less successful change initiatives were led by people with moderate / weak networks

Data: NEHRA / Partnering Resources study (2009).

25© 2009 Maya Townsend

Key to Building Your Network

Photo: Sizumaru’s Photo Stream, Flickr.

Building networks requires more giving than receiving

26© 2009 Maya Townsend

The Minimalist Approach

1. Schedule 1 coffee meeting / month

2. Forward 1 email / week

3. Walk around the office and talk with people 1 time / day

27© 2009 Maya Townsend © 2009 Maya Townsend

2. Understand Your Organization’s Networks

• How does information flow through the organization?

• Who are the critical connectors?

• Who are the ad hoc decision-makers?

• Who can make things happen?

Image: Nancy Margulies (

28© 2009 Maya Townsend © 2009 Maya Townsend

An Example

Images: Partnering Resources using NetForm™ Connectors software.

The loss of only two people causes major gaps in this nonprofit organization. The diagram on the left shows the organization today. The one on the right shows the organization without 2 critical connectors.

29© 2009 Maya Townsend © 2009 Maya Townsend

How to Understand Networks

1. Map them by hand

2. Map them using ONA software

3. Ask 10 people you trust: Who do you trust to get things done?

Images: Partnering Resources.

30© 2009 Maya Townsend © 2009 Maya Townsend

3. Build Networks to Support Change

31© 2009 Maya Townsend © 2009 Maya Townsend

Case Study: Building Networks to Support Change

• Situation: IT projects consistently failed to meet time and budget constraints.

• Actions: Leaders seeded the Implementation Team with critical network connectors.

• Leaders created a Learning Team also comprised of critical connectors.

Results: The organization achieved its goal and implemented CMM Level 3 processes in 50% the time recommended. Learning continues to this day.

© 2009 Maya Townsend

32© 2009 Maya Townsend © 2009 Maya Townsend

How to Build Change Networks

• Get the right people in the (virtual) room

• Define the purpose • Give them a forum• Encourage give and take• Listen• Give them the power to act

Image: Charis Tsevis.

33© 2009 Maya Townsend © 2009 Maya Townsend

4. Use Multiple Techniques

Ask informal leaders to help support the


Brainstorm or explore ideas associated with

the change with people outside the

change team

Strategize how to overcome planning or

implementation obstacles

Get feedback on documents, approach,

and aspects of the initiative before rollout

Understand what the grapevine has to say

about change

Leverage personal contacts to help get

things done

Data: NEHRA / Partnering Resources study (2009).

Strategize how to overcome planning or

implementation obstacles

Get feedback on documents, approach,

and aspects of the initiative before rollout

These two techniques are positively correlated with the success of change initiatives. In other words, if you do nothing else, do these!

34© 2009 Maya Townsend

1. What is a network?2. What do networks have to do with change? 3. How can you leverage networks to improve organizations faster and more effectively?

35© 2009 Maya Townsend © 2009 Maya Townsend

Let’s Leverage our Networks!

What from this presentation stands out as most relevant to your work?

What questions do you have?

Image: Nancy Margulies (

36© 2009 Maya Townsend

For More Information…Articles & Research

Kleiner, A. (2002). “Karen Stephenson’s Quantum Theory of Trust.” strategy + business. Available at

Reingold, J. & Yang, J. L. (2007). “The Hidden Workplace.” CNN Money. Available at

Patton, S. (2005). “Social Network Analysis Helps Maximize Collective Smarts.” CIO.Com. Available at

Stephenson, K. & Zelen, M. (1989). “Rethinking Centrality.” Available at

Townsend, M. (2008). “The Three Most Important Positions You Don’t Know About Yet.” Available at

Townsend, M. (2009). “Leveraging Human Networks to Accelerate Learning.” Chief Learning Officer. Available at http://

Townsend, M. & Yeung, S. (2009). “Survey: Informal Networks Linked to Success of Change Initiatives.” Boston.Com. Available at


Anklam, P. (2007). Net Work: A Practical Guide to Creating and Sustaining Networks at Work and in the World.

Cohen, D. & Prusak, L. (2001). In Good Company: How Social Capital Makes Organizations Work.

Cross, R., & Parker, A. (2004). The Hidden Power of Social Networks: Understanding How Work Really Gets Done in Organizations.

Network Analysis & Mapping Software

See for full list.

Recommended freeware: UCINet & Visone.

Recommended commercial software: Connectors, InFlow, NetMiner.


Network Power!Tapping Hidden Social Networks to Accelerate Improvement

American Society for QualityWorcester SectionJune 18, 2009Presenter: Maya Townsend, Partnering ResourcesContact: 617.395.8396 o o