Assessimize for 2013

Post on 19-Oct-2014

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Dramatically Improve Marketing and Enter 2013 Confident and Prepared

Marketing Has Changed

Marketing by interrupting people isn’t cost-effective anymore. You can’t afford to seek out people and send them unwanted marketing messages, in large groups, and hope that some will send you money.

Instead, the future belongs to marketers who establish a foundation and process where interested people can market to each other.

Ignite consumer networks and then get out of the way and let them talk.

Seth Godin

…But Marketing Teams Haven’t Always Kept Pace

A 2011 IBM study of more than 1,700 CMOs revealed that most of them feel underprepared to manage the impact of key changes in the social media landscape. While 82% say they plan to increase their use and investment of social media over the next three to five years, many are scratching their heads when it comes to measuring the impact of those investments.

Another study by Columbia Business School Center on Global Brand Leadership and the New York American Marketing Association, found that 57% of CMOs and other marketing executives don’t establish their budgets according to ROI measurements.

IBM 2011 CMO Study

Assess + Optimize

Marketing is about constant learning and improvement with the goal of greater intimacy and trust with customers.

By assessing where you stand and optimizing your marketing moving forward, your firm can generate measurable return on investment.

Mythology has designed insightful, affordable solutions to quickly assess and optimize your core marketing functions using some of the

industry’s most powerful analytical tools and our own Ten Pillars of Meaningful


Assessimize Core Marketing Functions for 2013 Results

Each Assessimize engagement includes:

•An in-depth assessment on where you stand with a selected marketing discipline such as brand, social media, internal alignment and revenue campaigns. Where can you specifically improve, and why? •An optimization plan that clearly lays out steps to take to drive improved results. •Effective, simple-to-use marketing tools that make improvement so much easier. •A half-day workshop that reviews insights and recommendations with your team.

Mythology leverages today’s powerful analytical tools to measure your brand,

social media and lead generation status.

We also develop customized, affordable surveys and research projects to fill in the

blanks of insight that may be missing.

Brand Assessimize:What you Get

Brand Differentiation Report - How different is your message vs. competitors?

Brand Retention and Affinity Report - How memorable and preferred is your brand vs. competitors?

Brand Voice Report - What is your “share of voice” and what sentiments are people sharing about your brand?

Brand Consistency Report - How consistent is your brand being communicated across online/offline and distribution channels?

Analysis Review and Recommendations Workshop* - (3 hrs) A full review of insights and recommendations for strengthening your brand

Investment: $5,500 *Workshop delivered via webcast; in-person workshop delivery available upon request which may adjust overall fee.

Social Media Assessimize:What you Get

Web Marketing Funnel Analysis - What are your web marketing strengths and weaknesses, including social media engagement?

Social Brand Consistency Report – Are your online conversations reflecting your brand’s values and value proposition?

Rings of Influence Report – How influential are the people who are following you? Who SHOULD you be engaging so they can carry your messages via word-of-mouth?

Social Media Platform Review – Are you on the right social media platforms and are you using the right tactics to reach your target audience?

Content Calendar and Roles Plan – What social media content will attract the type of customers you want? Who, when and how will they produce it?

Social Media Funnel Measurement Dashboard – What to measure, how and why.

Analysis Review and Recommendations Workshop* (3 hrs) – A full review of insights and recommendations for strengthening your social media investments.

Investment: $5,750*Workshop delivered via webcast; in-person workshop delivery available upon request which may adjust overall fee.

Lead Generation Assessimize:What you Get

Funnel Analysis – Analysis of your existing customer interactions and conversion % (online and offline) to the next level of sales development; where are you losing people, and why?

Value Prop/Offer Analysis – How clear and compelling are your value offers to potential customers?

Sales-Marketing Alignment – How do sales teams rate the quality of leads they are receiving? How do marketing teams rate the effectiveness of sales follow-up? Is your CRM or contact management system fully optimized?

Customer Data Analysis – Are you capturing and leveraging the right customer data in order to generate revenue?

Most Growable Customers – What is the profile of your “best” customer, and how can you apply their characteristics to future revenue campaigns?

Analysis Review and Recommendations Workshop* (3 hrs) – A full review of insights and recommendations for strengthening your lead generation.

Investment: $8,600 *Workshop delivered via webcast; in-person workshop delivery available upon request which may adjust overall fee.

Internal Alignment Assessimize:What you Get

Secret Shopper Report – What is the real experience that your customers/prospects receive when they engage with your company?

Employee Brand Affinity – What do your employees know and believe about your brand?

Roles and Goals Report – How well do your employees understand your company’s goals and their role in fulfilling them?

Recruiting Report – How effectively are your brand values represented in job descriptions and recruiting efforts?

Measurement and Motivation Report – How effectively are your performance reviews reinforcing your brand values and goals?

Analysis Review and Recommendations Workshop* (3 hrs) – A full review of insights and recommendations for strengthening your internal alignment.

Investment: $7,500 *Workshop delivered via webcast; in-person workshop delivery available upon request which may adjust overall fee.

Mythology has worked with the following firms to Assessimize their marketing at various stages. Join them in becoming better prepared with insights and operational improvements for breakthrough marketing in 2013 and beyond!

Some of Our Believers

“The team from Mythology understands content, conversations, accountability through measurement, and the cultural change it requires to pull it all off.

“I would enthusiastically recommend them for any marketing challenge that requires not only technical and creative skills, but strategic vision and understanding of how people can be lead to embrace a new world of customer interaction.”

Brian Boruff, Global Vice President, Cloud Computing, CSC

"The team at Mythology is an excellent choice for any organization that needs to migrate into a more conversational, measurable, effective way of marketing.

“In a world of tight budgets and fast-paced, social media-induced changes in how customers, partners and internal team members collaborate to build a brand and generate growth, Mythology’s marketing system approach provides a clear roadmap."

Mike Maas, CEOAMI Entertainment

About Team MythologyMythology is a marketing management consulting firm. We build marketing systems for ambitious organizations to grow brand, revenue and relationships using our unique Ten Pillars of Meaningful Marketing™

We marshal some of the best creative and technical forces in the country and manage the process towards measurable results to build belief in your business.

Mythology is about building belief.Who believes in you?

Let’s build some believers.


Let’s Get Started




Areas to Assessimize (Check all that apply)

Brand Social Media Lead Generation Internal Team Alignment Other needs? Please list, maybe ewe can help:

Total Estimated Fee

Preferred Date to Launch the Project

Key Team Members (Name/Role)

Return via email or fax to 304.720.5636. We’ll send a simple agreement form and off we go Assessimizing!

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