Assemblage PowerPoint

Post on 15-May-2015

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This PowerPoint Presentation features the work of varied assemblage (including myself) which I put together for a ceramics and sculpture class last year.



The ultimate in recycling :)


Pronounced {a-SAM-blaj} Assemblage is an artistic process in which a

three-dimensional object has been transformed into a work of art through the use of both traditional and non-traditional techniques.

Doesn’t require traditional fine art skills such as drawing, painting or sculpting but if you have those skills it can be utilized and add your own unique touch!

Model Examples

In the following slides, you’ll see many approaches to this art form. You should not try to copy any one assemblage, but by all means allow them to inspire your own vision.

As slides are shown, take note of the materials used and write down at least three different kinds of materials you can identify from each.


Take notes outlining the kind of objects you see.

As you write, put stars next to objects you think you might be able to collect and use in your own piece…

Joseph Cornell

December 24, 1903- December 29, 1972

One of the first artists known for the art form.

Hotel Eden: Joseph Cornell

Joseph Cornell

Soap Bubble Set

List 3 Objects you see…

Joseph Cornell

Mlle Farretti (one of his many ballerina boxes)

List 3 Objects you see…

Michael DeMeng

Currently living, working and teaching around the US and the world…

From Missoula Missouri

Often finds inspiration in fables and mythologies

Leviathan: is a sea monster referred to in the Tanakh and the Bible. In

Demonology, Leviathan is one of the seven princes of Hell and its gatekeeper

(see Hellmouth). The word leviathan has become synonymous with any large

sea monster or creature.

In Islamic traditions, it is said that four angels were sent  to gather dust from the four corners of the world, but only Israfel succeeded; it was from this dust that Adam was created.  According to legend he waits century after century prepared to blow his trumpet to announce the Last Judgment. -Michael DeMeng

Lonely Heart Sally

What kind of objects do you see here??

Lonely Heart Tom: Shrine Piece

Shrine: a case, box, or receptacle; especially : one in which sacred relics (as the bones of a saint) are deposited

Saint Michael: archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic tradition. He is viewed as the field commander of the Army of God

DeMeng claims this is one of his favorites…

Lynne Whipple

Born and raised in Winter Park FL

Says: Anything can spark an idea for a piece. Ideas come from materials, photos, music, drawings, conversations, deadlines, dreams, found objects, nature, writing, accidents, traveling or just playing around in her studio.




Becki Smith

At the heart of my activity as an assemblage artist is the appeal of recycling things to inspire new insights, reflecting the alchemy that occurs as spirituality and humor are invoked and combined with different words, choices and perspectives. What I find appealing about using a mixed media palette are the infinite possibilities for expression and combination. Based on observation & reflection, I meticulously compose three dimensional commentaries on human nature, examining stereotypes, gender roles, quotes and clichés. My own values and beliefs distill and clarify during the process. Healing is a theme I return to again and again. Other themes that recur and overlap throughout my work are values, choices, spirituality, relationships, politics, the environment, domesticity, sexuality and humor. My visual language has evolved as marks and objects are used in many ways: functionally, decoratively and symbolically

Bottle Top

Life Goes On

Half Full or Half Empty

Jennifer Gillooly Cahoon ;)

Your Art Teacher. She likes Assemblage.


“Frozen" The idea behind this piece is the occasional desire to sometimes freeze time and hold your children in one special moment... The photographs I used in this piece were taken last spring on a particularly nice NE day... It was one of those aforementioned days. ♥ To represent Ryan and Kayleigh, I used both photographic representations and antique dolls to which I applied metallic paint and a patina, turning them into "monuments".

Frozen: Different Views…


Based on memories of my Grandfather. Includes photocopied pictures of him and a letter he wrote to my Grandmother.

Circle of Life

Original Photograph: Printed on postcard paper, glued in, painted and sealed.

Ode to the Little One Lost

Details. Printed text (painted) Small bottles and corks, fiber, gears, old film slide.

Where will you get your ideas?

Possible Themes: Mythology/Religion Relationships Self Portrait Memory (Good or Bad) Humor Choices Values

What will you use for materials?

Cigar boxes and some objects will be provided to help get you started…

Possible items to collect (WITH PERMISSION) Old photographs (can be copied) Souveniers, maps etc from travel Old dolls Coins Fabric Items no longer in use discarded in junk drawers Cards, dice, items for games and play… ENDLESS POSSIBLITIES….